NATIONAL BRUAUGAo I inG ClNrni^Y, Inc. GENERAL UBRAR7 80 B«)K£FELLER PIAZA, NEW YORK, N, Y. Digitized by tine Internet Arcliive in 2013 Iittp:// DARY 1944 25c aOctN CANADA IN THIS ISSUE yl^ Dentist finds radio puts teeth in good- will ... . (p.8) y^ Radio builds national distribution for household product in 10 years . (p. 10) y^ Sporting goods store wins friends, influ- ences buyers with radio round table (p. 16) 31 Tested Programs for Businessmen ^ORE THAN A MAGAZINE A SERVICE YOUR BUSINESS AT A GLANCE A quick index to what others in your business field accomplish through radio. Articles and services in Radio Showmanship are classified by businesses here. J AN VARY Business PAGE Business PAGE Automobiles 23 Groceries 6, 30 Aviation 24 Hardware Stores 22 Bakeries 24 Home Furnishings 12 Beverages 25 Labor Unions 34 Dairies 25 Manufacturers 10 Dentistry . 8 Merchants' Associations . . 22 Department Stores 14, 25, 28 Public Utilities 31 Drug Products 20, 28, 29, 30 Restaurants 32 Farm Products 30 Sporting Goods 16 Finance 20, 26, 34 Wearing Apparel 32 DECEMBER Businesi PAGE Business PAGE Bakeries 401, 421 Manufacturers 416, 419, 420 Beverages 410, 415 Merchants' Associations 418 Builders' Su pplies 415 Mortuaries 416 Department Stores 403 409, 410, Photographers 421 411 , 415, 419, 421 Restaurants 406 Finance 408 Service Stations 416 Florists 421 Shoe Repairs 417 Groceries 411, 412 , 418, 419 Sporting Goods 411 Jewelers 411 Women's Wear 420 // you d ont haye the December issue, order it now! CONTENTS JANUARY 1944 VOL. 5 No. 1 Editorial Advisory Board Radio Herbert Pettey Ralph Atlass William Dolph Don D. Campbell Glenn Snyder Philip Lasky Roger Clipp J. Harold Ryan New York Chicago Washington Birmingham Chicago San Francisco Philadelphia Toledo Business Dr. Harry Dean Wolfe Washington, D. C. Lorenzo Richards Ogden, Utah GusTAV Flexner Louisville J. Hudson Huffard Blue field, Va. Maurice M. Chait Peoria, III. Frank J. Ryan Kalamazoo, Mich. Allen C. Knowles Cleveland Staff Publisher-Editor Don Paul Nathanson Managing Editor Marie Ford Published by Showmanship Publi- cations, Minneapolis 2, Minn. Sub- scription rate: $2.50 a year, 25c a copy. Address editorial correspond- ence to 1004 Marquette, Minneapo- lis 2, Minn. Tel.: Ge. 9619. Copyright 1943 by Showmanship Publications, publishers of Radio Showmanship. Editorial 5 Science Measures Radio 6 Lewis W. Waters Test tube findings sold to public via radio tubes writes the vice president in charge of scientific relations for the General Foods Corp., New York city. Radio Puts Teeth into Good Will 8 Dr. B. W. Stern Consistency consistently pays, builds confidence, says this Mansfield, O., dentist. Soil-Off Cleans Up 10 Vera Nyman Radio shines sales curve, builds na- tional distribution in ten years, writes the president of the Soil-Off Manufacturing Co., Glendale, Cal. Honest Abe was Right 12 Dick Fowler Radio plus honest selling puts Sid's Furniture Mart on the map in Park- ersburg, W. Va., writes its adman- ager. Retailers Forward March 14 Frank Wright From $30,000 to $200,000 for radio is Bay Area record for 18 merchants writes the manager of the San Fran- cisco-Oakland (Cal.) Retail Radio Bureau. JAN UARY, 1 944 Radio Hits Sales Target 16 Airing the New 23 SabinC. Abeii Ncw radio progiaiiis worth reading Sports Round Table wins friends, about. No result figines as yet. influences sporting goods buyers, writes the president of the L. P. Wood, Inc. Sporting Goods Store, Showmanship in Action 28 Burlington, Vt. Promotions and merchandising stunts that build audiences and help increase sales. Yours for the Asking 19 Sample script and transcription P^^^^ O' the Pudding 30 availabilities are listed here. Results based on sales, mail, surveys and long runs are given here. Showmanscoops 20 Showmanviews 33 Photographic records of successful News of current syndicated releases radio programs and radio promo- available for local and regional tions. sponsorship. Special Promotion 34 Showman Patterns 22 Short radio promotions that rtin btu Shows cut to fit a pattern for spon- a short time, yet leave an impression sorship are streamlined here. that lasts the year around. Who produces what? This up-to-the-minute di- rectory of script and transcribed programs for local sponsors is alpha- betically indexed . . . cross-indexed by time, audience appeal, and subject matter. 75c ^adCa S^0to4oo^ • Complete Listings • Cross- Indexed 1944 REVISION RADIO SHOWMANSHIP MAGAZINE 1004 Marquette Minneapolis 2, Minnesota Gentlemen : Send me my free copy of the RADIO SHOWBOOK and enter my subscription to RADIO SHOWMANSHIP for one year at $2.50. Check enclosed D- Bill me later D- I will want D copies of the Radio Showbook at 75 cents per copy. Check enclosed D- Bill me later D- Name Address City Stote RADIO SHOWMANSHIP Faint Heart Ne'er Won . , . HISTORY was made when Aesop recounted the fable of the tortoise and the hare, and that famous race stands even today as an object lesson to those for whom speed is everything. But not even Aesop had a good word to say for the snail whose movements, in contrast to the tortoise, are almost imperceptible. There's a parallel here which points a lesson for retailers who are prone to look at radio from behind self imposed barriers. True, the more adventuresome have come out of their shells to find that apprehension about this Gulliver of the advertising world was a figment of the imagination far removed from reality. But unless the snail's pace is quickened to a walk, both the retailer and the radio industry stand to suffer. To slip from the general to the specific, let us consider an object lesson with two morals, one for the retailer and one for the radio industry. Listeners the country over have been moved to act upon the commercial messages of the thousands of advertisers, and many businesses have been built solely upon the persuasive power of the spoken word delivered via the loud speaker. Now comes a seed company, let us say, with a product in no way connected with seeds. It has no store through which to sell this item, and sales must be measured en- tirely in the terms of mail order volume. What happens when that item is offered over the air is an item for Believe-it-or-not Ripley. In a single city, a not-so-large city at that, orders reach 400-a-day volume. If this were a ten cent item, there would be but little point to this story, but what retailer wouldn't like to sell 400 of one item in a single day when that item was priced for one dollar and a half! It can be done. Radio is doing it, but for the most part it isn't doing it for retail- ers because retailers haven't given radio a chance. Object lesson here for the merchan- diser is that he should investigate radio. He has the same chance to achieve the same results if he will stock an item in sufficient quantities and then play it for all it is worth. Returns of this kind are apt to make radio chesty. The Jack Horner attitude in this case, however, gives cause for thought. When radio accepts the responsibility of putting on a sales campaign for a mail order client, gives time to the building up of an item which may or may not be worth the price tag, radio steps out of the media field and gets into the field of merchandising. No radio executive should be asked to determine whether an item is worth one and a half dollars or fifteen cents. He isn't supposed to know the relative value of merchandise. Advertising is his field, not merchandising, and for the good of all, radio must leave merchandising to the merchandisers. Woman isn't all that is fickle. The public is fickle, too, and the tremendous faith that radio has established and kept with its listeners can be seriously undermined if radio lends its good name to the sale of over-priced merchandise. Radio and the retailer can work for a common cause. Let's keep radio an adver- tising media and leave the field of merchandising to the retailer whose business stands to prosper with the proper understanding and use of the advertising media whose personalized appeal is that of the human voice. JANUARY, 1944 Test Tube Findings Sold To Public Via Radio Tube cionce ^ THOSE of US whose lives are devoted to scientific researcli owe much to radio. Our job primarily is to discover new products; de\ise better technologies, which will not only reduce production costs and prove commercially practicable but at the same time pro- vide additional employment and benefit the consumer. Food scientists in recent years have made significant contribu- tions in the field of nutrition. They have restored processed cereals to their whole-grain values. They have fortified other foods with health giving vitamins. They have improved seeds, which in turn help provide better crops; found substitutes for imported foods no longer available and devised packages which are immune to the vigorous pressures of war transportation. Domestic packaging also has been improved despite the shortages of materials caused by military needs. Scientists have also aided in creating space-saving rations designed to sustain life under the most trying conditions. Radio is a medium through which scientific developments are impressed on the public's consciousness. Radio provides the inti- mate touch with human voices and allows for imparting informa- tion in a way that is entertainingly educational. The height of a mountain is best appreciated by contrast with a hill. The importance of radio as a means of spreading informa- tion made available thiough scientific research is best appreciated by recounting a few salient facts indicative of the size of listening audiences. Surveys ha\'e shown that when Jack Benny puts on his infectious grin and steps up to the microphone, some 26 million people settle down comfortably to listen to him. \Vhen lovable Kate Smith goes on the air, 23 million are tuned in. Benny's program helps merchandise nutritious cereals, which are fortified with energy giving forces. On her weekday program Kate sometimes ofTers recipe booklets embodying the latest research developments in nutrition, home eco- nomics, and culinary conveniences. Special emphasis these days is placed on wartime problems such as restrictions, regulations, and rationing, but Kate indirectly is in a sense the mouthpiece for some of our research scientists bent on pro\ iding good foods for American housewives. One ob\ ious reason why the average American is eating well to- day, (if not quantitatively, at least qualitatively) is because radio RADIO SHOWMANSHIP lures Radio by Lewis W. Waters, Vice Pres., General Foods Corp. search. He knows that research has an important effect on what he eats and what he wears. He feels that the research department of any company, big or small, is motivated by a desire to do something for him the consumer. He knows that scientific research has done much and that it will do more. Radio has sold the American public on the values of scientific research by using the right tcchnic. Few people like to listen to a long technical dissertation, but when a national figure is the vehicle of expression, scientific findings become palatable, even tempting. has carried the message of nutritious eating into almost every home not once a week, but many times a day. An exceptionally fine job was done by the government's nutrition program when, along with other popular media, radio helped carry the gospel of sound eating to virtually everyone in the United States. In this country a radio is almost as much a part of standard home equip- ment as a kitchen stove. Today radio has an audience of one hundred million, built up by virtue of competitive enter- prise, with each sponsor trying to excel! the next by providing better entertain- ment. AV^hen the President speaks or when W^inston Churchill gives to the world an accounting of his stewardship, few are the ears that do not hear the message. And so it is with the more important scientific findings. Over a period of a few months nearly everyone hears the news. The American public today is so com- pletely sold on scientific research, and its faith in the accomplishments of food scientists in particular so pronounced, there is every reason to believe millions upon millions turn a receptive ear to their messages, especially when they af- fect the public's health and well-being. The average person today can learn from reliable sources what is good for him dietetically. He is more health con- scious and appreciative of scientific re- As vice presi- dent in charge of scientific rela- tions, Lewis W. Waters symbol- izes General Foods Corpora- tion's recogni- tion of the vital part scientific development plays today in all fields of industry. A practical recognition of the in- creasing importance of a scientific approach to the basic problems of nutrition as differentiated from commercial research activities was his appointment in April, 1943, to his present position. Footsteps made in the sands of Time leave a trail from college class- room to food corporation labora- tories for scientist Waters. From teaching food analysis at his alma mater, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, to the chemical labora- tories of the Campbell Soup Co. was the first step. Again in 1914 M.I.T. claimed one of its favorite sons, but the call of the business world was too strong. Since then he has done research for the United Fruit Co., the du Pont Co., Minute Tapioca Co. and the Postum Co. Since 1928 scientist Waters has been with Gen- eral Food's headquarters staff. JANUARY, 1 944 irladio Puts Teeth In Goodwill: / Consistency Consistently Pays, Builds Confidence by Dr. B. W. STERN, Dentist, Mansfield, Ohio A GOOD win air tour paid off and continues to pay off with cash profits to Dr. Stern, Mansfield, O., dentist, via the AV^MAN air- waves. This air tour was fashioned and creat- ed to please the listener as an expression of good will toward the people of the commun- ity. In return, it has reaped good will for its sponsor. On November 7, 1943, Dr. Stern presented his two-hundred and fifteenth consecutive Sunday air show over W^MAN. The station came into being on Sunday, December 3, 1939, with a full day's schedule of local and visit- ing celebrities. One week later. Dr. Stern, dentist, launched his first full hour air show. Since that date Dr. Stern's program has been presented, rain or shine, winter and summer as a weekly feature broadcast at one o'clock. Dr. Stern bases his gratifying results from the consistency of his show, and is a firm be- liever in sticking to the same time and day four seasons per year. His original program was an amateur hour presenting Mansfield and Richland County talent with prize awards in cash to the ama- teurs receiving the largest amount of mail. Mail poured into the station following the • Radio takes no holiday. Not new to Dr. Bernard William Stern was the idea of a radio pro- gram. Role of radio teacher had been taken by his close friend, now managing director of the West Vir- ginia network, Howard Chernoff. A graduate from Western Reserve Unixiersity, Cleveland, O., Dr. Stern has practiced dentistry in Mansfield joy the past ten years. Energetic and alert, he keeps abreast of current developments in his field, also takes (I keen interest in civic affairs, sports (Did iiuir work. His Woodland refuge jrom iJir hurly-burly of the business world is given the feminine touch by his attractive zvife, and seven year old daughter Myrna. In picture at left, Dr. Stern, (right), gives etncee Karl Black, (left), the helping hand. RADIO SHOWMANSHIP initial broadcast, reaching proportions of over 3,000 pieces per week, in spite of the modest size of the community. Ihe program was originally put on the air by Earl Black, WMAN musical director and announcer, and through the years he has continued as master of ceremonies. To meet changes in public interests, the program has been altered from time to time. When quiz show^s be- came popular, the program became a half-hour amateur show. The other half- hour was spent on a studio quiz. Boxes of candy and appropriate gifts were giv- en as prizes to the studio guests who participated in this portion of the pro- gram. ^V^ith the advent of the draft and the necessary loss of so many people to the armed forces, Dr. Stern's Sunday broad- cast was changed to one half-hour, heard from 1:00 to 1:30 P.M. Studio visitors are queried, and questions pay off in \arious cash amounts. The questions are numbered and graduated in cash value ranging from SI up, including a jack- pot question which builds in amount each week if not answered correctly. This quiz show has now been on the air since the first of January and plays to a packed studio and a record listen- ing audience. While the amateur program was hit- ting the airwaves weekly, spectacular Christmas shows were staged and broad- cast each season from Warner Brothers' Ohio Theatre with a SI 00 prize going to the winner. Much of WMAN's best talent has been discovered through the channel of Dr. Stern's Amateur Hour and two of his amateurs have broken into Big Time. Jane Hodges, songstress, now holds a movie contract and is a Columbia artist. Little Patty Hale, child entertainer and actress, who appeared on Dr. Stern's program, made the grade in Hollywood and has appeared in many pictures. Her latest, a major role, is in My Friend Flick a. More recently Dr. Stern turned over his quiz show to soldiers from Camp Millard in Buc)rus, O., 12 miles east of Mansfield. For a full hour the boys com- peted for SlOO worth of prizes. It was distribiued in full before the boys left the studio! All quiz questions were based on phases of Army life. Dr. Stern keeps the commercial con- tent of his program strictly in the back- ground, and it is rigidly in line with the ethics of his profession. Commercial publicity on his air shows is cut to the most meagre proportions, and merely states his name, address, phone number and the dental services a\ ailable through his offices and experience. In general, his messages, only one to a broadcast, are devoted almost entirely to the w^ell known facts that dental work and dental care are important to health. The copy tends to keep his listening public aware of the benefit of regular dental examina- tions with the dentist of their choice. Dr. Stern's record-making consistency in broadcasting points up one important factor. The repetition of an entertain- ing air-sho^v can do a ^vealth of good for any advertiser. Consistency and per- sistency pay di\idends as long as the sponsor and the station keep a finger on the pulse of the listening audience. The matter may be summed up in a sentence. Give the audience what it wants in your comnumity, and your adience '^vill give )Ou what )Ou ^vant! JANUARY, 1 944 -t^'fF^T^^^^r^ 9 Radio keeps the belt line moving on SOIL-OFF automatic bottling machines. Radio Shines Sales Curve, Builds National Distribution in ID Years oil-Off Cleans Up by VERA NYMAN, President, Soil-Dff Manufacturing Co. How lo bridge two entirely different jKiiocls, normal pre-war business a>nditi(nis and tlie j^resent war situation, is the Soil-()m" .s/zrrr.s.v ihroui^Ji kkJIo (i(h)nlising story. J'he real story starts back in the days ol the dejjression. Jobs were scarce and mone\ hard to earn. With a one hun- dred dollar total (apital we determined lo market an entirely new type ol paint cleaner. Foi li\e years we constantly tested and i^au^cd the product in the homes ol thousands ol women. Constant- ly the lormula was changed and per- lected. In all, calls up(m over 2()(),()()() women were made, and the |)roduct was demonslraled in two-thirds ol their homes. Some 75, ()()() sales wx^e actually made. C^onvinced ol the })roduct's perfection, 10 RADIO SHOWMANSH IP the trade name of Soil-Off was selected and marketing began. A small factory was established in 1934 in Glendale, Gal. From house-to-house campaigning Soil-Off found its way into department stores, and was sold through demon- strators with word-of-mouth advertising causing a slowly rising demand. With this improvement in business a 15 dol- lar a week appropriation was made for advertising. Soon it became apparent the 15 dollar weekly advertising appropriation would hardly suffice to increase demands or broaden sales outlets in Southern Cali- fornia, or reach the sought-for grocery trade. It was at this point that radio entered the picture. In 1936, Fletcher Wiley was given the assignment of get- ting general distribution throughout the Los Angeles metropolitan area over KNX. For two years Wiley and KNX brought in more and more Soil-Off enthusiasts. Plans were completed to branch out along the Pacific Coast. Again Wiley was given the task and Soil-Off became his first Pacific Coast sponsor, with the Columbia Pacific Network regularly getting the Soil-Off message to women throughout the West. With every increase in sales volume, a greater percentage of profits was turned towards radio advertising. Sales increases continued with every new appropriation. In February, 1941, the company pur- chased newscasts over KNX and the Columbia Pacific Network, utilizing the 5:45 to 6:00 P.M. spot twice weekly. Soon the advertising budget was given another huge boost. Again sales soared. Soil-Off became the leading paint cleaner in the 1 1 Western States. During the interim, following the growth of the business volume, three factory sites had been established and outgrown, until in early 1941, Soil-Off moved into its own home in Glendale. Even this new factory could not keep up with the constant increases in sales that radio produced. Within the year new improvements and machinery had to be installed. Towards the end of 1942 volume of sales had again almost doubled the pre- vious year's record. A warehouse had been built and the factory was operat- ing on a 16 hour-a-day basis. Recently, and as a result of its tre- mendous success on the West Coast, Philco Distributing Co. completed ar- rangements to merchandise Son, -Off throughout the United States. Plans are now being made to manufacture Soil- Off in the East to take care of the ex- pected new business. Adding to its regular Tuesday, Thurs- day, and Saturday newscast by Truman Bradley from 5:45 to 5:55 P.M., over the Pacific-Columbia net, Soil-Off in Sep- tember, 1943, added a 15-minute com- mentary by Galen Drake to cover the Monday, Wednesday and Friday periods, with the program released from 5:00 to 5:15 P.M. A success story! Yes! Soil-Off is big business now. It's proof of what a good product, backed by proper management and given full advertising support can do! Many thousands of dollars have been spent to tell women of the West about Soil-Off, and of this more than 60 per cent has been spent for radio. Exhibit A that brains and beau- ty can go hand in hand is pe- tite, blond Vera Nyman. Not one to holler uncle, she staked her future on Soil- Off, backed it up with plenty of hard work. While the road was long, woman-of-vision Nyman didn't have to go it alone. Strictly a family af- fair is the story of the development of Soil-OfJ, Glendale, Cal. While she took care of distribution and markets, the production end of the business was under the watchful management of her husband. J A N U ARY, 1 944 11 T¥> oUonest Abe Was Right; / by DICK FOWLER Admanager Radio Plus Honest Selling Put Sid's Furniture Mart on the Map IT was in 1933 that Sidney Ardman opened his furniture store in Parkers- Inn g. \V. Va. For about four years he went along enjoying a good trade, yet he was not expanding his business as he wished. Then one day Sid happened to come across a saying of Abraham Lin- coln's, "The Lord niiLst have loved the common people because he made so many of them." Pursuing this thought, Sid decided that there must be enough of these common people to give him the volume of business he woidd like to have, and ihat the best way to reach these people was over radio. Consequent- ly he bought time on WPAR. That was in 1937. 12 His first radio program, The Farm and Home Hour was a half-hour daily program made up of down-to-earth fun and music. Sometimes sponsor and sta- tion management wonder whether we made the Farm and Hotne Hour or whether the Farjn and Home Hour made us successful. But since it is work- ing so well both ways, neither cares. Talent consists of the Burroughs Fam- ily Trio; brother, Charles, now also a regular A\TAR staff announcer, and his sisters, Billie [can and Hetty. The en- tire comnuuiity lo\es these Burroughs "kids." It's not only listened but also watched them grow in radio prestige in the Ohio Valley. And the Burroughs RADIO SHOWM ANSH I P J Trio has carried good merchandising, that is, good advertising, right along with it. They've really sold merchandise for Sm's. They talk about it. They sing about it. The listeners love it. We think that one reason The Fartii and Home Hour has been such a highly successful advertising medium for us is that with the simple, homey melodies sung by the Burroughs Trio, and the Looking as straight at you as he does at a customer is Sid Ardman, proprietor of Sid's Furniture Mart, Parkersburg, W. Va. With him are, (left) George H. Clinton, WPAR manager, and (right) Sid's adman, "Dick" Fowler. Welcome to chicken dinner on many a West Virginia homestead is friend-to-man Sid Ardman, sole owner and manager of Sid's Furni- ture Mart, Parkersburg, W. Va. Still a young man with a tremendous zest for life, he manages time for a few holes of golf, can always stop to chat with his countless friends. It's the homey touch that has endeared Sid and his store to the community , and shrewd merchandiser Sid is smart enough to capitalize on it. Store front and display windows are kept unpretentious with deliberate intent. It's the salt-of-the-earth per- son who shies away from radical change who is Sid's best friend! favorable time this half-hour has on \VPAR's morning schedule, we reach right into the homes of the people we either already have as customers, or want to have. For Sid has always built his business on the basis of the custom- er being the "right guy," no matter how unpretentious he may be; he builds his friendships on his business, and not his business on his friendships. Sid's Furni- ture Mart is like the famous Banyan tree: its roots spread out in all direc- tions, and its growth goes farther and farther into the Ohio and \\^est Virginia hills. Perhaps another reason for this ex- pansion of our business in the new and used furniture field is that Sid, like Abe Lincoln, loves everybody. You'll always find Sid on the floor of our store taking (are of the customers, or directing one of the sales people to go and do likewise. Sid has spent ten years on the floors of his store, the largest of its kind in our territory. He meets every customer he can, and takes care of their wants per- sonally. Sid knows literally thousands of VV^est Virginia and Ohio families and these families like the Banyan tree, keep gTowing. They know Sid and his furni- ture. Day after day Sid keeps in touch with these friends of his, by telling them over the air about our store, our bar- gains, or our new shipments. This daily appearance on the air is like a daily visit of Sid, himself, into many of these homes where our furniture has already gone, or will go this year or next. When this radio-success-store began in 1937, Sid had 2,000 square feet of selling space. Today, we have 10,000 square feet in which to display and sell our merchandise, and 8,000 additional square feet of storage space and ware- house. Until the w^ar made a change in our delivery service, we had three vans rolling over a territory extending 200 miles 'round and about West Virginia and Ohio river hills. AVe still operate three huge \'ans and employ two buyers at all times to evaluate and buy used furniture. Sid takes care of the buying of new furniture at the metropolitan centers. Consistency of well planned radio advertising has proved itself in the suc- cess story of Sid's Furniture Mart. The present record: 312 weeks, or 1,560 times on the air. Sid figures that radio, and honest selling have put his store in the top position in this part of AVest Vir- ginia because his customers come into our store from a radius of 80 miles around Parkersburg, and that's exactly the radius in territory which the radio station here covers. It's more than just a coincidence, Sid knows. That's why he has just signed a new contract to spon- sor the Farm and Home Hour for his seventh year on the air. JANUARY, 1 944 13 From $3D,0D0 to SBQD.DDD for Radio is Bay Area Record for IB Merchants etailers Forward March: / by FRANK WRIGHT, Manager, Retail Radio Bureau IF ever there was a time when radio could play its fidl role as an effective iorce in retail merchandising, that time is now. Retail conditions are almost ideal for the full application of radio to the retail scheme. What the retailer is forced to demand of advertising, radio can now supply more economically, more flexibly and more eilectively than any other medium. As an example of lower circulation costs, the average cost per thousand acttial readers of a newspaper advertisement is %2?).1'Z. Average cost )>er thousand act- ual listeners to a radio jjrogram is $2.92, and in many instances, consumers are reached for less ihan 25 cents per thou- sand via radio. SiiHc substantially less production hihor is recjuired, radio advertising en- i;iils lower production costs and less han- dling. Too, radio advertising may be altered or changed without waste of vital material or production expense, and the changes may be made any time before the copy is actually broadcast. Coupled with this is the good will vahie of radio; as yet there is no substittue for the friendly, hiunan voice, and radio alone can introduce this personalized note. VV^hy is it then, that the average retailer has not taken advantage of the radio's persuasive selling force? To answer this (juestion and to give concrete evidence of a sincere desire to serve the retail store, KROVV, KSFO. KJBS, KQW and KFRC established the San Francisco-Oakland (Cal.) Retail Radio Its primary })iU'pose is to aid in simplilying the }3roblems that arise from time to time in the use of retail radio broadcasting. Here in the Bay Area, it was felt that the sale of time alone was not sufficient. Sei\icc' to the retailers was to be part and parcel of the radio picture. W^ith- out service from the broadcasting indus- try, the average retailer cannot hope to achieve success with radio. In San F>ancisco, 27 of the major re- 14 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP tailers are in the habit of spending about 13,500,000 annually for all types of ad- vertising and for its production. When the Bureau was established in 1942, the entire local broadcasting industry re- ceived less than five per cent of the total annual retail advertising budget. It didn't make sense that a medium of mass communication, upon which more than 90 per cent of the people were increas- ingly dependent for news and entertain- ment should be given such minor consid- eration. A survey revealed that the major re- tailers in Oakland and San Francisco ap- propriated nearly $500,000 annually to maintain their advertising departments and to pay the salaries of experts who were exclusively trained in the field of visual advertising. Virtually none of this money was earmarked for radio admin- istration and production. No space, equipment, personnel or time was set aside for even the slightest consideration of radio. Among these advertising managers, few had any practical knowledge of com- mercial radio, and 52 per cent of them had never been in a radio studio. Fully 90 per cent top-flight retail executives evinced little or no interest in radio as a medium of advertising. They knew little or nothing about the scope of radio or its sales effectiveness as it might be applied to the promotion of retail mer- chandise. On the other hand, radio executive and sales personnel were as totally un- familiar with the retail scheme as the retailers were unfamiliar with radio. Lacking specific knowledge, time sales- men, for want of something to say, were prone to stress confusing survey figures, belittle other stations or make absurd claims for radio performance which had no direct relationship to the retail prob- lems they were attempting to solve. What are the advantages from our combined efforts? Our time salesmen are now better acquainted with retail problems and methods, and this entitles them to greater retail consideration. On the other hand, retailers are now evinc- ing a serious interest in the Bureau activities. Local advertising agencies, who have been equally in the dark, now call upon the Bureau for trade inionna- tion and fundamental ideas which they in turn can use in obtaining and servic- ing a retail account. Does all this have a dollars and cents value? Whereas only one large retailer in the entire area was maintaining a consistent radio schedule prior to the formation of the Bureau, six of the lead- ing retail establishments are now broad- casting on long-term commitments. Eleven other large retailers are actively exploring the possibilities of radio as a retail advertising media. Four stores have already appointed advertising agen- cies to aid them in their radio activities. It can all be put down in nice round figures. Prior to the establishment of the Bureau, 18 large retailers in this area annually spent less than $30,000 com- bined for retail radio. In 1943 this same group had appropriated over $200,000, and most of this business was on substan- tial, long-term contracts! To keep the radio house in order for retail merchandisers, five radio sta- tions pooled re- sources, gave their blessings to the San Fran- cisco-Oakland Retail Radio Bureau. To head tJie organization they called in genial, twinkly Frank Parke Wright. While manager Wright is modest- ly proud of the Bureau's accom- plishrnents, he admits that the goal is still a long way off. Lots of water will have to run under the bridge before there's anything to get chesty about! One of the creators of the Bureau was KROW, whose pioneer- ing experience with the H. C. Cap- well Co., and with Kahn's, provided some of the groundwork. JAN U ARY, 1 944 15 Sports Round Table Wins Friends, Influences Sporting Goods Buyers adio Sits sales Target by SABIN CABELL, President, L P. Wood, Inc., Burlington, Vt. IT aU came about because the educa- tional committee of the Chittenden County Fish and Ga7fie Club, Burlington, Vt., fek that an educational campaign for sportsmen was needed. The fall sea- son was only a month away. How many hunters actually knew what the daily or season limits were for pheasants, par- tridge, woodcock, rabbits or squirrels? How about the first-year hunter? Could something be done to help him under- stand proper gun handling and safety factors? To meet this situation, WCAX set up a four weeks' schedule of weekly quarter- hour programs. That was three years ago. Before the four weeks were up, the time had been extended to 30 minutes. It's still a 30-minutc Thursday evening program sponsored by L. P. W^ood, Inc., sporting goods store. The story of the Sportsmen's Round Table was first told in the October, 1943, issue of The Sport- ing Goods Dealer. It is retold here for the benefit of those sporting goods deal- ers who wonder why L. P. AVooD, Inc. decided to sponsor a radio program. There are three reasons why we decided to ven- ture into radio advertising: (1) To keep our name before the public, al- though many items ordinar- ily carried by the store no longer are axailablc. OH THE AIR food's Sportini ®»^5 IP.Sm^.?'^ f OPt i '^'^ (2) To create good will through the use of educational entertainment. • (Above) . . . There's more to a broadcast than meets the ear. L. P. WOOD, INC., Burl- ington, Vt., follows up every angle. Newspaper ads, above, tell of the program in advance. Win- dow trims, center, catch the eye of the passer- by. Newspaper public- ity, right, publicizes contest results and the program itself. • (Below) . . . Merits of golf and tennis are probed imder the Keen- an guidance. SHOWMANSHIP (3) To contribute useful information to the sportsmen of the community. There is no direct method in any type of advertising which permits the adver- tiser to count the return in dollars and cents, but we do have evidence that we are building up sales through the pro- gram and, something even more valu- able, we are building good will for the future. Guests on the show range from lead- ing Burlington citizens to well-known farmers from the surrounding rural dis- trict. Professional man, housewife, htmt- er or dog lover, each has a turn before the mike. We have tried to make our program educational as well as interest- ing. Subjects have been as varied as there are activities and include various kinds of fishing, fly and plug casting, fly tying, bird, duck, rabbit, deer, bear and other hunting, archery, life saving, gun han- dling, photography, camping, cooking of game foods, quizzes and many others, including some pretty tall tales. The program is just what its title im- plies, a Sportsmen's Round Table. No script is used. An outline of the subject is prepared as a guide to bring out cer- tain points during the rotmd table dis- cussion. While sportsmen depend upon the weekly Thursday evening program to keep them informed about changes in the game laws, and other information pertaining to outdoor life, others who have never done any hunting or fishing follow the 9:30 P.M. discussions. They enjoy its informality and learn about subjects with which they are unfamiliar. Recently one program was devoted to life-saving and what to do in water in an emergency. Another half-hour cen- tered on the proper handling of guns. This program brought forth such an amazing response from youngsters and others who were planning to go into the woods for the first time that we sched- uled two meetings at our store, during which time free instruction was offered on the care and handling of firearms. Another program resulted in an inter- esting bit of competition. We had de- voted a broadcast to a discussion of archery versus golf as sports. Interest was so great that a special archery-golf match was arranged, and the golfers won by a close margin. This summer Ed Keenan, local sports- man who conducts the program, organ- ized a fishing contest which was directly tied-up with our program through a dis- play of prizes in our store window, along with pictures of the broadcast and par- ticipating members. National firms and local houses gave prizes for the various types of fish. JANUARY, 1944 17 A feature that has become popular with listeners is the weekly telephone question. A telephone number is drawn b\ one of the guests and the person who ^ l.^. 0^^' answers the call is asked a question. These questions may pertain to the game laws, the names of different fish or ani- mals, or some or their habits. These questions on subjects familiar to sports- men are phrased in such a way as to give anyone who answers the call a chance to give the correct answer. Be it man, woman or child, no one has ever missed yet! They generally get help, and when they call at the store for their gift, they go away smiling. Since the program is planned as a service to sportsmen, the broadcasts are not loaded with commercials. The Sportsfneu's Round Table is now known to all sportsmen within the WCAX radius, and it has fully as many women listeners as men. When an advertiser builds up that kind of good will, he doesn't need long winded commercials! • (Left) . . . Extremely popular with the radio public is moderator Ed Keenan. A local sportsman, he is also active in many other community enterprises, is president of the Y.M.C.A. # (BeloTv) . . . Conductor Ed Keenan dis- cusses bicycle riding with this group. 18 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP YOURS FOR THE ASKING Address: Radio Showmanship Magazine, 1004 Marquette, Minneapolis, Minn. Please enclose 10 cents in stamps for each script to cover the cost of mailing and handling. '41, p. '42, p. '42, p. SAMPLE SCRIPTS AVAILABLE Amusements — Your Football Prophet (Ju., *43, p. 236). Automobiles — Mr. Yes and No. (Sept., '40, p. 32). Auto Supplies — Jack, the Tire Expert (May, '41, p. 135). Bakeries- — Musical Arithmetic (Feb., '41, p. 72). Bakeries — Southern Plantation (Sept., '41, p. 289). Beverages — Pigskin Prevue (Ju., '41, p. 222). Beverages — Gardening for Victory (June, '43, p. 200). Building Materials — Homers at Home (Feb., '41, p. 58). Chambers of Commerce — Clifton on the Air (Jan., '42, p. 19). Chiropractic — The Good Health Program (Mar.- Apr., '41, pp. 110, 112). Civic Agencies — Americans All (Nov., '42, p. 395). Dairy Products — Junior Town (Dec, '41, p. 136). Dairy Products — Kiddie Quiz (Ju., '41, p. 214). Dairy Products — Young American's Club (Nov., '40, p. 110). Dairy Products — Wealth on Wheels (Nov., '41, p. 361). Dairy Prodwts — Book Exchange (Mar., '42, p. 96). Department Stores — Hardy time (Sept., '40, p. 35). Department Stores — The Pollard Program (Aug., '41, p. 238). Department Stores — Woman's Hour (June, '41, p. 178). Department Stores — Down Santa Claus Lane (Oct., '41, p. 326). Dei>artment Stores — Billie the Brownie (Oct., '41, p. 318). Department Stores — The Waker-Uppers (Dec, 379). Department Stores — Chimney Express (Oct., 336). Department Stores — B & M Messenger (Dec, 412). Department Stores — Ahead of the Headlines (Sept., '43, p. 318). Dry Goods — Patterns in Melody (Dec, '42, p. 423). Drug Stores — Five Years Ago Today (Dec, '40, p. 146). Farm Supplies — Feed Lot Question Box (Nov., '41, p. 359). Farm Supplies — Our Citv Cousins (Aug., '42, p. 277). Finance — Jumping Frog Jubilee (Aug., '41, p. 253). Finance — Saga of Savannah (June, '41, p. 187). Finance — Soelling for Defense (Ma-., '42, p. 97). Finance — We Ho'd Thee Truths (Feb., '43, p. 59). Finance — Future Unlimited (Jan., '44, p. 26). Flowers — An Orchid to You (Sept., '40, p. 35). Fuel — Smoke Rings (Dec, '40, p. 126). Furs — Co'-ktail Hour (Aug., '41, p. 258). f Mrs— -Hello Gorgeous (Jan., '42, p. 32). Gasoline — Home Town Editor (Oct., '40, pp. 73, 74). Gasoline — PDQ Quiz Court (Dec, '40, p. 134). Gaso/iMc— Your Safety Scout (Apr., 42, p. 130). Groceries — Food Stamp Quiz (Sept., '40, p. 33). Groceries — Matrimonial Market Basket (Dec, '40, p. 154). Groceries — Mystery Melody (Sept., '41, p. 290). Groceries — Mystree Tunes — (June, '41, p. 163). Groceries (Wholesale) — Hoxie Fruit Reporter (Jan., '41, p. 34) Groceries (Wholesale) — Market Melodies (Oct., pp. 73, 74 ^ Groceries (Wholesale.) — Women's Newsreel of Air (Oct., '40, p. 65). Groceries (Wholesale) — Kitchen of the Air (Jan., p. 25). Hardware Stores — Dr. Fixtt (Nov., '41, p. 360). Home Furnishings — Songs Our Soldiers Sing (June, '43, p. 196). Laundries — Rock-a-bye Lady (Feb., '41, p. 47). Laundries — Lucky Listeners (Feb., '43, p. 44). Men's Wear — Hats Off (June, '41, pp. 178, 183). JAN U ARY, 1 944 Men's Wear — Press Box Quarterback (Ju., '42, p. 246). Music Stores — Kiddies' Revue (Oct., '41, p. 306). Newspapers — Do You Know the News (Apr., '42, p. 131). Optometry — Good Morning, Neighbors (Jan., '41, p. 35) Participating — Clues for Christmas (Oct., '42, p. 348). Public Utilities — Light on the Weit (Nov., '42, p. 390). Restaurants — Dollars or Dinners (June, '43, p. 208). Shoes — Campus Reporters (Aug., '41, p. 251). Shoes — Mr. Fixer (June, '41, p. 148). Shoes — Tick-Tock Story Time (June, '42, p. 207). Sporting Goods — Alley Dust (June, '41, p. 177). Sustaining — Calling All Camps (Oct., '41, p. 310). Sustaining — King Contest Club (Mar., '43, p. 93). Taxi Cabs — California Story Teller (Apr., '42, p. 132). Women's Wear — Melodies and Fashions (Nov, '40, p. 112). SAMPLE TRANSCRIPTIONS Sam Adams, Your Home Front Quartermaster (Nov., '43, p. 393). Adventures with Admiral Byrd (June, '42, p. 212). Air Adventures of Jimmie Allen (Apr., '43, p. 127). American ChaHenge, The (June, '43, p. 202). Ann of the Airlanes (June, '42, p. 212). Betty and Bob (Oct., '40, p. 53; Mar., '43, p. 79). Captains of Industry (Sept., '41, p. 284; Mar., '43, p. 101). Cinnamon Bear (Oct., '41, p. 315; Oct., '43, p. 355; Nov., '43, p. 289). Dearest Mother (Nov., '41, p. 354). Doctors Courageous (Ju., '42, p. 230). Dr. Mac (Aug., '42, p. 276). The Enemy Within (Jan., '41, p. 18; Mar., '43, p. 101). E'e-Wit^ess News (Dec, '42, pp. 410, 428). Famous Mothers (Sept., '43, p. 320). Flying for Feedom (Aug., '42, p. 278). Forbidden Diary (May, '42, p. 173). Fun With Music (June, '41, p. 162). Getting the Most Out of Life Today (Ju., '41, p. 196; Mar., '43, p. 100; June, '43, p. 207). I Am An American (Feb., '42, p 64; June, '42, p. 187). Impe iai Leider (May, '42, p. 175; Mar., '43, p. 85). Korn Kobblers (Nov., '43, p. 376). Let's Learn Spanish (Sept., '43, p. 320). Let's Take a Look in Your Mirror (June, '42, p. 204). Little by Little House (May, '41, p. 128). Manhunt (Jan., '44, p. 33). Modern Romances (Nov., '43, p. 393). The Name You Will Remember (Feb., '43, p. 60). Notes of Love (Mar., '43, p. 100; May, '43, p. 260; June, '43, p. 212). Donald Novis (Mar., '43, p. 78; p. 92). One for the Book (June, '42, p. 213). Radio Theatre of Famous Classics (Apr., '42, p. 135). The Shadow (Mar., '43, p. 86). Songs of Cheer and Comfort (June, '42, p. 213). Sons of Freedom (Jan., '43, p. 33). Sunday Players (Dec, '41, p. 388). Stella Unger (Feb., '41, p. 56). Streamlined Fairy Tales (Mar.-Apr., '41, p. 90; June, '42, p. 186; Oct., '42, p. 344; Dec, '42, p. 425). This is America (June, '42, p. 211; Apr., '43, p. 136). This Thing Called Love (May, '42, p. 155; Mar., '43, p. 100). Time Out with Allen Prescott (Ju., '43, p. 236). Touchdown Tips (Ju., '41, p. 218; Ju., '42, p. 230). Through the Sports Glass (Jan., '44, p. 33). Twilight Tales (Dec, '41, p. 382). Voices of Yesterday (Mar., '42, p. 88). The Weird Circle (Sept., '43, p. 321). NATIONAL BROADCASTING COKPANY, ll^ GENERAL UBRARY 30 R9CKEFEtLER PLAZA, NEW YORK, N. Y, '40, the '42, SHOWMANSCOOPS RADIO SHOWMANSHIP welcomes unusual photo- graphs of merchandising stunts used by businessmen to promote listener interest in their radio programs. There's Work to Be Done • (Left) . . . Getting ready today for the Future Unlimited is In- dustrial Federal. (For story on this KOA series, see Airing the New, p. 26). • (Below) . . . Target for To- night hits the KFBB airwaves be- fore a USO audience, Great Falls, Mont. Merchandise prizes (left) for winners provide the incentive. (For story, see Showmanship in Action, p. 29). 20 RADIO SHOWM ANSH IP • (Left) . . . Farm edi- tor and manager of KMBC Service Farms Phil Evans interviews prize winners in an essay contest on how best the new farm can serve rural Heart of America. Win- ners received War Bonds. Interviews originated from KMBC studios, Kansas City, Mo. . . . Radio Goes to Town • (Right) ... By children for children is the WWL quarter- hour of dramatized fairy tales for juvenile listeners in New Orleans, La. It's Buddy's Book Corner. Boy in the corner is Buddy Rodrigue who acts as narrator on the Saturday morn- ing show. • (Below) . . . Returned heroes take to the air over KDYL in Mission for Tonigftt, pay tribute to their native bailiwicks. (For story, see Airing the New, p. 27). AN U AR Y, 1944 21 SHOWMAN PATTERNS Shows cut to fit a pattern for sponsorship are presented here. Merchants' Associations CITY CLEANUP CAMPAIGN Everyone can't live on Lullaby Lane, but anyone can make his own address attractive in- side and out. Merchants in Trail, B. C, anxious to help brighten the corners got together on CJAT in a city wide Clean- up Campaign. Popular musical selec- tions plus handy household hints were used on a daily half-hour staggered schedule for two weeks. Each sponsor was provided with a window card an- nouncing his sponsorship: "We are sponsoring Trail's Paint-up— Clean-up Campaign, Get your cleaning needs from us. For details, tune to CJAT." Merchants particularly reported a gen- eral quickening in the paint trade. PATTERN: Here is a sample continuity. ANNCR: THE CLEAN-UP CAMPAIGN OF THE KOOTENAYS! THEME: SHINE (PIANO INTRO. . . . FADE FAST FOR:) ANNCR: There is an air of friendliness About a home, wheie cleanliness Adds an extra touch of beauty To a fine Spring day! And there's a heap of truthfulness About a painter's usefulness, And the fact we all acknowledge — 7'hat grime does not pay! And that ends our veisc — Except for one more line — Get out your paint brush, Make this District shine! THEME: SHINE . . . (LAST CHORUS TO END) ANNCR: Leading merchants throughout this district co-ope:ate to bring you this transcribed program featuring Dinah Shore, Barry Wood and the King Sisters. (Names of sponsors.) ANNCR: These leading merchants bring you the leading popular singers of the day, PLUS handy hints on how to brighten the corner where you live. Dinah Shore sets the theme for us . . . establishing her residence at Number 10, Lullaby Lane! RECORD: NUMBER TEN LULLABY LANE . . . ANNCR: We can't all live on lullaby lane . . . but we can make our own ad- dress an attractive one, in- side and out. Right in your own district, mer- chants aie piepaied to sup- ply you with . . . (items). Let's get together and pre- pare for Spring . . . when the roses arc in bloom . . . and there are Magnolias, in the moonlight. RECORD: MAGNOLIAS IN THE MOON- LIGHT . . . ANNCR: Sometimes it's well to remember our good fortune ... to remember that it is only because of the empire's fighting sons that we have homes to go to. Coventry and Rotterdam had skies like ours . . . but their homes were lost to them. Let's get the best out of our homes . . . give them the attention they deserve. . . . The King Sisters paint a picture of a land less fortunate than ours with their song . . . MY SISTER AND I. RECORD: MY SISTER AND I ANNCR: One of man's greatest treasures is the pow- er to remember . . . and one of the greatest mem- ories any man can have ... is the memory of his old home. In these changing days, it's a memory to cling to. Be sure that your home retains its freshness. Perhaps, somewhere, where homes are merely receiving spots for bombs and shrapnel, your house or cottage, your neatly cropped hedge or your rose bv-shes, are providing a memory for someone. Be sure that when the happier days re- turn, and the boys come back again . . . they'll find a home they'll be proud of. Barry Wood has the right idea . . . singing, THIS CHANGING WORLD. RECORD: THIS CHANGING WORLD ANNCR: Yes ... in this changing world . . . one thing to cling to is the love of family and home. If every woman realized what a little effort can do in making home a better place, a cleaner, neater, brighter place . . . this clean-up, paint-up cam- paign would be sure to succeed. How about it, ladies . . .? Take a look around your home right now. That feminine eye for beauty of yours can find a room or two that can be beautified. ... A beautiful home will enhance your own appearance, too. And then, as Dinah Shore suggests . . . you'd be ... SO NICE TO COME HOME TO. RECORD: SO NICE TO COME HOME TO. ANNCR: The best way to tackle a paint-up, clean-up job, is to get organized before you start. Get a pencil and piece of paper and uke an inventory of your home and yard. Your notes might read like this: 1st) Yard . . . rake lawn . on fence, paint front porch. 2nd ) Floors . . . replace kitchen linoleum. . . . 3rd) Shine windows . . . and wash curtains. Get set of Venetian blinds for front room. . . . Make a list . . . even if your needs are limited. Then hold a family conference and farm the jobs out. If everyone lends a hand . . . they'll all en- joy the finished product. What's more . . . you'll have the jobs all finished, and you'll be ready to give all your time later on to the more pleasant task of looking after your garden, when the roses bloom again. RECORD: (IN FAST) WHEN THE ROSES BLOOM AGAIN ANNCR: He-e's today's edition of helpful hints for your own household clean-up cam- paign! Number one! SOUND: BUGLE CALL ANNCR: To remove stains and repair broken place 22 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP bring back the polish to your stove use half a lemon. Rub it over the top of the stove and then polish with a dry cloth. Lemon can also be used to bring back the lustre on copper tubs or kettles. SOUND: BUGLE CALL ANNCR: When hanging fresh curtains . . . here's a handy little trick. You know how the rods some- times catch and tear the cloth. Try tieing a little bit of wax paper over the end of the rod, and it will then slide into the curtain slick as a whistle without catching or tearing! SOUND: FANFARE ANNCR: Do you find your silverware tarnishes rap- idly? Try putting a little bit of camphor gum in your silverware drawer ... it will stay brighter .... longer! And that's our army of household helpers for to- day. Here's Barry Wood to inspire you to greater home-brightening efforts with a song . . . COUPLE IN THE CASTLE. RECORD: COUPLE IN THE CASTLE ANNCR: Tune in Monday at 9:00 P.M. when you'll hear another in a series of broadcasts presented in the interests of a brighter, more attractive commun- ity, by (sponsor list). THEME: LAST CHORUS 'SHINE' AIR FAX: First Broadcast: March, 1943. Broadcast Schedule: Daily, 30-minutes, staggered schedule. Sponsors: Lazareflf 8C Co., Wagstaff Hardware, Hud- son's Bay Co., Merry Lumber Co., Trail Mercantile, Tonelli's Grocery, Wilmes Hardware, Trail, B. C; Davis Store, Fruitvale; Hunter Brothers, and Mc- Teers Hardware, Rossland; West's Store, Castelgar. Station: CJAT, Trail, B. C. Power: 1,000 watts. Population: 12,000. COMMENT: When it is cooperatively shared, the cost load isn't heavy. Each individual sponsor here shares in the business increase. Staggered schedules reach a diversified audience that help achieve the goal for business promotion. AIRING THE NEW New radio programs worth reading about. No result figures as yet. Automabiles REMEMBER WITH FLORETTA Time was when folding money on the line saw the delivery of a new family jalopy. Time was when Sunday was the cross country gad-about day. While the neces- sities of war have put a stop to all that, who doesn't Remember with Floretta, the KHJ girl of a thousand memories for Los Angeles, Cal., listeners? Three times a week nostalgic music of the good old days is brought to KHJ listeners by Art Frost, authorized De Soto-Ply- mouth distributor, Glendale, Cal. Com- mercial hook to the musical line: auto- mobile sales, both of new and used cars. Memory of things past is brought in- to crystal clear focus through the medi- um of old familiar music. Listeners are asked to contribute letters recounting memories that best loved songs bring back. Letters are read in part or in full, give credit where credit is due, namely, to the listener-contributor. Path down which most listeners tread is toward the golden days of childhood. While sponsor Art Frost took a one- year radio vacation. Remember With Floretta was the first step in a campaign to keep 'em remembering. Series is de- signed to build the sale of used cars to- day, new models in the future. AIR FAX: The dulcet tones of Floretta, and the me- lodic strains of familiar music are the duo which woo the sales muse. First Broadcast: September 6, 1943. Broadcast Schedule: M-W-F, 4:45-5:00 P.M. Preceded By: The Johnson Family. Followed By: News. JANUARY, 1 944 23 sponsor: Art Frost, Glendale, Cal. Station: KHJ, Los Angeles, Cal. Agency: Lockwood-Shackelford Adv. Agcy. COMMENT: ^\llile automobile advertis- ing \vas among the first to fall by the wayside at war's outbreak, this same in- dustry was among the first to take a leaf from the pages of the first World War, stage a come-back into the channels of radio advertising. Aviation BOEING HOUR Up in the air as to how to recruit desperately needed war work- ers for its Seattle, Wash., plant was Boeing Aircraft until it took to the air over KOMO with a weekly half-hour fea- ture. While the Boeing flight in its radio propelled drive for workers reached the listener target, plant officers found that prospective workers weren't the only cargo Boeing appeals carried. Public re- lations soared with the human interest anecdotes about the people who build flying fortresses, and scries now ranks at the top for local radio productions. With emphasis on semi-classical music, the program features Bob Harvey and a 20-piece orchestra. Dramatic, true-to-life stories from ''inside Boeing's" provide the spark that keeps the good will mo- tors turning. AIR FAX: Produced by KOMO's John Pearson, the show is written by Boeing's KIRO radio-trained Al Amundsen, narrated by Boeing's public relations man Bill Sandiford. First Broadcast: Tuesday, August 17, 1943. Broadcast: Tuesday, 9:30-10:00 P.M. Preceded By: Salute to Youth. Followed By: News. sponsor: Boeing Aircraft. Station: KOMO, Seattle, Wash. Power: 5,000 watts. Pop elation- 4'52,637. Agency: N. W. Ayer. COMMENT: With the influx: of new workers into already crowded commun- ities, manufac turers engaged in war work lace a public relations problem that is liisloi i{ ally iini(|ue. Unless })i()du( lion is to sillier, bolh jjiiblic and employee relations must be kept tuned to the per- lec 1 j>il(li. With programs of this kind, one slonc docs lor two birds. Bakeries HATS OFF TO MR. GROCER Not one to leave a friend in the lurch is the Hol- suM Baking Co., Springfield, O. To local grocers Holsum is a friend in need in its weekly qtiarter-hour feature over VV'IZE. In its musical tribute, Holsum has but one intent and purpose, namely, to plead the cause of the neighborhood grocer to the public. Example: "Imagine yourself in his shoes . . . you have your hands pretty full, don't you, with food shortages, rationing and impatient customers. Anyway you look at it, it's a difficult job these days, but your grocer is doing everything he can to supply you with your share. So try to help him out. Your cooperation zuill help a lot." To build consumer preference Holsum ptus in a good word for its product, reminds listen- ers that bread is not ra- tioned, is a victory food. Slogan that gives listeners something by which to remember sponsor: "Don't say Bread, say Holsum." Mention in WIZE ads and letters to Springfield area gro- cers put both dealer and consumer hep to the musical offering. air FAX: Music of popular appeal is the program's staflf of life. First Broadcast: August 15, 1943. Broadcast Schedule: Sunday, 1:00-1:15 P.M. Preceded By: News. Followed By: Victory Tabernacle. Sponsor: Holsum Baking Co. Station: WIZE, Springfield, O. Power: 250 watts. Population: 70,662. COMMENT: On the horns of a two- horned dilema are most advertisers whose products are distributed through dealers. The trick is to build dealer good will and to establish consumer prelereiue at one and the same time. Here is an inexiJensive-to-produce series whic h does just that. Dealer helps of this kind represent a type of progressive ad- vertising thought that food manufactur- ers are stressing today. ^ %^ A ^ 24 RADIO SHOWM ANSH I P Beverages SOLDIER SALUTE Fortunes of war may carry men in the service to any part of the globe, but, to take a leaf from the Coca Cola ad campaign, "Have a Coke" has become a universal language. Speaking in the language of the homefolks in its WIZE weekly feature is the Springfield (O.) Coca Cola Bottling Co. In its Soldier Salute, sponsor pays a weekly tribute to its ex-employees now in mufti. Each week the spot light brings some one Springfield fighter up stage to take his bow before the public. That the public is in its seat, anxious to break in- to applause is indicated by the number of station telephone calls each week be- fore the broadcast from those who want to know who rates the kudos. Sign-off unites home and battleground in one solid front. Example: "It may be that will hear this tribute from his fellow workers at the Springfield Coca Cola Bottling Co. Carry on, .' Coca Cola will be with you all the way, providing the welcome pause that refreshes every- where, bringing you a happy remem- brance of home in canteens and serv- ice clubs overseas, giving you a friend- ly high sign that overcomes barriers of foreign languages where ever you are." AIR FAX: A musical salute to the soldier boy is in- cluded on each of the ten-minute features. First Broadcast: September 19, 1943. Broadcast Schedule: Sunday, 10:20-10:30 P.M. Preceded By: Something to Think About. Followed By: Music. Sponsor: Springfield Coca Cola Bottling Co. Station: WIZE, Springfield, Ohio. Power: 250 watts. Population: 70,662. COMMENT: Hitting on all eight is a program which builds a product and does a public relations job at the same time. With a relatively simple format, sponsor here does just that. It's a pro- gram that could be adapted for almost any business. Programs with a patriotic motif perform a valuable wartime serv- ice, and advertisers find them high in mike appeal. Dairies SPICE BOX Made of sugar and spice, everything nice for advertisers is the WHAI daily Spue Box. While house- hold suggestions, recipes, etc. give bulk to this tested recipe for winning femin- ine listeners, book reviews, charm and beauty tips add the dash of spice. Blend- ed together, the various ingredients make the Spice Box a must for femin- ine listening in Greenfield, Mass. Indi- vidually, each program unit gives spe- cific sponsors a hook for commercial mes- sages. Book review section made a place in the sun for book publishers. For drug stores, cosmetics, others in related fields, the charm and beauty department is a natural. Marked was the increase in the sale of Vitamin D milk when the Greenfield Dairy became a Spice Box host. AIR FAX: Spontaneous banter between program direc- tor Ann Erickson and the announcer keeps the pro- gram in the lighter vein. First Broadcast: June, 1941. Broadcast Schedule: Monday through Friday, 9:45- 10:15 A.M.; Saturday, 11:00-11:30 A.M. Preceded By: News. Followed By: Music. sponsor: Fruitland; Harvey Baking Co.; Solomon Market; Shattuck Park Grocery Store; Koch Grocery; Fish's Bakery; Greenfield Dairy Co. Station: WHAI, Greenfield, Mass. Power: 250 watts. Population: 15,672. COMMENT; National advertisers with- out niunber have found the woman's participation program the best bet for mass acceptance of their products. What works for national accounts works equal- ly well for the local sponsor whose ad- vertising budget has a crimp in it. An established announcer, real program content and limitation of the number of parti-sponsors are what it takes for success. Department Store HEROES OF THE U. S. NAVY A prophet may be without honor in his own coun- try, but heroes are made of sterner stuff. In Denver, Col., KOA listeners are on hand to give Heroes of the U. S. Navy a rousing welcome. First half of the 30- JANUARY, 1 944 25 minute weekly broadcast under the spon- sorship of the May Comp.\.xy, Denver department store, is transcribed. Present- ed are stories of famous U, S. Naval heroes of the past whose exploits still live in history. In the last half of the program, young Americans in this pres- ent world conflict keep company with Decatur, Jones, Perry, others of that fighting calibre. Featured in the live broadcast are Den\er boys home on leave. To clinch reality, stir the listeners' patriotic fervor, the returned hero usually appears in per- son. Whether or not Den\ er's own heroes participate in the dramatizations of their own heroic exploits, all episodes are at the boiling point in drama, suspense and action. The same general format is fol- lowed each Tuesday evening. Following the transcribed portion of the program, a line announcement on recruiting or specific help needed by the Navy is made in behalf of the U. S. Navy. A\ hile the May Company is the only official distributor in the Denver area for the Naval Officers Uni- form Service, the series is pre- sented for its in- stitutional val- ue. Commercials hue to the insti- tutional line. air FAX: Script for the live dramatiza- tion is written by KOA's sales and program coordinator J. Bert Mitch- ell, Jr. Production and direction is supervised by T. Ellsworth Stepp. Mike barrage is handled by an- nouncer Jack Hitchcock. First Broadcast: September 7, 1943. Broadcast Schedule: Tuesday, 6:00-6:30 P.M. Preceded By: News. Followed By: Horace Heidt's Treasure Chest. Sponsor: May Co. Station: KOA, Denver, Col. Power: 50,000 watts. Population: 303,273. COMMENT: Sponsor here helps fan the flames of national patriotism, keeps the embers of local j)ri(le glowing in a time- ly series with all-family a])peal. Institu- tional oderings of this kind build up tre- mendous audiences in split-second liiiu', reaj) a rich good will harvest. Finance FUTURE UNLIMITED While there's no end to things that must be done today, men of ^'ision also look to the future. In Denver, Col., KOA listeners look to the Future Unlimited with the Industrial Federal Savings & Loan Ass'n. Facts on new inventions, news of new and help- ful aids to better living, and information on the forward progress of science are interspersed between transcribed tunes of a light, familiar nature. Commercials urge listeners to look to the future with Industrial Federal, give the reasons why financial seciuit\ and Industrial Federal are synony- mous. Example: "More than 6,500 savers are using In- dustrial as the best place for their funds because they knoiv that Indus- trial is safe, has never missed paying a semi-annual dividend, and pays the highest dividend possible consistent witli safety. Industrial is convenient for adding to, or withdrawing from your account . . . either in person or via tJie mail. And last, but very important , Industrial gives savers friendly, appreciative serv- ice." When Industrial Fed- gned on the dotted line for Unlimited, the new series repre- loiunh consecutive year renew- al. Quarter-hour feature is heard six times weekly at 8:15 A.M. Industrial Federal points up the fact that money saved today will enable listeners to take advantage of the modern aids to comfort- able living which the futine promises. Promotionotions: Industrial Federal uses a window display in the KO.V-NBC Building lobby. Regular KOA promo- tion for advertisers consists of placards on the entire fleet of Yellow Faxicabs; screen trailers in Fox-Denver and Imer- Mountain Theatres, plus Irecjueiu courtesy annoinicements. (Combined tlie promotional elloits keej) the tune-in high, increase the prestige of Indus i rial ll 1)1 K \i. 26 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP AIR FAX: Announcer Jack Hitchcock han- dles the show. Mu- sical selections are Thesaurus records. First Broadcast: September 27, 1943. Broadcast Schedule: Monday through Saturday, 8:15- 8:30 A.M. Preceded By: Your Musical Clock. Followed By: Rainbo Musical Magazine. Sponsor: Industrial Federal Savings 8C Loan Association. Station: KOA, Denver, Col. Power: 50,000 watts. Population: 303,273. COMMENT: Finance has a chance to do a public relations job by paving the way for postwar tasks and industrial re- conversion. Advertiser here is at the head of the procession. (For pic, see Showmanscoops, p. 20). Sustaining MAJOR BULLMORE When Stoopnagle and Biidd were on the air in Buffalo, N. Y., a local competitor over AV'KB\\^ was Major Bidbnore. AV^hile Major An- drew J. Bullmore, president of the myth- ical Republic of Coma, general manager of radio station WHOOPS, Chairman of the board of Bullmore Enterprises, Ltd., C.O.D., 2% for cash, went into a sudden eclipse, a revival of the feature sees him once more living in the style to which he has been accustomed. The tw^o character show casts Bull- more and his secretary Adele Twittle- pater in a variety of comedy situations. While each episode is self contained, there is a general theme carry-over from one broadcast to the next. Scripted by former Colonel Stoopnagle and Budd script writer Addison F. Busch, the series is built in comic relief. AIR FAX: First Broadcast: November 1, 1943. Broadcast Schedule: M-W-F, 4:45-5:00 P.M. Preceded By: Music. Followed By: Fun with Dunn. Station: WKBW, Buffalo, N. Y. Power: 50,000 watts. Population: 613,506. COMMENT: Definitely the networks don't have a monopoly on comedy fea- tures but it's a field that hasn't been sufficiently cultivated locally. Given a well written script produced within the cost limitations of tlie regional adver- tiser, a program of this nature can do a bang-up job locally. To the credit of the series here is the small cast require- ments. Sustaining MISSION FOR TONIGHT Destination of the Mission for Tonight is something that KDYL listeners. Salt Lake City, Ut., don't know until the weekly half-hour feature takes off. Under the direction of the Public Relations Office of the Salt Fake City Army Air Base, Mission for Tonight is an all Army show consisting of an orchestra, actors and returned air heroes. A different city in the United States is selected each week as the Mis- sion for Tonight, and the program is dedicated to that particular city. Flesh and blood to the feature is the presenta- tion of a hero returned from some battle area whose home town is the one hon- ored on the broadcast. Turn-out of army men anxious to see the broadcasts keeps the S.R.O. sign up in the Army Air Base service club. Series presents in dramatic form the part the air corps plays on far flung battlefields, features snappy music designed to please the martial ear. AIR FAX: Bombardment was con- ceived by assistant public rela- tions officer, ex-radioman Paul Langford. First Broadcast: October 2, 1943. Broadcast Schedule: Saturday, 6:00-6:30 P.M. Preceded By: Noah Webster Says. Followed By: Orchestra. Station: KDYL, Salt Lake City, Ut. Power: 5,000 watts. Population: 238,506. COMMENT: No little contribution to the war effort are radio offerings of this kind. With such programs radio and its advertisers build army and homefront morale. (For pic, see Showmanscoops, p. 21.) JANUARY, 1 944 27 SHOWMANSHIP IN ACTION Promotions and merchandising stunts that will lift a program out of the ordinary. Department Stores SONGS FOR HEROES For Gimbel Brothers, Philadelphia, Pa., department store, it isn't enough to know what are the favorite songs with servicemen. It also wants to know why. To get the an- swer, Gimbel's passes out cigarettes and candy on its thrice weekly quarter-hour series. Featured on the evening show are re- quest songs and melodies to please the serviceman's fancy. Songs are those fa- vored either by servicemen, or their fam- ilies and sweethearts. To the writers of the three best letters of no more than 100 words telling why a particular tune is best liked go, (1) a two-pound box of candy for wife, sister, mother or sweet- heart, and (2) two cartons of cigarettes. Built to prorriote Gimbel's Young Budget Shop for Junior Misses, the show got Gimbel's blessings and a good send-off. A window display promoted the series, and blanks were available in the Young Budget Shop for liandy letter-writing. AIR FAX: To promote its Fabric Center, Gimbel's also scheduled a Radio Sewing Class. Air class meets six times weekly in early afternoon, will continue for an indefinite period. First Broadcast: October 10, 1943. Broadcast Schedule: S-T-F, 10:15-10:30 P.M. Sponsor: Gimbel Brothers. Station: WIP, Philadelphia, Pa. Power: 5,000 watts. Population: 1,072,545. COMMENT: Sponsor here practices one of the fundamental-for-radio-success pre- cepts for department stores. Department- alized radio, giving each program a spe- cific job to do, has sold many a not-so- sold department store executive on the airlanes. Institutional efforts can be co- ordinated with departmentalized radio, and showmanship does the rest. Drug Products VICKS NEWS When Vicks bought time on KTHS, Hot Springs, Ark., the matter didn't rest there. Out w^nt letters to dealers throughout the KTHS sales area giving details of the quarter-hour noon news on a thrice weekly schedule. Count- er cards for drug store display, plus per- sonal calls on dealers were also a part of the package. Dealer letter was designed to build good will for Vicks Vaporub and Vicks Va-tro-nol, went hand-in-glove with the radio program built to establish consum- er and distributor preference. In addi- tion to time-and-station data, letter told dealers how they could profit from the Vicks sponsorship. Example: ''You can get some swell added busi- ness for your store if you give Vicks Vaporub and Va-tro-nol extra display . . . keep a few packages on a good counter . . . put some in your xuin- dows . . . and then see if your sales this year on these two products don't Jiit a new liigh." Follow-up dealer letter with counter card included suggests that dealers place the 41/2x6 inch card on the back of the (ash register, under the change (ounter glass or in the window. air FAX: Veteran mike-man and news- paper reporter Frank A. Browne doubles in brass, is the KTHS program director, also handles this show. Broadcast Schedule: M-W-F, 12:00-12:15 P.M. Preceded By: National Farm and Home Hour. Followed By: Dixie Mountaineers. Sponsor: Vicks. Station: KTHS, Hot Springs, Ark. Power: 10,000 watts. Population: 21,370. COMMENT: Radio programs give na- lioiKil ad\ciiiscis something to write 28 RADIO SHOWM ANSH I P home about and these letters to the home markets are an important part of a coordinated advertising effort. Adver- tisers have come to realize that the pur- chase of radio time is only the first step. To guarantee success in double-step time, it is important to back up a radio offering with plenty of merchandising and promotion. Drug Stares TARGET FOR TONIGHT Big question for the Hamilton Rexall Drug Store, Great Falls, Mont.: do quiz shows pull audiences, sell merchandise? The answer comes up to a thousand strong when Hamilton Rexall lines up the sights on its Target for Tonight over KFBB. Between 500 and 1,000 people jam-pack the local USO for a chance to participate in an infor- mal pre-broadcast quiz, and a first hand gander at the 30-miniUe show in action. Military quiz from the USO stage fea- tures a quiz fight-to-the-finish between two picked teams of soldiers. Each four- man team represents individual Air Force installations. Teams alternately ward off the barrage of questions. Con- test between the two rival fields carries on from week to WTek. As the contestant approaches the mic- rophone, he draws a number from a sack. AVith numbers ranging from one to 300, the size of the numeral deter- mines the relative difficulty of the ques- tion to be popped. A correctly answered Incendiary question is worth 100 points. A team that successfully handles a De- molition question is 200 points to the good. A Block-buster question is worth 300 points. Examples: Incendiary Question: "In what country is Mandalay famed in song?" A.— Burma. Demolition Qiiestion: "What war President was by profession a college president?" A.— Wood- row Wilson. B lock-busier Qii estion : "What was the first in- dication Robinson Cru- soe found that his island was inhabited?" A.— Footprint on the sand. Team that drops the greatest weight of bombs, ie, successfully answers the greatest number of ques- tions, piles up the most points, gets the honors. It isn't only a great big hand from buddies in the audience that the winners rate in Target for Tonight. Winners take their pick of sponsor fur- nished prizes. \Vhat the losers put in their pipes, smoke: free movie passes (also given to winners) and packages of cigarettes. Catch as catch can, the show is unre- hearsed. To establish identity of contest- ants, quiz-master Le Roy Stahl directs questions in the first round to each mas- ter brain on his work in the Air Forces, his previous civilian experiences, and about his home town. AV^hen an answer connects with target, there's a loud boom. An equally loud razzberry follows a miss. Commercial copy is cut from the in- stitutional cloth, and while no direct merchandising appeals are made, spon- sor has noticed a marked increase in soldier trade since Target for Tonight became the AVednesday night rendevous for the men in uniform. AIR FAX: Announcer George Chance aims the com- mercials and program announcements, makes certain each hits the listener target. First Broadcast: August 4, 1943. Broadcast Schedule: Wednesday, 8:30-9:00 P.M. Preceded By: Great Moments in Music. Followed By: News. Sponsor: Hamilton Rexall Drug Store. Station: KFBB, Great Falls, Mont. Power: 5,000 watts. Population: 29,928. COMMENT: Proof of the radio iorniula that a good local show embodying a good idea well car- ried out will gain listener accept- ance and sell merchandise are programs of this kind. Series here builds soldier morale. (For pic, see Shoxomanscoops, p. 20.) JANUARY, 1944 29 PROOF 0' THE PUDDING Results based on sales, mails, surveys, long runs and the growth of the business itself. Drug Products JENNY LOU AND HER BUDDIES Pin- up girl for Chicago radio listeners is Jenny Lou Carson. Her buddies share the limelight, and returns from an offer made on two broadcasts convinced Wait- Cahill Co. that Jenny Lou was the sales- pin-up girl for its Green Mountain CoiGH Syrup. Jenny Lou wrote, read lis- teners a poem Jiist for Mom. To those who wanted the verse, she offered auto- graphed copies. Within the next few days the pin-up girl was on the verge of writer's cramp. Received were 2,827 re- quests! air FAX: Heard thrice weekly, the quarter-hour series for morning listening features ballads and light tunes. Jenny Lou herself introduces the songs. First Broadcast: August, 1943. Broadcast Schedule: T-Th-S, 9:00-9:15 A.M. Preceded By: Breakfast Club. Followed By: Range Riders. Sponsor: Wait-Cahill Co. Station: WLS, Chicago, 111. Power: 50,000 watts. Population: 3,440,420. COMMENT: Programs with a homey touch strike a responsive chord with the mass audience, have what it takes to establish a product with the general nublir. Farm Pruducts ELECTION RETURNS Down in the deep south, the citizenry takes its elections seriously, and election retinns are mat- ters of great moment. When the Hia- WAiiiA CiiN Co., Colinnbus, Miss., look its first plunge into the realm of radio, therefore, it cast its ballot in favor of Election Returns. From 6:00 P.M. until the AVCBI sign-off, Hiawatha Gin brought listeners the latest coiuit on general election returns in Mississippi. W^ith this broadcast it threw its hat into the ring, offered as its candidate for pub- lic favor a new machine installed at the gin to give farmers a better staple. Hiawatha Gin counted its returns from this one-time broadcast, found that in radio it had backed a whinner, report- ed instant results to WCBL Three bales of cotton ginned the next day marked the earliest start of the ginning season on record. Capacity operation continued throughout the season. Plans for the fu- ture include a regular radio schedule. air FAX: First Broadcast: August 24, 1943. Broadcast Schedule: August 24, 6:00 P.M. to sign-off. Sponsor: Hiawatha Gin Co. Station: WCBI, Columbus, Miss. Power: 250 watts. Population: 15,467. COMMENT: While one-time shots may not serve the general piuposes of adver- tising, they do offer sponsors a dramatic and forceful introduction to the radio audience. Special events of this natine are certain to have a tremendous audi- ence. Groceries WOMAN'S EXCHANGE Seven weeks after the W omnn' s ExcJiange was launched over WJZ, New York city, emcee Alma Kitchell offered a book on nutrition. Requests from that one-time one-mi niUe spot: 1,176! Evidence that lightening does strike twice in the same place are results from a one-time recipe book give-away offer made the follow- ing week. Received were 1,67-i postcard requests. Axciage weekly mail pull with- out offers: 200. When the Soy Food Mills, Chicago, set out to extend its distribution of soy bean products to the Kastern section of the coinitry, the Woman's ExcJinnge was a fair exchange. In five weekly ])articipalions Soy Food promotes Goldkn Whi:at-Soy Mix, one lor griddle cakes and wann(\s, another for muflins. 30 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP \IR FAX: Even before the Woman's Exchange was set up on WJZ, it had existed as an American institution. In every major American community housewives had banded together in a non-profit organization to facili- tate the exchange of everything from recipes, cakes and jams, to information on vacation planning. The idea of exchange with purpose and direction is the keynote to the WJZ series. A specific subject is cov- ered each day, although only a section of each pro- gram is limited to the topic of the day. Guest ex- perts lend authority to the exchange of ideas. Good will builder for sponsors and program is the selection of the Woman of the Week. To the listener who has that week contributed the most to the pro- gram goes one dozen roses. A civic recognition angle that builds listeners is the daily salute to a leading woman or woman's club in the WJZ area. Listeners themselves nominate candidates for honors. V^Uien the program was pitched, letters to 500 women's club presidents got it off to a good start. Fanfare also included spot announcements and sta- tion breaks, ads in all New York daily newspapers, magazine ads. hotel desk displays, tune-in reminders, luncheons and window displays. First Broadcast: June 21, 1943. Broadcast Schedule: Monday through Friday, 1:15-1:45 P.M. Preceded By: Baukhage Talk- ing. Followed By: Music. Sponsor: Soy Food Mills, others. Station: WJZ, New York city. Power: 50,000 watts. COMMENT: Definitely an institution is the woman's participation program. While Rome wasn't, audiences can't be built in a day, show- manship of the right kind can produce a reasonable facsimile thereof. First and foremost requirement is an established radio personality. Plenty of program promotion will do the rest. That this ^combination has what it takes is indi- cated by the amazing success of this series here. Public Utilities MODERN KITCHEN While the Modern Kitchen is the pride and joy of the little woman who ekes out three meals per diem, what most interests her right now are practical, down-to-earth suggestions for saving money, getting the upper hand on ration points and coming out on top with a balanced meal. WGR's Modern Kitchen hostess Helen Neville serves just that in a tasty quarter-hour morning snack five times weekly. Evidence that there are plenty of lis- teners to break bread with participating sponsors were the returns from a Labor Day offer for a WGR Victory Shopping Bag for two-bits. By the following Mon- day, 1,092 quarters had rolled in from listeners. Response-ability represented 106 different post office districts in West- ern New York and Northern Pennsyl- vania. Listeners have more than their own notes by which to remember hostess Neville. Twice monthly, bulletins are mailed to listeners on request. Tie-in for participating sponsors: along with menus, recipes and household short-cuts, parti-sponsors get prom- inent mention. Immedi- ate and direct is the tie- in for the Niagara-Hud- son Power Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Every recipe used on the program is tested in Niagara-Hudson's own kitchen, and live broadcasts from its audi- torium are scheduled bi- monthly. Frequent per- sonal appearances be- fore local women's organizations, plus street car and bus car cards help the mistress of the Modern Kitchen win new friends and followers. Listeners know that when hostess Ne- ville speaks, it is with the voice of au- thority. University training both as an under-grad and as a post-graduate taught her the dangers of the academic ap- proach. As a widow with three small children and a budget problem she learned by first-hand experience what was needed in the Modern Kitchen. Part of her service to housewives includes a morning shopping tour of the Buffalo food markets. air FAX: A regular WGR feature for six years, the show today is geared to war-time meal planning. Sponsorship is on a non-competitive basis, is sold not by the clock but on the basis of major and minor announcements. First Broadcast: October 1, 1937. Broadcast Schedule: Monday through Friday, 9:15- 9:45 A.M. Preceded By: News. Followed By: Music. Station: WGR, Buffalo, N. Y. Power: 5,000 watts (d). Population: 613,506. JANUARY, 1 944 31 COMMENT: Local advertisers can take a tip here from national advertisers. Many big time operators have found that the women's participation program is their most productive radio sales bait. Restaurants SCOREBOARD \\'hen the shouting and the tumult dies away, the fans want to know the answer to one question. What's the score? Because Tiny Heller's Res- taurant AND Cocktail Lounge, Oak- land, Cal., knows the score when it comes to keeping its name before the public, it gives KROW listeners the hi- lites of sports events in the limelight. For three long years, season after season, fans have got the scores, game hi-lites, descriptions of exciting plays, side- glances at star players and music in the sports tempo on a weekly quarter-hour schedule. Series scores a direct hit with sports fans and since the show is tuned in di- rect to Tiny Heller's, the spot has be- come home plate for those who want to obtain score information. Football, bas- ketball and baseball each has its innings on the show. Miked by KRO\V's sports- caster Hal Parkes, the Scoreboard has chalked up national scores for Tiny for three long years. air FAX: First Broadcast: 1940. Broadcast Schedule: Saturday, 4:30-5:00 P.M. Preceded By: Music. Followed By: Music. Sponsor: Tiny Heller's Restaurant. Station: KROW, San Francisco-Oakland, Cal. Power: 1,000 watts. COMMENT: Here's additional proof that consistency is the right signal for advertising's quarterbacks to call for a scoring play. It's an essential if the sales ball is lo be kept in play. Wearing Apparel GENE AUTRY SINGS Wlun (uiic Auli v sings lor W'lIKH bsuiurs. Portsmouth, N. H.. ilic Family (; Siore car- ries the melody. Reason: sale of a suit to a man who hadn't purchased one in 20 years indicated that the platters weren't spun in vain. AX'hile the record- ed show was first taken on for a test pe- riod, Family Clothing renewed after its first 13 weeks. Commercials are in the same spirit as the recorded music. Example: ''It's gettin' SO you can hardly step out the door to do a hit of shoppiu' without lugging along a handful of ration books. But that's all right . . . this is war . . . and rationing seems a fair and square thing to do. Just nudge your noggin, though, friends . . . you'll recall one happy fact . . . clothes aren't rationed. No, sir! That means you can gallop into the Family Clothing Store, and slip a rope about whatever new duds strike your fancy . . . the Family Clothing Store can outfit your whole dog-gone family! You don't need to take along a suitcase full of cash, either. Use the simple, family budg- et plan . . .and pay as you get paid!" air FAX: First Broadcast: April 19, 1943. Broadcast Schedule: Saturday, 11:30-11:45 A.M. Preceded By: Salon Music. Followed By: Band Music. Sponsor: Family Clothing Store. Station: WHEB, Portsmouth, N. H. Power: 1,000 watts. Population: 25,000. COMMENT: Easily produced, a pro- gram of this kind is also inexpensive. B\ limiting the musical variety to one par- ticular type of music the ad\ertiser quickly establishes himself with the par- ticular audience group he wants to reach. 32 RADIO SHOWM ANSH IP 'm :3H0WM AN VIEWS News and views of current script and transcribed releases back- ed with showmantips. All are available for local sponsorship. Sports THROUGH THE SPORTS GLASS WITH SAM HAYES When the sports fan looks hrough the sports glass, he doesn't want o see dimly. AVhat he demands is a cry- stal-clear reflection of sporting e\ents that make history. The sports glass that portscaster Sam Hayes uses is a wide angle lense with plenty of depth of focus. Prints that are etched in listeners' minds are enlargements of thrilling happenings and thrilling people in the world of sports. Quarter-hour transcribed series presents a dramatic re-enactment of historic moments with all the ex- citement and sounds of the original scene. All fields of sports are covered. Vivid background information covering little known or half-forgotten facts con- cerning champions and stars of sports and the events dramatized is given in the breezy, authoritative style of sportscaster Sam Haves. AIR FAX: Currently heard on sev- eral network broadcasts weekly on the Pacific Coast and shortwaved over seas, Sam Hayes has been heard throughout the country in his NBC recorded Touchdown Tips each fall since 1940. Time Unit: 15 Minutes. Appeal: Masculine and General. Producer: NBC Radio Recording Division. COMMENT: Local advertisers here have the opportunity for a topnotch program to replace local sportscasters drained off by the war. It also offers a splendid con- tinuing series to follow seasonal sports programs such as football. While such JANUARY, 1 944 programs are strong in masculine appeal, the feminine ear is also available. Studies show a strong all-family appeal for sports programs. Mystery MANHUNT 'Wo crime has been com- mitted . . . yet! No murder has been done . . . yet! No manhunt has begun . . . yet!" \Vith these opening lines as fore-shadow- ing, listeners to the new quarter-hour transcribed series settle back for uninterrupted chills and thrills. The Manhunt is on, and the trail leads from The Masked Murderer to the Solitary Cell. Each of the 78 quarter- hours is self-contained, is recorded open-end avail- able for local and regional sponsorship. Series features Larry Haines of Gang Busters fame as Drew Stev- ens, police lab sleuth, in- cludes a cast of topnotch network talent. That ad- vertisers found Manhunt a clue to successful radio programming is indicated by the fact that the series was placed on 21 stations before the cuts were cold. AIR FAX: Producer: Frederic W. Ziv, Inc. COMMENT: Advertisers who keep a finger on the pulse of public reactions, gear radio programs to current interests, find that programs of this nature are increasing in audience popularity. Listener and sponsor both find the who- dun-its a good cure for wartime jitters. 33 SPECIAL PROMOTION Short radio promotions that run but a day, a week, or a month yet leave an impression that lasts the year around. Finance ANNIVERSARY PROGRAM When Father Time had cut a sAvathe 52 years wide for the Central Bank of Oak- land, President Frank N. Belgrano, Jr. determined that a birthday was the mo- ment to stop the clock, glance back at pages of history already written. So that all might see what the moving hand of time had written, Central Bank turned to KRO^\^ San Francisco-Oakland, Cal. Listeners heard a 30-minute broadcast from the bank direct. Event itself made history, marked the first time a bank in Northern California went on the air with a celebration to mark an anniver- sary. While the history and growth of Cen- tral Bank was a dramatized portion of the program, service pin awards to 17 officers and employees was a super-spe- cial part of the show. President Belgrano himself awarded the badges of honor to those whose service to Central Bank ranged from ten to 35 years. Interviews with officers and employees, and musical selections popular during various eras of bank history gave color and aiuhen- ticity to the celebration. AIR FAX: Monday through Friday, Central Bank rings the Bell of Freedom from its lobby. QuaMer-hour features interviews with bank patrons. Emcee both for the regular broadcasts and the special event: mike- man Scott Weakley. First Broadcast: October 15, 1943. Broadcast Schedule: Friday, 4:00-4:30 P.M. Preceded By: Music. Followed By: Music. Sponsor: Central Bank of Oakland. Station: KROW, San Francisco-Oakland, Cal. Power: 1,000 watts. COMMENT: .S|)('( iai e\enls broadcasts arc the exclainaiiou points for the ad- vertiser's regidar broadcast period. In services of the kind here, a major task is the establishment of public confi- dence and trust. Anniversaries provide a i splendid opportunity to stress that one particular point. Labnr Unions LABOR DAY PARADE \Vhile Labor Day is a day of rest for the man with the hoe, all those who toil, it isn't a day when labor's public relations need take a holi- day. In Columbus, Miss., the Columbus Trades Council got in some of its best work on the very day its individual members were taking a 24-hour breather. To further its cause with the public, the Columbus Trades Council took to AV^CBI, presented two 30-minute broad- casts. One broadcast covered the Labor Day Parade. For its second public bow, the Columbus Trades Council broadcast Labor Day addresses. Featured were state and local dignitaries in their best bibs and tuckers. Broadcasts were the first ever sponsored by the Columbus Trades Council, and expenses were written oft from a special fiuid set up for promotion and advertising. Labor Day airing was the torch that set off the fuse to a regular series of institutional and promotional radio efforts. air FAX: Parade broadcasts by remote control were from the downtown business district. Speeches were broadcast from the Court House auditoriutn. First Broadcast: Labor Day, 1943. Sponsor: Columbus Trades Council. Station: WCBI, Columbus, Miss. Power: 250 watts. Population: 15,467. COMMENT: Labor organizations repre- sent one of the many groups with whom public relations represents the keystone upon which all else rests who are find- ing that radio is a valuable friend. 34 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP NKXT MONTH ATHEHTDN PETTINGELL, president of Pettingell & Fenton, Inc., New York city advertising agency. Muses on the Mighty Minute, presents the case history of one-minute spot announcements for A. S. Beck Shoes. LuUIS HEYDEN, president of the Pantaze Drug Stores, Memphis, Tenn., signed on the \A^HBQ dotted line for 15 daily newscasts, here gives his views of the news. M. U JVEIL CO., Akron, O., department store uses a daily radio schedule, backs up its WADC programs with plenty of promotion. It's Tell to Sell. Plus Tested Programs and Promotions You Can Use in Your Own Business! DIRECT HITS FATIC: For consistent Results at Low Cost per inquiry use RADIO! NATIONAL BRO; IN THIS ISSUE GENERAL U 50 RC€XEFaLER PLAZA, NEW ^ ^^What about television?'' asks Blooming- dale's I. A. Hirschmann (p«42) Cjl Musings on the mighty minute from Pettingell & Fenton^ Inc. • . (p. 47) C] Radio steps up morale and employment in St. Louis (p«55) 46 Tested Programs for Businessmen YODR BUSINESS AT A GLANCE A quick index to what others in your business field accomplish through radio. Articles and services in Radio Showmanship are classified by businesses here. Business Bakeries Beverages Children's Wear Department Stores Drug Products Drug Stores Finance Fuel Dealers Furriers Gasolines FEBR U ARY PAGE Business PAGE 59, 67 Groceries 49, 50, 59, 60, 61, 66, 68 49, 57, 59 Home Furnishings 66 44 Manufacturers 48, 50, 55, 60 42, 48, 49, 51, Men's Wear 61 54, 57, 65, 69 Newspapers 68 58, 67 Shipbuilders 62 52, 60 Shoes 47, 59, 62 48, 49, 59 Theatres 59, 63 50 Tobaccos 64 58, 59 Transportation 64 65 Women's Wear 68 Business Automobiles Aviation Bakeries . Beverages Dairies Dentistry Department Stores Drug Products Farm Products Finance J AN VARY PAGE Business PAGE 23 Groceries 6, 30 24 Hardware Stores 22 24 Home Furnishings 12 25 Labor Unions 34 25 Manufacturers 10 8 Merchants' Associations 22 14, 25, 28 Public Utilities 31 20, 28, 29, 30 Restaurants 32 30 Sporting Goods 16 20, 26, 34 Wearing Apparel 32 // you don't have the January issue, order it now! CONTENTS FEBRUARY 1944 VOL. 5 No. 2 Editorial Advisory Board Radio Herbert Pettey Ralph Atlass William Dolph Don D. Campbell Glenn Snyder Philip Lasky Roger Clipp J. Harold Ryan New York Chicago Washington Birmingham Chicago San Francisco Philadelphia Toledo Business Dr. Harry Dean Wolfe Washington, D. C. Lorenzo Richards Ogden, Utah GusTAV Flexner Louisville J. Hudson Huffard Bluefield, Va. Maurice M, Chait Peoria, III. Frank J. Ryan Kalamazoo, Mich. Allen C. Knovvles Cleveland Staff Publisher-Editor Don Paul Nathanson Managing Editor Marie Ford Published by Showmanship Publi- cations, Minneapolis 2, Minn. Sub- scription rate: $2.50 a year, 25c a copy. Address editorial correspond- ence to 1004 Marquette, Minneapo- lis 2, Minn. Tel.: Ge. 9619. Copyright 1943 by Showmanship Publications, publishers of Radio Showmanship. Editorial 41 What About Television? 42 I. A. Hirschmann Show window in every home will bridge merchant-customer gap, says the vice president of Bloomingdale's, New York city. Bye, Baby — Buy! 44 Geo. W. Walker Radio ups Baby Bassinette sales 30 per cent, nets a 40 per cent rural in- crease writes its designer and mer- chandising consultant. Musings on the Mighty Minute 47 Athcrton Pettingeli A. S. Beck Shoes sells an idea, not styles, in its current spot announce- ment series, writes the president of Pettingeli & Fenton, Inc., New York city advertising agency. Advertisers Back Attack 48 An RS Analysis Business forgets competition, pro- motes one common product in the greatest single advertising campaign ever undertaken. Bring 'Em Back Live 51 An RS Analysis Open competition a shot in the arm as special promotion for the daily radio program aired by the M. O'Neil Co., Akron, O. FEB R U ARY, 1 944 39 Drugs Views the News 52 Norton Rosengarten News on the hour fits the a ariety ad- schedule for Pantaze Drug Stores, Memphis, Tenn., writes the account executive of the Lake-Spiro-Shur- man Advertising Agency. Say It in Spanish An RS Analysis 54 Lowenstein's Department Store, Memphis, Tenn., plays the good neighbor, builds sales and good will with a transcribed series. Showmanscoops 64 Photographic records of successful radio promotions and programs. What the Program Did for Me 66 Businessmen exchange residts and reactions to radio programs. Showmanship in Action 67 Promotions and merchandising stunts that build audiences and sales. Tempos of Today 55 An RS Analysis When radio wields the baton, time- ly appeals for workers also step up employee morale for the Knapp- Monarch Co., St. I.ouis, Mo. Airing the New 57 New radio programs worth reading about. No result figiues as yet. Johnny on the Spot 68 News, reviews and tips on spot an- noiuicement campaigns. Special Promotion 69 Short radio promotions that run bin a short time yet leave an impression that lasts the vear aroiuid. Who produces what? This up-to-the-minute di- rectory of script and transcribed programs for local sponsors is alpha- betically indexed . . . cross-indexed by time, audience appeal, and subject matter. 75c ^acU<^ S^^w6r()giani all the backing he can in all his other promotional efforts. 46 RADIO SHOWM ANSH I P A. S. Beck Shoes Sells an Idea, Not Styles, to Meet Shortages by ATHERTDN PETTINGELL, Pres., Pettingell S. Fenton, Inc. usmgs on the Mighty Minute PEOPLE are so busy today that the adroit creator of radio advertising has learned to digest his. sening-message down to one ear-catching minute of music, fun, showmanship and salesman- ship. And . . . Advertising people are so busy creat- ing one-minute spots that I think I'd better capsulize my story, too! Here's my report on the one-minute spot we creat- ed for A. S. Beck Shoes— reading time, one minute! THE PRODUCT: High-style A. S. Beck women's shoes, sold in 110 smart- ly designed shoe-salons, yet priced only 14.35 a pair. THE APPEAL: Fashionability . . . fine leathers . . . good fit . . . one price. THE HOOK: Independent research proving that more women on Fifth Avenue w^ear A. S. Beck shoes than any other shoe at any price. WHY RADIO? Because of its cover- age, and because, in a period of ration- ing and some shoe-shortages, we can sell the Beck idea without showing specific Beck styles (which might or might not be in stock when shown in a newspaper ad). Aside to the newspaper boys: We're still running substantial newspaper copy, too, as you know! WHY ONE MINUTE? Because it per- Adman Pettingell mits maximum repetition of sell- ing-points . . . be- comes pleasantly familiar to listen- ers .. . can be spot- ted at advantage- ous times of the week, of the day, even of the hoirr! HOW DID WE DO IT? Mixed equal parts of in- spiration and midnight oil . . . hired first-rate composer, performers and re- cording studio. Scheduled it generously —over 100 times a week over two sta- tions in the New York market. RESULTS: Besides favorable com- ment, independent surveys show that a high percentage of the potential audi- ence knows the jingle, and that there are now rnore Beck customers among those who have heard the jingle than among those who haven't! After the campaign was launched, A. S. Beck found that there was another point in radio's favor. Once the spot an- nouncement was established in the minds of listeners, it was possible to re- duce the time from 60 to 30 seconds without any loss in effectiveness. FEBRUARY. 1944 47 dvertisers Back Attack Business Forgets Competition, Promotes One Common Product In Greatest Single Advertising Campaign Ever Undertaken R\Dio is justh proud ot its record in the War Loan campaigns, and with each drive, radio has stepped up its con- tribution of time and talent. No smaU part of that effort has been the contri- ioiuion of radio advertisers in local com- numities. Current sponsors, past adver- tisers and those new to radio have all played important parts in radio's con- tribiuion to the campaigns. AVhat the sum total of all efforts in all media represents is the largest advertis- ing campaign the world has ever seen. Credit for this outstanding barrage of promotion belongs to national and local advertisers, the various media, advertis- ing agencies and the advertising profes- sion in general. The part that one advertiser and one radio station can play in reaching the objective is indicated by the experience of the John G. Myers Department Store, Albany, N. Y. Last spring the store set up a special radio booth to col- lect for W^ar Bonds pledged to Forrest Willis on his morning hotn^ musical clock on WOKO. In September, the company reported $1,115,000 had been actually j3iuchased at the booth by ])eo- ple mentioning the program! For the duration, business has forgot- ten competition, and it is promoting one (onmion product: V^ictory, Fogether, Ijusinessmen have sold l^illions of dol- lars w'ortli of W^ar Bonds. In this cam- ])aign, ra(h'() lias pioxcd itself a ]30tent all\ in the cause of public sei\ id'. I Ik ( oiitribiuions ol a lew oi these local ladio ad\ crt isers aic- iccounud here. MANUFACTURERS 5^. Louis, Mo. AVith the opening of the Third War Loan Drive, something new in War Bond shows was inaugurated over KSD. Fifty business concerns, many of whom had never before employed radio as an advertising meditun, took on sponsor- ship of AVar Bond programs during a three-week period. Spotted during daytime hours, all 15- minutes in length, the shows w^re in- dividually st\^ed to fit the sponsors. Some 38 featmed the mtisic of Russ David and the KSD orchestra, in addi- tion to Back the Attack appeals. Trib- utes to business directors or concerns for the part St. Lotiis industry is playing in war production were also featurecl. W'hile the majority of advertisers signed their names to only one program, GA^ - LORD Container Corp., Egyptian Tie & Timber Co., Terminal RAiLRt:>Au, U. S. Cartridge Co., and AV^estern Car- iRiDGE Co. each beat the war driuns on three programs. Scullin Steel Co. took on two shows. FINANCE Oakland, Cat. For the Central Bank of Oakland. a Liberty Bell theme was adopted with the slogan Keep the Bell of Freedotn Iii}igiug. Campaign included half-page newspaper co]:)y in color, window trims, booklets and bank lobby decor, all piv- oting around the Bell of Freedom pro- gram ovei KR()\\^ A daily (juarter-hour at 12:15 P.M., the broadcast is directly from the bank lobby, and is introduced l)\ tile hea\y tolling of the Liberty Bell. (Continued on page ^0) 48 RADIO S H O WM ANSH I P • (Above) ... A certificate of ap- preciation from the Treasury Depart- ment to John Cahai of QUALITY BRANDS, INC., and Jack Tatelman of MERRIMAC VALLEY DISTRIB. CO. for their sponsorship of a series of programs stressing the sale of War Bonds is presented by David Kimel of the WLAW (Lawrence, Mass.) sales staff. • (Right) . . . With the approval of KAHN'S, oldest department store in Oakland, Cal., KROW devoted the daily Man-on-the-Street noon broad- cast to the War Bond drive during the nationwide Retailers for Victory campaign. Listeners were urged £0 make KAHN'S their bond headquar- ters. Here KAHN'S vice president J. E. Sullivan tells a member of his office staff that on the opening day, KAHN'S sold over double its quota. • (Center) . . . They keep the Bell of Freedom ringing over KROW, San Francisco-Oakland, Cal., as a part of CENTRAL BANK OF OAK- LAND'S War Bond campaign. (Left to right) Emcee Scott Weakley; Mayor of Oakland, Dr. John F. Slavich, and bank president Frank N. Belgrano. • (Below) . . . Radio helped sell nearly ^4,000,000 in War Bonds at a Million-Dollar War Bond Breakfast held in New Orleans, La. WWL plug- ged the drive with frequent announce- ments. Interviewed here were three men who accompanied Brigadier Gen- eral Jimmy Doolittle on his bombing of Tokyo. FEBRUARY, 1944 49 (Continued from page 48) Constructed for the campaign was a full-scale model of the Liberty Bell placed in the bank lobby. Broadcasts emceed by Scott Weakley resemble a man-on-the-street but are produced in accordance with the Censorship code. Public participants for the broadcast are recommended by bank officials who vouch for their citizenship, character, community standing and integrity. In- formal quarter-hour is a cross between an interview and a quiz feature. Ques- tions asked have a war twist, and as a parting shot emcee Weakley directs participants to the big bond booth near- by. Opening show included music by the 217th Coast Artillery bank, army and navy men returned from war areas, as well as mili- tary and bank officials. MANUFACTURERS Hamilton, Out. With nothing to sell the public other than good will, the Otis Fensom Elevator Co., one of Hamil- ton's largest munition plants and peace- time maker of elevators, sponsored a CKOC show as its part in the Fifth Ca- nadian Victory Loan drive. Put on by employees of the plant, the program consisted of musical numbers and inter- views with employees who had made outstanding contributions toward the war effort. Schedule called for six pro- grams to be heard twice weekly. An- nouncements by members of the firm's own Victory Loan Committee got prom- inent spots in the program continuity. What the Borden Co. contributed to the drive over CKOC was a one-tiinc shot. Featured in the half-hour broad- cast was the Boruen Golden Crest Male Choir made up of company employees. Prc-program build up: catchy announce- ments spotted at times to catch the larg- est possible listening audience. Under the sponsorship of the UwrrEi) Gas and Fuel Co., This is Our Enemy was aired over (^KOC as a special Vi(- lory Lojin scries. F'.specially adapted for use on this particular occasion, the half- hour broadcasts were heard weekly for three weeks. Two minute talks by mem- bers of the Hamilton Victory Loan Committee urged the purchase of more bonds to Speed the Victory. SUSTAINING Portland, Ore. From Uncle Sam to KOIN and its Portland, Ore., listeners came a heart felt ''Thanks a million for a mil- lion." Initiation of leaders from the State and County Bond offices, industries, labor groups, stores and organizations who are credited with the sale, or promotion of the sale, of a million greenbacks in War Bonds, is the main prop for the weekly broadcasts. Initiates have something to get chesty about: each member of the Million Dollar Club is presented with a gold- plated Treasiny Department lapel pin, and an engraved certificate of membership. Brief, dignified ceremony in- cludes thanks from the Treasury Department and from the Oregon War Savings Staff, and a charge to the can- didate to continue his efforts. Member- ship candidates are determined by re- ports from a secret committee of three members of the State War Bond office who have access to actual Bond records. FYom one to three candidates are taken in to the organization on each broad- cast. Candidates are presented as repre- sentatives of the individual piuchasers of Wiir Stamps and Bonds who make such records possible. Featinxs which while away the ^^0 mi nines include the KOIN orchestra; staff chorus or male quartet; soprano, tenor or baritone soloists; brief War Bond news flashes; a report from a school boy on school sales; interview with candidate, and pledge of member- ship. Studio applause and laughter keep broadcasts informal. COMMENT: Since listener res})onse has been stepped up with each new cam- j)aign, here is finther evidence on the \alue of repetition in advertising. 50 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP ring 'em Back Live Open CompetitiDn a Shot in the Arm as Special Promotian For Daily Radio Program Aired by the M. D'Neil Co., Akron w HiLE the M. O'Neil Co., Akron, O., department store, has two daily programs on the air, it believes in keeping its WADC radio offerings alive and going. With public interest in the news at an all time high, O'Neil's didn't have to worry about its week-day news program. Its daily program of organ music and ad lib remarks by Wild Oscar, personality organist from Loew's Theatre, was something else again. O'Neil's was satisfied with tlie listen- er ratings on its musical offering, but it wanted to maintain that level. O'Neil's came up with its WADC Auditions Show as a special promotion for its regular daily radio program. What the special contest and program achieved for O'Neil's regular radio of- fering: new local personalities and extra entertainment into several programs. For the store, the contest was also a community good will builder and a civic gesture. The WADC Auditions was an open competition for amateur and profession- al talent of all types. Prizes totaled S200 cash and a gold trophy. How successful was O'Neil's in its efforts to create in- terest in live talent? Nearly 300 acts were auditioned by co-sponsor \V^\DC! One month before the winners were to be announced, \V^A.DC began an an- nouncement campaign asking for ap- plicants. Promotion for the Auditions Show began in two weeks. When the auditions were held, the judges had to select the ten semi-finalists. It all led up to the big show held in the ballroom of the Mayflower Hotel, to w^hich 600 tickets were sold at 50 cents. The pro- ceeds went to the United \Var Chest Fund. In addition to the appearance of the ten semi-finalists, the program featured an orchestra and CBS News Analyst Joseph C. Harsch. Fifteen minutes of the program was aired over WADC, and at the conclusion of the program, the five winners were selected. For a week after the auditions were held, one of the five winners appeared each day on the O'Neil program with Wild Oscar. Announcement of winners and presentation of awards from the stage of LoEW^'s Theatre were also broadcast over the airwaves, just one month after the contest was first announced. What O'Neil's had achieved in 30 days was a shot in the arm for its daily radio program that would last for 52 weeks. ► • A far cry from the old fashioned amateur show was the WADC Auditions as this close-up of the stage indicates. Semi-finalists played to a full house. FEBRUARY, 1944 • (Above) . . . Corner locations get customers coming and going for Pantaze Drug Stores. Its corner on news is part of a hard hitting ad-campaign. Merchandise moves fast from the Pantaze shelves when radio cries the wares. News on the Hour Fits Variety Ad Schedule for Pantaze Drug Stores © rugs WHIN the Pantaze Drug Stores planned its radio campaii^ii niore than a year ago, it feU that domination of the Mem- phis, Tenn., market was a keystone lor radio siuxess. It wanted a radio schedide in which the listener woidd eomplelely identify Pantaze with its radio oHering. To achieve this goal, Pantaze seieded a schednle ol news programs over W^HBQ. The word sdicdiilc puts it mildlv. What Pantaze took on was the entire W'HBQ news schedide, consisting of 15 daily shows. Of these, 1 1 are three-minute headline spots, plus a mid-morn- ing and mid-afternoon five-minute analysis, and a morning and exening ir)-minu(e news edition. VwW page ad\ertisemenls in two Memphis newspapers l)i()ke (he news lo the |)nhh'( al the outset of the (ampaign. W li\ ticws? No longei" does a morning or an evening news- paj)ei sulhcc the pid)li(. Moic and more, radio has trained it to exjx'd, and get, frecjuem news l)unelins. VVitli its news-on-the- liour s(he{hile from 8:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M., plus the more com- j)l(te newscasts throughout tlie (la\. Pantaze was confident that it would ha\(' tlie audience it wanted in its advertising campaign. J lie lac t that at tlie end of .52 weeks Paniaze renewed its sched- 52 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP iews News by NDRTDN RDSENGARTEN, Acct. Exec, Lake-Spiro-Shurman Adv. Agency liie ior another year indicates that the se- lection was justified. Results are, with- out question, concrete and discernible. AVhat are the factors which ha\e helped create a successful campaign? One element undoubtedly is careful editing into a short style. Copy is pared to the bone and shaped to crowd in as much of the news as possible into the news bulletins. \\'hile all news comes from the Associated Press Service, the copy is rewritten to give the WHBQ newscasts an original and fresh ap- proach. Tlie short style and spread of imusualfy numerous spots to obtain the effect of a dense schedide has certainly sohed the problem of holding listener interest in the Pantaze news broadcasts. Another element that has been advan- tageous is that the radio schedule lends itself to the wide variety of commodities which Pantaze stocks. To keep the dif- ferent items before the public variety advertising is necessary, and the radio schedule is perfectly adapted to this ne- cessity. Commercials are light, and while they don't detract from the listener's interest in the news, they do focus attention properly on Pantaze stores. Most of the commercials are of an institutional na- ture, but the headline spots are used oc- casionally to push a particular item for an entire day, w^ith extraordinary results. \Var has brought radio the biggest audience in its history. News has done it. The advertiser who picks news not only gets a ready-built audience recep- ti\e to his sales message, but he also per- forms a public service. FEBRUARY, 1944 53 ay It In Spanish : f Lowenstein's Department Store, Memphis, Tenn., Plays the Good Neighbor, Builds Sales and Good Will with Transcrihed Series THERE s more to a radio program than buying time. To achieve ^ ■■■^-■i -^ radio success, aU adver- ^Jffit^ tising activities in an media must be coordi- nated. With that as its major premise, Lowen- stein's Department Store, Memphis, Tenn., set out to make WMPS hsteners sit up and take notice. The program that Lowenstein's offered was Let's Learn Spanish, a Time & Life transcribed series. What Lowenstein's set out to do was to build a large audience, and it wanted that audience available with the first broadcast. Promotion did the trick. Newspaper publicity was the first step, and the Press-Scimitar assigned a staff writer to cover the program. For two weeks preceding the first broadcast, the Press-Scimitar ran daily stories about the series. On the opening night, the news- paper ran a full page streamer across the bottom of page one with time-and-sta- tion data! Newspaper advertising was also used to good advantage, and for two weeks, Press-Scimitar readers saw a series of teaser ads, and Lowenstein's program tie-ins with its regular advertisements. Direct mail was also a part of the cam- paign, and the program department of Time sent letters to people whose names WMPS had submitted. One week before the first broadcast, an additional thou- sand letters supplied by Time on Time letterhead were sent to civic groups, edu- cators, dubs, and city officials. As a part of the build-up, Lovvi.Nsn.iN's j>laced a display in its most pioniiucnt -window. Nor was radio itself over-looked. Dur- ing the two week campaign, WMPS car- ried five or six announcements daily, first as teasers, later as out-and-out pro- moters. A number of the announcements were transcribed; attention- getting sound effects and several voices empha- sized travel in South America after the War and stressed the fact that Let's Learn Spanish was an easy way to learn the language. AV^ith these tie-ups, there was only one additional method by which the audi- ence could be built, but it was invalu- able. That was word-of-mouth. Arrange- ments were made with representatives of schools, civic clubs, the Board of Education, and the Chamber of Com- merce for a private prevue of the pro- gram on the Monday before the series started its 13-week educational course. From this meeting, Lowenstein's se- cured permission to insert a story in the Superintendent's Bulletin to reach all teachers in the city. Club women inter- ested in Latin American affairs also spread the word among leading civic and social clubs. Along with its promotional efforts for the program, Lowenstein's also pro- moted the sale of a Let's Learn Spanish booklet offered in connection with the course. The booklets, available only in Lowenstein's Book Department, were offered for one dollar each, and the first week the program was heard, Lowen- stein's sold 1,000 copies! Ade(|uate backing had done in Mem- pliis what had been accomplished in other cities. 54 RADIO SHOWMANSH IP Advertising as usual went out Xm with business as usual, all ot which introduces a story of new radio showmanship. The most re- cent chapter of the story concerns the Knapp-Monarch Co., St. Louis, Mo., which stopped making elec- trical appliances to go into war work. The company found that even without goods to sell, as a war plant it still had a selling problem with workers; it wanted workers to work hard for the war effort, and it wanted more workers. That's where KSD stepped in. With a Missouri Show Me spirit, Knapp-Monarch wanted to know how radio could help meet its man- power shortage and build morale of its workers. KSD designed a thrice-weekly series of quarter-hour shows with Russ David and KSD's 11-piece staff orchestra. Naturally, entertainment had to be the foun- dation of the programs, and the KSD orchestra had proved its en- tertainment value in regular NBC network broadcasts on St. Louis Serenade. With good music as the founda- tion, script writers had to build the program's superstructure. First came the employee morale angle. Scripts did two things: pointed out what former Knapp-Monarch em- ployees were doing in the armed forces, and reported on vital war jobs done by those who remained on the production line. The object was simple: by parallel (not comparison) it was expected that Knapp-Monarch employees would un- derstand that their job was part of win- ning the war, as much a part as that of former workers now fighting overseas. The company publication tied-in with this program idea by printing similar items about the fighting and working employees, along with an advertisement of Knapp-Monarch's "own radio show." Next came the problem of writing ef- fective labor recruiting appeals, based on what a person would want in look- ing for a job in the midst of war. Scripts stress these opportunities for Knapp- When Radio Wields the Baton, Timely Appeals for Workers Step Up Employee Morale for the Knapp-Monarch Co., St. Louis Monarch workers: (1) a chance to do important war work, (2) the probabil- ity of a peace time job when the com- pany returns to making electrical goods, (3) an opportunity for "learning while earning" and for rapid advancement, and (4) last but not least, good transpor- tation to the war plant. FEBRUARY, 1944 55 There was the added question of reaching the special reahii ot woman- power. \Vomanpower is special in this way: many women still teel, twentieth centur\ and war conditions notwith- standing\ that industrial work is not for the distalf side. How KSD got around these problems k shown briefly in these excerpts from several broadcast appeals for workers: ''There are many loays of doing your share in the war effort . . . buying bonds . . . giving to the com- munity war chest . . . doing volun- teer work. But there is one place right noxo where YOU are needed . . . i)i essential industry. When you choose Knapp-Monarch Company, you'll find yourself joining a loyal- ■tninded crew of men and women who know where they are going . . . K))i the road to victory . . . and who 'know the fastest luay to get there! ■Soldiers in overalls and slacks, if you pltase, but just as important as any soldier. "At KM, xvomen operate Jnige punch presses . . . great machines of production that women nex)er oper- ated before. ''Knapp-Monarch is now training and employing men and zoom en for well paid jobs. Knapp-MonarcJt trains you under actual shop con- (ditions . . . and you earn while you learn . . . receive a phy- sical examination xvithout charge . . . "There is a?! opportunity ^q do sometliing to help the ;?ear effort and to carry rr^hl oji after victory is won . ^ . m an industry where working conditions are good . . . wliere advancement is rapid. "You can reacJi the Knapp- Monarch plant by simply taking a street car or bus . . . transferring to the Arsenal street bus . . ." Results? Surely! riie first program produced new job applications for the sponsor. And the first few shows brought in enough ne^v workers so that Knapp-Monarch was able to withdraw the employment ap- peals, at least temporarily. Less definite but just as real is the response to the morale angle. At lunch hours, Knapp- Monarch's workers have listened en- thusiastically to KSD's transcriptions of Tempos of Today played on the plant's public address system. Incidental to these program aims, but fully as important, is the value of the shows' institutional advertising. There is no direct advertising of products, of course. There are no products to sell. But KSD is spreading the Knapp-Monarch name before people who will want to buy electrical appliances after the war. And the broadcasts are building good will in this future market b\ describing the sponsor's con tri bin ion to the war effort. 56 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP AIRING THE NEW New radio programs worth reading about. No result figures as yet. Beverages WHAT'S YOURS When WWL listeners in New Orleans, La., hear What's Yours, the answer is Regal Beer. Keeping that answer on the tip of the listener's tongue for the American Brewing Co. is piano stylist Claire Nunn, with smooth and boogie-woogie vocal and keyboard num- bers. Regal radio formula includes three different shows a week, each heard at the same time of the day. Those who tune in What's Yours for Monday night lis- tening pleasure, get Talk of the Town each Wednesday evening. What the town talks about is a mixture of a featured singer from a local night spot with dram- atizations of personalities and happen- ings on the war fronts. During the football season, Regal's Fri- day night offering is Eddie i^y Reed's Football Fore(ast. " air FAX: Sponsor: American Brewing Co. Station: WWL, New Orleans, La. Power: 50,000 watts. Population: 473,225. COMMENT: With a variety of program offerings, sponsors enlarge the listener horizon, get a greater penetration into the market. With just such devices is mass distribution estal)lished and main- tained. Department Stares MAY COMPANY PRESENTS None can question the fact that the right introduc- lions gel resuhs. For the May (Company, Denver, Col., department store, Fifrfuinii; Heroes of the U. S. Na-oy over KOA led to more than a speaking accpiaintance with radio. When a quarter-hour morn- ing period opened up, May Co. hastened to take advantage of this chance to in- troduce itself to KOA's listeners. Six times weekly The May Company Pre- sents a bit of this and that to suit varied tastes and interests. Between merchandising reports by KOA staff writer Evadna Hammersley a duo piano team plays current hits and old favorites. For the benefit of those who haven't braved the elements at 8:45 A.M., announcer Jack Flitchcock gives a brief weather report at the start of the show. At the mid-point there's a salute to army and navy heroes from Colorado. Tribute is paid to men who have died in battle, service men who have been cited for heroism beyond the call of duty, or to Coloradoans who have re- ceived promotions in rank. Names and addresses are read. Near the sign-off an- nouncer Fiitchcock presents a minute of news highlights to round out the pro- gram. AIR FAX: Formulated and scripted by versatile Evadna Hammersley, the show is produced under the direc- tion of production manager T. Ellsworth Stepp. First Broadcast: November 1, 1943. Broadcast Schedule: Monday through Saturday, 8:45- 9:00 A.M. sponsor: The May Co. Station: KOA, Denver, Col. Power: 50,000 watts. Population: 303,273. COMMENT: While with- out doubt the straight mer- chandising and music com- bination does a good piece of business for advertisers, the tune-in is increased in direct ratio to the amount of entertain- ment added to the format. Series here is a skillful blend of both. Department Stores MUSICAL MOMENTS Making the most of its Musical Moments is McCallum's Department Store, Holyoke, Mass. When McCallum's set out to measure results in terms of time units instead of FEBRUARY, 1944 57 units of type, it put AVHYN to the acid test. Each of the daily five-minute fea- tures pushes a special value. More than satisfied from returns is McCallum's. Response indicates that for pushing spe- cial values, radio has a special value. Format includes two selections of pop- ular concert music. Middle open minute carries the commercial wallop. As a pub- lic service feature, McCallum's surrend- ers its 60 seconds of commercial time for holidays, civic drives, w^ar bond appeals and blood bank requests. AIR FAX: Music is transcribed. First Broadcast: September 13, 1943. Broadcast Schedule: Daily except Sunday, 6:25-6:30 P.M. Preceded By: According to the Record. Followed By: Christian Science World News. Sponsor: McCallum's Departmentt Store. Station: WHYN. Holyoke, Mass. Power: 250 watts. Population: 5 3,750. COMMENT: It isn't the amount of time but what is done with the time that spells radio success. Advertiser here has an easy and inexpensive to produce pro- gram with everything it takes to carry its own weight salesw^ise. Drug Products FACES AND PLACES IN THE NEWS "Where have I seen you before" is a question that represents human frailty. The facial contours may be familiar but the only spark it creates is one of luicasi- ness. Proving that the right introduc- tions get results is the KHJ two-year-old feature now under the Vicks banner. To give Los Angeles, Cal., listeners the low- down on Faces and Places in the News is the purpose of the quarter-hour fea- ture heard t hi ice weekly. AIR FAX: Faces behind the faces in the news include news editor Jack Desch; feature writer Howard Cul- ver and writer-producer Pat Kelly. First Broadcast: 1941. Broadcast Schedule: T-Th-S, 9:30-9:45 P.M. Preceded By: Gabriel Heatter. Followed By: Variety. Sponsor: Vicks. Station: KHJ, Los Anjjeles, Cal. Power: 5,000 watts. Population: 1,497,074. Agency: Batton, Barton, Durstin 8C Osborne, New York. COMMENT: With news developing thick and fast from every quarter of the globe, the crying need is for interpretation. Advertisers who use this method to keep their names before the public also get a splendid chance tto interpret their own businesses. Drug Products YOUR HOME TOWN NEWS While af- fairs of state crowd all else from the local new^s sheets, little people and places still make news. When Grove Laboratories, Inc. took on fotn^ news shows on KGW, Portland, Ore., it didn't forget the little people. With a quarter-hour of straight news, a Day Foster commentary, and a Labor A^eios series, Grove strengthened the bridge between product and constimer with Your Home Town News. A ten- miniue summary of news from the Pa- cific Northwest, the series features items that aren't carried on other newscasts throughout the day. AIR FAX: First Broadcast: 1941. Broadcast Schedule: Monday through Friday, 10:15- 10:25 P.M. Preceded By: News. Followed By: Music. Sponsor: Grove Laboratories, Inc. Station: KGW, Portland, Ore. Power: 5,000 watts. Population: 305,349. COMMENT: News as stich is a large package. Radio advertisers who put their money on news broadcasts can winnow out the type of news broadcast best suited to their needs. Here is one des- tined from the start to catch the ear of the little man. Furriers LONGMIRE REPORTS For the past 32 Ncais. the C^anadian Fur Co., Johns- town, Pa., lias put the accent note on (jiiahty. When it tinned to radio and WjAC^, what it wanted was a program with the accent on the same note. Long- rnire Reports was the foxey sohition for Canadian Firs. Listeners get a network newscast direct from the nation's capitol 58 RADIO S HO WM ANSH I P five times a week. Sponsor gets a 40-sec- ond opening identification, a ()()-second middle commercial and an 8()-second closing annoiuicement. Commercials of an institutional na- ture stress quality. Another key to the announcement series is the "locally- owned" angle. That it is the right com- bination is indicated by the fact that at the end of the first IS weeks, owner David Pinsky signed again. Pre-an- nouncements and newspaper ads in two Johnstown dailies plugged the Canadian- Fur sponsorship, although the series had run on WJAC as a sustainer before the NBC series was made available as a local feature. AVindow displays also turned listeners the Canadian Fur way. AIR FAX: Series is an NBC feature available to affiliated stations for local sponsorship. First Broadcast: October 1, 1943. Broadcast Schedule: Monday through Friday, 1:45-2:00 P.M. Preceded By: Dance Music. Followed By: The Guiding Light. Sponsor: Canadian Fur Co. Station: WJAC, Johnstown, Pa. Power: 250 watts. Population: 105,265. COMMENT: Sponsor here had the ad- vantage of an established audience, and his only problem was to acquaint that audience with his sponsorship. Wisely, advertiser determined in advance the elements to keynote the commercial mes- sage, lets these keynotes snowball to tre- mendous proportions through the sheer weight of repetition. Furriers PETE'S KITCHEN W^hile a variety of sponsors play host in Pete's Kitchen, they all share in his recipe for sticcess. On the theory that too many cooks spoil the broth, participating sponsorship is restricted to eight accounts on the 6:30 A.M. program. In the early morning show, emcee Bud Baldwin carries on a monologue with various mythical customers, in the course of the one-sided conversation rings in the sponsor's message. Transcribed in the kitchen of one of the local hotels was the background sound platter used during the kitchen patter. Between announcements and jokes, Dayton, O., listeners hear tran- scribed music supposedly supplied by a jtike box. Juke box sound effect is achieved with a pay station phone box and a two-bit piece. That AV^HIO listeners take realistic sound effects to heart is indicated by the fact that listeners write asking to drop in for a cup of Java. \\^hilc coffee and toast may be mythical, no figment of the imagination are sponsor returns. While Ludlow Furs and Bilmar Loan crossed their fingers, hoped for the best from such an early morn- ing participation, pleasant was their stirprise when up- ped sales indicated that Pete's KitcJien dished up the gravy. air FAX: Basically a Breakfast in Bed- lam with a few new ideas tossed in is the 60-niinute early morning inter- val. Broadcast Schedule: Saturday, 6:30- 7:30 A.M. Preceded By: Music. Followed By: News. Sponsor: Ludlow Furs; Bilmar Loan; Bob's Shoes; Hearthstone Service; Krug Certified Bread; Weiler Welding; Da Vue Theatre; Arrow Wine. Station: WHIO, Dayton, O. Power: 5,000 watts. Population: 225,609. COMMENT: For advertisers with limited budgets, the participating program offers tremendous possibilities. Extra listener bonus for early morning participations: wartime work schedules. With money in its pockets, the rooster's audience is one well worth cultivating. Groceries WAR CORRESPONDENT On the home front, Food Fights for Freedom. On the battlefield, the men in uniform fight the same battle for freedom with tanks, guns and planes. Because the two must fight together, the Kuner-Empson Company OF Colorado, canners of Colorado grown fruits and vegetables, took to KOA with the transcribed feature, War Correspondent. FEBRUARY, 1944 59 Denver, Col., listeners listen in on the heroic stories of a new kind ot American hero whose only ammunition is pen and pad. Based on the exclusive reports of the JVar Correspondents of the Associ- ated Press, AV^ide World, and the Ca- nadian Press, the dramatized reports bring listeners history at first hand. Heroes are the War Correspondents who daily risk their lives to bring news of America's fight for freedom. Commercials relate the victory contri- bution of war correspondents to the Kuner-Empson contribution to victory through food packed and canned, sent on to the armed forces. Stressed is the fact that the bumper crop of peas, corn, tomatoes, beans, pumpkin, other Colo- rado grown produce, was harvested by businessmen and women during vaca- tions and free time. To produce a bimiper crop of listen- ers, screen trailers in Fox Denver and Inter-Mountain Theatres got the at- tention of devotees of the silver screen. Cards on the entire fleet of Yellow Taxis added to the fanfare. Courtesy announcements and merchandising let- ters to grocers also reaped a liarvest of listeners. AIR FAX: Featured in the all-star cast is John B. Kennedy and Jimmy Wallington. A 35-piece orches- tra provides the theme music. Series is a sequel to Eye Witness News. First Broadcast: April 29, 1943. Broadcast Schedule: Thursday, 9:15-9:30 P.M. Preceded By: Fred Waring. Followed By: Skippy Hollywood Theatre. sponsor: Kuner-Empson Co. Station: KG A, Denver, Col. Power: 50,000 watts. Population: 303,273. Producer: Frederic W. Ziv. COMMENT: Rich in entertainment \aliic, high in public morale content is a program vvhidi brings to dramatic life the slor\ ol ihc world wide conflict which is Icli in every village and hamlcl the world over. Sponsor here has the ad- V am age of a nelwork cast and program al piiiciv locti (osls. hall, the Concert Hall has one advantage over the music hall. AVhile the audience for poptilar music is a transient one, those who frequent the Concert Hall are apt to see the same old faces from one year to the next. For this loyal group Scout Cabin Products wields the baton in its nightly 45 minutes of better music. Brief and to the point are the institti- tional commercials: "If your dealer could not supply the Scout Cabin Prod- uct of your choice today, please try again tornorroxv." While the Concert Hall has been a standard feature of WAOV since start of operations in 1940, Scout Cabin sponsorship is the first time that a note of commercialism has been sounded. Mtisic comes for the World and Lanc WoRiH libraries. First Broadcast: October 10, 1943. Daily, including Sunday, 9:00- AIR FAX Broadcast Schedule 9:45 P.M. Preceded By: Dancing Along Wabash Followed By: Sign-Off News. Sponsor: Scout Cabin Products. Station: WAOV, Vincennes, Ind. Power: 250 watts. Population: 18,228. COMMENT: The tremendous nicrease in instilulional advertising has seen some of the best in local racUo come in- to its own. While i^rograms of this kind goi ihe (old shoulder from advertisers with a selling canijjaign to push, the man with nothing to sell wants a |)res- lige l)uilding piogram in line Avilh the institutional line. GriiDuries CONCERT HALL Although it docs not need I lie scaling capacitv ol I lie music MiiiiufaLturers OUR TOWN While visiting firemen get a gicat big hand, the men who give char- actci and meaning to Our Town are 60 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP often unsung heroes who conlribulc their bit without benefit of lanfare. llianks to the Nkvv England Scrkvv C^o., VVKNE hsteners are taken behind the scenes to watch such [ohn Does in action. To all civic, social and fraternal organizations and service clubs went the invitation to make this weekly half-hour feature their mouthpiece. On each broadcast, some one organization has the chance to present its story. What the 30 organizations have in common with New England Screw Co.: the aim and purpose to promote the best interests of Keene, N. H. From the Y.M.C.A. come young peo- ple to tell of their work in the organ- ization. A joint convention of the Mayor and Board of Alderman and the Com- mon Cotnicil took listeners behind the scenes for a glimpse of city government in action. AIR FAX: First Broadcast: November 21, 1943. Broadcast Schedule: Sunday, 8:00-8:30 P.M. Preceded By: We the People. Followed By: Crime Doctor. Sponsor: New England Screw Co. Station: WKNE, Keene, N. H. Power: 5,000 watts. Population: 13,832. COMMENT: Programs of the kind here bolster that very community pride which is essential for business enterprise. GrDceries UNCLE AL AND CHARLIE Uncle Al to kids of every age in the KFNF listening area, he doesn't care of fig newton if his popularity is threatened by Charlie the Studio Cat. The two are inseparable, and when the imaginary white cat ran away from his grandma's catnip farm near Pussycat Hollow, Neb., ended up in Shenandoah, la., it was Uncle Al who befriended him. Currently he purrs for Amred Products, Omaha, Neb., gets a saucer of milk five times a week for yeo- man service in keeping up the demand for Comic Popped Wheat. Results from contests and returns from proof-of-pur- chase offers proved to Amred that Uncle Al and (ihailie are moic ihan (i^mcnis of (he imaginalion. C^liarlie goes to kitniii^dytcii , is under the lutelage of Miss Esmerelda Pickens. His playmates include ''Roger, the C-A-L-F," whose father is a tobacco salesman whose picture often appears on billboards. The entire quarter-hour is an utter fantasy with animals talking, otherwise acting like human beings. air FAX: Broadcast Schedule: Monday through Satur- day, 6:00-6:15 P.M. Preceded By: Music. Followed By: Music. Sponsor: Amred Products Co., Omaha, Neb. Station: KFNF, Shenandoah, la. Power: 1,000 watts (d). Population: 6,846. COMMENT: Ihat blood and thunder serials aren't the only direct routes to the youthful ear is proved by programs of this variety. While advertisers have found the wisdom of penetrating the home through the good will of the small fry, sponsors who rely on offerings which cause the blood pressure to raise sales often incur the wrath of parents and teachers. Men's Wear HERE'S THE LATEST AVhile most ad- vertising capitalizes on a youthful ap- peal, today's advertisers find that the man with grey in his hair also has an ear for what is up-to-the-minute and timely. To fathers and the older men, Furmbilt Clothes, with stores in Cali- fornia and LUah, offers Here's the Latest over KDYL, Salt Lake City, Utah. Each program highlights the latest FEBRUARY, 1944 61 \U # FURMBILT store window displays a mannequin standing before a KDYL mike with a news ticker at his side. news in sports, motion pictures, books, music, styles, other timely subjects. Each news bit is introduced with the phrase: "Here's the latest in . . ." While man- ager Le Roy Furman geared the show to hit the older men between the eyes, a portion of the program is aimed straight at young men working in war plants with extra dough for good clothes. Commercials are worked into the continuity as news items on the lat- est men's fashions. AIR FAX: Announcers Ray Ovington and Glenn Har- ris handle the mike chores on the weekly quarter- hour. First Broadcast: October 23, 1943. Broadcast Schedule: Wednesday, 6:30-6:45 P.M. Preceded By: News. Followed By: News. Sponsor: Furmbilt Clothes. Station: KDYL, Salt Lake City, Utah. Power: 5,000 watts. Population: 2 38,506. COMMENT: .\{|\ crl isci s who aic la(X(l wiili I lie |>i()l)l(in of replacing lost xoi- ume are finding tliat radio is the quick way to establish a new clientele. While the format here is simple, the elements of shoiomanship in presentation are what make the program effective. SAMPLE SCRIPT AVAILABLE Shipbuilders DOWN THE WAYS While adventure on the high seas produced such classics of literature as Moby Dick and Seven Years Before the Mast, new chapters in the saga of the sea are being written to- day by men who go down to the sea in ships. In Portland, Ore., many of these men sail on ships fitted by the Buckler Chapman Co., a shipfitting firm which outfits the Kaiser ships built in the Portland area. To keep public relations on an even keel, keep employee morale out of dry dock, Buckler Chapman turned to KEX, launched a 30-minute weekly show. Listeners tune-in a dramatic ac- count of true stories of the sea brought back by men of the Merchant Marine who land in Portland. AVeekly advertise- ments in the Portland Oregonian help rouse the interest of the landlubbers. AIR FAX: Program director Homer Welch pilots the institutional craft, keeps everything ship-shape. Piping the tunes for the tars is the KEX staff orchestra. First Broadcast: September 29, 1943. Broadcast Schedule: Wednesday, 7:30-8:00 P.M. Preceded By: This Is Your Business. Followed By: Watch the World Go By. Sponsor: Buckler Chapman Co. Station: KEX, Portland, Ore, Power: 5,000 watts. Population: 305,349. COMMENT: Loaded to the gunnels with a heavy cargo of good w'ill is the institu- tional vessel, and advertisers who book passage today are assured a successful crossing to the land of plenty. Shoes CHILDREN ANALYZE THE NEWS See- ing ihc sinall fry in a new light are WLAC lisUMcrs Nashville, Tenn. 62 RADIO SHOWMANSH IP When Bell's Booteries took to the air- waves, it put reverse English on the old adage that ''children should be seen and not heard," came out with Children Analyze the News. Six public school youngsters take up topics of national interest, give vent to their own opinions in a roundtable dis- cussion on each of the weekly broad- casts. Selection of the panel is deter- mined within the various Nashville schools, is based on the six best in- formed, most alert moppets between the ages of ten and 13 years. No script is used, but a brief discussion before air time gets the youngsters warmed up, rarin' to go. Strictly a newspaper advertiser until WLAC came up with Children Analyze the News was Bell's Booteries. After a short trial period with the novelty fea- ture, store manager Rue Roberts went way out on the limb, not only signed on the dotted line for 52 weeks, but also bought two additional programs. Other programs to which Bell's Booteries name is now signed: a Sunday half-hour of Memories that Linger, and a weekly half-hour musical show. Little direct selling is written into commercials. The ball that store man- ager Roberts wants to keep in motion: the good will of the younger generation for future business. Example: "Bell's Booteries knows the kinds of shoes children love . . . and their experts are able to fit them in the exact sizes they should wear. So, boys and girls, keep these facts in mind when you come to town with Mother and Dad for your new shoes. Ask them to visit Bell's Booteries with you, and see the different styles in Simplex Flexies and Vitality Shoes." Opening and closing commercials are handled by announcers. AIR FAX: Program director Paul Oliphant handles the show, stands by ready to give the youthful commen- tators the helping hand. Broadcast Schedule: Thursday, 5:15-5:30 P.M. Sponsor: Bell's Booteries. Station: WLAC, Nashville, Tenn. Power: 50,000 watts. Population: 167,402. COMMENT: High in favor with educa- tors lor their educational value arc })ro- grams of this kind. While the program here is directed to the children, it is also interesting and entertaining for adults. Theatres THEATRE TIPS When Interstate Theatres took on KTBC for its press agent in Austin, Tex., it took a tip from its own claim to fame, ie, 'Tour Best Bets in Entertainment," saw to it that its week-day quarter-hour stacked up to the same level. What it gives listeners in addition to the commercial listing of current pictures includes a round-up of Hollywood news, and hit music from a current picture. Patter between an- nouncer and femme-announcer on the merits of Interstate Theatres works in the commercial the painless way. Original format included a telephone call to a name picked at random from the telephone book. If it were a lucky day for the person dialed he could tell what was playing at a certain Inter- state Theatre, was thereby made rich- er by two free tickets. air FAX: Format: Theme; announcement of program; patter between narrator and announcer; current show list by announcer; round-up of Hollywood news by narrator; show tune from a current picture; more Hollywood news; a longer, more complete listing of current Austin pictures by narrator; sign-off, and theme. First Broadcast: June 18, 1943. Broadcast Schedule: Monday through Saturday, 10:30-10:45 A.M. Preceded By: Music. Followed By: Music. sponsor: Interstate Theatres. Station: KTBC, Austin, Tex. Power: 1,000 watts. Population: 87,930. COMMENT: As the motion picture in- dustry itself makes greater use of radio to publicize individual pictures, distrib- utors will find it profitable to capitalize on this additional fanfare through the medium of a consistent radio schedule. All to the good here is the close tie-up between the advertised product and the program content. FEBRUARY, 1944 63 SHOWMANSCOOPS RADIO SHOWMANSHIP welcomes unusual photo- graphs of merchandising stunts used by businessmen to promote listener interest in their radio programs. Tune-In Tune-Ups '''^ ■t:^4^ ^/ • (Left) . . . Fighting men in the South Pa- cific had something with which to barter as a result of a one-time request on Romance of the Highways, a KFRC feature aired for GREY- HOUND BUS LINES. Commander A. W. Scott, commentator, and Phyllis Neumann check over packages of listener-sent junk jew- elry. • (Below) . . . When KWLM, Willmar, Minn., set out to promote Gracie Fields Victory Show it did so with a vengeance. For five weeks president-manager H. W. Linder (left) and promotion manager Gil Frayseth were as busy as one-armed paper hangers. Promotionotions: distribution of free packs of PALL MALL cigarettes with a special audience promotion sticker; a picture hi-lite in KWLM's Radio Guide; sound car tie-in with Holy Matrimony, starring Gracie Fields; 500 letters to cigarette dealers; 272 radio announcements, and 67 newspaper advertisements. 64 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP MAY CO Tune Up Tune-In OFFICIAL DtSTRIBaTORS • (Above) . . . Fighting heroes and members of their families get the spot-light in the KOA weekly half-hour feature for the MAY CO., Denver, Col. To keep the tune-in tuned up, sponsor uses window displays (center). (For story, see RS, January, 1944, p. 25). mm NAVY PR€S€-NT »tt«E* W • (Below) . . . When the Desert Warrior, her bombing crew from Italian cam- paigns, arrived in Salt Lake City, Utah, to give the morale of UTAH OIL REFIN- ING CO. High Oc- tane Plant workers a shot in the arm, KDYL covered every phase of the event. Entire proceedings were condensed into a 15-minute program which gave listeners an overall picture of activities. FEBRUARY, 1944 65 WHAT THE PROGRAM DID FOR ME^^ This is the businessman's own department. RADIO SHOW- MANSHIP invites radio advertisers to exchange results and reactions to radio programs for their mutual benefit. Groceries MUSICAL CLOCK "I have found that intelligent use of radio as an advertising medium the best, if not in my case, the only medium to acquaint the public with what Pay 'n' Save Super Market has to offer. Radio has something that other advertising methods cannot offer. That is instantaneous publicity. When- ever I am able to make an advantageous purchase of fresh fruits or perisliables of any kind, I can acquaint the consum- er with this fact immediately throtigh the use of radio. If I had to wait to put my message into print, the stock would perhaps spoil before it could be moved. I would lose and the public would lose. "Radio has established mass selling at Pay 'n' Save and through mass sell- ing as in mass production, I can afford to keep prices down. Nor have I found radio advertising to be expensive. It is the cheapest form of advertising possi- ble, and moves merchandise faster and with less effort than any other advertis- ing media. I have tried just about all the advertising media and I feel that I know what I'm talking about." FRANK REARDON, OWNER Pay 'n' Save Super Market Butte, Mont. AIR FAX: Pay 'n' Save uses every trick in the radio book, is on the air through-out the day. Sponsor: Pay 'n' Save Super Market. Station: KGIR, Butte, Mont. Power: 5,000 watts. Population: 67,883. COMMENT: Mere is one advertiser who answers ilic (juestion of whether radio can work for a nudti-operation store with :i loud, cmplialic affirmative. It didn'l l;ikc j(i( h lo build this house. It was the selection of the right medium and the proper use of that medium that did the trick. Home Furnishings SPOT ANNOUNCEMENTS "We have done considerable advertising over both Detroit and Toledo stations during the past several years and the most effective program we have used to date has been a one-minute transcription of a one-way telephone conversation. Various conver- sations are carried on, but at no time is the price of furniture mentioned. "The woman carrying on the tele- phone conversation tells her friends or relatives abotit the beauty of the Floral City Furniture showroom, and com- ments on the various styles of furniture. In some instances she brings oiu the point that she has just visited the show- room and made a selection of various pieces. On some occasions she advises her friends that delivery has just been made by the Floral City Furniture Co. van and that she is getting her house settled. Of course she tells them how beautiful the house looks. AV^e have now used this program for the past 12 months and re- sponse has been very good." H. F. GERTZ Secretary-Treasurer Floral City Furniture Co., Inc. Monroe, Mich. AIR FAX: A regular schedule of spot announcements is used. Sponsor: Floral City Furniture Co., Inc., Monroe, Mich. COMMENT: For the advertiser who wants to be certain that his commercial message will be given exactly as he in- tends it to be heard, transcribed an- nouncements tailor-made for his busi- ness are the answer. By means of tran- scriptions tlic sponsor (an achieve dra- matic and attention getting announce- ments that are impossibilities when the message is given live. 66 RADIO SHOWM ANSH I P SHOWMANSHIP IN ACTION Promotions and merchandising stunts that will lift a program out of the ordinary. Bakeries SAM ADAMS YOUR HOMEFRONT QUARTERMASTER No man knows the wartime trials and tribulations of the corner grocer better than Sam Adams Your Homefront Quartermaster. Genial Sam knows because he is one himself. To ring the bell with grocers in Vin- cennes, Ind., Bell Bakeries brings Sam, his friends and his customers to WAOV listeners three times weekly. To bring the show into focus for each and every local grocer, Bell stocked its larder, staged a buffet supper for the men and women in the area who provide the housewife with her daily bread. Further indication that Bell Bakeries knew its groceries when it came to radio: window and showcase displays, posters on delivery trucks and direct mail-to- grocers. Bell's sponsorship of the series designed to soften the blow of rationing, scarcities, et al, for grocers, was a boun- tiful spread of strictly unrationed good will. AIR FAX: A tailored, transcribed series, Sam Adams combines first rate entertainment with educational content for the consumer. To keep the educational content Grade A, strictly fresh, the series is cut a week at a time, is aired the following week in all parts of the country by food accounts who are gar- nering good will today for the fruit it will bear to- morrow. First Broadcast: November 8, 1943. Broadcast Schedule: M-W-F, 9:30-9:45 A.M. Preceded By: What's New. Followed By: Markets and News. Sponsor: Bell Bakeries. Station: WAOV, Vincennes, Ind. Power: 250 watts. Population: 18,228. COMMENT: While good will itself is an intangible asset, very tangible are the methods by which it is built. Here is a current, timely series designed to accom- plish (his one purpose. Wisely, sponsor here used everything in the book to call the grocer's attention to its sponsorship. Drug Products WEEK IN REVIEW While mother may rock the cradle, thereby rule the world, the infant in that cradle is the person who rules the roost. To reach His Majes- ty the Baby through his parents, the Wm. W. Lee & Co., makers of Save the Baby, a cold product, offers WSNY lis- teners in Schenectady, N. Y., its envi- rons, a weekly summary of the news. Key that opens the front door for the Wm. W. Lee %z Co.: offer to listeners of a five dollar War Stamp plus a product sample for questions on the news. Those answered on the broadcast draw the bonus. No proof-of-purchase is required. Listeners merely send in questions of general interest, be they on news, science or what-have-you. Commentator, analyst, poet and phi- losopher Jim Healey is the man who presents the weekly parcel of interna- tional and domestic news. Oddities, hu- man interest bits, other items calculated to draw the listener's ear, make up the quarter-hour. While Save the Baby Cold Remedy has for 70 years had a place of honor in the family medicine chest, the Week in Review is the first time Wm. W. Lee has used a network. Program originates from WSNY, is also heard over the New Eng- land Regional Network. Review of mail response indicates that mother and dad lend a willing ear to current events. AIR FAX: Announcer Bob Wallance handles the com- mercials. First Broadcast: October 10, 1943. Broadcast Schedule: Sunday, 4:30-5:00 P.M. Sponsor: Wm. W. Lee, Inc., Watervliet, N. Y. Station: WSNY, Schenectady, N. Y. Agency: Leighton & Nelson Adv. Agcy. COMMENT: For the advertiser who would have his news broadcast cited for sales activity above and beyond the line of duty, merchandising angles provide that something extra which is needed. FEBRUARY, 1944 67 JOHNNY ON THE SPOT News, reviews and tips on spot announcements in this column. STRANGER THAN FICTION W^hen newspapermen first watched radio rear what was to them its ugly head a battle royal w^as a-brewing. Prog- ress was made when the opponents found there was a place in the sun for both. Publishers w^ho took unto them- selves radio stations were the first to wave the white flag of peace. One such media-wise representative of the third estate was the Evejiing Star, owner and operator of WMAL, Washington, D. C. But even hard-shelled newspapermen blinked, sat up and took notice when the Star took up a radio campaign that embraced not only WMAL biu every D. C. radio station! 7 he Star did not want to increase its circulation. The combination of strin- gent curtailment of newsprint and its claim to the largest circulation of any morning or evening newspaper in Wash- ington ruled out circulation increases. \or chd it want increased advertising lineage. W'hen the Star set out on its radio campaign through the Kai. Auvfrtisinc; Ac;i:nc;v, it went oiu on the liml) with just one objective. With transcribed an- uouiHcments and station breaks it lauiulied what is prol)ai)lv the largest aj^proj^riation ever spent in a j)i('stigc (ampaigii. Its jjui pose was to help orieiu the tens of tliousands of newcomers to Washington (iisloms and habits. The one la(t impressed on listeners all thiough the day and night: "/f v^" read it in tlu^ Star, it's True!" ONE GOOD TURN One good return led to another in Davenport, la. What put the ball in play was one spot announcement over woe for the Grocerteria. Signal was called to advertise peach lugs of which the Grocerteria had a plentiful stock on hand. W'hen time was called, WOC put this poser to its advertisers: how many peach lugs did that one announce- ment sell? While the guesses ranged from no gain to a touchdown, those who placed their bets under-estimated the power of a woman. AV^inner who submit- ted the nearest guess as to the nmnber of peach lugs sold was Mrs. Henry Lischer, able assistant to her husband in the operation of the 12 Schlegel Drug Stores in the quad-cities. Her guess: 200 lugs sold. But even merchandiser Lischer under-estimated the power of radio by more than 50 per cent. Actual niunber of lugs sold was 560! Reward for her pains: 26 free announcements for Sch- legel Drug Stores. KOPY KAT In Washington, D. C., as in other parts of the country, transcribed, one- minute messages are apt to consist of identifying fanfares, supplemented by annoiuicers bursting with passionate en- thusiasm. Kal Adverhsinc; lor the Kopy Kat account put a stop to that stero- type. In May, 1912, W^ashington radio was jolted out of its sterotyped calm with "It's Kopy Kat . . . it's Kopy Kat." Those words, vocalized by a smart girl trio, presaged the first tailor-made, nuisical transcription for a local client. Kopy Kap, a diain of e\(lusi\e wom- en's wear specialty shops, with a spot aiuiomuemeiu schedule making use of WOL, the other five Washington, D. C., i;i(li() stations, doubled its retail busi- ness within four months! At the close of I he \ear. i\()l•^ Kai's adxcrtising ap- jjiopriation, ex(lusi\el) in radio, was three times greater than the live-copy, pretransdiption sdiedule it had ]3re\'i- f)uslv used. 68 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP SPECIAL PROMOTION Short radio promotions that run but a day, a week, or a month yet leave an impression that lasts the year around. Department Stares EASTER DAY PARADE Milady in her new Easter bonnet didn't have to worry lest her new costume go unnoticed in Holyoke, Mass. On the spot with its mo- bile unit to follow the morning and afternoon Easter fashion parades was AVHYX. Listeners so inclined cotdd thank McAuslax & AVakelix Co., de- partment store, for its institutional ges- ture. On hand to cover things in general, ladies' styles in particular were annoiuic- ers \Vard Gardner and Helen Hope. Both broadcasts originated as congrega- tions filed out from church services, and all churches were covered on the roving assignment. To each parishioner inter- viewed went a corsage with the compli- ments of McAusLAN Sc Wakelin. AIR FAX: Ad lib interviews were the mainstay of each of the two half-hour broadcasts. First Broadcast: April 25, 1943. Broadcast Schedule: Sunday, 10:30-11:00 A.M.; 3:30-4:00 P.M. Sponsor: McAuslan 8c Wakelin. Station: WHYN, Holyoke, Mass. Power: 250 watts. Population: 5 3,750. COMMENT: \\'hile sponsor here passed out corsages, orchids go to the advertiser for an original idea that may be adapted to any community, is almost certain to reach a high audience potential. Department Stares GOOD NEIGHBOR TALKS While there's much talk about the Good \eighbor Policy, it takes more than lip service to put theory into practice. When the C. R. Anthony Stores put its name to the first single-station international broadcast of its kind over KRGV, Weslaco, Tex., added was a new link in the friendship chain. Act of friendship was the broadcast of good neighbor talks by governors from both sides of the Rio Grande. Program originated at the Third Annual Agricul- ture and Industrial Exposition of Vic- toria, Tamaulipas, Mex., and was ar- ranged as a feature of the first extended good-neighbor trip into Mexico by a governor of Texas. In the 30-minute broadcast from Mexico arranged with the approval of both American and Mexican governments, the two gover- nors exchanged pledges of continued and accelerated efforts toward Inter- American relations. AIR FAX: Chief engineer Lewis Hartwig supervised the hook-up. Staff announcer Bob Stephenson drew the emcee assignment. First Broadcast: September 11, 1943. Sponsor: C. R. Anthony Stores. Station: KRGV, Weslaco, Tex. Power: 1,000 watts. COMMENT: With special broadcasts of this kind, advertisers draw dramatic at- tention to their contributions to the cul- tural and civic progress of the commun- ities in which they serve. (For a complete story on the radio activities of this ad- vertiser, see RS, June, 1943, p. 192.) FEBRUARY, 1944 69 1he$t^ ^'M0^, fmo' Mf^'^^ '10 Shon/s IF you are looking for sure-fire, ready-made programs to solve the help problem, have a look at the shelves at radio's super-market, the NBC Radio-Recording Division. You'll find a show for every taste, well-seasoned and neatly packaged, unrationed and far below the ceiling prices. NBC's list of syndicated features contains many pro- grams of varied lengths and varied subjects . . . all within a price range which enables you to keep the budget bal- anced ... all of proven worth. Here are a few of the outstanding buys: The Weird Circle— spine-tingling mysteries by master storytellers of the past; ryiodern Romances— real-life love stories, vibrant enough for the ^ oung, mellow enough for the old, from the pages of Modern 1-lomances Nhigazine; Stand by for Adventure — tales of exciting happenings in far places, among strange people; Through the Sport Glass— a elose-iip of America's sports person- alities and events with Sam Hayes. The big-time list goes on and on— The Name You Will Re- member, Let's Take a Look in Your Mirror, Betty and Bob, Time Out for Fun and Music, Getting the Most Out of Life Today— and many others. And don't forget radio's super-market has a catering de- partment too— to build programs to your spi'cifications. Also sec advertisement page 000 Nationol Broadcasting Co. A A Service of Radio Corporation of AtngrkO RADIO-RSCOROING DIVISION AMERICAS NUMBSa I SOVRCE OF RECORDED PROGRAMS RCA Building, Radio City, New York, N. Y. . . Merchandise Marl, Chicago, III. Tram-Lux Building, Washington, D. C. . . Sunset and Vine, Hollywood, Calif. NEXT MaXTIl A. L. PALMER, general sales manager of Moore's, its 22 Ohio county seat retail outlets, presents the case for a coordinated advertising campaign, gives radio a prominent place in the sun. HENRY GERLING, advertising manager, tells how the Katz Drug Co., Kansas City, Alo., promotes its million dollar sale and Christmas merchan- dising with merchandisable spots. Its Musical Hit-Bits. WM. CANIVDIV, owner, ponits with pride to the remarkable growth of the Cannon Tailoring Co., Cleveland, O., attributes success entirely to radio. Plus Tested Programs and Promotions You Can Use in Your Own Business! IN THIS ISSUE Q Values keynote to radio campaign for Moore's of Ohio (p.78) ^ Red Devil needs only a minute {p. 81) Katz Drug Co. builds million dollar sale with musical hit-bits (P'84) 41 Tested Programs for Businessmen A MKXZINE YOUR BUSINESS AT A GLANCE A quick index to what others in your business field accomplish through radio. Articles and services in Radio Showmanship are classified by businesses here. MA R CH Business Automobiles Automobile Supplies Aviation Beverages Churches Department Stores PAGE 97, 106 78 91 97 97 86, 91, 92, 98, 102, 105 Drug Products 95, 102 Drug Stores 84, 92 Finance 103 Fuel Dealers 92 Furriers 103, 104 Gasolines 93 Grocers 86, 93, 94, 102, 104, 105 Business PAGE Hardware Stores 106 Insurance Agencies 94 Manufacturers 81, 93, 106 Meat Packers 88 Men's Wear 95, 98 Milling 86, 95, 100, 102 Music Stores 100 Newspapers 96, 100 Nurseries 86 Public Utilities 86 Seed Stores 86 Theatres 92 Variety Stores 78 FEBRUARY Business PAGE Business PAGE Bakeries 59, 67 Groceries 49, 50, 59, 60, 61 , 66, 68 Beverages 49, 57, 59 Home Furnishings 66 Children's Wear 44 Manufacturers 48, 50, 55, 60 Department Stores 42, 48, 49, 51, Men's Wear 61 54 57, 65, 69 Newspapers 68 Drug Products 58, 67 Shipbuilders 62 Drug Stores 52, 60 Shoes 47, 59, 62 Finance 48, 49, 59 Theatres 59, 63 Fuel Dealers 50 Tobaccos 64 Furriers 58, 59 Transportation 64 Gasolines 65 Women's Wear 68 // you don't have the February issue, order it now! ^l-^^ZA, /Vfi CONTENTS MARCH 1944 VOL. 5 No. 3 Publisher Don Paul Nathanson Managing Editor Marie Ford Editorial Advisory Board RADIO HiRBFRT PeREV Raeph Atlass William Dolph Glenn Snyder Philip Laskv Ro(;er Clipp C. I . Hagman J. Harold Ryan Neiv York Chicago ]]'ashingtoji Chicago Sa}i Francisco Philadelphia Minneapolis Washington BUSINESS Dr. Harr^ Dean Wolfe ]Vashi)igton, D. C. Lorenzo Richards Ogden, Utah GusTAV Flexner Louisiiilie J. Hudson Huffard Blue field, Va. Maurice M. Chait Peoria, III. Frank J. Ryan Kalamazoo, Mich. Allen C. Knowles Cleveland Published by Showmanship Publi- cations, Minneapolis 2, Minn. Sub- scription rate: $2.50 a year, 25c a copy. Address editorial correspond- ence to 1004 Marquette, Minneapo- lis 2, Minn. Tel.: Ge. 9619. Copyright 1944 by Showmanship Publications, publishers of Radio Showmanship. Editorial 77 Half Past Selling Time 78 A. L. Palmer Values keynote radio campaign in switch from automobile supplies to general merchandise writes the gen- eral sales manager ot Moore's of Ohio, Newark, O. The Devil, You Say? 81 Jean Hadley Sixty second announcements on small stations up Red Devil Soot & Carbon Remover sales 500 per cent in one year writes the Manson-Gold Advertising Agency account execti- tive. Musical Hit-Bits 84 Henry Gerling Merchandisable spots build million dollar sale for Katz Drug Co., Kan- sas City, Mo., writes its advertising manager. Hello There Gardener 86 An RS Analysis A low-pressure, low-cost radio pro- gram produces amazing results for five sponsors, each with different problems. MARCH, 1944 75 Call Them Sweethearts 88 An RS Analysis A 15 to 1 radio shot brings Banfield Packing Co., Salina, Ka., to the front, creates a 1500 per cent sales increase in six months. Airing the New 91 New radio programs worth reading about. No result figures as yet. Showmanship in Action 97 Promotions and merchandising stunts build audiences. Proof O' the Pudding 102 Results are based on sales, mail, surveys and business growth. What the Program Did for Me 105 Businessmen exchange results and reactions to radio programs. Johnny on the Spot 106 News, reviews and tips on spot an- nouncement campaigns. NEXT MONTH OLIVER ELLIOTT, director of em- ployee relations, Cessna Aircraft Co., Wichita, Ka., points with pride to 100 consecutive weeks on the air over KFH. Evidence that the program has what it takes: its selection as one of the 100 best advertising ideas of 1942, the only radio program so rated by Forbes Mag- azine. ROBERT KANEEN, president of the Christopher Candy Co., Los Angeles, Cal., presents a story with a moral, poijits out the value of even a small ad- vertising expenditure when concentrat- ed on a powerful medium. GEORGE M. OLSON, owner of Cal- menson's Clothing Store, Montevideo, Minn., doubled his advertising budget to include radio, now reports a steady flow of business from at least 15 of the 31 counties served by KWLM. JOHN STUART, JR., Quaker Oats ad-manager, feels strongly about CHEX's Home Folks Hour, claims it has been instrumental in upping Peterbor- ough, Ont., business from practically nil to over a quarter of a million dollars. Say you saw it in RADIO showmanship . . . please— A Peek at the Future! IT'S RADIO'S HOTTEST LITTLE SCRIPT SHOW ^^Futwre IJnliitiited!'' Now Running on 16 Stations Preview news from America's greatest manufacturers Escapist Entertainment The low-down on post-war miracles to come, with a little Free Enterprise mixed in ■ SUITABLE FOR ANY TYPE SPONSOR Easy to produce — all you need is one announc- er and a turn-table. Use as a 5- or 15-minute show. FEATURED IN RADIO SECTION OF TIDE the Newsmagazine of Advertising and Mar- keting, Dec. 15th issue, pages 78-80-82. Reprinted in "JUDY'S", Jan. issue 39—78—1 56—234—3 1 2- Price of script based on station coverage. Itayinoiid Keane ^iyiitl 1441 Welton Street -pr< )grams on an exclusive basis. Send for sample script today. *ale€l Itailio Programs Denver 2, Colorado 76 RADIO SHOWM ANSH IP J so IT'S IMPORTANT WHEN WE SAY. . . XVLJB^S P^9^9R ^^es! You know him well! He's the guy who tU looks down his nose and makes large state- ^#^^p|^|^| ments about radio— he's agin it! One such, a ■ \^I^IWIV« prominent newspaper publisher, gives radio a tongue lashing because "radio offers a serious challenge to the position of the newspaper as the primary advertising media." Fortunately, this wailing and gnash- ing of teeth represents not the press itself, but the picaynish back- biting of one man. Need we remind this gentleman that in the days of our Puritan ancestors the Town Crier was considered the primary advertising media? No media is ipso facto top-dog. It must earn that place. In a few short years radio won the confidence and loyalty of an ear-mind- ed public. With news, information and entertainment, it now works a 24-hour-a-day shift to maintain that position. For its advertisers who make these programs possible, radio is an aggressive salesman both off and on the air. And as long as radio produces results for advertisers who were once solely eye-minded, it will continue to show the same remarkable growth. Advertisers themselves determine the primary medium. The one that sits at the head of the table of course gets the gravy and all the trimmings, but in a competitive world, no medium inherits that mantle of prestige. To hold the scepter, it must prove its strength and its power. Returns per dollar investment are what speak an ad- vertiser's language, and if the time should come when radio develops hardening of the arteries, doesn't then deliver the goods, its place, too, may well be threatened by some new media as yet unexplored and undeveloped. In the meantime, if the primary medium is judged in the market place in dollars and cents, radio can well afford to let the record speak: in 1942, radio expenditures exceeded those in newspapers by more than $20,000,000! rfir MARCH. 1944 77 iiWWrl* HES^NOmR oil • Window displays tie-in with radio advertised items for MOORE'S OF OHIO. Sales promotion bulletins tip off the 22 store managers in Ohio county seat towns. M chore's of Ohio operates a group of 22 stores exclusively within the state of Ohio. It is owned and managed by William S. Moore. Oiu' business initially was automotive, but since World W^ar II we have grad- ually acquired other items, and we have now gone into general merchandise, merchandising hard lines chiefly. VV^e have found it possible to sell any item of merdiandise manidactiued, whether it be a battery for a car, a man's rain- coat, a dinner plate or a cigarette case. Our contention is that if it is manu- iaciured, there must be a market for it. (Mow radio has helped develop that market will be pointed out later.) We do not have loom in our organiza- tion for negative thinking. Even thougii there is a war on, and we are cooperat- ing in every manner with the war effort, the war has not influenced our meidiau- dising and selling thinking. We (airy on as if in pre-war times even though con- ditions have been gieatly reversed from normal operation. It is our (onteniion dial I'nde Sam would jatlui have a lualtin oigain'/a- IHI alf Pa Values Keynote to Radio Camf in Switch to General Merchai tion with all of its units operating effi- ciently and in high gear than a sick, forlorn organization wliich has assumed the "going out of business'^ attitude. A healthy, wide-awake organization is in a better position to contribute to the war effort than one with the "We have gone out of busiiiess because of the war" shingle on the door. Retailers throughotit the nation are experiencing difficulty in proctiring reg- ular merchandise from manufacturers, and it requires alertness and, to use a slang expression, "a good merchandise nose to smell oiu merchandise," whether it be near or far. Oiu" })ur(hasing depart- ment has been constantly on the alert, purchasing the seemingly hard-to-get merchandise. If one item of merchan- dise is impossible to get, another is sub- stituted. We have become cjuite \ersa- tile, and do not hesitate to purchase, promote and sell an item regardless of liow foreign it may seem to our business. In this (onnection, it is interesting to note that our sales reflect an increase over 1912 of 48.4 per cent up to Novem- ber !i(), and for the month of November there is a r)() per cent increase. We (ould give many reasons for oiu- apparent sales success. Long, hard hours of (ar(4ul planning and conscientious execution bv every associate from top exeduive to our newest associate, with not a shirker in the entire organization, is an important factor. Suggestions are solicited and each is given serious con- sideial ion. 78 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP ling Time by A. L PALMER, general sales manager of Moore's of Ohio And even thougli we appreciate the problems in merchandising during 1944 • Sales are made by tricks like these: radio advertised merchan- dise gets special table display in each of the 22 MOORE'S OF OHIO stores. Those who stop to look remain to listen. Bill- board display ties-in with the general theme of MOORE'S radio message: "Tune in for the Newest in News Every Hour on the Half Hour." touch with them througli our nionihlv house organ, Moore's Ij'l-O-Cxnn. We feel that it is important lo keep in touch with associates, too, as well as with lormer assoc iates, and it is our pol- icy to keep our managers and associates informed of merchandising plans. We do this through regular bulletins from the Home Office here in Newark. VV^hat has all this to do with radio? It is our contention that before anything else can be successful, store operation must be sticcessfully organized. In other words, a policy nuist be established be- fore any kind of advertising can be suc- cessful. And that policy must embrace the past, present and future. Oin- present medium of advertising is may be trying, we are carrying on with the same determination and optimism that has marked our operation in pre- vious years. To date, 36 of our associates have en- tered the service of our cotintry, and while we have difficulty in personnel re- placement, women are carrying on in positions formerly held by male associ- ates. Today they number 60 per cent of our store personnel, and our three stores managed by women show better than average increases. While former associates in the service have the assurance of their positions after the war, it will be necessary for them to go through a brief training period to acquaint them with changes that are taking place during their ab- sences. In the meantime, we keep in radio, and there are hundreds of bidle- tins that bear testimony to our sticcess in radio. Our original advent into radio came about more or less by accident, that is, an associate from WHKC, Co- lumbus, O., accidentally called upon us believing we were another firm, btu it is no accident that we have continued to use the medituii. There were no immediate results from our first morning newscast. In fact we had almost reached the end of our 13- week contract withotu any noticeable change in our sales picttire. Did that dis- cotirage us? It did not! We took on a noon news broadcast to supplement the morning program. Later we took on an evening musical program. With that schedule, we were on the air each day with three quarter-hour programs. MARCH, 1944 79 In 1943 we discontinued this schedule, and substituted 1 1 five-minute news- casts every hour on the half hour over WHKC. A 15-minute newscast at 12:30 noon rounds out the schedule. We still stick to that schedule, and among radio listeners in Ohio, this phrase is a by- word: "Listen to Moore's every hour on the half hour for the newest in news and the greatest in values." Moore's has be- come the News Voice of Ohio, and WHKC listeners get complete coverage of local and national news from 7:30 A.M. until 6:30 P.M. every hour on the half hour. Our exclusive news commen- tator is newscaster Al Parlin. With the news broadcasts we were cer- tain of a large and attentive audience. The next thing was to make this spon- sorship commercially productive. In our five-minute broadcasts we use a 50-word opening and a 75-word closing commer- cial announcement. On the quarter-hour broadcast there is a 25-word opening, a 50- word middle and a 100-word closing commercial. In every case, the commer- cials are item descriptions and prices by the announcer. Since we keep the com- mercial content to the minimum, every word must count, and several of our sales slogans have become household by- words. Examples: "Don't look now, but there's a Moore's store near you!" Or, "Be wise, Moore-ize." Or, "Use Moore's three-way pur- ^^^^ chase plan, Cash, Credit, ^^^^ Lay -A way." Or, "Remem- ber, It's Moore's for Yours." In keeping with our atti- tude toward current mer- handising problems, we liavcn't hesitat- ed to emphasize that MooRi: 's have that hard- lo-get merchan- dise. In fad a whole seiies of (omintTc iais was built a I oil II (I this vc'iN llunu'. Example: "Say ! A re you havniii (rouble findiyig electric defroster fans? You can buy them at Moore's. Moore's electric defroster fans make a grand safety gift for any car . . . economy priced at your nearest Moore's of Ohio Store. Moore's . . . where you Jiave to go for that hard-to-get mer- chandise." Even in this series, we stressed Moore's three-way purchase plan of cash, credit or lay-away. Example: "Hard to get: flashlights . . . flash- lights of all kinds . . . xvrist, pen, two or three cell type flashlights. That's what you can buy now at your nearest Moore's of Ohio store. Moore's also have a large stock of flashlight batteries and bulbs for sale . . . and batteries are really a hard-to-get item these days. Use Moore's convenient credit plan when buying your flashlights and. tJie many other hard-to-get items sold at all Moore's of Ohio stores." So that our managers and associates can promote the radio advertised mer- chandise in window and store interior displays, and to key store personnel for the selling of these items, the Home Office sends out radio bulletins well in advance of the actual broadcasts. In these sales promotion bulletins which give the weekly radio sales continuity, we point out specific selling featiues and give suggestions for the adequate display of the advertised items. It is coordinated effort of this kind that has made radio the successful advertising medium that it is for us. When we were conxinced that oiu' WHKC schedule was productive, we were ready to make even more extensive use of radio as our advertising mediimi. As a result of a test series over WHIZ, Zanesville, ()., during the last 13 weeks of 1913. we now have a news-on-the- hour series on a 52-week schedide on that station. With this series, we give double backing to our stores in Lan- caster, Zanesville, Newark aiul Coshoc- ton. lo (oordinate both ladio schedules, (Conliuurd on page 90) 80 RADIO SHOWM ANSH IP • The DEVIL was up to some good here for the MARINE ELEC- TROLYSIS ELIMINA- TOR CO. Window dis- play tied-in with the Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minn., series of one-min- ute spot announcements. 'xmzte' ■ 20 News (a^ Dailf wu/fhwimi ; Sixty Seconds on Small Stations Up Red Devil Sales 5 DO % in Year TTae ®evil,^°^^'^- by JEAN HADLEY, acct. executive, Manson-Gold Advertising Agcy. EVER heard of Red Devil Scmdt & Carbon Remover? Well, if not, don't be embarrassed. Prior to 1941, very few people had! True, it was sold by every store in Alaska, and by a good many in the states of Washington and Oregon, but it hadn't broadened its scope to the extent that it has today, via that remarkable medium called radio. Just for your in- formation, though, it's used to clean our furnaces, stoves, heaters and fireplaces. Since it removes deposits of soot and carbon from flues and passages, it can be used for everything from the small house heater to the huge commercial furnace. It works equally well on coal, oil or wood burning equip- ment. Started as a side-line by Arley Cheadle, head of the Marine Electrolysis Eliminator Co., Red Devil showed surprising consumer acceptance in the first sales dabblings. The Seattle, Wash., manufacturer decided to spend a little radio money on it to see what it could do! First of all, he bought a few small stations in Washington and Oregon. The announcement cost was kept as low as pos- M ARCH, 1944 81 I'M A SELLIN' FOOL RED DEVIL SOOT AND CARBON REMOVER N" '°!;.e*»'^ i^^ dnTD 13,234,744 homes in Amer- ica have furnaces! TheyVe all pro$)>ects for Red 0evil \ Hardware dealers all over the coun- try have in- creased sales up to 500% during the past heating season! Substan- tial profit margin! A renov/ned re- peater! Order direct from your jobber or write us. • Only advertising other than radio: a series of trade paper ads in two publi- cations, plus two small newspaper sched- ules. sible, and the stations wrote the copy. These phonograph stations did a truly fine job of popularizing the product in the VV^estern market. In fact, the first year or so of experimenting built up sales to such an extent that Mr. Cheadle decided to branch out into a few other markets. In so doing, he selected Minneapolis- St. Paul, Minn., where he found anoth- er phonograph station which he felt woidd appeal to the class of customers he wanted to reach. He stuck to his formula of one-minute commercials. Copy in a rather chatty vein gave ample opportunity to expound the merits of Red Devil to the fidlest extent. Finding that the Minneapolis station's copy proved exceptionally effective, Mr. Cheadle engaged the services of the sta- tion's copy writer on a free-lance basis, to write the commercials for the an- nouncements in Portland and Seattle. In 1942, with the afore-mentioned copywriter having graduated to the staff of an advertising agency, and with Red Devie sales booming along at a great rate, the accoinit was turned over for agency control, and its schedide expand- ed to co\er more markets. With the same method of advertising procediue, (small stations, spot annoinicements of one minute or less, and a straight conversa- tional selling style with no high pres- sure), its sales were built to an approxi- mate 500 per cent increase in the coiuse of the )ear! llere is tiie ivjjc of announcement that did (he trick. Clipping coupons for FUEL OIL? Sacc lip to 2^% of your lointer sup- ply with RLI) ni'l'IL SOOT A\^l) CAJiliOX liLMOl'IJi. Clean your \ur)ia((\ too, with this amazing prodiut! It sells for just 40c a can at your CROWN DRUG STORE. ED DEVI L SOOT ft CARBON REMOVER Marine Electrolysis Eliminator Company RADIO SHOWMANSHIP sprinkle a teaspoon ful or so of RED DEVIL ox>er the fire in your stone, heater or furnace . . . that's ALL THERE IS TO IT. Red Dexnl (leans out that burner from fire-pot to cliiinney-top RKrHT THEN AND THERE. Yoiril find it burns better, too . . . gives MORE HEAT . . . gets the MOST out of your fuel supply. Use up to 25% LESS OIL, COAL OR WOOD. Invest 40c in a can of RED DEVIL SOOT AND CARBON REMOVER . . . ask for it at your nearest CROWN DRUG STORE. Sold on a money-back guarantee. The end of 1948 found Red Devil, with a sales increase of more than 1000 per cent during the past two and a half years, advertising in 12 major markets west of Chicago. It is now a sizeable part of the business of the Marine Elec- trolysis Eliminator Co. It has, in fact, been responsible for two trips from the state of Washington to Washington, D. C. by its owner, to negotiate for suf- ficient supplies to keep up with the de- mand built for the product by one-min- ute spot announcements on phonograph stations. To say that radio has done it all is not strictly true, but the major portion can be justly attributed to the influence of the loud-speaker. Actually, the grow- ing awareness of fuel shortages and the necessity for conserving such equipment as furnaces and heaters have been im- portant factors. However, the only other advertising used to combat the three or four competitive products on the mar- ket was a series of trade paper ads in two publications, plus two small news- paper schedules. Radio can take a bow for the rest. An interesting angle is that no stu- pendous productions were used, no spe- cially designed shows, and no terrific expenditures of money. Most of the spots selected were Class B or Class C time, on stations which had no big net- work attractions to offer. Yet, when the scores are added up, the results are truly tremendous. What was at first just a formula to be developed as a hobby has now grown into a business which has a priority rating in Washington, and which is doing a grand job of fuel con- servation. Results from experimentation ihis year with women's programs indicate that the female of the species is also be- coming furnace-conscious. Next year the product may well be presented through the dulcet tones of the female voice in many parts of the country. Changes in times and circumstances may indicate other approaches to the advertising of Red Devil Soot & Carbon Remover, but in the meantime, except in rare cases, the formula that built the success will be maintained. Here's a manufacturer who's really solidly sold on what the pJionograph stations can do with a few spot announcements to build an industry out of an idea. So chalk up another success for spot radio! And re- member that name. Red Devil Soot k Carbon Remover, because if you never heard it before, chances are it will be coming out of the loud-speaker beamed from your local 250-watter one of these days in the very near future. A hard worker but not one to take herself too seriously is account executive Jean Hadley, of the Man- son-Gold Advertising Agency, Min- neapolis, Minn. Although a grad- uate of Northwestern University, she doesn't let academic theory in- terfere luith the hard reality of the advertising game. While Superior, Wis., claims her as its own, she has made the flour city her home for the past six years. In spite of the midnight oil burned over t/ie copy desk, she finds plenty of time for play, and as ex- ecutive secretary of the Minneapolis branch of the Women's Adxiertising Club, is a mainstay of the organiza- tion. While she has thus far success- fully eluded Cupid's arroius, she's still young enough to be honest about her age, makes no commit- ments as to the future, is open to offers. MARCH, 1 944 83 m usical Hit-Bits • Tie-in by which the KATZ announce- ment campaign was merchandised and given real publicity: a Statupix conspicu- ously displayed at all KATZ stores. y/yA SCEXK: Copy conference for the KATZ DRUG CO/S Mil- lion Dollar Sale. M. H. (Mouse) Straight, account executive from R. J. FOTTS-CALKIXS cr HOLD- h\, had just presented a plan for an unusual series of announce- ments. MORRIS SHLENSKV ( Katz mer- chandising manager): That's clever, all right, but what I'm kx>king for is some- thing entirely different from anything we've ever had before, something entire- ly different from anything national spon- ors are using, e\en. DOC UTTSCHXhR (Katz general manager): There isn't anything that rlif ferent. HKNRV (AMlASij. \(ivi name it and \ou ran ha\e it, MorrisI SHLENSKV: All right, here's an ideal People like popular songs. Mil Million Dollar Sale Built With Merchandisable Spots bvHEXHYGERLIXG.adv.mgr.. Katz Drug Co.. Kansas City lioRS of dollars are behind the hit tunes we hear on the air. Whv dont we tie up with them? STR^AIGHT: Well, the Petrillo fight is over and we can record instrumental music again, but it'll cost a lot of money to do what you're asking. WITSCHXER: It'll be wmth a lot of money if we get what we're after I STRAIGHT: Remember we'll have to pay MPPA royalties, in addition to everything else. GERLIXG: Isn't a good announce- ment worth at least twice as much as a poor one? STRAIGH'l : 1 belie\e it's worth ten times as much I WITSCHXER: Lets see what \ou can do. That was the way it started. Backed with this inspiration. Straight went to work. Just 2?) hours later the tour of us listened to a series of audition transcrip- tions at the Vic Da.mon Tra.nscription EABc>RAroRv. By then, Straight had worked out a name whicli summed up the whole tliought, Musical Hit-BUs /^soon after copyrighted;. However, it took another audition to 84 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP add the final touch: a personaliiv to bring unity to the entire campaign. Mr. W^tschner suggested using a girl singer for the spots, and luckilv. just at the right monieni. A\e "disco\ered"" Dor- oth\ Hendren. a voung ladv who had ne\er >ung professionally before. Dor- oih\ is blessed with the low. velvety t\pe of voice on which microphones smile, ^\'e ordered one more set of audi- tion platters, ^^hich combined Dorothv Hendren with the versatile accompani- ment of Gene Moore at the Xovachord and the -well-modulated \oices of WHB announcers Dick Smith and Bruce Rob- ertson. Then the deal was set. Durinu the Million Dollar Sale, which. \ear alter \(.ar. ls the greatest nurchandising event in Kansas City, we made a new >et of spots each week, fea- turing a po[)ular time on each an- nouncement. And. not being satisfied with an\thing but the best, we iffiproi'cd our technique so that 1 sincerelv believe that each set of spots has been better than the one preceding it. \\ith the third series we began to "build in" tlu tianscripiion credit as an integral pan ot the announcement. For instance: \ li\. Brucr you re D()rot}i\—h\ tran- Tt:\ SECOXDS. DORO V\\\ cr\ing! BRICE: ), script ion I DOROIHY THEX Hl'M. DICK: -7 Heard You Cried Lust XighC'—anotlun- Musical Hit-Bit from Kati Super Stores! DOROTHV: r/-:.V SFCOXDS MORE. BOB (EX(;i LSH ACCENT): Really, you kuow. 1 don't thifik either of you should be eryirig, by Jove! BRl CE: Xo? BOB: C-eriainlv not! You lui\'e Katz Millio}! Dollar Sale Coupo)} Book! DICK: Kati Coupon Book eori- iains values for ei^ery member of the /rtm/Vv— Christmas gift suggestions, too! But you have 07ily a few more {Cofititmed oji page ^M^) Either bashful or unphotogejiic is adman Henry Gerling, who with- stood pleas, arguments and demands for a picture. Now advertising man- ager of the aggressix^e Katz Drug Co., man-behind-the-scenes Gerling begaji his business career in the early ]02(ys as a free-lance artist. In 1^^2(1 he discovered a small drug company with large growing pains, and for a year he did all the artwork and layout "Ike" and "Mike" Katz asked for. In I '^27 they pre'i'ailed upon hi?n to fold up Jiis ijidepcJident operation, become Katz adiwrtising jnanager. To his credit is the bold, black, item- crammed neiespaper ad ivhich has been copied by other drug chains throughout the country. A tough man in aii argument, he dcjiiajuis dowt)-to-earth reasoning and up-in-t he-clouds imagination, inder his direction an adi^rtising orgaJiization has been built up which, on occasion, lays out and produces 26 pages of newspaper ad- I'crtising per week. Meanwhile, he rides herd on the town's largest re- tail radio adi^ertising appropriation, keeps check on a dozen minor tnedin atul scores of future Katz pro- MARCH, 1944 SS HI ello The A Low-Pres Results for NOT the only successful radio method either in entertainment or commercial copy is a so-called radio technique. Just as successful advertising in any meditnii can never be reduced to an exact formula, good radio, too, takes many forms. A program that may best be described as personal salesman- ship multiplied many times by radio is The Old Dirt Dobber heard over WLAC, Nashville, 1 enn., for ten years. And from the very first program, Tom Williams, The Old Dirt Dobber, has been sponsored every day! The amazing sponsor sticcess and listener reaction to this daily WLAC program is concrete evidence of the fact that a radio program need be neither big name nor expensive, neither Broadway nor Hollywood to do an outstand- ing job. A participating program for its first six years, the series was under the banner of the Nashvillk Pow- KR R: Light Co., the H. [. Grimfs Co., department store, the Eason- MoRGAN Co., a wallpaper, paint and seed store, and the B()^n Ni'rs- ERY Co. Here was friendly, man-to-man selling applied to the advertising of four different sj^onsors. There were no written connnercials and no prepared scrij:)t. Material to be discussed for the sponsors was ar- ranged in outline form, and the commercials woven into the pro- gram in an informal, ad-lib fash- ion witii iiardly a break between (ontinuitv and (onnnercial. In other words, the gardening suggestions and the sales aiguments were lied together in one package. Exaniplc: for the Nashvilit-: Pow- KR & Light Co., the Old D-I) sug- gested to listeners that they install lights in their gardens so that when • Only waspish thing about home gardener Tom WiUiams: his radio name. Dirt Dobber is a harmless spe- cies of wasp which is constantly work- ing in the soil to build its nest of mud. 86 RADIO SHOWM ANSH I P Tdener: / list Radio Program Produces Amazing iiors, Each with Different Problems 1 friends caUed at night they might h6 shown the flowers and plants in bloom. Does personal sales- manship of this kind work? A ten-day poU drew 3,071 letters from all classes and all ages, and of that number, 2,141 said they traded with the sponsors! Eason-Mor- GAN reported that full shipments of bulbs were sold out as the result of a single an- nouncement. Boyd Nursery offered a package of rooted plants for one dollar; r2 announcements brought over 400 orders, 50 re-orders and 1,000 catalogue requests. For the past four years the daily 10:00 A.M. feature has been sponsored by General Mills for Gold Medal Flour and Gheerioats. (Originally it replaced a soap opera!) Since then the series has been renewed each year without solici- tation. How does the Old D-D maintain this personal salesmanship, reach all types of buyers to sell all types of products? His friendly personality, informal, back- fence manner and expert, practical knowledge of gardening have turned thousands to him for help and advice on gardening problems. Mail is one of the indications of the success of the program; it comes in at the rate of 1,000 letters a week! During the six years the series was conducted on a participating basis, more than 30,000 questions from listeners were answered MARCH, 1944 without botanical lechnic alitics. Simple, easy to follow advice is given. While friendliness is the spirit that motivates the progiam, the Old D-D and his listeners remain anonymous on the broadcasts. Because he believes that lis- teners are interested in the presentation and the subjects discussed, Tom Wil- liams has never permitted the use of his name nor referred to his name c^n any of his six times weekly shows. To give a sense of freedom to persons who seek garden information he identifies those whose questions are answered on the air not by name btit by address. While there is no question as to the effectiveness of this series in Tennessee, what happened when the Old D-D added a Sattirday morning network half-hour feature to his sched- ule three years ago? From every state in the union, every province of Ganada and from seven fc:)reign countries more than 380,000 letters have come to The Garden Gate. In that time, nearly 12,000 members of the Order of the Green Thumb have been inducted. Hook: each member is nominated as an oiUstanding gardener i3y some one else, and each is sent a membership card w^ith the compliments of the writer who sent in the nomina- tion. COMMENT: Advertisers who reason that the home gardener represents too re- stricted an audience have the Old D-D as evidence to the contrary. Today there is an additional windfall audience of those anxious to do their part in the Food Figlits for Freedom drive. With Victory Gardening a civilian must, pro- grams of this kind are a natural for alert advertisers in almost any business. Fitting right in with the type of per- sonalized selling possible in a series of this kind, membership cards, other mer- chandising hooks of this nature, also give advertisers invaluable mailing lists. 87 (g Wiim.N six moiuhs after ihe Ban- mi; id Packing Co., Salina, Ka., I)c-^an its KSAL radio schedule Sweet- HKARr Laru sales had increased 1500 per cent. For every housewife using the product in June, 1943, 15 were using it January, 1944! Ban field renewed for 52 weeks! What does the daily noon-time quar- ter hour of world-loved music, and the fi\e daily dramatized spot announce- ments have that make the consumer so Sweetheart brand conscious that she selects it automatically when buying shortening at her neighborhood grocery or meat market? In addition to good entertainment, which is, of course, the fust essential, the series has a planned sales campaign behind it. This isn't an uisiitutional offering. It isn't a good will gesture. It is a sales campaign! Ban- 1 IKED doesn't sit back and wait for sales. It goes after them! \\ hen liANMEi.i) began its KSAL cam- j>aign, il had one j)Uip()se, namely, to (icaic a (onsimicr demand for Ban- in ] l)\ SWI I I M I \k 1 I .AKl). Moic than lliat, it wanted to establisli the SwEEiiiEARf brand itself as one of excep- lional (niabiy, so that when snj>pli(s arc availal^le. its Ikuus, bacon, sausages and other j)ro(hKts will meet with the same consumer accept- ance, lo achieve that goal, I lie SwEEiHEARr idea is con- sistently slicssc'd tliroughout the cam- |..iign. I wo appioaches aie used in selling I In housewife. A daily, Monday through Saturday quarter-hour program features a boy and girl singing team, the Ban- field Sweethearts for Sweetheart Lard. Music is not jazz, swang nor classical. Rather it is the kind that brings mem- ories of days and things past. With this music, Banfield gets the ear of the housewife between 35 and 55 years old, the large family class that is the greatest buyer qf shortening. A program tie-in with the product: the use of best-known sweetheart tunes, i.e., Let Me Call Yoii Sweetheart. Commercial message is a serious, logi- cal presentation of facts on w4iy Sweet- heart Lard is preferable to any other shortening, and especially why it is pre- ferred to any substitute for lard. To set up lard as the original, the model after which other shortenings are patterned, the word substitute is used in referring to anything other than lard. Case presented to the housewife is based on these points: (1) that Sweet- heart Lard is more economical than substitutes, with an average difference locally of five cents per pound; (2) that at the present time, SwEEiHEART Lard will do per pound a third larger shorten- ing job than substitutes, is therefor a third better buy per pound from the stand- point of ration coupons, and (3) that since lard is consider- ably easier on the digestive system than its substitutes 1 iin ARr Lard is preferable from standpoint of health. Ihe second approach to the liouse- wife is made through a spot announce- S\\ ihi 88 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP fiem Sweethearts A 15 to 1 Radio Shot Brings Banfield Packing Co., Salina, Ka., to the Front Creates a 15DD% Increase in Sales in Six Months ment series, five daily. Since most successful ad- vertising is based on repe- tition, the constant ham- mering of Sweetheart Lard makes the housewife feel she is seeing a well- known, familiar product when she sees the product displayed in her meat market. As a bridge between the spot an- nouncements and the quarter-hour mu- sical program, the one-minute series uses the Banfield Sweethearts singing the same theme song that introduces the 15-minute program. The announcement itself is a brief drama with the homely touch, in which different members of the family remark about the delicious- ness of different foods. In every case, the meal, dishes, or person preparing the food are referred to as "a sweetheart." Subtle suggestions for the preparation of specific foods which make use of the product are also implanted. These may be new recipes or something the house- wife has not prepared in a long time. With the program alone, Banfield did not expect to reach the entire avail- able radio audience. But the program, plus the five daily (including Sunday) spot announcements do completely cover the radio audience with regularity. As a part of its radio campaign. Ban- field lined up a dealer campaign. To over 409 grocers went letters telling them of the radio series. It was pointed out that profit on lard was as great as on any shortening, and that since lard is plentiful it is an item the dealers can push. It was also explained that the radio advertising, while it didn't cost distributors a cent, could mean more in- come. Grocers were also reminded that it was nec- essary for Banfield's to sell this lard if it were to continue to kill pork in quantity. Here is the letter KSAL sent to deal- ers: (Briefed). It's a fact that lard is a better shortening than its substitutes. It is more digestible; it costs less in dol- lars and cents; it will do a 1/3 big- ger shortening job per pound and for this reason it is more econom- ical in ration points. Richer cakes, more tasty pie crusts, better breads and rolls can be made with lard. There are five different sales mes- sages on this subject of "Sweetheart" lard on KSAL every day and in ad- dition to this, there is a full 15-min- ute program by the Banfield Sweet- hearts every day at 12:30 P.M., the best radio time in this section of the country— all of this to help you sell more "Sweetheart" lard. Here's what let's do— let's suggest "Sweetheart" lard to our customers, let's display it prominently in our cases. Banfield's have taken the lead. A two-color, full-page, inside front cover advertisement in the Kansas Grocer, the trade magazine for the gro- cery industry in the state of Kansas, was also a part of the dealer campaign. While Banfield is showing the sales increase it went after, it is also making an investment in post-war prosperity. MARCH, 1944 59 MODHE S DF OHIO (Co)} tinned fvoin page SO) and to further extend our penetraiiou into the market, we have also signed a contract for 100 billboards on the main hiulnvavs of Ohio. It is our contention that with restricted motoring, those who lie al)le to operate their cars on the highways today are in greater need of our service than ever before, and the l)illl)oard message invites them to tune- iii iluir radios h)r all-important infor- mation on the ])reservation of their .iutomobik's. Our (nst billboard advertisement placed during the week of February 1 carried this message in large, glow^ing letters: "Busy Stores All Over Ohio." At the right of these words was a giant-size radio dial, with "\VHKC-640" in the up- per part ol the dial, and "WHIZ-1240" ill ih( lower part. In a box immediate- l\ helou: "Tune in for the Newest in Sews Every Hour on the Half Hour." Across the bottom of the billboard: "Save at Moore's in '44." (It might be |)ointe{l out that this is our sales slogan loi ih( \e;ir, and it is the one we broad- cast to our radio audience). Below each billboaicl ad is an ideiuification stream- (1 \\hi(h gives the street address and town ol the nearest Moore's of Ohio si OK. it is this sort of promotion that h;is iiiade Mocmi 's an Ohio institiuion. I !iiil;Iii |)oiiii oil! ihiii to achieve this s.niie icMilt loi ;ill our 22. stores in Ohio (Oil III \ seal towns we would have to take s|)ii(( in j!2 dillerent news|)apers. W^ith oiii ladio series we gel the coverage we iKcd loi .ill OIII stores by stressing the plii;isc. "(I I \niii fif'ftrest Moore's store," .111(1 III iIk noon (|iiiii lei hour broadcast we ii.iiiK iIk iowiis ill which listeners will IiikI I \Iooi ( \ sioi ( . \\'h( II this Will is o\ei we do not know what l\|)( ol HICK handise we will be olleiing the j>eople ol Ohio, but ol one ihmg we are positi\e. Oui ollenngs will b( cjualiiN iiietc liandise and our service ^^ill be ol the best. I)e( :mse it is only uiili ill. It ( oiiihiii.ilioii ;iny estab- lishiiK III (iiii ho|)( lo (oiiiinnc and glow in business. MUSICAL HIT-BITS (C 0)1 tinned frotn page 85) days to cash in these coupons! Hurry! Katz Million Dollar Sale is almost over. Take your pick of Katz coupons and shop at Katz today! BOB: Then you'll say— "Thumbs up!" DOROTHY: FIVE SECONDS. DICK: Hurry! BRUCE: You have only a little longer to use your Million Dollar Sale Coupons— at Katz! NOVACHORD TAG. When we began the Musical Hit-Bits we made no commitments either to Straight or to ourselves as to how long we would continue this type of an- nouncement, btit listener comments and sales results made the decision for us dining the first or second week of the campaign. We decided unanimously to continue the Musical Hit-Bits idea for our Christmas radio campaign, working in the selling line which Straight worked out two years ago and which we have used ever since; "Everyone can buy any- one the perfect Christmas gift at Katz." And there's one more thing we can say about Katz Musical Hit-Bits which we have never been able to say about any other series of radio announcements: this is a merchandisable spot series. In- stead C3f thinking of our htige schedule as 97 s}X)ts a week on radio station WDAF, KMBC, WHB. KCKN and KFEO, we say we ha\e 97 prograins-in- mi)iiature each week. Moreover, we merchandise these pro- grams with a StatuPix (a picture of Dor- othy Hendren in full color, moiuited on board, jigged out and set on an attrac- tive |)cclestal) in each of our 13 Kansas Cil\ Suj)er Sioies and in the St. Joseph Supei- Store. And now, according to a great many listener-customers, people are actually listening lor our spot announcements, wondering what songs Dorothy will sing next week, and waiting to find out how Bruce- and Dick will tie-in with the hit tune title. 90 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP AIRING THE NEW New radio programs worth reading about. No result figures as yet. Aviation IN TIME TO COME While the public gazes at the crystal ball through rose- colored glasses, dreams of the wonders of the post-war era, there is only one thing certain about the changes in the future, namely, that there will be change. With that in mind, United Air Lines brings Seattle, Wash., listeners a weekly blueprint of the future for the post-war West. In the half-hour KIRO feature of story, music and drama. United Air Lines spotlights the past, present and future of representative Pacific coast in- dustries. Each week the Sunday program salutes some one industry, gives a fore- cast of what the public can expect In Time to Come. Original broadcast saluted the air- craft industry, highlighting Boeing's Seattle plant. Included on that broad- cast was an address by Washington's Governor Arthur B. Langlie. Commer- cials follow the institutional line, pre- sent United Air Lines as "A Partner in the Progress of the Pacific Coast." Pur- pose of this flier into radio is not to create markets for post-war products that may or may not materialize, but rather to instill West Coast pride in its own industries and achievements. air FAX: Orchestral music by Carl Hoff's orchestra, with soloist Pat Friday, give listeners a tuneful ear- ful. Emcee and narrator is Carlton Kadell. Appropri- ate theme song: In Time to Come. First Broadcast: November 7, 1943. Broadcast Schedule: Sunday, 8:30-9:00 P.M. Preceded By: Crime Doctor. Followed By: Romance Time. Sponsor: United Air Lines. Station: KIRO, Seattle, Wash. Power: 50,000 watts. Population: 452,637. COMMENT: Fancy pictures of the car of tomorrow or what have you butter no bread, pr()l:)al)ly do more harm than good. Advertiser, here, however, points the way toward one type of post-war planning which may well be utilized today. Department Stores MEMORIES OF THE OLD SOUTH With the tolling of the dinner bell which calls the hands in from the field, Loveman's, Nashville, Tenn., department store, brings WLAC listeners Memories of the Old South. What stirs the memory arc nostalgic melodies chanted by a colored quartet, the Plantation Singers. Listeners who muse on things that have gone before, who treasure the tra- ditions of the Old South, are reminded that "Loveman's, the Satisfactory Store for 82 Years," presents the five times weekly mid-afternoon feature. While the quartet carries the show, the program is interspersed with com- mercials read by Virginia Mansell who also emcees the daily 11:15 A.M. Love- man's show. Beyond the Looking Glass, Tie-in between Memories of the Old South and the morning merchandise fea- ture: at the close, listeners are reminded that "At 11:15 tomorrow morning, on this same station, the Lady from Love- man's will meet you again Beyond the Looking Glass." On holidays, other spe- cial occasions, the commercial sales talk gives precedence to the institutional ges- ture. To do it up brown, Loveman's now carries four shows on WLAC. In addi- tion to the morning merchandise show heard six times weekly, and the after- noon quarter-hour of music, there is Sinatra on Records for the young fry's Saturday night entertainment, and a 5:00 P.M. Sunday offering of the tran- scribed feature, Soldiers of the Press. air FAX: Announcer Paul Oliphant renders lip serv- ice to Memories of the Old South. First Broadcast: August 23, 1943. Broadcast Schedule: Monday through Friday, 3:45- 4:00 P.M. MARCH, 1944 91 Preceded By: Voung Dr. Malonc. Followed By: Transcribed Music. Sponsor: Lcvcman's Department Store. Station: WLAC. Nashville, Tenn. Poaer: 30,000 watts. Population: 167,402. COMMENT: A variety of radio features de^i^^iicd to appeal to a wide variety of listeners is certain to tap the available market, establish an advertiser with the listening audience. As yet almost untap- |H(1 is the field of regional entertain- iiKiit. hut it promises sponsors plenty of oic-bearinir rock. Department Stores HEADLINES IN THE NEWS For its first lull-scale advertising attack by air, Sears, Rf)EBi'c;K R: Co., Tacoma, Wash., uses the frontal approach, breaks down its H radii nrs in the Neius into definite news fronts. While the sales weapon of news bulletins is similar in content to I ha I used by other advertisers on the news iront, the format itself represents soMKihing new in strategy. Program opens with the headlines in the morning's news, including one from Si ARs' lacoma Retail Store. A general roimd-up of news from the war fronts lollous. News from the nation's capitol makes up the second portion of the news pel iod. Complete coverage of Tacoma happenings brings up the rear. Final portion ol the fi\e times weekly program (onsisis ol I lie I'NirKi) Prkss feature, Toddy's Aincricdu Hero. In addition to opening and dosing . ■md iIh ihiid jjietcdes the story of Today's AtncriKUi Hero. Campaign is s( hcduhd lor a .^)2-week run. AIR I AX: J or Hi-adlnus in the News. KMO's pro- proKrdin director Verne Sawyer gete sports news. Adman- ager Fred Roland found (according to its Crossley rating) that in the shuffle Frankenberger's had achieved the most listened-to WCHS program. Thousands of miles away, sports was still the major topic of conversation in Guadalcanal fox holes, North African desert sands or on the ice-bound coast of Iceland. Fighting men found time to write sportscaster Sam Molen to tell him how they missed the Sport Page of the Air, to ask hundreds of questions about sports events, past, present and future. Then came an idea. AVhen adman Roland, sportscaster Molen and WCHS station manager Howard L. Chernoff came out of the huddle, the ball was put into play for a printed edition of the Sport Page of the Air for servicemen. Each month the four-page, tabloid size, printed newspaper is mailed to hus- bands, sons, sweethearts and friends of WCHS listeners. Sport Page of the Air listeners are in- vited to send in the names and addresses of West Virginia men in service. The first issue went to 1,500 servicemen. When the eleventh issue went out Feb- ruary 1, there were 8,137 names on the mailing list. Headlines of the Christmas issue were reserved for a personal message to each boy. The recipient of each copy found his name in bold, red letters in a stream- er across page one, w^ith a Merry Christ- mas a part of the greeting. With Frankenberger's, radio and newspaper advertising go hand-in-glove, and a goodly por- tion of its newspa- per budget has gone to additional pro- motion for its serv- icemen's news a per and its Sport Page of the Air. One such promotion: a re- print of a letter from a serviceman, "Many thanks for Frankenberger's Sport Page of the Air. I will pass it to Hitler, attached to a block buster." Details of the free s]:)orts newspaper service and time-and-sialion program data were included in ihc ad- \ertisement. Frankenberger's have also built show window displays to exhibit the 7,000 let- ters from all over the world written to sportscaster Molen. Typical serviceman conmient: "It's next to a letter from home. I pass it around among my bud- dies until it's worn out." Address cards are placed on Frankenberger's counters for customers to fill out with names of servicemen. And to insure earliest pos- sible delivery, Frankenberger's have set up a card file to handle changes in address. Xet result: what was just another sports program has become a West Vir- ginia institution, is as much a part of Frankenberger's as the men's and boys' clothing it sells. While the program hues to the institutional line,, will hit pay dirt at war's end, it also serves an immediate purpose. Direct result from radio which was untried and unknown to it four short years ago: Frankenberger's recent- ly celebrated the biggest day in its his- tory of 83 years. With radio it has also met the transportation shortage, has built up a live-wire mail order depart- ment. Adman Roland now ties-up all Frankenberger's promotions with its radio program. air FAX: Nightly quarter-hour sports review is edited by sports reporter Sam Molen. To give color to its pages, sportscaster Sam Molen takes fans Behind the Sport Headlines. Five-minute feature deals with some memorable moment in sports. First Broadcast: 1939. Broadcast Schedule: Monday through Saturday, 6:15- 6:30 P.M. Preceded By: News. Followed By: Music. Sponsor: Frankenberger's. Station: WCHS, Charleston, W. Va. Power: 5,000 watts. Population: 80,996. COMMENT: Invaluable is the post-war good will built with service features of MARCH, 1944 99 this kind which make a tremendous con- tribution to the morale of the armed forces. These same fighting men of today are the listening audience and the buy- ing public of the future. Milling SWINGTIME SPECIAL W^hen WCBI lis- teners board the Swingtime Special with Shawnee Milling Co. at the throttle, there's music and reading matter for everyone on the week-day excursion. When the series first took to the air- waves, fellow-travelers with Shawnee were offered free booklets on war heroes lor the asking. Program was designed to introduce a new flour in the WCBI mar- ket. Program utilizes opening and closing sound effects to put listeners into the swing of the Swingtime Special. Popular music is the fuel used to build up sales steam. Combination of booklet and pro- gram have stepped up the tempo of the Shawnee drive shaft into the Columbus, Miss., area. AIR FAX: Show is made up of transcribed music. First Broadcast: June, 1943. Broadcast Schedule: Monday through Friday, 11:45- 12:00 (Noon). Preceded By: Woman's College. Followed By: Musical Show. Sponsor: Shawnee Milling Co. Station: WCBI, Columbus, Miss. Power: 250 watts. Population: 15,467. COMMENT: Music to work by has long been a successful late morning pattern for radio advertisers. For sponsors it is an easy and inexpensive short-cut to in- creased sales. Music Stores ALBUM OF FAMILIAR MUSIC Although CKOC listeners in and around Hamil- ton, Ont., had yet to hear the Bayer Aspirin Co.'s network Album of Fa- miliar Music, the local Heintzman Record Depari mem had proof that listeners were album (C)ns(ious. As a tie- in with ilie network program, Heintz- man's olfered five record albums to five listeners who could iclcniifv "W/r Oold- en Voice of Radio," Frank Munn, the Bayer singing star. Over a two- week period preceding the first broadcast of the Album of Familiar Music listeners heard Munn's voice coupled with spot announcements invit- ing them to icientify the mystery man. On-the-air promotion was supplemented with a Heintzman window display which drew attention to the contest, the albums on sale, and the Hamilton open- ing of the network program. Passers-by were reminded to tune in the 10:30 A.M. Treasure Chest of Song, and the 11:00 P.M. Starlight Concert for details. Those who correctly identified the voice got their names in the hat, and drawings for the five winners took place just previous to the cut-in for the net- work opening program. Evidence that the album was a treasured thing: during the final week of the contest it drew 484 letters! AIR FAX: First Broadcast: January 2, 1944. Broadcast Schedule: Daily, 10:30 A.M., and 11:00 P.M. for two weeks. Sponsor: Heintzman Store. Station: CKOC, Hamilton, Ont. Power: 1,000 watts (d). Population: 155,547. COMMENT: Promotion of this kind un- doubtedly helps build a large audience lor the network show, but the local spon- sor has plenty to chalk up to the credit side of the ledger. It's just such aggres- sive merchandising that produces radio success stories. Newspaper WAR WORKERS VICTORY VARIETIES Men behind the guns now (ind them- selves behind the footlights in Pitts- burgh, Pa., on their days olf. Extolled in song, posters and bond plugs, these same war workers now get the opportunity to do a bit of singing, dancing and story telling on their own. Under the stimulus and aegis of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, leading indus- tries of VV^estern Pennsylvania engaged in the preparation and manufacture of \iial war material comb ])ersonnel for ouislanding amatem- theatrical talent, feature it in an hour long War Work- 100 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP ers Victory Varieties. Broadcast over WWSW, the show goes on from the stage of Pittsburgh's venerable Nixon Theatre. Ten separate acts representing ten dif- ferent companies are staged weekly, and the number of audition applicants indi- cates that most welders and sheet metal workers are crooners and tap dancers at heart. Since workers do any one of three eight-hour shifts, two weekly auditions, one at 7:00 P.M., the other at 9:00 A.M., in the Post-Gazette auditorium, give everyone interested a crack at the foot- lights. Not only for glory do workers tread the boards. To the three best weekly acts go $100, $50 and $25 War Bonds. The- atre audience ballots determine the win- ners. Evidence that War Workers Vic- tory Varieties is on the Bond wagon: a Treasury Department request to stage two 2-hour Bond shows. A feature of each broadcast is the introduction of the previous week's winners and the presen- tation of prizes. Promotionotions: broadcast pics are featured in the Monday edition of the Post-Gazette. Weekly winners are an- nounced in Tuesday's edition. Broad- casts are open to the public, and tickets are free on request. Workers secure tick- ets from personnel offices. AIR FAX: Evidence that too many cooks don't neces- sarily spoil the broth: WWSW chief announcer Dave Tyson emcees the show which is scripted by John WilkoflP, produced by John Davis, and versatile emcee Dave Tyson. Band- A id: the William Penn Hotel Orchestra of Maurice Spi- talny. Series is also broadcast over the Victory Network. First Broadcast: December 12, 1943. Broadcast Schedule: Sunday, 3:00-4:00 P.M. Preceded By: Romantic Hour. Followed By: News and Music. sponsor: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Station: WWSW, Pittsburgh, Pa. Power: 250 watts. Population: 1,072,545. COMMENT: VVHiere the area is sufficient- ly large to guarantee an ample reserve of talent, the amateur show with the indus- trial worker tie-in is a natural. Sustaininq CANTEEN QUIZ When soldiers gather at Lowry Field for the Monday night Canteen Quiz, every contestant down to the last man has one objective, namely. Bombing Berlin. What's at stake: prizes that speak a soldier's language. An all-military show, the series is a qviiz and game combination with audi- ence participation. Ten contestants make up the crew of those intent on Bombing Berlin, the game used on the program. Contestant is given a dart to throw at a map. The number on which the dart lands determines the question to be asked, with the number on the map co- inciding with the number on the ques- tion. Those who miss may or may not get the razzberry, but in any case they rate a booby prize. Theatre tickets and cigarettes are the stock-in-trade. AIR FAX: Broadcast Schedule: Monday, 7:30-8:00 P.M. Station: KMYR, Denver, Col. Power: 250 watts. COMMENT: Excellent as morale build- ers among the armed forces, broadcasts of this kind also do a public relations job among civilians, help acquaint lis- teners with their army post neighbors. O What the U.S.O. is to the armed forces, the War Workers Victory Varieties is to Pittsburgh, Pa., homefront fighters. MARCH, 1944 101 PROOF O'THE PUDDING Results based on sales, mails, surveys, long runs and the growth of the business itself. Department Stares WHAT'S GOING ON While listeners may ask What's Going On, have the question answered for them on the WICG feature, Rowland's Department Store, Bridgeport, Conn., got the an- swer before it asked the question. When mikestress May Bradshaw Hays urged her listeners to back the Fourth War Loan, she got a $1,500 answer in j3ledges from her one-time plea. AIR FAX: Important current events of local and na- tional interest fill in the five titnes weekly quarter- hour slanted toward the distaff side. Promotionotions: strip headlines in the department store's newspaper advertising, and small posters with time-and-station data in the store itself. To cover the local angle on What's Going On, representatives for state and suburban news in every wom- an's club in Connecticut have been ap- pointed. First Broadcast: November 29, 1943. Broadcast Schedule: Monday through Friday, 11:15-11:30 A.M. Preceded By: Music. Followed By: Music. Sponsor: Howland's Department Store. Station: WICC, Bridgeport, Conn. Power: 1,000 watts (d). Population: 147,121. COMMENT: All lo llie good arc- tie-ins with women's tlul^s, oili- er civic organizations. Deparimenl stores have made good use of just (his kind ol sunnorl. Department Stores THROW A DART W'iun Bi i<(.i ii K)\V\ R RADIO APRIL 1944 IN THIS ISSUE # Quality shows for Quality Bakers of America, Inc., says admanager Robert L. Schaus (p.ll5) # Hardware dealer covers newsfront • . {p. 120) # What's the answer for department stores? Here's one from Toronto, Ont (p.l24) 37 Tested Programs for Businessmen nCF TUAW A UAPAVTKTr c r D u T p r YOUR BUSINESS AT A GLANCE A quick index to what others in your business field accomplish through radio. Articles and services in Radio Showmanship are classified by businesses here. APRIL Business PAGE Automobiles 135 Aviation 128 Bakers 115 Beverages 130 Builders' Supplies 135 Candies 118 Cemeteries 130 Department Stores 124. 131. 133, 136 Drug Products 141, 142 Finance 126, 131, 140, 142 Grocers 126, 132 Hardware Dealers 120, 142 Business Home Furnishings Jewelers Manufacturers Meat Packers Men's Wear Millers Newspapers Opticians Photographers Restaurants Schools PAGE 132, 136 137 133, 139, 141 133 122, 126 126 133, 137 126, 134 134, 137 138 138 Automobiles Automobile Supplies Aviation Beverages Churches Department Stores Drug Products Drug Stores Finance Dealers icrs lines MA PAGE 97, 105 78 91 97 97 86, 91, 92, 98, 102, 105 95, 102 84, 92 103 92 103, 104 93 86, 93, 94, 102, 104, 105 R CH Business PAGE Hardware Stores 106 Insurance Agencies 94 Manufacturers 81, 93, 106 Meat Packers 88 Men's Wear 95, 98 Milling 86, 95, 100, 102 Music Stores 100 Newspapers 96, 100 Nurseries 86 Public Utilities 86 Seed Stores 86 Theatres 92 Varietv Stores 78 // you don't have the March issue, order it now! ^^ Notional Broodcostlng Co. A Service of Radio Corporation of America • You can stew and sweat and worry and fret about your programs for summer listening OR ( capital or ) you can solve the whole problem the easy way— with one of NBC's top-flight package shows. Yes, if ever there was a way that "easy does it," this is it. NBC has a wealth of first-rate recorded shows . . . music, mystery, adventure, great names, variety, romance . , . all set to work for you on your local station. To name a few: The Weird Circle— spine-tingling mysteries by master storytellers of the past. 52 half-hour shows. Modern Romances— real-life love stories, vibrant enough for the young, mellow enougli for the old, from the pages of Modern Romances Magazine. 156 quarter-hours— each a complete story. Stand By for Adventure — tales of exciting happenings in far places, among strange people. 52 quarter-hour programs. And this summer, with restrictions on gas and tires— peo- ple staying home because of crowded trains and buses, there'll be a better summer audience than ever. All the more reason to turn to NBC— to put your chips on shows produced to assure popularity and audience response. EASY DOES IT! All you have to do is write a few com- mercials . . . pick your favorite show . . . select the time and station. If the shows listed are not what you have in mind . . . there are many more from which to choose. But don't delay! Ask your local station to audition the show for you— or write direct for a list of available shows. i?AD/0-f?eCQftf)/NG D\\/\S\OH A Mi RICA 5 NUMB PR I SW^ K C I Of KiCORDiO PROGRAMS RCA BIdg., Radio Cify, New York, N.Y... Merchandise Marf, Chicago, III. Trans-Lux BIdg., Washington, D. C. . . Sunsef and Vine, Hollywood, Col, so IT'S IMPORTANT WHEN WE SAY. . . WHAT NOW LITTLE MAN? Do you know this man? He's the retailer who won't buy radio time because a competitor has a longer, more elaborate pro- gram than he himself can afford. His logic follows this pattern. Until he can either match Blank's program, or go Blank's one better, he will shun radio advertising like a plague. It's the old cutting-off-your-nose-to-spite-your- face technique. Now it happens that Blank's uses its radio offering entirely for prestige. Sales are, and always have been, incidental. So our friend, even though he'd give the shirt off his back for the business volume in one single department of Blank's, knits his brow, and lets his worries over prestige cut years off his life. What he should do, as we know, is to set out to earn the prestige that Blank's has established through years of service to the community. You don't measure prestige nor business volume by the clock. A five-minute program can do a whale of a job. A 6o-minute program can be a complete flop. Programs are the essence of radio, not time units. It takes good program- ming to build listening audiences. And it's right here that our friend trips over another stumbling block. He wants an audience right off the bat that's as large as the one that Blank's has taken years to achieve. He could build an audience in time that was as large as all-out-doors, but would it necessarily be the audience he wants? Jilst as you don't measure radio's effectiveness in time luiits, you don't measure it entirely in the terms of the size of the listening audience. That's only one test of a program. What counts is audience loyalty and response, and a pro- gram with a relatively small tune-in tan riui circles aroimd some of its larger brothers and sisters when it comes to building sales and prestige. But what's the use ol worrying al)()ut our friend? He'll be gone and for- gotten . . . his competitors will see to that. 112 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP CONTENTS APRIL 1944 VOL. 5 No. 4 Publisher Don Paul Nathanson Managing Editor Marie Ford Editorial Advisory Board RADIO Herbert Pettey Ralph Atlass WiLLLAM DOLPH Glenn Snyder Philip Lasky Roger Clipp C. T. Hagman J. Harold Ryan New York Chicago WasJiington Chicago San Francisco Philadelphia Minneapolis Washington BUSINESS Dr. Harry Dean Wolfe Washington, D. C. Lorenzo Richards Ogden, Utah GusTAv Flexner Louisville J. Hudson Huffard Blnefield, Va. VLaurice M, Chait Peoria, III. Frank J. Ryan Kalamazoo, Mich. Allen C. Knowles Cleveland Published by Showmanship Publi- cations, Minneapolis 2, Minn. Sub- scription rate: $2.50 a year, 25c a copy. Address editorial correspond- ence to 1004 Marquette, Minneapo- lis 2, Minn. Tel.: Ge. 9619. Copyright 1944 by Showmanship Publications, publishers of Radio Showmanship. Editorial 112 And So to Bread 115 Robert L. Schaus Good shows build both sales and good will for the 110 member plants of Quality Bakers of America, Inc., says the manager of the advertising division. Sweet Success . . . Robert Kaneen 118 Gracious Lady nominations the basis for a merchandisable series of spot announcements writes the pres- ident of Christopher Candy Co., Los Angeles, Cal. We Cover the Newsf ront 120 Elisha Morgan Rural slant establishes hardware store as the farmer's headquarters writes the president of Salter Mor- gan Co., Vincennes, Ind. All Wool-Counties Wide Geo. M. Olson 122 Increased business pays cost of ad- vertising budget doubled to include radio writes the manager and co- owner of Calmenson's Clothing Store, Montevideo, Minn. APRIL, 1944 113 What's the Answer? 124 J. E. Purcell The Robert Simpson Co., Ltd., To- ronto, Ont., hangs up the S.R.O. sign on its teen-age radio series writes the account executive of the Harry E. Foster Advertising Agen- cy. Home Folks — By Request! An RS Analysis 126 Peterborough, Ont., vohnne nil to a quarter million makes Qtiaker Oats one of 14 champions of this partici- pating series. Strictly Personnel 128 Oliver Elliott How a radio series over 100 weeks old builds employee morale is told by the director of public relations for Cessna Aircraft Co., Wichita, Ka. Airing the New 130 Xe^v radio programs are worth read- ing abotit. Showmanship in Action 135 Promotions and merchandising stunts lift a program out of the rut. What the Program Did for Me 139 Businessmen exchange results and reactions to radio programs for their mutual benefit. Special Promotion 140 Short radio promotions leave an impression the year around. Proof O' the Pudding 141 Results are based on sales, mails, stn^eys and long rtnis. Johnny on the Spot 142 News, reviews and tips on spot an- nouncement campaigns. Who produces whatr^ This up-to-the-minute di- rectory of script end transcribed programs for local sponsors is alpha- betical ly indexed . . . cross-indexed by time, audience appeal, and subject matter. 75c ^euCc^ S^M()4oc^ ^Complete Listings • Cross-indexed 1944 REVISION RADIO SHOWMANSHIP MAGAZINE 1004 Marquette Minneapolis 2, Minnesota Gentlemen : Send me my free copy of the RADIO SHOWBOOK and enter my subscription to RADIO SHOWMANSHIP for one year at $2.50. Check enclosed D- Bill me later D- I will want D copies of the Radio Showbook at 75 cents I per copy. Check enclosed D- Bill me later D- Name Address City Stote 114 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP nd So to Bread W Good Shows Build Both Sales and Good Will for IID Member Plants by ROBERT L SCHAUS, ad-manager. Quality Bakers of America, Inc. HKTHER we're sponsoring a news broadcast, soap melodrama, a blood-and-thunder kid show, or a show Hke our newest hit Sam Adams; and whether it's in Kankakee or Kalamazoo, AVaterbury or the AVabash, we spare no effort in putting it over. The show's the thing with us because we believe in radio! Guiding the radio destinies of more than a 100 bakery plants from coast to coast is our job. On any given day, our combined membership can be cotinted on to corner a sizeable w^edge of the national constmier listening time. We have had experience with every conceivable type of radio program. All of them we have found meritoriotis. All of them present a constant challenge to our imagination and ingentiity to ttnn them into hits. ' Each year we also create jingle spot announcements for otir members. And these we take in oiu' stride, with the thought tippermost to prodtice the best possible spots we can. We pro- duce all types; straight commercials, dramatic commercials, variety spots with musical introductions and signa- tures, sophisticated singing announce- ments, and humorous sales talks. There is a time and place for all of them. We make it oiu' btisiness to know in what territory each type is most accepted. Naturally, a sophisti- cated type of commercial, which goes over w^ell in and around a large me- tropolis, is not as acceptable in an outlying territory. Our copy writing staff is competent and knowing, able to build the right kind of spot for where\er it may be needed, and make it sell bread! A few years back we sponsored what we still regard as one of the fin- Ma}} of many enthusiasms is rug- ged individualist Robert L. Schaus, manager of the ad- vertising division of Quality Bakers of A fn erica Coop., Inc., but he is par- ticularly enthusias- tic about the pos- sibilities of radio as a medium for promoting the sale of bread through- out the length and breadth of these United States. All media, radio, newspaper, posters or what-have-you, get the nod from Quality Bakers for its 110 member plants scattered throughout the coun- try. While adman Schaus functions pri- marily as an idea man, he doesn't scorn the detail work, fully understands the details of I'arious and sundry jobs. ^M ^^M APRIL, 1944 115 est kid shows ever put on the air, Speed Gibson, and we did an all-out merchandising job on it. Kid clubs sprang tip like dandelions all o\'er the country. Incidentally, we were first to put a code on the bread wrap- per which the youngsters had to decipher. And we fotmd we had a real hit on our hands with Speed! That's jtist a skeleton otuline of our radio experience up luitil 1943. Last year we began searching for something tuiique and different in a recorded show. Naturally, like all radio ad\'ertisers, we set our sights on presenting what would be the otustanding show of its kind on the air. We were determined to give our members a good, human interest show that would sell the consumer and build dealer good will too. We rea- soned that it w-as tip to us as good bakery merchandisers, to help our grocers with their wartime problems; in effect, hand out aspirin to help cure the grocers' head- aches. Grocers are the real salesmen of our products, and rationing and shortages of goods, not to mention shortages of help, have ptit them on the spot. Suddenly we realized that what we were searching for was right there, in our hands, like the proverbial oyster. We would build a show right around a typical grocery store! It was a nattiral! Nowhere else cotild we hope to find a richer, more colorful source of human interest mate- rial. Not only that, but we knew that point rationing has brought the housewife closer than e\er to her grocery store, and the trials and tribulations she shares with her dealer are very real to her. Accord- ingly, we designed our Sam Adains show to reach out and interest the female audi- ence by promoting a better understand- ing of the grocers' problems. Of course, we knew we'd have the gro- cers' critical eye firmly fixed upon tis from the start, and accordingly we have con- stantly dotible-checked every script to make sure that no incidents creep in that might make the show seem unautlientic to liini. No effort was spared in assembling a good team of capable script writers. Be- loic scripts were written, we canvassed some 20. ()()() grocers throughout the coun- 11) to find out what pioblems irked them most. Production of the series was en- trusted to Harry Jacobs, who has been personally responsible for some of the (inest scrijjt shows on the air in the past ten years. Our writers went out into the licld and talked with hundreds of gro- 116 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP ccrs to get the feci c)j the business. We were fortu- nate in assembling one of the best casts ever to per- foiin on this type of show. Our stars include Jackie Kelk, the Homer of the Henry Aid- rich show, WMlliam Adams, veteran Shakespearean actor and president of the American Federation of Radio Artists, Carl Swenson, known to mil- lions as Lorenzo Jones, Beverly Bayne of the silent movies, Mathew Crowley, starring Broadway actor, and a score of ohers. As a further tie-up with the grocers, we initiated the stunt of inviting local grocers to make three-minute talks at the end of the program, every two weeks or so. In the talks they present various problems they are up against, and make a plea for consumer cooperation and understanding. As one can imagine, this feature met with gratifying enthusiasm. In one section a grocer reported that 22 customers telephoned him within a half hour after the broadcast to congratulate him on his speech! This experience was duplicated wherever such talks were made by local giocers. In many in- stances, we had actual cases of grocers pushing sponsors' products up to first place on bread racks after they had been invited to talk on the airwaves. The editor of a leading grocery maga- zine endorsed our sho^v, and the New^ York State Food Merchants Ass'n., in its regular bulletin, had this to say: "For the first time, a 15-minute serial program has been built spe- cifically to help the grocer solve his problems, and teach the public to appre- ciate the tremendous job the American grocer is doing. * * * We feel this program will be mutually beneficial to the merchants and sponsoring company." In 13 weeks after the show was launched, we set in mo- tion the machinery to make telephone surveys in strategic locations throughout the coiuitry. We wanted proof that the show was as gocjcl as we believed it was! When the results came in, our opti- mism and faith were fully justified! In W^illiamsport, Pa., 65 per cent of the women qtiestioned listened to cjur show. Skipping to the Middle West in Du- bucjue, la., a telephone survey shcjwed 411/4 per cent of all those with their radios on were listening to our show. Parkersburg, W. Va., gave us 47.9 per cent. Salina, Ka., ran up a neat 50 per cent. There was a particularly interesting twist to the Salina, Ka., sur- vey. For the days on which Sam was on the air, a Hooper type survey showed a high of 11.5 per cent as against only 4.9 per cent for alter- nate days! As time goes by, we are going to keep on checking our listener audience at periodic intervals. \Ve feel that this is only good business and a protection of oiu- members' in\'estments in the show. ^\'e have ample proof that consumers like our show, too, and we get a satisfy- ing flow of postcards and letters from all territories. As is our usual procedure, we have merchandised the show to the limit. Our radio department issues a steady stream of bulletins to sponsors and to their radio stations; cue sheets for each episode, publicity suggestions, et al. And that brings me to another very important point. Naturally, since the entire raison d'entre of the show is to sell bread, we ha\'e gi\en as much care and thought to wTiting good commercials, as to the dramatic scripts themselves. 7 he copy is subtle but hard hitting. It focuses the ptib- lic's attention on the product, and does a sotuid job of air selling. Our Sam Adams show is young biu pulling! APRIL, 1944 117 weet VLCcess Gracious Lady NaminatiDns Basis for Merchandisahle Spot Series hy ROBERT KANEEN, president Christopher Candy Company ABOUT mid-September, three years ago, the Christopher I Candy Co., Los Angeles, Cal., manufacturer of boxed chocolates, set out to promote the sales of its product. Up to that time, the firm had used little or no ad\ertising, and Avhile the business had been moderately successful, it want- ed to expand its market. Radio seemed like the shortest distance between the two points. In our search for an economical method of reaching the greatest nimiber of people, Christopher Candy selected some pronu'sing participation announcements available on KNX. Al Inst there \vere just a lew announcements on this nightly 11:00 P.M. news broadcast by Bob Andersen, biu the schedule was gradually increased to three announce- ments a week. Chris ropiiiR Candy still uses its three announcements weekly, ;m(l duiing this time, radio has been the only nu'diiini re<'ulail\ used. Tlu- sales storv? C^HRisroPHKR C^ANDY has become the besi-sellini; box caiuh in Soinheni California! How has the peak sales figure ot today been reaehed? W'c teel that this success has been due to the fact that Cruris- lOPHER Candy is a quality product made localh, and l^e- catise it has sold cjuickly with the help ol KXX announce- ments, consumers get a genuinely tresh prodtict. Xatiually, the consumer is going to come back asking tor more ot Christopher. One ot the most interesting residts from the use ot the 150-word participation annoiuicements is that demand tor Christopher Candy has spread. New markets have been penetrated for post-war distribution. The firm now receives orders from cities and towns far removed from the area it had formerly served, and there is mail from remote areas in W^ashington, Oregon, Nevada and other states iir the West. One Christopher salesman wrote, telling of a famous old tavern in Virginia City, Nev., where many people gath- er each e\ening to hear this KNX news broadcast. 1 he tavern keeper's sales of Christopher Candy have zoomed. Another interesting letter came from a look-out for tlie U. S. Forest Service and the Aircraft \Varning Service, who lives in isolation a-top a mile-high mountain near Cougar, Wash., and to whom all supplies must be delivered by mule-pack. He requested that candy be sent C.O.D. A feature of the announcements which has proved a par- ticularly good mail-puller and has also given us an idea of the size of the audience, is the offer of a box of Christo- pher's Gracious Lady chocolates for the best letter describ- ing a real-life gracious lady. 1 his tribute to some gracious, kindly person by name is always the dominant part of the commercials, and the plugs for candy are indirect. (It might be added that the number of Gracious Lady nominations each week is large enough to make Emily Post beam with pride). Recently, the Christopher Candy Co., through its ad- vertising agency, Hillman-Shane-Breyer, has expanded its radio advertising budget, despite increased demand for its product due to wartime conditions, with an eye to eventual expansion. We are more convinced than ever that this firm's story is as good as a moral; straight as an arrow-, it points out the value of even a small advertising expendi- ture when it is concentrated on the right medium in the right way. w. e Covor the News Front . . Rural Slant Establishes Hardwa V \\'lien W'AOV, Vinceniies, hid., aired its first broadcast in October, 1940, the SArrER Morgan Co., wholesale and retail dealers in [arm implements and hard- ware, was a babe in the woods as far as radio ad\ertising was concerned. But our market was the farm audience, and racho seemed to have immense possibilities. We can now say that as an advertising mediimi, radio has sinpassed our fond- est expectation. Not only do we have evidence for several weeks of listener re- sponse to a specific connnercial message; often we get thai response before the conclusion ol a l:)roadcast. When we decided to gi\e radio a trial, Saitkr Morgan picked a news program as its radio vehicle. Broadcast at 12:15 P.M.. a time when the farmer is known to be listening to his radio, the program emphasizes news of special interest to the rural listener, and is heard Monday through Siiiinday. lo lound out the sdiedule, a suimnary of the week's news ill review was added for Sunday broad- cast ai the same time. liiroughout this pel iod, the news (oinmenlator lor SArtKR M()R(;a\ has l)een W'AOV station man- ager. \^i( loi i 1. I jind. ( ioiinnci ( ial (oj)\ is juchciousiy used, and is limited to two sales messages a newscast. (Commercials are nevei lengthy. For dea as FARMER by ELISHA MDRI the most part, these commercials with specific items of merchandise. Example: ''With colder weather predict- ed,combined with the threatened coal shortage, it's a good idea to do e~i'erythi}ig possi- ble to conserve fuel this iv inter. One good way of doing it is by weaf Iter -proofing that h o in e o f yours . . . by re- placing brokoi wi)idoiv glass and weatlier-stripping doors and win- dows to keep in heat and tlie (old out. The Salter Morgan Co. offers one-si of) sen'ice for such needs as glass, (diking ( oin jyound, weather- strif)pi?io (ifid roofing ceuicnt. You can get all the things you need to prepare your home for winter Newscaster Vic Lund 120 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP Uy^^^^ faler EADQUARTERS Salter Morgan Co. weather at the Salter Morgan Co. in Vincennes." There is no question in our minds of the vahie of a consistent, directed radio program as a business builder, and through our concentration on merchan- dise of interest to the farm audience, we feel that we have established the Saiter Morgan Co. as the farmer's headquar- ters in Vincennes. One reason, of course, that the commercials have been success- ful is the fact that we avoid smart, slick copy, and instead, use copy written in the farmer's language. In this way, the farmer comes to think of our company as his friend. Example: "In place of the radio special for today, the Saiter Morgan Company directs these few words to its farmer friends . . . a few words on electric fence controllers. They're econom- ical . . . one strand does the work of five or six, and you save metals for the war effort . . . there are fewer posts to drive . . . there are no heavy APRIL, 1944 rolls of IV ire to handle. With electric fence controllers you hold all of your live stock all of the time all over the farm. Look into the many money-saving features of electric fence controllers, at the Saiter Mor- gan Company, the farmer's lie ad- quarters in Vincennes." In presenting the Saiter Morgan Co. news, a somewhat different format is used. The opening features terse head- lines by commentator Lund, and is fol- lowed by the first commercial which a WAOV announcer reads. After the United Press news is gi\'en in detail, there is a brief review of the livestock and grain markets. The last commercial featiues a radio special which is not ad- \ertised elsewhere. The program closes with the weather forecast and local tem- perature readings. While Saiter Morgan has done very little merchandising on its radio pro- grams, it has offered free war maps ob- tainable only at the store. Se\'eral thou- sand copies were disposed of in each case in less than a week. To remind oiu' listeners of the Saiter Morgan sponsor- ship of this news broadcast, we give a box to the series each week in our dis- play advertising in the Vincennes Sun- Commercial. Too, the programs are list- ed Avith the Saiter Morgan name in the newspaper's radio column. 121 Saiter Morgan doesn't claim to be a large user of radio time in terms of dol- lars and cents. It doesn't claim to be a student of the theory and practice of radio advertising. But it does claim to be a satisfied radio sponsor. A hand- shake is the only agreement Saiter Mor- gan has ever had with WAOV, and no written contract is necessary. Should a curtailment of advertising ever become necessary, radio will be the last medium Saiter Morgan will drop. • DOUBLY AIRMINDED ^ Budget Doubled to Include Radio Increased Business Pays Cost of Familiarly known as "Lish," hard- ware dealer Elisha Morgan, presi- dent of the Saiter Morgan Co., Vin- eennes, Ind., is air-minded in more xvays than one. Until the flood waters of the rampaging Wabash River ruined his ship, "Lish," now in his sixties but young in heart, owned and flew his own plane. Noxu that he's grounded, his golf dubs get more of a xoork-out. One of the organizers and a past president of (he Vinrennes CJuniiber of (U)fnnir) ((', he was also a sleni- xvinder, former prexy of the I'in- cennes Rotary Club. Iwidenee of his interest of long standing in t/ie Ro tary Club: likenesses of each past fjresideul ado})i his offue wall. 11 Wool THIS is a story of a radio station, a city and a clothing store. The radio station is KWLM, Willmar, Minn.; the city, Montevideo, and the clothing store is Calmenson's. The first chapter in this story dates back a little over three years ago, to October 5, 1940, to be exact. Monte- video sent a delegation to take part in KWLM's dedication, and I was one of the representatives. Even at that time we were interested in radio, and we knew that radio could sell men's and boys' clothing for Calmenson's. But we were afraid that it was too expensive for us. Since, however, when there is nothing ventured, there is nothing gained, Cal- menson's started to use occasional spot announcements on KWLM. At that time KWLM began broadcasting a remote talent show from one of the Montevideo theatres. Yes! You can bet that Calmen- son's was one of the sponsors. Radio had been expensive in comparison to Cal- menson's previous advertising expendi- tiues, btU it was showing results, and what is more important, it was paying its way. By this time, several other Montevideo merchants were using KWLM. Local in- terest was gi^owing, and business was (oniing from more distant j)oints. The ii])sh()i of it was that on the station's (nst annixersary, KWLM opened up a studio in Monte\ideo, 40 miles from the transmitter. The football season was on, and C^almenson's increased its advertis- ing budget to cover a weekly high school sports interview. Ihen, on December 7, 1941, Japan struck at Pearl Harbor. America entered the war. 'Lhe news was hot! 1 hree days later. Western and West CeiUral Minne- 122 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP . Counties Wide by GEO. M. DLSDN, manager, Calmenson's Clothing Store, Montevideo, Minn. sota heard for the first time, "Time: 12:00 Noon. Time for Calmenson's Noon News!" Every day since then, sev- en days a week, the sound of a factory whistle reminds listeners that Calmen- son's is about to broadcast the latest United Press News. In 1940 Calmenson's advertising cov- erage area was limited to three counties. Today, in 1944, there is a steady flow of business from at least 15 of the 31 coun- ties served by KAVLM. When measiued in terms of results, radio advertising most certainly is not expensive. As far as I'm concerned, there's only one person who's ever going to have our time on K\VLM! That's the President of the United States! And they'll have to ask me first! Of course that last remark is facetious, because the President has used this time on several occasions, but it is one way of expressing our satisfac- tion with radio. What are our plans for the future? There'll be post-war expansion, and you can bet that radio will be the first to announce it! Calmenson's success story is a case where an advertiser doubled the adver- tising budget to include radio, rather than reducing newspaper space or cur- tailing advertising with other media. In- creased business volume paid the addi- tional costs. And what about the city of Monte- video itself? The civic leaders and busi- nessmen who requested KWTM's presi- dent-manager H. W. Linder to establish remote studios in the community had the right idea. There are now 16 Mon- tevideo business instittitions with heavy, consistent radio schedules. Through the alertness of its business people and civic organizations, a progressive city has in- creased its trade area to amazing propor- tions by means of radio. • A clean, well- lighted place is CALMENSON'S CLOTHING STORE, Montevideo, Minn. Display windows and store interior are de- signed to catch the masculine eye. APRIL, 1944 • (Left) . . . Music, fun and brain-teasers pack a full house of teen-agers and old- sters for the ROB- ERT SIMPSON CO., LTD. Satur- day morning show originates at the store itself. i m hat's the ounswer? Robert Simpson Co., Ltd. Hangs Up S. R. D. on Teen Age Series by J. E. PURCELL of the Harry E. Foster Agencies, Toronto, Dnt. r-^^^x/ -^ visible audience ot 1,500 or more, mostly \ ^^ young people of high school age, plus one of the ^0y ^^ ijiggest daytime listening audiences in Canada; V that's the combination of quiz, music and mer- riment broadcast every Satiuday morning oxer CFRB, To- ronto. Its title: IVliat's the Aiiszocr. Sponsored by the Rohkrt Simpson Co., Ltd., it orginates from this department store's htige Arcadian Court restau- raiu and auditoriiuii. Very frequently store elevators have to be stopped from rinniing to the iq^per floor on which Arcadian Court is situated, because of lack of seating or standing accommodation. 1 he Robert Simpson Co. is definitely sold on What's the Answer as a promotional feature and as a means of creating good will toward the store. "Nothing we've ever tried in the past can conq:)are with it," an official of the company stated recently, "as a method of bringing home to the younger generation the fact that our store is a place they 124 RADIO SHOWM ANSH I P • (Right) . . . Harry (Red) Fos- ter, doubles in brass. Created for the ROBERT SIMPSON CO., LTD., What's the Answer is a HARRY E. FOS- TER AGENCY brain-child. Its emcee: Harry Fos- ter. can thoroughly enjoy visiting, and enjoy shopping in as well." And he went on to say that the value of the program is by no means confined to those of high school age; a vast number of parents and grown-up friends listen to the broadcasts, and many come to Arcadian Court to see the fun. What's the Answer, in its current form, as the outgrowth and development of an earlier program. It was started as a Simon pure quiz program for high school students, with questions being answered by teams of students selected from different secondary schools of To- ronto and vicinity. Though these pro- grams were highly successful it was de- cided, after much consideration, that they were somewhat limited in scope; interest in them was confined pretty much to friends and relatives of the act- ual contestants. "We realized, too," the Simpson of- ficial stated, "that while quiz programs have a great appeal, the immense popu- larity of music of the swing type, espe- cially with this particular age group, was something that should be considered if What's the Answer was to reach the widest possible audience in the field at which we were aiming." It was decided to vary the programs somewhat by bringing to Arcadian Court each Saturday a different popular dance orchestra. Also the nature of the quiz was changed so that anybody in the audience might be called on to an- swer a question, instead of only especial- ly selected groups of students. So, in its new form, What's the Answer started in the Fall of 1942. Results far exceed the most optimistic expectations. Harry (Red) Foster, of the Harry E. Foster Agencies, originators and pro- ducers of the programs from the begin- ning, acts as master of ceremonies on What's the Answer, and he has many things to tell of his experiences: "In the past 15 years, I've had a pretty wide experience with radio, and with visible audiences, but I have never seen anything like the crowds we have at What's the Answer. Their enthusiasm is really something worth going a long way to see; it's a simply wonderful ex- perience to stand in front of that Arcad- ian Court audience, and watch those young people (and the older ones, too) enjoy the music, or to watch the grins and hear the yells when somebody trips over a question to which a lot of them know the proper answer." What's the answer for the successful use of radio by department stores? Pro- grams, of course! Programs for a specific audience have what it takes to make sales. APRIL, 1 944 125 T^} PeterhorDugh Volume Nil to Quarter Mil Makes Quaker Dats Due of 14 Champions of the CHEX Daily Series liJIiome Folks ... by Request: / THE onlv spectacular thing about the Home Folks Hour airecrdaily 12:00 noon to 1:.^0 P.M. over CHEX, Peter- borough, Ont., is its proof-of-interest mail response and advertising restilts won without a contest, give-away or spe- cial inducement of any kind. Home Folks mail ran from 686 letters in its first month to 1,489 in its sixth, and it is still climbing rapidly. There's no se- cret ingredient. It's a happy blending of interesting radio fare served by the right man at the right time. It was Karl Monk who concei\cd the idea of a continuotis show throughout the noon hoius. J he formula seems to please city and farm dweller alike; local mail is evenly divided l)etween town and country. There is also a good response from other sections of Onlaiio as well as from the Northern United States. For example, people l;ir from home use the jjrogram to kindle memories in lann'K imd Iricnds in the Peterl:)orough distiid. Local boys training in distant (amps often use it to eiuertain friends with a greeting and nuisicai se- ledion. A icsidcnl ol the Bronx, New \ork, asked to be remem- bered to relatives in Lindsay. Ont. One fighting man wrote from Kiska, in the Aleutians, requesting a melody for his wife and family at Frankford, 60 miles from Peterborough. ® Home Folks all! Emcee Karl Monk (left); newscaster Don Insley; station manager Hal Cooke, and farm commen- tator Ken Campbell give Home Folks a tuneful earful in the CHEX, Peterbor- ough, Ont., feature. 126 RADtO SHOWMANSHIP What goes into Home Folks Hoini' First of all the personality and de\otion of its creator, producer and emcee. The interest, understanding and downright homeliness he piUs into interpreting his friends' recjuesls raises it far above the run-of-the-mill, straining- for- mail, re- quest program. The format is simple and is e\}jlained in the forthright introduction: "W elcomc to the Home Folks Hour. W'rhotne to music and song i)i fa?niliar and old time mood. Here is the music you Jiave request- ed us to play. An Jiour and a half of entertainment J zvith the Colgate Neivscast at 12:30; the Quaker Oats farm news at 12:40; and the (otn- edy capers of Eb and Zeb at 1:15. Something for everyone comes your way each week day at this time. Whether farm or city folk, come and have fun on the Home Folks Hour." Request numbers run from The Old Rugged Cross and Beethoven's Fifth Symphony to Don't Sit Under the Apple Tree and Turkey in the Straw. Each one of the more than 6,000 -letters re- ceived is acknowledged on the air, and so far none has contained a word. of dis- pleasure. CHEX production manager Don Insley reads the world news and Ken Campbell acts as farm commen- tator. Eb 'n' Zeb a 10-minute tran- scribed series of the Lum 'n' Abner type rounds out the show. It is one thing to handle mail, biu another to meet your listeners face to face. AVhen Karl and the boys did the Home Folks by remote from the Lindsay Central Exhibition last fall, over 5,006 crammed into the automotive building to see the broadcast. How is all this paying oft for the ad- vertiser, or we should say the advertisers, as it is actually a participating show pro- viding a vehicle for all types of commer- cials? National spots currently carried are for tea, tobacco, pianos, lanterns and banks. Local advertisers include a ne^vs- paper, hairdresser, jewellei\ opiomelrisi. chiropodist and a men's wear shop. CoLGATK sponsors the world news imd the Qi'AKKR ()Ars C^o. the farm news. Here is what Qiakkr Oais ad-man- ager John Stuart [r., says: "I I eel stiongly that the CTIEX j:)rogram has done a great deal toward familiarizing the farmer in this district with the facil- ities w'ii offer, and in that wav has been instrumental in increasing our business from practically nothing to a volume which now is over a qtiarter of a million dollars." The fame of Home Folks is spreading. Rettnning to Toronto from one of the company's Northern stations, general manager Jack Cooke struck up a smok- ing-room conversation with a lad in uniform. On learning that Jack was in radio, his companion asked, "Have you a progiam on your station like that Home Folks Hour at Peterborough? \Ve ne\er miss it at camp." Yet the boys at CHEX, would be the last to call it a brilliant production. It has, though, two essential proofs of success. The listeners seem to like it; 6,633 of them like it ^sell enough to write in and say so. Secondly, the sponsors appear well satisfied; 14 of them are on the Home Folks regularly. Here, then, is additional evidence that the advertiser does not need an elabor- ate, costly program to establish liimself with the listening pid^lic. Radio can rep- resent a sponsor in the way that counts, namelv sales, without beneht of fan-fare. APRIL, 1944 127 More than IDO Weeks Old Radio Series Builds Employee Morale uicuy "Jpersonivel.' I by OLIVER ELLIDTT, Director of Cessna's Employee Relations MAW months ago, the Cessna Air- craft Company, Wichita, Ka., one of the nation's most important air- craft builders, decided that radio could play an important part in the field of employee relations. Now, after more than 100 consecutive weeks on KFH, Cessna's program, Strict- ly Personnel, is a vital part of the sched- ule of spare time activities for Cessna employees and their families. Strictly Personnel is just what the name implies; a program built entirely from talent available in this large war plant. It started on KFH as a novelty show, designed to display the talents and personalities of the folks who work for Cessna, and it was an unique combina- tion oi Major Bowes, We, the People, and Hobby Lobby. During the first series of broadcasts, individual artists were featured and interviewed, and each program carried a novelty stunt such as Typewriter Rhythm, beat out on four typewriters by Cessna secretaries to the tune of a military march, or Rivet RJiythm created by four lady riveters with power rivet guns. A farmer who w^orks for Cessna milked his cow right on the KFH stage, and created rhythmic trills in a tin bucket to the tune of The Glozu Worm. Circus and carnival men added color to the program. By the end of the first year. Strictly Personnel had earned stories in 55 Associated Press newspapers, and in many leading magazines. In spite of the fact that the script carries no commer- cial appeal and Cessna products are never mentioned, the program was se- lected by Forbes Magazine as one of the 100 best advertising ideas of 1942. Strictly Personnel was the only radio program included! • (Left) ... Top f musicians under the b of Maurice Martin iJce music by night, airplics by day. Each gets in a u' day every day at the C »S NA plant. • (Right) . . . Music to listen to over KFH is music to dance by for CESSNA employees and their fam- ilies. During the summer months the show is broad- cast from the York Rite Temple roof garden ten floors above the street. 128 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP In the meantime, Cessna was expand- ing projects tor employee morale. Down- town club rooms which included bowl- ing alleys, lounge rooms, snack bar, gym- nasium and spacious ballroom facilities were acquired. W^hen personnel cards revealed men from such musical organ- izations as Don Bestor, Rudy Vallee, Ted Lewis, Art Kassel, Tommy Dorsey, Raymond Scott, and the Ringling Bros. Circus Band, and a piano player who formerly was musical arranger for the Jack Benny show% a Cessna band was organized. The band became a featiue of the radio program. Throughout the summer months, the KFH program moves to the roof garden of the York Rite Temple Building in downtown Wichita, ten stories above the street. Here the program is presented as a half-hotir during an evening of danc- ing under the stars. • CESSNA'S director of employee re- lations Oliver Elliott makes plans for future programs with KFH account executive Frank Mathews. With the exception of KFH program director Vernon E. Reed, who assists in the production, and KFH chief an- nouncer Dave Wilson, who writes the scripts and emcees the shows, the cast of Strictly Personnel is composed entirely of Cessna employees. Each of the cur- rent Sunday broadcasts is a part of Family Night at the Cessna Employees Club, where Cessna folks and their fam- ilies dance to the music of the all-em- ployee orchestra and enjoy their own radio show. COMMENT: For more information on this feature, see RS, Nov., 1942, p. 374. APRIL, 1944 129 AIRING THE NEW New radio programs worth reading about. No result figures as yet. Beveraqes MUSIC A LA MOOD \\' hen the gourmet liolds his wine glass to the light, ap- praises its bead with a practised eye, one ot his criteria is that the fruit of Bacchus be full bodied. Like the lover of good wine, the devotee of Orpheus wants his music rich in flavor, full bodied. When the PiRRONE Wineries, Inc., signed its first radio contract, it put two and two together, came up with Music a la Mood. For 52 weeks, AVPAT listeners will get aisle scats in a daily concert per- formance of classical music. Vintage music for '-50 minutes is un- broken by a commercial message, and PiRRoxE uses only short opening and closing commercial copy. Opening com- mercial is built along dramatic lines, centers around a pair of newly weds' who li\e near the Pirrone vineyards in Sa- lida, Cal., where Cupid first had his innings. While the copy is varied daily, each commercial is built on the same theme. Brief closing commercial rounds out Musk a la Mood, heard six times weekly as a half-hoiu' program, and on Sunday lor a full hour. AIR FAX: All music is by transc:iplion. Series heard first as a sustainei- will celebrate it; third birthday May. First Broadcast: January 3, 1944. Broadcast Schedule: Monday through Saturday, 1:00- 1:30 P.M.; Sunday, 1:00-2:00 P.M. Preceded By: Songs of the Islands. roUcwed By: Latin Rhythms. Sponsor: Pirrone Wineries, Inc. Slalion: WPAT, Paterson, N. J. Power: 1,000 watts. Polntlatiou: 1 J9.656. COMMENT: AVhen direct sales gave way to the institutional approach, advertisers generally found that there was a place in the sun for prestige programs to which they had previously been inclined to gi\e the cold shoulder. It's a lesson that will be carried over into the era which marks the retiun of direct selling. New methods will be a blend of both the educational and the selling tech- niques. Cemeteries MEMORIES IN MELODY While the Grim Reaper obliterates shape and form, he is without influence o\er mem- ories. What the Forest Lawn Memorial Park Ass'n. offers KECA listeners, Los Angeles, Cal., are Memories in Melody. A recorded musical program with a run- ning dialogue of live actors, Memories in Melody features Millie and Jonathan Whitaker. Patter in the reminiscent vein leads into song favorites of yesteryears. Quarter-hour feature is hearcl five times weeklv. air FAX: First Broadcast: January 17, 1944. Broadcast Schedule: Monday through Friday, 12:45- 1:00 P.M. Preceded By: Stars for Victory. Followed By: News Summary. Sponsor: Forest Lawn Memorial Park Ais'n. Station: KECA, Los Angeles. Cal. Power: 5,000 watts. Population: 1,497,074. Agency: Dan B. Miner Co. COMMENT: Because a (onsislenl radio schedide is almost synonymous with suc- cess, (he achertiser who selects a pro- gram that (an continue with the same formal oxer a period of time is money lo I he good. Even though its format be simple, such a program continues to pick up an ever increasing nmnber of listen- ers. 130 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP , . Department Stores^ f McCURDY'S JOURNAL OF THE AIR When milady puts down the latest issue of her favorite magazine, there's a long dry spell until the next issue rolls off the press. In Rochester, N. Y., she is kept in suspense for a mere matter of 24 hoins. Monday through Friday the Mc:- CuRDv's OF RocHESTP.R siguatiue appears at the top of the masthead on this W'HEC radio magazine of the air feature. Winner of a 1942 Pea- body award, William J. Adams, steps out of his role i as \VHEC program director to wield the blue pencil, edit McCiirdy's Journal of the Air. Byline announcers Tom McKee and Roger Goodrich handle both program material and commercials. \\4iat listeners get is a combination of news, features, and human interest. A salute to a Rochesterian doing an out- standing job in either war industry or community service is a daily feature of the show, keeps the editor's mail pouch filled to over-flowing. A feature story on one of the heroes in today's global war gets preferred space. Final feature is slanted at feminine listeners; Women in Today's World tells of unusual wartime activities on the distaff side, scans the occupational and a\ocational horizons war has opened up for women. Each feature of the radio magazine of the air is separated into a column of its own. To supplement this feature, reach the mass audience served by department stores, McCurdy's also plays sand-man to Rochester moppets twice weekly. Youthfid listeners stand-by Tuesdays and Thiu'sdays for Streamlined Fairy Tales, a cjuarter-hour transcribed fea- ture. Total schedule for McCurdy's in- cludes seven quarter-hours weekly on WHEC in addition to a musical pro- gram on another of the Rochester out- lets. AIR FAX: First Broadcast: February 2, 1944. Broadcast Schedule: Monday through Friday, 4:45- 5:00 P.M.; T-Th, 5:15-5:30 P.M. Sponsor: McCurdy's of Rochester. Station: WHEC, Rochester, N. Y. APRIL. 1944 Power: 1,000 watts (d). Population: 4 57,027. COMMIiNT: (»ood programs have wliat it lakes lo make a big splash in radio. Without that, the (ommercial message falls on a dead microphone. Here is one designed for the mass audience that will continue to build audiences for itseli, customers for its sponsor. Too, it's addi- tional evidence that department store executives have put the old music-and-merchandise duo into the ash can. Finance MEMORY SONG MAN While dust may gather on the scores of scores of melo- dies, it's a safe bet that the memories of those melodies remain to haunt the vocal chords of those who learned the tunes when they were the song hits of the day. In Providence, R. I., the Memory Song Man shakes the moth-balls out of old songs America has sinig during the past 50 years. Thrice weekly feature is heard over WEAN for the Morris Plan Company of Rhode Island. Progiam numbers are made up entirely of listener requests. Regular radio page newspaper ads re- mind oldsters with a nostalgic yen for Margie, The Baggage Coach Ahead, other songs of that ilk to tune-in the five-minute feature. To its regular mail- ing list, the Morris Plan Co. also sends a special return card with space for Memory Song Man request numbers. What goes into the five-minute pro- gram in addition to the two or three songs: a brief center commercial. At least once a week the Morris Plan Co. for- feits its commercial time, and commer- cial copy gives way to War Bonds, other copy in connection with the war effort. air FAX: Memory Song Man is none other than WEAN station supervisor, Joe Lopez, whose hobby of collecting old songs is of long standing. Listener requests are filled from his private library of nearly 2,000 numbers. Program opens and closes with a brief piano theme. Apt selection: Memories. First Broadcast: January 3, 1944. Broadcast Schedule: M-W-F, 6:25-6:30 P.M. Preceded By: Shell Digest. Followed By: Worlds Front Page. Sponsor: Morris Plan Co. of Rhode Island. Station: WEAN, Providence, R. I. 131 Power: 5,000 watts. Population: 253,504. COMMENT: Main problem for banks, other financial institutions, is to build and maintain public confidence. Here is evidence that a prestige program with wide appeal can be inexpensively pro- duced. All to the good are coordinated advertising activities which relate the radio offering to other media. Groceries WORLD AND HOMEFRONT NEWS Housewives who want to keep in tune with the times tune in the 9:00 A.M. news over WKNE, Keene, N. H. So that the distaff side may have the events of the day at the tip of her tongue, relish each tidbit as she goes about her daily duties, the I. G. A. .Stores presents a daily pot pourri of this-and-that on the quarter-hour fea- tlUT. Latest reports from United Press cor- respondents on world battle-fronts lead the procession. Home front news in- cludes . recent governmental decisions, tips on best food buys, conservation suggestions, other information usefid to wartime housekeeping. Not forgotten, very much in the spot- light each day is an American Hero, whose exploits on the battlefield are above and beyond the line of duty. Ra- tion news roimds out the quarter-hour, and listeners are kept informed on all point-value increases or rechu lions, ex- piration dates, et al. While the I. G. A. Stores in the 1 win States Region, covering a radius of 65 miles, have cooperatively sponsored this series since March, 194'^, I. G. A. is not new to radio, has used WKNE since 1941. AIR FAX: Newscaster Bob Peebles and femme speiler Ruth RedinKton pass out the low-down. First Broadcast: March, 194}. Broadcast Schedule: Monday through Saturday, 9:00- 9:15 A.M. Preceded By: Music. Followed By: American School of the Air. Sponsor: I. G. A. Stores. Station: WKNE, Keene, N. H. Power: 5,000 watts. Population: 13,832. COMMENT: While advertisers ha\'e had amazing results from the straight morn- ing homemakers program, surveys indi- cate that for the most part these pro- grams have a small but loyal listening audience. With a program of the kind here, the advertiser broadens the listen- ing base, and to that extent, intensifies the effect of the commercial message. Home Furnishings HEADLINES ON PARADE When Field & Wright, Jamestown, N. Y., fiuTiiture store, signed its first radio contract, it made news wath news. A non-user of radio time w^hose advertising eggs had previously been all in the newspaper basket, Field & Wright put its John Henry to a WJTN newscast featuring Roy Porter. All was well until the net- work commentator became unavailable for local sponsorship. What filled the bill for Field & Wright, kept it in the fold, was Headlines on Parade. Straight news with variations is the theme Field Sc AVright plays in its second public appearance via radio. Format: preliminary headline followed by comment. A human interest story spices up the straight news. To direct the news to its ultimate destination, i.e., to Your Home and Mine, a five-minute feature heard thrice weekly highlights news of interest to homemakers. Sugges- tions on how to beautify the home, war- time restrictions not to the contrary, are piescnted by Furniture Index associate echior Agnes Ahlstrom. air FAX: Format was mapped out by WJTN director AI Spoken and sales representative Irving Teetsell. First Broadcast: December, 1943. Broadcast Schedule: Monday through Saturday, 10:15-10:30 A.M. Preceded By: Sweet River. Followed By: Virginia Roberts; Nancy of Nelsons. Sponsor: Field 3C Wright. Station: WJTN, Jamestown, N. Y. Power: 250 watts. Population: 45,000. 132 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP COMMENT: While it is difficult for small stations to compete in a radio [)ro- duction with network connnentators whose emphasis is almost entirely on national news, local shows tailored to meet the needs of local sponsors can more accurately gauge the interests ol local audiences. Department Stares FRIENDLY FREDDIE Ihere's nothing high hat about Friendly Freddie in spite of triple sponsorship by retailers in and around Holyoke, Mass. Since 1941 this WHYN character has been the house- wife's darling, and while canned music is the glue which binds the J400 Chib together, the homey sayings and philos- ophy of Friendly Freddie are strictly fresh, home grown produce. A week-day, 60-minute feature, the program is based on recordings, and news, with Friendly Freddie to cap it off in grand fashion for the People's Store. Program is sponsored in quarter-hour segments, with Sears, Roebuck & Co. another of the advertisers who doffs its beaver to the power of homely philos- ophy. AIR FAX: First Broadcast: 1941. Broadcast Schedule: Monday tlirougli Saturday, 10:15-11:15 A.M. Followed By: News. Sponsor: People's Store; Sears, Roebuclc dc Co.; Landau's, Easthampton and Westfield. Station: WHYN, Holyolce, Mass. Power: 250 watts. Population: 53,750. COMMENT: While there's an exception that proves almost any rule, almost with- out exception those advertisers who have been most successful with radio have taken full and complete advantage of the personalized elements available only with this one medium. Persistent and continuous results from programs of the kind here indicate just how effective personalized selling really is. Meat Packers FOOD AND FILMS A one-woman show strictly for women was the problem given KSD, St. Louis, Mo., by the Amer- ican Packinc Co. Its purpose: to sell the Sunrise i)rand-name. How to spice uj^ a (juai ter-hour for and about food was t lu- st u mp-t he-experts (hallenge. What brought Sunrise to the attention of KSD listeners in a l)urst of glory was a nnx- ture of theatre news, menu suggestions and the latest reports on rationing. As her answer to a telephone (|uestion. "Anything new in toivn?" emcee Pegg\ Cave first reports on the latest down- town picture. After a brief transcription come summaries of neighborhood shows, followed by theme and the commercial spot. A musical interlude ushers in ra- tioning reports and food talk. air FAX: First Broadcast: December 20, 1943. Broadcast Schedule: Monday througli Friday, 8:45- 9:00 A.M. Preceded By: News. Followed By: NBC Story Teller. Sponsor: American Packing Co. Station: KSD, St. Louis, Mo. Power: 5,000 watts (d). Population: 1,557,479. Agency: Anfenger Adv. Agcy., Inc. COMMENT: Talk strictly about food doesn't take the liousewife-listener far enough away from her kitchen, especial- ly when she's in it. A program which first gives her an escape from daily rou- tine builds up interest, creates enthusi- asm for what's cooking on the commer- cial front. IVewspapers DAILY BULLETIN SHOW While the amateur show is part and parcel of radio history, a new page is being written in Dayton, O., over WHIO. Featured each week on the Sunday quarter-hour is Negro talent and weekly auditions are open to all and sundry. Purpose of the series sponsored by the Negro newspaper, The Daily Bulletin: to encourage and foster the development of Negro talent, and to furtlier the Ne- gro contribution to the war effort. Through the pages of the Bulletin a heavy barrage of publicity is carried on. air FAX: Backbone and mainstay of the program is musical talent from the Wither Force College. First Broadcast: November 21, 1943. Broadcast Schedule: Sunday, 10:30-10:45 A.M. Preceded By: Blue Jacket Choir. Followed By: Civilian Defense. APRIL, 1944 133 sponsor: The Daily Bulletin. Station: WHIO, Dayton, O. Power: 5,000 watts. Population: 338,688. COMMENT: 1 hat Avhich contiibiitcs to the proper understanding ol minority grotips is in itself a wartime contribu- tion and a public ser\ice. Opticians BEYOND TOMORROW ^Vhile the man in need ot spectacles may not be able to see beyond the end of his nose, the Pro- gressive Optical Co., Riverside, Cal., helps him see Beyond Tomorrow in a weekly quarter-hour series heard o\'er KPRO, and most of the Blue Network stations in California. Possibilities of the future based on the facts of today add up to Beyond Tomor- row. Each ^veek listeners get a pre-view of the shape of things to come, are gi\'en a foreshadowing of a new, industrial West. On each program an outstanding California industry is saluted, gets the once-over for its present accomplish- ments, a pat on the back for peacetime de\'elopments that will follow tomor- row's victory. Man-of-vision Fred Ham- mond is commentator on the feature. Radio gets most of Progressive Opti- cal's advertising budget, has permitted Progressive to cut its advertising ap- propriation each year in proportion to sales. Commercials avoid the negative approach, stress good vision rather than poor eyesight. air FAX: Broadcast Schedule: Saturday, 5:00-5:15 P.M. Sponsor: Progressive Optical Co. Station: KPRO, Riverside, Cal., others. Power: 1,000 watts. Population: 41,292. COMMENT: While ballyhoo about the future probably does more harm tlian good, an analytical approach without benefit ol (lajj-trap makes for good lis- tening. Sudi a ])rogrnm is one way of l)cginning ])osi-\vai planning today. (For a detailed story on the radio acti\- ities of this advertiser, see RS, Feb., 1^)-I2, Photographers SNAPSHOT ENSEMBLE \\ hen it comes to good will ad\ertising in Atlanta, Ga., the Lyle & Gaston Snapshot Service puts plenty of snap into its radio offer- ing. With four of Atlanta's best known mtisicians, Lyle &: Gaston focuses the camera on Atlanta drug stores in which it maintains pick-up stations. Although the WAGA qtiarter-hoiu' of mtisic heard twice weekly at 11:00 A.M. is blue rib- bon entertainment for listeners, the pro- gram is designed to call the public's at- tention to the services and merchandise at neighborhood drtig stores. AVhile Lyle k Gaston changed its radio offering from news to music, not lost in the shuffle was its main purpose in advertising, namely, to create dealer good will. Programs are used largely as a saltue to drtiggists, highlight the im- portance of the druggist to a nation at war. The Lyle and Gaston program alter- nates with Your Druggist Entertains, a featinx heard at the same time on Mon- day, Wednesday and Friday, using the same talent arranged by the Georgia Pharmaceutical Ass'n. and presented as a portion of the station's drug trade relations. air FAX: Sponsor mixes an electric guitar, a vocalist, drums and the piano-solovox. First Broadcast: January, 1944. Broadcast Schedule: T-Th, 11:00-11:15 A.M. Preceded By: Living Can Be Fun. Followed By: News. Sponsor: Lyle Qc Gaston Snapshot Service. Station: WAGA. Atlanta, Ga. Power: 5,000 watts. Population: 1,3 3 3,200. COMMENT; No trick of the dark room is this composite picture of good will. Advertisers who expose listeners to radio ofierings of this kind find that such im- prints get prominent space in the deal- er's memorv album. 134 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP SHOWMANSHIP IN ACTION Promotions and merchandising stunts that will lift a program out of the ordinary. Autamobiles VICTORY IS OUR BUSINESS Amazing production records bear telling evidence to the fact that for one American man- ufactiner engaged in all-out war effort there is a strong war slogan that keeps production lines moving, namely, Victory is Our Business. That this production for victory is achieved through wartime teamwork of flesh and blood people is a logical corollary. To give credit where credit is due, the General Motors Corp. has broadcast Victory is Our Business over 25 stations by means of transcription for nearly two long years. It's the GM folks' radio program of true stories of wartime team- work on both the battlefronts and the production fronts. AVhat gives the 12-minute program its dash of local color: each broadcast winds up with a three-minute local transcribed fill. In Saginaw, Mich., each of the WSAM broadcasts features an interview with an em- ployee from one of the local GM plants, with a W'SAM announcer as in- terviewer. Each interview brings out red letter employee ac- complishments, touches upon length of service as a GM employee, special achievements in line with job and war efl:ort, other such morale building de- tails. Proud indeed were the GM folks in Saginaw Avhen a Victory is Our Business broad- cast related the story of Joluiny \auer, song writing army private, whose dad now produces anti-Axis guns at the Ma- chine Giui Plant ol the Saginaw Stker- i\(; Gear Division of General Motors. 1 1 lcx)k a war and a Pacific crossing lo Australia for Johnny to achieve a song hit, but when Johnny comes marching home he will have a song hit record be- hind him that already includes The Aussies (ind the Yanks are Here, Say a Prayer, and Fuzzy Wuzzy Angels. The local transcribed interview at the close of the program brought Johnny's father to the microphone. air FAX: Ace war correspondent Quentin Reynolds is program narrator. Lowell Thomas originally wove the thieads together. Broadcast Schedule: Sunday, 10:45-11:00 A.M.; Thursday, 6:15-6:30 P.M. Sponsor: General Motors Corp. Station: WSAM, Saginaw, Mich. Power: 250 watts. Population: 90,150. COMMENT: Public opinion polls indi- cate that business per se is higher in public esteem than it has been in many years. Not happenstance, but rather the result of intelligent public relations is this change of heart. Radio has played no small part. ProgTam here gives the sponsor a chance to build public and employee relations at one and the same time. Especially effective is the local angle on this transcribed feature. Builders' Supplies LET'S HAVE A LAUGH Every salesman knows that it's harder for a prospect to say "no" if the person is in a good mc:)od. In Memphis, Tenn., the Airline Insu- lating Co. gathers such prospects around the WMPS kilocyle five times a week, puts everyone in a responsive mood with Let's Have a Laugh. To separate the sheep from the goats. Airline Insulating offers a govern- ment booklet on home in- stdation. AVhat gives Air- line Insulating salesman APRIL, 1944 135 more than a toe-hold in the door are listener requests for the booklet. In the personal call follow-up to requests, Air- line Insulating gets in its best sales licks. air FAX: Quarter-hour five times weekly feature is a mixture of new and old music, tied together with chuckles in the news. Announcer Bob Neal serves up the chuckles at 9:15 across the board. First Broadcast: December 13, 1943. Broadcast Schedule: Monday through Friday, 9:15- 9:30 A.M. Preceded By: Sweet River. Followed By: News. Sponsor: Airline Insulating Co. Station: WMPS, Memphis, Tenn. Power: 1,000 watts (d). Population: 292,492. COMMENT: While radio programs are good sales bait, advertisers who set the hook with mail pulling devices find that it's easy to land prospects with personal follow-up calls. Too, series here will un- doubtedly create a product demand among those who had not formerly been in the market, will thus build for future sales. Department Stores VARIETY IN THE NEWS When Sears, RoiBLCK & Co. set oiu to give KIRO listeners in and around Seattle, Wash., Variety in the Nexvs, it also gave listen- ers a chance to put their fingers in the program pic. While the five times week- ly quarter-hour series is primarily put together with human aspects of the news, each listener gets a chance to put in his oar. Each may send in a sugges- tion on the dramali/ation of some hu- man interest story of particular interest to Pacific Northwest listeners. If the sug- gestion is accepted, that story drama- tized, the listener receives a five dollar merchandise coupon ])ook from Skars, RoKBUCK k Co. Dramatizations arc held to about three minutes by the clock, arc presented not on a set schedule biu are spotted through the week. AIR FAX: How news affects the listener, his home and family is the main drive behind the Monday through Friday feature. Newscaster of the human interest tid- bits is Bob Spence. First Broadcast: October 20, 1943. Broadcast Schedule: Monday through Friday, 3:30- 3:45 P.M. Preceded By: Varied. Followed By: News. Sponsor: Sears, Roebucic & Co. Station: KIRO, Seattle, Wash. COMMENT: W^ar or peace, human in- terest stories with a local flavor rate high with the listening audience. All to the good is the incentive here for listener participation. There's no doubt about the public's interest in news, but world aftairs aren't the only news to which listeners lend an ear, as this feature in- dicates. Home Furnishings CLUB 1300 Baltimore's own popular participating variety show, produced in WFBR's large studio before a live audi- ence, consists of music, singing, comedy and fun in general. It is one hour and a (juarter of top rated radio entertainment. One of the features is the Little Potts Sing and Win portion. Glib-tongued emcee, Irwin Elliot sings a song, then dials a telephone number picked at random, with only business addresses excluded. Two calls are made each day during this Sing and Win fea- ture. If contact is made, the person on the other end of the line identifies the song, the cash prize is his. Each time a phone call fails to pay-off, sponsor raises the ante; another five dollars is added to the prize. Biggest prize to date: .|280.()() cold cash. AIR FAX: Program potpourri: music, comedy, and adlibbcd comment. First Broadcast: October 7, 1940. Broadcast Schedule: Monday through Saturday 10:15-11:30 A.M. Preceded By: Music. Followed By: The Cook's Quiz. Sponsors: Little Potts Furniture Co.; others. Station: WFBR, Baltimore, Md. Power: 5,000 watts. Population: 859,100. COMMENT: Quiz j^rograms with a ciiance at big or little winnings are a splendid way of insuring a huge follow- ing for a sponsor's program. Essential for a program of this kind is an emcee with a quick wit and a glib tongtie. While even short term features of this kind do l)uiid up phenomenal audiences, lor consistent returns the advertiser should plan to cairy the show lor a period of time. 136 RADIO SHO WM A NS H I P Jewelers MR. FIXER If there's a white elephant in basement or attic, there's a Mr. Fixer in Yakima, Wash. for Crothers fixes up store to get it off the liands of KIT listeners, but there's more to Mr. Fixer's job than that. Give-away items, items wanted free-for- nothing, rides wanted or rides to share, help wanted or work want- ed, the buyer's or the seller's market, Mr. Fixer dabbles in them all. And [ewelers, Mr. Fixer also traffic in grand style. While the quarter- hour program on the air six times week- ly crowds in as many as 50 items per diem, listeners must make known their wants directly to Crothers. While Crothers accepts letters, most users of this air-classified feature prefer to fill in the handy form available only at Cro- thers. Mimeographed form has spaces for name and address, telephone ntimber, and a brief description of the item of- fered or wanted. Example: For Sale, Boy's Work or Play Shoes, Size 51/2; Wanted, Child's Tricycle; To Give Away, Dry Apple Stumps for the Haul- ing. Reminder on the bottom of the blank: "Remember . . . Crothers' Mr. Fixer Program is a Free Service. Use it as Often as You Like." While the program is four years old, has been under the Crothers' sponsor- ship for two, Yakimites have still to run out of wants and not wanteds. While no set time is guaranteed the broadcasting of items, supply and demand usually keep the show two or three jumps be- hind schedule. AIR FAX: No names nor telephone numbers are given over the air. When the broadcast is over, listeners may call the station, ask for the items which interest them by number, get telephone number or address from switchboard operators. To keep monkey wrenches from jamming the machinery, two carbon copies of the program are made, given to telephone operators assigned the task of answering the Mr. Fixer telephone calls. Three commercials spread the good word for Cro- thers. Program is scripted by a KIT sales staff mem- ber who weeds out itetns that have the touch of a commercial firm to them. Firsl Broadcast: 1939. Broadcast Schedule: Monday through Saturday, 8:45- 9:00 A.M. sponsor: Crothers Jewelers. Station: KIT, Yakima, Wash. Power: 1,000 watts. Population: 27,221. COMMENT: Sum U)tal of all retail sU)re advertising leads up to one thing, name- ly, store traffic. While some offerings are geared to achieve the objective on spe- cial occasions, here is one that does the job every day, year after year. Newspapers MESSAGE OF UNITY When the Inter- mountain Jewish Neius first made plans for its weekly quarter-hour KOA pro- gram, it put first things first, began a name-the-show contest among its Den- ver, Col., listeners. Listener who sub- mitted Message of Unity rated a 50 dol- lar War Bond for her brain-child. Re- ligious messages of faith and hope, talks by Christian ministers on inter-faith unity, and sacred Hebrew music drive home the Message of Unity. AIR FAX: Presented under the direction of the Inter- mountain Jewish News' managing editor Robert Gam- zey, this series is a religious companion piece to the Ask and Learn religious quiz sponsored over KOA by the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Denver. First Broadcast: January 27, 1944. Broadcast Schedule: Thursday, 11:15-11:30 P.M. Sponsor: Intermountain Jewish News. Station: KOA, Denver, Col. Power: 50,000 watts. Population: 303,273. COMMENT: Much needed not only in times like the present but also during the period of adjustment which must follow war's end are broadcasts which help lay the ghosts of racial, political and religious differences. Photographers JUKE BOX SERENADE To make the birdie smile, Voldeng, Prince Albert, Sask., photographer, combines philan- thropy with free-for-all entertainment. Listeners who want to hear their favor- ite music on the Juke Box Serenade send nickels to CKBI. Money is turned over APRIL, 1944 137 to the Milk for Britain Fund, used to proved successful among all age groups buv milk for o\'erseas youngsters. AIR FAX: Novel twist to the stock variety program keeps all the platters in the record library dusted. First Broadcast: July 10, 1943. Broadcast Schedule: Saturday, 6:15-6:30 P.M. Sponsor: Voldeng, Photographer. Station: CKBI, Prince Albeit, Sask. Power: 1,000 watts. Population: 12,290. COMMENT: Programs needn't be elab- orate nor costly to be successful. Novel twist here gives listeners direct partici- pation both in the program and in the war effort. Restaurants YOU'D BETTER BE RIGHT Because a bit of fiui is in the normal pattern of things for teen-age youngsters, willy-nilly will be had, Dayton, O., has its Clui5 Co-Ei). Supervised by prominent citi- zens, the nite-spot has the blessings of the City Welfare Department and jtive- nile authorities. But because you can always lead a horse to water, can't always make him drink, WHIG pulls a trick or two from iis sleeve, stages a weekly participation broadcast from the Club Co-Ed. While the Club Co-Ed features t he- best dance orchestras and entertainment, is a sort of stage door canteen for young civilians, what packs them in on Satur- day night is a situation quiz where every contestant wins War Stamps. More truth than poetry is the admonition, You'd Better Be RiirJit. While those who cor- rectly answer (juestions get War Stamps, those who produce a goose egg must do what emcee Fred Campbell dishes up for them to do before they get their War Slamjis. AIR FAX: First Broadcast: December 18, 1943. Broadcast Schedule: Saturday, 8:45-9:15 P.M. Preceded By: Hit Parade. Followed By: Correction Please. Sponsor: Club Co-Ed. Station: WHIO, Dayton, O. Power: 5,000 watts. Population: 3 38,688. COMMENT: Advertisers who sj)()!isor u sim;iiioii {|ui/ fcaUire don'l need (hip- li;i|> lo sell llicir show lo llic listciiitig ;iii(li(i)( c. l*i()or;iins of lliis kind liii\c and in large and small communities. Schools KNOW YOUR COUNTRY Who was johnny Appleseed? What was Seward's Folly? Why did patriots stage the Bos- ton Tea Party? In Boston, Mass., the WCOP weekly quiz feature gives high school sttidents an incentive to know the answers to these, other qtiestions based on American history. For Bryant R: Stratton Commercial School, Know Your Country is also a golden oppor- tunity to know its prospective students while the cream of the crop is still in the planning stage. Two teams from local high schools meet weekly in mental combat, and pro- gram prize winners are awarded scholar- ships to the Bryant & Stratton Com- mercial School. Facts from United States history are the ammunition which spell victory or defeat. Quiz-master who knows all the answers is the high school principal who referees the mental gym- nastics. air FAX: Questions are focused on historical data which bear on the present war. First Broadcast: November 8, 1943. Broadcast Schedule: Monday, 4:30-5:00 P.M. Preceded By: Music. Followed By: Music. Sponsor: Bryant 8C Stratton Commercial School. Station: WCOP, Boston, Mass. Power: 500 watts. Population: 1,924,642. COMMENT: Advertisers find that it is easier to get the ear of the younger gen- eration than it is to get their eye. While the auchence potential here may repre- sent a limited group, it is the very group that the sponsor wants to reach. After all, what counts for advertisers in most cases is not the actual size of the audi- ence, biU rather the susce})tibility ol a paiticidar listener group to the com- mercial message. A program with rela- tively few listeners may do a whale of a job for its spon- sor. 138 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP WHAT THE PROGRAM DID FOR ME^ This is the businessman's own department. RADIO SHOW- MANSHIP invites radio advertisers to exchange results and reactions to radio programs for their mutual benefit. Manufacturers MENDER OF MEN "On October 17, 1941, the Palmolive Soap Co. broadcast a story about the Minneapolis Arti- ficial Limb Co. over a national hook- up. We had over 1,000 replies from that Strange as It Seems broadcast! Because of the success we had at that time, we became interested in radio. "Now, we have broadcast over 211 stories. Our stories are not advertising. Rather, they are human interest stories of people whom we have fitted with limbs. "Each Saturday I appear at WTCN, Minneapolis, Minn., where we cut one or two records. The transcriptions are always made in duplicate. One is played, the other is kept as a per- manent record at the stu- dio. "We broadcast every week on seven different stations. The record is heard first on WTCN at 5:00 P.M. every Saturday. It is then mailed on to one of the other stations. I might add that the broad- casts over KWK^\^ Pasa- dena, Cal., are sponsored in connection with the Veterans of World Wars I and II, as a part of their program of social work. In other words, it is sponsored both by the Minneapolis Artificial Limb Co. and the soldiers." RAY TRAUTMAN President Minneapolis Artificial Limb Co. Minneapolis, Minn. AIR FAX: True stories told by the Mender of Men himself, Ray Trautman, about unhandicappitrg the handicapped make up this weekly quarter-hour series. True life yarns point up the fact that those who are handicapped through the loss of limbs can become useful, wage-earning citizens. Example: the story of a man who sold limbs and traveled for the Min-^.e- apolis Artificial Limb Co. even though both le-? ; wete amputated. How this man kept store, managed a farm, rode a bicycle, drove an automobile, danced, wooed and won a fair maiden gave emphasis to the moral of the story. Copy is free of a commercial content, and the spon- sor gains its point through indirection. Example: "Well, Mender, in view of the fact that over 40,000 people have already been helped by your interest and ability, seems to me we wouldn't be doing right if we didn't invite our listeners to drop a card or letter to you, telling about what's wrong with thnm in the way of a limb-loss or paralysis. But now, shall we get on with today's story?" Opening and closing credit lines are brief and to the point. Mender of Men Trautman takes his cues from WTCN announcer Curtis Edwards who also scripts the show. Copy is on the homey side. First Broadcast: September, 1942. Broadcast Schedule: WTCN, Minneapolis, Minn.: Saturday, 5:00-5:15 P.M.; KABR, Aberdeen. So. Dak.: Saturday, 7:00-7:15 P.M.; KRE, Berkeley, Cal.: Saturday, 10:45-11:00 A.M.; KTCD, Spencer, Ta.: Wednesday, 10:30-10:45 A.M.; WCLO, Janes- ville, Wis.: Thursday, 9:15-9:30 P.M.; KGCU, Mandan, N. D.: Saturday, 9:00- 9:15 P.M.; KWKW. Pasadena, Cal.: Sunday, 6:30-6:45 P.M. Sponsor: Minneapolis Artificial Limb Co. COMMENT: Wisely, spon- sor here scorns anything with the commercial touch, yet every word of the program constitutes an indirect commercial for the advertiser. Advertisers who can as closely identify themselves with their pro- gram content don't need a -^commercial phig, are able to more ef- fectively spread their message without it. Since, in a program of this kind, lis- teners will remember the human interest details, such a show has a high word-of- mouth potential that will carry the mor- al of the story far beyond the range of those who were actually tuned-in. Such a device both enlarges the size of the audience and gains additional penetra- tion for the sponsor into the area. APRIL, 1944 139 SPECIAL PROMOTION Short radio promotions that run but a day, a week, or a month yet leave an impression that lasts the year around. Finance ANNUAL ADDRESS When financial in- stitutions, others, wind up the year, make up their annual reports to stock- holders, recipients oi the brochures are prone to cast dismayed glances at statis- tical tables, then toss the whole caboodle into the wastebasket. Only a few ever take the trouble to do more than turn the pages. In Biulington, Vt., Levi P. Smith, president of the Burlington Savings Bank, broke with established order, combined the printed with the spoken word, to make an oral report via WCAX to corporators and depositors. Broadcast twice, once in the evening, again the following morning, the annual report \\as heard by both the city and the rural audience. Letters, telephone calls to both Burlington Savings and to WCAX, and personal comments were ample evidence of wide public acceptance. Stressed in the report was the part which the 97-year-old Burlington Sav- ings Bank, the largest savings bank not only in Vermont but also in the Adiron- dack Region in northern New York, had played in the development of the area. While the broadcast was considered the first of its kind in radio history, it was in line with Birlingion Savings jx)licies and traditions; a miUual insti- tution, the bank exists for the service of the saving public. ly, 10:30-11:00 P.M.; air FAX: First Broadcast: January 19, 1944 Broadcast Schedule: Wednesd Thursday, 7:30-8:00 A.M. Sponsor: Burlington Savings Bank. Station: WCAX, Burlington, Vt. Power: 1,000 watts. Population: 3 3,722. COMMENT: W'idei (irculation than would be possible through full reliance on newspaper publication isn't the only thing a broadcast of this nature has to its credit. Radio also adds the personal touch which the printed word lacks. Sustaining HERE WE ARE To greybeards anxious about the increase in jtivenile delin- quency, youth has but one answer. Here We Are, mutters under its breath, "What are you going to do about it?" In Burlington, La., KBUR met the chal- lenge, did something about it in a way that earned the kudoes of the greybeards and the downey cheeked. To raise funds for the Spider Web, a club organized for high school young- sters, KBLIR planned and produced a stage production. Here We Are. Pro- ceeds from the event will enable the cltib to keep its organization off the financial rocks for another year. Net re- stilt: some 350 youngsters will have a place to dance or lounge, and a soda fountain on which to lean. Via spot announcements, short pre- view skits, other KBUR promotion, the 2,500 seating capacity of the Burlington Civic Auditorium was over-sold. air FAX: KBUR studio director Walter Stone scripted the show, cotnposed original music and managed the production line. Business arrangements were handled by KBUR general manager Gerard B. McDermott. Station: KBUR, Burlington, Iowa. Power: 250 watts. Population: 42,687. COMMENT: Not the least of radio's con- iiibuiions are public service gestures of liiis kind. It is from just such deeds that radio and its advertisers create a tremen- dous back-log of good will and audience loyalty. 140 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP PROOF 0' THE PUDDING Results based on sales, mails, surveys, long runs and the growth of the business itself. Drug Products DAYBREAK IN THE BARNYARD W hen WLAC, Nashville, Tenn., scheduled its 5:00 A.M. full hour broadcast of hill- billy and western music, news and farm facts, it didn't take long to find out that farmers aren't the only ones for whom the rooster is a daily alarm clock. Adver- tisers with an eye on the farm market, KoLAR Bak and Peruna seized time by the forelock, took a 30-minute chunk of the show for the two drug products. Broadcast opens with the sound effect of a rooster crowing. Likewise, an- nouncer Charles Roberts, more widely Jcnown as just plain Charlie, has some- thing to crow about; letters come from all Southern states, from as far west as the Texas Panhandle, from as far east as upper Pennsylvania. AIR FAX: Verbiage, while not hillbilly, is down-to- earth speech for folks to hear on the run. Music has the tang of the plains and the mountains, fea- tures by transcription such folk-music stars as Carson Robinson and His Buc karoos . Inter- spersed with music is a farm news feature and a newscast from the battle fronts. First Broadcast: January 17, 1944. Broadcast Schedule: Monday through Friday, 5:00-5:30 A.M. Station: WLAC, Nash- ville, Tenn. Power: 50,000 watts. Population: 167,402. COMMENT: Adver- tisers whose prod- ucts appeal to the vfxational aspect of farm life have found that programs which help early risers get the sleep out of their eyes offer a made-to-order intro- duction to a loyal farm audience. For those with non-vocational products it is almost virgin territory whidi might well be cultivated. Mauufacturers LUNCHEON WITH HELEN While WTAT listeners may stop b\ for Lunch- eon with Helen, participating sponsors do a Man Who Came to Dinner' act, or a reasonable facsimile there-of. Although five of its six sponsors had not previous- ly sampled radio fare in any shape nor form, contract renewals indicate that Luncheon with Helen is the right dish. W^ithout special promotion or merchan- dising tie-ins to tickle the listener's pal- ate, mail averages 85 letters per diem, has reached a total of 200 in a single day. While commercial continuity is left to the discretion of mikestress Helen Leighton, is delivered in the informal style, all wordage is directed toward direct purchase. To that end, sales-wise Leighton, fed by WPAT announcer Bill Bohack, tips luncheon guests off on the value of products and services offered, tells listeners where said products and services are obtainable. AN^hile the show began as a 25-miniite featiue, the influx of clients anxious to play host at Lunch- eon with Helen upped the schedule to 45 minutes. AIR FAX: News with an intimate, personal angle is mixed with comments about prominent person- alities to provide listen- ers with the main dish. Comment on fashion and food season it to the feminine taste. Lunch- eon with Helen is round- ed off with a portion of famous quotations which leaves listeners with Food for Thought. Masculine voice at the table which helps to entertain guests: that of announcer Bohack. First Broadcast: March 17, 1943. Broadcast Schedule: Mon- day through Saturday, APRIL, 1944 141 10:30-11:15 A.M. Preceded By: News. Followed By: Music. Sponsor: Windsor Wax Co., Hoboken, N. J.; Win- throp Vacuum Cleaner Corp.; Fox Fur Co.; Evlo Pharmacal Co., Pompton Lakes, N. J.; Certified Tax Service; Vydagen Co. Station: WPAT, Paterson, N. J. Power: 1,000 watts. Population: 139,656. COMMENT: More than one first-timer has found that tlie women's participa- tion program is tlie right introduction that gets resuits at roclc bottom costs. There's no easier way to get acquainted with loval, responsive audiences. JOHNNY ON THE SPOT News, reviews and tips on spot announcements in this column. Hardware Stores MUSIC When KIT made its debut baclc in f929 to the Yalcima, Wash., listening audience, it had among its baclcers ttie YakIxMa Hardware Co. Yakima Hard- ware put its money tlien on the 12:15 P.M. spot, has recently re-signed for its fourteenth consecutive year. Year-in, year-out, Yakima Hardware presents its transcribed program of popular waltz music at the same time, on the same station. Commercials are direct and to the point. At least one commercial each day features an outstanding bargain from one of the many store departments. Back in the sales heydays, Yakima Hardware used its own records on the (juarter-hour to push its radio and lecord department. air FAX: First Broadcast: April, 1929. Broadcast Schedule: Monday througti Friday, 12:15- 12:30 P.M. Sponsor: Yakima Hardware Co. Station: KIT, Yakima, Wasli. Power: 1,000 watts. Population: 27,221. COMMENT: Programs need not be elab- orate nor costly to do an effective selling job for advertisers. VITAL STATISTICS Through four winters and four sum- mers, the Bankers Trust Co., Des Moines, la., had been on the air every day with at least one spot annotmce- ment on KRNT. Came 1944 and with it, a new advertising budget for the new year. Bankers Trust doubled its radio- allocation! Not playing the advertising game on margins was L. Nevin Lee who directs advertising for Bankers Trust. His was gilt edged stock held by Bankers Trust for four years. His claim: "We realize that advertising effectiveness isn't entire- ly measurable with a slide rule, but we have seen traceable response from fea- turing certain of our departments in our radio campaigns. That is one of the major reasons for increasing our KRNT expenditure tiiis year." EGGING THEM ON Spot annoiuicements on 2() radio sta- tions put the Easter Rabbit on the spot for Chick Chick and Presto Easter Egc; Colors. Through its advertising agency, Menken Ai)vertisin(;, Inc., Fred Fear & Co., Broolclyn, N. Y., scheduled a ten day pre-Easter campaign. Its attack-by- air plan: participations on household programs where there were availaljil- ities. In other cases, announcements were scheduled between 4:00 and 6:00 IM\I. Live commercials were scheduled lour to ten times weekly. Sales increase for the product in specific distribution areas was the market selection criteria. Newspaper aclxertising was also used. 142 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP COMIXC What about television, FM and the future? Is there a future for the custonj-nmde network? Will advertismg techniques change? } ^ou llfmda complete report in the RADIO SHOWMANSHIP POST-WAR SURVEY A special issue devoted lo post-war planning for radio and its advertisers. Spe- cialists from the field of advertising, experts from the business world, and leaders in the realm of radio present an authoritative report on the post-war world. Watch for it in a coming issue of Radio Showmanship Magazine. Radio Showmakship will present the answer to the future of selling merchandise through radio; its use, its power, its place in the business world. DiRtx I tins ()\\ \1 WSlllP RFADER ; llADIOBUYrR/ IN THIS ISSUE # Remar Baking Co., Oakland, Cal., casts its bread on the waves (p.l52) # Service sells Pearl Brewery^ San Antonio^ Tex {p. 158) # Consolidated Grocers of B. C. profit from radio (p.l60) 36 Tested Programs for Businessmen ORE THAF-^^I MAGIZINE SERVICE I R BUSINESS AT A GLANCE adex to what others in your business field accompHsh through radio, nd services in Radio Showmanship are classified by businesses here. CSS PAGE Automobile Supplies . 172 Bakeries 152, 164, 166, 172, 174, 176 158, 167 167 rtment Stores 164, 16S, 177, 178 150, 178 MA Y Business PAGE Groceries 160, 173, 174 Home Furnishings 169 Insurance 169 Men's Wear 163, 169 Realtors 156 Restaurants 171 165 Transportation 171 APRIL PAGE Business mobiles 135 128 115 130 applies 135 118 130 It Stores 124, 131, 133, 136 ' s 141, 142 126, 131, 140, 142 126, 132 Dealers 120, 142 PAGE Home Furnishings 132, 136 Jewelers 137 Manufacturers 133, 139, 141 Meat Packers 133 Men's Wear 122, 126 Millers 126 Newspapers 133, 137 Opticians 126, 134 Photographers 134, 137 Restaurants 138 Schools 138 // you don't have the April issue, order it now! NATIONiL BROiOCASirrG Gi.N£.fast Your ...Bread on the Waves Varied Schedule for Hemar Baking Builds East Bay Sales hy WALTER GUILD, vice pres., Garfield & Guild Adv. Agcy. V I lie Remar Baking Co., Oakland, Cal., distributes its products thiougliout the East Bay Area of Northern California. Its competitors have a definite advantage over Remar from an advertising standpoint, because the competitors' products are distributed not only in the East Bay, but also in the larger part of the Northern California markets in- cluding the city of San Francisco itself. In spite of this fact, Remar has been able to make what can only be described as sensational progress during the past few years. A great deal of the success can be attributed only to consistent use of radio advertising. Currently, Remar's radio activities consist of a one-half hour night- time program aired over KFRC. San Francisco, called Spell for Dough; a three times weekh' program. Calling All Kitcliens, on KROW; a daily five-minute newscast on KQW; regular station breaks on KPO; a tran- scribed series on KROW, Sam Adams Your Homefront Qjiartermaster, and Remar Grab Bag broadcast weekly from I ISO headquarters in Berkeley oxer KRE. While Remar's initial radio effort took place back in 19H8 with a formal, once-a-week night program, its concentrated radio effort dates from August, 1940. Its five-a-week strip on KROW^ the Remar Hostess Roojn, was done by remote control from its hostess room. What listeners heard was advice given by Remar's own domestic science expert, Kath- leen Jensen, before a studio audience of women's chd)s. The broadcast, of course, was only a part of the afternoon's festivities. Here was a concrete method of creating consiuner preference and good win. In no time ai all the Hostess Room was in demand by women's organizations of all kinds, and within a vear some MO, 000 women had i)een special Remar guests. In Noxem- ber, 1940, the show was already booked solid until July of the next year. 14ie program itself was a quarter-hour series divided into two parts. In the first • '^j'rJf' *^^'^^""" {f "!!" f ^'! , ,, , I I 1 I 1 tng All Women over KROW it' liali, hostess Katlileeu Jensen demon- ^ ^.^^^^ ,.^^ ^^ consumer prefer strated ihe (real ion ol the fancy sand- ^^^^ ^^^ j^ai^r good will for th wi(h, and the xarions {liects obtainable REMAR BAKING CO. 152 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP Iioin ])r()j)(r iiaxiiio. Dining ihc hisi hall ol the piooiimi. ilic hostess ansvvcic'd (|iU'sii()ns loj Hostess Room participanis on lood. hoiiicmakiiig piobknis and kitdicMi hinls. l^rioi (o ihc i)roa(l(asi. oiicsis were scivcd a linulicoii. W'hal did this achic\e lor Remar? Il is Ich thai the broackasis di- rectly trom the plant pla\ed no small pait in the success ol this scries. Talking about a plant and talking jroiii it are two diflcrent things, and it is a certainty that talking jrom it is elective. The plant itsell became a stage, and from the point ot \ iew ol broadcasting, that's smart show- manship and its smart business. This is how vice president and general sales manager ol Remar Bak- ing Co., Ray \V. Morris, felt abotit that particular series at the time: "I feel that the success of otu' Hostess Room is dtie to combined audiences: groups of ladies in the plant, those who have been in the plant, and those anticipating their trip through the plant. \Ve feel that this t\pe of achertising is the finest and most producti\e piece of pidjlicity or ad- \ertising we have ever tised." Remar's program, Calling All Kitchens was inatigurated in 1942, and because Kathleen Jensen had become so widely known as a radio person- ality, and in view of her close association with Re>e\r Bread, she was selected to conduct this telephone quiz series. This program is still on the air, and because Remar Bread believes in sJioiinnansJiip, the various ingredients of showmanship are incorpor- ated in this series. Telephone calls made at random to women who have filled out registration cards obtainable at their grocers are the basis for MAY, 1944 153 the program. Those who correctly an- swer the questions receive cash prizes. Those who answer the first question correctly receive one dollar, and if the second question on Remar Bread is also correctly answered, the prize is doubled. The series is heard three times weekly, at 11:00 A.M., and Remar has as evi- dence of intense listener interest, the 2, ()()() registration cards which were re- turned within one week after the pro- gram was first heard. The very fact that only rarely is a telephone call not com- pleted is additional evidence that this KR()\V program has a loval audience following. While the Hostess Room was designed almost entirely for its consiuner good will, Calling All Kitchens builds boih (onsumer preference and dealer good will. Colorful ]joiiU-of-sale advertising invites grocery customers to register for (Idlling All Kitchen cash prizes. Custom- cis register at neighborhood stores. Each gio(C'r whose cuslomer wins a prize is ;ils() awarded a dollar, and the Remar (li i\( I Avho services that grocery account gets a like amomit. riial dealer tie-in should !)(• emj)ha- si/((l. While consumer good will (aiuiol be ignoied, neither can the wholesaler alloicl to overlook the value of the |)iel- « A tasty dish was REMAR'S conclusion about its first concen- trated radio drive in 1940. The stage for its KROW series: the Remar Hostess Room. REMAR'S own home economics expert, Kath- leen Jensen, presides. erential sales ptish a dealei' can give a product. W^ith Remar, dealer cooperation is so important that it has re- cently supplemented its KROAV scheciule with a tran- scribed series, Sam Adams, )'()i(y Homejront Quarter- tn aster. This series is designed primarily to pat the grocer on the back, and secondly, it sells the public on the wartime job the neighborhood grocers are doing. A serial show in tech- nicjue, production and drama, the pro- grams salute the local groceryman whc:) serves on the home front. A heavy mer- chandise effort directed at grocers su])- ports this effort. Pioneer efforts over KROW c()n\ inced Remar of the value of radio advertising, and in its natmal desire to broaden the scope of its service, Remar has further expanded its radio schedule. It now uses time on three San Francisco sta- tions, and two East Bay stations. All of these programs are coordinated with other Remar advertising activities. Most of these programs are slanted at the feminine auclience, and in the selec- tion of ladio time, Remar has taken lime at which it can expect to catch the feminine ear. This is, of course, logical, since while women in noinial times may not be the bread icinncrs, the\ are the bread buyers. This does not mean, of course, that in apj)ealing to women, Remar is limited in its program selection. Ihe very pro- giam \ariety is one of the leasons for Remar's radio success, since the more \ai ied the program schedule, the wider 154 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP I he audience group the advertiser can expect to reach, A kitchen quiz, a cha- matic serial, an early afternoon five- minute newscast of last niinule news, and two audience particijjation evenini^ shows, in addition to a regular schedule of sjx)t annoiuicenients, give Ri.mar a well rounded schedule. Its night time program, Spell [or Dough, is a simple adaptation of the old-time spelling bee. llie master of ceremonies picks two teams representing local firms or organizations, and runs them through several groups of easy-to- spell and hard-to-spell words. Each group of words varies in monev value from 25 cents to five dollars. The win- ning team gets the dough. (A bright fea- ture of the program is a word auction. Competitors have a chance to bid in cash for the privilege of spelling a sur- prise word). What Remar set out to accomplish in its radio campaign was to achieve a well rounded promotion that included a dominant night time program, plus the frequency of daily broadcasts so neces- sary in selling an item w^hich is used every day by every family. Variety in both programs and stations was essen- tial. In its use of three San Francisco sta- tions, Remar finds that while over 50 per cent of the coverage of the network stations is not effective for its product, the prestige value and selling effective- ness of the network outlets is worth- while. On the other hand, Re mar's Calling All Kitchens over the independ- ent station is easily as productive as any network station. For any advertiser in any line of busi- ness, the success of the Remar campaign points up a moral. Radio success stories aren't made by guess-and-by-gosh. To get the most out of the medium, a plan is of primary importance. When Remar had determined what purpose a radio cam- paign would serve, that is, to build both consumer and dealer good will, it then took the next step. That was to deter- mine what audience it wanted to reach, and only then to consider the various ty}3es of programs that would reach that auch'ence. With this one audience in mind, Ri.mar then set out to select the time and the stations which would icadi that audience. To make its radio campaign as clfec- tive as possible, Remar backs its pro- grams with every type of promotional effort. It's well to remember that any program worth buying is worth mer- chandising, and coordinated activities play an important part in the success of this advertiser. * RADIO BUG COT HIM * Adman Guild True sou of the sJioiu busi- ness that he is, adman Walter Guild can't re- ?n e rn b e r w h e n he didn't want to entertain peo- ple, and as a boy his play-acting shoios drew full and enthusiastic Jiouses at five- ten-twenty (pins) admission. After a loJiirl in vaudeville, he was bitten by the radio bug, ere long found himself behind the microphone as master of ceremonies on a variety show for the Remar Baking Co. Within a year the station man- ager who had given adrnan Guild Jiis chance to break into radio ivas asked by the Sidney Garfield Adu. Agency to recommend an ambitious young man zvJio xoanted to learn tJie ins and outs of agency business. That was in 1939. In no time at all, adman Guild found himself head of the radio department. Sid?iey Gar- field Agency became Garfield 6- Guild, and the young man who made good found himself vice presi- dent of the company in 1^43. Climax to the Horatio Alger suc- cess story: Remar Bread, for whom adman Guild zuorked as a radio per- former on one of Jiis earliest radio programs, is still one of the agency's most important radio clients, under the direction of our hero! MAY, 1944 155 Denver Realtor Uses Radio to Up Sales, B Curt Freiberger Agency Account Director 9 Men 111 ihc real cslalc business must know their communities and they must also know the values of properties m those localities. But to achieve outstand- ing success in the field, the Realtor must do more than that. In some way he must establish his firm as a household word in the real estate world, and he must convince the public that his organiza- tion has an active sales organization that produces results. In other words, it isn't enough that the Realtor knows his com- niuniiv: the community has to know that he knows it. Radio represents one method ot achieving this goal, and the experiences of several clients of the Lane-Freiberger Advertising Agency indicate just how successful a medium it can be if proper- ly used. Jack AVehner, Realtor, set the wheels in motion. He was the first Den- \ er, Colo., realtor to use radio as a meth- od of obtaining direct sales of residen- lial 1 property. 1 wo years ago Jack W'ehner began wiih three spot announcements a day, and the results from this first advertis- ing indicated that there was a possibility of real promotion through the use of ladio. Due to the paper shortage, and I Ik restricted amount of newspaper space allowed for real estate listings on the c lassified pages, Mr. Wehner decided lo go into radio cjuite exunsixely. Direct iciurns ha\c more than justified the (osis. and we aic- ol the opinion that I \( K WtiiMR. Rkaeior, will never again iciurn lo his old nuihod ol ad- xcrlising unless c ire umsianc cs in the ladio business make il inii)()ssil)le lo bu) lime. IL isten f( byC \Vhile the returns were not phenom- enal at first, a few direct calls came in after each broadcast. Within two months, buyers began to report that it was his radio advertising that had at- tracted them. As returns justified addi- tional expense, the radio schedule was increased, and the current campaign in- cludes nine quarter-hours of news a week, and two 100-word spot announce- ments dailv. After a vear of concentrated radio advertising, Mr. Wehner made over 500 real estate deals in a single month, the largest volume for a like period since his business was founded. He is of the opinion that over half ot 156 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP War Rack I.nrj listings: / !IDERGKR. Lane-FreihGrijer Adv. AtjGiiry these sales were a direct result of the laclio advertising. Radio is more than paying its way! The preparation ot real estate adver- tising tor broadcast is not a simple one. In this office, we have one copy writer who devotes almost all of her time to writing real estate radio continuity. She devotes many hours to research; studies national publications for selling points on houses, and takes great pride in the knowledge she has acquired about hous- ing in general. Three separate houses in different price brackets are advertised daily, and seldom is there a day when wt do not sell at least one of the houses Avhich has been listed. The radio commentator reads the de- scription of the property to be sold in a conversational tone, just as though his announcement was a commentary on the property. I'nusual features of the prop- erty are emphasized, and the announcer expresses amazement at the value. Opening and closing commercials point up the advantages to property owners to list with Jack AV^ehner, and they also stress the services w^iich this realtor offers. Example: "You, as an individual, would find it expensive to advertise your • Home owners of today and to- morrow turn to JACK WEHNER. Whether the dream house costs ^50,000 or ^5,000, those in the mar- ket know that it's probably on file in one of the three WEHNER offices. lionw joy sale on the radio. Yet Jack VVehner, Realtor, provides that serv- ice, plus newspaper listiuifs, free of diarize. Jack Wehner will help yon set a price, will shoxu your property, and give expert assistance in (oni- pleting the sale. If you want (ash, Jadi ]Vehner will finatne the (us- tomer. Your only expense . . . a )ioniinal Realtor's fee, fxiid after your Jiouse is sold." Jack W'i.hnkr now opciates thice ol- (ices, one in each section ol the citv, and • Copy writer Vir- ginia P. Foss can point with pride to the pulling power of her commercials based on sound sell- ing principles for the real estate in- dustry. specializes in residential properties. \\'hile the experiences of this one firm is a success story in itself, the story is not complete withoiu mention of the radio activities of other Denver Realtors. Through Lane-Freiberger, the Denver Real Estate Exchange launched a cam- paign to (1) establish the term Realtor, and (2) create a present and post-war back log of real estate business for the industry. In addition to a continuous newspaper schedule, billboards and street car cards, it is interesting to note that the Denver Real Estate Exchange includes a spot announcement campaign on all five Denver stations. Likewise, when the Denver Home Planntng Institlte, sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce, began its cam- paign this spring, radio was given a prominent place in the schedule. Here then, is a composite picture which illustrates both the immediate and fiuure values in promotion for the real estate industry, and it is our pre- diction that radio will plav an increas- ingly important part in such acti\ities. MAY, 1944 157 Commercials Take a Back Seat Hut nnfitiniiniis Service Sells ottt« W ^= "''= liyB.B.McGIMSEY.vicepres., [jeneral mgr. of Pearl Brewery Newscaster Riddell SIX YEARS would have given Methuselah barely lime for a good yawn, but, for a wide-awake institution like the Pkari. Brewery, San Antonio, Tex., it has proven to be a period rich w^ith adventure. It has also produced the kind of fruitful response that's the answer to an adman's dream. For six continuous years, Pearl Brewery has sponsored a 15-miniUe newscast: same time nightly, 10 P.M., seven nights a w^eek; same station, WOAI. For six years, at the same time each night, the people of San Antonio and the Soiuhwest, have been greeted with the familiar sound of the news bug, introducing "the nexus of tJie day and night, gathered from throughout the world, and brought to you for the th night at this hour" (well over 2,100 times now') 'V/5 a service of the Pearl Brewery of San Antonio." For six years, at 10:15 P.M., they've listened to the familiar, l)ui now famous slogan that is a friendly reminder to always say "Bottle of PEARL, please!" Even on Sunday nights when all commercials are dropped, and no refer- ence whatever is made to source of sponsorship, the news-minded get the tradi- tional bug with which to set their w^atches, as w^ell as all the news of imjjortant (xcnts that have transpired. Pi ARE Beer newscaster is WOAFs Corwin Riddell, whose talents inchide a c hn- il\ of enunciation combined with a rapidit\ of s}:)eech as sparkling and eflervesceni as Pearl I^eer itself, and w^hose voice, heard longer than any other on this, San Antonio's hjrgest single locally-sponsored radio ])rogranL has become traditionalK associated by millions wdlh the product he advertises, namely. Pearl Beer. J'radition? Ves! Throttgh six c: o n t i n u o u s y e a r s t h e P I-. ARE Br !•; w !•: r y ' s n i g h 1 1 y newscast has become almost as legendary as Methuselah himself! Few jjeople remem- ber when it began. It's a pro- gram thai now seems to have always been there seven nights a week, 52 weeks a yeai, eveiy year! 'Fhroughout the years it has repoi ted events which aie now almcjst ancient history; the Ohio call h (| iia kc, the ('\j)losion lUl 101 III mm (s ^ tmtii nil! III! Ill 158 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP Manager M^Liiia that wrecked a school building in New London, lex.; the Reichstag's repudiation ol the Vei- sailles Ireaty; the burning ol the dirigible. Ilindenburg; the coronation ol King (ieorge V'l, and -other events that made news in a woild (hat shnnbered at peace. riirough six years it has performed every serv- ice imaginable lor a loyal audience ol \aried interests; helping investors keep abreast ol latest market reports; broadcasting weather reports (except dining the wartime blackout) to tell lishermen when to tie up their boats, and ranch- men when to cover up their sheep and goats; bringing up-to-the-minute marketing informa- tion to Texas' cattle raisers, dairymen, and pro- ducers of truck crops; maintaining a bureau for tracking down missing persons, and frequeruly locating them; beside packing in more daily news than the average 15-miniite interval is expected to contain. I hrough six years the Pearl Brewery has re- ceived fan letters from all the states, from sev- eral foreign countries, from travelers en route to and from remote places, from Texas' Congress- men in Washington, D. C, from ships on the high seas, and more recently, from men in the armed forces stationed as far away as 7,500 miles. People everywhere, it seems, have made the Pearl Beer nightly newscast a listening habit that persists through time and space. Countless are the friends the Pearl Brewery has made through continuous sponsorship of this program which is variously estimated to ha\e reached an audience of up to five million listeners. Confident that most people are familiar with its product, and loath to bore them with lengthy sales talks, the Pearl Brewery has insisted that its commercials be kept short. Our agency Pitluk Adv. Co., confines it to a brief opening and close which merely indicate sponsorship, and a middle commercial of from five to ten seconds to launch the slogan, ''Bottle of PEARL, please!" Of this deliberate brevity the pidjlic has been particidarly enthusiastic in its expressions oi appreciation. When our friends tune in so consistently, it's news they want, and it is our intention to give it to them. So we purposely keep our commercials short, and depend upon the continuous nature of our news service to do the selling for us. We know that a product can be put on the market with lots of initial ballyhoo, but our firm conviction is that it takes continuous advertising to keep it there. And it must be the kind of advertising that's in good taste. Many of our friends think we've leaned over backward in the matter of minimizing the commercial portion of our program. We know better. For the wholesome response we continually receive, both in personal communi- cations and in constantly broken sales records, is the soundest criterion for judgment. It is the one on which our procedure is based! We also use newspapers and magazines, but we are very fond of oiu' nightly Pearl Beer newscasts. This program does the kind of job for which other media are limited by their very nature, that is, the job of persojuiliz- ing a large brewery which is just as anxious to serve as it is to sell! MAY, 1944 159 lE/ouble or ,, Nothing/ no Member Stores Profit From Cooperative Radio Advertising by WILLIAM ALLISDRmanager, Consolidated Grocers of B. C. More where these came from! TUESDAY '^ 9 WHEN the Consolidated Grocers' Co-operative Ass'n of B. C. was organized in 1928, there were 20 mem- ber stores. Today 80 stores are affiiliated with the association. Thirty-seven ol them are located throughout greater Vancouver, and the balance in the Prov- ince of British Columbia. Each store is independently owned and operated, and the buying for all is done on a \oluntary buying group basis. In this way, each member store has the piuxhasing power of a large chain. To publicize and ad\'ertise an organ- ization of this type, a radio campaign must be institutional in this time of "goods in short supply." Double or Nothing, which we took on in Septem- ber, 1942, on a six months test basis, was designed with the institutional approach in mind. At the end of the test period, every member of the organization unan- imously agreed that this CKWX series was doing an excellent job for Consol- idated Grocers' and that it should be continued indefinitely. We have done just that. Double or Nothing carries the name of Consolidated Grocers' to the house- wife while she is in a receptive mood, and a tie-in becomes prevalent between the name of the show and the name of the association. Thus, we feel that Double or Nothitig is especially adapt- able to a food industry at the present time, since it has direct appeal to all age groups. The length of time the program has been on the air indicates that Con- solidated Grocers' is convinced that Double or Nothing is an effective meth- od by which to kcvp the association be- fore the pid:)lic. Does the (^KWX show have listener aj^j^eal? We have as e\ i- dence the 25,611 letters received during 1943 from listeners. And mark this. Let- ters recpiesiing admission tickets were not inchided in the figures! l)()ul)le or Nothing is a stream-lined (|uiz series similar to Take It or Leave It on the American network, and origi- nates from the C^KWX Playhouse each Tuesday night at 9:00 P.M. The mod- ern h'ttle tlieatre seats a])pr()ximately 175 160 RADIO SHOWMANSH IP people, and (he program always draws a capacity audience. A pre-show of approximately 15 min- utes takes care of preliminary details. Necessary explanations are given, and the eight contestants (chosen at random according to numbered tickets they write for in advance) are seated on the stage. Each contestant fills out a form which gives the master of ceremonies conver- sational material, since the program it- self is, of course, ad lib. After a brief re- hearsal, the contestants are ready to go on the air. Sixteen different categories of all types of questions are assembled, and each contestant before coming to the micro- phone selects the category he wishes to disctiss. A list of the various categories is also motmted on a board for the bene- fit of the sttidio audience, and they range from Significant Dates to Radio Part- ners. Each contestant stands to win eight dollars. If he answers the first question correctly, he gets a fialf dollar or the privilege of saying Double or Nothing to the next question. To win the eight dollars the contestant must correctly an- swer five qtiestions. CoNsoLmATED Grocers' also gives its air audience a chance to participate in the series. Listeners may send in their answers to a question asked the previous week especially for the air audience, and the prize money is the total amount won by sttidio contestants. The prize winner whose letter contains a sales slip from any Ck)NsoLi dated Grocer is awarded dotdjle the amotint and when more than one person answers the ques- tion correctly, a drawing during the broadcast determines the winner. Ihe cast requires a master of cere- monies, in this case, Laurie Irving, one of CKWX's most experienced announc- ers, who is particularly well qualified for plain and fancy ad libbing. Com- mercials are handled by Ken Hughes. Staff organist Herbert Reeder is the man behind the Hammond electric organ, and it is this feature wliich makes pos- sible musical cjuestions as a part of the gi^e and take. When grocer William Allison was a wee lad in Scotland he and his sister each XV ere g i v e n a halfpenny e-oery Saturday. The bairns soon found that since sxveets were sold at a halfpenny Manager Allison each or three for a penny they could buy more prof- itably by spending this precious al- Icnuance collectively. That lesson sums up the basis of Consolidated Grocers' and coopera- tive buying. While association man- ager Allison was himself an inde- pendent grocer in Vancouver 20 years ago, he organized the Consol- idated Grocers Co-operative Asso- ciation of British Columbia in 1928, has been its manager ever since. Since the series was begini as an insti- tutional vehicle, the commercials follow this idea. Example: "Welcome to another in the grand series of quiz programs . . . Double or Nothing . . . reaching your home every Tuesday niglit at 9:00, and sent your xvay by Consol- idated Grocers Co-operative Asso- ciation of British Columbia. Make it a point to call in at your neigh- borhood Consolidated Grocers to- morroxv. You'll be delighted xuith the service, and the quality and economy of his merchandise. Each Consolidated Grocery Store is in- dependently owned, serving you with all the advantages and econ- omy of the Co-operative Associa- tion. You'll really enjoy shopping there, and you'll be wise to keep the sales slip of every purchase you make at your Consolidated Gro- cery Store . . . it pays double on our listening audience question, which xuill be given later in the program." MAY, 1944 161 ■'f Ill#- \\1icn Double or Nothing was first launched, the ptil:)licity campaign Avhich accompanied it inchided extensi\'e news- paper ad\'ertising through ads phiced by C:K\VX and phigs in dealer ads. A sj^e- cial pre\iew lor all dealers at a studio party thoroughly acquainted the mem- l)ers with the ])rogram and enlisted their supfx)rt. In addition to this special pro- motion, merchandising tic-ins inchided IIncis mounted in exciy (khxsori dated store window, and envelope sttifters were sent out by each of the various store members. Measures of this kind started the series off with a sizeable body of listeners. Other measures wdiich continue to in- crease the tune-in, to draw capacity studio audiences and also to keep the C>)NsoLiDATED Grocers' name before the public: a studio stage banner hung each lUesday evening; a card display in the studio entrance show-case, and special tickets of admission distributed through the mail each week on request. In each 9 (Above) . . . What is one man's meat is another's poison. Contestants may se- lect one of the 16 categories of questions. Both listeners and members of the studio audience get an inning on CKWX's Double or Nothing. case-, there is a graphic renn'nder that C^oNsoEiDA rED (tRocers' prcscuts the weekly Double or Nolhi}ig featmx o\er CKWX. It is the combination ol an entertain- ing program with adecjuate promotional backing that has made this series elfec- ti\(' for G(>NsoLn)AiED Groc:ers'. By using the institutional approach, the prestige of each member store is en- iianced. Vhc fact that members are unanimous in their appro\'al indicates that tile usefulness of the j^rogram is not limited to Vaiuouxer, but rather extends thioughout British Ck)luiiibia. 162 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP elodies Tailor Made Consistent Radio Schedule Way to Win Friends and Customers by WILLIAM CANNON, owner. Cannon Tailoring Company 9 Broadcasting represents the (jiiitk- est way to conmuuiicate with millions of people. When President Roosevelt wishes to make an important announce- ment to the people, he makes it to the entire nation in its own homes at the same time that the rest of the Americas are listening. If radio is that important as a social force, the Cannon Tailoring Co., Cleve- land, O., figiued that it was a medium that it coiddn't afford to overlook. In 193() we branched out into the retail field, and at that time we pinxhased a small store just around the corner from the Public Square in the heart of down- town Cleveland. Almost at the same time, we bought otir first radio program. We realized the importance of obtain- ing the best possible medium with which to present our story to the public! Cannon Tailoring has never given up that radio program, and today the firm that was almost unknown in 1936 is known to 80 per cent of the people of Cleveland. We attribute this unques- tionably to our W^CLE program of mu- sic. During this time the store has been enlarged from one to three floors, and it now employs 120 people. For that, too, radio can take its fidl share of the credit. In addition, Cannon Tailoring has made \ery extensive post-war plans for the enlargement of its women's depart- ment of custom-made suits and coats, and of coiuse radio will play an impor- tant part in establishing that depart- ment. What is this astonishing program which has produced such amazing re- sults? It's a simple half-hour Siuiday program of popular ballads. AVith Dick Olleren as master of ceremonies, the Irish Program is heard at 2:?A) P.M., with organist Helen Wyant and the Irish Ensemble. Originally the program featured onl\ Irish melodies, but there were so many requests for poptdar tunes and old-time favorites that the series now has a more varied selection. It has been oin- experience that the better established a program is, the less important the commercials become. Very little time is given to commercial copy on otn^ program, and the music is the main featiue. In other words. Cannon 1 ailoring lets the editorial content of its program do the work for it. Oiu' Hooper rating indicates that with this combination we have developed a large listening audience, and with a consist- ent radio schedule the name and fame of Cannon Tailoring has penetrated the consciousness of that group. W^e're convinced that this is the reason that when either a man or Avoman think of custom-made clothes, they think of us. His (mm best (idiX'rliscment is nattily attired William John Patrick Cannon, whose interest in cutting, de- signing and tai- loring first took shape at the ten- der age txoelve. Knoivn as "Bill" throughout the trade, Irish as the Blarney stone, he is a natnu' C I ex>e lander. Very much a jamily man, he is obviously proud of, dex'otcd to, his five children. MAY, 1944 163 SHOWMANSCOOPS RADIO SHOWMANSHIP welcomes unusual photo- graphs of merchandising stunts used by businessmen to promote listener interest in their radio programs. Radio Goes to a Party I • (Left) . . . When the Belli of the Southland, alias Glenna Calloway, celebrated the pro gram's first birthday, it was s HOLSUM cake, of course, Waiting for their cuts are (left to right) WSIX president, Jack M. Draughon; AMERICAN BREAD CO.'S general man ager, Bernard Evers; WSD^ commercial director Gene Tan ner; AMERICAN BREAE CO.'S advertising manager, D« Bow Sparks, and WSIX pro gram director Jack Wolever (For story, see Airing the New p. 166). © (Right) . . . For the best story of pioneer days in Idaho, Ted Falk, executive of the FALK MERCAN- TILE CO., Boise, Idaho, awards Mrs. Pauline C. Pirn the 75 dollar War Bond first prize. (For story on this KIDO feature, see Airing the New, p. 168). 164 RADIO S HOWM ANSH .'°"'*«, ,.„,,,„ • (Above) . . . Snowed under with mail is Jane Weston, con- ductor of the WOWO Modern Home Forum. (For story, see Proof O' the Pudding, p. 175). MAY, 1944 ® (Above) . . . Commercials are modeled before a studio audience on WPAT's Luncheon with Helen par- ticipating feature. Modeled here are HARRY KAYE FURS, Paterson, N. J. Studio audiences are awarded product samples. In the case of furs, the gals were pre- sented with Gold Bonded Certificates entitling them to free fur coat storage. 165 AIRING THE NEW New radio programs worth reading about. No result figures as yet. Bakeries ST. LOUIS HEROES While a prophet may be without honor in his own coun- try, quite the re\erse is true ot heroes. In St. Louis, Mo., the Purity Bakeries Sermce Corp. pays tribute over KSD to .S7. Louis Heroes. Ahhough the Sunday afternoon half-hour show changes for- mat from weelc to week, the first broad- cast co\ered many fighting fronts: stories of two local heroes; news of citations for a number of others, and a description of a major battle with the spotlight on the part St. Louisans played in it. With sound effects and background music, three announcers did dramatic readings. Evidence that one i:)iece of informa- tion leads to another: information about St. Louis heroes first came from press re- leases and Army and Navy reports, was later supplemented by public relations officers. Loday the work and rewards of Si. Louis' fighting men comes from hith- ei and von, is ilie sul)je(t ol a large KSI) file. Only (onuiiercial note struck on ihc jiiogram by PiiRrrv Bakerus: one brief (onnnercial annoinicement. Promotion lor tlie program began with a Pi R^r^ salesman's bancjuet at which addresses by two St. l^)uisans back irom the front were featiued. Some ■^. ')()() retail groccis carrying lAVstEE Bread received jnr sonal letters announcing the show as well as window stickers and disj)la\ cards. .Mention of .S7. Loui.s llrrors was also iiiacfi on I a^siee Bread's KSD newscasts. 1 o paiciils of men to be men- tioned in the show and to oigani/ations of which these men were members go personal announcements. Former em- ployers of the fighting; men also receive announcement cards for plant or office displa\. AIR FAX: How the format worlcs in practice is indi- cated by this slceletonized version of the first broad- cast: show opened with the personal appearance of a St. Louis flier who had dropped a half-ton bomb on an enemy vessel at Truk; next, a staccato series of citations for St. Louisans: then, against a baclcground of the Marine Hymn came a description of the Battle of Tarawa, with brief quotations from 1 1 local fight- ers who had been there; finally, the program present- ed a quiet reading of a letter home by a St. Louis tank officer in Italy, ending in martial music and the announcement of a citation of heroism for the letter writer. The appearance of the officer's father, with an appeal to the listening audience to remember what the boys at the front are going through, round- ed out the 30-minute tribute to local fighters. First Broadcast: March. 1944. Broadcast Schedule: Sunday afternoon, 30 minutes. Sponsor: Purity Bakeries Service Corp. Station: KSD, St. Louis, Mo. Power: 5,000 watts (d). Population: 1,557,479. COMMENT: An interesting and elfec- ti\e program backed up with plenty of promotion is what makes for radio suc- cess. With the varioiLs tie-ins here, the sponsor builds both dealer good will and consinner preference in a way tc:) point a moral for anv organ izatic^n whose ad- \ertising problems are two-forked. Co- ordinated advertising activities do more than increase the tune-in. They also deepen the penetration of the sales mes- sage. Bakeries BELLE OF THE SOUTHLAND Ihal the power of suggestion packs a greater wal- lop in \erse than in prose is the conien- lion of the A\ieric:an Bread Co., Nash- \ilk\ Ten 11. .\ two-line doggerel for lloEsiM Bread is its tested recipe icM' getting the listener's ear on licllc of the Southland, a W'SIX feature. "To he sure ol (lie best iviih I lie i^) ('(lies I of ('(ISC, Don't s(i\ -hycdd', ,sy/y /lOI.Sl'M f)l('(is('!" lo create (onsimur prtlereiHc, thai iii- tioducloiA theme is followed by a pert.^^^ ■■/Icllo yon all." Each dav at 12:15 P.M.. ■"/lie Bread of the Southland, JIOL SIM, //resents the lielle of the South 166 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP hind. (•IcniKi ( 'til loii'dx . hi) jiKum tiinl snni^s." Willi I Ik ( \( ( |)I k hi I >| I Ik oj x ii iii" .111(1 (Immml; oik s(|iI(IK( .iiiik)IIII((I |)I( s( III .11 loll m.ulc o\ ( I I Ik I Ik iik soil'.;, i li< ( jii.ii U I lioiii IS ( !.iil<)\\.i\ .ill I Ik w .i\ I Ik llrll, ul III,- SoiilhhnnI |)l.i\s Ik i own |)i.iiK> .!( ( oi II I ).i n I iiKiil , I III 1 1 )( ill* ( s Ik I ( iw n iiiiiiilx I s. I UN Ml OIK ( oiiiiiK I ( on ( .i( h |)i ol;i .iiii in mu Ii .i iii.iiiik i .IS io iii.ikc II |) lish iiiiil;. lo i^cl (onipicic iishiKi (o\(i.ii;c. jjoi si Ms s(lu(lnl( on \\S|\. in .uldi lion lo iliis si\ limes \s((kl\ sci ics. in (huUs loni s|)oi .mnoiiiK cincnis (l.iiK. M\ IK\\s(.|s|s .1 \\((k. .Iiul .1!) (\(llin'^ li.ill honi wtikls show. \IK l-AX: In liiT second for this sponsor, sonj:- hinl CJ.illoH.i> is also heard on Nashville Varicli •«. «as forim-rU foatured vocalist on an NBC' orchestra iiiulor the naino of Rosalie Wayne. Jack Wolever handles script and production. tint Broadcast: January 15, l*)4r Broadcast Schedule: Monday through Saturday. 12:15-12:JO P.M. Preceded By: News. tolloued By: Music. Spotisor: American Bread ("o. Staiioti: WSIX, Nashville. Tenn. I'oner: 5,000 watts. Population: 167.402. COMMENT: \\\v more (omplcle ihc (()\craL;i\ \\\v ^icalfi the itUii ns. ;is ;iil Miiiscis who \\d\\\ lo reach ihc .milic'iuf well know. A \aricd j^roi^rain sclu'cluit (oiisi.sleiuly used, taps i'\{r\ l(\el ol lisieiiei- prclereiue. For iis ahil- ii\ lo reach ihe mass audience, a sc hecl- iik ol news, nuisie and spot aniiounce- menis is hij^li in laxor. (Foi ])ic, sec- Sli()\rni(inM ()()f)s. /;. l^f.) Beveraqus THIS IS THE UNDERGROUND What lame out ol the program \at loi the \ii.As Hriwinc; C-c).. Clhieai^o. 111., indi- (.ites that there is pleiitx brewiui; aiuoni; the concjueied peoples ol the \vorld. \ctual activities ol the Euiopean uiulei- ,i;rc)uiul are draniali/ed on this \veekl\ ciuaricr-hour set ics. In Holland. France, | ugoslax ia . (ireccc. Norwax. e\cn in Geriuam. men and women daih risk e\cr\thin^ lor Ireedom. This is (he riulryo^roufKl! I 1 lie stoi ies smu^i;lcHl liom F.nroj)e anlli(iiii(ai( iIk s(II|>!s, iii.ikc tor ^chmI lish nini; and ^ood i.itho SiiMaJnin^ pMoi lo I Ik \ I I \s sponsoi siiip. t lie scr irs is now s(Ik(IiiI<(I loi .1 ►'^-wcc'k run. MR I AX: t,r,t Br,.aJ,j,i I »hru«rv. IQ44. Il,,;idiatt Sihrdulr: Sunday. 6:457:00 I'M r,.ueded By: Nrn.. I •'lloned B> : Vlaltrr l'id|{*on. N/>ii>iw>r ; Atlas Brrwinic ( u. Si,,i,„n: \X BHM, Chicago, ni /'..»,()00 wdtl*. I'opulation: i. 440. 420. iKency: Arthur Mryerh«»fT X Co. f^OMMENT: I )o( iiiiK ni( (I |>ioi;i.iins ol ihis kind lah st ( oiid onl\ lo news If- poilim; ilsell in sit^nihc .mhc, arc ol \ilal inleiesi lo lishiKis. \d\ ci I istTS who sel( ( I ihis I \ p( ol |)nl)li< sei\i(C hioachasi (.tii he siiK iIk olhiin^ wide lisleiiel s|ii|). LIuirLlii^s JOURNEY INTO LIFE Hdwccii the cradle and ilu ,L;ra\e. ilu Jouriwy Inlo Life lakes mankind down devious pallrs. To i^ixc l)ocl\ and suhsiaiue lo thai one xvhich is straight and nanow. the \i\v III i loi M)\ii()\. 1 .OS Angeles. (!al.. ol leis i\lA(; lisuneis a Siindav (juaricr- hoiir sei ies ol achentines into the- un- known. Fac h loiDiK'x Into Life takc-s ilu- lis- tening; audience into stian^e l.mds and amoni; strange peoples, presenis mxsii- Ivinj; aspects ol lile. Instrumental and choral music embellishes these liitle- knovMi IraL^menls ol hisiorx. Man who weaxes the lia^ments toL^cther lor \ i w Fill 1()IM)AII().\ is ,\le\andei .\larkc\. Series is scheduled lor a .")'J\vei k inn. is s])()ns()r"s Inst ladio experience AIR FAX: First Broadcast: January 2 3, 1944. Broadcast Schedule: Sunday, 6:00-6:15 P.M. Preceded By: First Congregational Church. FiUoned By: Music. Sponsor: New Life Foundation. Station: KFAC, Los Angeles, Cal. Poner: 1,000 watts. Population: 1.504,277. -I^ency: Smith & Bull Adv. COMMENT: While iclis;i()us ori;ani/.i- tions were anions the lirsi lo see the possibilities ol radio, still make eonsist- (111 use ol lime, miic h remains lo be AY, 1944 167 done in the field of programming for this group. Series here is designed lo ap- ])eal to a Avide listenership. Department Stares ANSWER MAN A\'hat the next mail will bring is something that The Answer Man never knows. "Did George Washington ever see an elephant?'' might have sttimped some people, but not Tlie Answer Man. "The Father of His Country saw an elephant in Phila- delphia on August 25, 1796. He paid S/.75 to see it, and its name was Old Bet." Some 5,000 information seekers send qtieries to AVOR's Answer Man weekly, and whether the question asked is an- swered on the air or by mail, every ques- tion rates a reply. It took six months of research to find the answer to this: "What is the oldest business concern in the world?" In due time, researchers had the dope. W hen the R. H. Macy & Co., Inc., New York city, posed this one: "What type of program shall we buy?" its an- sw^er was to expand its use of radio to include sponsorship of The Answer Man three times weekly. Contract is for 52 weeks, and supplements Macv's station Ijreak announcement campaign on four local stations including WOR. On each broadcast, and through no other source, Macy's advertises three merchandise values to be on sale for the next three days. Commercials follow j>rogram foi mat, are presented in ques- lion-and-answer form. W^indow displays, general advertising, direct mail and store posters back up the efforts of producer Bruce Chapman. AIR FAX: First Broadcast: March 27, 1944. Broadcast Schedule: M-W-F, 7:15-7:30 P.M. sponsor: R. H. Macy 8C Co., Inc. Station: WOR, New York City. Power: 50,000 watts. COMMENT: When advertisers feature ladio specials, it shoidd be remembered iliai response is often cumulative. The (l(\i(e may click from the start, but it m;i\ lake a j)cii()cl ol time to build up a p(t-(l()li;ir Kluin. All lo the good is the tie-in here between program and com-, mercial. Department Stores FALK'S PIONEER PARADE In a countrv lamed for its skx-scrapers, other evi- dences of man's inventiveness, not to be overlooked is the fact that men and women still live who plowed the earth with oxen, lived in sod houses, and who sinvived only throtigh their own efforts and nature's bounty. Many of the ex- periences of these old-timers are mi- known to the historian, some are not fidly recorded, but all of them are a part of the heritage of everyone in these United States. To give the people of Idaho reason for pride in the star on Old Glory that represents their state, the Falk Mercan- tile Co., Boise, Idaho, offers Talk's Pioneer Parade over KIDO. Dramatiza- tions of little known historical events taken from those pages of history that represent the early days in Idaho are presented weekly. Series began last November lo com- memorate the seventy-fifth birthdav of the pioneer department store of the city, and Falk's original intention was to use the series for a one month j^eriod three times weekly. For all stories ac- cepted for program dramatizations, Falk's offered a 75 dollar W^ar Bond. So successful was the series that what started as a special series now continties on a weekly schedide, will continue for an indefinite period over KIDO. For -U) minutes every Sunday, listeners follow in dramatic form the story of Idaho's j^rogress from the earh days. AIR FAX: Adapter and producer of original stories based on historical fact is KIDO's Cass Stevens. Series is presented by Sid Martoff. First Broadcast: November 1, 1943. Broadcast Schedule: Sunday, 9:00-9:30 P.M. Preceded By: Bob Crosby. Followed By: Reverend Fuller. Sponsor: Falk Mercantile Co. Station: KIDO, Boise, Idaho. Power: 2,500 (d). Population: 160,000. COMMENT: Listeners gain more ihani a pride in the history c:>f ]:>rc)gress in aj historical series of this kind. 1 hev also 168 RADIO SHOWMANSHIF gather ail appreciation of tlie part the sponsor has played in this development. Advertisers with an institutional ax to grind might well make greater use ol material of this nature as a whetstone that will put a razor-sharp edge on lis- tener interest. (For pic, see Showfium- scoops, p. 164.) Home Furnishings TREXLER AND THE NEWS What this country needs is not a good five-cent cigar but more local news if current surveys indicate which way the wind blows. While listeners cannot always re- call the names of far-away battle scenes, they can quote names and places when the fire, robbery, wedding or what have you is a local one. \Vith that in mind, the Seal"^' Mat- tress Co. put its money on Trexlcr and the News heard six times weekh over AVMPS, Memphis, Tenn. AV^hile news- caster Trexler doesn't give national news the cold shoulder, it's local news that is the fair-haired child. AIR FAX: Opening and closing sound effects give the Flash news idea. Two commercials in the body of the program keep the sponsor's name before the public. Broadcast Schedule: Monday through Saturday, 6:30- 6:45 P.M. Preceded By: Music. Followed By: Confidentially Yours. Sponsor: Sealy Mattress Co. Station: WMPS, Memphis, Tenn. Power: 1,000 watts (d). Population: 292,492. COMMENT: Advertisers with an eye to ihe luture might well consider the pros- pects for local news. Because war has created a news listenership as big as all out doors, a swing to local news after the war will pay di\ idends. Insurance CRYSTAL CHORUS As a crystal clear reflection of its prestige, the Kansas City Fire & Marine Insurance Co., Kansas C^lity, Mo., presents KMBC lis- teners with the Crystal Chorus. For the weekly Sunday afternoon series Home Office employees are the musical ^()ice of Kansas C^ir^ Fire & Marine. C^ommercial message is institutional in nature, is delivered alternately by an officer or a member of the company's board of directors which includes Mid- west industrialists, bankers, realtors and executives. air FAX: First Broadcast: January 30, 1944. Broadcast Schedule: Sunday, 12:45-1:00 P.M. Sponsor: Kansas City Fire & Marine Insurance. Station: KMBC, Kansas City, Mo. Power: 5,000 watts. Population: 602,046. COMMENT: Radio, actively merchan- dised, can be profitable to almost any type of advertiser; time and again, na- tional organizations have found that it isn't only charity that begins at home. Invaluable as a business asset is the fac- tor of hometown pride, support and good will. With radio, the advertiser has a chance to personalize these assets. Men's Wear JIVE AT 11:05 Call it swing, jazz, or just hot music, it's still American music with origins deep in the glamorous past of colorful New Orleans. Lectures and concerts with and about the men cred- ited with creating and fostering this mu- sic have been not-so-scholarly lecture topics at New York and San Francisco Museums of Art. National magazines have given feature spreads to the sub- ject. Hollywood has foctised the camera on it. In San Francisco, Cal., not bringing til em hack live but on record is what makes for tuneful listening, builds busi- ness for the Howard Ceothing Ca). Broadcast from special studios in the Downtown Bowl, S300,000 bowling and sports building, is Jive at J 1:05. Some 201) hep cats turn out weekly to hear and see. Collectors bring highly prized records, thus give listeners a ( hance to hear platters that can be rare- ly heard, even more rarely purchased. air FAX: Voted for two successive years San Fran- cisco's most popular man of music was producer- emcee Ted Lenz. First Broadcast: 1942. Broadcast Schedule: Sunday. 11:05-11:20 A.M. Sponsor: Howard Clothing Co. Station: KSAN, San Francisco. Cai. Power: 250 watts. Population: 637,212. MAY, 1944 169 COMMENT: While ihc besi in Ameri- can folk music may please the fancy of the music lover, it also draws the hep cat. Record chibs indicate a tremendous interest in this very field. Together, it adds tip to a tremendous audience po- tential lor anv ad\ertiser. Participatinq VICTORY GARDEN CLUB That patch of ground may be no larger than a 9x12 rug. It may even consist of a mere win- dow box. But to Americans anxious to do iluir part in the Food Fights for Freedom battle, it's a Victory Garden! Only hitch in the git-along: to those with or without green thumbs who have ne\ er before given so much as a passing nod to seeds and soil, to achieve a rad- ish, onion, carrot or tomato is some- thing else again. 7() those seekers after knowledge, WTBR, Baltimore, Aid., offers its Vic- tory Garden Club of the Air at a time when the mysteries of gardening are most apt to be uppermost in the minds of these tillers of the soil, namely, at the Sunday dinner table. And on the theory tliat there's more to gardening than dropping seeds in hill or row, the series is scheduled for 40 weeks, will take the gardener through the har\est season. lied-in with the program is every recognized garden agency in the area. Professional gardeners provide a step- l)\-step garden work-log as the contribu- lioii of the National Association of Gar- (Icncis. From the Maryland State Xins- ciymen's Association comes cidtinal in- formation on tree and bush fruits. Where and how to plant shrid)s, how to a( hie\e the greatest beauty from a\ ail- able ground, othei iopi(s of this natmc. aic discussed loi the benefu of those whose spirits are willing but whose gaidfuiug experi- eu((s arc meager. It adds up lo a short (ou)sc ill ornamen- pl;i u I i iigs and ^„ landscaping for the would-be tillers of the soil. Activities of the Federated Garden Chd)s of Maryland are also publicized on the program, and the organization sponsors variotis garden projects in co- operation with \VFBR. State wide co- ordination of Victory Gardening is super\ised by the Maryland State Vic- tory Garden Committee, and de\elop- ments are broadcast each week. Listen- ers get recommendations and advice from the State Extension Service of the Uni\ersity of Maryland. How the Victory Garden Section of the Civilian Mobilization Committee for the city of Baltimore shows its colors: the organization directs the activities of local gardeners, judges the commtmitv gardens worthy to receive the WF'BR Award of Merit. On the basis of its de- cision, a garden consisting of groups of 20 or more persons organized and spon- sored by inchistrial plants, chtirches, apartment houses, civic and fraternal grotips will be entitled to lly an Ameri- can flag and an award pennant from the center of the garden plot as its Award of Merit. Devoid of annoiuicer-spoken spot com- mercials, advertisers profit from a new type of prodtict presentation. Radio gardener not only tells his listeners how to garden, but also what to use, where to get it and how to use it, refers to ]:)r()ducts b\ name in his reconnnenda- lions to home gardeners. Each partici- j)ating sponsor is guaranteed a niini- nunii of 20 such announcements dining the series. AIR FAX: First Broadcast: February 13, 1944. Broadcast Schedule: Sunday, 12:30-1:00 P.M., Feb- 1 uar> 13 through November 12, 1944. Preceded By: Moreland Memorial Chimes. Followed By: News. Station: WFBR, Baltimore, Md. Power: 5,000 watts. Population: 859,100. COMMENT: High local concentration of home gar- deners offers manufactur- cis and growers a tremen- dous dollar-foi-dollar re- luni. \'ery much to the good is the depailiuc here 170 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP Iroin the ( iistoniarN ( oninui ( ial i)Iii^. Acl\enisc'is arc- almost (cilaiii lo bciulii Irom this new t\|)c ol prodiui ])rcs(n- lalion. Restaurants NEWSPAPER OF THE AIR (,i\iii^ Daxton, ().. listeners food for thought in a twice weekly news diet is Ci;lp's (Cafeteria. On the theor\ that straight news is like meat and potatoes without salt and pep}3er, Ci'Ep's flaxors its (juar- icr-hour with more than a chish of sho^v- inanshi]3. What WHIG listeners get is a Ncios- pdpi-y of the Air with musical bridges between the \arious sections. Battle front news, A\'ashington happenings, ^^'omen's page, sports page, et al, are cov- ered by two male announcers, one fem- inine spieler. Page one brings the head- line news. Before listeners finish with the last page of the imaginary ne^vs- paper, every section of the standard news sheet is given the once over. True to life and standard practice, the masculine voice predominates on each page, with an occasional news run for editor-in-chief Madeline Wise. Only on the women's page does writer and pro- ducer \Vise get complete say-so. AIR FAX: Newsmen Don Wayne and Jolin Murphy- turn the pages. First Broadcast: November 9, 1943. Broadcast Schedule: T-S. 9:00-9:15 A.M. Preceded By: Richard Higham. Followed By: Kitchen Kapers. Sponsor: Gulp's Cafeteria. Station: WHIO, Dayton. O. Power: 5,000 watts. Population: 3 38,688. COMMENT: While news is a tremen- dous factor in the increased radio tiuie- in the country over, the advertiser whose news program includes a dash of show- manship does more than extend the scope of his coverage currently. He is also taking out post-w^ar listener insur- ance against the day when news per se ^vill lose some of its present potency. Transportation SINGING MOTORMEN W hile the great of the motion picture world may hope to a(lii(\c one Osfnr, treasure it above all else il it (omes tlicii \\a\. the (.iORC.iA i'owi R Cio., Atlanta. (»a., has iouj ()s((ns with which it stores up listener treas- ures in the radio hall of fame. Xiche which the quartet made up of trolley and bus operators fills: a weekly (juarter- hour of music o\er W' AGA. When the (.i()R(;iA Powi.r i'.o. drew from its own family for the talent in the new program series, gave the nod to the four Oscars, the quartet was no pig-in- a-poke. For more than a year the four employees had been harmonizing in bal- lads, iiymns, novelties, other popular tuneful earfuls, to the delight of civic groups. As ambassadors of good will for the Georgia Power Co., the Singing Motor- 7nen are 24-carat gold, are symbolic to WAGA listeners of the friendly organi- zation which daih carries Atlanta's workers from home to job and back. Super\ised by Georc;ia Power's Jim Stafford, the series also serves another purpose: through it commuters are giv- en tips whicli spread the transportation load more evenly throughout the day. AIR FAX: First Broadcast: November, 1943. Broadcast Schedule: Thursday, 9:15-9:30 P.-M. Preceded By: Raymond Gram Swing. Followed By: Stop or Go. Sponsor: Georgia Power Co. Station: WAGA, Atlanta, Ga. Power: 5,000 watts. Population: 1,333,200. COMMENT: Where employee morale and public relations are involved, there's no end of the line. Definitely on the right track are advertisers who use radio as the main line to both destinations. While most programs of this nature par- take of the variety show, the series here indicates that the few can represent the manv. MAY, 1944 171 L SHOWMANSHIP IN ACTION Promotions and merchandising stunts that will lift a program out of the ordinary. Automobile Supplies PUT AND TAKE Ihiity pieces of silver are what make llie wheels go round for Flit and Take quiztestants and for local distributors of the U. S. Rubber Co. In Columbia, S. C, some 250 persons get tickets on request from the Royal Tire Service, local U. S. Tire distributor, for the 30-minute WIS weekly broadcast. What keeps the audience at the Co- lumbia Hotel's Crystal Room on its toes is the free-for-all mental battle between various civic organizations. Each group is represented by three contestants, and each group has its own announcer. Ques- tions are taken by quizee from a page boy, are then passed on to the announcer who asks the question. Questions come from the listening audience, and the ante for each question used on the series is two smackers. Twist that makes this series something new under the sun: each of the six contest- ants starts oft w^ith a drawing account of five dollars. For every correct answer, a silver dollar is placed in the contestant's purse. When a question is muffed, the (onteslam parts with one of his dollars. Thai dollar, plus another from the spon- sor, goes into the jack-pot. While each cc^nteslant may keep the dollars he earns for correct answers, the jatk-pot money goes to the team making the best score at the end of three rounds of ((>mj>etiti()n. Six (jiicstions polish oil one round. AIR FAX: A copyrighted feature produced by Edwin Brown of New York City, ttie show is locally staged for local distributors of the U. S. liubber Co. In Columbia, S. C, contestants have included Roury vs. Kiwanis; I. ions vs. Civitans; Senior Chamber of Commerce vs. Junior Chamber of Commerce; Colum- bia Army Air Base vs. Fort Jackson, and Dreher High School vs. Columbia High School. First Broadcast: March 12, 1944. Broadcast Schedule: Saturday. 7:00-7:^0 P.M. Preceded By: Music. Followed By: Grand Ol' Opry. Sponsor: U. S. Rubber Co. Station: WIS, Columbia, S. C. Power: 5,000 watts. Population: 82,810. COMiMENT: While national advertising in local newspapers has been standard practice for years, local radio programs lor national accounts is only now mak- ing a name for itself in the annals of advertising. W'ith such programs, advei- lisers profit from a local angle that has not pie\iously been de\elope(l. Bakeries SQUARESHOOTERS Stories of early life in the West, heroism of dogs or horses, other action crammed yarns, are what bring the moppets to the radio five times weekly, but what gives Uncle Billy his stand-in with parents are the basic moral standards implied in each and every story as it unfolds over CjBC, Toronto, Ont., for the Purity Bread Co. That his youthful listeners may be Squareshooters in every sense of the word, they are organized into a Square- shooters club. As members in good standing, each signs a pledge card, re- ceives a Squareshooters emblem to be sewn on sweaters. Evidence that the small fry have taken Uncle Billy into their complete confidence is the fact that after 20 broadcasts, mail reached the 1.50 per day level. \\'hen the series had been aired for ten months on CKW^X, V^ancouver, B. C., mail count totalled 70,000 letters, and the program had the endorsement of parents and leading ( ivic authorities. AIR FAX: Uncle Billy, otherwise known as George Hassell. tells stories, sometimes compieie in one pro- gram, sometimes serialized over several days, never refers to his audience as children but rather as Youn^ Canadians. First Broadcast: February 7, 1944. Broadcast Schedule: Monday through Friday, 5:1'5- 5:iO P.M. Preceded By: Hop Harrigan. Followed By: Music. Sponsor: Purity Bread Co., Toronto. Station: CJBC, Toronto, Ont. Population: 875,992. Agency: A. McKim 172 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP COMMENT: Ally good program will gradually attract listeners without mer- chandising, but successful advertisers use proven methods to build the consumer audience Taster and to cash in more fully on the program's audience appeal, (^liil) emblems have worked time and again for niunerous sponsors. Groceries A SONG AND A STORY If the old ad- age, "nicryone loves a lover," is true, then the same holds true for the stories they tell, the songs they sing. For almost every one, certain melodies are synony- mous with love's young sweet dream. In Baltimore, Md., Eddies' Super-Market gives listeners a chance to cash in on such memories. Listeners young and old are invited to contribiue stories and the songs associ- ated with romantic incidents. To the author of the best letter each month, Eddies' presents a 25 dollar War Bond. Program content: letters submitted weekly. Comments Norman Gladney, director of radio, Leon S. Golnick & Associates Advertising Agency: ''Mail response has been phenomenal." Letters are held in strict confidence, and names are not divulged. Appropri- ate theme song: Indian Summer. Open- ing and closing spots read by announcer invite listeners to send in letters, explain the idea behind the series. Divided into six parts is A Song and Story. Music is recorded. Two commercials center around Eddies' Super-Markets services, and since the chain is located in four outly- ing communities, all copy is written with an eye toward reaching Baltimore County, rather than the city itself. Example: "Remember, folks . . . whether you live in Dundalk, Stansbury Manor, Sparrows Point or Aero Acres, yon'll always receive quality seiuice . . . qual- ity products. Shopping is easy at Eddies'. The abundance of fresh vegetables and fruits coming in daily from every section of the country make for a variety that's Jtard to match. And while Eddies' have established themselves as the meat spe- cialists in Baltimore County, they're tops in every other deparl nicnl . Yon < an find this out for yourself." air FAX: First Broadcast: March 12, 1944. Broadcast Schedule: Sunday, 2:30-3:00 P.M. Sponsor: Eddies' Super-Markets. Station: WITH, Baltimore, Md. Power: 250 watts. Population: 859,100. COMMENT: Showmanshijj here helps jnu the listening audience in a receptive mood. Too, the radio series appeals pri- jnarily to the very age group which is the greatest buyer of grocery products. 1 he institiuional approach enhances the })restige of each individual store. Groceries helpmate Being a Flelpmate in name and deed for listeners with a yen for flower gardening is the Cudahy Pack- ing Co. for its Old Dutch Cleanser. Its springtime, good will merchandising offer: 12 packets of Show Garden flow- ers. If purchased through ordinary chan- nels, the seeds would cost $1.95. Help- mate listeners get the whole caboodle for 25 cents, plus two windmill pictures or labels. Early in February, dealers received large colored sheets illustrating the seed packets and giving offer and campaign details. In addition to this point-of-pur- chase display, small descriptive slips were furnished on pads bearing a cou- pon. Customers could send in the cou- pon, get the seeds in accordance with instructions printed on the pads. air FAX: Helpmate serializes the story of an unselfish woman who sacrifices much to further the career of her husband. First Broadcast: September 22, 1941. Broadcast Schedule: Monday through Friday, 9:30- 9:45 A.M. Preceded By: News. Followed By: Star Playhouse. sponsor: Cudahy Packing Co. Station: WMAQ, Chicago, 111. Power: 50,000 watts. Population: 3,440,420. COMMENT: Dealer interest and cooper- ation is equal in importance to that of the ultimate consumer. Point-of-sale dis- plays are effective both with the dealer and the consumer, and box top offers have been box office attractions for many national advertisers. MAY, 1944 173 PROOF 0' THE PUDDING Results based on sales, mails, surveys, long runs and the growth of the business itself. Bakeries KORN KOBBLERS Consistent radio ad- \crtiseis since 193(), the Hi-Class Baking Co., Evansville, Ind., is an old hand at program selection, and as long as a series produces the desired results, it is content to let well enough alone. Since July, 1941, it has unwrapped as its daily j^arcel of WGBF entertainment, the transcribed quarter-hour of fun and nonsense, namely, the Ko)}} Kobblers. Predecessors to this WGBF variety show that rings in comedy, music and gags: live musical talent, and a birth- day party series. AIR FAX: Companion piece to the Korn Kobblers, of which there are 312 episodes, is Kornegie Hall, the latest edition of the musical va- riety show, emceed by Alan Courtney. First Broadcast: July, 1941. Broadcast Schedule: Monday through Friday, 5:45- 6:00 P.M. Preceded By: Sustaining. Follorvcd By: World Today. Station: WGBF, Evansville, Ind. Power: 5,000 watts (d). Population: 97,062. Producer: Frederic W. Ziv. COMMENT: Siuvcy after survey rexcals the fact that an important factor whith determines radio success is that of con- sisteiHv. Ihal element takes on vwu greater importance with sponsors whose produ( ts have mass appeal. (For stoix on iliis trans{:ri])ed s(>ries, see US, Soiwiii- Ix'Y, l*>}3, paoc 776.; UruLeries AIR ADVENTURES OF JIMMY ALLEN Hcio ol llic (l;i\ lor ;iii -minded moppets in Iraverse City, Mich., is Jinnny AUoi. That Jimmy Allen is something of a hero to his sponsors, Muller Grocers Baking Co., and to the Associated Gro- cers OF Western Michigan, is indicated by Muller's stepped-up radio schedule on W^TCM. With the youthful element of the Traverse City popidation work- ing on its side, Muller added 14 spot announcements a week to its WTCM schedule within a few months after Jim- my Allen had set the stage. Muller bank-rolls the transcribed series three times weekly, splits the sponsorship with Associated Grocers. Same sponsors also air the series over VVDOD, Grand Rap- ids, Mich. air FAX: Available in this action-packed aviation serial are 650 transcribed episodes. Sales-producing merchandising plans are available at no extra cost. While the series originally did a four-year stint for the Skelly Oil Co. over KFH, Wich- ita, Ka., had another long run for RAINBO bread in the same community, it has done yeoman serv- ice for sundry sponsors in all parts of the country, is still going strong. Broadcast Schedule: Monday through Friday, 5:00-5:15 P.M. Sponsor: Muller Grocers Baking Co.; Associated Grocers of Western Mich- igan. Station: WTCM, Traverse City, Mich. Power: 250 watts. Population: 14,455. Producer: Russell C. Comer. COMMENT: While war up- sets established routine for many people, needs of youngsters and oldsters alone remain unchanged. Because oldsters are habit- grooved, represent a market of diminish- ing needs and desires, many merchan- disers gear promotion plans to enlist the support of the yoiuig salesmen in count- less homes. Series here makes for stabili- zation of today's maikel and a guaran- tee lor future sales. Uraceries MUSIC TO YOUR TASTE lo sell the listening public: on the fact that Elgin Brand Margarine is food to its taste, the B. S. Pearsall Buiier Co. olleis it Music to y'our Taste. A strong indica- tion that the ten-minute, transcribed program of popidar music was also to the taste of retail outlets: 800 were add- ed in the first week the piogram was 174 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP bioadcasl. Nolc sUiick at ing: "Music to Your Taste to you by Elgin Margarine that tastes good." .Iiow's opcii- . . . I) rough I . . . the kind Not one to do things by halves is J. J. Vandertoll, Pearsall sales manager. To back up the six times weekly radio fea- ture, the wheels were set in motion for a strong merchandising campaign. Three-color window streamers were dis- tributed to all retail outlets stocking Elgin Brand Margarine. Grocery trade papers blossomed with advertising in support of the product and the radio series. Listings in Chicago morning papers helped increase the listener tune- in. Commercials urge listeners to give product the taste test. Example: Out in Elgin, lUinois, the heart of the dairy coun- try, the B. S. Pearsall Butter Company is making just about the finest margarine money can buy. It's Elgin Brand Margarine . . . sweet and fresh . . . with a fine, delicate natural flavor. Each pound of Elgin Margarine is enriched with 9,000 units of Vitamin A and contains over 3,000 cal- ories . . . so you can see that Elgin Margarine is good for you. But what you're really interested in is . . . how does Elgin Margarine taste? You don't hare to take anybody's word for it! . . . no indeed. Just try a pound . . . and you'll know that Elgin Margarine tastes good. Use it in baking and cooking . . . on vegetables and piping hot biscuits and rolls. Give it the taste-test . . . your whole family will agree that Elgin Margarine really tastes good. Of course you know the ration points are low, and also you save money by using Elgin Margarine. So ask your grocer today for Elgin Margarine the kind that tastes good. AIR FAX: Veteran announcer John Holtman emcees the show. First Broadcast: January 17, 1944. Broadcast Schedule: Monday through Saturday, 8:30- 8:40 A.M. Preceded By: News and Music. Followed By: News. Sponsor: Elgin Brand Margarine. Station: WMAQ, Chicago, 111. Power: 50,000 watts. Population: 3,440,420. COMMENT: Selling aids which back a radio series are excellent devices for building strong dealer support. While consumer demand can build dealer good will, coordinated activities here build both at the same time. fjustaiiiiiiy MODERN HOME FORUM While the Modern Home Forum has been a regu- lar feature over WOWO, Fort Wayne, Ind., since 1987, if proof were needed that the series is just that, mail for 194.H is a clincher: 122,071 pieces. Average per broadcast day: 469.5! In a single three-day period in mid-November, the daily mail count reached the 1,000 mark. Evidence that 194.^ was no flash in the pan is the fact that the Modern Home Forum produced 15,003 letters in Jan- tiary of the current year. What keeps the postman on a dog-trot isn't high pressure technicpies nor outstanding give-aways. Listeners are offered leaflets on home- making. air FAX: Homemakcr Jane Weston treats the prob- lems of the housewife as her own, be they household or personal. Timely hints on shopping, rationing, baby care and cooking keep the wheels on their merry go-round. Housewives who give menu sugges- tions and household hints are weekly guests. First Broadcast: May, 1937. Broadcast Schedule: Monday through Friday, 1:00- 1:30 P.M. Preceded By: Farm News Letter. Followed By: Theatre of the Sky. Station: WOWO, Fort Wayne. Ind. Power: 10,000 watts. Population: 117,246. COMMENT: Smart merchandising isn't necessarily high pressure, needn't in- volve a tremendous, out-lay of the coin of the realm. Evidence enough are 122,071 leaflet requests in a single year! (Eor pic, see Showmanscoops, page 165.) MAY, 1944 175 S H 0 W M A N V I E VI S News and views of current script and transcribed releases back- ed with showmantips. All are available for local sponsorship. Adventure STAND BY FOR ADVENTURE Good laks well told have always been one ot the surest forms of entertainment. Espe- cially in these times, when even those who are foot-loose, fancy free must curb the impulse to roam, stories of exciting happenings in far places among strange people find a hearty reception. When listeners Stand By For Adven- ture, the monotony of every-day living gives way to thrilling exploits in wild lands and strange cities. Without stirring from his own fireside or his ow'n arm chair, the adventurer-by- proxy lives through dangerous deeds, other exploits that make the hair stand on end. Tales of mysticism and stories of the unusual are spun by four men, a retired army officer, a star reporter, a New Eng- land sea captain and a vSouth American s( ientist. Each episode as told among the loui friends is self contained. AIR FAX: Promotional material for use on the air, in print or by direct mail and point-of-sale is available. Type: Transcription. Schedule: Once or twice, weekly. Episodes: 26. Time Unit: 15 minutes. Producer: NBC Radio Recording. COMMENT: Programs are the essence of radio, and good programs have w^hat il takes to build a large listening audi- (iHc. Program here offers almost any sponsor a short-cut down the long road which leads to prestige. For its wide ap- j)eal and its ability to capture mass at- icntion, the series is a natural. Especial- ly to be pi i/cd is a trans(ribed series l)j»( ked uj> with plenty of merchandising material. 176 Bakeries KNOW YOUR AMERICA AVhat nation has a heart as big as the world itself? America! AVhat nation was founded by people who wanted a place w^here they could have freedom? America! But the fact remains that for a better under- standing and appreciation of that which is "The home of the brave, the land of the free," it's essential to Know Your America. To provide just such an ap- preciation is the objective of the syndi- cated feature. A blend of transcribed narrative and native-to-this-soil music, the program can be built into a five-, ten- or 15-min- ute series. The addition of a telephone- money angle based on skill and knowl- edge of American history converts it in- to a listener participating show. Transcribed portion, with 315 epi- sodes available, covers the 48 states of the union, the 31 presidents and many of their wives, outstanding men and women who have helped build America, as well as the lakes, rivers, mountains, national parks and cities of these United States. Historical facts are woven into warm, human stories. While the series is adaptable for spon- sorship for almost any type of business, it is doing yeoman service for, among others, the Braun Baking Co., Pitts- burgh, Pa., where it is used at an early morning hour over WWSW. Old Home Bakers, Sacramento, Cal., over KROY, used Know Your America as the basis for an institutional campaign for its Betsy Ross Oi.d Fashioned Bread. AIR FAX: A network cast polishes olc ol how ;i (l( paMiiKiii store ;ind a radio station working in cooperation can simplify the problems of each to make for a more effective radio cam- paign. As department stores come to make greater use of radio as an advertis- ing meditim, such methods will become standard practice. Finance SPOTS "Our position has been that radio is one of the best ways of reaching the mass audience. By investing in time on three of the local stations, we con- sider we are covering this market as fully as possible. Our most recent ex- perience with, and use of, radio, has been limited to a frequent ntnnber of chain break announcements. VV'e have been an occasional user of radio time h)r the })ast five or six years." H, J. WILLIS Manager, Public Relations Department Central National Bank of Cleveland Cleveland, Ohio AIR FAX: Earliest broadcast for Central National was a five-minute transcribed presentation. Empire Build- ers. Historical sketches of famous personalities were reprinted in pamphlet form, and the bank still gets an occasional request for the entire series. A wartime series of the service type was its Lei's Write a Letter. Five-minute weekly review of Cleveland news, minus any sensation.ll items, was offered as a guide to mem- bers of families when writing relatives in the service. Schedule of spot announcements on two local sta- tions was heard nightly, six times weekly, during much of 194?. Chain breaks and spot announcements both put the emphasis on mortgage loans. Sponsor: Central National Bank of Cleveland (O). Population: 1,111,449. COMMENT: For success with radio ad- Ncrtising, the cards are stacked in favor ol the sj)onsor who makes consistent use oi the medium. .\s complete coverage of the market as the budget allows is anoth- er element that's worth its weight in in an\ man's money. Id RADIO SHO WM ANSH I P COMING What about television, FM and the future? Is there a future for the custom-made network? Will advertising techniques change? You II find a complete report m the RADIO SHOWMANSHIP POST-WAR SURVEY A special issue devoted to post-war planning for radio and its advertisers. Spe- cialists from the field of advertising, experts from the business world, and leaders in the realm of radio present an authoritative report on the post-w^ar world. AV^atch for it in the June issue of Radio Showmanship Magazine. lELtVlblLllVi: Television is Ready for the Advertiser writes Allen B. Du Mont, president of the ALLEN B. DU MONT LABORATORIES, INC. • Raymond Everett Nelson, of the CHARLES M. STORM CO., looks at Television Today and Tomorrow. • Thomas T. Joyce, RCA Victor Division, RCA, analyzes the Post-War Television Market. FM: What an Agency Found Out About FM is told by P. H. Pumphrey, of MAXON, INC. • Paul Chamberlain, Electronics Department, GENERAL ELECTRIC CO., presents the highlights on Post-War Broadcasting. • A pro- gram policy is the personalitv of a network claims John Shepard, 3rd, president of the AMERICAN NETWORK, INC. ji/\J\lJ/\illJ: Global radio is an instrument of post-war prosperity says Miller McClintock, president of the MUTUAL BROADCASTING SYSTEM. • Ad- vice from Edgar Kobak, executive vice president of the BLUE NETWORK CO., INC.: Build and Test Tomorrow's Program Today. • Paul Hollister, vice president of the COLUMBIA BROADCASTING SYSTEM, outlines radio's part in future progress. PHDGHAMMIIVG: charter Heslep, of the Office of Censorship, Radio Divi- sion, takes a look at Radio News After the War. • Advice from Louis J. Nelson, Jr., of the WADE ADVERTISING AGENCY: Build Your Fences Today for Post-War. • From Elaine Norden, of the CAMPBELL-MITHUN ADVERTISING AGENCY, comes a tip on the Post-War Woman and the Facts of Life. ik i^ ik i^ ik Radio Showmanship will present these and many other pertinent articles on the future of selling merchandise through radio. It's an issue you can't afford to miss! I HITS > 9 9 O O •••••••! owmansni POST WAR PLANS FOR RADIO AND ITS ADVERTISERS Future Selling Through Radio Its use, its power, its big place in the business world. TOMORROW IS ANOTHER DAY Television Markets What About Radio News? Future for FM Network The Woman's Angle Building Post-War Programs Tele-Words from the Sponsor What Price FM? Advertising's Post-War Job Global Radio to Come •WfffllAN A MAGA"fff A btltVlL % .READY... ^-^ YOUR OWN BIG-TIME SHOW ANY STATION YOU SELECT • Do you want your own show . . . one that has behind it top- draw talent in \\Titers, directors, producers, casts and technical staffs . . . one that you can broadcast on any network or inde- pendent station you may select ... at a reasonable price? An NBC Recorded Program is YOUR show on YOUR local station ... a show that would be prohibitive in cost for one local advertiser if it were not sold on the NBC syndicated basis. Through syndication the cost is shared by a great many non- competing advertisers in varied markets throughout the coun- try. Result: Each program is a big-time show that can be carried locallv on a limited budget . . . and exclusively in your city. Shown here are a few of the outstanding buys: Betty and Bob— The story of "ordinary folk who lead extraordinary li\es"— engrossing, human interest serial drama. 390 quarter-hours for 5-a-week broadcasts. Stand By For Adventure— Tales of exciting happenings in far places, among strange people— told by four friends — a South American scientist, a retired Army officer, a newspaperman, and a New Eng- land merchant skipper. 52 quarter-hours. Modern Romances— True stories of real people, dramatized from the grippingly human pages of one of today's fastest selling maga- zines, NIodern Romances. 156 quarter-hours, each a complete story. The Name Yoo Will Remember— William Lang's brilliant word por- traits of famous notables in the news— pack an unforgettable punch —and a natural merchandising title tie-in. 260 five-minute shows for 3- or 5-a-week broadcasts. Through the Sport Glass— Sam Hayes, ace sportscaster, recounts tlirilling moments in sports history, famous figures in sports world . . . Memorable sports events dramatized. 52 quarter-hours. On the NBC Recorded Program list you will find many more outstanding shows from which to choose. All hiclude promo- tion portfolios. Write direct or call your local radio station for complete information and audition records. RADIO-RiCORDING DIVISION AMIUCAS NUMBWn I nJlvKCf Of RECORDED PROGRAMS HCA BIdg., Radio City, New York, N. Y. . . Merchandise Marf, Chicago, III. Tram- Lux BIdg., Wathingfon, D. C. . . Sumef and Vine, Hollywood, Col. CONTENTS JUNE 1944 VOL. 5 No. 6 Publisher Don Paul Nathanson Managing Editor Marie Ford Uncharted Markets Ahead 184 by Dr. Hoicard E. Fritz, B. F. Goodrich Co. Advertising Tomorrow 185 by Fred EldeaJi Global Radio for PostAVar Prosperity 186 by Miller McClintock. presidoit. Mutual Broadcasting System Service as Usual 188 ^v Paul Hollister, vice president. Columbia Broadcasting System PostAVar Woman 189 by Elaine Norden, Campbell -Mi thun Adv. A gey. Television's PostAV^ar Market 190 by Thomas F. Joyce, Radio Corporation of America Television is Ready for the Advertiser 192 by Allen B. Du Mont, president, Du Mont Laboratories TeleAV^ords from the Sponsor 1 96 /;y Ted Long, Batten. Barton, Durstine & Osborn, Inc., New York City Radio Relays for Television 198 by Ralph R. Beal, RCA Laboratories Get Set for Sight 199 b\ J. D. McLean, General Electric Co. AVhat About FM Programming?. . . .201 by John Shepard, pd, president, American Network Broadcasters View FM 202 by Paul Chamberlain, General Electric Co. Build PostAV^ar Fences Today 204 /;v Louis J. Nelson, Jr., Wade Advertising Agency Yesterday Meets Tomorrow 206 by Edgar Kobak, vice president. Blue Netivork, Inc. What About News? 208 by Charter Heslep, Office of Censorship Television Now and Tomorrow. . . .194 by Raymond E. Nelson, Chas. M. Storm Co., Inc. The \\^oman's Angle ^V Sally Wood-ward 210 Published by Showmanship Publications, Minneapolis 2, Minn. Subscription rate: $2.50 a year, 25c a copy. Address editorial correspondence to 1004 Marquette, Minneapolis 2, Minn. Tel.: Ge. 9619. Copyright 1944 by Showmanship Publications, publishers of Radio Showmanship. JUNE, 1944 183 €1 €1 Research will see business through period of crushing competition which will confront nation when hostilities cease, writes the B. F. Goodrich director of research. 1 1 ^^''^^^\ Uncharted \\\ea<^* by DR. HOWARD £. FRITZ, B. F. Goodrich Co, V From the broadest point of view, WO) Id progress toward higher living standards, in the absence of new fron- licrs, can only go forward by increased ucahh through the discovery of new products. We are all hurrying to put this war behind us, and we shall then fully util- ize the dynamic force of this great pow- er, American research. Here are some of the things we may expect: aluminum, once a rare metal, in fantastic volinne at low prices; magnesi- um at one-fifth the weight of steel from an inexhaustible source, the sea; 150 octane motor fuel; thousands of low (r)st, abiuidant raw materials from pe- troleum, luiknown commercially before; a (ifjth-like material which needs no weaving, from nnxtiues of natural and svnilictic fibers, by the use of paper- making technique; non-shatterable glass and glass fibers with tensile strength of .S, 500, 000 pounds per s(|uare inch, ten liuus ihiii ol mild steel; a chemical wlii
  • io\iinil\ ol nalions. I sa\ "wIk n ihc war is over" because onl\ iJK II will w'c become fidly cognizant "I 'Ik I wo lactois that are so surely gonig lo make a n(ighlK)rh()od of all the lands ol the eailh. They are, of coiuse, •'^'•''•oii and ladio ( onnnunications. In I Ik J).isi, suilacc gcograj)hy was the dic- '«<"'i "I Hade and (onmierce and to a iaigc cxicni, ol inlci national relations. I>iii ihc KJalivc positions of continents and (onnirics aie ja|>iclly i)eing icchawn In ihc aijplanc and ihc ladio. SiiKc almost all the icccni ania/ing sliidcs in avialion ;m(l cidii. (onmuini- cations have been developed by Ameri- can business, it becomes otu^ responsibil- ity to put them to uses that will best benefit the rest of the world. Only when you realize how aviation and radio com- munications alone can pull the entire world together, can you appreciate the extent of this responsibility. Because radio has so greatly altered the limitations of time (just as aviation has shattered our concept of space), it is destined to be one of the most powerful single factors in our struggle for world prosperity and peace. But this tremendous force nuist be wisely handled by American business and by the radio industry specifically. Therein lies our challenge. We have seen from past experience that philanthropy and fancy international diplomacy do not bring about harmony among nations. But world-wide econom- ic stability, built on satisfactory and prof- itable trade and social relations, can go a long way towards making that goal a reality. The world is unbelievably large and rich. It is up to us to unearth these riches wisely, not for the exploitation of any group, biu on the basis of fair and ec]uitable i)rolits for both the supplier and the customer. VV^e have })roved in the United States, through competitive business and adver- tising and selling in all its forms, that desires can be created l)\ telling people of the good things a\ailal)le for them. By so doing, we create and)itic)ns and they, in tiun, produce the necessary in- di\idual and mass energy to accjuire these good things. This is the only solid foundation upon which oiu' present 18« RADIO S H OWM A NS H I P staiularcl ol living rests in this country. If wc wish people to be Iree from want, wc must inspire them to work for and demand by their earnings those things which make for high living standards and economic security. Projecting this line of thought to a world basis might have seemed vision- ary a few years ago. It might even seem so today, were it not for the remarkable developments in global broadcasting. If radio advertising has so efficiently sold goods in this coinitry, why can it not create the same desires and ambitions everywhere else in the world? Radio, because of its capacities to cov- er great areas instantly, provides a con- trollable advertising mediinii w^hich can reach all of the potential markets. To fail to tise this instrumentality of inter- national trade would be unfortimate from the standpoint of the rehabilita- tion of world economy, to say nothing of the effect which it would have tipon the perpettiation of low living standards in great areas of the earth's surface. What I am proposing, therefore, is that American btisiness use radio with that same leadership throughout the world that it has upon our ow^n conti- nent; that it provide the facilities for global broadcasting; and that it solicit the interests of men in industry, both for their own profit incentives and the other objectives involved. There are obstacles, certainly, in the path of w^orld-wide broadcasting, but none that cannot eventually be over- come. In fact, the first prcjblem, that of establishing the mechanics of a global transmission system, has already been solved. Now that we can transmit mes- sages to any part of the world, the next step must be to provide the mechanical means for radio reception. hven now in primitive lands, group lis- tening to the village set is not uncom- mon. If broadcasting has penetrated that far, without any organized effort on our part, think how far it can go if we put radio recepticjn easily within their in- dividual reach! Just let us remember this: despite tlu'ii (olor oj condition, all the people of the earth have two ears, and their minds are not vastly different from ours. Because of this common receptivity, radio is the j^erfec t vehide for educat- ing and broadem'ng people over a pe- riod of years to the point where they will have a definite desire to improve their standards of living. It is significant that broadcasting is the only advertising medimn that coidd imdertake such a world-encompassing job. For in radio the story is told by the hiunan voice, which even the illiterate can understand. No one even needs to learn to read, to understand radio. From the standpoint of furthering our own cidtural and trade interests in the futtuT peaceful world, it is imperative that we do more than develop the facil- ities for world radio. We must also ar- rive at certain definite concepts as to the policies which are to control it. Ihe United Nations are now follow^ing the very efficient example set by the Axis in propaganda broadcasting. I he Allied governments are making a good job of it, in a good cause. But in peacetime, such governmental types of broadcasting have very definite limitations. 1 hey are not conducive to building the kind of world we want. It is the responsibility of men in broadcasting and in all other forms of industry to work together, towards a common objective. Our objective must go beyond the immediate interests of broadcasting, of trade, or of any other business consideration. Our job must be to justify our faith in free enterprise; to support with more than good will the Four Freedoms enunciated in the Atlan- tic Charter, to prove that the democratic principle is predicated upon fair and harmonious economic relations. American business has always been the motivating force behind democracy in the United States. In the period of glob- al expansion that lies ahead, we have the perfect opportunity to prove that Amer- ican business can also- be a vigorous force, in fact, the dominant force, in welding closer ties among nations, and in making possible a lasting peace. JUNE, 1944 187 ^hat is radio goitig to do after the xoar? Radio is going to D^ISTRIBUTE as it has never distributed before. To distribute what? To distribute the product it Jias ahuays dis- tributed: IDEAS. Ideas about goods and serv- ices, as usual. More sensible, more plausible ideas, because radio techniques have im- proved during the war. And radio will talk about more different products and better products too, for the number of improved goods and services which will slowly and steadily emerge from the war are incalculable. s ervice . . . As Usual by PAUL HOIUSJER, oke presiderM, Co\i\mb\a Broadcast'mq Si^stem DL'T beyond the dislribiilion ol ideas al)oiit goods and sei\'ices, radio can teach and clari- fy the basic idea of the interdependence of the national economy; the fact that without wages there won't be money to buy goods, without jobs there won't be wages, and without all-out buying there won't be receipts to pay wages oi' needs for goods-made. Making that simple economic-circle clear to all the people is a man-si/ed job. It is a task long o\erdue. The sooner in(hisir\ and laboi (ombine to teach that simple arithmetic on the ail, with the conviction radio offers, the more certainly they insure their nation against post-war pan- ic and its cancerous cleavage of classes. Radio has found new (eduiicjiies of simple, graphic, memoiable, emotional exj)osilio)i which irarrsccncl any previously known. Radio, if professional educators reali/e it. can put glass walls on their schools and (ollcges and nni\'ersilies and lei ihc nation and the world in on ihcii (loisuicd sec ids. Radio al- ready draws clunch audiences ol huge pro- portions; some day the men of Cod will real- ize that, and they will master radio's technique as David mas- tered the sling-shot. If radio can (as it does today) beam simidtaneously identical woids in both Spanish and Portuguese de- scribing music to both Mexico and Brazil, radio is ready to beam the similar or divergent ideas of a Chi- nese and a farmer from Honey- l^rook, each in his own tongue, and to enrich the ideas which are simi- lar, and to compose those ideas which diverge. If radio can (as it does any Sunday morning) trans- port the population of America in- to a fishing \ illage in Cornwall, or transport the population of Brit- ain into Mason City, Iowa, to hear some 6,000 army turkeys being fed. radio is ready to try broader and even more specific jobs of hinclling all the barriers the selfish isolation- ist in any nation has ever set up. Radio is not alone in aiming to- Avards far broader post-war residts. Motion pictures are discxnering new educational as well as emo- tional demands and technicjues, and the pictorial and graphic arts may well bring new vigor to radio, as the arrival of sound brought new vigor to the screen. The age- old marketing practice of trial-and- error operates in radio with pe- culiar efficiency: the acceptable is swiftly tried oiu, heard, judged, and becomes a regtdar part of an expressed waiu of the peoj)le; the luiacceptable is rejected as instant- ly, and there is not e\en a cinder of waste left to mark the failure. rile steadx rise of .\merican radio to its t()da\-i)oint has been such a clexc'lopmeiU, such a ce)n- t inning projection of successful trials wholly inulerwritten by the 1 isk-insiinc t and incinable scicn- tilie cnriositN of private enterprise, iurtlui noinial and rai)id progress in radio can be expected only so long as it heli)s and i)leases the :;ii,.'^)()0,000 families who depend on ladio four houis a daw 188 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP rost-War Woman . . . ...... the Facts of Life by ELAINE NORDEN, Campbell-hMthun Advertising Agency, Chicago, III Don't read any farther unless you are interested in the Facts of Life, and unless your mothers are willing you should hear them. Amid all the specula- tion about post-war woman and what she will or won't do, there seems to be just one safe guide-post, the one that points to the Basic Facts of Life. Wars may come and wars may go, but woman remains essentially the same. One of the most frequently asked questions about post-war woman is: "What will women in munitions plants and other war industries do after the war? Will they continue to work or will they go home?" The opinion of most of the war-work- ing women is that they will go home gladly. Last Autumn, women working in Detroit war plants were asked: "Do you want to stay in a factory after the war?" .^9 per cent said "Yes." 60 per cent said ''No." 1 per cent were undecided. In these replies may be found the key to post-war planning by women now in war plants, and this key is forged from the Facts of Life, namely, that women, whether in slacks or dresses, are primar- ily interested in home, husbands and babies. Fundamentally given the oppor- tunity to follow her natural inclination, the great world of womankind is still basically romantic, domestic and mater- nal. That is why, post-war woman will, it seems, be glad to go home. All of which adds up to the fact that good old-fashioned married life bids fair to be immensely popular after the war, and advertisers who cater to it now and then have opportunity wide open before them. After the war, in that nebulous period familiarly referred to as post-war, may be too late to plan or conduct post-war advertising campaigns. Post-war woman is making her plans and decisions on many matters right now. A good exam- ple is the way thousands of women have been sending in fifty cents of their good money to the Andersen Corporation, makers of Andersen Window frames, to get a scrap book in which to paste up their ideas for their post-war homes. The day they can get a building permit and building material these women will be already to go. While we have post-war woman on the point of a pin under the microscope, there is perhaps one more Basic Facts of Life worth noting. And that is, although after the war, many women will require a complete re-conditioning job from spark plugs to transmission, and some women may even require a complete new paint job, the indications are that the post-war woman's basic chassis will remain the same. JUNE, 1944 189 lelevision's Post-War Market by THOMAS F. JOYCE, RCA TELEVISION broadcasting, obviously, cannot become a stibstantial, self-sup- porting, profitable advertising medium until television receivers are in hundreds of thousands, yes, millions of homes. There are many different views concern- ing the speed with which television will go forward after the war. l^he technical and economic problems of building sta- tions in key cities, of interconnecting those stations by network facilities, and of making available audience-building television programs are problems that constitute a real challenge to the engi- neering, manufacturing, business man- agement, entertainment, and advertising brains of the United States. To make television a nation-wide broadcasting service will involve the in- vestment of millions of dollars in studios and transmitters to be located in the key cities of the United States; and more millions of dollars for the building of network facilities and the production of suitable television advertising programs. Television cannot succeed without these services, but the answers to these prob- lems would rapidly develop if the big- gest j>roblem of all were solved, namely, an acceptable low-cost radio television receiver. In a recent siuvey (oiidiu ted lor RCiA ill I I scattered cities, a majority ol the 111(11 and women polled indicated the\ # Television lias power (o make people ineicliandise more than money, will thus (inn-(>\er of goods and ser\ices says tiie ager of (lie Radio, IMionograpli and Tele Departiiieni of the Ri.X Victor Division, (ioi]>oi ation of America. would buy a good television receiver in the $200 price range. Based on 1940 labor and material costs, and assuming no excise taxes, such a recei\er, I believe, is possible. Given a good low-cost tele\ision re- ceiver that is within the buying range of the average American home, broadcast- ing facilities and program service will develop with a speed which will amaze even the most ardeiu friends of televi- sion. For C3ne, existing radio station o\vners are smart enough to know that if accept- able television receivers can be produced for the mass market, television audiences will build at a rapid rate. This means that the operators of a television station will not have to wait an indetei minate number of yeais belojc they haxc tele- vision audieiuc's large enough to pro- substantial achiitising re\inue which to pa\ ()|)craling costs and show some j)ro(it. foi anothei, the a|)plica- lion lot television licenses by 100 or moic prospective oper- alois across the United Stales, which 1 bclicNc- the advent of an acceptable low-cost tele- \ ision receixer wcjuld bring loiih, would have a sahnary clue c with want create mail- vision Radio 190 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP effect on the price of television transmit- ters and studio e(juipnient. It would mean that manufacturers, instead of building one, two or three transmitters at a time, would build, possibly, 20 to 25 at one time. Tlie lower prices made possible by this semi-quantity produc- tion as compared with the cost of tailor- made e(|ui})ment would encourage still more enterprising businessmen to go in- to the television broadcasting business. Then, too, the business interests erect- ing television transmitters in the key cities of the United States would create a tremendous pressure for the develop- ment of network facilities. Again, some enterprising organization will see that the combination of the rapid develop- ment of television facilities in a number of key cities and a mass market price for the television receivers would, in the course of two or three years, create an economic foundation for the profitable operation of network facilities, thus firm- ly establishing chain network television. These network facilities, will also be available for frequency modulation pro- grams and facsimile. rinally, the big national advertisers would recognize that the existence of low-price television receivers would as- sure the rapid development of a vast home television audience. Future televi- sion advertisers will want to get in on the ground floor with television pro- grams. The programs put on by these sponsors will be good programs, even though in the first two or three years the cost of television advertising per unit of circulation may be greater than advertis- ing in already established advertising media. Tliese marketing leaders know that television will be a great advertis- ing force, and a great sales force as well. For the first time, it will be possible for the manufacturer or distributor of mer- chandise actually to demonstrate his product or products in millions of homes simultaneously and at extremely low cost. That is more than effective advert is inir. It is effective selling. Television, as an effective agent of dis- tribution, can help bring about in- creased employment and a higher level of prosperity throughout the nation in the post-war period. Duly as people buy goods are people put to work turning out manufactured goods or growing farm products. Tele- vision, properly used, has the power to make people want merchandise more than they do money, thus creating the necessary turn-over of goods and services with which to create jobs. It is important for the future pros- perity of our people that large-scale tele- vision expansion start immediately after the war. A nation-wide television system should come into being before the first post-war blush of prosperity begins to fade away, which, based on previous ex- perience, happens when the most urgent consumer needs have been taken care of and the wholesale and retail stocks have been built back to normal. With a television system in existence at that time, American agriculture and industry will be in a position to present their products and services so effectively that a high level of purchasing will be maintained, thus contributing to the maintenance of a high level of employ- ment. Any substantial delay in starting tele- vision after the war will be a disservice to all of our people, and the price paid for this delay will be measured in terms of a reduced volume of turn-over of* goods. Which in turn, means a reduced number of jobs. Assuming that television is given the green light, and no obstacles are placed in the path of its commercial develop- ment, then we may expect the rapid ex- pansion of television receiver sales in the first television market, that is, New York, Philadelphia, Albany-Schenectady, Chi- cago, and Los Angeles. Television trans- mitters already are in operation in these cities. This first television market has 25,907,600 people; 7,410,000 wired homes, and 28.46 per cent of the U. S. buying power. Within 18 months after television re- ceivers are available at a |200 retail price, 741,000 homes will be equipped. Assuming the average viewing audience (Continued on page 212) JUNE, 1944 191 '^^^^^- *' """*" by ALLEN B. DU MONT Telecasting will be available for smaller cities and for rural areas, ivrites the president of the Allen B. Du Mont Laboratories. He maintains that ivherever a broadcasting station is now maintained, a tele- casting station will iiltitnalely be operating. TELEVISION is ready for the advertiser. Tliis marks the third round now (oniing up in television's commercial title bout. The first round was devoted to engi- neering. Television progressed from the crude mechanical scanning technique, limited to simple animated silhouettes and close-ups of live actors which mere- ly proved that images as well as sounds could be transmitted via radio, lo the highly refmed electronic technique cap- able of telecasting detailed, full-toned pictures that compare favorably with talking movies. Then the second round featuring pio- gramming, starting with those animated silhouettes and close-ups of live perform- ers and progressed to real stage settings ■.i\](\ s{\eral performers, regular theatre movies, and to remote pick-iq)s of spoi t- ing events, shows and news events. Now there is ihc ihiid and (mi;i1 roinid to decide who is goiiig to pay for the television show, with special emphasis on ihc sponso)-. This is the (lilicil round. Labelled ■(•( <)n<)nii( s, " ii niusi decide whelher lelevision is i(;dly a conmier(ial pro[)osition i.uliei than an interesting demonstra- tion, side-show or mere hobby. And since tele- vision follows in the footsteps of sound broadcasting, its com- mercial aspects are '^'^'^'^'^'^'^^^^^^ pretty well defined. Television is prepar- ing now for the post- war era. Prior to Pearl Harbor it already was well on its way to early conmiercialization. Several telecast- ers were on the air with fair entertain- ment programs, while the television audience was growing steadily, thanks to the production and sale of telesets. In the New York area in particular, several thousand telesets were installed, for the most part in public places such as tav- erns, restaurants, hotels, clubs, and thea- tre lobbies. When the war forced the abandonment of teleset production, it seemed for a lime as though television generally nugin come lo a complete standstill. lloAve\er, through spa re- lime ellorts, the husbanding of existing equipment, ;rit, tele\ision has con- progress duiing these and e\(Mi sh(>er tinned lo make war years, and, in fact, is now set for its lull-scale conunercial debut (he moment wai restrictions are ic inoMcl. i'Voni ihe beginning the \)v iXIoNT oigani/alion has insisicd and still does insist ihai lelevision is by no means a ioinn'dable undertaking, limited only to indi\ iduals oi oigani/at ions possessed of ticinendous (inancial means. Our organ- 192 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP ization has demonstrated that the tele- vision niouniain (an be cut down to a molehill. A stail can be made on a mod- est scale, and the advantages ol telecast- ing can be brought to most areas throughout the country instead of being limited to leading metropolitan areas. The studio of Station WABD has until now been a relatively small office space. Our lighting ecpiipment consists of several rows of refle( tor-type incandes- cent lamps moiuited on a pivoted ceil- ing rack and readily aimed over any section of the small studio, together with several spot lights for boosting the il- lumination or providing dramatic light- ing effects. Despite such limited quar- ters and lighting means, we have pro- duced ambitious programs. We have piu on sizable orchestral groups, such as Fred Waring and his Pennsylvanians. Last Christmas we telecast Dickens' Christmas Carol, with several costumed players, convincing props and back- grounds, together with dramatic light- ing effects and startling camera angles. We shall be working in a large studio shortly, but meanwhile, we have dem- onstrated what can be done with mod- est facilities. In oiu' studio we are using Du Mont cameras, permitting of smooth flow oi action from one scene to the next, and the inclusion of interesting close-ups and detailed shots. The cameramen wear ear- phones and are constantly in touch with control room and studio director, receiv- ing instructions on the placement and aiming of their cameras. The pick-up of each camera is recorded on a correspond- ing monitor screen in the control room, so that one camera or the other can be cut in and its image flashed over the air. As each camera is cut in by the control room, a red signal light flashes at that camera, so that performers know which camera to face and therefore play to the audience. Our studio facilities include movie pick-up equipment, whereby regular films can be used for program material, either with the fihii sound or with elec- trical trans(ription. Many of our pro- grams blend in the live studio pick-iq> with the movie pick-up, supplemented by transcribed music. As for personnel, here again we have made a molehill out of the television mountain. We have a minimum of tech- nical personnel for the operation of the television transmitter, control room, studio cameras and microphones, and lights. These are our reasons for saying that television can be simple. Telecasting service will be available not only in the leading metropolitan areas but also for smaller cities and rural areas, because wherever a broadcasting station is now maintained a telecasting station can and will idtimately be operating. lelevision will not replace sound broadcasting but rather will supplement present broadcasting service, just as the pictorial or magazine section simply sup- plements the Sunday newspaper and provides that much more of a service to the readers. Soimd broadcasting is cer- tainly the primary entertainment. It can be enjoyed while the listener is doing othei' things. Television, on the other hand, requires concentrated attention. But television is the complete entertain- moii when the necessary concentrated attention can be granted. Schedided programs of high quality will not go unnoticed for very long. A leleset tuned in on such programs will soon sell a second and a third teleset, and so on and on. Broadcasters, except for the very early days when the only money in sight had to come out of set sales, have never bothered to see that radio sets were made and sold. That was another phase of the radio business, which they left to radio manufacturers. So with television. The telecasters will piu on the programs. The programs will create the clesire for telesets. Those tele- sets will l)e made and sold. And the growing number of telesets will create the television audience in every area where telecasting service is available. JUNE, 1944 193 Television... SP loday and T< omorrow by RAYMOND EVERETT NELSON, Charles M. Storm Co., Inc. ^P There is relatively little difference between the television of today and that of tomorrow. Television is here right now, today, and make no mistake about it. The basic fundamentals are already known; the groundwork has already been laid, and the foundation needs only a few decorative stones to be the solid structure necessary to support the greatest mass mediinn in ihc history of the world. The television of tomorrow will be largely a refinement of the television of today. The compaiatively crude stage facihties axailable, the inexperience in- herent in a young enterprise, the inej)t techniques natural in a field wluic everyone is a television tyro are del a lis, not basic differences. Television, al- though a new medium, a new bian(h of show business, if you will, is adualls a combination of se\eral others, with an in(rc(bbl(' box office and circuhuion jx)- icntial. I he fundamentals ol showiiKnislnj) and ijoor/ fjyoiyyaniKiinij^ do not cliangc. It is sini|)ly in llie details that the icdne- ment of te(hni(|ues makes itself felt. Jack Bcnns was a xcry funny (onu-dian in his thcalic (la\s; he is a niosi amusing ladio |)(i sonalil \ ; he will he {(luallN en Kilaining on Iclcx ision. .\ i^ood (oiuc dian is a good (onicdian whcihci he is jH'iforming in a snhinaiinc . ai an .\iin\ camp, on a ladio piogiani oi hcloic a television camera. Likewise, a good drama is a good drama. The basic does not change, although the technicpie may. So far as the technicjues of j^rogram- ming go, I have had an opportunity to experiment during some 75 to 100 tele- casts, most of them done by this agency. We do not find programming an insu- perable task. On the contrary, we find that a certain amount of simplicity is both desirable and practical. We find that much of the raclio technicpie must go by the boards. A crooner, for exam- ple, is miscast on telexision, because it is impossible to pick up his xoicc with- out getting the miciophonc into the pic- tnic, one of the catclinal sins. # Ihe same thing is tine in the dia- niatic fieid. The 50 year-old woman who, through a caprice of nature still has a youthful cjuality in lur xoicc, Avill ha\c' to start playing matrons, instead ol the l(S-year-old ingenues who haxc made het a good lixing for \c'ars. Likewise, an a(toi who (aiuiol, as an actor should, memori/e lines, and make use ol his lace and l)ocl\ to portras a role, will sim|)l\ ha\c to make wax loi a(tois who {(in. # Let's lake a (|ni(k look at how the ad\en! ol telexision will alle(t oni j)res- enl ladio setup, holh lioni the agenc \ and ihe network standpoints, lelex i- sion s previous historx has ahcadx dupli- 194 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP cated the history of radio programming; that is to say, the stations and networks started out by controlling it, then speed- ily gave way to the agencies, and were never able to recaptnre important pro- gram control. When television first start- ed (and I speak of New York city, since that is where my direct experience lies) programming was controlled by tw^o networks with their own television out- lets. As of today in the same area, the live programming is mostly done on an independent station, virtually all of it by agencies. Among them are Compton, RUTHRAUFF Sc RyAN, KeNYON & ECK- HARDT, Newell-Emmett and ourselves. I might point out, too, that one agency at least has already employed the Wil- liam Morris Agency to build a package program, exactly duplicating what hap- pened in radio. The networks, you see, have already lost television program control. I do not believe it is possible for them to get it back. I might also mention that the mo- tion picture companies are already en- trenched in the television field. Those with large holdings include Warner Bros., RKO, Paramount, and Balaban and Katz. Package producers have al- ready come along, too. In other words, we have program control, at this point, in the hands of the agencies and, to a certain extent, of the package producers, with the radio netw^orks running a very bad last; and with the added competi- tion of the motion picture producers, who have already mastered a compar- able technique. • The businessmen of radio are in for an adaptation of thinking, and this needn't be terribly worrisome. For exam- ple, the treatment of commercials is sim- pler and much more dramatic. If you want to sell Tintex, let's say, holding up a box of the product replaces about 90 of the 100 words of your usual com- mercial; and when a woman dyes a gar- ment in front of the television camera, you have a commercial that no assort- ment of words could duplicate. An interesting facet, incidentally, is the fact that it will be extremely difficult to limit the timing on commercial copy. The Jack Benny program, for example, might perform against a backdrop dis- playing a package of Pall Mall Ciga- reites, with some brief message about the virtues thereof. This woidd be equiv- alent to a solid half-hour commercial. He might puff a cigarette while on the air, which would be along the same lines. It is going to be pretty difficult to limit that, and it's obvious that it takes less ingenuity in cases of this kind to work out a visual commercial than is now required to re-phrase the same commercial copy one thousand and one ways. Here again it's cjuite evident, I be- lieve, that the accent w'ill be on show- ijianship rather than radio experience, and the local advertiser won't have near- ly as much difficulty as you might think. So long as there is a sign-painter avail- able in his vicinity and an average amount of local talent, he can do tele- vision programs. To help him, there will be films built by package producers wath room for insertion of local commercials, very much as analagous transcribed serv- ices do it today. I don't believe the re- quirements will be too onerous. There will be some increase in cost, of course, but there is such a variable in radio entertainment that I cannot consider this an insurmountable obsta- cle to television. The cost of half-hour shows ranges from a few dollars to $25,000. In television, the low cost fac- tor will be covered by film. A little in- genuity will cover the stage setting angle very nicely. On our shows, for example, our settings have all been created by the agency's Art Department, who do all of their television work as an extra-curric- ular activity and, since the settings them- selves have to be comparatively small, a dash of ingenuity will replace a lot of money. I should like to stress the fact that the likening of radio to television is to a vast extent somewhat of a mistake. Tele- vision is akin to radio only in that it is electronic and reaches a potential circu- lation of millions. From a technique standpoint, however, it is much closer to the motion picture and the stage. JUNE, 1944 195 lele -Words from the Sponsor by TED LONG, of Batten, Barton, Durstine % Osborn, Inc., New York City ALL in all, Batten, Barton, Durstine i & OsBORN, Inc. produced some 26 television shows between July 23, 1943 and March 1 of this year. Every show had a commercial, and the sponsoring clients included Royal Crown Cola, Hamilton Watch Co., Vimms Vitamin Tablets, B. F. Goodrich, Blackstone Cigars, Wildroot Co., Remington Arms, Easy VV^ ashing Machine Co., and G. E. Mazda Lamps. One of our reasons for doing this work was to find out what television was all about, and to sound out its possibilities as an advertising medium. Another was to learn the fundamentals so as to be able to advise our clients intelligently. Too, we wanted actual experience in the production of the television show and its commercial. We have found that there is a tremen- dous amount of know how involved in television. You cannot put on a televi- sion show by reading how it is done. The only way to learn is to put on a television show, or better yet, a lot of tllClll. 1 don'l think we have learned all there is to know l)y any means, but we are working oui let Inu'(jiies by which we will be ;iblc lo ncKcrtise our (lienls' j^rodiKts when ihc^ day comes that vjc (an buy television time for theuL From the ii(l\ ci i isci 's j)()iin of view, the (oninu'K i;il, ol (onisc is ol j)iimary inijx)) l;ni{ c, and willi llial in nnnd, we picsciH licic a nunil)(r ol examples ol t lie Iele\ ision ( oinincK iai. (1) STATION BREAK ANNOUNCE- MENTS The brief announcement for the Hamilton \Vatch Co. illustrates how sight and sound can effectively drama- tize what is in reality a time signal. SIGHT SOUND C lose-Up of Hamilton Man's Strap Watch Time is Nine-Thirty Announcer's Voice The time is now nine- thirty, brought to you by Hamilton — the Watch of Railroad Accuracy. (Pause) Hamilton's major effort is now going to the war program — therefore, there are few if any Ham- ilton watches available. TIME 10 Sec. Slide of Flying Instead of making watches 10 Fortress for civilians, Hamilton is Sec. (5 Seconds) now busy making preci- sion watches and instru- Slide of ments for the war. One of Navigation these is the navigation Holding Master watch which helps guide Navigation Watch this Flying Fortress. (5 Seconds) Hamilton Master Here is a Hamilton Mas- 10 Navigation Watch ter Navigation Watch used Sec. Time is Twenty- by pilots and navigators One and a on many American war Half Hours planes. As you can see, it figures time in 24 hours instead of 12. Hamilton's long experience in build- ing watches for railroad men and precision instru- ments for the government itisures the greatest possi- ble accuracy in every Hamilton watch. Slide Sound effects of speeding 5 "Hannilton — tram. Sec. the Watch of Railroad Accuracy" (2) SPOT ANNOUNCEMENTS Ihis lele\ision (onnncKial lor the R()^ \i Crown Coi.a Co. indicates that 196 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP with this new nicdiuni the sponsor's mes- sage can in itself provide entertainment. I SIGHT Royal Crown Cola Presents "Prairie Love Call" Cut to Puppet Set Cowboy Sitting on Fence SOUND M. C. The makers of Royal Crown Cola bring you their version of a western romance. (Fade in music — "I'm an Old Cow- hand.") (3) PROGRAMMING One interesting technique winch tele- vision makes possible is the program which focuses on the advertiser's product without in any way making the commer- cial message too blatant. Calling All Hunters for the Rkmington /Xrms Co. is an example. Narrator Folks, I'd like you to meet a friend of mine — Lester Lari- et. Old Les is one of the hard- est riding wranglers in this here state of Texas. Take a bow, Les! SIGHT SOUND Slide: Remington Arms Co. Presents "Calling All Hunters' Music (Yz Min.) Puppet Bows Girl Puppet Walks on Scene Cowboy Puppet Begins to Play Guitar and Sing Girl Puppet Hands Small Bottle of Royal Crown Cola to Cowboy Corallin' cattle for to feed Uncle Sam's army keeps Les- ter mighty busy these days . . . but he still tries to get time to do a little romancing with his gal friend, Arkansas Annie. Why here's Annie now . . . right purty gal, ain't she? Say Les, how about a little sere- nade for the lady? Tune up that there geetar and give out with a song . . . Slide: Featuring Mr. Oliver Rodman, Editor of Outdoors Magazine, Famous Sportsman, Hunter, and Game Authority . . . and Mr. Gail Evans W ell-Known Expert on Guns . . . Music (Vz Min.) Voice (over very horrible strains of badly played gui- tar). I'm . , . an . , . old . . . cow . . . hand . . . from . . . the . . . Rio Grande . . . (guitar playing stops). Aw nuts to romance . . . ain't no gal worth that effort! 2nd Speaker (Camera 1) Narrator Nov/ Lester! What you need is time out for a quick-up with a frosty bottle of Royal Crown Cola. Annie, give that poor boy a bottle of Royal Crown Cola. . . . Now I know all of you hunters have heard the various rules of safe- ty^ in gun handling. Yet, it's a good idea to remind you again. In a few days — if you haven't been out already — you're going to be out hunting. So just as a refresher, I'd like to show — with television il- lustrations, so to speak — some of the more basic safety rules of gun han- dling. , . . Demonstrator with Gun (Camera 2) Voice (Girl) Sure will. It's the best there is, too — cause it's best by taste-test. . . . Here is a hunter load- ing his gun. He could have loaded it earlier — at home, in his car, or back at camp, but he has waited until he was act- ually ready to start hunt- ing— until he came to a spot where there was a possibility of actually sighting game. . . . You'll notice too, that he carries only the proper gauge shells. Now a hunter may take several guns of vari- ous make and calibre with him on a hunting trip, but while shooting with a twelve gauge gun he car- ries 12-gauge shells only. He leaves all others in his car or back at camp. . , . Dissolve to Slide of Narrator Royal Crown Cola j^^t's right, folks, from coast Dottle (g c^ast Royal Crown Cola is best by taste-test. And out in Hollywood more than sixty famous movie stars voted Royal Crown Cola best-tast- ing. And remember folks, this big five cent bottle of Royal Crown Cola pours not one. Cut to Puppet Set ^„^ jyyQ f^n glasses. Wal, how's about it, Lester, did Royal Crown Cola give you Demonstrator Walks that old quick-up? Few Feet, Comes to Fence Snaps on Safety Cowboy Puppet Voice (Male) ^""^ ^'^rj* ^^''*>« «/ on'hZtar ^''^ ?^^ ' ' ' ""^•- ^'""T'- ^^ ^^ ^"^ GuJl'^Zwi^';. on L.uttar fast peppy guitar playing.) Ground Before Climbing Over Girl Puppet Flings Voice (Girl) Arms Around Qh, Lester, you're wonderful! Cowboy Puppet Dissolve to Slide: (Music: A little Grey Home Remember Royal '« '''^ West.) Crown Cola — It's Best by Taste-Test (Continued on page 214) . . . Whenever you come to a fence, put on the safe- ty and open the action of your gun before climbinr, over. This may seem !ihf> a superprecaution, but it's not. Hunting accidents have been caused by fel- lows tripping or missing a step as they go over a fence with a loaded gun. It's safer and wiser to un- load. . . . Another sound precaution is to never lean a loaded gun against a JUNE, 1944 197 9 Will there realh be a naiiouwide television system similar to that o£ broadcasting? We believe there will. Television networks, international as well as domestic, will be made possible by automatic, unattended radio relay stations and other new developments. W^ithout doubt, the aiuomatic relay ot television pictures and messages horn city to city, from coiuitry to coiuitry gives promise of a radically new method of communication. Radio relays are sufficiently developed so that television can depend upon them for distribution of its pictures from city to city. AiUomatic, unattended radio relay stations, located 20 to 50 miles apart, will link television stations into national chains, and the routes of these radio relays will extend to any part of the world. These radio relay stations as the engi- neers en\'isage them will look like a streamlined lighthouse with little bulg- ing eye-like windows at the top facing to the four winds. Behind each of these windows is a highly directive centimeter wave antenna. The radio relay system ^vill be no one- way ethereal street. Multiple channels make it all the more promising in effi- ciency, flexibility and service. The rela\ towers will handle numerous circuits, for example, down and back from New York to W^ashington. Furthermore, the circuits can be multiplied to any. reason- able extent, not only to carry one tele- vision program biu several simultane- ously, as well as FM sound broadcasts, telegraphic traffic and facsimile. The main relay system will probably be like a great inter-city spine, becoming inter-state and eventiuilly transcontinen- tal. The ribs will spread to television sta- Kadio Relays for Television Automatic Stations Will Link Farflung Networks by RALPH R. SEAL research director, RCA Laboratories tions. Television programs originating from two stations in two different cities will be fed simultaneotisly into the relay system, and in this way, the relay system becomes a trunk line that can be tapped at will by the television stations in other parts of the coiuitry. In addition to this main system, there are supplementary methods of operation. In the simplest form, the relay station might serve as a link in a chain of sta- tions. For example, if one of these radio h'ghthouscs were located atop the Orange Mouniaiiis in New jersey, its eastern eye might inUMxept pictures from New York (ily and bounce ihem along to the sta- tions in other diicc tions within a r)0-mile radius. Stanchnd iclex ision stations Avitliin tli:it incii would intei(ci)t the pictures iind 11 hioadc ;ist them to lionus. Sinud- taneously, these standard stations, as well as the lelay stations within the 50- (ilontitmcd on JxiLi^c 2/2) 198 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP Get Set for Sight Tele Studio Need Not Be Elaborate Nor Costly by I a Mc LEAN, of the General Electric Co. As we see it there will be two major i applications for television after the war. The first, and perhaps the most im- portant, is broadcast television which will add a new dimension to home en- tertainment, and will provide one of the most powerful mass advertising media ever developed. Secondly, there is indus- trial television in which pictures and sound will be carried by wires or by radio transmitters from one point to another for various private commercial uses. For example, industrial television might be used as a powerful merchan- dising medium by a department store. The fashion show taking place on the eighth floor might be wired to display projectors located on all other floors of the store and in the show windows en- abling shoppers throughout the store to see the latest styles. Theatre television may well be of the industrial variety. A live talent program originated at a central point could be wired to a number of theatres and then projected on the regular theatre screens. News and sporting events could be made available to the audiences of a large number of theatres by such a system. These applications of industrial tele- vision are all very interesting, but I want to discuss here the probable growth of broadcast television. The first step in the establishment of television on a widespread scale will in- volve the construction of master televi- sion broadcast stations in the larger -'rS'^.-N' i • J. K. Gannett, (right), vice president of the AUSTIN CO., explains this working model of a large television network broadcasting studio to Dr. Walter R. G. Baker, (left), GENERAL- ELECTRIC vice president. Interested spectator is Waldo G. Bowman, (center), editor of Engineering News-Record. population centers throughout the coun- try. These master stations would have extensive studio facilities, and staffs cap- able of originating complex programs such as musical comedies and Broadway plays. A studio designed by the Austin Company in cooperation with General Electric represents the advanced design and functional construction which the basically new technicjues of television re- quire. Television incorporates the best from radio, stage, and motion pictures, and this studio combines the functions of each of these media to provide a building ideally suited for the produc- JU N E, 1944 199 tion of television programs. A large stage area including a revolving stage 96 feet in diameter allows rapid change of scenes, and this turn-table stage, new to television, allows studio equipment to be used to the fullest extent, and makes duplication of apparatus unnecessary. A large area around the revolving stage is used for the construction and storage of stage sets and properties. The large doors in the rear of the building permit advertisers to bring products as large as airplanes onto the stage. The audience seating areas are arranged with drojj partitions so that one audience can witness a program while a second audi- ence, invited for the succeeding pro- gram, may take its seats withoiu inter- rupting the program being televised. The anteinia momued atop the tower on the studio building carries ihc |)i(- lurcs and sound programs honi ihc slU(ho lo llic 1 1 ansniil 1(1 \\lii(li is local ('(I iiigli on a hill in the dislaiue. lioni ilial j)oini ilic pioi^iani is bioadcasl l)\ uicans ol liigli-j)()\v(i cd li ansnn'lUi s to I lie homes I In oui^houi I he ai ( a. ()l (oiusc. ii is nol ncccssaiA lo ha\c .1 laii^c and claboi.tU- sludio lo prcsiiu • A juggler is televised during a down show at WRGB, Schenec- tady, N. Y. a wide variety of interesting television programs. Simpler studio designs for smaller television studios will be avail- able. General Electric's television sta- tion WRGB in Schenectady, N. Y.. makes use of an existing building which was modified for use as a television studio. The interior of the main studio, approximately 40 by 80 feet, has been com|)letely sound-proofed. Air-condi- tioning apparatus has been installed, and on the ceiling are mounted water- cooled mercury-vapor lights. What will some of the post-^var tele- \ ision studio and transmitting equip- ment look like? Studio equipment will include a water-cooled mercury-vapor ceiling light which can be tilted and turned remotely from the control room. The amount of light can be varied b\ means of the sluuters on the face of the lamp, A portable microphone boom for studio use will allow the operator to stand on the floor, or sit before a small control panel, and move the microphone over a wide area, following the action as it progresses through the scenes. Telc\ ision is dynamic and the cameras must move rapidly and smoothly from one position to another dining the pro- gram. A camera dollie has been designed specifically for this application. The operator has the camera directly in front of him in a normal position, and the (amera has turret lenses which can be lilted and tinned by moxing this control wheel. The cameia dollie itself is self- propelled and is (onirolled by the oper- ator l)\ means ol loot pedals. Ihe heail ol the tele\ ision studio is the (ontrol room. Mere the j)roduct'r and his staff direct all operations in the studio and monitor the program as it is broadcast. A p()st-\vai monitoring con- sole with iiionilois lot each camera in the studio, and coiuiols lot maintenance ol |)i(tuic (|nalit\ will be standard (•(|uipm(iu. In the coiuiol room also are (Conliniicd on [xigc 2/3) 200 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP Program Policy Makes the Personality of a Network \Vhat ^bout FNA"? by JOHN SHEPARD, 3rd, president of the American Network Inc. W W^hen The American Network Inc. was organized in 1941 for the ex- clusive purpose of broadcasting network programs by FM, we realized that FM construction on a nation-wide basis would not happen overnight. We wished, however, to take advantage of this period of waiting to develop a very special kind of network service. To match the technical perfection of FM with programming skill is our goal. We believe that a radio network can and should have as distinct a personality as a great newspaper or magazine. Out- standing publications invariably have a definite character. They have a clear editorial policy which governs the selec- tion and presentation of material. The American Network will have just as definite a policy in its programming. It will be a policy of bringing to listeners the kind of programs they want to hear at the time they want to hear them. Our program policy will not only insure listeners a pleasing variety of ex- cellent radio entertainment, but it will provide special advantages which spon- sors will recognize. We will attract a wide, yet select, audience. It will be a part of our policy to protect that audi- ence from any offensive or annoying ad- vertising abuses and sponsors who ap- preciate that The American Network offers a unique medium for reaching the cream of the market will readily recog- nize the wisdom of intelligent commer- cials. Essentially, there must be an earnest ef- fort to satisfy the highest desires of lis- teners. Discrimination, good taste, and soiuid judgment are necessary. As the first step in that process, we have engaged a recognized research agency to condtict an extensive listener survey. This will provide the necessary authoritative information by which we can gauge public interests. We hope to design an ideal program structure that will provide the listeners a balanced program but that will be sufficiently flex- ible to adjust to varied tastes. The kind of quality we are after can not be achieved, we know, with one exclusive type of radio program material. Surveys indicate that listeners want certain types of entertainment or information at cer- tain hours. We shall try to. plan a schedule that is in accord with their preferences and habits. A popular, diversified, well-balanced program schedule that will pro- \ide top music, news, drama and variety shows is the basis for the kind of policy the American Network is trying to build. Coupled with this is the fact that FM will make history because of its clear, unhampered reception of amazing fidelitv. Of what is such a program policy Of such things is per- made? 1 here are many factors involved. sonality made. "^ JUNE, 1944 201 Broadcasters view FM What About Equipment Costs, and Station Locations for FM ? by PAUL CHAMBERLAIN, electronics department, General Electric Co. THE trend to FM is already well estab lished. In 1938 there was one experi- mental FM station. There were 7 in 1939, 11 in 1940, and in 1941, when commercial stations were first author- ized, 18 commercial, 2 non-commercial, and 14 experimental stations were broadcasting. During 1942, 48 stations were in regular operation. Five more have been added since. AVhen the war stopped FM expansion, a total of more than 100 indi\ idiials, many of them operators of AM stations, had applied for construction permits. The FM broad- casting stations operating today cover a territorv having a poptUation in excess of 50,000,000. \More than ()00,000 FM receivers are in the hands of the public at the present time. The broadcasting pictine as it is to- day, indicates approximately 900 AM stations and 53 FM stations are now operating regidarly. We predict that on the basis of applications already on file, and on the basis of a recent General Electric survey, the broadcasting pic- ture five years after the war in the United States will show a decrease in AM stations from approximately 900 to 750 and an increase in FM stations from 53 to 500. The superior pott luialilies for soiuid broadcasting which FM possesses over AM all stem from two basic differences bt'lAVcen \\\v two systems. crowded (onthiions that pre\ail in AM l)r()ad(asiing, j^articidarly on the higher fre(iuencies; 912 stations occupy a total of onh' 10() channels. Ihis might be (oinpaic'cl lo li\ing to operate 912 auto- inobiics ill a j;i\cn ienglli of lime on a roadway thai was cai)able of })r()perly handling onh lOh. Tnclcr such condi- tions someone wouhl i)c apt to get a hcnt Uiidci or lose a huh caj). Most hioadcastcrs tochiN are lann'liar with tile hi( t tiiat sk\-\\a\cs exist at ni^lu hut not in the (la\tinic; that tiiis dictates the ( hissilu at ion of (hainicis as (Itaifd oi siiaicd; that sliaitcl (Iiannel 202 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP stations have less coverage at nii»h( than in the daytime, and that cleared channel stations in addition to a primary service deliver an intermittent but useful sec- ondary night service which, up to a point, grows better the farther you go away from the station. To anyone familiar with the restric- tions imposed upon broadcast service by the vagaries of interference and fading, it is plain that nature was none too kind to us when it wrote the laws of propa- gation for frequencies between 550 and )cm kilocycles. Around 50,000 kilocycles in the FM band, however, radio waves act more reasonably. In general they travel out- ward in all directions to distances two or three times line-of-sight, that is 20, 50, 100 miles and sometimes farther. While we cannot say that sky-wave transmission is entirely non-existent in the FM band, we do know that FM stations have sub- stantially the same coverage areas day and night. AM SIGNAL MUST BE 50 ^ TIMES STRONGER With either AM or FM reception, it is not the absolute strength of the radio signal from the desired station which is important, but the ratio of the desired signal intensity to other potentially in- terfering noises or interfering radio sig- nals. With AM broadcasting the desired signal must be of the order of 100 times as strong as the imdesired disturbances or interference, if completely clear and undistorted reception is to take place. However, with FM the desired signal need be only approximately twice as strong as the undesired noise and inter- ference for clear reception. In other words, all other things being equal, for good clear reception conditions at a giv- en location, an AM signal must be at least 50 times as strong as an equivalent FM signal. Expressed in terms of power, the com- parison of the two types of modulation is even more startling. It takes approxi- mately 2,500 times as miuh power at an AM station lo deliver clear recej):ion at a given receiving point as it would for an FM station operating on the same frequency at the same place. In so far as the ability to overcome noise and inter- ference is concerned, a 200-watt FM station is the equivalent of a 500 kilo- watt AM station on the same channel. EQUIPMENT COSTS TO GIVE FM EDGE FM transmitters before the war were priced at levels slightly higher than the corresponding AM transmitters for rat- ings up through 3 kilowatts. Above that rating, however, FAI transmitters were priced lower than corresponding AM transmitters. To give you examples, the 1 -kilowatt prices were $9,200 for FM and $8,100 for AM, and the 50-kilowatt prices were $75,000 for FM and $105,000 for AM. This can be explained by saying that the equipment necessary to produce the excellent performance characteristics of FM represented a higher percentage of the cost of low^-power transmitters whereas for high power we realized a saving due to Class "C" operation of the R-F stages and the absence of high- power modulation equipment. Post-war developments may bring the prices of low-power FM transmitters more in line with AM transmitters. Tube costs are low^r for FM transmit- ters also because of Class "C" operation and the absence of high level modulator stages. Because the efficiency of ampli- fiers at 50 megacycles is not as high as in the conventional broadcast band, in- put power costs for FM transmitters be- fore the war were about the same as high-efficiency AM transmitters of equiv- alent rating. We expect post-war devel- opments to gi\c FM a slight edge. It is logical to locate the studio for operating convenience. It could well be placed in an office building in a down- town location in the average city. The transmitter, on the other hand, should preferably be placed where it will have maximum coverage; a hilltop, a moun- tain top nearby, or in some cases, it (Continued on page 211) JUNE, 1944 203 Build Your Post-War *"Listen my children, and you can hear Through the opium-laden atmosphere The voices of soothsayers, prophets and seers All fortune-telling the Post-War years . . . You'll live on pills. You'll carry your bride To a home made of phenol-formaldehyde. With electronic beams to do the chores Electric eyes to open the doors. And radar (that newest of trouble detectors) To warn of approaching bill-collectors. And this, good friends — this prospect bright — Is to happen suddenly, quite overnight. Is it true, or false? Or a glorious hoax? (It's just a lot of malarky, folks.)" *That Wonderful. Wonderful Post-War World by George D. Wevcr. V. P.. Fuller & Smith & Ross (from an advertisement for Firth Carpet Com- pany). TELEVISION, Radionics, Frccjuciicy Mod- ulation, Electronics . . . what niai^ical post-war horizons these words holcl h)r everyone ol us interested in radio adver- tising. What jjossibilities these thought- provokinj^ ideas have lor sales presenta- tion, lot bringing the buyer and seller (loser together and ior progrannning a ladio slalioii I he way people ought to hear it. Vo say tiie least it's going lo l)c a wonderful world! lU r has ihc (oj)\ wrilei wiio has writ ten these glowing maga/ine ads had an) conception ol what responsibilit) Fences Today! by lOUlS J. NELSON, }R. Wade Moerthmg Agenci^ goes with the development of each of these new ideas? Is the key to post-war radio as easy to find as his oracidar words would make it sound? I wonder! In my daily solicitations from radio stations and connnercial managers. I am constantly trying to ferret out and find what lies over the hill for radio acher- tising, inasmuch as there is not much good time available to buy. 1 o amplify this, let me tell you of a coiuersation that took place some months ago be- tween a midwesieiii radio station owner and another radio exe(uii\e. It all came about when the station manager was asked by the radio executive what he thought of the recent FM con\eiuioii in New York City. He paused a moment, and the imaginary stiaw was sticking out of the corner of his mouth, rhen he drawled. "lie//, last year Bossy (amc fresh with twin ((d\'es, and this year they're (meaning radio stations owners) out sl)enditii^ the iiulh (heik." While I will adniii ihat this is piob- al)l\ a rather unlaii achantage to take ol the KM bioadcasteis, I (annot see the ad\a!iiagc ol 1""M bioadc asi iiig oxer AM broadcasting at least from an economic standpoint. I 'ndoubteclK Iroin a tech- nical poini ol \ lew ii does give belter reception and lidelit), but does the lis- 204 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP tcncr want it, and is he willing to pay the necessary price to buy another radio set that won't even have Bob Hope and Charlie McCarthy on? Also, who pays to develop and pioneer FM? The adver- tiser? I hope not! Each one of yon know the answer to this better than I do, and it isn't my in- tention to tear down what has already been accomplished by FM broadcasters. There are too many aginners today, and I don't want to be one of them. My main concern is that if we are going to be true to the vast problems that radio holds for us tomorrow, then we must do a better job with radio to- day. And there are many things that lead me to believe that advertisers are missing part of their earned and rightful heritage. To give you a better idea, let me cite some figures from C. E. Hooper. Here are the average ratings of all evening programs that Hooper has surveyed during the past three years. Report 1942 1943 1944 January 15 12.4 12.4 11.2 January 30 12.6 12.6 February 15 12.1 12.4 11.0 February 29 11.8 11.0 December 15 12.1 10.6 December 30 11.6 10.8 At the same time that there was this general sliding off in the average eve- ning ratings of programs, the total num- ber of sponsored evening broadcast hours per week on the four major net- works between 6:00-10:30 P.M. (EWT) was increasing as follows: January 1940 — 51 sponsored evening hours January 1941 — 62 sponsored evening hours January 1942 — 71 sponsored evening hours January 1943 — 69 sponsored evening hours January 1944 SO'? sponsored evening hours During this same period of time radio sets-in-use 6:00-10:30 P.M. (EWT) re- mained practically constant. In other words, new programs fail to increase the number of listeners to any one program. I cite these figures and facts not so much that they were startling to me and prob- ably are to you, but rather because they present a problem that unless it is met. will mean the lack of effectiveness from radio ad\ertising. Therefore, if a new program going on the air today hasn't an ecjual chance of obtaining an audience comparable with other similar programs, it means that radio or possibly even your program must find a way of improving itself. How to do it? There are several tested ways that we do it. P^irst, newspaper ads can do a lot to tell people about your program, because listening after all is a habit that must be cultivated, and un- less you get a listener at the time your program is on the air, your advertising message is lost. And when you come to consider the cost in relation to your time and talent, it is rather negligible. Of course, in these days of newspaper space rationing, you may find it hard to get newspaper space, but if you do not want too much, you can usually buy a little. Second, you can improve your listen- ing audience by changing the internal arrangement of your program. Some- times you can put your commercial an- nouncement in a different place, some- times you can get better talent, but in any respect, with a constant attention to small details, you can usually help to make your programs more listenable. And third, don't forget to use your imagination. This is what has made radio a great mediiuii in the past, and it will also make it a tremendous power in the post-war era. There are other radio problems that to my way of thinking could stand im- provement such as noisy spot announce- ments and offensive commercial copy, but these I feel are still part of the grow- ing pains of radio. These misjudgments of people's likes only time and conscien- tious dedication to the job ahead can improve. Radio can only have a post-war per- spective if it learns some lessons from wartime living. Establish solid programs, and the post-war period will take care of itself. JUNE, 1944 205 Pioneer Now for Future Programs Yesterday Meets Ic omorrow by EDGAR KOBAK, vice president, Blue Network, Inc, When an advertiser launches a campaign on the air or in print he generally looks for the answer to the questions, "What do people like?" and "What are the tested tech- niques to reach tliem?" This thinking drives him to following precedent and to studying surveys and research find- ings. As a result, there is altogether too little originality, and whatever new trails are carved out are usually within the limitations of an established pattern. In contrast to this, we have the pub- lishers and play producers who, without altogether casting adrift from precedent, are much more willing to experiment with new subjects, new forms of art. The Good FMrth, for example, was turned down by 17 publishers before John Day got it out. And Gone With the Wind was published at a time when most pub- lishers believed that the Civil War theme had been worn prcttv nearly threadbare. Radio prograinniing combines the characteristics ol acheitising and show- manship. But many program producers are inclined to look on programming more as an advertising medium than as entertainment, and ih(ir thinking is more likely to be resiiicicd by [)rece(l(ni. surveys and ratings than to !)(• inspired by the desire to traxcl unchartcicd j)aihs. They waiii lo piodiicc shows that will be poj)ulai. bill "iiin-awav ix'st sellers" seem lo |>i()\( iliiii no one (an loictcll what I he j)iibb( will like; ;i new show in ;ni cslablishcd loinini;i in;i\ well Mop while a show in an enliiily new loinin la can become unexpectedly popular. All of which is by way of sa)ing that in my opinion, programming for post- war radio will have to turn its back on precedent and do nuich more pioneer- ing, particularly because the war has established new patterns of thinking on the part of people. It will ha\e to invest time and mone\', effort and skill in act- ing and developing new avenues to the listener's ear, mind and heart. Following this line of argmneiu, I can see that the new j^rc^gramming will set out to accom})lish these things: (a) to reach more people (b) to tie-in more with the chang- ing psychology of people (c) to make radio an instriunent of greater use to people (d) to provide new and fresher forms of eiUertainment. TO REACH MORE PEOPLE \\'hen \ou stop to think that from nine in tiie morning through to six in the e\ening there is not a single cjuarter- hoiu' period in which more than 20 })er cent of radio homes are listening to any })rogi'am ai all. \ou can see that broad- casting has (|uiic- a distance to cover. \oi so long ago liiK Bi.ui-. decided to lind out why daytime listening was so low. Were people bus\? Didn't the bioadc asters gixc them progiams to \vhich they wanted to listen-' What types of piograms did the\ IccI tluv had too nuu h of. ;ui(I ol what t\pc's weic there loo Icwr I he poll showed lh;U ihcic Avas gcncial agi ((iiKiU on ihcsc points: loo uian\ s(ri;il |)rograms but not enough nuisical shows; most people thought that 206 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP there were about the right number of news programs; and a good many had no opinion at all as to their preferences. From this it might be concluded, hast- ily, that the thing to do was to jjut on musical shows. That would be following survey statistics w^ith altogether too much complacency. We at The Blue decided that mtisical-variety-audience participation shows w^ere indicated and scheduled Breakfast at Sardi's, which in addition to Breakfast Club (already on the air), provided considerable light and lively listening in the morning. The result was that The Blue Network is now playing to the biggest morning houses of any network. And the figures show these audiences were not all pulled away from other networks, but that this new type of programming acttially got more people to tune in their radios. This is but one example, but it does show that good programming is the way for radio to reach out to larger audi- ences. TO TIE-IN MORE WITH CHANGING PSYCHOLOGY I have said that the war has changed the thinking pattern of the American people. I need point to but three factors: (a) The families of men in service abroad ha\e been getting mail telling of conditions and people and customs and thinking of foreign countries so that a new world has opened up for them. (b) Ret timing service men will bring back with them. new otit- looks and perspectives. (c) The news of the war and the need in post-war for America to take a more active part in world affairs are likely to further broaden the otitlook of the peo- ple My belief is that there will be a lot more room on the air for programs that reflect the culture and history and music and entertainment of foreign countries. I can also \ isualize that early in the post- war period we are going to see some de- velopment in international networks which will, I believe, result in inter- change of programs between countries. TO MAKE RADIO AN INSTRUMENT OF GREATER USE I am not at all sure that radio has developed as rapidly as it might have in the general direction of being prac- tical and useful (aside from being enter- taining) to people. By that I mean, I think radio has not been tised enough as an instrument of adult edtication; education for living, for self-government, for democracy. I can see radio going in a little more heav- ily for education for democracy. Here is an example of what I mean. Charles Beard recently published The Republic, a study of the American form of government. Normally a volume of that type has btit limited circulation. However, the subject is so important that Life Magazine broke precedent and reprinted The Republic in serial form. This gave Beard's book a circulation possibly a hundred times more than it would otherwise have had. It is along these same lines that I think radio can do a programming job. I don't think that radio has played an important enough part in the edtication of youth. I don't know of a program now^ on the air that compares with the Music Appreciation Hour w^hich Dr. Damrosch conducted for years. The pop- ularity of that program was so great that its influence for mtisical education can scarcely be estimated. What Damrosch did for music I think radio can do for many other subjects. TO PROVIDE NEW AND FRESHER FORMS OF ENTERTAINMENT Abbott and Costello are not inde- structible. Neither is Fred Allen nor Archie of Duffy's Tax'ern. And I have a feeling that one of radio's responsibili- ties is to develop new comedians and entertainers. Look back on your list of big-name entertainers and you will real- ize that practically all of them were de- veloped by the theatre, the screen, and vatideville. I think that the day is over when radio can reach otit into other entertainment fields for its stars. Radio has to develop its own writers, musi- cians, actors, comedians who will think radio in terms of the future. JUNE, 1944 207 What About News? Local and Area News May Revamp Programming bylCHARTER HESLEP, news editor, Broadcasting Dioision, Office of Censorship, Washington, D. C THERE are four newspapers in Wash- ington, D. C. Their circulation totals 675,000. Nearly 100,000 is street sale. Yet, in the third week of February, it was almost impossible to get a paper within 15 minutes after newsstand de- livery. What caused the sellout? Was it the thrilling attack on the Mariannas? The recordbreaking air assaults on Festung Europa? Barkley's amazing Senate speech? No, it was none of these. No war or national news in months had brought such runs on the kiosks. It was a diamaiic DistiicL of (Colum- bia nmrder, and a heart-rending child custody case churning through local and suburban courts. No VV'ashington big- wigs were invohed. |iist j^eople, most of them local citizens. Perhaps these are jjoor examples to illustrate the pulling power of local news. Radio cannot scream sex into the living room. But they spotlight what may be the most important single factor in revamj>ing news progrannning altei the war. Ihat factor is moic (in|)hasis on local and area news. It certainly is one ingredient oi any fornmla for hold- ing the millions of new radio listeners after the gniis ;ii( silent and America's men and women icKnii IVoni lioiit lines to M.iin Street. For better or otherwise, these new lis- teners will not stay glued to their re- ceivers when the war moves from battle- fronts to conference rooms. Interxiews with peacemakers and map makers and plans for relief and restoration will not ]>rovide hot copy for the 27 news round- ups that grind out every 22 hours on the ladio tickers of a great news agency. Let's not kid omsehcs that news and coimncntaries will contiiuie to make up from 15 to 20 per cent of the broadcast day. And th;ii ;i hunk ol news copy ic^rn from a printer and aiied at any old time will continue to be a program advertis- eis light to sponsoi. Newscasts and com- mentaries will ha\(' to be scheduled as carefully as a metropolitan clail\ times its many editions. More thought should be given to ihe lornKit and coiUeni of a news show in rehiiion to the piobable audience ai ihe lime of broadcast. Above all. news should he lailoicd ioi' your own area. 208 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP The war and news of a nn"ghly nation at war makes instant contact with every home. A substitute nuist be found to preserve that personal f^ond between your listeners and the news they hear over the radio. When the stimtdi of war disappear, we naturally will focus otu' attention more on our own front porch, otir neighbor's porch, otir city and state. The crime story example reveals how close to the surface this interest is in the midst of the most terrible war in history. The War Department realizes the value of "home town" news. The man in charge of all public relations for our 7,000,000- man Army, Major General A. D. Surles, stressed this in a recent official memo to Army PROs stationed all over the world. Said General Surles: "The steady flow of copy containing news about soldiers overseas for their hometown newspapers constitutes the mobile core of the entire public rela- tions of the Army. . . . The importance of maintaining this news stipply line from overseas theaters of war to the liv- ing rooms and front porches at home cannot, from a public relations point of view, be exaggerated." What are broadcasters doing right now about local news? Well, in the past 18 months, the writer has studied at least one week's news production from some 725 of the nation's 900 stations. More than half (51.6 per cent is the fig- ure) do absolutely nothing. These broad- castors take whatever comes over their news ticker. They do not even clip local papers. All stations in this group are not small operators. There are some 50,000 watters among them. Scores of others do use their local press but with the same lack of imagina- tion and skill. A legion of announcers daily have to struggle with sentences that run for whole paragraphs, wade through stories studded with statistics and combat all the handicaps of read- ing copy written for the eye and not the ear. For the duration, the eagerness of the listener for the latest battle bulletin may compensate for this lazy news handling. But when the burden of holding that listener switches back to the broadcaster, it will be a different story on the local Crossleys and Hoopers. The station that makes definite plans to supplement network and wire news with competent localizing of all news, and a real effort to present the events of the day in its own area, shc:)uld be the station that not renders the greatest service to its com- munity, but also keeps its news sponsors. Development on a national scale of competent, accurate, responsible and in- teresting local news coverage may have an even more important overall result than just ratings and profits. It may bring to radio that same loyalty from listeners that newspaper readers give to the press, a loyalty that is invaluable to journalism when encroachments on the freedom of the press from legislative or other quarters threaten its integrity. With your station and your business de- pendent on a Federal license, such lis- tener support is sorely needed even to- day, j ^ The war has made radio the most im- portant medium for the dissemination of news. A survey article in Editor & Publisher stated that 95 per cent of the men in a typical Army camp "depend on radio or don't bother about the news" and that ''only one out of 20 or 5 per cent buys a current daily newspaper." This means that radio has assumed (or had thrust upon it!) a public trust to fight as valiantly to protect freedom of speech (broadcast) as newspapers have struggled through two centuries to achieve and preserve freedom of press. Ink and air now are inseparably linked as guardians of fundamental rights with- out which a free people will not long remain free. Flow radio handles this new responsibility now and in the post-war period will determine the real impor- tance of the industry as a news medium in the future. JUNE. 1944 209 The WOMAN'S ANGLE V by SALLY WOODWARD Flanley and Woodward, New York City, Find Women Haue a New Appreciation of Values ► Since the days of crystal sets, day- time radio shows ha\e been keyed to women, because women influence 85 per cent of the buying for the home. Today they influence more than 90 per cent of the buying, and this high percentage will probably carry o\er into post-war years. Now there are aboiu 50 million aduh women in the United States, and all of them at some time or other ha\e a chance to listen to the radio. These women live in 48 states, on farms and in cities. They are homemakers, profes- sional women, business women and em- ployed w'omen. They are rich and poor, literate and illiterate; all the various classifications one might make of all of the women in the world. But for 20 years or more, most of the advertisers who have tried to reach the women audience, have thought of all of these 50 million women in the little kitchen doing the washing or preparing the meals. A few of the most alert sponsors have been thinking of women stepping into the garden, even into the factory to ex- pedite the war. But the sponsor and the radio director who hopes to reach liu- women of today and the women of post- war days iTUist bioaden still further his concept ol ilu ieminine market. Out ol this war the woman ol today has learned something ai)out the Indus try of her nation. And industi) has told its wartime story well, in a way that has (icated both luulerstanding and lespect. In these days, no one (an be certain of the ( \a( I (ondilions ihal will pre\ail when indnsliv (cases its war prcxliution and |)hnis ioi jxikc. Many leading in dustrialisis ha\c expressed niaiu dillei ent (jpinions, bin on ()n( poini ihc) agree. It is going to take time to convert factories to the production of civilian goods; it is going to take time to test some of the prodticts before they are fin- ally released for mass consiuiiption. It is going to take time during which the ci\ilian population is going to be eager lor products it has been needing. Indtisiry must find the way to tell its con\ersion story as w^ell as it tells its war- time story and thereby create a ptiblic opinion favorable to it. In molding pub- lic opinion yoti cannot "undercsti^natc the power of xvomen." ► Industry in the days of conversion has an ()})portunity to create an understanding of the company and its policies that will lay the ground work for ready acceptance of its product. In- dtistry must tell the story forthrightly, and it nuist avoid encouraging prema- turely the publi( fancies of a dream world. Thereb) public confidence will be established in industry today as well as tomorrow. The appetite of the public for new products will be whetted, but the patience of the jMiblic \vill not be ti icd. When the da) finally comes that the new product is ready the adxxitising di- rectors go to work. '] hc\ will lace the ( hallenge of one of the most (ompetitive markets the world has e\er known. And the buyers in the market \\\\\ hv women, women who haxc Icaincd how to buy more (arefully undci rationing, who ha\e a new apj)re( iat ion ol \ahies; wom- en who ha\(' learned to expect factual information on labels and haxc be(()me a(( ustonied to service angles ol adxcrtis- ing. siicssed sn( ( csslnlly by so many ad- xdliscrs during these war years. 210 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP BROADCASTER S VIEW FM (Continued frotn page 203) could bcsi be located on the lop ot one of the taller buildings. The gap between the studio and the transmitter could, ot coiuse, be bridged by wire lines that were properly adjusted to accommodate the wide frequency range which FM is capable of transmitting. However, in many locations it is more economical and more satisfactory to bridge the gap between studio and transmitter with a high frequency low power radio link. These links are in service today and are giving extremely satisfactory results over distances ranging up to 110 miles. NETWORKS TO OPERATE ^ BY RADIO On the subject of networks, w^e find that ordinary wire lines are not satisfac- tory because they are incapable of trans- mitting the entire audio frequency range that FM can broadcast. One radio net- work that has been in service for some time, operates entirely by radio. The broadcast stations pick tq3 and re-broad- cast the transmission from other stations in the network. This is entirely satisfac- tory from a quality standpoint as FM does not suffer any appreciable degrada- tion in this re-broadcast process. How- ever, it does have one serious drawback in that should an intermediate station desire to broadcast a local program it obviously cannot pass on the network broadcast to the station that lies beyond it. This, of course, would break the chain. We feel, therefore, that network broadcasting post-war will depend upon high frequency radio relay receivers and transmitters which operate independ- ently from the transmitters on the FM frequencies. By the use of such inde- pendent high frequency relays, which by the way are comparable to the station- to-transmitter relays, one or more sta- tions can broadcast local programs with- out affecting the network tie-in of broad- cast stations that lie beyond them. Prob- ably post-war FM networks will operate on this principle. WHAT STATIONS SHOULD CONSIDER FM? Stations in the following classes should consider the installation of FM broadcasting ecjuipment immediately after the war. 1. Stations in the marginal income or loss group. 2. Low-power stations operating in the crowded AM channels from 1000 kc up. In almost every case, FM stations of the same carrier power will provide a much better signal in the primary service area. Also, in most cases, with the same power, the FM primary serv- ice area will exceed the AM primary service area. 3. Stations sharing time, stations shar- ing channels, and stations limited to power that is insufficient for good night-time coverage. By changing to FM, almost all of these stations can become fidl-power stations with power adequate for both day and night coverage of their pri- mary service areas. 4. Stations that, for local reasons, have problems of poor reception in one or more communities which lie just in- side their normal sennce area. 5. Stations wit Ji out competition in their locality. Broadcasters operating without competition in their locality should give serious consideration to post-war FM broadcasting because the advent of FM opens the way for new and competing stations. With the impetus that FM has today, it seems reasonable to believe that FM will eventually siqoplant all local, most regional, and some high-power AM sta- tions. The present AM band would be cleared up, making more channels avail- able for high-power and super-power AM stations. Such a transition woiUd be generally beneficial as it would give the public FM reception plus better AM re- ception. JUNE, 1944 211 TELEVISIOrS MARKET I Continued jroni pdgc I^^l ) TELEVISION RELAYS (Continued from page I'-^S) per receiver (on the basis of 741,000 equipped homes) is six people (the pres- ent average is 10), the total advertising audience available will be 4,446,000 peo- ple. \\'iihin three or foiu' years after the conniiercial resiuiiption of television, a network will connect the main cities on the Eastern Coast between Washington, D. C, and Boston, Massachusetts; and by the end of the fourth year, a 1,500 mile network circuit will connect the Middle AVest with the Atlantic Sea- board. This trunk line television net- work, with the secondary networks that would be offshoots from it, will serve the 19-state area boiuided by Illinois and W^isconsin on the west and Virginia and Kentucky on the sotuh. Ihere are ap- proximately 70,000,000 people in this area. It represents 62 per cent of the purchasing power of the country. Within about five years, television transmitting stations will provide cover- age for the 157 key cities of the United States. It is also reasonable to expect that by the end of the fifth year, the engineers of the industry will be able to develop a low cost automatic rebroad- casting television transmitter to provide coverage in the smaller markets. It is not unreasonable to assume that within ten years after the full couuuer- ciali/.ation of television, television serv- ice will be available to 23,700,000 wired homes, or 80 per cent of the wired homes of the United States. This would repre- sent an audience of about 112,000,000 people, and appr()ximat(4y 82 i)er cent of the total 1 1. S. buying j)ower. Because telex ision has the j)()\ver to create (ousiiiiur biiNiui; ol goods and services beyond aiiMJiiiig iliat we have known heretofore, we (an (onni upon iis heljjing biing about a high le\(l of post war j^rosjxrity in agiicuhiual, industiial and the distribut ixc industries, as well as personal and professional seivices. mile circle, woidd toss the pictures be- yond the horizon to be picked up by other stations and relayers. Already, telecasts from New York have been intercepted 129 miles away without intervening relays, biu it has been foiuid that by use of relays, the picture quality is nearly perfect. Without relays, a de- grading effect is inherent, and it is more noticeable as the distance between sta- tions increases. Radio relaying will be comparatively simple. Relay transmitters will operate on microwaves with the energy concen- trated almost in a beeline. Practically all the power is made to serve a usefid purpose; it is not scattered as in broad- casting. Therefore, relatively small amounts of power will operate the relay transmitters. Ihe apparatus is neither cinnbersome nor complicated. If we use high towers or antennas on lofty build- ings or mountain peaks, we captiue and re-transmit the waves at higher levels, and therefore their effective range is lengthened. It is to be expected that telev ision sta- tions will first go on the air in such broadcasting centers as New York, Chi- cago and Los Angeles, and it seems logi- cal to assume that the lirst television net- work linked by radio relay stations will be formed along the Atlantic Seaboard. But television will not be limited to the larger cities. V\\q radio map will be dot- ted with stations in cities like Schenec- tad\, I'tica, S)racuse, Minneapolis, Ki ie, Bullalo, Louisville and many others. By the use of radio relays, these too will be- come outlets for the television network which before manv years pass after the wai, will weave from the east across the Mississippi and the mid-west plains to nuci a Pacific Coast link streaking east- waicl across the Rockies. A relay station ai()|) Pike's Peak might well be the key station to (oniplcte a transc ont incMital icJcN ision ( hain. 212 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP SET FDR SIGHT (Continued from page 200) the consoles used by the producer, the technical director, and the audio oper- ator. These consoles with transcription turntables and audio controls will be readily available to the audio operator. The technical director sits at the center console and has before him all of the controls used in switching from one camera to another, for fading from one picture to another, and for the creation of special visual effects. Space is also provided at this console for the producer who directs all action in the studio. In- tercommunication microphones allow the control room staff to give orders to the personnel in the studio. Motion pictures are the transcribed programs of television and many films will be made especially for television presentation after the war. A special mo- tion picture projector and film pick-up camera will be used when films are tele- vised. Together with the studio equip- ment, we have covered the essential ele- ments required in the studio of a master television broadcast station. Television transmitting equipment for a post-war 40,000 watt television transmitter, will probably include the transmitter monitoring console with a convenient desk for the operator; moni- tors for incoming and outgoing pictures and sound, and transmitter control equipment. The transmitter itself and control console have an attractive ap- pearance since the television broadcast- ing station, like many radio stations to- day, will be a center of interest. One type of television transmitting antenna, the "V" radiates picture signals with great efficiency. In this set-up we might have three bays of "V" antennas for the picture signals, and a two-bay circular antenna, already so successful in FM broadcasting, for the sound signals. There we have the basic elements which go to make up a complete master tele- vision station; the studio apparatus; the control room equipment, and the trans- mitting equipment. VOICE COMMUNICATION • • • when the war is over Universal's microphones, as well as other Universal electro- acoustical and electro-mechanical products will again be available in quantity for the consumer market. • • • in the meantime, how- ever, our repair department is functioning as usual and replace- ments are also available on prior- ity. • • • postwar microphones will embody the latest in style designs as well as the latest in engineer- ing design, including many im- provements made possible by re- search in war days manufactur- ing instruments for the Army and Navy. • • • Universal products will continue to be standard equip- m e n t for broadcast sta- tions, remote control points, on- the-spot pro- grams, re- cording a n d other similar uses. UNIVERSAL MICROPHONE CO. LTD. INGLEWOOD, CALIFORNIA JUNE, 1944 213 TELE-WORDS (Continued frotn page 197) Two Demonstrators, Carrying Guns fence . . . especially if you are with another hunt- er. Each . . . Here are two fellows hunting together. Notice that when they load, they keep their gun muzzles pointed away from the other fellow. In fact, when hunting with others, that is the most important rule to follow — all times, keep the muzle away from the other hunter. These men are ready to start out now. You'll notice the front man carries his gun point- ing toward the ground. The man following him, however, carries his gun over his shoulder with the muzzle pointed to the rear. (Cut to Two Demonstrators in Rowboat) Camera on Table Covered With Remington Guns and Ammunition . , , In this case, our two hunters are out after ducks . . . and they are going to shoot from a blind. Good hunters keep their guns unloaded until they reach the blind. . . . When two fellows hunt from the same boat, they should decide and agree on what side each is going to shoot. Each should shoot at game on his side only, with no swinging over and firing across or in front of the others face or over his head. . . . Another rule followed by good hunters is to always put the safety on and partial- ly open the action before laying down your gun. There's plenty of time to close it and snap off the safety while the ducks are coming in. Another thing, never reach for a gun, by the muzzle and pull it toward you. Announcer (Off Camera) . . . Here is a display that would make any hunter's trigger finger itch. These are some of the peacetime products of the Remington Arms Co. You see here the Remington "Sports- man"— a three shot auto- loading shotgun . . . and here is the Remington "Sportmaster" a .22 cali- bre bolt-action repeater . . . o big favorite with small gatne hunters . . . and there is the Reming- ton "Woodsmaster" high power autoloadimi rifle specially made for big game hunting. . . . Here, too, is some of Reminii- ton's tteacetime ammuni- tion. There is a box of the famous Nitro Express extra-long range shotgun shells. . . . Here, also are Remington H, Speed .22's with Kliiinbore priming . . . and powerful big- game cartridges with Core- Lokt bullets. . . . There too, are several boxes of the famous Peters line of sporting ammunition. . . . In order that you'll still have the freedom to go hunting in peace with no one to say "verboten" . . . Remington is now making such products as these. Cut to Camera Covering Display of Remington Wartime Products . . . Shells, Rifles, Etc. . . . Here is a military rifle now being used by our Armed Forces. . . . Every working day. Rem- ington produces enough of these rifles to equip an entire infantry regiment at full fighting strength. . . . And here is some of the military ammunition Remington now makes . . . doesn't look like the stuff you hunters use, does it':* . . . Here are 50 calibre machine gun cartridges . . . 20 millimeter cannon shells . . . 45 calibre automatic pistol cartridges for Thompson machine guns and standard 30 cali- bre rifle and machine gun cartridges . . . and others. In every working day. Remington produces 30 million rounds of this type of ammunition . . . yes, thirty million in every working day . . . that is about 25,000 every min- ute. Cut to Camera . . . Showing Fifty Mill. Bullets Moving on Rack Dissolve in Camera Showing Wrist Watch With Sweep Second Hand Moving . . . To get an accurate picture of how much that is, look at this watch . . . every time the second hand moves from one fig- ure to another, over two thousand rounds of am- munition have been pro- duced. . . . You can count it off . . . two thousand . . . four thousand . . . six thousand . . . and by the time that watch counts out twenty four hours . . . thirty million more rounds will have been turned out. Cut to Camera Showing Remington Wartime Products . . . . . . The many thousands of workers at Remingtoti are grateful that they are thus able to serve their country." Cut to Camera Showing Remington Peacetime Products . . . . . . And after the war is won, we will be glad to s erv e our sport s m a n friends again with the fa- mous Remington line of sporting F ire arms and Remington-Peters Ammu- nition. Cut to Slide: Remington Du Pont Music (Vi Min.) I lu'sc. ol (oinsc, aic only llucc cxain- plc's ol ilu' iil('\ision (oinnuTc ial. Icch- ni(]ii('s arc onl\ now hciiij;- developed, and while i(le\ision will oiler the adver- liscr a ininiaiuif show window in every honu'. ii will ii(|iiiie specialization, skill and KscaKh lo make these show win- dows elle( I i\ c. 214 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP i. m NEXT MONTH E. BHAMT SCHECK, of the Scheck Advertising Agency, Inc., Newark, N. J., presents the amazing radio success story of the Association of Manu- facturers OF Confectionery and Chocolate. It's Candy Fights, Too. DERBY A. DEIVSDIV, of the Sylvania Electric Prdducts, Inc., Salem, Mass., shows how Sylvania Shoivtivie builds employee morale, and creates excellent public relations. ETHEL N. KEAKfE, of the Raymond Keane Advertising Agency, Den- ver, Col., asks "AA^hat's ahead for radio and its advertisers?" Future Unlimited is the answer. Plus Tested Programs and Promotions You Can Use in Your Own Business! 4 I \1U,: \ RADIO SHOW \1\\ 1 !M KLADLR IS \ BKTTER RADIO BUYER. / owmans. IN THIS ISSUE ^%; t ^ Courtesy begins at home for Colonial Biscuit Co., Pittsburgh, Pa (p.222) ^ Department store sold on radio for selling Tulsa^ Okla. market (p. 226) %^ Merchandise parade boosts sales for St. Augustine, Fla.merchants in 29-day promotion . . . (p.228) 38 Tested Programs for Businessmen YODR BUSINESS AT A GLANCE A quick index to what others in your business field accomplish through radio. Articles and services in Radio Showmanship are classified by businesses here. JULY Business PAGE Amusements 238 Automobiles 244 Aviation 238 Bakeries 222, 238, 239, 249, 250 Candies 224 Dairies 239 Department Stores 226, 235, 236, 237, 244, 247 Drug Products 240, 245 Furriers 236, 245 Gasolines 245 Groceries 240 Hardware Dealers 241 Home Furnishings 241, 250 Manufacturers 230, 242, 246, 247, 248 Men's Wear 243 Merchants' Associations 228, 242 Nurseries 246 Women's Wear 235, 243 // you don't have the June issue, order it now! It's the RS survey of post-war plans for radio and its advertisers. ,aiONAL BB0A0CA8T1N6 C GENERAL LIBRARY | 30 ROCKEFELLER PLAZA, NE CONTENTS JULY 1944 VOL. 5 No. 7 Publisher Don Paul Nathanson Managing Editor Marie Ford Editorial Advisory Board RADIO HiiRBERT PeITEV Ralph Atlass William Dolph Glew Snyder Philip Lasky Roger Clipp C. T. Hagman T. Harold Ryan New York Chicago l]'asliington Chicago San Francisco Philadelpliia Minneapolis WasJiimrton BUSINESS Dr. Harr\ Dean Wolfe Washington, D. C. Lorenzo Richards Ogden, Utah GusTAV Flexner Louisville ]. Hudson Huffard Blue field, Va. Maurice M. Chait Peoria, III. Frank J. Ryan Kalamazoo, Mich. Allen C. Knowles Cleveland Published by Showmanship Publi- tations, Minneapolis 2, Minn. Sub- scription rate: S2.50 a year, 25c a copy. Address editorial correspond- ence to 1004 Marquette, Minneapo- lis 2, Minn. Tel.: Ge. 9619. Copyright 1944 by Showmanship Publications, publishers of Radio Showmanship. L SP-'^^"' ^W^ Editorial 221 Give Thanks for Daily Bread 222 Almont J. Walsh That old-fashioned courtesy begins at home is the attitude of the man- ager of the Colonial Biscuit Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Candy Fights, Too! 224 E. G. Scheck Association of Mantifacturers of Confectionery and Chocolate uses radio to sell the idea of candy as a diet essential for quick energy, writes the account executive, Scheck Adver- tising Agency, Newark, N. J. Sold on Radio for Selling 226 Ben A. Jumper Service dominates Brown-Dunkin Department Store's radio plan, writes the sales promotion manager, Tulsa, Okla. Merchandise Parade 228 An RS Analysis Showmanship boosts sales for St. Augustine, Fla., merchants in 29- day cooperative radio series. Sylvania Showtime 230 Derby A. Denson Two hiuidred man-hours used to stage morale building radio series for Sylvania Electric Prodticts, Inc. JULY, 1944 219 Future Unlimited 232 Ethel N. Keane \\'hat's ahead for radio and its ad- vertisers is \iewed by the manager of the Raymond Keane Advertising Agency, Den\er, Col. An Agency Looks at FM 234 Preston H. Pumphrey Maxon, Inc., surveys the field, learns what public likes and dislikes in fre- quency modidalion. Tele-Casts 235 Things happening on the tele\ ision front of interest to advertisers. Showmanscoops 236 Unusual photographs of merchan- dising stunts used to promote listen- er interest. Airing the New 238 New radio programs are worth read- ing about. Proof o' the Pudding 243 Results are based on sales, mail, sur- veys and long runs. Showmanship in Action 244 PKjiiiotions and merchandising stunts lilt a j^rogram out of the oidi- nary. Special Promotion 247 Short radio promotions leave an im- pression that lasts the year aroiuid. Showmanviews 248 News and \ icws ol ( iii icni s( i ipt ;iii(l 1 1 ;tns( 1 ihcd iclciiscs hacked with sliowiiianl ij>s. What the Program Did for Me 250 l<;i(li<) advert iscis exchange icsiihs ;in(l jcactions to ladio piogianis for liicii niiiliiiil hcnclil. THE READERS WRITE EXCUSE IT PLEASE To the Editor: I would appreciate it if, in your next issue, you would put in a correction to the effect that my title is Executive Vice President, and not Vice President as it appeared in the article in your June is- sue. EDGAR KOBAK Executive Vice President The Blue Network New York City RS sends its apologies both to the Executive Vice President and to the Vice President. To aiuhor Kobak goes an orchid for his keen analysis of the field of radio programming. (See June, 1944, p. 206.) COVER TO COVER Sir: I am extremely pleased to receive Radio Showmanship Magazine each month. I read it from cover to cover, and catalogue some of the ideas in it for consideration by our store, when, as, and if changing conditions will vvarrant our undertaking radio. JOSEPH W. MARSHALL Advertising Manager The Goldenberg Co. Washington, D. C. ONLY RADIO READING (.ent leiiien: \()\\] liandv lillle hook is about our ()nl\ radio leading souicc. iind we enjoy it \ er\ inu( li. L. H. CUMMINGS Advertising Manager Sears, Roebuck & Co. Retail Store Birin!n^hain, Ala. 220 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP An Editorial WHAT'S AHEAD in the post-war period is something of a pig- in-a-poke, but one thing is certain. Retailers have plenty at stake in the maintenance of full employment. Levels for 1933 won't do. That would leave some 16 million people without work. Even in such relatively good years as 1937 and 1940, there were more than 9 million unemployed. After this war we must employ from seven to nine mil- lion more than the U. S. did in 1940. To avoid catastrophe, there must be markets. Markets are the key to sales and sales are the key to production and employment. Goods have to be sold to be produced. And it's up to the retailer to sell the goods. "Pent up demand" will be only a short lived boom. To achieve the volume distribution necessary to maintain the national economy, retailers will have to develop new methods or scheines to promote expanded consumer buying. What then, can be much more important tomorrow than advertising? Unless advertising builds up a consumer demand for the wonders of the future there will be no need for any manufacturer to make any- thing. There will be a real mass market to sell, and radio, the truly mass medium, offers actual circulation at a far lower cost per thousand than any other medium. Radio advertising has shown the sharpest rise of all media, and has increased in volume without interruption. Because of its incomparable service during the war, radio will emerge an even more potent medium. YES! RADIO will help the retailer carry the torch in the preservation of the American economic system through preserving our gains and maintaining our standards. J U L Y, I 9 44 221 v^rackers, Cookies and Courtesy Colonial Biscuit Company makes Friends with Courtesy Campaign THIS is ihc story o£ a radio campaii^u based on old-fashioned (ourlcsy, ihe brand ot friendly dealing which has built the business of the Colonial Bis cuiT Company of Pittsburgh, a division of the United Biscuit Company of America, into one of the major bakery organizations in the nation. Some folks have expressed the opinion that "courtesy" is just a lot of "wind." But it might also be pointed out that there's a lot of wind inside a tire, but it makes riding along rough roads a great deal more pleasant! Suth sentiments Mboiit the- xiiiue of courtesy have been held by Mr. A. J. Walsh, manager of the Colonial Bis- cuit Company. In fact, these convic- tions were the basis of an idea Mr. Walsh has had in the back ol liis luad for years with regard to radio adxertis- ing. It was an idea whidi he had ne\er loniid the ()j)porlinn'ty lo ti\ out, bin the idea had l)een glowing in iin|)ojt;nu c through the veins ;is liic business philos- ophy which he li;i(l expounded lo Ins sales force, ll \v;is nol ;i (oni|)Ie\ llieor\. There was nothing hard to understand about it. On the contiai v. it was reniaik- ;ihl\ simple, for it had ;is ils pi inie l;i( lor ihe Ivvo friendliest words in llu fnglish language; "'/'/iii"! One (l;iv. eaiK in M) I I. Mi. \\;ilsh was discussing ;i(l\(iiising pliins wiili Executed by Walker S Downing Advertising Agency, Pittsburgh compau) oihcials. "Ixc got an idea that's been kicking around in my head for a long time, boys, and I'm going to get it off my chest today!" The group sat back to listen as A. J. continued! "We're not going to spend the acher- tising dollar of the Colonial Biscuit Company with the expectation of rais- ing the sales volume of cookies and crackers which we bake. We can't stipply tlie demand as it is. Wartime restrictions make it impossible to expand our pres- ent distribution, so I pro])ose that we try something different, and 1 want your appro\'al of the idea!" WiLvr kind of a scheme did the boss ha\c' up his slee\e? Ihey were soon to learn, for Mr. Walsh continued. "I've been listening to the radio a gicat deal of late, and I'm getting sick and tired of hearing 'C.lulz's (Udoshcs luivc i^onc to way. // you (\ ()!• Manufacii Ri i-is op Confpx:- no.xKR^ AM) (liiocoi.AiK. Although it is oid\ one ol ten partici- pating spoirsors on Dr. I'.ddy's Foot! and I Ionic l-'onini, results ha\e heen |)henomenal in staiting the swing to candx as (]iii(k- energy lood rather than a hixiirv indidgencc, accoiding to Mr, William i.. Kind)eil\, secidarx ol the association. "In selecting l)i. Walter II. I'.ddv to (arr\ the message- of (andx's j)ait in the war clloil," sa\s Mr. Kimherh. "we (('ilainl\ hit I he )a(k-|)ot. \\'a\ hack in the last war Majoi I'.ddy was a stall oIIkci in charge ol luitrition lot the \.K.I\, and succeeded in having candy issued as an ainiy ration in the Iront line trenches, wheic pre\ ioush it had heen consiclcMcd a luxury in- dulgence cc)n(ni((l lo (aniccns l)a(k ol the lines. "I'he \vholc luiuic ol ihc (andx indusir\ rests in this switch ol opinion, (iaiidy advcilising has been laigely a \acuum into I 224 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP • (Left) ... A group of leading food editors enjoy goodies at one of the Food and Home Forum broadcasts. which all sorts of competing claims have poured for years. The very fact that most everyone craves candy has been used to fix it in the public mind as a harmful indulgence. Only a man of the eminence of Dr. Eddy could have stem- med this tide." How did Dr. Eddy do it? It is easy to sell established facts through research. It is harder to sell a new fact to a mass audience and even a sponsor, because without a scientific background it can only be done through imagination, con- fidence, reason and knowledge, and through, an appeal to all five senses. - The American Institute of Food Products of w^iich Dr. Eddy is presi- dent inaugurated this new radio tech- nique at its Tuesday Open House Party and Kook Kuiz held in the WOR Thea- tre at which refreshments are regularly served. Various sponsors serve their products in rotation and bags are dis- tributed as prizes to a packed audience. Each member of the audience sees, hears about, tastes, touches and smells the flavorsome products. When asked on the broadcast if they like it, they cheer, and it's no perfunctory cheer obtained • Latest achievement of Dr. Walter H. Eddy, nutritionist, consultant to leading companies of the food industry and pio- neer in vitamins, is the popularization of candy as essential food. Ella Mason, home economist, is assist- ant to Dr. Eddy on the daily broadcast. by the raising of an applause card. It is a genuine and involuntary reaction. People go home from this Food Forum party as individual boosters in their conmumity. They attract other visitors. riirough the week, every afternoon at ■^:30, Dr. Eddy introduces the program with a talk on food keyed to the news, and then answers questions on nutri- tion. It's a format which builds an e\'er- increasing listening audience. As a tie-in with the radio campaign, pamphlets are circtilated by the millions in all candy boxes of the association. In it Dr. Eddy has described Life Raft Ration, the Five-In-One-Ration, the 'K' Ration, Jungle Ration, Mountain Ra- tion, Bail-Out Ration, and under the title Candy Fights Too, has pointed un- escapably to what candy is achieving for victory as food. Some idea of what these simple leaflets are doing for the Association of Manu- facturers OF Confectionery and Chocolate is evident in the writer's ex- perience with one dealer recently, a small cigar store on Eighth avenue, New York. He had just left the production of the Eddy program and had dropped in for cigarettes. He took up the pamphlet, "Don't take that away," yelled the dealer. "That's my rabbit's foot. Any number of people have read it, and they're beginning to buy candy like food, regularly, just as they buy eggs and bread. Just read there how our soldiers depend on it, and how the army issues it in regular rations." Yes, Dr. Eddy has told simple scien- tific truths about candy, and the knowl- edge of what candy can do in the diet is spreading for the benefit of all. Advertis- ing agency for Candy Association is the Schec:k Advertising Agency, Newark, N.J. JULY, 1944 225 s old on Radio for Selling Sewice Dominates Brown - Dunkin Radio Plan Writes BEN A. JUMPER, Sales Promotion S^anager, Tulsa V Some advertisers need to reach only a small segment ot the available radio audience, but the Brown-Dunkin Com- pany, Tiilsa, Okla., department store, had a dilTerent problem. Ihat was to dominate the airwaves as it dominates the local retail scene. Accordingly, its radio schedule is designed to reach as large a percentage of all listener groups as possible. Women and children rank high in the audience groups that BrovviN-Dunkin wants to reach, but the all-lamily circle is not ignored. To achieve the maximtnn penetration for its message, Brown-Dun- kin selected not one program, but a series of programs, each designed to ap- peal to some one specific audience group. However, the Brown-Dunkin plan for radio does not stop with the selection of the audience. Each program must carry a sales message which will make the use of radio time profitable. While Brown- Dunkin does not ignore the institiuional apj^roadi, it has iound that radio is an clledive sdlcs medium when the right (onnneicial approach is used. I'o that end, it doesn't attempt shotgun tactics. Instead, eadi program serves one par- tic iil.n j)iiij)os('. One program promotes iis iiiiiil ordc) (l(j)artmeiU, aiiollut the hihii(s (l(j);n tment. (>)n(htions deter- mine ill (iu h (ase just whi( h (l(j)artment will he (■iii|)Ii;isi/((l, hiil il is done on a (onsisU 111 hiisis. 1 he Ujlal (lice! ol lliis \;ni((I s( lied ule creates ;i i;i(lio stoic personalil\ llial is as diaiii;iii( iiiid forceful as the sioic ilscll. It is si<'iiilic ;iiil , liowcxd, llial lliis Glenn Hardmau Entertains for KTUL listeners, Tulsa, Okla. personality was not built in a day. Nei- ther was Rome. Brown-Dunkin was a pioneer in the use of radio time for de- partment stores, and it has constantly ada])ted its radio schedule to meet cur- rent needs. I'his contintiance in time has won it new friends and held old cus- tomers through the years. 0 C^oupled with cuiisisttnicy as a pat- tern for radio success is the element of frrquency. The Brown-Dunkin message is heard not once a week, nor even once a day, but rather, two or three times daily, supplemeiUed with fre(|uent spot announcements. Sj)ois. shows and strips, some of each; 1 hat's the comprehensive radio ])olicy of I he Ukown-Dunkin CoM^AN^. Tulsa, Okla.. depai tment store. Sold on radio for selling, Buow n-Dun- Ki\ lor (i\c' vears sj)onsoic'd The (Ihil- (hcn's /loin oxer kTUL. The highly sue ccssliil, stoic -originated show, timed lo gel cusioiiuis into the store early, was scrapped only when late waitime ojjen- iiig lioiiis eliminated the oidy morning liiiic a\ailal)Ic' oxer KTUL. 226 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP Diiclcr the guidance ol Mr. Ben A. jumper, Brown-Dunkin sales pro- niolion manager, the K'lUL radio scliedule has been enlarged to include a five-minute morning strip by Peggy Gray, personal shopper; a Monday through Friday quarter-hour program ol instrumental music by Glenn Hardman; and a weekly hall-hour show with the songs ol Alice O'Gon- nell. This morning, noon and night selling schedule is supplemented by spot announcements pushing king-bee items and special events. While Mr. Jumper believes that people are interested enough in mer- chandise for its own sake to listen consistently to a five-minute shopping program, he adds that the Brown-Dunkin idea of radio includes the fac- tor of service. To better serve the Magic Empire Market of Oklalioma in wartime, Brown-Dunkin continually imprcjves its mail order department. One of its most effective means of serving the residents of this trade area is through the daily five-minute broadcast by Peggy Gray, personal shop- per. On the air every morning at 9:00, Miss Gray covers the store by de- partments and services. Varying her technique of straight selling by per- sonal interviews with store btiyers and personnel. Miss Gray acquaints out-of-town listeners, as well as Tulsa residents, witli special events and outstanding values. # To reach the great homemakinj midday Glenn Hardrnan Enter- tains. Hardman, KTIJL musical director, sells the street floor by easy talking his commercials, while he puts his finger on mel- ody with a cjuarter-liour of music on piano, organ, celeste and solovox. For Brown-Dunkin tea- room customers, Hardman ap- pears personally at the tearoom for an hour each Monday to play piano requests. Three clarinets, vibraphone, piano, organ, celeste and solo- vox weave a varied musical tap- estry, for the lyrics of Alice O'Connell. The weekly half- hour Alice O'Connell Sings show is beamed to the Monday night family audience. Selling is done by Peggy Gray and a male announcer. Gentered on the Fab- ric Department, commercials ap- peal to both homemakers and to lousiness girls who have their clothes made by dressmakers. Consistent, hard-hitting sales messages, service features and sparkling entertainment over a period of years add up to a definite radio personality for Brown-Dunkin, a personality that sells! audience of the Magic Empire at BROWN-DUNKIN dominates Tulsa scene. 10 III 10 \ ««' '! Ill Ill i6« *l\ III ill III III III (II -1 ri III id III 1 Mb ill V' 'I HI III 111! ill II 111 lilt 11111111111 JULY, 1944 227 IVlerchandise Parade! • (Below) . . . WFOY hostess personnel get set for a cruise through the city. • WFOY general manager, J. Allen Brown, awards Easter Egg Hunt prizes. To his credit is the radio ver- sion of this time-honored event. I\ prc-radio days, it was standard prac- ti(c among merchants coopcrativclv minded to make a sliow ol (olors on spe (iai occasions such as lliaiiksgiv ing oi I Ik i'oiiiiii ol |ul\ ihrough the use ol lull page nevvsjjaper advertisemenis. While ihe device was considered inslitu tional achcilising, lew people ever oh served (lie indi\iclual slore ciedit lines. lo actually comhine in a (()o|)e)ali\( venture in a way (o create good will loi each mcinhci sioic was unheard ol. That remained lor tadio. With ra- dio, there is no agate l\j)e. and the credit line loi the J" Showmanship Boosts Sales for St. Augustine, Fla. Merchants in 29-Day Cooperative Series small ad\eitisei gels the same emphasis as that ol a larger retailer. Foi the space ol time that the indi\idual store gets participation cfedit. it has c()mj)lete donnnation ol the airwaxes. While" c oojx'i al i\ (■ xenluics ol this kind have serxcd man\ puij)oses, the e\j)eiiencc' ol 2\ met chants in St. \u- gusline. Ma., illustrates that srllifio^ can he an integral |)arl ol such an inider- I a king. Here was a sj)ecial eMiil which made the cut iic c om- munilN WI<()\ con- scious, because ol I h e e I e m e n t s o 1 showmanshij) incor- j)()rated into the V 228 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP (Left) . . . One-sheet poster boards ere stationed at points adjacent to Dav- iport Park for the WFOY Easter arade and Egg Hunt. Giving them the ice-over are (left to right) program irector Frankie Collyer Walker; traffic anager Bernice Nachtmann, and gen- ■al manager J. Allen Brown. Billboards so blossomed with Easter Egg Hunt romotion. 9 (Right) . . . Big-time stuff for the nippers is this WFOY Easter Egg Hunt sponsored by 21 St. Augustine, Fla., merchants. Broad- cast was the climax to a 29-day promotion. > A 29-day pre-Easter promotion, ihe series combined strong human interest with hard-selling merchandise informa- tion at a lime when men, women and children were interested in casting off winter clothing for spring finery. Begiui four weeks in advance of Easter, with a daily one-hour and twenty-minute East- er Parade, the platter show featured news of the Easter season on styles, mer- chandise, and services. Announcers Har- ry Talbert and Floyd Mihill handled the week-day presentations, while the Simday versions were conducted by Donn Colee and WFOY general man- ager J. Allen Brown. A giant blaster Egg Hunt climaxed the series. Hundreds of St. Augustine young- sters were awarded prizes, and the en- lire event was broadcast over WFOY. Various elements combined to make this series the talk of the town. Not the least of them was its widespread audi- ence appeal. With the daily broadcasts of music and merchandise news, the sponsors reached the feminine audience that represented the merchandise buyer in the Easter Parade of fashion. Showmanship in the use of merchan- dise prizes for the winners in the Easter Egg Hunt also played an important part in making the entire community con- scious of this VV^FOY promotion. These prizes gave the small-fry a very real in- centive for locating the ()() dozen Easter eggs furnished and decorated by Lerov's, one of the 21 sponsors of the series. While the Easter Egg Hunt was open to youngsters under twelve years of age, various contests and stunts were staged for other juvenile age groups. SPONSOR GIFT McCarter's Quality Dairy $5 in Cash Touchton's Rexall Drug Store Stuffed Easter Bunny Pilgrim's Shoe Store Pair of Shoes Hughes, the Florist Colonial Corsage Leroy's Easter Basket of Candy Nordan's Pastry Shop Easter Decorated Cake Amavon Dress Shoppe Silver Indian Bracelet; String of Sea Pearls J. Dexter Phinney Solid Gold Birthstone Jewelers Ring Day Clothing Co. Shoulder Strap Hand- bag Alligator Leather Bill- Pape's Gift Shop fold Carmen's Market $5 Defense Stamps (Boy); $5 Defense Stamps (Girl) Service Drug Co. Two Big Sets of Games S. A. Snyder's Grocery Basket of Mixed Fruit St. Augustine Soft Water Laundry & Dry Cleaners Red and White Sailboat Superior Dairies Half Gallon Ice Cream (Cups to All Winners) Altoonjian's Plaid Handbag; Charm Bracelet Denmark Furniture Co. Junior Commando Gun Usdin's Department Store Boy's Swimming Trunks Bilger's Fashion Shoppe Easter Bonnet Capo's Children Shoppe Boy's Polo Shirt The Lew Shoppe Raffia Drawstring Hand- bag Set up in Davenport Park was the WFOY four-speaker sound system, and all activities were broadcast from 2:00 until .^:00 P. M. Easter Sunday. It adds up to the fact that what is good showmanship is good radio, and good radio is the sponsor-tested success iormida, whether it is done individually or on a cooperative basis. JULY, 1944 229 Syl vania Showtime 200 M:in-Hours Used to Stage Radio Series to Build f^orale AL.MOST a year ago, plant managers i. of lour of the Massachusetts plants of S\ i.\ AM A Electric Products Inc. de- cided to hold a radio show for employ- ees. These men appreciated the terrific strain the employees of the four plants, situated in Salem, Danvers and Ipswi(h had been undergoing for well over a year. The) beheved a radio progiam al- lowing employee participation might help in the broad program they wetf develo]>ing iov employee relaxation. It was decided a weekly (juiz j^rogiam would permit not onh stead\ emj)I()\{'c pai lie ij)al ion. but also would proxidc the cxtia si iiuulal iiig xaluc ol intcr- jjlaut ( onijxi iiion. l'.a( li week, Uams ol lour Irom the loiu plains in the arcii (ompeled against eat h otlur, and i(( ords were kej)t of the standings to keep the spiiit of (ompetition ali\c. OiiginalK ilic show was staged in the W'K.SX studio theatre. \\hi(h allowed .ui audieute ol l.")() jxisons to \\iii)ess ea( h b'()ad(;isl. Sin(e oub ( niploxees weic ;d lowed to attend, this represented finther employee participation. Approximately SI 00 per program was distribiued in prizes each week. This weekly half-hoiu' show did (juite a bit to create interest among emj)loyees, and in addition, it stinuilated a desire among them to ha\e an e\c'n bigger and better radio piogiam lot the ^^■olkels in Sylvania plants. riRSi. S^iA'A.NiA was interested in exiMi more employee participation and at- tencknut'. Manx (onlerences with plain managers, their personnel directors, and W l.SX management brought aboiu the (OIK (pi ion of a brand new \ariety show, Sxli'dnni S h ()\r 1 1 ni (' . This program brought in the music of Dick llingston ;Mid his 1 l-piecc band, and an arranger with a dillerent apjjroach. (ihailie Beech, lioin Moutical. Now, e\c'i\ number used is a s])e(ial anaiigeuieiit. Broadcasts are presented before an iiudieiuc ol 500 in the main ballrooiu ol the IIawihokm-: I Ion I h] Saleui. Ihere is abvavs a 230 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP Ovi^* by DERBY A. DENSON, Syhania Electric Products, Inc. heavy demand lor tickets, which are dis- tribtited evenly to the now five plants ot the company, as a new plant in \Vake- Held has just recently been added. 1\ addition to Dick Kingston and his 14-piece band, there is an announcer, an emcee, a male vocalist, and a female singer, blonde Irene Donahue. In a re- cent broadcast, the featured musical ar- rangement was Tlie Story of Pistol Pack- in' Mama, the arranger having rewritten Poet and Peasant Overture, along with some popular numbers. This new type of mtisical rendition lasted 3:40 min- utes, and w-as symbolic of real old-time "corn." Atuomobile horns, gtui shots, and glass crashes w^re part of the ac- companying sound effects. W^hether it's a springtime show, the Gay 90's, feattu- ing a quartet and real died-in-the-wool Gay 90's ntnnbers, the selections are re- written in modern tempo. The show is broken near the middle for a 3i/2-mintUe quiz, in which ten con- testants are selected from the audience to participate in a mtisical story type (jui/. Dorothy Rich, known as the Quiz Mistress, offers each contestant an op- poitiniity to guess the answer suggested In' tunes plaved on the Hammond or- gan. In addition to the general otitline of the weekly continuity, from time to time, as the occasion presents itself, guest stars from the Svlvaxia family are used on the program. Approximately 200 man-power hours are consumed in the production of the show. This program is not intended to carry any commercial appeal, but it merely calls the public's attention to the grand job being done by nearly 6,000 Sylvania employees. James R. Duffy, Sylvania employee relations manager, is in charge of tfie program. Sylvania Showtime tells that story in a way which gives the listening audience top-notch entertainment. More than that, it helps develop and foster the spirit of community pride in Sylvania Electric Products, Inc., a factor of tre- mendous importance in the btisiness re- lations of any plant. And for every Sylvama worker who either attends a broadcast, or listens to it over his own radio, the program fur- ther strengthens his personal relation- ship with the company. Such a show has immediate morale building \alue, btu it also establishes a relationship which will be of value in the period of post-war ad- justments. JULY, 1944 231 What's Ahead for Radio and Its Adoertisers? If $ — Future Unlimited ! by ETHEL N. KEANE, Raymond Keane Aduertising Agency, Denuer, Colorado Wi'AA., I'm just one little American, and because I am just that, I can dream, and I can speak up, and get in my "two-cenls" woilli! And so I say let's change that Cjueslion and ask: "What's Aliciid jov Our (loimtyy, joy y<)](y Business and Mine, and joy La- boy r' Because ladio and ils a(l\ ci tisers will not only be righi wiih us in answeiing thai (juestion, they'll hv a\va\ ahead ol lis! IIkn'II lead llic rosl-Wdy Payadc! And 1 ha\{' reason loi saxing this! R(iii(nil)( 1, back in ihc dark da\s ol (ail\ I'JIL'? 1 hal's when IlillcT banked on om (lis iniilx and om low j)roduc- lion ol llic :')()'s lo win I he wai. \\'ell, he was wiong. bnl he was \v\\ nearh light. And ihal laiighl lis a lesson! W'c Woiil b.- (aiighl wilh oiii Inn like ihai again m any emergency, peace to war, or war to peace. And here's how I know- By 1943, radio and its achertisers were doing a bang-up job loi the war effort. That's when we were listening to radio shows designed, by the advertisers, to pm a little patriotism into our souls; to appeal to us lo bu\ \\ ar Bonds; to inge C3ur 17-year-()lds to become Avia- tion C^adets; to ask our women to join the \\'A(-; to be blood donois; in hut, lo make each ol lis (onscions ol his oi her own impoit;ini part in the way el- h)t t. We leained through these bro;Kk;ists, the inside sior\ ol American reseat ch and indiistiN and government, gearing itsell to total war. We listened, and learned, and buckled down and woi ked, and siiddeiiK it was possible lor ns. as a nation, lo sa\. " I n( ondilional Sii))('n- do!" \i(ioi\ suddenly became a bright j)()ssibilit\ in our minds. But out laclio achcrtiseis didn't stop there. Thev con- tinued to pound the importaiuc ol our !4oal: the\ told us how lo dig om \'ic- 232 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP lory gardens, they told us how to i>et rid I of pests in those gardens, they told us ' how to can the vegetables and fruit, and how to save ration points! In other words, radio and its advertisers were way ahead of us. They educated us. We listened, and w'e earned our M.A.'s in war effort. But they kept right on re- minding us of how^ much our country needed, and so we continued to sweat and work hard, and to help our neigh- bors. Can there be any doubt that radio and its advertisers were ahead of us then? That they were leading us on to greater unity? Hemember, about that time, meek little paragraphs began to appear in various national magazines, now and then in radio new^scasts, or in daily newspapers, telling of a new invention someone had dared to dream about, an invention de- signed to bring comfort and delight after this ghastly and all-engrossing war was o\er! Just aboiu then it dawned on us, per- sonally, that the American people in the midst of a great w^ar were thinking of the future! And so, w^e got to thinking that it was pretty depressing to keep our noses to the grindstone of war— war- war! And now^ that our nation was gear- ed to war and we were giving our best, physically and mentally, still there must be room for dreams and dreamers! So we dreamed that nozv, sometime betw^een worrying and working, between w^ar ef- fort and nervous tension and taxes, per- haps we could dream of the future, too! Whereupon, I sat myself down at the trusty dictaphone and dictated letters to our greatest manufacturers, to our great- est research laboratories and said some- thing like this: "Sure! We know^ you're working 24 hours a day in the war effort and we know you must have plenty of problems, but you must be dreaming, too. You must be thinking up something for the post-war era!" We WTut on to say we were writing a radio script show Future Unlimited!; that we wanted to help the people escape from the mo- notony of their war-time jobs; help them to dream of the miraculous new gadgets that they might expect after the war is won. And we said, "Could you release auNthing we could use in our radio scripts?" A hundred and ten letters went out in the first mailing and the all-out response flashed back to us, "Yeah! W^e're workin' pretty hard, only 24 hours a day, but one of our chemists did have a little idea for a gadget and it's " Or, "Here's the dope on a little thing w^e had almost ready when the war came. We've laid it aside, but we're going to manufacture it as soon as the peace sirens blow^!" And believe it or not, from those first 110 letters, w'e got enough factual infor- mation to write 78 Future Unlimited! scripts, with 8 to 10 items in each script! And so w^e sent out another 150 letters to other great American organizations and back came another deluge of replies full of plans for our post-war world! These contained enough items to carry us through another 78 scripts. We had over 1,000 ideas for happiness! Yes! Already industry and science have cleared the first hurdle by dreaming and inventing miracles of tomorrow. And already they're preparing the people for what's to come! The second step, which is already in progress, is planning for the presenta- tion of these wonders of the future, to the eager consumer! And already a great juggernaut, which, for w'ant of a better name I shall call, "PWP" (Post-War Planning) is stretching his muscles. W^e're getting ready to bridge the gap between war's-end and peace-beginning in one single, powerful stride! Right now, buying and selling lie fal- low% but when w^e take that single, pow- erful stride, the rich soil of American buying will have been tilled by radio and its advertisers! And without falter- ing, they will bring the message of these promised miracles of science and indus- try to the people of America. Adver- tisers, through radio, will create the de- sire to share in these wonders and goods wall pour-out for peace, at close to the rate at which goods are now^ being poured-out for war! JULY, 1944 233 Survey Reveals What Public Does and Doesn't like in FM An ^ge"'^Y Looks A^ by PRESTON H. PUMPHREY, of Maxon, fnc, New York City THE things we of Maxon, Inc. discov- ered about FM in a special study we made a few months ago are the kind of things that only an advertising agency would be likely to investigate. The big qtiestion we asked ourselves was: "What clo the five or six hundred thousand owners of FM sets think of FM?" The first thing we asked them was: "What prompted you to buy your FM set?" 37.8% said, "Superior Tonal Qual- ity." This was the dominant answer in each of the four cities. On a national basis, static suppression came second with 19%. National figures can be misleading. In New York, 32.6% gave static suppres- sion as a reason for buying FM; in Phil- adelphia it was 9%; in Milwaukee 7.1%; and in Detroit 5.6%. In Philadelphia, "Superior Program- ming" on FM Stations turned up as an important reason for the purchase of FM, with 36.2%, and in Milwaukee this was given as the reason by 16.3%. There was another odd and interest- ing reaction to this question. We were surj)rised to get answers which added up to: "I bought FM because I wanted the newest in radio." In New York, this re- sponse was given by 4.6% of the owners, and in Phihid(;lphia by 7.5%,. However, the Mid-west pidure is (jiiite dilferent; Milwaukee L^(i.l";,, Dclioit 31.7%. liii iicxi (|ii(sii()ii \vc asked was: "Has FM Lived iij) lo ^()l^ Fx])e(l:H ions?" Only 23% said ihai l\\ liadiTi mci ilicii expectations. We asked liuse disap])()iiu ed sel owners, "If nol, why not?" In New Yo» k and PhiladcJpina. ihc icasons loi disappointment were about 54% with FM reproduction and 46% with FM programs; in Milwaukee and Detroit, the situation was reversed with 51.7^'o dissatisfied with program, and the small- er percentage dissatisfied with the (|ual- ity of FM reproduction. The second question comparing FM with AM was: "If Jack Benny, Charh'e McCarthy or your favorite star should be on FM as well as AM, which band woidd you ttme in?" Of those answerin^^ the question 79.5^^ said FM; 8% AM; and 4% said either one. You may wonder about those 8% who said that they prefer AM for their favor- ite program. We did. They total 75 peo- ple oiu of the 936 homes interviewed. Sixteen of them said that the spoken word is clearer on AM. Stich an answer provides a warning for FM operators, a warning that announcers and other speakers should not crowd the mike and accentuate the sibilance of their speech. The amount of listening on the FM receiver varies greatly in different cities, and it varies roughly in pro{)ortion to the number of FM stations in the city. We also asked the listeners what pro- grams now received on FM they liked best. Their vote was overwhelmingly for nuisi(al programs; the answer probably being due to the fact that the programs on KM are overwhelmingly nuisical. Mu(h of the dissat islaction Avas also ex- pressed in (onnection with these same progianis; dissatisfaction due to imper- !(•( I and worn records whose defects were more easily recognizable on FM trans- nn'ssion than they might have been on a slandatd broadcasting station. 234 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP 0. TELE-CASTS Things are happening on the television front of interest to advertisers and to agencies. Women's Wear GOLD MARK SEARCH FOR BEAUTY "In this series of experimental televi- sion commercial programs for Gold Mark, hosiery manufacturer, ten girls were presented in a leg beauty contest. A board of jtidges consisted of a sculptor, artist and beauty expert. "Elements of a quiz program were combined to make each program infor- mal and gay. The winner of each week's contest was carried over to the following week, and the final elimination narrow- ed down to the grand winner of the series. Considerable direct results were })roduced from these programs. "Fashion Discox'eries of Television was another series of experimental com- mercial fashion shows presented in this case for Bloomingdale's and Abraham 8c Straus, New York department stores. Each program in this series was present- ed as a miniature musical comedy, and the merchandise was described while the action of the stories continued." NORMAN D. WATERS Norman D. Waters & Associates New York City AIR FAX: Scripter and director of both series: adtnan Waters. Station: WNBT, New York City. COMMENT: Fundamentals of good pro- (>[} (UH mi n iy and sh ow in (Ui sli i p don't rliange, even tliough lc( hnifjnes do. Women's Wear ABBOTT KIMBALL GIRL OF THE MONTH "While our interest in television is great, our experience is rather scant as we have only jjroduced and broadcast a few programs, all devoted to fashion. "The format is the complete outfit- ting of a model with clothes and prod- ucts from the clients of this agency. There is a running descriptive comment with flashbacks to the model from the commentator. Fifteen minutes in dura- tion, the program is called Tlie Abbott Kimball Girl of the Month. "Originally, we were somewhat dis- appointed in the faihne of television to distinguish color designs, but experience has taught us that the product shown, insofar as color is concerned, shoidd be prepared especially for television. "We have found great interest in our clients in this new meditmi, and we are definitely of the opinion that television will be the means of an entirely new group of advertisers in radio which heretofore have been forced, because of visual requirements, to confine them- selves to magazines and newspapers." CECIL H. HACKETT Vice President Abbott Kimball Co., Inc., Adv. New York City AIR FAX: First Broadcast: February, 1944. Broadcast Schedule: Quarter-hour. Agency: Abbott Kimball Co., Inc., Adv. COMMENT: While much that pertains to commercial television still remains an iniknown quantity, test program- ming will help pave the way for adver- tising recognition. JULY, 1944 235 SHOWMANSCOOPS RADIO SHOWMANSHIP welcomes unusual photo- graphs of merchandising stunts used by businessmen to promote listener interest in their radio programs. • (Right) ... As Bob Fitzmaurice, mcmb:?r of KOA's Guest Relation Staff, empties another U. S. mail bag containing still more entries in th? KOA Home Forum Sewing Con- test, Lora Price (center), Home Forum director, her assistant, Betty Price (left), and Anne Walden (right), secretary to KOA's Gener- al Manager, admire some of the handiwork. (For story, see Proof O' the Pudding, p. 243.) WIIVDDW UHESSlIVli HELPI • (Left) . . . With a onci a-week amateur show the HYWAY THEATRI ALASKA FURS bring talent and customers oi of cold storage. Series heard over WPAT, Patcf son, N. J. (For story, se Showmanship in Action, / 245.) DIO SHOWMANSHIP so KEEP Y0ti 2^(D3lk:i^^ Gabby, the Gremlin.says< FOR fm, TIME AND TEMPERATURE ^^heCluh ^ ^^^F Ift ^^H ioqn nil 1290 ON YOUR DUL 'DNSOfiS: SAMPIE FURS MEBCHAHTS INVESTMENT CO. 08. SHiPHERD OOUGLAS COUNTY BANK ROTHEHY CIEANWS ZAIES 3 CLEANff SIGNS OF THE TIMES • (Below) . . . Street car cards are one of the methods used to sell KOIL shows to the Omaha, Neb., public. Each card plugs some particular show, also features names of KOIL spon- sors. Plus advertising makes that cus- tomer switching harder, also makes a big hit with advertisers. • (Above) ... In an intensive local campaign to publicize the NBC fea- ture for feminine listeners. Now is the Time, KDYL, Salt Lake City, U., went all-out with promotion. Above is an AUERBACH DEPARTMENT STORE window display tie-up with the program series. JULY, 1944 237 AIRING THE NEW New radio programs worth reading about. No result figures as yet. Amusements BASEBALL RETURNS While women are an accuslonied sigliL in the ball parks, shout "Kill the Umpire/' with as nuich enthusiasm as their better hahes, base- ball, for all that, is primarily a man's world. To get the billiaid and pool en- thusiast into what is likewise a mascu- line haunt, the Duncan Recreation Co., Vincennes, Ind., airs the daily re- sults ot major league baseball games over VVAOV. Series is a daily-excepl-Sunday ten-minute feature. AIR FAX: First Broadcast: May 1, 1943. Broadcast Schedule: Monday through Saturday, 5:45-5:50 P.M. Preceded By: Uncle Sam. Followed By: Sports Review. Sponsor: Duncan Recreation Co. Station: WAOV, Vincennes, Ind. Power: 250 watts. Population: 18,228. COMMENT: Sjjoris enthusiasts do the sporting thing by advert iseis who biing tluni latest news and returns, and sudi piogiams have been title-holdei s loi ai- iiiosl all j)r()(lu(ls with iii;is( uliiic ;i|)p(;il. Aviiitiuii SHOPPING CIRCLE With the iiKmi)()U- er shortage a grim icality. it's truth, not poetry, that the IkmkI that ro( ks the (ladle rules the uoild. Uul the little woman who used to siii up (akcs or sew a straight scam with hci lice hand now spends her linic on the asscmhK line I ui in'ng onl l he tools ol wai . 238 To enlist more such workers was the purpose of the Cl rtiss-Wright Propel- LOR Division when it turned to KDKA, Pittsburgh, Pa. Not one to do things bv halves is Curtiss-AVright executive John O'Connell. While the Division was new to radio, 65 per cent of the advertising budget was diverted to this campaign to enlist feminine workers. A qtiarter-hour variety show every Sattirday; a thrice- vveekly. ten-miiuue news analysis; dailv participations in the Shoppiiu^ Cirde, and six times a week participations in the Farm Hour round out the Ccrtiss- W'right schedtde. Conmiercials hammer home one point, namely, the need for women workers. air FAX: Sponsor: Pa. First Broadcast: April 3, 1944. Curtiss-Wright Propeltor Division, Beaver, Station: KDKA, Pittsburgh. Pa. Power: 50,000 watts. Population: 1.072.545. Agency: Burlce Dowling Adams, Inc., Montclair, N. J. COMMENT: Admiiably suited to the purposes of an advertiser who needs to reach the greatest possible percentage of the total listening audience is a schedule which includes \ariety in time and pro- gram material. Clearly recognized here is the fact that women, whether living in rural or urban (ommunities, ha\e a \a- riety of interests, and the piogram which may reach one group would not of neces- sit\ attract another group. Bakeries MUSICAL SCOREBOARD Sports fans want the latest scores as soon aftei" the last (heer has faded as possible, and ad- Ncrtisers ha\e found that gi\ing them these scores \ ia radio is one way to keep the conunercial looting section on its toes. Hut h)i the not-so-interested-in- sj)oi ts listener, sue h broadcasts are slrict- l\ out ol-bounds. I low to knock a home- lun lor the one, and keep the others in the stands is the problem that the C^on- soi n)\ii I) Bisciii C^o. sohed with Musi- ad Siorchord heard <)\er WIND, Chi- cago. III. A ir)niinntc broadcast immcclialch RADIO SHOWMANSHIP I following the play-by-play broackasls ol the Chicago White Sox, an exclusive WIND leature, Musical Scoreboard iea- tures a combination of hot, siz/.ling nuisic and the scores of other games played in the National and American Leagues. Chatter on the light side is also pitched to listeners by the able-tongued emcee. AIR FAX: Firsl Broadcast: April 18, 1944. Sponsor: Consolidated Biscuit Co. Station: WIND, Gary-Chicago, III. Power: 5,000 watts. Population: 3,440,420. COMMENT: In broadcast advertising, anything that serves to broaden the lis- tenership base is good radio. Such de- vices need not be expensive nor elabo- rate as this program here illustrates. Bakeries MUSICAL CLIMAX As a tie-in with Bos- ton Stral'se pies and cakes, nationally advertised as "a climax to a perfect meal," Monroe Boston Strause offers listeners in Baltimore, Md., a combina- tion of music designed to please every taste. While the quarter-hour represents Monroe Boston Strause's first radio ad-venture, evidence from director of radio, Norman Gladney, of the Leon S. Golnick & Associates Advertising Agency, indicates that Boston Strause finds the sample palatable. "Monroe Boston Strause looks forward to an ex- pansion of its radio activities in the year to come," is adman Gladney's comment. While the consumer cannot buy a Boston Strause pie, commercials are slanted at both the consumer and the re- tailer. Listeners are reminded to ask the waiter in their favorite restaurants for "the climax to a perfect meal." Copy is brief and to the point, uses such phrases as "Boston Strause pies and cakes, de- licious as they are nutritious," as the sales wedge. While the series hues in the main to the institutional line, it is suf- ficiently flexible to allow for seasonal promotion of specific products. Exam- ple: "For your enjoyment . . . this pro- gram and the product xue feature. And for your enjoyment, as a climax to any meal, ask your waiter to bring you a slice of Boston Strause Egg Milk Custard Pie, made luith fresh eggs and milk . . . // tastes just like the old-fashioned cus- tard Mother used to make." AIR FAX: Series is promoted in weekly publications and in daily newspapers. Firsl Broadcast: March, 1944. Broadcast Schedule: Sunday through Wednesday, 11:15-11:30 P.M. Sponsor: Monroe Boston Strause. Station: WCBM, Baltimore, Md. Power: 250 watts. Population: 859,100. Agency: Leon S. Golnick 8C Associates. COMMENT: A vast reservoir of infre- quently heard music of the masters, past and present, popular operettas and light classics is there for the tapping in a series of this kind. While such programs have been used mainly for their institu- tional value, their sales possibilities are onlv now being realized. Dairies BETTY AND BOB For the Tip Top Creamery, Vincennes, Ind., Betty and Bob is tiptop radio entertainment that goes straight to the heart of the WAOV feminine audience. But what Tip Top took for a 52-w^eek radio campaign was no pig-in-a-poke. For eight years previ- ous to the production of the transcribed series, the story of ordinary people who lived extraordinary lives had been a top CtENeral Mills attraction as a network feature, was the most consistently suc- cessful program General Mills had ever used. A steady time buyer for the past three years is Tip Top Creamery, and in its program selection I'lP Top has always given the nod to serial drama. Conservative to the nth degree in re- gard to commercials is Tip Top. Com- mercials stress that fact that dairy prod- ucts are among the seven basic foods as outlined by F^ederal food ex^^erts. W^ar- time refrain: "If you couldn't get your favorite product today, please ask again tomorrow." AIR FAX: Experiences of a young married couple and their newspaper crusade against crime and cor- JULY, 1944 239 ruption are what bring the housewife to the radio five times weekly. Available: 390 episodes. First Broadcast: August 23, 1943. Broadcast Schedule: Monday through Friday, 12:30- 12:45 P.M. Preceded By: News. Followed By: Lum 'n' Abner. Sponsor: Tip Top Creamery. Station: WAOV, Vincennes, Ind. Power: 250 watts. Population: 18,228. Producer: NBC Radio Recording. COMMENT: While the soap opera may not measure up culturally to Shake- speare, audience response has proved its pulling power to countless advertisers. Here is one based on a definite sutcess- fOrmula with a host ot available mer- chandising promotions to complete the radio picture. Druq Productsi UNCLE EZRA'S MORNING EDITION OF THE NEWS News is a lot oi things, but with i/fule Ezra it's absolutely unicpie. Uncle Ezra, the farmer's friend, holds to the folksey side. When things get on the stiff side newscaster Jim Monroe knows that he's in for a razzing from the philo- sophical hay-loot-straw-foot ch a r a c t e r whom KCMO listeners hear daily from 5:00 until 7:00 A.M. A two-hour show of music, late news flashes, lime and temperature reports with a smattering of poetry and a man- sized measiux' of earthy wit, Uncle Ezra's Morning Edition of the Neivs is a par- ticipating featine with sponsorship lim- ited to non-competitive accounts. Uncle Ezra himself handles all (om- mercials in dialed, is not above inter- polating and inlerpi cling in charadei'. Musi( of I he cowboy ballad type is parl- and-parcel ol ilic week-day feature. To boost listeneishij> on the new lealinc, three iranscriplions cut i)y Unde Ezra in\ilc lislciu is to shaic the fun. \\\l I AX: Fint Broadcast: March 20, 1944. Broadcast Schedule: Monday through Saturday, 5:00- 7:00 A.M. Sponsor: Peruna Tonic; Kranks Shavekrceni; I e:i\ C'rei I.yptos Couj^h Remedy; Sul-Fiay, others. Station: KCMt), Kansas City, Mo. Power: 5,000 watt* (d). Population: 602.046. COMMENT: \\;iiliiii'/ ( oiidil ions liaxc (icalcd a iKiiKiidoiis siiili in woikii)!* habits, and ad\ertisers find marked in- creases in listenership for early morning and late evening featiues. This bonus audience is one well worth cultivating. Groceries GOOD MORNING, HOMEMAKERS Its (wood Morjiing, Homemakersl when Mary Lee laylor is heard on KIRO, Seattle, Wash., for Pet Milk Co. For the housewife ^vho is yearning for some- thing different, the lady in the apron who is struggling o\er ration points, or the little woman hard pressed for time, there are tips galore in the Saiurdax morning C-BS half-hour feature. Homemaker laylor does more than present her listeners with nutritionally sound meals. She plans them with an eye toward the practical from the stand- j)oint of money, preparation time and ration points, lested recipes which stietch points, cost little, conserve fuel and time are the piece de resistance. Side dish: ad\ ice on buying food, lips on care of fresh food and left-oxers. Sea- soning which adds listener spice to the fool-pioof reeipes: a warm personal it \, a sympathetic, friendly attitude. AIR FAX: First Broadcast: November 27, 1943. Broadcast Schedule: Saturday, 11:00-11:30 A.M. Preceded By: OPA Question Box. Followed By: Country Journal. Sponsor: Pet Milk Co. Station: KIRO, Seattle, Wash., others. Power: 50,000 watti. Population: 4'>2,637. COMMENT: Re( ipes I and homemaking lips i| alone clon'l account lor liu- ama/ing audi- ence' l()\ all\ to the es- lablisiied women's piogram. What is m:);(' impoitant is a 240 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP radio personality whose voice, manner and personality establish her as a triend- in-need with her listening audience. Hardware Dealers HUBBY'S HOBBY While gag- writers make copy about lonely golf widows, the awful truth is that to the little lady, a man about the house with time on his hands, nothing to do, is something of a pain in the neck. If the truth were known, the lady of the house with cooking, bak'ing and mending to do, thinks of Hubby's Hobby as a bless- ing in disguise. In Los Angeles, Cal., housewives who can't work with a ni:!i: underfoot owe a vote of thanks to die Entz & RucKER Hardware Co. tor its weekly quarter-hour feature aired over KHJ. Facts for Hubby's Hobby come straight from one who knows whereof he speaks, Entz & Rucker co-owner, Charles Rucker. Stooge to hobby atuhority Rticker is KHJ's Johnny Courcier. His role: the hubby who attempts the always-find-the- easy-way-oiu approach only to bungle every effort. Happy ending to the quar- ter-hour of fun and facts: Courcier ac- cepts Rucker's advice to find enjoyment in hobbies. Each week a different hobby gets the spotlight. Discussions range from fishing, gardening, painting and hunting to wood and metal work, other topics of that ilk. Straight connuercials that are an in- tegral part of the program is the Entz & Rucker method of getting its sales mes- sage across to the ptiblic. To back iq) this campaign scheduled for a 26-week run, Eniz 8c Rucker purchased 50 spot announcements to promote the program. AIR FAX: First Broadcast: April 1, 1944. Broadcast Schedule: Saturday, 7:30-7:45 P.M. Sponsor: Entz & Rucker Hardware Co. Station: KHJ, Los Angeles, Cal. Power: 5,000 watts. Population: 1,497,074. Agency: Henry W. Welch Adv. Agency. COMMENT: Program here follows the ])attern established by most hardware dealers who have used radio successfully. The campaign stresses a specific depart- ment, and through the dealer's own j)articipation in the scries, the firm es- tablishes an effective identification be- tween itself and its radio offering. Home Furnishings BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTS With the Stork Express op- erating at maximum capac- ity these days, friends and relatives have a hard time keeping up with its stops at way stations. Btit in James- town, N. v., the Haglund Furniture Co. keeps WJTN listeners posted with a schedule of two- minute programs heard thrice weekly. Sound of a baby crying introduces the series. Brief opening and closing credit lines, and one 50-word center commercial carry the Haglund commer- cial message. Radio, direct mail and window displays sell the program to the public, build an ever-increasing audi- ence for the series. To each parent whose child's birth is announced on the program goes a card of congratulation from the Haglund Furniture Co. Both on the broadcasts and on the cards, Haglund extends a hearty welcome to each new citizen. AIR FAX: First Broadcast: January 1, 1944. Broadcast Schedule: M-W-F, 12:20-12:22 P.M. Sponsor: Haglund Furniture Co. Station: WJTN, Jamestown, N. Y. Power: 250 watts. Population: 51,336. COMMENT: Vital statistics are proper- ly so named. While programs of this kind may have more widespread inter- est in medium sized communities where people tend to know each other more intimately, the high newspaper reader- ship of such columns in the metropoli- tan press indicate that material of this kind is generally interesting. All to the good are merchandising tie-ins which provide the advertiser with additional contacts with customers. JU LY, 1 944 241 Manufacturers G.E. PLASTICS Production is more than a matter ot raw materials and physical equipment with which to convert steel into the tools of war. To produce on a scale large enough to wage total war, the men and women who operate the ma- chines must be driven by an urge to keep the supply lines moving right up to the moment of Victory. In Pittsfield, Mass., some workers in the G.E. Plastics Division tended to share the feeling of confidence that had swept the nation. Those motivated to work in the plant for patriotic reasons were inclined to feel that the war was indeed won, and that further efforts on their part were not needed. The house- wife who had been taking a four-hour shift at the G.E, in addition to her home duties felt justified in laying-off because of fatigue. The real picture was something else again. Help was vitally needed for the production of vital war materials. Ques- tion which G.E. Plastics Division posed to AVBRK: "What can you do to point out to public the fact that the battle is not won, and that it can still be lost if war production is not maintained at a high level?" AV^hat AVBRK achieved was a blend of human interest, drama, and hometown pride. G.E. workers themselves tell others in the WRBK coverage area why they man G.E. machines. Employees who had lost sons in the service, oldsters 60 years of age and over, j^eople with farms or important businesses to riui biu who also devoted time to the war industry, and boys back from the fighting front who were working as hard as they had fought, all of these jjcople had \ital reasons lor keeping production up. All of them wanted the war over, and in a liurry. For them, war [>rodu(tion was translated into terms of saving lixcs, the lives of their own children and theit own families. F'ive-minute transcribed interviews with such workers were aired for WBRK listeners over a six-week period. Twice daily, Monday tlnough Saturday, the sloiics ol ilusc workcis tiauslalcd wai production into the flesh-and-blood language of the common man. AIR FAX: First Broadcast: April, 1944. Broadcast Schedule: Monday through Saturday. 12:55-1:00 P.M.; 6:50-6:55 P.M. sponsor: G.E. Plastics Division. Station: WBRK. Pittsfield, Mass. Power: 250 watts. Population: 5 3,890. COMMENT: A program of this t)pe per- forms a threefold service. While it is Grade A public relations, it also is ex- cellent for building employee morale. At the same time, it will almost certain- ly turn-up a few more job applicants. SAMPLE SCRIPT AVAILABLE Merchants' Assnciatiuns HI NEIGHBOR To man, gregarious b\ nature, the phrase Hi Xeighbor is one of the friendliest greetings in the English language. And those are the words which GKW'S listeners hear three times weekly when the hand of friend- ship is put out to three neighboring communi- ties in the vicinity of Kingston, Out., each of which lacks its own radio station. Now in its second year, the series originates in Kingston. Each program is for and about a specific locality. Mer- chants in each commimity sponsor the feature on a participating basis, and many of them ha\e put the Good Neigh- bor policy into play for 18 months with- out a break. AIR FAX: First Broadcast: November 1, 1942. Broadcast Schedule: M-W-F, 5:30-5:55 P.M., for Belleville, Ont., M-W-Th, 2:15-2:45 P.M., for Smiths Falls, Ont., M-W-F, 12:451:00 P.M., for Perth, Ont. Station: CKWS, Kingston, Ont. Power: 1,000 watts. Population: 3 3,296. COMMENT: Shoitages of frequencies and eciuipment keej) many a progressive town from ha\ing its own radio station iacilities. Ilere is an excellent solution lo ihe dilemma which builds listeners for I he si;ili()n and sales lor the ad\ crtisers. 242 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP PROOF 0' THE PUDDING Results based on sales, mails, surveys, long runs and the growth of the business itself. Men's Wear WORLD NEWS ROUNDUP Like the clothing it has sold in Denver, Col., for years, Cotirell's Men's Store has found radio a good fit in the daylight or at nighttime. More than that, Cot- trell's relationship with KOA has worn well. Since 1932, in fact! Like any well-groomed advertiser, Cottrell's recently supplemented its current titne wardrobe of spot announce- ments on KOA, for wTar throughout the week, with a 15-minute Sunday news- cast. Over the years, Cottrell's has led the fashion parade with spot announce- ments, station breaks, a Musical Clock and news periods. AIR FAX: First Broadcast: March 5. 1944. Broadcast Schedule: Sunday, 4:45-5:00 P.M. Preceded By: Music Masters. Followed By: All Time Hit Parade. Sponsor: Cottrell's Men's Store. Station: KOA, Denver, Col. Power: 50,000 watts. Population: 450,000. COMMENT: Good merchants know quality merchandise when they see it, whether it's sold by the yard or the split- second. W^hen such shrewd retailers con- tinue to buy the same product for 12 years, there must be a reason. Women's Wear KOA HOME FORUM Evidence that the school of women who could sew a fine seam didn't go out- with the bustle and hoop-skirt came by the sackful as the re- sult of a Home Forum Sewing Contest over KOA, Denver, Col. During the se\en weeks that entry blanks were of- Icied on the (juarier-hour feature, re- (|uests by the hundreds (amc from hither and yon, and on the closing day of the contest the postman's burden was a deluge of over 200 entries. But the ability to fashion a dress isn't the only old-fashioned virtue to which KOA listeners lay claim. One advertiser on this quarter-hoiu' blend of home eco- nomics information, guest interviews and fashion and beauty news of interest to women made a once-a-week announce- ment. Offered was a free Home Canning booklet. On the first annoinicement, the offer drew 308 replies. Sponsors for whom the KOA Home Forum has rendered, or is ren- dering, outstanding serv- ice include: E^esinol; Robertshaw Thermo- stat; Cerophyl Labs Viet; Kerr Canning Jars; Campbell Cereal Co.; Tintex; Ball Can- ning Jars; California Spray Chemical; Kalmus Dress Shop; Zoom Cereal; Malt-O-Meal; Safeway Stores; Vano Paint Cleaner; Denver Dairy Council, and Monarch Ranges. Promotional support given the series: screen trailers in Fox Denver and Inter- Mountain theatres; placards on the en- tire fleet of Yellow^ Taxicabs; ads in 117 newspapers, both weeklies and dail- ies; courtesy announcements, merchan- dising letters and window displays. air FAX: Home Forum Lora Price and her assistant Betty Price, carry the torch on the series broadcast five times weekly. First Broadcast: July 13, 1941. Broadcast Schedule: Monday through Friday, 11:00- 11:15 A.M. Preceded By: Music. Followed By: Reveille Roundup. Station: KOA, Denver, Col. Power: 50,000 watts. COMMENT: Of proven sales value is a household series which is not too encum- bered with participating sponsors. AV'hat makes such programs particularly valu- able is the intense listener loyalty as evi- denced by remarkable response to offers of various kinds. (For pic, see Showman- scoops, p. 236.) JULY, 1944 243 SHOWMANSHIP IN ACTION Promotions and merchandising stunts that will lift a program out of the ordinary. Automobiles BASEBALL SCORES AVhen it comes to matters of moment relative to the na- tional pastime, the baseball fan doesn't want to take any decision on the say-so of the official who makes the ruling. The man who follows swat realm doings wants to know for himself the official rules. Aaron Heitin & Co., Worcester, Mass., used car dealer, helps things along. WTAG listeners are offered the 1944 official baseball rule book. Letters average 50 per announcement. While Aaron Heitin had previously used spot announcements without scor- ing a hit, Baseball Scores proved a win- ning combination. To establish the firm's name in the Worcester market is the piu'pose behind the series. Business- building slogan: Aaron Heitin doesn't bariyain . . . it buys. Program closes with a jingle to the tune of Hinkey Dinkey, Parlez-vous, e.g.: "Aaron Heitin will buy your car, old or new; Aaron- Heitin xuill buy your car, old or new; Aaron Heitin will buy your car, and give you the most for it by far. That's the thing for you to do . . . see Heitin flow." AIR FAX: Format includes a brief introduction, a > 0-word commercial, baseball scores, center com- mercial, summary and highlights of the day's games. Commercial jingle signs-off the five-minute series which features sportscaster Phil Jasen. First Broadcast: April 16, 1944. Broadcast Schedule: Daily, 11 :15. 11:20 P.M. Preceded By: News. Followed By: Lean Back and Listen. sponsor: Aaron Ffeitin &. Co. Station: WTAG, Worcester, Mass. Power: 5,000 watts. Population: 19 3,694. COMMENT: Not the least of the manv services that radio has performed for ad- \ertisers is the establishment of trade marks and firm names. To achieve this end, programs have more to recommend them than a spot announcement cam- paign. Department Stores STAR SPANGLED ACTION .\mong women who ser\e on the homefroni, there's plenty of Star Spangled Action that goes unheralded and unsiuig. Not so in St. Paul, Minn., where the E.\i- pORiiM performs its daily good deed by means of a quarter-hour institutional series. First half of each program is devoted to an interview with a representative of some local cit\-wide ci\ic group. Activi- ties of the group, with emphasis on some current worthwhile projects are what the Emporium's Community Hostess stresses in the interviews. Star Spangled Action really glistens in the second half of the program. Each day the Emporium proudly hails the Woman of the Day for her effort in some phase of homefront war acti\ity. Chosen by the Star Spangled Action committee for her efforts above and beyond the line of duty, the Woman of the Day is pre- sented with an engra\ed citation on paidmient paper. W^hat is ^^^i^ten there- on lor posterity to read: "Proudly We Hail NAME as Woman of tJie Day for UnselfisJi Patriotic Sen'ice to Coiniuunity and (^.oiinlry in Time of ]\'ar. Presented at The /'.nifforiinn (loninnnnly ('.enter, Saint l* Minutes. Producer: Radio Pro^ranis Dopaitnient, Ti'iie Maga- zine. COMMENT: Sitidcnis ol radio picdici ilial in llic posl-wai period, radio and iis ad\(iiis(is will lake gicalci ad\an lagc ol ilic oj)ponnin'l ics loi cdiKation whi( li ilic medium |)ro\ ides. A sei ics of I Ins kind is a splendid 1 1 a il hia/cr. Patriotic STAND BY, AMERICA! Commodore Matt Perry slugging it out with the Japs on the after deck of his ship; the breath- taking flood in the Johnstown Valley; Eddie Rickenbacker pumping bullets through the bellies of six German Fok- ker planes. Of such things is the story of America made. And of such things is Stand By, America! made. Problems of today give point and meaning to the transcribed series, and in Stand By, America! listeners hear how America solved similiar pro.blems in her star spangled past. Message be- hind each broadcast: 'Stand by America, and America will stand by you!" A five-miniUe series available for use in most markets as a fnst-riui, exclusive radio program, the feature points up the every-day folks who ha\e helped build the nation. How the episodes tie-in history with (inient problems is illustrated by these program titles: Luthrr BurbaJik hn- proces Crops relates to har\esling more abundant (tops for \ictory; Brother Jonathan C.ets the Supplies Throu(^h tic\s-in with the pioblem of getting sup- plies to the aimed fortes. AIR I- AX: Story is wrapped up witti a New York cast, is excellently produced and written. Type: Transcription. Episodes: 225. Time Unit: 5 minutes. Proditcr : Kasper-Ciordon. Inc. COMMENT: As radio lime ,<;{■! s less axailable, adx erl iscrs will ha\c lo make a fixcininuie series do ihe job that a (|uari(r hour broadtast oiuc did. Pro- grams of this i\|)c will make the job easier. CuireniK. su( h a program also |)(ilorins an iiualuabic warlime sei"\ ice. 248 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP Patriotic TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN ^\ hilc dianialic \ignclics ol the sacrifices and heroism of the men on balllefields are directed To ]]li()ni It May Concern, those to whom the stories are a matter ot concern represent every man, woman or child anxious to do his part in the battle on the homefront. For Avar plants on the search for \ ital- Iv needed workers, for organizations on the alert for a public relations or em- ployee morale vehicle, others To Whom It May Concern, this transcribed five- mintite feature is tailor-made for insti- tiuional advertising. Among the first to discover the wartime value of the series was the Sun Shipbuilding Co., Chester, Pa., over WFIL, Philadelphia, Pa. AIR FAX: A patriotic, dramatic series in narrative form, the show is built for all-audience appeal. Episodes: 66. Time Unit: 5 minutes. Producer: H. S. Goodman. COMMENT: Ad\ertisers who come out in a wartime dress cut from the institti- tional cloth find that the patriotic pat- tern leads the style parade. Bakeries INQUIRING HOUSEWIFE What the In- quiring Housewife wants to have at the tip of her tongtie is first-hand informa- tion on the meaning and importance of enriched bread and floiu' to her own family. By means of transcription, her local baker or miller can provide that material, although the answers come not from them but from six outstanding government food officials. Series was made available through the offices of the Marketing Reports Division of the Food Distribution Administration. Men in the upper intellectual strat- osphere give down-to-earth answers to an Inquiring Housewife on the place of enriched bread and flour in the national nutrition program; on the army's use and endorsement of enriched bread and flour; on the manner in which the Na- tional Research Council arrived at standards for enrichment of bread and flour; on the importance of enriched hicad in indusli iai Iceding; on its medi- cal benefits, and on the historical back- ^l()und of the e\ohuion of bread and (loiii'. AIR FAX: Six interviews make up the set. Transcrip- tions can be used on ordinary radios with phono- graph attachments as well as for regular broadcast- ing. Interviews run four-and-a-half minutes, allow- ing a half minute for the local commercial message. Series is adapted for a sustaining educational pro- gram, as part of a home forum, or, for non-broadcast purposes, in school, factory or nutrition class. Type: Transcription. Episodes: 6. Time Unit: 5 minutes. COMMENT: Echuationvl broadcasts of this kind perform a valuable wartime service. For bakers already using radio time, this special series here offers them a chance to add variety to the listener's regidar radio fare. Human Interest HOME-TOWN PHILOSOPHER Every town has one. He's the Home-Town Philosopher. Now he's the Home-Town PhilosopJier on the Air. Prepared espe- cially for small stations and for the small community advertiser on a limited budget, the package show provides nine sets of broadcasts a month. Through the specially prepared scripts, a local opti- cian, paint store proprietor, or other local retailer, can become a local radio celebrity as the Home-Town Philosopher through sponsorship and personal ap- pearance on the program. Scripts avoid material of a contro- versial nature, stress topics on the folksey, human-interest side. The spon- sor, the local announcer, and phono- graph records for background and musi- cal bridges are the whole show. Syndi- cated in the same way that new^spapers are supplied with special features, the quarter-hour series is available on an ex- clusive basis. AIR FAX: K. I. N. Type: Script. Time Unit: 15 minute-. Producer: Walter W. Cribbins Co. San Francisco, Calif. COMMENT: For the advertiser whose business is such that personal appear- ances enhance the value of his radio campaign, here is a series which will sim- plify the task of script preparation. JULY, 1944 249 WHAT THE PROGRAM DID FOR ME This is the businessman's own department. RADIO SHOW- MANSHIP invites radio advertisers to exchange results and reactions to radio programs for their mutual benefit. Bakeries A SONG IS BORN "Langixdorf Unit- ed Bakkries have two Pacific Coast net- work shows at the present time. One of these is a half-hour wx'ekly program on Monday nights called A Song is Born. This series is designed to bring to the listening public, and through competi- tion, publication of the better songs written by amateur song writers. We also air three times weekly a half-hour dramatic serial, Red Ryder. "In addition to these network shows, we use for the Langendorf account an early morning news broadcast, a jtive- nile strip show, and numerous spot an- nouncements. "W^e are the largest placers of radio lime on the Pacific Coast, and are firm believers, as are Langendorf United Bakeries, in the extensive use of radio in ad\eilising." MALCOLM F. TARPEY Pacific Coast Advertising Co. San Francisco, Cal. AIR FAX: Sponsorship of the KQW 6:45 A.M. News inaugurated May 1 by Langendorf, marked an in- novation in the air advertising of this veteran radio account. Don Mozley newscasts the series. Sponsor: Langendorf United Bakeries. Agency: Pacific Coast Advertising Co., San Fran- cisco, Cal. COMMENT: Market j)tiutral ion wilh radio is to a large exlent deteiniined b\ how wide a wedge in llie total a\aiial)le audience the ad\cnisci cm ( ui out for hiinscll. A \;nic(I piogiam schedule makes lor ;n ca doiiiinai ion. Hume Fiiriiishiiiijs YOUR AMERICAN HOME 1 Ins pro giain lealures what is desciibed as 'inusu \(>) liomt'-loi'ini! . h/u'iK (in\' , and llie se 250 lections are usually semi-classical oi bal- lad t\pe, pliLs some light opera. .V short talk of from four to five minutes on a \ariety of subjects includes informatipn on home furnishing, new developments in fiuniture, and wartime restrictions on furniture production and sale. Usually some mention is made of the sponsoring organization, the Furniture Retailers' Ass'n of Southern California. "Advertising is of the institutional type, and is designed to explain the pur- poses of F.R.A. to the radio aiulience. and b\ indirect methc:)ds, to prospecti\e members of the Association. From time to time, new plans to foster increased retail sales of furnitiue will be explain- ed. Mowe\er, F.R.A., organized only last December, will use the series ])iimaril\ to gain increased prestige. "From time to time, F.R.A. represen- tatives and authorities on home furnish- ings are to make personal appearances. Listeners will be urged to trade with F.R.A. members, and prcjgrams stress the F.R.A. emblem displayed in member stores. Short spot annoiuucments. news- paj)er advert isemenls and window caicls publicize the program series." WILLIAM H. WELSH Allied Advertising Agencies Los Angeles, Cal. AIR FAX: Scripted and voiced by Bill Welsh, the 25-minute series is scheduled for a 52-week run. First Broadcast: April 10. 1944. Broadcast Schedule: Monday, 9:05-9: iO P.M. Preceded By: News. Followed By: Music. Sponsor: Furniture Retailers' Ass'n of Southern Cali- fornia. Station: KMPC, Los Angeles, Cal. A:^ency: Allied Advertising Agencies. Rome wasn'l built in a s prestige. elloil COMMENT: daw Xeillui is whal il lakes lo achiexe llu- objeclivc RADIO SHOWMANSHIP I ^'^ mur fi imjer lip Who produces whotr^ This up-to-the-minute di- rectory of script and transcribed programs for local sponsors is alpha- betically indexed . . . cross-indexed by time, audience appeal, and subject matter. FOR MEN WHO BUY LOCAL RADIO TIME... A HANDBOOK OF SYNDICATED SCRIPT AND TRANSCRIBED FEATURES AVAILABLE FOR LOCAL AND REGIONAL RADIO SPON- SORS. THE MOST COMPLETE LISTING EVER ASSEMBLED. 1944 REVISION ^acUa S^) hii^hcsl (jiialily iiicv- ( hafidisr in all defjarl ments." Onh semi-specific use of the program was semi-institutional in nature, which tied-in with special store counter dis- plays featuring this theme: "Until the Do(tor Comes . . . get these Essential Supplies." The copy ran something along these lines: "The pharmacist in your nearby Stineway Drug Store xvill be glad to help you select the home rem- edies and frst aid supplies every house- hold should Juwe . . . and remember . . . when your prescription is filled at Stine- way's, it is (orrect in every detail." /It no time is copy used which will pro- duce a tangible sales check-up, such as a specific tooth-paste at a special price. No specials of any kind are ever fea- ttned. The entire purpose of the series is to perform an institutional over-all selling job for Stinew^ay's. However, an institutional campaign deserves the saine type of aggressive merchandising support that is given to a selling campaign, and this WIND radio series is coordinated with all other Stine- way advertising activities. Familiarly knoiun in the trade as "Mose" adman Abraham H. Mosen- son sharpened the tools of his trade at Medill School of Journalism, then made a bee-line for field work in advertising and sales promotion. His record to date includes six years merchandising experience in the department store field; ten years as advertising manager of Wal- green's Drug Stores, Chicago Divi- sion, and eight years as advertising manager for Stineway Drug Stores. Born in Chicago, he is now father to three children who also claim the IVindy City as their native haunt. Having just reached the age at which life begins, "Mose" restricts his physical activities to golfing. Favorite diversion: listening to the radio, with emphasis on symphonic music. AUGUST, 1944 259 Each iiioiuh 27;"), ()()() copies ol pro- gram listings arc printed for clistribii"- tion to interested Symplionir Hour lis- teners through the Stineway chug stores counters, and through the mails in re- sponse to recjuests for them. Special dis- tribution is made at the Chicago Pidjlic Library, and at \arious other points ot listener interest such as the Cable Piano Co. Currently, the program is advertised every Sunday, with paid space, in the Chicago Su}}, on the radio page. E\'ery metropolitan Chicago newspaper carries the Symplionic Hour 10:05-1 1 :()() P.M. listings, and most of them rini this j)ro- gram in their Highlights for Today's Listening type of cohnuns. Of comse, VV^IND also cooperates in e\ery way pos- sible in ilie piomotion of the series. While some achertisers ignore classi- cal music on the grounds that its appeal is too limited, Stixeway's are sufficiently sold on this type of program to use not one, but two such offerings. In addition to this daily WIND feature, we also have a half-hour every-week-day morn- ing Musical Clock series on AVCFL ^vhich features semi and classical music fiom 7:15 to 7:45 A.M. R ass tl 9 (Above) . . . Four models from each . parel store set the Butte, Mont., style para 9 (Right) . . . What price good will? A tioneer Razer proves there's no ceiling on it the KGIR Festival and Million Dollar Aucti, i\\i) oin (()n\i(ti(^ns aic l)ased nol on theory but on fact. .\t one time we made a pri\'ate Stineway radio sin\e\ coinci- (l(i)l;il wi'li tlic jjrogiani airing. One iliousaiid names Avere selected at ran- dom honi the telephone book, and it was sign i(i( ant that Siinewa^' was dcfi- nitrly identified as the sf)onsor in many cases. In other instances, the identifica- tion was made as "drug store" and "druggist," and it is cjuitc possible that those wlio chd not make positise iden- liJication wcic new to the listening audi- ence. Comments were excellent, and on ilic siiciigth of this surxev, the contiact lot I Ik scries w ;is renewed. I iieie is no cjuesiion in oni mind bin iliiii (Ins piogiam has c oiiiributed mncli lo t he |)resi i<.;e ol Sum w a^ Dki (, Si ok is. and we led lliiM ii series ol this t \ pe is an excelleiii inediiiin lor insi il ill ion;i I pi OHIO! ion in i lie di iig lield. m^ ./// for one, and one jOt all is as true lo)- ladio achertising as il is for the dem odatic way of life itself. When one sin gle adxerliser produces a radio cam jjaign that is oiitstandingK siucessliil. others who use broadcast time- on (hat same station proht Irom a rellected shai'e of prestige. What has established radio with the listening audience has been the combined eHorts of all stations and all achc'itisers. and it has been iniiti!;ill\ profitable for exciAone. Not main ;id\eitiseis have deliberate- I\ set out on a sh.ire-and-share-;ilike campaign ol radio achertising, but it \v;is put into actual piactice l)\ 51 K(.1R achertisers in Butte, .Mont, llie Sf))nii^ /■'eslieal and Million Dollar Aiution rep resented ilie combined efforts of afmosi ;ill legiilai K(.l R achertisers. ® As a resiill. llie whole town ;ind its en\ irons iiiined out lor a <'ala exening I I 260 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP jcks, Please! iudience Bids with Fake Money at iuction But It's the Real Thing or Merchants in Butte, Montana at the Masonic Temple Ballroom, and some ■^, ()()() shared in the Spring Festival (Old Million Dollar Auction. 1 hat standing-room-only-audience was a graphic example of the effectiveness of showmanship, planned and executed to reach the greatest possible number of people in the KGIR listening area. For an entire month, every local mer- chant advertising with KGIR gave i^og?/^ Bucks with each purchase, and for each one dollar purchase, the customer re- ceived ten dollars in phoney rnoney. Printed in denominations of one, ten and fifty dollar bills, each of the Bogus Bucks listed on the re\'erse side the names of the 51 cooperative advertisers. Available only to regular KGIR adver- tisers, the Bogus Bu(ks cost each mer- chant one dollar per 10,000 dollars. • Display cards 11 x 14 were placed in store windows, explaining the event in detail. Advertisers called attention to their participation in the /''rslival with nearly everv KGIR aiuioinu cineiil. While the j)ul)li( hoarded its bogus monev loi the big leslival, adv c» i isers weie erecting booths and carin'val dis- plays. Such a display as that execiUed for Emil Marans' ready-to-wear store-, which included a mountain stream, real- istic to the point of running water, live flowers and shrubs, gave the hall a carni- val atmosphere. When the show started at 8:00 P.M., there was a 6-piece nuisical ensemble on the stage, and the hall was jam-packed with those anxious to see the fashion show which led off the evening. With S. John Schile, network sales manager, as emcee, and KGIR staff announcer June Lett to handle the style commen- tary, all apparel merchants participated in this phase of the entertainment. Each garment was sponsor identified, and each merchant was represented by four models. \\'hen the curtain was rung down on the last act of the style show, the Mil- lion Dollar Auction began. Every local advertiser donated one or more gifts val- ued at ten dollars or more, each. A Boze- man cattle auctioneer was imported for the event, and with members of the audi- ence clutching their wads of Bogus Bucks, he set out to auction off fur scarfs, ladies' suits, cases of beer, boxes of coffee, baskets of groceries, live chicks, and siuidry other things. # A\'hile bidding was, as usual, very re- served at first, inflation set in shortlv, and at that point, bidders were offering and buying a sport coat at $3,700. With over 100 items to be auctioned off there was plenty of excitement, not the least of which was the sale of a barrel of pea- nuts donated by the Pay N Save Super Market at one dollar per handfid. Here in a nutshell is the story of an inexpensive promotion which kept audi- ences on their toes for weeks. And it serves to illustrate the important part that local programming and local show- manship can plav in increasing the radio lune-in. AUGUST, 1944 261 wive Thanks for Daily Bread Service to Utah Public and Grocer Zooms Sales for Fisher Baking Co. • Jolly good fellows are (seated, left to ri: George Wood, president, UTAH WHC SALE GROCERS ASS'N.; Don H". Fi; president, FISHER BAKING CO; ( stana left to right) W. E. Featherstone, presic FEATHERSTONE ADVERTISING AG CY, and George Snell, KDYL production r ager. RADIO has always been an imponani factor in our use of advertising for the FisHKR Baking Co., Salt Lake City. Utah. As one of the most consistent radio users in this part of the country, the Fisher Baking Co. has used radio for 20 years, both as a direct sales medium and as a good will builder, with exccUenl re- sults. Radio advertising has certainly paid off for the Fishkr Baking Co. With the coming of war, we realized that new methods and dillercni approaches were necessary; if bakery products were to continue to be advertised, they would have to be presented in a manner that would simidtaneously promote the war ef- fort. Therefore we formed the j)lan of jiromoting the distributor of our product, the grocer. To tell his important story in waitime, wx' decided, woidd perform a twofold jnnposc. First, it woidd ser\e a very vital and necessary fiuiction in assist- ing the grocer to do a better job of conmumity service. Second, it woidd gain good will for our products with the public and with the distributor as well. T he outgrowth of this plan was our series of 15-minute programs which ^^JQ placed on KDYL, under the title Musical Memories. Before laimching the series, we pre- pared an exhaustive study of the needs of our grocers, and through talks with the Rktail C»fi()giani ol salvaging lals and tin (ans. Ail ol these \iial problems (onid not be soixcd without the cooperation ol the pid)lic. (Conceiving that ra- by DON. H. FISHFR, president, and HENRV T. f\\F\GS, general manager, Fisher Baking Co. dio would do the best and most elfec tive job, since ra- dio icadies the widest pos- sible public audience, we 262 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP hit upon the plan ol turning over to the grocer an entire program; oi presenting Musical Memories as a leature oi the grocers themselves, not of the Fishi.r Baking Co. In order to tell this wartime story, we prepared a Victory Bulletin Board as a •J-minute insert on the program, during which the latest official ration news is given, and other pertinent facts which the grocers of Utah wished to publicize. With these plans fully formulated, we then selected the type of music which would please the largest audience, and our choice was old familiar melodies, in instrumental and vocal arrangements, heralded by a lovely theme, Memory Lane. The PisHER Baking Co. launched the series of Musical Memories over one year ago, Sunday nights at 9:30, on KDYL, with the now well-known open- ing phrase, "Your grocer presents Musi- cal Memories." The program today has built a substantial following of interest- ed listeners, who are guided by the of- ficial news of rationing, point values, and salvage news on the Victory Bulletin Board, and who have attested by many letters their approval of the old favorites played as the memory songs on each program. JiNCK inaugtnating this good will fea- ture, we have also had many expressions of gratitude from the grocers carrying FisHKR Bakery products, and we have felt that our use of the mediimi of radio, in this cooperative way, has been ex- tremely beneficial to Fishkr Baking Co., exclusive bakers of Fisher's enriched white bread. Sales continue to soar, and the institutional advertising which is in- corporated indirectly into the program has done much to increase the whole- hearted ptiblic acceptance of otir prod- ucts. It is my firm opinion that this type of radio campaign at this particular time and during the war's duration is one of the most successful ways of promoting not only good will, but sales. This kind of campaign is sJnnvmanship at its best. (he kind of showmanshij) (hat benefits ihe publi(, the middleman, and the nianulac tiner all in the highcsl degree. ^ p • AFTER HOURS • Oivner and founder of the Feath- erstone - Advertising Agency, Salt Lake City, Utah., W. E. Featherstone was born just at the turn of the cen- tury in Evansxnlle, Ind., arid came to the city of the great Salt Lake in 1923. Hobbies: to attend football games when he can find time. Summertime enthusiasm is to eat out-of-doors, and adman Featherstone is no ??iean cook when it comes to charcoal l)roiling a steak, rationing permit- ting. Not one to limit himself to one string to Jiis bow, lie likes boivl- i7}g (but doesn't daim any great proficiency at it), is Jiappiest with his nose in a {)ook; tries his Jiand at playing "Boogie Woogie" at the piano, and is enthusiastic about tak- ing colored movies. When he can get his hands on an old gun lie keeps on the job until its cleaned and polished, lock, stock and barrel. (Greatest interest outside business: Lion's Club activities. With over 20 years experience in selling both nexuspaper and radio advertising, lie is convinced that every ad should sell something. A champion of the powers of radio, he has planned and executed countless successful radio campaigns, is him- self a radio fan. Evidence of his sin- cerity: tJiere's a radio in every room in his home; ditto for his car and outside in the yard. AUGUST, 1 944 263 Radio-Theatre Tie-Up Brings -^bVis\v Patrons Late News Bulletins .,ud ^^^^''''^!^^K ^^"^^^^ Stand By for News -'^o^J;c RADIO SHOWMANSHIP ^cW* 0^ ''""d i* '"it's ^''l Nexus tie-up between radu station and theatre eoi poration was inaugurated through the eombined e forts of KOA general man- ager James Mac Ph^^rson, and Harry Huffman, Den- x>er city manager of tJie Fox In ter- Mountain Am use- men t Corp. Listeners can get an e-i>ening of oiter- tai)iment loithout missing the latest war nexus. sVvO vc^ Vti t^^ ,^o^ AUGUST, 1944 265 Aggressive Advertising Part of Merchandising to Sell Retailers , \M •A V^ Oliver S- Grant 9 Crk\vs-Bkggs Dry Goods Co. is ihc largest department store in Southern (Colorado. Its dominant position has been built and main- tained not only by aggressive merchandising and service, but by ag- gressive advertising. We are heavy users ol disj^lay space, and ha\e been consistent radio advertisers lor many years. Dining the past two years, radio has steadily increased in importance to us. both lor the divert sellino; of mryi handisc and the hiiildiniy of good will (Did pres- tige. During the earlier years ol oin- experience with ladio. we gave it very little thought. We ran a great many spot annoiuicements, for which copy was prepared very much like newspaper copy; in lact, much of it was taken in large part from our display ads. Some two years ago, the management of KGHF convinced us that there were untapjied possibilities for us in radio advertising. Arrangements were made for more carefid attention to this phase of our ])ublicitv, and residts have increased materially. Spot announcements have from the first been a good part of oiu radio activity, and still are. W^e use five announcements daily, the same copy being used all li\e times, but not re})eated on other days. Only one item is used in an announcement, and we find that this j^romotion of single items brings excclleiu lesults. We ha\e used many types of pro- grams from time to time in the past, l)ut in this artide I shall de- sciibe onh such programs as we ha\t' sj)()ns()H'd during the past iavo WAYS. :...■- : ..^^■...^.^ ^^MmM I- ., „ . ._ _., ii itjiiLtLtiiiyimkky t^. Largest department store in South- ern Colorndo is the CREWS- BEGGS DRY GOODS CO., Pueblo, Col. Aggressive merchan- dising plus aggressive advertising tell the story. Radio is used both for selling merchandise and build- ing good will for the firm. 266 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP v« I OLIVER 5. GRANT, superintendent, ews-Beggs Dry Goods Co,, Pueblo, Coi In the summer of 1942, we sponsored in Pueblo the summer schedule of Gang Blisters over the Blue Network and KGHF. We realized that this pro- gram had a large following, and was an ideal medium for our Men's Store. Results more than justified our expectations, but of course the pro- gram was available for local sponsor- ship only during the summer season. Later, we sponsor- ed Counter Spy, another Blue Net- work program which was then available for local spon- sorship in our territory. The program proved to have a large audience, and the time, 7:00 P. M., Monday evening, was ideal. ® Our experience has convinced us that local sponsorship of a high calibre net- work program is highly profitable, so when we were offered sponsorship of a newscast on the same basis, we accepted it. Our connnentators are Jose Rodri- guez and Sidney Sutherland. The pro- gram runs from 12:00 to 12:15 noon, Monday through Friday. These men have done a good job for us. We are ad- vised that Walter Kiernan is soon to take over the spot, and we have sufficient confidence in the judgment of the Blue Nkiwork's program (lepartment to give Ira K. Young, V. P. General Manager Kiernan' s Corner a trial. W^e haven't missed yet, and I believe this will be no exception! It is obvious that a program of this nature has (crtain advantages. Because it appears at the same time five days a week, it builds audience. Equally im- portant is the fact that it provides enough time to do a thorough selling jol). We are fortunate in having avail- able from KGHF a thoroughly experi- enced and competent radio man who is also experienced as a merchant. # Copy for each newscast is built around a central theme, which is carried throughout all three commercials. If the theme is home sewing, we tell about new materials that have arrived, and suggest uses for them. We may tie-in neckwear, notions, patterns; anything so long as the theme is maintained. Radio, we have found, is the nearest thing to personal selling, and the same principles apply. Commercials for our newscast are written conversationallv, with no high-pressure selling, no fancy writing. We try to find things people want to hear about, and tell them. The fact that we want to sell an item is not enough. We must find a reason why the listener would want to hear abotit it. 1 he reason may be that it is new, it is timely, it is an excellent value, or it may be an item for which our customers have been waiting. In addition to announcements and the noon newscast, we are sponsoring on KGHF a series of transcribed programs produced for and abotit the American Red CJross. The program runs once a week, Friday evenings at 7:00. No com- mercial copy is run, and the program is s]:)onsored as a community service and for good will. It is significant that our department managers and sales people, after they have given radio a fair trial, are highly enthusiastic. Ihe results are easily rec- ognizable, immediate, and likely to last for several days. I think it may well con- tinue to increase in importance in om^ advertising scheme. AUGUST, 1944 267 by WM. 6. WERNER, of Procter S Gamble Co,, Cmcmnati, 0. Daytime radio fulfills a most important func- tion in wartime education, has become an in- strument of public information and inspiration, points out the manager of the Consumer In- formation Division of the Procter Sc Gamble Co. WHENEVER we consider radio Ironi a standpoint of its success or laiiuic, wc have to keep in mind its programming, for programming is, of course, the life of radio. And when we consider radio's programming, we have to keep constantly in mind one impor- tant princij:)lc: thai this programming is a product of public demand. Progiams are as they are today because people want them that way. Piograms stay on I lie ail ()\ci a jjci iod ol lime because the pul)h"( ill largest numbers waiil them lluie. Obviously, the broadcaster's job then is to create a program tliat is luaiilrd. And in the determination ol what pro- grams arc wanted, radio is (•(|uij)])((l to a lai more (onij)l(l(' and lliorougli and accurate degree than is any other inlor- mation-dissem ina t i ng medium with technic|ues uj:)on which to base lis ccli torial |)olic ic's (j)rooi annnini^) . Radio lo(Ia\ makes use ol scxcral kinds of continuous, coimtry- wide research facilities which ])lace before the man Avho is re- sponsible for a radio program, ]3eriodic reports on the si/e, character, geographic location, rrec|uency and completeness of his radio listening audience, lliis process acts as a constant check on the policy of radio editing; and through it broadcasters can tell pretty cpiickly and acciuately, to use the expression of the playwright, James Barrie, whether a program is go- ing to "Peter out or Pfui out." lli:c;c)(;i\rnc)\ ol these tAvo facts, —that lodax's radio piograms are. by and large, \vhat the j)ul)lic de- mands; and. —that com in nous research keeps programs in line with the increas- ing discrimination in that de- mand; is not as ^viclesJ)reacl as it should be. Main |)eople. in and out ol editorial ollicc's, destine I i\c'l\ critic i/e radio for certain j)rc)grams, when the fact is, if criticism is cleserxed, it should be in the loini of criticism of the public, designed lo guide and improxc its listening taste; because it is ihc |)ul)lic \\hich demands lIicsc progianis, and gets iheni because it I dciTiaiuls iheni. I am not taking tiie position tliat a program is justifiable simply because a i certain share ol bsteners may seem to I like it. Neither am I maintaining that i radio's notable achievements in develop- ! iiig and satisfying a desire ior l)etter and better programs cainiot be out-dis- tanced as time goes on. HiU if this amaz- ing mechum is to hve and grow, it nuist try to satisfy not a class or a group, but litcraUy nuny /; o dy . Most inteUigent broadcasters pay a lot of attention to this group called "every- body;" they have faith in the broad American public. 7 hey believe that the jjublic in greatest numbers has simple tastes, is decent and right-thinking; that radio programs are most likely to build large, loyal audiences to the extent that they please and do not offend this de- cent, right-thinking public; and that, therefore, programs are likely to be suc- cessful and pay out best over the long run when they have in them, above all, the ingredients for keeping them "/// good public standing." Ihere is wisdom in keeping a pro- gram "/;/ good public standing," and we in our company have thotight about it since away back in 192.^ wlien the fhst .S-station network carried the fhst Criscx) cooking lecture. We consider it constant- ly as our No. 1 rule in creating, editing and produc ing oiu" programs. IhI'.ri'. are several ways in which we ap])raise the pid:)]ic standing of a radio program. Such a standing, of course, may l^e evidenced by a practical non- existence of critical mail and by a farge volume of sincerely favorable mail from listeners. Most broadcasters use as one important measure of audience opin- ions, an analysis of mail comments. Secondly, the pul^lic standing of a program may be cletermined by periodic surveys which dig deeper than polls of listening habits. When, for example, a survey of this kind reports that some of the popular daytime serials seem to bring their housewife-listeners a release, a diversion that seems to Ijuild them up, and that helps them solve the probleiiis of everyday lives, we may feel that here is evidence of this very important char- acteristic of "good public standing" in radio programs. Lastly, "good public standing" may f)e evidenced by the recognition (you might call it professional recognition) which comes from those of competent skills and talents who carefully study radio programs in the same way that creative work in drama, music and other fields is criticized and evaluated. Stich profes- sional recognition of the "good public standing" of radio programs designed primarily for the woman atidience is evidenced, for example, when Hendrick W^illem Van Lcjon characterized the scripts of the Vic and Sade program as "the finest piece of folk writing in Amer- ica today." As a result of the efforts of broadcasters to keep their programs in line with \n\h- lic demand and in good public stand- ing, a popular program like Ma Perkins or Pepper Young's Family, for example, prol^ably reaches an audience of well over seven million homes in the course of the average month. Obviously, a medium of entertain- ment that holds the attention of such enormous audiences must rank as one of tlie prime pufjlic-in formation medi- ums to help our government in war- time; and because radio is almost in- variably listened to in the home, it ful- fills its most important function in war- time education when it is used to tell those in the home of the many ways in which they can serve in the home. Because the intelligent, systematic co- operation of housewives is so important to such vital wartime projects, it is not surprising that daytime radio programs, with their predominantly housewife audience, should be drawn upon tor an increasing share of the war-education effort. In fact, with women particularly, daytime radio has become an instrument of public information and inspiration, a sort of news bulletin, if you wall, through which the United States Gov- ernment tells housewives things that they should know about the war, and the many ways in which they can help. To illustrate how this news bulletin- ing is coordinated, let us take the exam- ple of a single broadcaster. Procter & Gamble, like other radio sponsors, co- operates under a schedule prepared by the Office of War Information. Follow- a (5^^ mjt. A I n k on i h e school diploma was hardly dry IV J} e n \M i 1 1 i a m G. Werner first joined the Proc- t e r y((' them lo listen. Rach'o nuisl gi\e |)(()j)lc (he Ix'si j)i()giain it can produce, or I he l)r()ad kinds which people want, or ilu'N just don't tune in. After all, to keej) I he hui^esi iininl)er of radio audi- (iKc limed in, h'siening lo eiUertain- meni. insiriK i ion. news, or Avhatever will j)l{ase. amuse oi di\(rl, is liie true warlime huHiion ol ladio. 270 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP AIRING THE NEW New radio programs worth reading about. No result figures as yet. Beverages CLEM LANE While the cub reporter in the news room may quake when the city editor speaks, Chicagoland listeners set- tle down for a quiet chuckle or two when Cle?n Lane, city editor of the Chi- cago Daily A^eios, sits down at the micro- phone for the Atlas Brewing Co. For 15 minutes they live the life of one Oxie O'Rourke, curbstone commentator, hu- morist and philosopher, a Clem Lane creation. Commercials in the same vein spot the opening and closing minutes, with a center continuity to break the patter. Example: Even Mr. Webster, the big dictionary man, hasn't words enough in his book to portray the golden-goodness of Atlas Prager Beer. It's simply taste-elatin', thirst-abatin', flavoratin' . . . the best beer in tonn! Have some right now. It's great with a snack, it's great by itself. Fill your glass and thrill your taste with Atlas Prager . . . GOT it? Atlas Prager . . . GET it! Repetition of the phrase, "Atlas Prager . . . (\Or it? Atlas Prager . . . (jET it!" provides the punch line for su((essive i)roadcasts. AIR FAX: First Broadcast: May 5, 1944. Broadcast Schedule: Friday, 9:00-9:15 P.M. Preceded By: Coronet Story Teller. Followed By: Top of the Evening. Sponsor: Atlas Brewing Co. Station: WENR, Chicago, 111. Power: 50,000 watts. Population: 3,440,420. Agency: Arthur Meyerhoff 8C Co. COMMENT: Repetition of key phrases in all commercial copy is one excellent method bv which the advertiser creates an indelible impression on the listener's mind. More than one business success has been built on just that. Beverages LAZY LISTENIN' For most people 10:30 P.M. is a lazy, relaxing kind of time. To add a bottle of Lazy-Aged Old Crown Beer & Ale to that pre-bedtime moment of relaxation, the Centlivre Brewing Corp., Fort Wavne, Ind., took to WOWO. Drawling-tongued announcer Art Lewis, rolling his "I's" over a lazy-sound- ing phrase, ''Lazy-Aged;" in the shadow- ed, musical background, the music of Guy Fitzimmons and his 11 -piece or- chestra; against this musical l)ackdrop, the songs of today and yesterday sung in languorous tones by Marianne Young and the comely Three Shades; a genial host, Jim Westover, to weave a relaxing tale or two. Put all these ''Lazy-Aged" elements together and you have Lazy Listenin'. One big item breaks the quiet, lazy atmosphere of Lazy Listenin' , and that's the merchandising behind the campaign. Comments account executive Lou West- heimer, of the Westheimer Adv. Agcy.: "This campaign has reached network proportions." But unlike Topsy, who "just greiu" what established this series with a wide listening audience in jig- time was the merchandising campaign behind it. Feature is recorded from WOWO's live talent broadcast, then sent for re- broadcast to WTOL, Toledo, O.; WLBC, Indianapolis, Ind.; WTRC, Elk- hart, Ind.; WLBC, Muncie, Ind.; WHBU, Anderson, Ind.; WASK, Lafay- ette, Ind.; WKMO, Kokomo, Ind., and WKBV, Richmond, Ind. To each sta- tion goes special publicity kits covering suggested pre-announcements, news re- leases, and newspaper ads. Weekly re- leases to newspapers in the areas cover- ed also swell the listening audience. air FAX: First Broadcast: May 8, 1944. Broadcast Schedule: M-W-F, 10:30-11:00 P.M. Preceded By: Henry J. Taylor. Followed By: Richman Brothers News. AUGUST, 1944 271 Station: WOWO. Fort Wayne, Ind.. others. Power: 10,000 watts. Population: 125,000. Agency: We theiirer Adv. Agcy. COMMENT: Always a }x)pulai radio ol- lerin^, music has increased in popular- ity with the listening audience dining these war years. Especially to be rlesired is luiity between program content, com- mercial, other elements which help cre- ate a mood that puts the listener in a responsive frame of mind. Dairies HOME SERVICE HOUR W hen the alarm (lock routes the family from its triuidle beds, the first things it wants to know are the time, weather leporis, and the lalesi uews. To that list, the housewife is aj>i to Add a (pieiy about ration news. It is just this ( ombiiiation that the (J()Nc;(>Ki)i A (Iri AMiR^ gi\es KSAL lis- teners in Salina, Ka., e\erv week-day morning at 7:;U). lrans(iil)c'd music fills in the ga]>s, and time signals are given (\(i\ fi\c miiuites. For town and farm, it's I lie llotiic S(')\'i(r Hour. Six ( oiiimcrcials present Cx)\(:()ri)i \'s story-ol ilic (lay. Each is slanted at a spc- ( ifi( listcnc) giouj). To Ihr jintiic) : "When you have cream to sell, you can't spend a lot of time hunting for what you think is the best market. You must know ahead of time where you can ffel fast, efficient service and top market prices. And these are the things you get at the Concordia Creamery in Concordia, Ka. Ship your next can of cream to the Concordia Creamery and get your can and check on the next return tram." Willi llic urban listenei, ( lo.xcoRDrv lakes ;i (lillcicnt angle, /'.xtini /)lc: "Unexpected guesl'i an- no in onniiience when you serve Cold Nugget Sherbet, and you have a dessert that's a real treat. Call your Gold Nugget dealer at once and have him save you some coco- nut pinc'jpple, the Gold Nugget Sherbet of the month. If he doesn't have it today, ask him to let you know as soon as he gets another shipment from the Concordia Creamery." AIR FAX: Scripted by Etna Lou Bireline. ttie sliow is emceed by program director Herb Clartc. First Broadcast: May 1. 1944. Broadcast Schedule: Monday ttirougti Saturday, 7:30- 8:00 A.M. Preceded By: Bob Perry. Followed By: Bit o' Clieer and Sunstiine. Sponsor: Concordia Creamery, Concordia, Ka. Station: KSAL, Salina, Ka. Power: 1,000 watts. Population: 21,073. COMMENT: Programs don't have to be expensive nor elaborate to perform an invaluable service, and to attract a wide listenership. Department Stores TOWN AND FARM In pre-radio days, the Si ARs, RoKiu CK R: Co. catalogue was apt to be the big event of the season lor many farm families. Fodav, radio brings them topnotch talent from eveiv part of the world, but Si-:ars continues to be the farmer's friend. Its most recent gesline of friendship in C^hicago, 111.: sponsorship on a r)2-week contract of a half-hour farm program (ompleteh un- derwritten b\ Sl.ARS. For l() months a station public serv- ice feature, Skars took on the Everett Mitchell ])r()gram without a single change in lonnat. Show is devoted to soil and crop culture, victorv gardens, scieniilic livestock raising and loocl ra- tioning, keeps listeners posted on latest information from OPA. W'PB, and the r. S. Department of Agriculture, takes up other topics of interest to l^ouni tnid I'fin/i. ilome economist Fois Sc bene k presents the latest news on food con- scrvalion and jjicpai at ion as a portion ol the show three times weekly. Fune-in reminders include 2()-linc- in- siits at the head of the station's clailv ad in the (ihicago Daily Xcws. and three (lailv siaiion break a n noii n c c men t s. Sl.ARS also plans a |)age in its loilhcom- ing catalogue clevoied lo I he Town (ind /•'(inn l)yoi^){ini. lentative plans also in- clude postei promotion al catalogue oi- 272 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP der desks in outlying stores. Institution- al promotion includes a signed page l)y Everett Mitchell inserted in the weekly Si-:ars pid)lication, fust Among Lis Sears Folks. AIR FAX: First Broadcast: May 15, 1944. Broadcast Schedule: Monday through Saturday, 6:15- 6:45 A.M. Preceded By: News. Followed By: Morning Jubilee. Sponsor: Sears, Roebuck 8C Co. Station: WMAQ, Chicago, III. Power: 50,000 watts. Population: 3,440,420. Agency: Roche, Williams & Cunningham. COMMENT: W^hile the rural listener likes entertainment as well as the next person, farm management represents his bread and butter, and bread and butter broadcasts have a vital significance. There's no substitute for sennce when it comes to reaching the farm market. Department Stares BASEMENT BOYS More fun than facts. More laughs than learning. That's the combination which Rich's, Inc., Atlan- ta, Ga. department store, presents in its twice-weekly WGST feature to establish its recently enlarged and redecorated basement as the real McCoy with bar- gain hiuiting shoppers. What brings shoppers up to the mike for inlerviews with Jimmy & Don, the Basement Boys: a (erl ideate redeemable in merchandise anywhere in the Base- menl Store is given to ea( h person who j)asses the nnke-lesl. AIR FAX: Staff announcer Jimmy Kirby and produc- tion manager Don Naylor are the boys who keep the mike circulating among basement shoppers. Series originates with Rich's own radio department where 21 local programs are written, produced and e'lpe-vised weekJv. Rich's writer-producer is Ge~e Sample, with Ted Anthony narrator and cominentator for most of Rich's broadcasts. First Broadcast: May 9, 1944. Broadcast Schedule: T-Th, 10:45-11:00 A.M. Preceded By: Bright Horizons. Followed By: Kate Smith. sponsor: Rich's, Inc. Station: WGST, Atlanta, Ga. Power: 5,000 watts (d). Population: 1,333,200. COMMENT: Here is the type of planned radio that might well make other de- partment stores sit up, take notice. Trained radio personnel is the first step in charting a success-wit h-radio course for retailers. Department Stares KID COMMENTATOR News, \iews and interviews are the stock-in-trade of news broadcasts, but the success of each indi- vidual offering is measured by the de- gree to which these ingredients make Put a dynamic, driving, former Na- tional Commander of the American Legion in charge of seven banks, and things begin to happen! President Frank N. Belgrano, Jr. (right), be- lieves that what a bank has to sell should be brought continuously to pub- lic attention, and in liiie with that policy started a daily radio program over KROW for the CENTRAL BANK OF OAKLAND, devoted to interviews with men and women in service. Inter- views are transcribed, mailed to next of kin by CENTRAL BANK to points throughout the nation. Here president Belgrano and KROW announcer, Scott Weakley, discuss Keep the Bell of Free- dom Ringing in front of a captured German Messerschmidt. AUGUST, 1944 273 hot copy for a specific listener grou}). With the teen age group, there's nothing ^ hotter than that what's what in the higfi school world. To make its Cam pis Shop the hub of high school activities. Henry C. Lytton & Sons (The Hub) , Chicago, 111. depart- ment store, offers a Kid Commentator whose Saturday morning program is de- voted to high school news and inter- views. Commercials for teen agers are designed to promote the Hub's Campus Shop. Heard on a 52-week schedule, the program features 16-year-old producer- commentator Al Hattis, assisted by kid annoinicer Ed Wiebe and girl commen- tator Jo Ann W^etzler. Series was first signed bv Hub for sponsorship two years ago. AIR FAX: First Broadcast: Decembw 19, 1942. Broadcast Schedule: Saturday, 11:30-11:45 A.M. Preceded By: Music Goes Round. Followed By: Ask the Army. Sponsor: Henry C. Lytton 8C Sons (The Hub). Station: WJJD. Chicago. III. Power: 20,000 watts. Population: 3,440,420. COMMENT: There's wisdom to a con- sistent, long-range campaign directed at the small fry when the product or serv- ice involved is one of direct interest to the downy cheeked. Newspapers WELCOME WAGON When newcomers arrive in Dayton, ()., the town doesn't get out the f3rass [)and, but it does get out the Welcome Wagon. Once weekly, newcomers gather in the WING studio for a half-h()iu Welcome Wagon broad- cast, sponsored by the Dayton Journal- Herald. There strangers mingle with oldtime Daytonians, Journal-Herald rep- resentatives, other civic leaders who \n\\ out the hand of liicndship h)i llie Boy Scouts, YMCA, oilur su( h organizations. Informal (hit-(hal, inuoduction ol ii{\v(()in(is (with a corsage for each from the loiiinal-IIerald), and interviews with special guesis arc pari and parcel of the series, lalcnlcd newcomers also perform hcloic the nnciophone. Occa- sional brief messages of welcome from the Mavor. Jouvnal-I lerald executives, others of that ilk, roiuid out the format. Musical backgroiuid: a four-piece or- chestra and vocal selections by Welcome Wagon hostess, Virginia Patterson. On the theory that what is worth do- ing at all, is worth doing well, the series is merchandised to the hilt. Featine stories, and 2x5 ads in the Journal- Herald keep up the weekly tune-in. For special shows such as that from the new YMCA auditorium in honor of the Y Centennial, special stories and pictures are featured in the newspaper. On broad- cast days, program-prevue colinnn blos- soms forth with a special write-u}). Once a month there is a special show at the Seville Restaurant a la Breakfast at Sardi's, with luncheon, corsages, et al. Dayton merchants give prizes. When Welcome Wagon hostess Pat- terson pays a neighborly call on each newcomer, a l:>lotter with time-and-sta- tion data is left at each home. Cc:)pv: Hello, neighbor, we hope you've come to stay! Don't hesitate to call if we can serre in any way. And whether you're here for keeps or just a little while. You'll always find good conpany at 1410 ON YOUR DIAL! Newcomers ayv then reminded of the weekly hall-hom- feature. AIR FAX: Staff announcer Jack Wymer assists in broadcast chores. First Broadcast: May, 1944. Broadcast Schedule: Thursday, 7:30-8:00 P.M. Preceded By: Hollywood Star Time. Followed By: News. Sponsor: Dayton Journal-Hera'.d. Station: WING, Dayton. O. Power: 5,000 watts. Population: 3 58,688. COMMENT: Cood neighbor policies be- gin at home. For the advertiser, a series of this kind prc3vides an opportunity to set up a pattern for buying before shop- ping habits are ift; vet formed. For this particulai- sponsor, the program gi\es its achertisers an effective boost, and at the same time builds readershij) and circu- lation. 274 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP Finance WHAT'S IT LIKE C^uide books and en- cyclopedias give the bone-dry facts aboiu far-flung fighting theaters of this wai, but a great deal more unofficial and in- tensely interesting information comes to the folks at home via letters from mil- lions of GI Joes and Josephines. With just such letters from local men and women in service for sc:)urce mate- rial, WKZO listeners in and around Kala- mazoo, Mich., were taken on a 13-week tour of the battle fronts by the First National Bank & Trust Co. Each quarter-hour was devoted to some one fight- ing front, and listeners who wondered What's It Like? got first hand information on Italy, England, Australia, Alaska, other war zones. Let- ters from local people in each area were read on the program. Typical program covered the front-of-the-week by means of letters from ten to a dozen local pec^ple. Comments account executive Carl B. Schoonmaker, of Staake & Schoonmaker Co., "Everyone contacted for letters was more than will- ing to cooperate, and program interest was high throughout the series. The program was put on the air purely as an institutional community service project, and no attempt was made to check busi- ness gain." In line with the institutional intent, commercials urged listeners to buy more War Bonds, stay on the job, and to do a better job of writing letters to the men and women away from home. Local newspaper space and bank window dis- plays at the main downtown intersection promoted the series. air FAX: Two or three male voices read the letters, and a woman commentatDr supplied continuity. Re- corded music, appropriate to the locale from which the letters came, filled in background and transition- al phrases. Scripted by Mrs. Terry Morris, the series was produced by the WKZO staff. Broadcast Schedule: Weekly, for 13 weeks. Sponsor: First National Bank & Trust Co. Station: WKZO, Kalamazoo, Mich. Power: 5,000 watts. Population: 59, J 11. Agency: Staake 8C Schoonmaker Co. COMMENT: Service programs of this kind play a significant part in the war elfori, ic'j)resent an important wartime function of achertising generally. Hearing Aids EASY LISTENING For the hard of hear- ing, radio otlerings to be eflective must lie designed for Easy Listen- ing. That was exactly what the Telex-California Co. (hearing, device) set out to achieve in its weekly musical cjuarter-hour series on KHJ, Los Angeles, Cal. Scheduled for a 26- week run, the pro- gram was designed especial- ly for those for whom the world of sound is for the most part a monotone. Com- mercials stressed the fact that with a Telex-Califor- nia hearing de\'ice, all listen- ing was Easy Listening. air FAX: First Broadcast: May 6, 1944. Broadcast Schedule: Saturday, 5:15-5:30 P.M. Preceded By: News. Followed By: Music. Sponsor: Telex-California Co. Station: KHJ, Los Angeles, Cal. Power: 5,000 watts. Population: 3,497,074. Agency: Henry W. Welsh Adv. COMMENT: While a product may be one that appeals only to a limited audi- ence, a program designed to reach a wide listenership nets the acfvertiser val- uable word-of-mouth advertising. Manufacturer 16 MILLIMETER MAGIC When the Vic: lOR Animatograph Corporation set out to accomplish three wartime aims, it didn't attempt to do the trick with mir- rors. It achieved its goal with 16 Milli- meter Magic instead. While Victor has nothing to sell the public, its woe program is achieving imj)ortant w^artime objectives in Daven- AUGUST, 1944 275 port, la., namely, (1) improving employ- er-employee relations; (2) assisting di- rectly in the war effort, and (3) increas- ing Victor prestige. Piped by public address system to all workers in the Victor plant, the pro- gram presents Victor as an ideal organ- ization with which to be associated, thus serves to attract more capable employees, reduce turnover, and improve labor re- lations. Post-war opportunities for work- ers are also stressed. In line with direct assistance to the war effort, Victor identifies itself with all community enterprises, helps increase public consciousness of vital local war jirojects such as tin and paper salvage, W^ar loan drives. Red Cross and Com- munitv Chest. Prestige is built through (opy which stresses the tremendous post- war potentialities of VicnoR equipment for entertainment and education. Insti- tutional copy also presents Victor's part in the war. AIR FAX: Listeners hear the Victor Four in vocal and instrumental music. Broadcast Schedule: Monday through Friday, 12:15- 12:30 P.M. Sponsor: Victor Animatograph Corp. Station: WOC, Davenport. la. Power: 5,000 watts. Population: 218.000. COMMENT: Lessons learned from war- time advertising will without question carry-over into the post-war period. 1 Oo, what creates good will iioxi^ will without (|U('stion help buihl sales lor the luture. Merchants' Associations GALLATIN VALLEY COMMUNITY PRO- GRAM Whether ii goes to press once a week or every day, the riual newspaj)er gives prominent display to its (olumns ol country correspondence. Not to be outdone, participating s]M)nsors on the KRHM week-day feature gi\e feature treatment to news fiom vaiious com- iinuiitics outside ol Ho/eman, Moiu. Blanks lor jnisonal items are available al ea( h sponsoi's headcjuartei s, and one- hall ((111 a word is j>ai(l lor all items used on the air. While iians(iibe(l musi( ian<'in<' lioiii 276 hillbilly to hynmal keeps the platters spinning, it's the personal column item that makes the (jdllatiu Valley Com- munity Program the largest mail puller on the Z network. Saturday morning variant on the format: letters on such housewifelv subjects as canning, lecijx's and household hints. Special sJioivmaiistunts that keep audi- ences on their toes: a name-the-tune con- test for 13 weeks; two get-togethers for correspondents, sponsors and their fam- ilies. Some 200 corre- spondents keep the copy AIR FAX: First Broadcast: April 5, 1943. Broadcast Schedule: Monday through Friday, 11:15-11:45 A.M.; Saturday, 10:30-11:00 A.M. Preceded By: Bozeman Minis- terial Ass'n. Followed By: Government Bul- letin Board. Station: KRBM, Bozeman, Mont. Power: 250 watts. Population: 8,65 5. COMMENT: What has built radio audi- ences to such tremendous proportions is the fact that listeners ha\e been given the types of programs which most inter- est them. Here is a series that is cer- tain to get the ear of rural and small connnunitv listeners. Photographers PORTRAIT OF AMERICA Planes loar! Machine guns spit I A ship plows through turbulent seas. Su( h is A Portrait of .liiwrua in war times. Putting that pic- ture into shai p locus for W'DOI) listen- eis, (Chattanooga, Tenn., is the Mil. IS SiiDios, porliail photographers. \\'()rcl-]jic lures of heroes on the home- front and on the battlelionts make up the (|uarier-h()ui exposure loi Oi.AN Mills. With the speed ol a lastiution shut- lei, the series catches real pe()j)le, some of them local personalities, in action, picsents listeners with a giant enlarge- ment ol the \meri(an s((ne. Program is ;ui((l li\(' times weekK. \b)n(la\ through Fii(ia\, al :;::;o P.M. RADIO SHOWMANSHIP AIR FAX: Scripted by Juanita Kemp, in narrative style, the show uses the voices of a man and woman alternately. Sound effects, incidental music, and an occasional poem add to the dramatic picture. Broadcast Schedule: Monday through Friday, 3:30- 3:45 P.M. Sponsor: Olan Mills Studios. Station: WDOD, Chattanooga, Tenn. Power: 5,000 watts. Population: 131,000. COMMENT: Variety in {^rograiniuing is one very real explanation for the tre- mendous hold that radio has on the American public. For the advertiser who wants to deviate from the afternoon pat- tern of music or news, a series of this kind is timely, will most certainly appeal to a wide listenership. For the advertiser here, the tie-in between program title and his own business further serves to identify program sponsorship with ser\'- icc offered. Transportation MAIN LINE While production is a vital factor in the war eifort, it takes railroads to transport the weapons of war, and it takes men and women to keep those trains rolling. A Main Line to Victory must be kept open at any cost. To tell the story of the men and women of America who are keeping those Victory trains rolling is the pinpose of the week- h broadcast series for the Southern Pacific: Railroad. An institutional ve- hicle scheduled for a 52-week run is what Southern Pacific: engineered on If) West Coast stations. Half-hour dramatic show carries first- class entertainment and its commercial message is freighted with blocks of good will l^uilding material. On the home- front, commercials educate the public to the demands railroads are facing ckir- ing the wartime, and the job they are doing in serving a country at war. Among employees, the program has aid- ed in abetting the problem of absentee- ism and worker turnover. Not the least of the functions to which the commer- cials have been put is that of securing new employees for Southern Pacific In every case, Southern Pacific has throt- tled down the commercial word-count. Example: "If you're going into war work (uid ivfinl (I good-paying joJ) in a vital war industry llial is ifi business to stay lo}ig after the war ends, go to work for the Southern Piuifu . S. P. needs thou- sands of men and woniefi inutiediately." AIR FAX: Series is heard on 13 stations of the Don Lee Network, and the three stations of the Arizona Network. First Broadcast: November 10, 194 3. Broadcast Schedule: Wednesday, 8:00-8:30 P.M. sponsor: Southern Pacific Railroad. Agency: Foote, Cone 8C Belding Adv. Agcy.. San Francisco. COMMENT: Industry has done an amaz- ing job in telling its wartime story to the public, and programs of this kind explain in no small measure the in- creased public confidence in big busi- ness. Restaurants SCANNING THE SHOWS To go out for dinner, then on to a show is the idtimatc for the housewife who has to plan three square meals a day. That Hunt's Ltd., Toronto, Ont., chain confectioners and restaurants, may be the place to which the housewife directs her steps on her c^ening out is the purpose of the CJBC weekly feature, biu Hunt's brings the show right into the family living room. Musical reviews of great shows, with stories and patter about the show, the music and interesting incidents siu- rounding it are what Hunt's offers for late Siuiday afternoon listening pleas- me. A different show gets the spotlight each week. Musical fare includes such features as Showboat, and Naughty Marietta. Feature is scheduled for a 52- week run. AIR FAX: Who scans the shows for listeners is emcee Howard Milsom. First Broadcast: May 30, 1944. Broadcast Schedule: Sunday, 7:00-7:30 P.M. Preceded By: Radio Hall of Fame. Followed By: Piano Recital. Sponsor: Hunt's Ltd. Station: CJBC, Toronto, Ont. Population: 1,744,410 Agency: Ellis Adv. Co. COMMENT: Focal radio advertisers ha\e found that what fills the bill for network sponsors can be adapted to their own communities withotu tremen- dous outlays. Programs here represent real contribution to local programming. AUGUST, 1944 277 SHOWMANSHIP IN ACTION Promotions and merchandising stunts that will lift a program out of the ordinary. Photaqraphers BLESSED EVENTER In Washington, D. C, the bird with the long legs doesn't slip into town tinheralded. Almost be- fore he's had a chance to Hap his wings the news is broadcast over W'VV'DC^ to interested liiiteners. Listeners are re- quested to send news of new arrivals, and each new mother receives a gift certificate from the White Photo Studios entitling her to a free picture of the infant within six months. Co-spon- sor Mortons Babvland presents each mother with a certificate which entitles her to a record book for the new baby. Blessed event for Blessed Eventer was ihe addition of a new feattne designed to hcl]3 expectant mothers. In Modern Mother, a (ive-miniUe feattire, Mortons' advertising manager, Mrs. Nora Lam- born, answers listener-sent questions and gives sound advice to those in the process of knitting tiny garments. AIR FAX: Format: one musical number selected to remind mothers of ttieir own childhood, then stork news, followed by Modern Mother. First Broadcast: November 15, 1943. Broadcast Schedule: Mond- 1:20 P.M. Preceded By: Captain Cash. Followed By: Music. Sponsor: Mortons Babyland; White Photo Studios. Station: WWDC. Washington. D. C. Power: 250 watts. Population: 663,091. COMMENT: Give-aways provide the ad- \ertiser with a very direct contact with the \ery group he most wants to reach. When the give-away is one that will have product reminder value over a period of time, the device is particularly effective. Hatcheries COLLECT CALL When WKNE listeners hear the words, "Call me collect" there's plenty on which to collect. For answer- ing correctly one simple qtiestion, the listener stands to win either dollars or Nedlar Farm baby chicks. Thrown in for good measure is fun and entertain- ment on the half-hour feature. Each day listeners from different areas are in\ ited to call the WKNE studio. For correct answers to questions, the pay-off is one buck or merchan- dise prizes, no strings attached. Listeners hear calls both ways. Musical (ill- ins help pace the show. air FAX: Emcee is Ted Beebe. Manipulator of the ivories is Eric Crowther. First Broadcast: April, 1944. Broadcast Schedule: Monday through Friday, 1 1 :00- 11:30 A.M. Preceded By: Ruth Redington. Followed By: Bright Horizon. Station: WKNE. Keene, N. H. Power: 5,000 watts. Population: 13,8J2. COMMENT: Intel est iiig is the \aria- tion here on tlie usual telej^hone-call- made-at-random (jiii/ show technicjue. in its la\()r is the fad that such a pro- (C'duie gives everyone an ecjual chance, allows for greater audience participa- lion. Men's Wear KENNEDY'S WORLD NEWS ROUNDUP When Kknnii)^ 's Inc., New England (lothieis, took on sponsorsliip ol NBd's 278 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP jiiorning World Nexos Roundup, it didn't wait lor Father Tinie to build up an established audience. Kennp:i)^ 's gave the man with the scythe a boost, staged one of the most thorough promo lional campaigns in th(^ histor\' ol the Boston, Mass., area. [ust prior to the first broadcast, Iront page ads were carried in all Boston, Springfield, Lynn, Salem, Brockton and Worcester newspapers. Then followed, for the first week, daily run of advertise- ments in all these communities. Within the store itself, Kennedy's didn't leave anything to chance. Every counter in each of the Kennedy's stores displayed a placard playing up the fact that invasion news direct from the fight- ing fronts is heard six mornings weekly o\'er VVBZ and WBZA at 8:00 A.M. In the Boston store there was a special win- dow display in which the typical Ameri- can home scene was recreated, showing the anxious listener seated close to his radio, studying War maps. Suspended across Summer street, in the heart of the Boston shopping area: a large sign in- forming passers-by of the special inva- sion news service which Kennedy's pre- sents. Coiutesy spot announcements at fre- cjuent intervals also remind listeners of the seiies. AIR FAX: First Broadcast: May 15, 1944. Broadcast Schedule: Monday ttirougli Saturday, 8:00- 8:15 A.M. Preceded By: Varied. Followed By: Wax Museum. Sponsor: Kennedy's Inc. Station: WBZ-WBZA, Boston, Mass. COMMENT: The man who buys a radio program, expects radio to be the miracle worker, always Hnds that coordinated ef- fort within the limitations of the budget are well worth the time and effort. Participating JUNIOR 730 CLUB Junic^r and the jun- ior miss are both a])t to tease for things "just like mother's or dad's," and there's no rest until they get it. In Portsmouth, N. H., there's peace and quiet at least on one count. Mother may fiave her WIIEB 7')0 Club, but the small fry has its Junior 7'yO Club. Both shows share the same participating sponsors. What established the new series with its youthful listeners: theatre passes, and gifts from merchants to Junior 750 Club members. Gifts to club members whose names are drawn at random must be c laimed within ten days, and response to date is close to tfie 100 per cent level. With a first-broadcast nucleus of 50 members, the average weekly increase by post-card count is 50 new members. Pro- spective members fill in a membership request form, get a post-card certihcate of membership in return. AIR FAX: SIiow goes on the air each Saturday morn- ing at 9:30, features birthdays, stories, music, and interviews with members. Membership is limited to tho:e under 16 years of age. First Broadcast: March 25, 1944. Broadcast Schedule: Saturday, 9:30-11:00 A.M. Station: WHEB, Portsmouth, N. H. Power: 1,000 watts. Population: 25,000. COMMENT: How effective a youthful salesman can be is indicated by the con- tinued appeal to the home through its children by some of the largest network advertisers in the country. Wisely, such series usually incltide plenty of give- aways, other things equally important to childhood enthusiasms. AUGUST, 1944 279 WHAT THE PROGRAM DID FOR ME This is the businessman's own department. RADIO SHOW- MANSHIP invites radio advertisers to exchange results and reactions to radio programs for their mutual benefit. Beverages DAN DUNN SECRET OPERATIVE NO. 48 "We have s|X'iu many years, and much money Iniilding the name oi Royal Crown (^oi.a, and while it is true that now we are selling all that we are allow- ed, the fickle public will easily forget us if we are not careful to keep that name alive. "With that in mind, we bought Dan Dunn for three reasons. First, we were looking for a show that would appeal to the future Mr. and Mrs. Jones of Amer- ica. They're kids now, but in just a few short years they will represent the buy- ing forces of this country. Dan Dunn answered that de- scription. "Next, we felt that the cost was reasonable, that the purpose we wanted to ac- complish woidd be in line with the amount of business we are able to do. And last- ly, we wanted something timely. We picked the 5:'M) P.M. time because it followed The Lone Ranger. "Dan Dunn did a fine job, and we ex- panded its use to cover Gastonia. over WGNC:." FRANCIS M. FITZGERALD Royal Crown Cola Co. Charlotte, N. C. AIR FAX: When the daily paper is thrown on the doorstep, it's a safe bet that for many readers, news takes second place. What gets the top billing is the comic section. And to millions of Americans, Dan Dunn, Secret Operative No. 48, is the fair-haired darling of the comics. When Dan Dunn hit the air- waves, therefore, he was already an American in- stitution. Sponsors for this transcribed feature have a series which, in newspaper form, was ranked among the first 12 cartoon strips in public popularity. Dan Dunn, Secret Operative Nt>. 4S, opens with action, and the action continues throughout the series. Smashing of a spy ring is covered in the first 39 episodes. Remaining J9 programs cover three different sequences split up into 13 episodes each. Among the sponsors who have given this super- sleuth top billing are the HIRES BOTTLING COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA: HYGEIA MILK PRODUCTS COMPANY OF TEXAS. COBURG DAIRY, Charleston. S. C, and ROYAL CROWN COLA, Birmingham, Ala. Promotionotions: poster stamp sets of LJnited States Navy Aircraft Squadron Insignia, with albums may be used as a self-liquidating item with the juvenile audience. Newspaper ad mats, membership cards, advance teaser-spot announcements, publicity stories, and window display cards are available. Type: Transcription. Episodes: 72. Time Unit: 15 Minutes. Appeal: Juvenile and Adult. Producer: Kasper-Gordon, Inc. COMMENT: When radio ad\ertisers as- sume sponsorship of a series which is al- ready known to the public, much of the fuss and bother of a lengthy build-up is eliminated, and the advertiser doesn't have to wait se\eral months for results. Finance CITIZEN'S FORUM "Broad- cast over KNX every Thurs- day e\ening, Citizen s Forum is an open forum discussion gioup. Each week we select a different topic, one that will in- terest the greatest number of local peo- i,k-. "I he (irsl l)i()a(l(asl was (omprised oi a panel of ( i\ i( cxpeils who discussed the subject. What is the Future of Los Angeles? Subsequent programs ha\e (on- cerned sudi topics as the future of a\ia- lion lor this aica. and a discussion of a moot |)()inl. 117/^// About Russia? VERNE EASTMAN Hixson-O'Dontiell Adv., Inc. Los Angeles, Cat. AIR FAX: Half-hour round-table discussion sponsored by the Citizens National Bank as an institutional ges- ture was scheduled for 1 3 weeks. htrsi Broadcast: March 30, 1944. 280 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP Broadcast Schedule: Thursday, 9:50-10:00 P.M. Sponsor: Citizens National Bank. Station: KNX, Hollywood, Cal. Power: 50,000 watts. Population: 1,504,277. Agency: Hixson-O'Donnell Adv., Inc. COMMENT: Naming a new i)al)v is a (inch compared to picking the right jiom-de-phime for a radio offering. Brev- ity is desirable. But when the title also (onveys some idea of the program con- tent, and has a direct tie-in with the sponsor, the search is definitely over. Electronics TWO TON BAKER "Our client, the Raulani) Corp., is sponsoring Two Ton Baker from 8:15 to 8:.^() A.M., Monday through Saturday, on a 13-week basis. The same client is also sponsoring a series of daily broadcasts over three other Chicago, 111., stations. "For the latter stations, dramatized programs emphasizing the importance of electronics in the war efibrt have been transcribed. The entire broadcast series is directed at procuring employees for Ral'LANd, one of the largest manufac- turers of secret electronic devices in America." R. R. KAUFMAN Lieber Advertising Co. Chicago, III. AIR FAX: Songs and piano numbers malce up the Two Ton Baker show. First Broadcast: May 2, 1944. Broadcast Schedule: Monday through Saturday, 8:15- 8:30 A.M. Preceded By: News. Followed By: Network. Sponsor: Rauland Corp. Station: WGN, Chicago, III. Power: 50,000 watts. Population: 3,440,420. Agency: Lieber Adv. Co. COMMENT: W^ieii the supply of full- time workers ran out, employers had to reach a group who had not been trained to the ( lassifirds, whose onlv moti\e foi work was patriot i(. It is this group in particular that radio has effectively reached. Such broadcasts also help keep those already employed on the job, thus contribute to a reduction in worker turn-over. 0. TELE-CASTS Things are happening on the television front of interest to advertisers and to agencies. Department Stores DON MC NEILL'S SUPPER CLUB When Marshall Fikld K: Co., Chicago, 111., took its first whirl in the newest cjf ad- \ertising media to promote the newest in fashions, it didn't have long to wait for proof of the television potential. Bright and early the next day, several customers came in to the 28 Shop to see at closer range the dresses shown in the previous night's television show. The first commercially sponsored television show in the middlewest, the half-hour program feattired a cast of 15, with Don Mc Neill as emcee. Models displayed the latest styles available in Marshall Field's 28 Shop. Nearly 200 WBKB guests viewed the show. Newspaper space invited Chicago audiences with television sets to inspect the Marshall Fikld fashion parade in their ow^n homes. Emphasis was put on the fact that with the new medium, Marshall Field would later be able to make such feattires a regular part of its ctistomer service. air FAX: Music supplied by the Three Romeos, along with Nancy Martin who sang and played her own accompaniment was a part of the show. Bert Allerton did a few magic tricks. First Broadcast: May 5, 1944. Broadcast Schedule: Friday, 30 minutes. Sponsor: Marshall Field 8C Co. Station: WBKB, Chicago, III. Agency: Ruthrauft 8C Ryan. COMMENT: While television has not yet emerged as a full-fledged ad\ertising mediinn, the possil)iIities are obvious to those accustomed to thinking in terms of visual impression. Programs based on personalities are bound to be staples of immediate television fare for some time to come. AUGUST, 1944 281 PROOF 0' THE PUDDING Results based on sales, mails, surveys, long runs and the growth of the business itself. Farm Supplies MARKET REPORTS Know your markets is the slogan among livestock producers of the Northwest. Farmers everywhere have been carrying out the gigantic task of providing meats for the fighting allied nations of the world, and it's AValt Gard- ner, head of the public relations depart- ment of the Central Co-Operativk Ass'n., largest livestock marketing agen- cy in America, who talks twice daily to 150,000 Northwest livestock producers by means of radio. Space has been set aside in Central's office where remote control facilities, microphone and necessary amplifying ('(juipment has been installed. With this equipment in Central's office at the Soiuh St. Paid market, second largest livestock marketing center of the coun- try, the announcer steps up to the mic- rophone while trading is actually in progress to tell listeners the story of sup- ply, demand and price trends. IIk" livestock market program (oming oui ol (j-nfral C>)-()im RAriVE's ofiuc twi(e daily lor the past scncii scars is more than just a list of .'-t> prices. Farmers want to know each day the volimie of supj)li('s at all maikcis ol llic (ounliA, whclhcr ilic niaikcl is bullish or bearish, and what is hap- pening in I Ik meat trade. Cove Ml m (• n I buying of lend lease meals, new price ( oiniol measures, iiu eiU i\ c pa \ m e n I s . m ea 1 resei \ e stocks and }jroduction in all parts of the world all ha\'e a vital bearing on the farm situation in the Northwest. AVhile the farm family is at the din- ner table, 12:30 to 12:4.5 P.M. (noon- time), Central Co-Operative provides its rural listeners with just such infor- mation. Various controls, regidations, legislation and production requests ^vhich come out of Washington bureaus are given as a backgroimd upon which the livestock pioducer may base his con- clusions in regard to individual produc- tion and marketing. I'his cjuarter-hour broadcast is supplemented b\ a (i\e- miniue morning series. air FAX: Fint Broadcast: 1937. Broadcast Schedule: Monday tliroiigti Friday, 12:30- 12:45 P.M. Sponsor: Central Co-Operattve Ass'n. Station: WDGY, Minneapolis, Minn. Power: 5,000 watts (d). Population: 488,687. COMMENT: Seven years of ser\ice is an enviable record for any advertiser, and service features have been particularlv successful in winning the friendship and lovaltv of the farm audience. Groceries MARJORIE MILLS HOUR Almost as much a part of the diet of the New Eng- land housewife as baked beans and Ijrown bread, is the daily radio fare served on the Marjoric Mills Hour. Manufacturers' sales figures and consist- ent renewals tell the storv. Mail returns corroborate it. When Brer Raiuui Moiasses ollcred a recipe book over a .-^2 months period, ic(|uests reached a giand total of 90,215. In a 28 months spell the postman brought 72,8-^9 rec|uests lor Knox Geia- TiNE booklets. Nestle booklets weiH to 79,6.^1 listeners in "M moiuhs, and in a (i\e months period 29,11;^ listeners asked for, ic'cc'ixc'd a free sample of l\ 1 s I 1 . 1 ' s 1^ V 1 R R K A I) V Cocoa. Ol her booklets which listeners went for in 282 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP a big way: tlu- La Rosa Macaroni book- let tempted 2'6,llb housewives in -^^^ weeks; 13,141 listeners added the Mor- RKi.L E-Z Cut Ham recipe book to their collections in two and a hall months; 10,414 wrote for the Kemp's Sun-Rayed 1 oMATo Juice recipe book in three and a hall months, and in seven weeks, 7,945 requested the Lea & Perrins Recipes of Famous People book. Commented Victor Friend, president of Friend Bros.: "Lve been baking beans for over 40 years, but I never knew how really good they were until I heard Marjorie Mills talking about them on her broadcast. I came near going out and buy- ing a can mvself!" air FAX: Daily, at 12:30 P.M. lis- teners hear the half-hour Marjorie Mills Hour over WBZ. Bo ton. Mass.; WTIC, Hartford, Conn.; W.IAR. P-ovidence. R. I.; WCSH, Portland, Ma., and WLBZ, Bangor, Ma. Personal appearances by home e-onomist Marjorie Mills at independent ma*-- kets, chain groceries, food shows, cooking schools and women's cluh-^ help boost the stock of partici- pating sponsors. Where possible, brand names a'-e used in recipes, menu suggestions and household hints. Full cooperative sales and advertising schedules with the maio-itv of the '-hain stores, voluntary cronos and independent markets are secured on a rotating s'-hedu'e for the adverti'^ed p-oducts. Sales tie-ups are scheduled weeklv, with flyers, window posters and newspaper advertisements. Cut-in announcments at the conclusion of each broadcast by local station announcers call attention to the stores in each area holding special Marjorie Mills Hour sales. Additional merchandising tie-in: a chain of ove'- 1,000 A-1 grocery outlets displaying the Marjorie Mills Hour Seal of Approval decal- comania. Each store disoiaying the insignia is known and recommended as Marjorie Mills Hour Shopping Centers. Sponsorship is scheduled twice weekly on a rotating basis for each advertiser. First Broadcast: 1937. Broadcast Schedule: Monday through Friday, 12:30- 1:00 P.M. COMMENT: Manufacturers without number have foimd that the home forum series with an established commentator is a short-cut to market penetration and continued success. What is done locally in most cases is here done on a regional basis with that much greater area cover- age. Groceries A WOMAN VIEWS THE NEWS In March, 194.^, WFBR, key station for the Maryland All-Home Network, had a li\(-minute pel iod available al 1:00 P.M. for news, lo reach the housewife in the WFBR, Baltimore, VV|F[, Hagerstown, and WBO(^, Salisbury, markets, the spot filled the bill for C^ouriland D. Fergu- son, Inc.. advertising agency handling the J. H. Filbert Co. acc(3unt. Fhe prod- uct they had to sell was Mrs. Filbert's Margarine, a product bought by wom- en, with a woman's name, and actually a woman directing its manufacture. Why not a woinan to do the news to give a different twist to a straight five-minute news period? Ergo, A Woman Views the Neivs had its start, with veteran mike- stress Kitty Dierken as commentator. Ever since, A Woman Views the Nexus has been directed at the women of Mary- land to acquaint them with the fresit taste of Mrs. Filbert's Margarine. Commercials clocked at from 30 to 45 seconds tell in a factual way the advan- tages of the product. When the show was but six months old, an offer of a margarine recipe book- let was made on one program requiring a box top from a one pound package of Mrs. Filbert's Margarine then selling for 29 cents and requiring six red ration points. All entries were due in a three day time limit. When the deadline ar- rived, the mail count on that one-time annoinicement totalled 120 eligible en- tries. What the J. H. Filbert Co. has to re- port: larger distribution as the result of this program. Feather in its cap for A Woman Views the Neius: while spot announcements for Mrs. Filbert's Mar- garine are heard on many radio stations where the product is distributed, the news program is the only show^ being used. air FAX: News commentator Dierken, with more than one iron in the fire, has been heard over Balti- more stations for the past seven years, currently does a daily morning advice to the lovelorn half- hour series, and a quarter-hour Counter Chatter show three times weekly over WFBR for a Baltimore department store. First Broadcast: March 15, 1943. Broadcast Schedule: Monday through Friday, 4:00- 4:05 P.M. Sponsor: J. H. Filbert Co. Station: WFBR, Baltimore, Md.; WJEJ, Hager- stown; WBOC, Salisbury. COMMENT: Advertisers throughout the country whose product appeals to wom- AUGUST, 1944 283 225 JjumAxJubiuL "STAND BY, AMERICA" is history "come to life." It's Commodore Matt Perry slugging it out with the Japs on the after-deck of his ship . . . it's a breathtaking flood in the Johnstown Valley . . . it's Eddie Rickenbacker pumping bullets into the bellies of six Ger- man Fokkcr planes. "STAND BY, AMERICA" has smashed sales records for one sponsor in 18 markets, is now available for use in other cities at sensationally low price, via tran- scriptions. This series shows how America met similar problems of today in other years . . . how people of all races, creeds and colors helped to build a mighty nation. It's the pro- gram EVERY American wants to hear. Write or v^ire for audition samples. Mention Radio Showmanship, please! Kasper-Gordon, Inc. 140 Boylston Street BOSTON 16, MASS. Otic Of 7 //(• Country's Largest Producers Of Sitcccisful Radio Profiratns en ha\e icporlccl splendid lesnhs with news programs conducted by a feminine commentator. WomEn's Wear MUSIC When the Darling Shop, Mem- phis, Tenn. clothing store, decided to branch ont, open up a new store, it had the problem of mo\ing its customers Avith it to the new address. It was some- thing that might have stumped Hercu- les, but not radio. Each morning at 6:45 early risers get a quarter-hour of faxorite times over WMPS. Commercials plug the new address along with some fea- tured bargains. Ha\ing started the da\ right . Dar- ling's presents a five-minute single time feature at 12:30 P.>f., same purpose, same station. With a 4:25 P.M., ten- minute section ol the Battle of the Ihnids, Darlinc; signs oil for the da\. (lomplete schedule: six cjuarter-hours, fixe ten-minute shows and fixe fixe-min- nie periods each xveek. Kxiden(C' thai ihe schedule designed to reacli all dilleiciu aiidieiuc lyjK'S was lailoi-made: Darlinc; managemeiU re- poits that l)iisiness was greater the first ixvo xveeivs in the nexv location than it had excr been in any gixen pei iod prex i- ouslx'. .\s a (onsecjuencc. ihe new loca- lion is to be i"et;tine(l, and llic old loca- lion w\\\ operate imdei a dilleicnt name. air F.\X: Iir$l Broadcast M.iy. 1944. Sponsor: D.irling SFiop. Station: WMPS. Moiiiphis, renii. Poncr: LOGO u.itts ( d I . r<.fynl„lion: i2 1.8''>0. COMMENT: A lieaxy schedule staggei- ccl to Kiuli the gieatest portion ol the total listening audience is the- (|nick xvay lo get a jol) done. 284 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP S H 0 W M A N V I E VI S News and views of current script and transcribed releases back- ed with showmantips. All are available for local sponsorship. Fashions FASHION LETTER For its proven ahil- il\ to catch icinininc lancy, fashion news is a field which department stores have lari^ely pre-empted lor themselves. Btit fashion news can also be an effective approach when attached to something other than fashion items. Proof: all up and down the cotuitry, Evelyn Day's New York FasJiion Letter is doing a job of selHng goods of all kinds. From fur coats to lingerie, glo\'es to hair styles, the fashion parade goes on day after day. It's all big news to the feminine audience. Facts garnered from fasliion show\s, wholesale houses, meet- ings and sliowings are passed on to lis- teners through this daily syndicated radio script feature. Copy is mailed daily bv regular or special delivery at a nomi- nal montlily charge as an exclusive fea- ture. Combined with mtisic, chatter and conuTiercials, scripts may be adapted to a cjuarter-hour feature. It may also be used as a five- or ten-minute series. AIR FAX: Type: Script. Schedule: Daily. ^ Appeal: Feminine. Producer: W. E. Long Co. COMMENT: Material of this kind may be used to l)uild a new show, or it may })e incorporated into an established program of- fering. Inspirational PERSONAL PROBLEMS Never in the history of the vvoild has theic been a time when more peo])le needed someone in whom to confide, someone from whom to get expert advice. \o help fill this need, Allie Lowe Miles presents the transcribed feature. Personal ProJ)- Unns. Designed for universal appeal, the series features advice and solutions to personal problems. Commentator Miles will personally answer letters from lis- teners. Quarter-hour series may be tised from one to five times a week. AIR FAX: Known to networlc audiences for many years, Allie Lowe Miles is also a prolific author, has written movie scenarios, novels and numerous arti- cles in women's publications. Type: E.T. Time Unit: 15 Minutes. Producer: Harry S. Goodman Radio Productions. COMMENT: Even with listeners who ha\e no immediate problem, it is still a fact that people revel in sharing the troubles of others. For that reason a series based on real life is almost certain to make for good fistening among wom- en generally. Witli network advertisers, features of this kind have been tremen- dously successfid. They are good for local sponsors. Informational U. S. AND YOU Uncle Sam is a big guy, and John Doe is pretty much in the dark about his activities. To help the little fellow develop more of a person- al feeling aboiu his govern- ment is the purpose behind the transcribed series, U. S. and You. A congressman from your state reports on con- AUGUST, 1944 285 gressional happenings ol the week thai affect yon and your neighbors. A news analyist answers your questions about news from the nation's capitol, and its effect on the folks back home. Guests from your home town are featured in breezy, informal interviews. Transcribed feature is designed for distribution within the individual states. Program originates in Washington, brings to the state audience each week a brief report from a member of the state congressional delegation; a new^s sinnmary by commentator Billy Repaid, and interviews with state boys and girls who are in Washington engaged in war work. Now in production, the feature has distribution in Georgia, will be broadcast in sev- eral other states in the near fu- ture. AIR FAX: Tailor-made transcribed feature is designed for once-a-week presentation. Type: E.T. Time Unit: 15 Minutes. Producer: Bernard-Paulin. COMMENT: Timeliness is one of the assets of a feature of this kind. A weekly radio column of Washington news with a local angle is almost certain to build listeners for any type of adver- tiser. cnce popularity, with performers get- ting a lesser billing, the fact remains that the radio audience goes for its radio personal itv performers in a big wav. Here is a paii^ a\ailai)l(' on transcrip- tion. Patriotic CHAMPIONS OF FREEDOM Short, short stories of the fighting men of the United Nations, the true CJuuupions of Frec- dom, are what listeners are offered in this li\e script series for local one-man production. With 260 scripts planned, series is now offered in units of 65 episodes, may be used for across the board daily broadcast, or three times weekly. Program is recommend- ed for plants engaged in w^ar w^ork, or for adver- tisers who want to keep their names before the public even thotigh they have little to sell the con- sumer today. A five-minute offering, actual performance time is aboiu three minutes, with the remainder of the fne- miniue period for sponsor identification and coimneixial ainiouiuemeni. Music JERRY AND SKY When ferry and Sky, the Melody Men let go with hillbilly music, it has the real touch. That 1 en- nessee accent is the real thing; they were born doxun thar. AVMiether they play the guitar, banjo, harmonica, sing or yodel, the hillbilly and folk song ren- dered has the real flavor of the Smoky Mountains. Available aie 208 transcribed pro- grams. Kadi ejjisode runs about ihrec minutes. Vovu may be combined lo j)i() duce a cjuartet-hour series. AIR FAX: Type: E.T. Episodes: 208. Time Unit: 5 Minutes. Producer : Kakper-Ciordon, Inc. COMMENT: While inosi I i a n s( r i hid features depeiid on dramatic suspense, other ingredients ol that natuic for audi- AIR FAX: Type: Script. Episodes: 260. Time Unit: 5 Minutes. Producer: Special Features Syndicate. COMMENT: With most families in the (ountry personally concerned aboiu the weHare of individual members of the armed forces, a series of this kind does much to l)oost homefront morale, also shortens the distaiue between battle IVont and home. A Ghost of an Idea may be the beginning of a successful sales campaign. In this issue there is a collection of tried and tested pro- grams. One of them may be adapta- ble to YOUR business. 286 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP 'jrr™-'" K ,0. mil Kmi^^^^' Go ahead and cut out the coupon! Don't worry about ruining the magazine cover; we'll send you a new copy for your file. vv facts and ftg^^^^ .^'irapV^^^^'^ -- ^'': ^dl t' a gl-- .t;*ial interest >«".'^" cam maienal ot ejpe i^„t. com- .^ ELEVENTH A^ \^^^^^T^ Minneapolis, ^^ Gentlemen 1 ^vant ant It t^o^vm; Send ^^eren"ose.D.Bm- later Q- ,vhat 1 ^^'a"^ Name I 5 I I t I I Address . • Company position . City • State FB-2 Some of the statit who subscribe to K^ for their advertii WIND Chicago, III. WGR-WKBW Buffalo, N. Y. KDYL Salt Lake C KOA KROW KTUL Denver, Co San Francisc Oakland, C • Tulsa, Oki WFIL a Philadelphia, Pa.f WTCN Minneapolis, Min WIBX Urica, N. WHIT New Bern, No. Can WOOD Chattanooga, Tenni WFBL Syracuse, N. Y. CKWX Vancouver, B. C. Kadio HOWMANSHIP keeps the radio advertiser posted on whal new; ir places before his eyes the stories of how others in his business ^"''' '<' '« '• f' "lis him how to best .... ,..l"> nnie. EPTEMBEH 1944 Parable of the Loaves (p.294) How to Pick a Winner (p.300) Advice based on 10 years of broadcast experience. 43 TESTED PROGRAMS FOR BUSINESSMEN 30clNCANA RADIO ADVERTISERS IN THIS ISSUE Pacific Greyhound Lines Hochschild, Kohn & Co. Grennan Bakeries J. F. Hink & Son Stewart & Co. Froug's Department Store Foreman & Clark Moore's Store for Men General Baking Co. llORE THAN A MARA7TNE A RFRVTHE YOUR BUSINESS AT A GLANCE A quick index to what others in your business field accomplish through radio. Articles and services in Radio Showmanship are classified by businesses here. S E P T E Business PAGE Automobiles 310 Bakeries 294, 310, 320 Beverages 310, 311 Candies 311 Dairies 316, 320 Department Stores 297, 302, 306, 309, 311, 316 Drug Products 304 Dry Cleaners 320 Farm Supplies 312 Groceries 308, 313, 321 M B E R Business PAGE Heating Supplies 313 Home Furnishings 300 Ice Dealers 314 Insurance 316 Labor Unions 314 Manufacturers 315, 321 Men's Wear 308, 317, 318 Photographers 309, 318, 321 Restaurants 322 Transportation 298 Business Bakeries Beverages Children's Wear Dairies Department Stores AUG PAGE 262, 284 271, 280 278 272 Drugs Farm Supplies Finance Groceries Hearing Aids 266, 272, 273, 281 258 278, 282 273, 275, 280 282, 283 275 U S T Business PAGE Manufacturers 268, 275, 281 Men's Wear 278, 284 Merchants' Associations 260, 276, 279 Music Stores 284 Newspapers 274 Photographers 276, 278 Restaurants 277 Theatres 264 Transportation 277 Women's Wear 284 // you don't have the August issue, order it now! PUBLISHER Don Paul Nathonson EDITOR Marie Ford EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD RADIO Herbert Pettey Ralph Atlass William Dclph Glenn Snyder Philip Lasky Roger Clipp C. T. Hagman J. Harold Ryan Lorenzo Richards oustov Flexner J, Hudson Huffard Maurice M. Chait Frank J. Ryan Mien C. Knowles New York Chicago Washington Chicago San Francisco Philadelphia Minneapolis Washington BUSINESS Ogden, Utah Louisville Bluefield, Va, Peoria, III. Kalamazoo, Mich. Cleveland PUBLISHING OFFICE • 1004 Marquette, Minneapolis 2, Minn. Telephone: Geneva 9619. WESTERN REPRESENTATIVE • Brand and Brand, 816 West Fifth Street, Los Angeles 13, Gal. Telephone: Michigan 1732. Edward Brand, Man- ager. :OPYRIGHT . 1944 by Showmanship Publications, publishers of Radio Showmanship. CONTENTS SEPTEMBER, 1944 Vol. 5, No. 9 EDITORIAL 293 PARABLE OF THE LOAVES— E. J. Sperry 294 LION'S DON'T ROAR— An RS Analysis 297 BUS LINES ON AIR LANES— Herbert D. Cayford 298 WHAT'S WELL BEGUN— B. J. Lasser 300 BEYOND REASONABLE DOUBT— B. Lewis Posen 302 A TOOTHSOME BIT— Howard W. Davis 304 WE, THE PEOPLE— An RS Analysis 306 SHOWMANSCOOPS 308 AIRING THE NEW 310 SHOWMANSHIP IN ACTION 316 SHOWMANVIEWS 319 PROOF O* THE PUDDING 320 SUBSCRIPTION RATES: United States and possessions, $2.50 one 3'ear ; Canada, $3.00. Single copies — 25 cents. CHANGE OF ADDRESS should be reported to Radio Showman- ship Mag:azine, 1004 Marquette, Minneapolis 2, Minn., three weeks before it is to be effective. Send old address with new. SEPTEMBER, 1944 291 WE OFFER FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION A RADIO PROGRAM ENTITLED WHAT KIND OF A PROGRAM IS THIS? Essentially, If is a REC- ORD SHOW, although It is not simply ANOTHER RECORD SHOW. And it Is a Quiz Show, although It Is NOT SIMPLY a Quiz Show. You might call this an unseen audience participation show ... for ALL WOMEN . . . because This program was conceived to provide authoritative and useful infor- mation for ALL WOMEN — not in the pedagogic manner, but in a way that will challenge their common sense and Ingenuity In hypothetical situations ) /\^\^ ( / / that occur dally In THEIR lives. FOR EXAMPLE? For example. It could be a situation provoked by wartime shortage of basic essential foods calling for an adequate nutritional substitute; It could be a situation calling for the urgent repair of a vitally needed home article which Is dIfRcult to replace at this time; it could be a situation calling for a knowl- edge of etiquette. FORMAT OF THE SCRIPT. At the outset the announcer will make it known that there are five questions to be answered . . . five questions to be answered by solving a situa- tion in which the listener mentally places herself. At the close of each program, there Is a carry-over riddle to be answered the following day. 1 % LENGTH OF PROGRAM Fifteen minutes, 5 a week, 13 week Series. You may purchase this show one time or five times a week. This is a live show, transcriptions available if desired. We i^r^ ready to air this show at once. B^^J^^^^^^ 25% of air time used, payable in advance weekly. Protected areas. Let us handle your script problems. We have a catalog of program ideas contained In 5, 15, and 30 minute scripts. We invite you to avail yourself of our services. NOTE: Promptness of your re- ply Insures preference In your area. ^^^x c/j. CJ//is fA ssociates RADIO PRODUCTIONS 14 WEST 45t„ ST., N.Y. 19, N . Y. An Editorial TODAY, RADIO is making hay, and the sun shines on. Newsprint shortages, and space ciirtaihiients in other media have seen the die-hards who held out for the visual impact over the oral fall into line. Sure! They're buying time. Those advertising dollars are going for time instead of space. But are they sold? Whether those w^ho buy time today continue to buy at war's end is a horse of a different color. Now it's any port in a storm. It's up to radio to determine whether these new-to-radio accounts stay with the medium or swing back to white space and copy blocks. What the time salesman has to sell now isn't time. He's selling good will as an investment in the future. The man with the rate-card who sells just that and nothing more today w^ill continue to be a welcome guest w'hen the drums of war cease to roll. New accounts need to be schooled in radio techni(jues. They need to get the feel of the medium. The medium has to produce residts. All this has to be done under the handicap of limited time avail- abilities and all the rest of it. It isn't a question now so much of picking the time availability, the program, or the station; , rather, it's taking what is open. And in spite of this, radio has to produce, or it will find its new acquaintances are fair weather friends. THAT'S THE JOB of the rate-card boys these days. Those calls on old accounts, the tips passed on to new clients are investments in the future. The honeymoon will be over then. It will be every man for himself. No matter how good business is, no station can afford to lose its smallest customer, or the good will of that customer. Now is the time to really sell the man who buys the time. SEPTEMBER, 1944 293 by E. J. SPERRY, director of radio ■ arable of the Loaves ^^ To turn one loaf into many sales, efficient opera- tion, correct costs and quality of the product must be considered first before advertising can go to work to secure the necessary new customers each and every day, writes the director of radio for the W. E. Long Co., bakery management advisory service, Chicago. MANAGEMENT of radio advertis- ing for the baker is completely different from all other forms of adver- tising due to the fact that bread is a perishable product which must be baked fresh every day and sold during the trad- ing hours of that day. One might say that the baker closes his business every night at sundown and opens a new business each morning at sunrise. All of his customers must be generated within the day ahead, and the only cumulative value that he can hope to gain must come from the quality of the bread itself, combined with consum- er acceptance of whatever brand name he chooses to put on his loaf of bread. Unlike other food products sold in grocery stores, there is no permanence in a brand name attached to bread (this is best proved by the fact that it is possi- ble to go into a wholesale bread market, change the l)rand of bread over-night, and eventually come out with sales that show an increase over the abandoned brand) . Any baker who feels that a jjariicular brand of bread that he owns has any definite value in an o\erall period of years is fooling himself. His bread brand name is worth onlv as iniuh as he makes it worth on a particular day of business. Repeat sales of bread can only be cre- ated by the quality and uniformity of the bread itself. Bread is one commodity that cannot rely on advertising alone for its success. To describe our method of handling radio advertising, and oiu' method of placing such radio advertising on the radio stations so as to secure the maxi- mimi results in bread sales, it is neces- sary to first get the horse ahead of the cart. Radio advertising in the minds of the executive staff of the W. E. Long Company is worthless imless it is pre- ceded by the proper engineering and production. Wf. of the W. E. Long Company Radio Division are iniable to c()m})ete with writers who with flowing words and sweet sounding phrases exude the suc- cesses of their partictilar campaign or radio show. This reticence of conmient (onus not from criticism of the other fellow's method or campaigns, but from the fact that the W. E. Long C^ompanv is the only organization of its kind in the world; employing only those meth- 294 RADIO SH OWM ANSH IP ods that have been a proven success over the 44 years of our history in the baking industry. Promotional advertising in trade pa- pers, circular letters and numerous dis- plays telling of the merits of the W. E. Long Company Radio Division might lead some to think that ours is strictly an advertising business. This is not a fact. The W. E. Long Company is a bakery management advisory service, maintaining extensive food laboratories out of which have come some of Amer- ica's great food and cereal processing achievements. In the handling of radio advertising for one of our associate bakers we do nothing until our Auditing Division has ascertained that production costs, man- agement costs, labor costs, ingredient costs, sales costs, and plant costs are right and proper not only in relationship to profit for the baker, but for the assur- ance of the best loaf of bread that the consumer's money can buy in the par- ticular market. Then the weight of our food cereal laboratories comes into play, not only on a basis of laboratory tests in Chicago, but on a basis that travelling produc- tion men (bakers) who are expert in producing the finest loaf of bread, give their approval to the bread to be offered to the consumer. Working hand-in-hand with the Audit- ing Division and the Laboratory Divi- sion, the Engineering Division sees to it that the loaf of bread is produced under the most scientific baking conditions pos- sible and when these three divisions have finished their work, then and only then, are the advertising divisions per- mitted to set up budgets and plan an advertising campaign. These advertising campaigns must at all times coincide with sales figures and profits refiected on the books of the Aud- iting Division. Now we have several things. (1). The bakery plant is under efficient operation. (2). Costs are correct for both the baker and the consumer. (3). Bread is at the peak of pel fection and can generate its own repeat sales. (4) Advertising can go to work to secure new customers each day. 1 he balance that has been set up by this operation has proved successful for 44 years; advertising will generate new customers, and scientific baking will turn out a loaf of bread so uniform in good- ness that repeat customers will be in- sured. The next operation is the setting up of a budget based on actual gross sales, and a definite set amount of that budget will go to radio. At this point, the Radio Division, after a careful survey of the particular mar- ket, will set up one of three radio poli- cies to be followed. (1). Transcribed spot announcements. (2). Radio shows. (3). Transcribed spot announcements and radio shows. If the budget is to be spent on tran- scribed spot announcements we insist on several out-of-the-ordinary policies which have made so many bread sales in the past that the associate baker is not ad- verse to accepting them. (a). We will not accept a contract for less than one year, calling for a 52 weeks schedule on the radio stations selected, (b). Spots are placed only on Monday, Tuesday, Wed- nesday, Thursday and Friday. (We hold that Saturday is an inefficient day for bakers because people are trading in the stores and it is obvious that they cannot be in the stores and at home listening to their radio at the same time. We do not approve Sunday advertising for bakers because in most cases grocery stores are not open on Sunday and bread is not for sale.) (c). Transcribed spots are to be placed only between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 3:30 P.M. (We consider these the hours in which we will reach the greatest number of housewives be- fore they go to the grocery stores. Statis- tics show that most grocery shopping is done between 3:30 in the afternoon and 6:30 at night, and again it is obvious that women cannot be in the grocery store buying bread and listening to their radios at the same time. And we hold SEPTEMBER, 1944 295 thai atier (3:.^0 P.M. the ^\•()man has pur- chased bread and is no longer interested in our advertising.) If Ave set up the Number (2) policy, that is, Radio Shows, we will not buy Satiuxlay or Sunday (unless these days are given to tis as a bontis, and even then we wotdd sooner not have them), and we insist that these radio shows ap- pear between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and .^:.^0 P.M., basing our reasoning on the same logic that sets up otn^ policy on spot annotuicements. (\Vc are most open in oiu^ disctission ol this matter with oiu' associates and these policies are well publicized to the baking industry.) Of the time between 8:00 A.M. and f):'M) P.M. we woiUd prefer to appear on the air between 8:00 and 8:30 A.M. be- cause of oiu' belief that by so doing we jcach the entire family, thereby selling the brand name to the housewife who buys abotit 87 per cent of the bread, and at the same time having some op- porttmity to reach some few grocers who tune their sets in at this early time while they are cleaning up their store and fm- ther, reaching other members of the fam- ily who are at breakfast or preparing for work, thus selling acceptance of the leaker's brand when it is served on the iai)le that evening. If this time is not axaihible we will accept other time, and oui second preference is between 12:00 and 1:00 (huich time) because we feel that at lliis period many women discover lliey need bread and will remember oiu' l^rand name, and in a great number of liomes other nuiiiixis of the family are home foi" huHli, thus affording some extia Mi( iilalion. (We feel that 8:00 lo H-A'A) A.M. and 12:00 to 1:00 noon, are choice (family) spots, and most of oiu' surveys of radio proxc that liinc-in is g)-eal(i dminL; these |)criods.) 1\ IJK s(l((li()n ol a ladio show we de- inand liial (he show he hiiill on slri(ll\ local lines with siii(il\ hxal appeal. We will buy any show ihal (Ms the spec ih(a- tions and wehome soli(ilalions Iroin pro{|u((is, ladio stations and lians(iij) lion ( onipain'es, e\cn though \\c niaiui- 296 factme and produce a great number of radio shows in our own office. (We pur- chase as many radio shows on the out- side as we develop inside our office.) But our major concern in the selection of a radio show is whether or not it meets local listener demands, and fits the policy of the local station along with the marketing policies of our local associate baker. Our business is transacted entirely with local, wholesale independent bak- eries. We have no network shows, or blanket syndicate shows, and we do not want them. Forty-fotu' years of experi- ence has proved that it is impossible to develop one radio show that can be sold to exjery baker, everyivliere, and be as- sured of success. tvERY locality and the baker within that locality has a different set of condi- tions, and no single radio show can sell bread in all parts of the cotnitry. (We have a show in an Eastern city that has been a sensational success for four years, }'et this show has not been a success in a city of equal size in the deep Soiuh, and in the far W^est. W^e have another show which has been a siucess in 36 cities scattered from coast-to-(oast and border- to-border, yet we would not put it in 85 other cities because oiu" surveys showed that the listeners in these 85 cities would not prefer this type of show.) In our opinion it is a weakness in the a})pli(ation of radio to the sale of bread to headline the fact that ''umpteen bakers are rufuiitig this program success- fully," or, "Hoogenhoffer's Bakery sold seventy fuilliof} loaves of bread in one (lay leith this p)(>grafii — you ((in do the (CONTINUED TO PAGE J07) RADIO SHOWMANSHIP I An RS Analysis Lion's Don't Koar Radio helps the Lions store, Toledo, 0., maintain its place in the sun as a family institution with public and employee RADIO doesn't claim that it replaces newspapers as an achertising medium tor department stores, tor great is tlie power tliat lies in the acttial vision- ing of objects. However, radio does perform a number of valuable services for retailers, not the least of which is the instittuional angle: it makes people store-name conscious; it helps a store show its gratitude to its friends, and the influence of this type of broadcasting on store personnel is reflected in greater courtesy to patrons, and increased loyalty to the store. Such things make up the role Avhich radio plays for the Lion Store, established for 87 years in Toledo, O. Considered the first department store in the city, it was also among the first in accepting and using radio on a per- manent basis. \\^ith the Lion Store, radio is another of the tools it uses to maintain its position as a family institution. With radio it builds lasting friendships among patrons and customers serviced in the area. Its radio promotion has always been institutional in nature, and the Lion Store offers both entertainment and service to Toledo listeners. One such featme was the Mystery Chef, heard o\er WTOL, and its ten-months sponsorship marked another first. The Lion Store blazed a trail for other firms in the area in respect to promotion of their businesses by network co- operative shows. Local tie-ins on this Blue Network feature were handled by Dorothy Peterson, who has since become known as the Voice of tJie Lion Store. AVhen the Lion Store wished to expand its promotional activities over \\'TOL, entertainment and service were once again foremost among the con- siderations. Musical Memories began in October, 1943. Nostalgic tunes of the past, pltis reminiscences by announcer-writer Chtick Halteman were broadcast six times weekly, 8:30-8:55 A.M. Dorothy Peterson, the Voice of the Lion Store, appeared in two midway local commercials, accompanied by the iden- tifying theme music. La Golondrina. As an interesting tie-in with Musical Memories, Tomorrow's Memories, was conceived in January, 1944. Replacing the Mystery Chef heard at 2:15 P.M. five days weekly, the format consists of modern, popular hits of the day with special Places in the News stories by Chuck Halteman, whose comment highlights the headlines of the day which will become memories tomorrow. In each series, opening and closing credit lines, designed to establish the store as a family instittition, run to about 50 words. Example: "Out of melody's past, the Lion Store, Toledo's first department store, brings your Musical Memories . . . memory songs tJiat are for- ever new." In addition to its program offerings, the Lion Store supplements its schedule with several morning chain breaks, as a part of the service pattern which the firm established over 87 years ago. T THINGS COME FIRST Considered Toledo's first department 297 ore, the Lion Store was also among the St to accept radio on a permanent basis. Pacific Greyhound Lines Finds Wartime Uses for its S-Vear Old Travel Series Bus L ines . . . on the Air Lanes by HERBERT D. CAVFORD, ?ac\fic Coast manager, Beaumont % Hohman OVER eight years ago Pacific Greyhound Lines, West Coast division of the nation- wide Greyhound System, auditioned a modest travel promotion program called The Romance of the Highways. The commentator was Com- mander A. W. Scott, a retired British Naval Officer, who was featured as "tlie noted world traveler." The program clicked, and from one station it soon moved to Mutual's Western net- WT^rk, at that time consisting of 16 stations. To- day The Romance of the Highways is broadcast every Sunday morning at 10:15 over 35 stations, • When the Beaumont 8C Hohman Advertising Agency opened its first office in Fresno, Cal., Herbert D. Cayford was the first employee. In 25 years adman Cayford has seen one office grow to 13 in these United States, two in Canada. Now executive vice presi- dent in charge of the Pacific Coast, he is also account executive for Pa- cific Greyhound Lines. including the Mutual and Ari- zona networks, and KOH in Reno, Nev. Ratings on the program ha\e always been consistently high, rivaling some of the best-known features on the nationwide net- w^orks. As an indication of the large audience, an appeal for junk jewelry for jtmgle fighters overseas brought hinidreds of prepaid packages from individ- ual listeners and many organiza- tions. Before the war. Commander Scott and his microphone part- ner, liill I'racy (whose real name is \V\\{ Davidson), told Western stories and look listeners on Radio Bus journeys to the ro- mantic and interesting j^laces readied by CiREYHOUND on West- ern highways. 7he object, of course, was to stimidate Grey- hound travel, and the program was highly successful. Since Pearl Harbor, however, I he Connnander has switched his 298 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP • (Left) . . . When Commander A. W. Scott made a one-time request for junk jewelry, fight- ing men in the South Pacific got plenty with which to barter. Commander Scott and Phyllis Neuman check over packages. • (Above) . . . With Commander A. W. Scott in the driver's seat, listeners make weekly departures for parts unknown. When a plane crash grounded Scott permanently, he took a job for Cook's Tours, later became a public speaker. It was his familiarity with far-off places that got him into radio, and he has now served for eight years as a "Cook's Guide" on PACIFIC GREYHOUND'S Romance of the Highways. bus drivers and employees lor Gri.y- iioiiNi) shops, depots and ofhces. l^lic Romance of the Highways is a nalural lor bus transportation, and Pa- cific Greyhound Lines plans to develop the program still more in the post-war period. Pacific Greyhound's Radio Bus ra- conteur, Gommander A. W. Scott, is by birth, the younger son of a titled Eng- lish family, and by choice an American citizen. His adventurous career started at the age of ten, when he stowed away on a British sailing vessel and didn't get home again for two years. He joined the Royal Navy as a cadet at 13, became an aviator and first began to fly in 1912. At the outbreak of World War I he was a Lieutenant-Commander in the Royal Navy Air force. "In reconnoitering over the German lines," he said, "we used to wave at the pilot when we met an enemy plane. No one thought at first of one plane fighting another. Then one day a German plane came up with a rifle, and the next day we flew with a machine gun. We only had eight planes when the war started, and I well remember one of the experimental contraptions I flew that had 32 flying surfaces, like a Venetian blind." Before the war he used to travel about 3,300 miles a month over Pacific Greyhound routes, making talks before schools, clubs and other organi- zations, and gathering material for The Romance of the Highways. locale to foreign lands, and the Grey- hound Radio Bus travels . world high- ways to the places around the globe where Americans are flghting. The com- mercials aim to keep the traveling pub- lic aware of Greyhound's important part in the war eftbrt and to tell of future plans for finer busses and greater service to post-war travelers. The program has also been used effectively to recruit new SEPTEMBER, 1944 299 Whafs >»i FIRST, let me say that we have been constant ladir) advertisers for abotit ten years, and we have never been off the air for any one week during that period. This doesn't imply that we know all there is to know about radio. Far from it! We're still learning, and still willing to learn. But in the ten years that we have used Kn^ as an advertising medium, we have made certain observations aboiu the use of broadcast advertising. Programs are one of the first and foremost problems. In new'spaper advertising, the space buyer doesn't have to worry aboiU the editorial content of the paper in which his advertisement appears. And he doesn't get any credit for that editorial content, either. In radio, he docs have to concern himself with the editorial content of the time he uses, and if he selects a problem which interests the listeners, he gets full credit for it. Right there is one of the advantages of broadcast adxertising. It is also one of the re- sponsibilities. Actually, it is a simpler problem than the new-to-radio advertiser imagines. There is no one program that solely meets a given set of c ir- (innstances, and in considering program possi- Ijilities, it is well to remember that any one of several jjrograms might serve the piupose ecjual- ly well. It is well to remember tliat every pro- gram reaches an audiente, and ilu- public has h'ked nearly every type of program that has been )ut on the ;iir. New and original ideas have con- nihuted more than anything else to the tremen- dous iiiowth of radio as an entertaimnent and SHOWMANSHIP tegun ♦ ♦ ♦ by B. J. LASSER, manager, Simon s furniture Co,, Yakima, Washington advertising medium, and all offer an ef- fective vehicle for the commercial mes- sage. Programming after all, is the liteblood of radio, and this programming is the product of a public demand. Progiams stay on the air over a period of time be- catise the portion of the ptiblic which the advertiser wants to reach w^ant them there. The advertiser's job, then, is to create a program that is ivauted. In that connection, the size of the atidience is not the important thing. After all, a popular program is not nec- essarily a selling program, and countless small programs with comparatively small ratings do a terrific selling job, because the atidience though small, consists of regular listeners who are extremely loyal and responsive. How, then, can an advertiser deter- mine what is a wanted program? It boils down to this. Any type of program can be productive, provided, (1) it is shaped to fit the audience the sponsor wants to reach, and (2) it is adapted to the pur- poses and policies of the advertiser. It isn't enotigh to select a program that most people like. A program should be liked by the particular group the spon- sor wants to reach. In the case of the Slmon's Furniture Co., Yakima, Wash., otir store sells mod- erate priced furniture to farmers, small business men, white collar workers, me- chanics, and others in that income group. VV^e do not go into decorative lines of furniture, but stick to staple lines and styles. In our selection of pro- grams, it is this particular group we keep in mind. When a program also fits our • Ad-vice based on ten years of radio advertising: pick the show shaped to fit the audience you want to reach; adapt it to your purposes and policies; ex- periment along sound lines, and stick with the show as long as it serves your purpose. sales policies and objectives, we arc com- pletely satisfied. Of course it isn't as cut and dried as that. We have experimented with a lot of different types of programs, and I don't believe that any advertiser tising radio is fair to the medium or to his business if he is not willing to experi- ment along sound and logical lines. There is no guarantee that just being on the radio will bring instantaneotis sticcess to any advertiser. For example, our Pet Peeve program was on the air for four years. Three times weekly listeners heard this qtiar- ter-hour broadcast over KIT. Listeners wrote in peex'es and the announcer, call- ed Pet Peeve Doctor, answered them. Thousands of letters were received, and through the cooperation of a local the- atre, we gave away 12 theatre tickets each week for the best letters. This series ilhistrates what I mean about experimentation. We tried a Pet Peeve broadcast direct from otu^ win- dow, and had customers or passers-by read the letters. At first it was success- ful, but when wt began to have trotible getting people to appear an the broad- cast, we abandoned that angle, but we sttick with the show. Eventually, we felt we had reached the saturation point in listener response, and we had an idea that we were reaching, not the prospec- tive ctistomer, btit rather cranks. At that point, we switched programs. What took its place was ptue corn. Heard three times weekly for 15 min- SEPTEMBER, 1944 301 Lites, Lem would come on the air some thing like this: "Howdy, folks, this is yore old friend and neighbor Lem a-talkin' at ya . . . yes sir, and yes mam . . . your old friend Lem . . . and man- and-boy, am I tired . . . was a-diggin' pertaters all last week, and gosh dern it, my back shore is sore . . . guess I'll jist have ta go down ta Simons Furniture Store and git one of them there Ostermoor Mattresses they heve bi?i a-sellin' down thar." This whole spiel was country, through and through. But did it click! I'd have Lem on the air yet, but Uncle Sam took him. The audience we wanted to reach liked the program, and the program pro- duced business. Plenty of it! That's good enough for us. There's another point about radio. You ha\'e to develop a thick skin where amateur opinion is concerned about a program. If a business associate, some- body's secretary, or even your own wife tells you they heard your show and that it is lousy, you can console yourself with the contemplation of sales figures. Right now, we're coasting. Our cur- rent program, Biiig Crosby, consists of recorded music, and while I personally don't particularly like recorded songs, we're riding along with it until we can determine (1) whether it interests the audience we want to reach, and (2) whether it is suited to our policies and purposes. VVhere do spot announcements fit into this schedule? We have used, and are still using lots of spot announcements to siip])l('ment our program series. We feel that beiween the two, programs are defi- nitely to be preferred, since they gi\e the advertiser a better chance to get the selling ideas across to the listeners. Too, [urograms give the sponsor a more effec- live method of promoting the store. It all adds iij) to this. We are enlhusi- ;isli( ;il)()iit radio, and plan td use it for years lo (onic lor one simple reason. W'v are conviiuecl thai it has materially helj> ed in building up what is a very suc- cessful fin nit in (■ business. AFTER having had the pleasant, and at the same time, perhaps unfortu- nate opportunity of being co-chairman with Dietrich Dirks, of radio station KTRI, Sioux City, la. (certainly not his fault) at the National Retail Dry Goods Assn. Sales Promotion Clinic in Cincinnati, O., early in April, the heavy mantle of expert seems to have fallen on my shoulders. I have been asked by a number of stores in various parts of the country for a formula for successful department store use of radio. Behold in B. Lewis P ose n that rarest of rare specimens, (I native New Yorker. GotJi- am born and (totham bred, (id man Posen I e a r n e d his reading, writ- ing and 'rith- metic in the New York public scJiools. At New York Univeristy, to supplement a scholarsJiip for col- lege expenses, he played violin, drums and saxophone in dance or- chestras, had his own band for about five years. With tJie B.S. degree ready for framing in 1925, lie got I lis first ad- vertising job at Macy's where lie went tJiroiigh errand running, pro- duction, proof reading, some copy and lay-out work. After a xoork-out with a small agency, he went to Litt- man's in New York, then to Goerke's. In 1928 the young-man-who-made- good joined AbraJiam 6" Straus as production manager, became pro- gressively copywriter, men's adver- tising manager, and assistant adver- tising manager. For good measure, he was in charge of credit promo- lions, also planned and bought direct mail for a number of years. Six years later adman Posen joined IJocliscliild, Kohn & Co. 302 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP by B. LEWIS POSEN, publicity director, Hochschild, Kohn $ Co., Baltimore, Md. Baltimore, Md. ^^^ - ^ n ^K\e Doubt Program to be Effective Must Suit Store Character, hterest Listener In the utter bewilderment that prob- tions, and must, therefore crystalize their ably comes to all experts when they are own thoughts, the following letter was pinned down to concrete recommenda- sent in answer to those inquiries: "Dear Miss ; May 1, 1944 With the preface that it is very hard to prescribe a radio set up for a store with which one is not too familiar, I shall be glad to answer your questions. We have been using radio on and off for about eight years, and without a break for about five years. In that time, we have tried many types of pro- grams, including a commentator to talk about the store, a morning person- ality, spot announcements around the clock (as many as 85 a week), and now we are using a soap opera. A new program we have just started answers the questions of seiuicemen and their families concerning problems con- nected with the Armed Forces. Frankly, I believe that any type of radio program can be productive pro- vided (1) it suits the character of the store, and (2) it is well enough done and carried on for a long enough time to build an audience for itself. My personal point of view is that any radio station has an audience, and it is up to the store to take advantage of that audience to the fullest extent. The more elementary principles of advertising apply here as in other media; the public will listen to what you have to tell them provided it is what they want to know. Any program must concern itself first xuith trying to do this, and only secondarily, with the burning message the advertiser has to deliver. Fm sorry I cannot be more definite than this, because Fm afraid no one can guarantee that a program that is successful in one store will be equally suc- cessful in another one. My advice is to choose carefully the program that fits your store's character and budget, and then keep at it until you are quite sure that it is successful or the people have no interest in it. And don't expect wonders in direct results, because you won't get them from radio any more than you do from your other advertising media. I hope this answers your questions. If not, ask again. Sincerely yours," Yes! I believe in radio, but there is no endurance and intestinal fortitude of universal road map to success in this the pioneer is necessary for the building field. The road map that works in Kan- of a successful program of any kind, sas City may get you completely lost in With the courage to strike out and blaze Tampa, Fla., or Portland, Me. The pio- new trails, any sound advertiser can use neer spirit coupled with the patience, radio profitably. SEPTEMBER, 1944 303 by HOWARD W. DAVIS, president, Starkist Co., San Antonio, Tex. Choose Storkist Floration Toothpaste or Storkist Flotation Toothpowder ond experience 3 distinct revelations * '"he Glow .. a Brighter Smile if Assurance of a Fresher Breoth * Ihe Thrill ot a Sweeter Kiss STfiRKIST RADIO PROGRAM WkAAf^ SAN ANTONIO IXIYIA^V 1240on Ycur DIAI 5:15 P.M. DAILY * HEARD DAILY ALSO ON WJLD— Birmingham— 5:15 & 9:30 p. m. KWBU-Corpus Christi-5 15 p. m. .M. The listeners' problem is to (orrectly ideiuify the foiu' poj)ular times ])lavc'd eadi (l;i\. in ordci to ^\•in • Newspaper ads in each area where the show is heard help boost listenership. RADIO SHOWMANSHIP cash and merchandise prizes. The listen- er is asked to make a list of the tunes, correctly identifying each one, then en- close the entry with a Starkist carton and mail to Starkist, National Bank of Commerce Bldg., San Antonio, Tex. Those who correctly identify as many as three of the tunes played each day are three-star winners and receive postpaid, one of the Artliur Murray Dance Books on how to dance smartly, by special ar- rangement with Arthur Murray. Those who correctly identify all four tunes are pro rata four-star winners of the cash award for that day. Monday's correct tunes are announced the following Monday, Tuesday's, the following Tuesday, etc. When there are no four-star winners, the prize multi- plies the corresponding day of the fol- lowing week. Restilts have been amazing both in the consistent mail returns, and in direct sales to drug jobbers, grocery jobbers, chain stores, and department stores. Sales in June, 1944, surpassed sales for the entire year of 1941. There are three Starkist products ad- \ertised on this one program; Starkist Flotation Toothpaste, Starkist Flo- tation Toothpowder, and Starkist B Complex Vitamins. Merchandising and promotion, as new markets are entered, include three let- ters sent out at intervals of ten days to each of the retail outlets in that area. The first letter is mailed to the oiulet by the radio station, on its letterhead. The second letter is mailed by the Pn- luk Advertising Co., San Antonio, Tex., the agency handling the account. The third letter is mailed by the Starkist Company direct, on its letterhead. News- paper ads are run by each of the stations carrying the account. Each station also uses advance spots two weeks prior to the starting of the contest, several times each day. The Starkist Company is re- leasing for area distribution a total of one million books of matches with the imprint of each station's call letters, fre- quency, and broadcast times. 'Fhe Starkist Name the Tune Contest has a very definite audience appeal. Al- most everybody is tempted to imitate this aparently ridiculously simple suc- cess, but few programs ha\e the natural advantages of these four cjualifications incorporated in this copyrighted feature' No production cost. A universally desired prize which costs the manufacturer a fractional part of the total sales, j^lus thousands of secondary prizes which fit the p^sy- chology of the program of popular music. A contest idea, just between a guess and a gamble, recpiiring no effort and practically no knowledge. And most of all, the sustaining power of the greatest force in radio, frecjuent repetition of really popiUar popular music, with the marked dance rhythm. tACH program carries one 100-^vord commercial in the center of the period, with a short commercial immediately following the montage, plus the repeti- tion, incidentally, of the words, Starkist Flotation Toothpaste, approximately 25 times in each prograin. Here is a sample of the Starkist Handkerchief Test copy used. When you smoke— just remember, every puff of tobacco smoke you take leaves a tiny deposit on your teeth. Smokers everywhere are star- tled by the Starkist Handkerchief Test. The Starkist Handkerchief Test shows conclusively how Star- kist cleans by flotation. The Name the Tune Coiitest restdts best on high-rated record stations in big markets, or on high-powered, popular- appeal stations in secondary markets. It has proven least successful on small- town local stations. All continuity is standard and each station presents the contest separately from its own studios, with the exception of KW^BU, Corpus Christi, Tex., which is fed the Starkist Name the Tune Con- test twice dailv, Mondav through Friday, at 8:30 A.M. and 5:15 P.M. from KMAC. SEPTEMBER, 1944 305 We, the reopl Continuous Sponsorship for \3 Years of Homespun Philosophy is Record for Army g Naoy Department Stores, Moose Jaw, Sask, SIXTEEN years ago, Wilford N. Shultz, known to thousands of CHAB listeners as just plain Bill, start- ed a five-hour Sunday atternoon pro- gram. Golden Memories was a labor of love until 1931. That year, the Army & Navy Department Stores, operating throughout Western Canada, recognized the power of this homespun program. Last March, listeners heard the 800th consecutive Sunday broadcast of Golden Memories, presented by the Army ^ Navy Stores! It's still going strong. And it is the same type of program CHAB audiences have been listening to all these years. Old melodies, really old ones. One or two poeins. Hymns sung by a group of gospel singers. A few greetings, sincere, friendly words to those celebrating birthdays past the seventieth year, or congratulations to a couple marking their fortieth wedding anniver- sary. Then, perhaps, a message to a lis- tener miles north of Moose Jaw, telling him that Brother 1 om will be home on the early morning train, and will some- one please meet him? Ue siK h things does Golden Memories consist. That Sunday feature is supple- mented by Army & Navy with a daily half-hour program, Pleasant Memories, fashioned along the same pattern as the once-a-week offering. If there were any doiilx of I he listener loyahy to the man with ;m iinortliodox radio \()i((', the aiidiciHc response lo the pleas for aid to the needy in many lands settles that question. In 1942, the Army Sc Navy programs were directly credited with raising $42,000 for Russian relief. Bill Shultz had merely put the case to his friends, and asked them if they could do something about it. jhortly after the Aid to Russia drive ended, the plight of the Chinese people was set before Golden and Pleasant Memories listeners. Soon there was $27,- 500 to give to the aid of China. Last fall, in conjunction with the As- sociated Commercial Travellers, Bill Shultz set to work on another project, that of raising $5,000 for the Saskatche- wan Anti-l'uberculosis League. The or- ganization was later presented with a check for $12,000! These are only three examples of the humanitarian work done by the Army k Navy programs. There's another angle, too. Hundreds are the little people who came to the city. Perhaps they coidd sing. Maybe they phned a guitar. \Miat- ever it was, if they had talent, Bill put them on his show. Dotted all away across Canada are men and women who can say, "Bill Shultz gave me my first cliance." Listeners only know his voice. That slow \()ice has said to them, "Good ajter- nooji, folks!" every Siuiday for more than 800 Sinidays. But they hear the simple kindliness of his words. They feel he's an old friend. He is! For 16 years he's been talking to them. 306 RADIO SHOWM ANSH I P Parable of the Loaves (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 296) same," or, "ask any of these umpteen bakers about this radio show— they will tell you it is great." We maintain that the fact that a radio show has been successful for a hundred bakers is no guarantee that it will be a success for any other baker. Therefore, we recommend a strictly local radio show tailored to fit a local radio station and the marketing needs of a local baker. If Policy Number (3) is decided upon it is obvious that it is merely a combina- tion of Policies Number (1) and (2), af- fording greater coverage, greater repeti- tion, and greater opportunities for bread sales, but demanding a greater budget. Another point that might bear discus- sion is our attitude about buying time for spots. Twenty-two years of radio ex- perience has taught us that seldom if ever are the peaks for sale, and it is our opinion that a great amount of time is wasted by agencies in st^udying various commercial surveys that are based on questionable standards to determine how they can slip in a fifteen-second chain break ahead of Kate Smith or Jack Benny, or some other such star. In buying spots we like to buy the basic tune-in of a radio station, that is, a scientifically planned checkerboard cov- erage that will reach the greatest num- ber of habitual listeners. If there is one radio station in a town or marketing area, we like to use a mini- mum of 20 spots per week, and we do not believe in merely ordering five spots a day or some other number. It is our policy to study local market- ing conditions and vary the number of spot announcements according to the sales possibilities of the day in question. For instance, Monday, Wednesday and Friday have proved to be good days for the advertising of bread on the radio, but this cannot be accepted as a general rule. There are many cities in which the grocery stores close on Wednesday afternoon, and it is our thought to avoid the use of spots after 10:00 A.M. Wed- nesday in such cities. There arc other cities in which the stores remain open until 9:00 in the evening on Mondays, and in these cities we like to minimize the number of spots on Monday morning, and we maximize the number of spots used on Monday afternoon. Generally speaking, Tuesday and Thursday are quiet days in the bread business, but there are many cities in which Tuesday represents a peak day because of local conditions and in these cases we maximize our use of radio on Tuesday. There are many cities in which the stores close on Tuesday afternoon and there are many cities in which the stores do not open until noon on Thurs- day, and there are some cities in which the stores stay open late at night on Thursday. Thus, we tailor our buying to fit the local market. We do not buy the same number of spots each day. We do not have any miracles. We do not strive for sensational sales. We are not big shots. Our business is solely that of serving the local independent whole- sale baker with radio advertising built to fit his market, backed by the extensive knowledge and research of our Auditing and Laboratory Divisions. We like corn because underneath it all, corn means that which appeals to the solid, substantial, sturdy American citizens who work each day to earn the money that buys their daily bread. We insist on the finest of radio talent, the best of production, the finest recording, the ultimate in processing, and the maxi- mum in sales results. We do not have a single genius on our staff and have no room for great weighty minds that know the answer to every- thing. We strive to hold up to the slogan "Always good, sometimes great." We ad- mit having produced some bum shows and transcriptions that failed in sales results, but our absolute warranty to all bakers reads, "If you are dissatisfied, for any reason, real or imaginary, your money will be refunded without an argu- ment." This alone acts as a pillar of in- surance for both the radio station and the baker. SEPTEMBER, 1944 307 SHOWMANSCOOPS RADIO SHOWMANSHIP welcomes unusual photo- graphs of merchandising stunts used by businessmen to promote listener interest in their radio programs. They Came, They Saw • (Below) . . . Housewives came in droves, 500 strong, to attend the Memphis (Tenn.) Breakfast Club, promoted by WMPS in connection with the national Breakfast Club pro- motion. Free-for-all breakfast included Tennessee strawberries with KEL- LOGG'S CORN FLAKES and SWIFTS' BACON. Air announce- ments and newspaper ads solicited Memphis Club memberships. • (Above) . , . To tell the world of its sponsor- ship of Chet Huntley's Ten O'clock News, FOREMAN 8C CLARK arranged a window dis- play in its San Francisco, Cal., store. (For story, see Showmanship in Ac- tion, p. 317.) 308 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP • (Left) ... Set up in the Denver Public Li- brary is a book display in connection with week- ly NBC broadcasts of American Story, heard over KOA Saturday, 5:00-5:30 P.M. Special announcement at the end of each broadcast urges Denver, Col., listeners to visit the library. Were Conquered • (Center) . . . Local interest is the keynote for the success of Laugh Clinic heard over WGR, Buffalo, N. Y., for J. N. ADAM 8C CO. department store. Heard Tuesday at 8:30 P.M., contestants drawn from the studio audience compete for the biggest laughs by performing unrehearsed antics. Merchandise certificates and War Stamps are the pay-ofF. • (Right) . . . Drama that is San Francisco is caught In Focus by means of weekly half-hour broad- casts for NICHOLAS JOHN- STON, master photographer. Nicholas Johnston himself (cen- ter) emcess the show, interviews three city personalities on each broadcast. (For story, see Proof o' the Pudding, p. 321.) SEPTEMBER, 944 309 AIRING THE NEW New radio programs worth reading about. No result figures as yet. Automobiles NEWS News embellished with warn- ings to motorists to keep cars in good running condition, hints on proper tire inflation, motor care, other bits of ad- vice to stretch the last mile out of the old jalopy is what the Elson G. Sims Co., authorized Ford dealer in Vincen- nes, Ind., offers WAOV listeners seven days a week. Commercials are read fore and aft of the news, with no interruption during the news presentation for commercial messages. Quarter-hour United Press news series takes the place of the spot announcement campaign which the El- son G. Sims Co. had previously used. AIR FAX: First Broadcast, June, 1944. Broadcast Schedule: Monday through Saturday, 7:45- 8:00 A.M.; Sunday, 9:45-10:00 P.M. Sponsor: Elson G. Sims Co. Station: WAOV, Vincennes, Ind. Power: 250 watts. Population: 18,228. COMMENT: Listeners often resent the intrusion of commercial messages during the news. Hence, such copy may work to the detriment, rather than to the benefit of the sponsor. Newscasts have become important show windows, and the elim- ination of the center commercial adds stature and dignity. Bakeries VICTORY PARADE Everyone loves a parade. That iiuidi more popular in llicsc times is a I'idory Parade. In Pitts- burgh, Pa., the Grennan Bakeries got a head start on those who will march in the Victory Parade, offers a week-day quarter-hour of assorted music to WCAE listeners. Emceed by John Trent, the show con- sists of musical transcriptions, includes an organ selection, a patriotic melody, chorus numbers and an old-time hit tune. air FAX: First Broadcast: June 13, 1943. Broadcast Schedule: Monday through Saturday, 9:00- 9:15 A.M. Preceded By: Home Newsreel. Followed By: News of the New. Sponsor: Grennan Bakeries. Station: WCAE, Pittsburgh, Pa. Power: 5,000 watts. Population: 1,072,545. COMMENT: Those whose business de- pends on dealer distribution are mak- ing plans right now to cultivate the out- lets through whom post-war expansion will be possible. With radio, both the dealer and the consumer are kept in line. Beverages JUST FOR FUN What the Atlantic Brewing Co., Chicago, 111., wanted for its radio listeners wasn't anything on the heavy side. Rather, it wanted some- thing Just for Fun. That's exactly what Chicago, 111., listeners get when it's Tav- ern Pale Playtime in Chicago, 111. Fea- tured on the quarter-hoiu' series are The Vagabonds, negro song and instrumental quartet. Specialty: instrumental imita- tions and deep blue renditions of popu- lar tunes. Promotionotions: six courtesy spot an- noinuements a month, plus listings three times weekly in the station newspaper ad. For Your Entertainment. Other pro- motion by Campbell-Mithun, Inc., ad- vertising agency, has included outdoor l)illboard posters which stress the prod- uct and the title of the show. air FAX: First Broadcast: August 9, 1943. Broadcast Schedule: M-W-F, 10:?0-10:45 P.M. Sponsor: Atlantic Brewing Co. Station: WMAQ. Chicago, III. Poner: 50,000 watts. Population: 3,440,420. Agency: Campbell-Mithun Adv. Agcy. 310 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP COMMENT: Problem for the brewer is to present a program of broad general appeal which will push the brand with the thirsty without giving offense to those who proudly wear the blue rib- bon. Music is almost always a safe bet. Beverages ONE FOR THE BOOK When the Schoenhofen-Edelweiss Co., for Edel- weiss Beer, found a five-minute spot following a quarter-hour show which closed with a summary of the latest sports news, it knew just what to put in the hole. Logical sequel to sports news was a sports commentary. One for the Book was just that. To get the sports fan in the radio stands, the transcribed, five-minute sports commentary featuring Sam Baiter has been listed ten times in the daily station ad, For Your Entertainment, car- ried in the Chicago (111.) Daily News. Courtesy announcements at the rate of two a week also help increase the tune- in. AIR FAX: First Broadcast: June 19, 1944. Broadcast Schedule: Monday through Saturday, 11:15-11:20 P.M. Preceded By: News. Followed By: Music. Sponsor: Schoenhofen-Edelweiss Co. Station: WMAQ, Chicago, 111. Power: 50,000 watts. Population: 3,440,420. Producer: Frederick W. Ziv. COMMENT: By adequate attention to station programming, the advertiser simplifies the problem of getting the maximum audience with minimum ef- fort. Sports programs directed at men have proved to be splendid sales vehicles for those in the brewing industry. Candies CONCERT HALL While munching can- dy may be frowned upon in the Dia- mond Horseshoe, it's strictly kosher when the Concert Hall is in your own living room. Charms Candy Co., manu- facturer of toothsome candy tablets. combines the two in a 30-minutc musi- cal offering heard five times weekly over WCAP, Asbury Park, N. J. Typical program fare: complete score of Carmen Jones. Other programs have feattired the music of George Gershwin, compositions of Fritz Kreisler, and the w^orks of such men as Sigmund Romberg and Victor Herbert. Brief opening and closing credit lines give sponsor identification. Center com- mercials present the Charms Candy Co. story. Example: "The Charms Company is proud of the fact ' that millions of their flavorful candy tablets are going to our armed forces both at home and abroad. Hard candy, such as Charms, has been acclaimed a Fighting Food . . . helping to provide energy to the men in battle on land, sea and in the air. Charms, in a handy five cents package, rival the flavors of tropical fruits. They have been the outstanding quality candy tablets for more than 25 years, and today are more popular than ever. "In opening a package of Charms you will see that each tablet is wrapped individually . . . thus assuring you absolute cleanliness and true econ- omy. Today, you may not be able to get your favorite flavor of Charms. If your merchant is out of Charms, remember that our armed forces have first call on production, and millions upon millions of Charms tablets are at the fighting fronts all over the world." AIR FAX: Narrator and scripter for the feature is WCAP's chief announcer, George Baxt. First Broadcast: May 23, 1944. Broadcast Schedule: T-W-Th-S-Sun, 10:15-10:45 P.M. Followed By: The Weather Man. Sponsor: Charms Candy Co. Station: WCAP, Asbury Park, N. J. Power: 500 watts. Population: 14,617. COMMENT: Quality music for a quality product makes a palatable combination. While many advertisers have felt that this type of music was too limited in its appeal, surveys point up the fact that it is a type of platter spinning of which countless listeners would like more. Department Store BERKELEYANA All that is romance, history and civic pride for the city of Berkeley, Cal., comes to the fore when Berkeleyana goes on the air for J. F. HiNK & Son department store. Primarily designed to salute little known but im- portant industries of the community that are now playing a vital part in the war effort, the series includes a salute to in- dustry in each program. Brief, complete SEPTEMBER, 1944 311 descriptions of the work of each phint. and how the plant has been adapted to the fight for Victory, make up the radio- hay. Most people know Berkeley as a seat of learning. Few think of it as an indus- trial center. Through its Berkeleyana salutes, J. F. Hixk k Son focus attention on this phase of civic life. Among those to whom tribute is due, has been paid: Cuiter Lab- oratories, Berkeley Steel Construction Co., Production En- gineering Co., and Pa- cific Paint & Varnish Co. Originating at KROW San Francisco- is fed to, re- Oakland, the broadcast leased simultaneously, over Berkeley's station, KRE. Two-station network was originated by KROW's manager, Phil Lasky, to acconmiodate special public service needs of the East Bay. Program is announced by Bert Winn, produced by R. \V. W^assenberg, both of the KROVV^ staff. Semi-classics make up the musical portion of the quarter-hour feature. Special program pyotnotioiujtion: each show is recorded in its entirely, present- ed by fliNKs to the industry singled oiu for the salute of the day. air FAX: First Broadcast: June 12, 1944. Broadcast Schedule: Monday through Friday, 1:30- 1:45 P.M. Preceded By: Treasury Salute. Followed By: Variety Show. Sponsor: J. F. Hink dC Son, Berkeley. Gal. Stations: KROW, San Francisco-Oakland, Cal.; KRE. Berkeley, Cal. COMMENT: Ilirough public serxicc j>rogiains ol this kind, acbcrt iseis l)uild up good will \vhi(h will ha\c a tangible dollar Awd rcnis \;ihic in I!) 1-V. Sustnininij G.I. LEGAL AID When (..I. Joc' goes marching off, there's aj)i lo be a legal snarl or two lor his fainih to straighten out. lo help them get such matteis ship shape with (hie process ol law. the State Bar of California collaborates in giving G./. Legal Aid. Quarter-hom- broadcast is heard Siuiday morning. Six California lawyers serve as a panel on each broadcast to answer cjueries from service men and their families. In- cluded on the panel are three men of the bench, and three Portias. The latter, members of the Queen's BencJi, represent the or- ganization of women law- yers in the San Francisco Bay area. l^o date, G.I. Legal Aid has been given free to more than 55,000 inductees, fighting men and members of their families under the provisions of the Soldiers and Sailors Civil Relief Act. Many cases come from men on the battle fronts throughout the world, and letters requesting this free service have borne the postmarks of Europe, Asia, Africa, the .\rctic, and both the South and Central Pacific. Free service of the California Bar "ex- tends to all cases corning within the pro- visions of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil Relief Act which usually arise by reason of a person's 7n Hilary serxnce." Cases fall- ing oiuside the provisions of the Act are handled on the "usual civilian basis." air FAX: When the gavel strikes three times, the State Bar Legal Assistance Panel is in session. Part of a state-wide system of free legal aid, the tran- scribed series is designed to help safeguard the legal rights of America's fighting men and their depend- ents at home. When listeners send questions not within the scope of the series, they re.eive informa- tion by mail as to what agency of the government, the organized bar, or other group is most likely to be of assistance. Those whose cases come within the broad scope of the free program are also en- titled to the service of an attorney without charge. First Broadcast: May 14, 1944. Broadcast Schedule: Sunday, 10:4511:00 A.M. Preceded By: News. Followed By: Dangerously Yours. Station: KQW, San Francisco, Cal. Power: 5,000 watts. COMMENT: For the splendid manner in which radio and its achertisers have scjuaicK laced, met the ticmendous need loi public service in these critical linics, an ok hid. Poultry !jup[ilies LOOK AT THE NEWS From Hollywood to Seattle, Wash., listeners take a Look 312 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP at the News luitli Lynden under the sponsorship of the Washington Co-op- erative Egg & Poultry Ass'n, packers ol Lynden Chicken. Commentator is Dr. Wallace Sterling, j^rotessor oi modern history at California Institute of Tech- nology. Early morning news interpreta- tion is heard at 7:45 A.M. through KGDM, Stockton, Cal.; KQW, San Francisco and KROY, Sacramento. KOIN, Portland, and KFPY, Spokane, carry the show at 9:30 and 9:45 A.M., respectively. AIR FAX: First Broadcast: July, 1944. Broadcast Schedule: Saturday, 7:45-8:00 A.M. Sponsor: Washington Co-Operative Egg dC Poultry Ass'n. Agency: Pacific Nat'l Adv. Agcy., Seattle, Wash. COMMENT: Who listens to luhat is to a large extent determined by working and living habits. News analysis in con- trast to straight reporting is a type of program that has largely been conspicu- ous by its absence in early morning programming. Groceries ANDERSON'S FOOD REPORTS Until not so long ago, it was the unusual housewife who had so much as heard of Anderson Brothers, Salina, Ka., food wholesalers, but food retailers in the territory knew Anderson's as headquar- ters for fresh fruits and vegetables in season. 1 o do a good turn for its retail- ers, Anderson's turned to KSAL and a daily five-minute commen- tarv on fruits and vegeta- bles. Now% when the house- wife sits down to make out her market list for the day, she really knows her onions. Each broadcast highlights what produce is on the mar- ket, what fruits and vegeta- bles are at their peaks, other pertinent facts. References to Anderson's are a part of the script itself. Example: "Sum- ming up our food report, this is what we hax)e: Strawberries and pineapple for canning . . . canning now, rather than later; grapefruit for breakfast, and fresli vegetables for appetizing salads. Plan to get them today at your grocer's. He'll have them if he gets his fresh fruits and vegetables from Anderson Brothers of Salina." Placards in all retail stores serviced by Anderson's suggest listeners tune-in to the daily food report. AIR FAX: Ema Lou Bireline gives the daily reports on what's new in fresh foods. First Broadcast: May 8, 1944. Broadcast Schedule: Monday through Saturday, 9:30- 9:35 A.M. Preceded By: Dorothy Day. Followed By: Market Report. Sponsor: Anderson Brothers. Station: KSAL, Salina, Ka. Power: 1,000 watts. Population: 21,073. COMMENT: Dealer good will is the cor- nerstone for wholesalers generally, and radio has earned a five-star rating from wholesalers who want to keep the dealer good w^ill potential hitting on all fours, also expand retail outlets. Heating Supplies FOOTBALL The Kalamazoo Direct to You slogan made famous by the Kala- mazoo (Mich.) Stove & Furnace Co. had real meaning for football fans unable to attend the University of Michigan games. Over WKZO, Kalamazoo Stove &: Furnace brought listeners play-by- play descriptions of the games of the 194.^ season. Kalamazoo Stove k Furnace Co. used the series of broad- casts (1) to ^ive the man behind the man-with-the- gun much needed relaxa- tion, and (2) to pass on Of- fice of War Information messages to listeners. En- gaged 100 per cent in war work, Stove k Furnace took on the broadcast series as a part of its all-out effort to boost morale and aid home front war effort. At the half-tiiTie, a five-minute newscast kept listeners posted on what was what be- yond the gridiron. Kalamazoo Stove & Furnace adver- tising manager Jack Hilmert hued to the institutional line when commercials SEPTEMBER, 1944 313 were put into play. Opening and closing announcements were devoted to 0\VI messages. A third commercial dealt Avith the firm's post-war, peacetime produc- tion. All broadcasts started 15 minutes before game-time. AIR FAX: Announcer Hooper White gave pre-game re- sumes of line-ups, past per- formances, and future out- looks for each team, also handled the play-by-play commentary. First Broadcast: September 25, 1943. Broadcast Schedule: Satur- day, 1:45-4:00 P.M. Preceded By: Music. Followed By: Football Scores. Sponsor: Kalamazoo Stove 8C Furnace Co. Station: WKZO, Kalamazoo, Mich Power: 5,000 watts. Population: 59,311. COMMENT: For its tremendous listen- ership, there's no better bet for an ad- vertiser than sponsorship of play-by-play football broadcasts. It's a short-cut to quick response via one of the public's most vulnerable spots. Ice Dealers NEWS In Vincennes, Ind., the Ebner Ice & Cold Storage Co. doesn't believe in leaving a good thing in cold storage. For its good will defroster it uses a weekly schedule of WAOV news. Series does double duty for sponsor. While commercial copy urges the purchase of Cooler ATOR Ice Refrigerators, and, in season, chipped or cubed ice, sponsor also can offer listeners something to put in the glass. Since Ebner Ice 'k Coid Storage also bottles Double Cola, a .SO- second Double Cola transcribed an- nouncement gives listeners this thirst (juendicr: "Doubly delighljiil, double duty J)oublf' Cola." AIR FAX: Latest United Press News is the sponsor's dish here. First Broadcast: July 1, 1941. Broadcast Schedule: Monday throuRh Friday, 9:55- 10:00 A.M. Preceded By: Markets. Followed By: Chisholm Trail. Sponsor: Ebner Ice & Cold Storage Co. Station: WAOV, Vincennes, Ind. Power: 250 watts. Population: 18,228. COMMENT: Seasonal advertisers find there is no closed season on advertising. Year 'round advertising is the best insur- ance on the books for businesses which must of necessity rely upon the seasonal pick-up for volimie. Labor Unions MANPOWER A\ hat has turned black days into the march to vic- tory has been the mar- shalling of the work- ers of America into a tremendous produc- tion army. Blood, sweat and tears are thus translated into Manpower. Too often the men who have made these amazing production records possible are not aware of the part their effort has played in converting blueprints U) the implements of war. Not so in Califoruia where the South- ern California Lodge of the Interna- tional Brotherhood of Boilermakers, A. F. OF L., broadcasts a weekly series of cjuarter-hoiu' dramatizations over KFW^B, Los Angeles, Cal. Educational and entertaining in its entirety, the series is a simon-pure good will public relations gesture, has no trace of a political or labor mo\cmcnt tie-in. Theme consists entirely of the Boiler- making Craft's activities in the war ef- fort. End result: members of the Craft take increased pride in their organiza- tion, and the layman public is increas- ingly conscious of the Boilermakin(; (^raft. With ?)() weeks of broadcasting to its credit, the organization had received highest acclaim and commendation from the United States Treasury Department, the Navy, Red Cross, U. S. Aviation (]()rps and numerous (ixic organi/ations. W^hile actors in the syndicated drama- tizations are not name stars, top-fiight Hollywood performers make up the cast. Labor leaders from the national scene, others active in the labor movement, have made guest appearances on the show. 314 RADIO SH OWM ANSH I P To acquaint members of Boiler- makers No. 92 with the series, stickers were prepared. Theme: "This is your shozv . . . listen to it and tell your friends." AIR FAX: First Broadcast: January, 1944. Broadcast Schedule: Thursday, 9:15-9:30 P.M. Sponsor: Southern California Lodge of the Inter- national Brotherhood of Boilermakers, A. F. of L. Station: KFWB, Los Angeles, CaL Power: 5,000 watts. Agency: Lowe Features, Los Angeles, Cal. COMMENT: Radio can build invahi- able good will tor labor organizations. Effectiveness of series here is due in part to that fact that the exploitation cam- paign is comparable to that for a com- mercial product. Manufacturers TREASURY SONG FOR TODAY Listen- ers to the Treasury So7ig for Today pay the piper in a twofold way in Vincennes, Ind. An enthusiastic user of radio, the Vincennes Steel Corp., foremost war industry in the area, makes use of the medium for patriotic purposes, also puts a burden of labor recruitment upon it. Makers of decks and siding for LST craft, Vincennes Steel has been a con- sistent time buyer ever since the United States Treasury Department made sun- dry programs available for local sponsor- ship. Current offering: daily presenta- tion of the Treasury Song for Today, over WAOV. Working in conjunction with the United States Employment .Service, sponsor has also successfully used WAOV for labor recruitment. In its sponsorship of Treasury pro- grams, Vincennes Steel permits no sales message, merely adds a strong appeal to listeners to dig deeper, buy more War Bonds. While the patriotic angle is like- wise stressed in the labor recruitment campaigns, occasional references are made to good wages, pleasant working conditions. When Vincennes Steel was the re- cipient of the Army-Navy "E" Award the flags were really unfurled. Cere- monies surrounding the presentation were broadcast over WAOV, fed to Evansville, Ind., destination of the prod- ucts manufactured by Vincennes Steel, over WGBF, Evansville, Ind. AIR FAX: Series of 48 five-tninute broadcasts was the sponsor's way of stepping up response to the Fifth War Loan Drive. Sponsor: Vincennes Steel Corp. Station: WAOV, Vincennes, Ind. Power^ 250 watts. Population: 18,228. COMMENT: Community pride and good will is an invaluable asset for any liiLsiness, is particularly important for industry. Programs of this kind repre- sent an inexpensive short-cut down this self-same path. Sustaiuiuq IDAHO EDITORIALIZES Men with their ears close to the ground are the hard-working editors of the weekly press of the nation, and what the public thinks and feels is clearly reflected in their editorial columns. Whether the old man thunders, or speaks in a whis- per, his views carry weight in the com- munity, and considered as a whole, these men give a very real clue to the question of whither mankind. Too often, how- ever, the comments and interpretations stop at the village limits, circulate only among the regular subscribers. Not so in Boise, Idaho, where KIDO brings outstanding editorials of the State of Idaho to radio listeners. Best editorials of the week are so designated by the Idaho Editors Ass'n. From those submitted, editorials are then se- lected at random, presented on the weekly broadcast. A two-man series, each announcer takes his turn in reading edi- torial opinions. AIR FAX: New view on news is handled by announcer Ralph Herbert. First Broadcast: June 16, 1944. Broadcast Schedule: Friday, 10:00-10:15 P.M. Preceded By: News. Followed By: Korn Kobblers. Station: KIDO, Boise, Idaho. Power: 2,500 (d). Population: 160,000. COMMENT: New and original program- ming accounts in no small measure for the remarkable hold that radio has over the listening audience. Here is one which taps a hitherto neglected field, represents something new in the news. SEPTEMBER, 1944 315 Department Stares SHOWMANSHIP IN ACTION Promotions and merchandising stunts that will lift a program out of the ordinary. Dairies ESKAY NEWS Back in the days of World War 1, '77/ tell the world" was hot stuff. Reminding people in Fort Wayne, Ind., to do just that is the Eskay Dairy Co. Its motto developed in con- nection with its WGL quarter-hoin^ of- fering of Eskay Neivs: "Tell the world your news." Paper collar fitted around the neck of every bottle of milk from the Eskay Dairy provides space for customers to fill in news items about parties, com- ings and goings of servicemen, oddities, weddings, club and lodge news, other personal items of that nature. Items are then collected by milkmen on their routes, turned in to be sorted and prepared for broadcast on Eskay News. AIR FAX: Broadcast Schedule: Monday through Fri- day, 5:00-5:15 P.M. Sponsor: Eskay Dairy Co. Station: WGL, Fort Wayne, Ind. Power: 250 watts. Population: \ 17,246. COMMENT: Direct tic- ins between pro- gra in o ii e r i n g a nd route men make em- }jloyees feel that the company is making a real effort to give them ba( king. l)i i\c'is thus get an extra stimnlanl lor renewed sales elf oris. Eor sponsors who want to (apitali/c on llic jx-y.sonal apjxal in- hcjcnl in bioadc asl ing, sci ics here is tried and iruc. ADVENTURES OF PINOCCHIO "Woe is me, woe is me." Three times weekly at 5:15 P.M., the plaintive melody of the little wooden marionette announces to Fulsa, Okla., small fry another chapter in the Adventures of Pinocchio. Heard over KTUL, the transcribed feature pro- motes the Children's Department of Froug's Department Store. Chosen to follow a 26-week presenta- tion of Streamlined Fairy Tales, the new series is likewise slanted as a selling vehicle for children's clothing. Commer- cials on the show are written in story book style to preserve the whimsical mood established by the characters in the well told tales. Froug's helps bring the fairy tale to life in the store itself. Gay cut-outs dec- orate the walls in the Children's Depart- ment to publicize the broadcasts. air FAX: Broadcast Schedule: T-Th-S, 5:15-5:30 P.M. Preceded By: News. Followed By: Music. sponsor: Froug's Department Store. Station: KTUL, Tulsa, Okla. Power: 5,000 watts. Population: 147,961. Distributor: Goodman Radio Productions. COMMENT: Departmentalized radio of- ferings lor department stores have proved to be one of the keys to success- ful use of broadcasting for retailers. With such a plan, additional programs may be taken on as increased sales justi- fy the expenditure. Insurance HOOSIERS AT WAR While the progress of the war depends upon united eflort. each state is justifiably proud of the deeds and perform- ances of its own sons and daughters. In In- dianapolis, ind., Hoosiers at War has helped keep the fighting f)l()()d l)()iling lor ()\er a year. 1 leard over VVFBM, the public service leatnre is sponsored three times weekly 1)\ I he (iKAiN Dkaikrs National Mu- 316 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP lUAL Fire Insurance Co. General framework of the program is musical with featured participations by such war service organiza- tions as the Red Cross, and the WAC recruiting office. Rationing reports are in- cluded, and Treasury Song Parades are used to push W'dY Bond drives. On occa- sions such as the Fifth War Loan Drive, bedside inter- views are conducted with wounded veterans at Bill- ings General Hospital in place of the customary interview par- ticipations by war service groups. In keeping with the general tone of the program, Grain Dealers has keyed most of its copy along the line of fire prevention and the patriotic aspects of wartime care in preventing the loss of property through fire. Likewise, in keep- ing with the nature of the program, Grain Dealers offers a full color war map of the world as a free give-away to interested listeners. Copy planner for Grain Dealers is O. M. Earl who does not design or ex- ploit the program in any manner as a direct sales producing device. Its chief function for Grain Dealers: a public good will instrument through the use of which the sponsor cultivates extended good will among the executives of the \arious war service organizations. air FAX: Station account executive is Don Menke. Scripted by continuity editor Hugh Kibbey, the show is a quarter-hour feature. Commentator LyeM Ludwig is identified as "your host for Hoosiers at War." First Broadcast: July, 1943. Broadcast Schedule: T-Th-S, 5:30-5:45 P.M. Sponsor: Grain Dealers National Mutual Fire Insur- ance Co. Station: WFBM, Indianapolis, Ind. Power: 5,000 watts. Population: 422,666. Men's Wear TEN O'CLOCK NEWS When Foreman 'k Clark, "world's largest upstairs clothiers," took on spon- sorship of Chet Huntley's Ten O'clock News, it didn't hide its light under a bush- el. Personal letters were sent to the home addresses of Foreman & Clark em- ployees in Oakland and San Francisco (Cal.) stores. For all mail and packages, a colorful package insert, postcard size, was prepared with Hunt- ley's photograph as well as time-and-sta- tion data. For window shoppers. Foreman & Clark devised a window exhibit with a background of world maps and photo- graphs of battle front correspondents to highlight a news teletype machine carrying late bulletins. Enlarged photo- poster of commentator Huntley called attention to the Ten O'clock News. Numerous personal appearances at which newsman Huntley was the fea- tured speaker added the personal touch. To top it off, Foreman & Clark em- ployees were introduced to Huntley at special morning meetings held in pre- business hours. Display newspaper ad- vertisements and courtesy announce- ments also contributed to the build-up. air FAX: Scheduled on a 52-week basis, the series is heard five times weekly. Topflight newsman Hunt- ley is the winner of the 1943 George Poster Peabody Radio Award, and Variety's 1944 Showmanagement Award for his program series, These are Americans, dealing with inter-racial tolerance. First Broadcast: June 14, 1944. Broadcast Schedule: Monday through Friday, 10:00- 10:15 P.M. Sponsor: Foretnan & Clark. Station: KQW, San Francisco, Cal. Power: 5,000 watts. Agency: Botsford, Constantine 8C Gardner, Los An- geles, Cal. COMMENT: Seeds j^lanted now will definitely lessen sales resistance, pave the way for sales-producing contacts in the post-war era. Definitely a prestige build- er, a program series of this kind creates a maximum amount of good will for its patriotic minded sponsors. COMMENT: Advertisers have found that a radio series serves as an effective sales stimulant among employees. When such an offering becomes a part of a co- ordinated advertising campaign, it serves a useful purpose on many fronts. (For pic, see Showmanscoops, p. 308.) SEPTEMBER, 1944 317 Men's Wear JOBS FOR HEROES How to fit ten mil- lion men back into civilian life is a 64 dollar question, and one that will play a vital part in the post-war. For those already returned to civilian life, and for those still in the thick of the fight, the correct answer to the question is a matter of bread and butter. To aid the Veteran's representative attached to every office of the United States Employment Service, and to ac- quaint families of service men return- ing now or in the future with the efforts being made to find Jobs for Heroes, a weekly radio series is offered listeners in San Francisco, Cal. Behind the peace of- fering stands Moore's Store for Men. Commercials are held to a minimum and every man appearing on the pro- gram receives a gift order on the store as a token of appreciation and a remin- der of Moore's sincere desire to be of service to rettirning war heroes and their families. Mothers, wives and sweethearts write and telephone for further information as to how they can help their returning service men make the transition from uniform to business suit. Men appearing on the show tell their experiences in job rehabilitation in the hope it will help other buddies. Every Thursday at 1:30 P.M. four dis- charged veterans appear as guests at a luncheon broadcast. What gives the show a new twist is the fact that veterans appearing on the show are not looking for jobs. Each already has a permanent position secured through the efforts of the Veteran's Placement offices. AIR FAX: First Broadcast: May, 1944. Broadcast Schedule: Thursday, 1:30-1:45 P.M. Sponsor: Moore's Store for Men. Station: KSFO, San Francisco, Cal. Power: 5,000 watts (d ) . Axency: Brisacher, Van Norden dC Staff. COMMENT: While (omnuicial spon- soisliip ol a scries of this kind is a mal- lei ol kid gl()\(' (li])l()ma(:y, it is a type of pjogram tlial any advertiser miglit well be proud to stand behind. Certain- ly such features represent a real service to the man for whom the post-war is now. only ask, they also swers direct from Photographers ASK WASHINGTON In these days when of necessity the government must exercise to the full the role of the Great AVhite Father, interest itself in various and sundry phases of private enterprise, individuals anxious to follow the straight and narrow path must Ask Washington whether their actions are within the rules and regulations. In Philaclelphia, Pa., listeners not receive straight an- the horse's mouth. Sponsored by the Bachr ACH Stu- DioES, Newton, Mass., for its pho- tographic studio branch in the Quaker City, Ask Washington is a weekly qu arter- hour series of ques- tions and answers. Listeners are invited to send in ques- tions pertaining to the Washington scene, whether it be pertinent to the war, rationing, politics, or other war- time activities. All answers come direct from government officials. AIR FAX: Station's own Washington reporter goes direct to the source in the nation's capitol for answers to listener-sent questions. Answers are pre- sented in Philadelphia by assistant program man- ager Norris West. Questions are asked by two voices, male and fem.ale, on the three-voice show. First Broadcast: June 15, 1944. Broadcast Schedule: Thursday, 6:15-6:30 P.M. Preceded By: Sports. Folloned By: Time Out With Ted Steele. Sponsor: Bachrach Studios. Station: WCAU, Philadelphia, Pa. Power: 50,000 watts. Population: 2,081,602. Agency: Needhatn & Grohmann. COMMENT: Techni(jues and ap])roach- es change with changing conditions, lime was when advertisers were inter- ested only in hard-hitting sales ])ro- grams, more or less gave service broad- casts the cold shoulder. When war con- ditions booted out heavy-handed sales- manship, ad\('itisers found that service piograins perform invahiable service. It is (|nit(' pi()l)able that even in the post- war, such features will increase in popu- larity. 318 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP SflOWMANVIEWS News and views of current script and transcribed releases back- ed with showmantips. All are available for local sponsorship. Quiz Feature WHAT WOULD YOU DO? If you want- ed a record show that was not simply an- other record show; if you wanted a quiz show that was not simply another quiz show; if you wanted an unseen audience participation show for all women, What Would You Do? What B. Ellis Associ- ates, Radio Productions, offers adver- tisers in search of just such a program is a quarter-hour script series designed for presentation five times weekly on a 13- week schedule. Show may be purchased for one time or five times a week, is ready for immedi-J ate airing. ^ Designed to pro- vide useful infor- m a t i o n for all women, the mate- rial is presented in hypothetical situa- tions that occur daily in the lives of those on the dis- taff side. Examples: a situation pro- voked by wartime shortage of a basic essential food call- ing for an adequate nutritional substi- tute; a situation calling for the urgent repair of a vitally needed home article difficult to replace at this time; a situa- tion calling for a knowledge of etiquette. In each case. What Would You Do has the solution. At the outset, the announcer makes it known that there are five questions to be answered by solving a situation in which the listener mentally places her- self. Announcer begins the show with the presentation of the first problem, gives milady time to catch her breath between problems with musical selections. Each listener rates herself on the basis of the number of correct answers to the five problems. Three correct answers rate the title of Clever Woman, four earns the rating of Superior Woman, and the per- son who answers all questions correctly takes a bow as a Brilliant Woman. At the close of each program there is a carry-over riddle to be answered the following day. Example: "When does a human being show the greatest rate of growth ... at what period in his life? Before birth . . . the first year . . . be- tween the ages of one and ten ... or be- tween the ages of ten and 21. I'll give you the answer tomorrow. Meanwhile, you can argue it out with the family this evening." Cost of the script series is 25 per cent of the air time used, payable in advance, weekly. AIR FAX: Five brain teasers and five recordings make up each quarter-hour. Broadcast Schedule: Five times weekly, 13 weeks. Type: Script. Producer: B. Ellis Associates. COMMENT: Programming is the secret of radio success, and series here is one that will most certainly build an atten- tive feminine audience. All to the good are the numerous merchandising tie-ins which could be developed in connection with the program. From the standpoint of the local advertiser, the fact that the offering calls only for one-man produc- tion makes it inexpensive to produce. From the standpoint of the listening audience, a program that departs from the cut-and-dried feminine program pat- tern is certain to get a \ote of thanks. SAMPLE SCRIPT AVAILABLE SEPTEMBER, 1944 319 PROOF 0' THE PUDDING Results based on sales, mails, surveys, long runs and the growth of the business itself. Bakeries BING SINGS After-movie snacks, sew- in^ club letreshments, and picnic-in-the- paik lunches enjoyed by the various members of his family are announcer Harry McTigue's talk-in-trade as he in- formally emcees a WINN recorded quar- ter-hour of Bing Crosby songs for Gen- eral Baking Co., Louisville, Ky. An easy style of describing the tasti- ness of cinnamon toast, grilled cheese- burgers, and club sandwiches made with Bond Bread earned this accolade from Julian Scott, manager of the bakery, "We are highly pleased with the fine work you are doing to personalize our Bing Sings program. We have had some very favorable comments from our trade and our sales organization on the fine selling job you are doing for Bond Bread. It is proving to be an effective sales aid for tis." AIR FAX: Bing's ballads are interspersed with three chatty, station-written Bond Bread announcements slanted toward homemakers. At least once a week emcee McTigue considers some phase of packing the defense worker's lunch. In line with government recommendations that it be considered one of the three main meals of the day, recipes are frequently given for new sandwich butters and special spreads. First Broadcast: February 7, 1944. Broadcast Schedule: Monday through Friday, 10:45- 1 1 :00 A.M. Preceded By: News. Followed By: Lady Lookout. Sponsor: General Baking Company. Station: WINN, Louisville, Ky. Power: 250 watts. Population: 500,000. Ai^eticy: Mitchell-Faust Company, Chicago, III. COMMEiNT: INograiiis need nol be clab- or;ilc nor (oslly (o in;ikc ;i!i cncclixc vehicle lor a sponsor's sales incssage. Of much greater importance is a con- sistent schedtile with a program design- ed for a specific audience. Dairies COMMUNITY NEWS Community News made news for the Silver Springs Dairy. Salina, Ka. Cottage cheese sales were at low ebb when Silver Springs took on sponsorship of the six times weekly fea- ture, but two months later voliuiie tip- ped the scale at 3,000 pounds for a sin- gle week. Evidence that it wasn't a Hash in the pan: sales the preceding week topped 2,800 pounds. To meet the de- mand. Silver Springs had to buy a thou- sand pounds of ciu'd from another firm. air FAX: Man who had the low-down on community news was KSAL announcer Herb Clark. Events close to home are chronicled in the 11:45 A.M. broadcast. News from the world at large follows, gives listen- ers a half-hour in which to catch up on every facet of the news. Broadcast Schedule: Monday through Saturday, 11:45-12:00 (Noon). Preceded By: Markets. Followed By: News. Sponsor: Silver Springs Dairy. Station: KSAL, Salina, Ka. Power: 1,000 watts. Population: 21,073. COMMENT: Sponsors without number ha\e found that results are in part de- termined by the extent to which a radio olfering is ptU to a specific ptnpose. Dry Cleaners RACING RESUME What impresses most no\i(c's at a racing track for the first lime is the natty dressers who fill the boxes. In Hartford, Conn., the Howards Cleaners helps keej) them turned out with a band-box finish with Mill Bcrko- xvitzs lidcing licsumc. K\ ideiue the VVNBC leatuie is the sporting thing for Howards: thousands of listeners brought in hard-to-get wiic (oat hangers as a re- sult ol a two week cunpaigu. Heard six times weekly, the five- minute feature has i)een commerdally sj)ous()re{| siiuc .April, 1912. Surveys (onsistently dcdit the series with a large audieiHc. What makes it a stand-out: 320 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP WNBC is the only station in Connccti- (iit and Western Massachusetts to cany complete racing results trom the major tracks. Series begins with "Howards Cleaners, nationally famous, presents the racing resume." Rettnns from one track then follow. After a middle commercial with a top word-count of 100, listeners get additional racing results. Time permit- ting, a few sports bulletins are thrown in for good measme. AIR FAX: First Broadcast: September, 1941. Broadcast Schedule: Monday through Saturday, 6:25- 6:30 P.M. Preceded By: News. Followed By: Music. sponsor: Howards Cleaners. Station: WNBC, Hartford, Conn. Power: 5,000 watts. Population: 221,940. COMMENT: Programs aimed at a spe- cific audience are essential to any adver- tiser. If that audience represents a logi- cal market for the sponsor's product or service, the next step is to keep hammer- ing at the sales message over a period of time. Time works wonders! GrDceries WISHING HOUR When the poet said: "If wishes were horses Beggars might ride," he wasn't thinking of Springfield, 111., if listener response to the Wishing Hour is taken on face value. For 12 consecu- tive months the Bunn Capitol Grocery has made daily awards of cash and mer- chandise to WCBS listeners for the best letters telling of wishes that came true. AIR FAX: Recorded bands are featured on the quarter- hour show, with vocals by announcer Kenneth Spengler. First Broadcast: July 19, 1943. Broadcast Schedule: Monday through Friday, 6:30- 6:45 P.M. Preceded By: Music. Followed By: Varied. Sponsor: Bunn Capitol Grocery. Station: WCBS, Springfield, 111. Power: 250 watts. Population: 80,029. COMMENT: A show which pulls mail lor one solid year must have what it takes to interest listeners. While such shows seldom go on indefinitely, the combination of human interest with the competitve angle makes such a series a sponsor's wish come true. Shoes MOTHERS OF VICTORY Behind many of the headlines stand the fighting men of the Navy. Behind them stand the WAVES. And as a rear guard for these girls are the mothers who trained them for peace, have given them instead, to war. To acquaint Louisville, Ky., listen- ers with the WAVES and their mothers in the community, Baynham's offers Mothers of Victory. Heard three times weekly over WINN, the show follows the interview pattern, is primarily insti- tutional in intent and purpose. Interviews originate from the WAVE Recruiting Office, are broadcast by re- mote control. Program switches back to. the WINN studio with this cue: "This is your radio yeoman shoving off. So long." Commercials for Baynham's feature shoes, hosiery, handbags, other acces- sories from this women's specialty shop. AIR FAX: First Broadcast: June 19, 1944. Broadcast Schedule: M-W-F, 12:15-12:25 P.M. Preceded By: Baukhage Talking. Followed By: Savings Talk. Sponsor: Baynham's. Station: WINN, Louisville, Ky. Power: 250 w^tts. Population: 319,077. COMMENT: There's tricks to every trade. In radio, one of the tricks is to select a program that is well suited both to the product and to the hoped-for audience. Harmony of that type is achieved here. Advertisers also perform a patriotic service with programs of this type. Photographers IN FOCUS When Nicholas Johnston, San Francisco master photogiapher, con- sented to a radio interview not so many years back, he didn't realize that from SEPTEMBER, 1944 321 radio studio to photographer's studio was the shortest distance between two points. But there was $225 worth of business directly attributed to that one broadcast. To keep the birdie smiling, he made an investment of nine dollars in a spot announcement. Now, over two years after that first time purchase, Nicholas Johnston spends approxi- mately $30,000 a year on radio advertising! Current offering: In Focus, a weekly half- hour remoted program from the Hotel St. Francls on KSFO, with a transcribed version later in the week on KGO. Slanted to cover the drama that is San Francisco, series fea- tures three city personalities. To listen- er whose suggestion provides the show with a guest personality, Nicholas John- ston awards a finished portrait. Nicho- las Johnston himself emcees the show. Account executive for Brisacher, Van NoRDEN 8c Staff is Charles Gabriel. AIR FAX: First Broadcast: March, 1944. Broadcast Schedule: Friday, 1:30-2:00 P.M. over KSFO; Sunday, 10:00-10:30 P.M., over KGO. Sponsor: Nicholas Johnston, Photographer. Stations: KSFO and KGO, San Francisco, Cal. Agency: Brisacher, Van Norden Si Staff. COMMENT: Many local advertisers have found. that personal appearances on a radio offering further establish that all-important personal contact between the public and the firm itself. (For pic, see Slioivrnanscoops, p. 309.) Restaurants LETTER FROM BILL To listeners who wait cadi day for a Letter from Bill, Bill is a flesh-and-blood lighting man. Fictitious though Bill may be in reality, response is anything but imaginary. Although the series first oiiginated in the Publicity Depai tnunt of (ianip Pi( k- ett, Va., in July, 191-J, VVIIFB, Ports- mouth, N. H., took on the pcninansliip task lor its lisleners when I he army post discontinued the series. For six months thereafter the Blue Goose Restaurant gave WHEB listeners the highlights of the Letter from Bill five times weekly, gave it up regretfully on the grounds of too much business. Three months later the series was still going strong, was taken on by the initial sponsor's competitor, Demarais Restau- rant. air FAX: Written by continuity man Bob Athearn, letters through the months have taken Bill across the sea to England, thence to Italy, and bacic again to England. Although purely imaginary, numerous letters from listeners indicate their belief that Bill must be stationed somewhere near their own favorite fighting man. Example: Dear Follcs: Today, your old Bill talces time out to do a bit of reporting for you. I had a talk the other night with one of the pilots of the Troop-Garrier Command . . . one of the lads who flies the planes that carry those paratroops whose value in the invasion was so great. Sometimes they fly planes towing trains of gliders . . . sometimes they carry troops in troop transport planes. In any case, theirs is a difficult job, to judge by some of the stories that have gone around since D-Day. The pilot I talked with said the take-off was arranged so that one plane and glider lifted from the run- way every 30 seconds. He said it was strangely quiet and serene that first night over the channel . . . although it didn't stay that way. Just before he gave the Stand Up and Hook Up signal about four minutes ahead of the target area, old Jerry started making trouble. Jerry got this fellow's plane, too, before the troops had jumped. But he didn't get it seriously because they kept flying along . . . just a bit of lead in the center section of the plane. They reached the drop zone . . . equivalent to a target area for bomber pilots, and dropped their sticks of paratroopers. After that, they dropped to a low level . . . sometimes as low as 100 feet. . . and streaked for home across the channel. The trip back was as serene and quiet as the journey out until they reached the home field . . . the land- ing gear on the left side had been shot off. But they made a trick landing, and were able to tell about it. Something doing every minute for those boys! Love to all, BILL Broadcast Schedule: Monday through Friday, 10:15- 10:30 A.M. Preceded By: Music. Followed By: Listen Ladies. Sponsor: Demarais Restaurant. Station: WHEB, Portsmouth, N. H. Power: 1,000 watts. Population: 25,000. COMMENT: Human interest stories wliich bring listeners closer to the fight- ing men represents a fertile field for war- time j^rogramming. With such a series, the sponsor achieves product advertising while at the same time he performs a patriotic sennce. Clertainly there is no dearth of material for a series of this kind, and it is almost certain to interest the pubh'c. 322 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP I ihead and cut out the coupon! Don't v about ruining the magazine cover; send you a new copy for your file. , vour ft^g^^' ^anent cm £i.EVENTH A^ Minnesota v/hat 1 ^^ i^adio ^"^^ ,„ge paid- me ^ -"',:p"e"; o'^VbtnSir. postage P< U ,-5 at $1-75 PV^e later a- Binder 'cJjTe* endosed O- BiU ^^ iSiatne . • • • Address . • Company position • City • ■ • State rB-3 Some of the stations who subscribe to RS for their advertisers. WIND Chicago, lU. « WGR-WKBW Buffalo, N. Y. KDYL Salt Lake City, Ut:l KOA KROW Denver, San Franciscc Oakland, KTUL Tulsa, WFIL Philadelphia, WTCN Minneapolis, Mini! WIBX Utica, N.Y. WHIT New Bern, No. Car. WDOD Chattanooga, Tena WFBL Syracuse, N.Y. CKWX Vancouver , B. C adio s 1^ .Showmanship keeps the radio advertiser posted on whatV new; it places bcftHX his eyes the stories of how others in his busines field increase sales through radio. It tells him how to best use radio tim| OCTOBER 1944 Airwaves for Furniture (p-329) Retailers Report To Santa Claus . . (p.332) Radio Ad-Ventures of Omar (p.338) 36 TESTED SHOWS FOR CHRISTMAS SELLING RADIO ADVERTISERS IN THIS ISSUE # Formfit Co. # John Gerber Co. # Glick Furniture Co. # Lit Brothers # National Candy Co. # Omar Milling & Baking Co. # Rochester Packing Co. # Sears, Roebuck & Co. I MORE THAN A MAGAZINE ... A SERVICE YOUR BUSINESS AT A GLANCE A quick index to what others in your business field accomplish through radio. Articles and services in Radio Showmanship are classified by businesses here. CTBj OCTOBER Business PAGE Bakeries 338, 347, 356 Candies 336 Chambers of Commerce 347 Department Stores 332, 344, 348, 353, 355, 356, 357 Dry Goods Stores 345 Finance 350 Groceries 343, 348 Hardware Stores 346 Business PAGE Home Furnishings 329, 357 Mail Order 349 Meat Products 350 Merchants' Associations 343, 349 Milling 338 Music Stores 356 Newspapers 352 Women's Wear 334, 356 S E P T E Business PAGE Automobiles 310 Bakeries 294, 310, 320 Beverages 310, 311 Candies 311 Dairies 316, 320 Department Stores 297, 302, 306, 309, 311, 316 Drug Products 304 Dry Cleaners 320 Farm Supplies 312 Groceries 308, 313, 321 M B E R Business PAGE Heating Supplies 313 Home Furnishings 300 Ice Dealers 314 Insurance 316 Labor Unions 314 Manufacturers 315, 321 Men's Wear 308, 317, 318 Photographers 309, 318, 321 Restaurants 322 Transportation 298 // you don't have the September issue, order it now! NATIONAL BROADCASTI GEr^RAL LIBRARY W ROCKEFELLER PLAZA, PUBLISHER ' Don Paul Nathanson EDITOR Marie Ford EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD RADIO Herbert Pettey Ralph Atlass William Dclph Glenn Snyder Philip Lasky Roger Clipp C. T. Hagman J. Harold Ryan Lorenzo Richards oustav Flexner J. Hudson Huffard Maurice M. Chait Frank J. Ryan Mien C. Knowles New York Chicago Washington Chicago San Francisco Philadelphia Minneapolis Washington BUSINESS Ogden, Utah Louisville Bluefield, Va. Peoria, III. Kalamazoo, Mich. Cleveland PUBLISHING OFFICE • 1004 Marquette, Minneapolis 2, Minn. Telephone: Geneva 9619. WESTERN REPRESENTATIVE • Brand and Brand, 816 West Fifth Street, Los Angeles 13, Cal. Telephone: Michigan 1732. Edward Brand, Man- ager. lOPYRIGHT . 1944 by Showmanship Publications, publishers of Radio Showmanship. CONTENTS OCTOBER, 1944 Vol. 5, No. 10 AIRWAVES FOR FURNITURE— Maxine E. Kramer 329 RETAILERS REPORT TO SANTA— Meyer Both Co 332 MENTION FOR UNMENTIONABLES— George Enzinger . . .334 BOB CATS RUN WILD— A. Maescher, Jr 336 AD-VENTURES OF OMAR— Herbert Futran 338 WHY WOMEN'S PROGRAMS?— Margaret Cuthbert 341 THERE WILL ALWAYS BE A CHRISTMAS— Pictorial Review 343 SANTA SITS TIGHT— Radio Pattern for Retailers 344 CHRISTMAS PROMOTIONS— Merchandising Stunts 347 SHOWMANSHIP IN ACTION 353 SHOWMANVIEWS 354 SANTA ON RECORDS— Transcribed Features 355 JOHNNY ON THE SPOT— Spot Announcement Tips 356 SUBSCRIPTION RATES: United States and possessions, $2.50 one 3'ear; Canada, $3.00. Single copies — 25 cents. CHANGE OF ADDRESS should be reported to Radio Showman- ship Magazine, 1004 Marquette, Minneapolis 2, Minn., three weeks before it is to be effective. Send old address with new. OCTOBER, 1944 • 327 • How to hove Y..r ow„m FALL HIT SHOW ,-.^. ^AT A PRICE THAT WILL SURPRISE YOU -#a^ i.HE simplest, surest way is to take the path akeady blazed by a wide variety of successful advertisers: Call NBC for Recorded Programs . . . shows sky-high in talent, writing, production — everything except price. Reason: Cost is divided among many non-competing advertisers all over the country. A few of the outstanding shows now available: COME AND GET IT . . . new fun quiz on food! Bob Russell, MC, questions studio audience contestants, then tosses subject to "Board of Experts"— Alma Kitchell, homemaking authority, and Gaynor Maddox whose syn- dicated articles reach millions. 78 quarter- hours for 3-a-week broadcast. DESTINY TRAILS . . . awakens the immortal clas- sics of frontier America by James Fenimore Cooper, dramatizing the spirit of adventure that is our American heritage. First, The Deerslayer... 39 programs. Next, The Last of the Mohicans ... 39 programs. 78 quarter- hours for 3-a-week broadcasts. MODERN ROMANCES ... true-to-life love stories from the pages of one of America's most popular magazines . . . expertly dramatized . . . excitingly acted . . . skillfully produced. 156 quarter-hours women love . . . find helpful, in- spiring ... in the tempo of today. THE WEIRD CIRCLE... modern dramatizations of the ageless . . . eerie masterpieces of such writers as Poe, Balzac, Dumas, Hawthorne, Victor Hugo and others. 13 brand-new adven- tures . . . packed with chills . . . t hrills . . . suspense . . . bring the program total to 65 half-hours. STAND BY FOR ADVENTURE . . . exciting happen- ings in far places among strange people . . . as told by — a retired army officer, a star re- porter, a New England sea captain and a South American scientist. 52 quarter-hours for one- or two-a-week broadcast. LAST CALL FOR CHRISTMAS SHOWS HAPPY THE HUMBUG . . . whimsical ad- vonturo.s of that fanciful bcastio of the Animal Kiiif^dom and his fasci- natiiifi animal pals . . . brimming with experiences of little hoys and girls. 15 (|narter-hours for Christmas pro- motion with follow-up series of '.V.) j)rograms, to start .Tan. 1. Series avail- able separately or in combination. THE MAGIC CHRISTMAS WINDOW Adventures of two typical kids who discover the secret of walking into The Magic Christmas Window where favorite fairy tales come to life. A Visit from St. Nicholas. 'IMi(> First Christmas and others . . . old and new. 12 (>k broad- cast four weeks |)r(>ceding Christmas. Name your time ... select your own local station ... do the job you're r.ftor with your own NBC Recorded Fall Hit Show ... at a price that will you. Ask your local station for an audition or write direct to us. Kationol Broadcasting Co. A Servue of Corporation of America RADIO'ReCORpING DIVISION AMERICAS NU MBSH 1 5 01) RCE Of RECORDED PROGRAMS RCA BIdg., Radio City, New York, N. Y. . . . Merchandise Mart, Chicago, III. Trans-LuK BIdg., Washington, D. C. . . . Sunset and Vine, Hollywood, Cal. Are you satisfied with your store, sat- /% isfied with the amount of business vou are doing, satisfied to serve only the (stablished customers you now have and the average per cent of new customers that you have been adding to your ac- count list? Or are you the traditional American wlio is never satisfied but al- ways wanting to be the leader in your lype of business in your city and face the future with a new front on your store bigger and better than before? By all means, right now ptit on those magnify- ing glasses and through true, clear lenses look at the grass on the other side of the fence and see how green it is. But be- fore I go into my story let's look back ()\er the past few years and see w-hat has happened at Click's. We at Click's are not satisfied even for one day. We do not wait to see what the rest of the boys in the business are doing. Nothing ventured, nothing gain- ed! We lead in the industry and we in- tend to continue doing so because we have grown steadily and rapidly and an- ticipate the time when we will kick the walls out and be twice as big as we are today. At the rate we are going I prom- ise you, we will do just that! Keep in mind all through this article liiat great-granddad could never have been told that man would one day fly like a bird, but today granddad flies. So to you who are in the furniture busi- ness and to you who have devoted many years of your life in this btisiness, let me say if you think great-granddad's out- look, picture and realization as to what could happen was something to talk about, just look at your own picture to- day but don't look too long or you may end up in the hay. Let's climb over the fence and see what makes that grass so green. First, let me make a comparison and then en- deavor to prove my point. Let's com- pare great-granddad and newspaper with \ou and radio. Yes, radio has been in ( xistence for 20 years! Through these \ears, you, and you have sat back, wait- ed, wondered, questioned and antici- j^ated how, when and what would in- spire you to step into this new and mys- Welcome caller is Maxine E. Kramer. Airwaves for F urniture Radio Provides Complete Coverage Around Columbus, 0., for the Click Furniture Co, by MAXINE E. KRAMER, advertising manager OCTOBER, 1944 • 329 • tcrious but magic medium of advertis- ing. Believe me boys, you need not ques- tion, look or wonder now, because it's here! Are you going to step into this green pasture? Yes, because this is your method of remodeling, growing and be- coming bigger and better! GET THE FEEL OF RADIO ^P Let's talk about what we know is happening today. Face the fiUure just as it is! As advertising manager of the Glick Furniture Company it is only natural that advertising matter be placed in my hands. Be honest with your an- swer! Have you given your undivided attention to studying radio catalogs that are placed on your desk? Have you studied how this magic madness of the air waves will change the trend of advertising? Have you been on the ball and talked to radio station managers to learn the habits of the listening pub- lic right in your own backyard? Do this sometime! Be open-minded about the subject! Learn what you are missing by not being up to bat in this ball game of business! Believe me, I learned before it was too late, and I'm batting the ball right out into the field and bringing home more business than you could be- lieve. Now, do you dominate the newspaper advertising in your fair city? I doubt seriously if one by one you were to an- swer me, that many of you could honest- ly say yes. Instead, no doubt, some very large department store is sitting in this position, a position that you can hardly reach. Your leading department store can buy as many pages of advertising as his pocketbook permits (however, I real- ize that in most cities at present this octopus of the newspaper is cut down in square space due to wartime restric- tions). But peacetime or wartime, can you mcci Jiis per cent ol adxertising llnough I he medium of newspaper? No, and most of these boys sell furniture, too! How will radio effect this octopus of advertising? Answer this (juestion yourself. '1 here are 24 houis in a day. S^)U cin ncilhcr .nld lo noi lake away liom this aniouiil, hul a iicwspapcr ma) be 5 pages or 50 pages thick. You have the answer. Can your leading depart- ment store feed his name constantly on a program all day, day after day, to the listening public? No! Why? It is because American people tire of hearing the same thing over and over again. There- fore, we face a futine of 24 hours a da\ evenly divided! Are you going to wait until all the minutes in every hour of the day are bought? I didn't, and it's certain after learning what we at Click's have learned (and we have given it a test) that we heartily recommend radio to you that you may hitch your wagon to what we know to be a star shooting through the air to pay you profitable dividends. PRAY FOR TELEVISION 9 How was I intrigued by radio? Wc all know that television is here mereh waiting, playing the second scene while the war at present steals the show! When this mysterious, new entertainment is offered to the Joneses and the Smiths, entertainment that will fdl their inter test and offer them a show right in their home free, will they pass it by? Not the American Smiths and Joneses, belicM' me! And the funny part is that the\ won't have to because the Smiths and the Joneses will be able to purchase this new, magic, mystery box offering them entertainment for a price within theii reach. On this day you and I will be in there feeding the air waves with furni- tme right out of our own store. With the home downright close to the heart, the place where the Smiths and the Joneses are sitting and seeing before their eyes what you and I are offering for sale, can't you see them comparing what we have to sell with what they have in their home? Now boys, this is the answer to a furniture store manager's j prayer. Just you pray for television! PUSH BACK CITY LIMITS 9 In the meantime and until this day comes, are you feeding your store name over the air waves, acquainting the lis- uning audience with your store name? 330 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP should you? I thought so, for after giv- ing this careful consideration I checked up on the actual popidation of Coliun- l)us, O., and its nearby surrounding ter- ritory. The actual figures were startling and almost unbelievable. Click's is lo- cated in the center of the fifth richest state in the Union with one-third of (licse rich Ohioans within the shopping ladius of Click's store. The population of Cohuiibus is over 400,000. The near- by 50-mile area surrounding Cohmibus has a popidation of over 1,600,000. Sur- \cy proved that 97 per cent of this popu- lation listen to the radio four and a half to six hours each day! Right now, take your leading newspaper in which you advertise, learn the circulation of that paper and subtract that amount from the popidation of your city and sur- rounding territory and be frightened at what you learn! We at Click's during peacetime deliver free of charge within 100 miles, therefore, to me, the answer was radio. Mr. Click, I am happy to say, is open-minded with eyes to the future and has confidence in decisions of his employees. I set out to prove my point. SELL MRS. AMERICA V I went easy at the start but all out to prove my belief that the grass was green and almost ready to be cut on the other side of the fence. I bought spot an- nouncements, a few, more later, and then being a woman and through the eyes of a woman looking at this picture with a woman's heart interest, I told my- self that women like to look forward to entertainment that splits up their day of household duties. I am speaking of Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Smith, your cus- tomers, the women who have no time to read the newspaper but take their en- tertainment relaxed in a chair listening to the radio. Your wife has a maid no doubt, sends out the laundry and plays bridge, but she has furniture, too! The one you want to entertain and sell is Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Jones; in other words, you want to entertain and sell Mrs. America whose home is her castle and whose entertainment is derived in a (omfortable chair listening to the radio. Realizing this I selected a 15-minute program on WHKC. This [program had three interruptions when we fed institu- tional store advertising, and after a short while we noticed a phenomenal increase in business coming from the 50-mile radius surrounding our store, the mile- age coverage of our radio program over WHKC. Now Click's are not too happy to make these deliveries under present conditions, yet this war won't go on and on! PREPARE FOR TOMORROW ^P Today we prepare for tomorrow! We looked forward to yesterday plus many more tomorrows when we would reach these friends whom unfortunately we did not meet until we sent our ad- vertising out over the air to them over WHKC. Let me advise you to entertain your listening audience with your radio program and feed them your commer- cials as well, which in turn will bring up your sales. You may consider this authentic and save at Click's expense, for if I were to tell you that we were not curious as to the possibilities of radio even in view of the fact of our increase in business with figures before our very eyes, I would be telling you a falsehood. We were a bit the doubting Thomas. I was curious about radio response and found myself searching for a clever way to test our program believing surely that with a program to sell merchandise, it would be poor judgment to start giving mer- chandise away. That kind of a program was blotted from my mind. Also, we furniture store people realize that when quantities of several hundred items are given out, surely to invest much over 10 to 15 cents is not good business. My idea of business still is to take money in, not to give it all away! I sat pat waiting for the key thing to come along that could be purchased for a reasonable price and not install a cheap impression of the Click Furni- ture Company. Bingo! Along came D-Day. The inva- sion was on! Immediately I ordered (Continued on page 338) OCTOBER, 1944 331 V.eV 0^ V^€^^ to Santa Claus factual findings obtained through a poll of 1804 retail stores by the Meyer Both Company, Advertising, New York City ^0 Q. Are you in favor of starting Christmas promotions very early again this year? Retailers apparently consider before T/iruihsgiving as very early. 87 per cent go on record as being in favor of starting Christmas promotions very early again this year. About half plan to open Christmas advertising campaigns between Xoveniber 1st and 15th. Q. When do you plan to open your Christmas advertising campaign? There seems to be considerable diflerence of opinion as to when is early! 14 per cent of the total in fa\()r of starting very early indicate their planned starting dates in September. 11 per cent of the total indicate their planned starting dates in October. 25 per cent plan to open their Christmas campaigns after November 15 and half of this number consider after November 15th as being very early. .^0 O. Hoiv ivill your Christmas advertising budget cotnf *^ with 1943? In planning the same Christmas budgets as in 1943, many retailers say they regret the necessity. Such facto the newsprint situation, and scarcity of merchandise, h()we> pre\'ent more ambitious plans. 10 per cent plan lighter adv( tising budgets. 18 per cent plan heavier advertising budgets Many of the 72 per cent planning the same budgets as in 1943 point out that '43 carried a hea\y ad aj^propriation. 1^^ Q. Hoiu do you plan to apportion your Christmas advertis- ing budget? Close to one-foiuth {22 per cent to l)e exact) of the total uumber of stoies will de\()te their Christmas adver- tising budgets to nexospapers e\( hisix'cly. 78 per cent will use high percentage for newspapers. Very lew stores plan higher than 15 per cent radio appropriation. O. Do yon intend to use institutional type ad'vertising? Almost on(-<|u;irlei ol the stores polled intend to use institu- tional type advertising, l)ui less than ID jx-r (cnt of this number intend to use institutional l)pe ad\(rtising cx(lus'n>ely. The majority ol the icmaining 77 per (cnl phni to use institutional advertising in (()nil)i)iali()}i with stiajght items and iner( handise- institutional apjnals, oi in (ombination. 332 • RADIO SHOWMANSHrP ^ O. Do you intend to use straight merchandise promotions? t^^ Over one-third of the stores represented by the 2H per cent who intend to use item and price promotions intend to use this type of advertising exclusinely. Of the three types of appeals, mercliandise-institutional registered -/V per cent; institutional, 23 per cent, and straight merchandise 2S per cent. Q. Will you promote make-it-y our self gifts this year? 47 per cent will promote make-it-yourself gifts. 43 per cent will not. 10 per cent are still undecided. Art Needlework and Fabric Departments are the majority choice for make-it-yourself gift promoting. Notions, draperies, domestics, toys and unpainted furniture are also mentioned as possibilities. Q. Do you plan any special ad campaign to recruit person- nel for the Christmas season? The 37 per cent that are still undecided say conditions w^hen the Christmas season gets nearer will determine their action. Of the 15 per cent planning to have special personnel campaigns, a great many intend to address their appeals to high schools and colleges; 48 per cent do not plan to use such a campaign. 1^^ Q. When are you going to start promotion of gifts for serv- '^^ ice men and women overseas? Official overseas mailing dates will determine 39 per cent of the dates for starting promotions of gifts for men and women in the armed forces. 29 per cent plan to start in September; 26 per cent in October, and 6 per cent in August. After the survey was completed, the Government announced that September 15th to October 15th would be Christmas gift mailing month for overseas, and many stores had previously announced their intention to start promotions a month before the overseas deadline. *^ O. Will you encourage telephone orders during the holiday '^ season? A great many of the 66 per cent answering no gave delivery difficulties as the reason for the decision. 32 per cent will encourage telephone orders, and 2 per cent are as yet undecided. . Q. Do you expect to offer gift wrappings? The 69 per cent that said yes are divided half-and-half on the question of charging for gift wrappings. Some of the stores planning to charge will have special wrapping booths with set prices of from ten cents to twenty-five cents for special wraps. Practically all stores expect to have gift boxes, and the majority will not charge for them. 1^0 Q. Are you going to have night openings this year? ^\alile ^^^ 82 per cent plan to have night openings this Christmas season, a great many say they will not have more than three or four. Others say they will have only their regular weekly night openings. 18 per cent definitely will not have special night openings. OCTOBER, 1944 •333* by GEORGE ENZINGER, vice president, Buchanan § Co., Chicago, Hi Honorable ♦ ♦ ♦ Mention for Unmentionables Formfit Commercials Palatable to Mrs. Grundy and to Sponsor V Every Sunday at 6:45 P.M. Eastern War Time, when the Formfit Com- pany's radio program goes on the air over Mutual Network, genial Jimmie Wallington makes this announcement over a background of seductive music: "The Formfit Company, creators of the smoothest in underfashions, pre- sents Dick Brown witJi the smooth- est of music." And that not only sets the stage for the music department but for the ad- vertising department as well. But there's a story back of this, a story, in fact, which proves that more than meets the ear or is seen in the broadcasting studio, was discussed, analyzed and decided up- on long before the sensational Formfit premiere which took place on July 9. Briefly, here is what happened. And it's an ol)jcct lesson, perhaps, in the syn- chronization of the right xuords with the right music; smooth writing and per- suasive delivery flowing gracefully through smooth vocalization and inslru- nicntahzation. 9 VVhen Walter FT. Lowy, vice presi- dent and advertising manager of Ynv. FoRMFrr (>)MPANY, told us that his com- pany was interested in going on the air, we knew ilial no ordinary type ol radio program would do. Ha\'ing liandled nevvspaj)er and magazine adxcrtising lor this fnni loi- some 15 yeats, we realized that building the absolutely right ladio show lor I'OKMi II would be no eas\ task. For, we knew something aboiU copy censorship rules laid down by the net- works. AVe knew they were far tougher than those of the publications. "You can't say brassieres!" ''You can't say bust!" "You can't talk about uplift!" "You can't use the ivord, bosom!" "Yon cant . . " Oh, there was a whole long list of "don'ts" that were anathema to the copywriting profession. But there they were, and there was nothing to do! bin abide by them. W So we went to work, wondering just what we'd produce. Dame Fate, 1 sus- ]3ect, was sitting on oiu' shoiUders, smil- ing a bit and knowing that it would all come out beautifully. But xue didn't know it until our radio director in New York dug up a good-looking yoimg lad named Dick Brown who, happily, had a magnificent, \elvet-sm()oth voice. AVY'II, the show was })ut togethei, alter a lot of headaches, with Merle Pitt's or- chestra providing the nuisic and hand- some Jimmie Wallington chosen to gixc the commercials. After the formula loi the show was worked out, the connner (iais just flowed out naturally from oui (!()j)y (Ihief's word storehouse. In faci. when he started writing them, he ke|)i I he thought ol "suiool hncss" constant l\ in mind, and, as he alterward said, "Ihey came out just as though they were tailored to fit that smoothest of ))io- gi ams!" !'('( hni( all\. il I mav use that word, 334 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP the FoRMFiT commercials are miniature essays in restraint, with good taste and persuasiveness in every sentence. We take it for granted that every modern woman wants to achieve a youthful, at- tractive figure. So it isn't reaUy a matter of selling so much as it is one of suggest- ing. Thus we feel that well-chosen 'words, telling the Formfit story without bombast or exaggeration, will be best re- ceived, and will in no way create a jar- ring element on an otherwise smooth and gracious radio presentation. 9 That feminine ''unmentionables" can be successfully advertised on the air is no longer a moot question. The Form- fit program, already a winner, demon- strates that it can be done. In other words, it's all in knowing how to write adioitly enough to keep the Mrs. Grun- dys of the air out of our hair, and the Formfit officials smiling and happy! Although the Formfit Company was already the biggest advertiser in its field before the advent of the Sunday after- noon musicales, this new venture in sugar-coated commercial persuasion was added to the general national advertis- ing program to be of special and specific service to the retail stores who sell Form- fit Underfashions to the women of America. The retail dealers' part in helping women select just the right type and size of garment, their special fitting services, and even their repair services, are featured in the Formfit radio com- mercials. V All of this was very clearly explain- ed in an imposing brochure entitled, The Formfit Formula for '44, which was mailed out to all retail dealers through- out America. The new radio program was the 7iew element in compounding the 1944 Fornmla, along with the previ- ously used elements of newspaper adver- tising, magazine advertising, store dis- play material, etc. As a result of this special pointing of public attention to dealer service in the radio broadcasts, retail stores all over America are finding many new and novel promotions to tie up with the Formfit effort. School and career girl contests, both for beauty and talent, special radio style shows, and radio programs by the stores themselves, are some of the un- Ox>er a period of 30 years the business career of George Enzinger has embraced a wide experience in the field of advertising and sales promotion. It was a ''planned" ca- reer, in the sense at least, that he de- termined at an early age to devote Jiis life's work to some phase of the publishing and advertising business. His selection as editor of the school paper at Central High School, St. Louis, Mo., planted the seed of that ambition, and after be- ing graduated from that prepara- tory school, he immediately enter- ed the School of Journalism at the University of Missouri. Successive- ly, the march of time took him into work on a number of metropolitan neivspapers, then street car advertis- ing, and finally into the advertising agency business zvhere he has been a prominent national figure since 1919. His most outstanding efforts in national advertising have been in the fields of food products and con- fections, beverages, household uten- sils, ivomen's apparel, building ma- terials, and great industrial organi- zations. His best known national ac- counts, besides the Formfit Com- pany, have been the Pabst Breweries and Pabstett Cheese Co., Bendix Aviation Corporation, Minneapolis- Honeywell Regulator Co., Weyer- haeuser Lumber Co., Roquefort Cheese Association, C amp fire- An- gelus Marshm allow Co., Nunn-Bush Shoe Co., and Alden's Chicago Mail Order Co. usual cooperative efforts of stores to cap- italize on the Dick Brown radio follow- ing. And after all, such dealer enthusi- asm is the ultimate goal of all manufac- turers' advertising, isn't it? OCTOBER, 1944 • 335 • BobC ats Run Wild Cumulative Effect of Spots Sells Bob Cat Bar for National Candy Co. by A. T. hAAESCHER, JR. THE advertising campaign to intro- duce the Bob Cat Candy Bar, a new bar manufactured by the National Candy Company, St. Louis, Mo., was begun October 1, 1943. The original territory consisted of that area common- ly known as the 49th State, an area with- in a 10-miIe radius of St. Louis. Basic media consisted of spot an- nouncements, billboards and car cards. The spot announcements were of the musical jingle type based on the well- known tune, Bet Your Money on a Bob- tail Nag, revised to Bet Your Nickel on a Bob Cat Bar. W^ith the musical jingle as a basis, outdoor and car cards, carry- ing the opening line of the radio jingle, were usecl as sujjporting media. Seventeen night time spots per week were used on three St. Louis stations. Previous to this, three company sales- men had called on 400 candy jobbers and dealers in the St. Louis area, and a (l(S(ripti\c mailing piece had announced Award for outstanding use of spot announcements made at the convention of the National Advertising Agency Network went to Oakleigh R. I renc li K: Associates, St. Louis, Mo., for this (anipaign in the iiUerests of Bob Cat Candv Uar manufactured l)v tlie National Candv Co. 336 '^^^<^ ITS A ^"^555^ C4»|0y the new bar to 5,800 retail sales outlets in Greater St. Louis. Was the program successful? At the end of the first month's advertising on Bob Cat (which, incidentally, was the first consumer advertising done by Na- tional Candy Company) a survey was conducted by Bee Angell, a St. Louis research organization, to learn what per- centage of the public had (1) become aware of the brand name of the product, (2) used the product, and (?>) had ob- ser\ed the advertising, and through what mediiun. f his survey revealed that 71 per cent of the 606 people contacted rec- ognized the product by brand name; 91 per cent of that group recalled seeing or hearing the advertising, and 6() per cent had calc'U one of the bars. Radio acher- tising ^^as shown with oiudooi. lo have had an ecjual elfectivencss ai the lop ol the list of media. C^ar card eifec- tixcness was slightly lowci , wh ile 18 per cent said that other in- Ihunccs Iiad l)C'C'n elfec- li\c'. Ihc siucl\ consisted RADIO SHOWMANSHIP of a total of 606 interviews in three main categories: 201 high school children, 156 factory workers, 100 men and 149 wom- en comprising a cross section paralleling the total adult population. This total (606) meets the requirements of research authorities for statistical reliability, the A\(;i.i.L organization states. Director of cli- ent service for O a k I e i g h R. French & Associ- ates is adman Al- bert T. Maescher, Jr. In tJie adver- tising agency busi- ness for the past 12 years, lie was earlier associ- ated with a retail advertising service firm. Laurel wreaths: president of the Advertis- ing Club of St. Louis, Mo.; member of the Board of Directors of the St. Louis Industrial Marketing Coun- cil, and a member of the Board of Directors of the St. Louis Better Business Bureau. Below are the results of the survey. Question 1 ^ A new product with the brand name "Bob Cat" has recently been put on the market. Do you know which of these types of products it is — cereal, to- bacco, candy bar, bathing suit? Correct identification 71.8% Incorrect identificaticm or don't know 28.2% Question 2 ^ Have you used the product? Yes No Don't know 68.7% 29.2% 4.1% Question 3 ^ Have you seen or heard the product advertised? Yes 91% No 9% Question 4 ! W Where radio, car cards, outdoors, other places? Radio 41.6% Car cards 25.5 % Outdoors 41.8% Other places 18.4% Other places mentioned were, in most OCTOBER. 1944 cases, in stores and other points oi sale. A similar survey was made at the end of 90 days for C. M. Said, National's product's manager, and showed the fol- lowing residts: Question 1 W A new product with the brand name Bob Cat has recently been put on the market. Do you know which of these types of products it is cereal, tobacco, candy bar, bathing suit? Correct identification 84.9% Incorrect identification or don't know 15.1 % Question 2 w Have you used the product? Yes 79.5% No 20.5 % Question 3 w Do you like Bob Cat Bars — better than most other candy bars; as well as most candy bars; not as well as most other candy bars? Better than most other candy bars . 21.6% As well as most other candy bars 50.0% Not as well as most other candy bars 28.4% Question 4 W Do you buy Bob Cat Bars — regularly, often, sel- dom? Regularly 26.5 % Often 38.8% Seldom 34.7% Question 5 ^ Have you seen or heard the product advertised? Yes 92.1% No 7.5% Question 6 W Where — radio, car cards, outdoors, other places? Radio 75.1 % Car cards 37.1 % Outdoors 74.8 % Other places 21.0% Don't know 8% It is interesting to note the rise in recognition attributed to radio from 41.6 per cent at the end of 30 days to 75.1 per cent at the end of 90 days. This shows the cumulative effect of sound, consist- ent use of spot announcements. It may take a short time for them to catch hold, but when they do, results can be meas- ured in the cash register. At the time the second survey was made, 50.2 per cent of the budget had been devoted to radio costs, 28.2 per cent to outdoor, and 21.5 per cent to car cards. With the pattern for a successful cam- paign thus thoroughly tested and check- ed, Bob Cats were introduced in addi- tional territories where the advertising followed the same formula and met with equal acceptance. • 337 • Ad-Ventures of Omar Nothing Juoenile About Campaign For Omar Milling and Baking]Co, Pitched to Juveniles in 21 Areas by HERBERT FUTRAN r Written and produced by Her- bert Futran through MacFarland Aveyard & Co., advertising agen- cy. The Adventures of Omar goes back on the air this fall on 21 stations via platters. The complete radio picture is presented here by the author. HOVV^ an advertiser may sell his prod- uct through the youthful salesmen in the American homes is illustrated by Omar, Incorporated, Omaha, Neb., a milling and baking company. The Adx)entnres of Omar is the sales vehicle, and the show is sponsored by two divisions of the company, one, the mill division which produces and mar- kets Omar Wonder Flour, and, two, the bakery division which conducts a retail bakery operation in four cities, employ- ing some several hundred drivers who deliver bakery goods door-to-door. 1 he show is recorded with two sets of com- mercials, one for the bakery, the second for the mill. SELECTION OF THE RIGHT PROGRAM Ihe company, marketing produds that are normally sold to achilts (Hour and bakery goods) , wished to be as certain as one can be in siidi lhin<'s, tlial its program offering was one with juvenile appeal. It also wanted to make certain that the program's commercial treatment was of such a nature as to motivate the juvenile audience to ask their mothers to call for Omar products. It therefore connnissioned its advertis- ing agency, MacFari.and, Aveyard & Co., Chicago, 111., to have several pro- grams produced on platters, complete with various commercial approaches. These platters were then played for three representative children's groups in Oma- ha, the sponsor's own city, to determine whi(h ollering had the greatest audience ajipeai. Mere was the resuh: Adi'ciitincs of Oiiuir 10(y boys 67 girls Total 173 C.onipcling S( > ipis 25 hoys 65 girls Total 90 338 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP On the basis of ihis jury of listeners, The Adventures of Omar was selected for presentation on 21 stations. Of greater importance even than the totals of this juvenile poll was the fact that these auditions provided valuable information on juvenile listening habits. Their reactions to scenes, to moods, to various words and treatments were all carefully noted to give us data on those things to which youngsters react most favorably. IDEOLOGY BEHIND SHOW Une of the things we avoided was the typical kid show. Some 30 youngsters are consulted regularly as to their likes and dislikes not only of air shows but of everything else. Few of them list the ob- viously juvenile air shows as their first choices in radio programs. When you ask them what shows they listen to most it is such a program as Mr. and Mrs. North. With that in mind, the show is not written down to any infantile intel- lect. At the outset, The Adventures of Omar was a rather obvious adventure show, and while that built an audience, we did not feel that it would continue to hold listeners. Gradually the show was matured, and, with it, the audience as well. W^hen it went off the air for the summer, it had become something of an adult show replete with comedy, ro- mance, passion and the other emotions mixed in with mystery-adventure. Lis- tener surveys indicate just how big a hit this approach made with the youngsters. COMMERCIAL APPROACH iROM a showmanship and merchandis- ing angle, the treatment of the various commercials, and the injection of spon- sor notes into the script are of interest. In the first place, the star character and hero of each episode bears the same name as the company and the company's products, namely, Omar. From the mer- chandising standpoint, the advantages of such a tie-up are obvious, since we get strong identification of the sponsor's name through frequent reference in the dramatic portions of the show to the hero's name. Just how effective this^ identification is can be illustrated by the fact that in those cities where the bakery division holds forth, it is now common practice for youngsters to hail the Omar delivery men with the theme of the show, "Oooooomar, son of tlie winds, Ooooooomar." There are, of course, three conmier- cial credits. The first, right after the in- troduction of the show, follows a pretty straight line commercial approach. The middle commercial comes at a high dra- matic point in the show, and, rather than being a straight sell, takes its cue from the locale of the show itself. If the script is laid in Holland, there may be some note on the cleanliness of the Dutch kitchens, with the after-thought that no Diuch kitchen is quite the equal of Mom's own kitchen back home when she makes that delicious white bread with Omar W'onder Flour. The final commerical usually comes after a drama- tized lead-in using several of our sup- porting characters. This is usually a comedy lead-in, building to a high point of humorous content, after which the announcer takes it away with his straight commercial. Omar Junior plays an important part in that center commercial. Omar Junior is purely a nickname for the juvenile in the cast, and he has an important part in all of Omar's adventures. Omar Junior's great passion in life is swell, white bread, and his reference to and longing for it all the time they were in occiq^ied Europe was frequent biu not labored. Thus, it has become something of a joke among our audience that Omar Junior just loves white bread, and on that note we pitch our middle commer- cial. It always starts as a message from Junior, and likewise, it is always a gag- line by Junior which sets the stage for the last commercial. PROGRAM PROMOTION Umar Junior has also been immortal- ized by various animated displays using the Omar Junior character done up in turban. Too, he has been featured on car-cards and billboards, and he will OCTOBER, 1944 • 339 • soon make his appearance in a series of comic-strip type ads featuring Omar white bread which will appear on comic pages in metropolitan newspapers. MERCHANDISING When the show went off the air for the summer, listeners were offered a log- book covering a mythical voyage Omar and his pals were making from Mur- mansk to the United States aboard a United Nations' convoy. Omar Junior was reputedly the author of this log- book, whose real function, of course, was to hold over the summer hiatus at least a portion of the substantial audience the show had built up. That offer raised havoc with deliver- ies in the four cities where Omar does door-to-door delivery of bakery goods. Thousands of children who had follow- ed the series on the air stormed the trucks in Indianapolis, Milwaukee, Oma- ha and Columbus on the first day the offer was made. Drivers with routes to be serviced had to work into the small hours in order to complete their rounds. As an additional merchandising tie- in, listeners will receive a 16-page book of comics starting in September, which will detail in comic strip form the fur- ther adventures of Omar. TESTING AUDIENCE REACTION IX the four cities where the bakery divi- sion operates, all drivers conducted this record coincidental survey of 6,836 homes. These calls were made in per- son. That sur\'ey showed an average 16.8 rating, 23.2 on WBNS, Columbiis; 20.6 on WTMJ, Milwaukee; 14.9 on WFBM, Indianapolis, and 8.8 on KOWH, Omaha. There is a finther interesting note on what happened to the station ratings when the Omar show hit the air, and when it went off. KOWH Hour Before Adventures of Omar 7.9 Hour of Ad- ventures of Omar 8.8 Hour After Adventures of Omar 8.4 WTMJ WFBM WBNS 20.6 14.9 17.5 ^*:sS^^^ij0fmu*- In other words, with the exception of WTMJ where the rating continued up after the show left the air, the Adven- tures of Omar constituted a very definite stand-out for the sta- tion. Response to the give-away of- fer is another indication of the strong pidl the series has with its juvenile audience. And inci- dentally, the script in which that offer broke actually revolved in its dramatic sequence aroiuid the premium offer. At the open- ing of the show there was a sub- tle reference to the j^remium of- fer, and fiom thai moment on, the premium itself moti\aled I he action. Ihe integration of the connnercial and tiie drama then, explained the e(Ii(acy of the show. And sin(c. al)o\c' all else, an advertiser nuist liist ha\e a pro- gram that interests the audience he wants to leach, the A(h'e?i- lurrs of Omar seem to constitute a stand-out lor Omar, Incor- I'ORAlll). 340 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP ^ by MARGARET CUTHBERT, director of women*s and children*s ^ programs for the National Broadcasting Co., New York City Why Women's Programs ; |i\ the beginning when radio was grop- ing among the wave lengths, women's programs were as necessary as the waste basket. Known as catch all programs, they were the over-worked, neglected Cinderellas of the air. Now they have come of age, and no one was more sur- prised than the industry which gave them being that these unwanted chil- dren should grow up and develop into interesting, intelligent, presentable and profitable ventures, courted by sponsors to the amazement of all concerned. The evolution was gradual and came about naturally. Women's programs were an integral part of radio long be- fore the serial reared its lovely, troubled head and came to stay by popular de- mand. 1 HERE are 640 women's programs on the nearly 900 radio stations throughout the country. The time given to women's pro- grams varies, and varies for the simple reason given in Alice In Wonderland at the Mad Tea Party, "If you knew time as well as I do," said the Hatter, "you would not talk about ivasting it." Sta- tions do not waste time. As every woman knows, when you want to spread the good word, the most effective of all ways is to tell a womanl That is the basic reason behind every woman's program; it appeals to the women in the home: the consumer, the homemakcr. She is the great potential in radio and radio is acceptable to her. Radio entertains her. Alone during the day, she finds that radio fills the house with voices, and the walls re-echo the sound of music. She is no longer by herself, nor is she wasting time, that spector that follows every move in her crowded day. While she works she is be- ing kept up-to-date with information on everything that concerns herself, her family and her community. LoNTRARiwisE, radio provides an escape from her anxieties. With one son some- where in the Pacific and another son in Italy, Mrs. O'Brian finds equal relief in turning on her radio to hear Mirth and Madness or Monsignor Sheen speaking directly to her. "Come all ye that are heavily laden." The amotmt of time given to women's programs varies. Stations now carry from one-half hour weekly to five hours week- ly of women's programs, depending on the station's commitments and policies of balancing programs of entertainment with social, civic and consiuiier needs of the community phis the needs of the country. Just as listeners select their own pro- grams to listen to, so does the woman's program select its own audience, depend- ing on the insight of the woman con- ducting the program, and the people she works with in radio and in the advertis- ing agencies. AsmE from the serial, whose technique is quite different from that of other pro- grams, although the goal is identical, programs conducted by women may be news, variety, service, dramatic, quiz, audience participation, straight talking or a combination of all seven. Their success depends on the right woman for the right program, her orig- inality, her intelligence and her com- mon sense use of radio. Since the success of such a program does depend largely on the radio personality of the person conducting it, plus the brains of those concerned with the sales and promotion OCTOBER, 1944 • 341 • of the program, it pays di\ idends to se- lect carefully the woman Avho is to con- duct a woman's program. The name of a woman's program may be listed under the personality conduct- ing it or the station or sponsor may orig- inate a trade name which means that the personality of the trade name goes on forever, gathering momentum and loyal listeners over a period of years. Betty Crocker of General Mills is an out- standing example of the success and popularity of a trade name. lo be effective, women's programs should be scheduled at the same time five or six times a week, year after year, be it early morning, mid-morning, noon, afternoon or evening. Any women's pro- gram can be successful if it adheres to certain basic principles and these in- clude cooperation, imagination, pa- tience, showmanship, sincerity, person- ality and promotion. Having selected your woman, gi\e her })roper help at the start. Make her feel a part of the organization. If she is a member of national organizations or service clubs, encourage her to transfer her former membership and become ac- tive in the local groups. She would be introduced by the station management to local business and women leaders in women's activities. (Public lUilities fol- low this procedure with great benefit.) Promote her locally so that she takes ])art in local civic affairs. Let her han- dle all things pertaining to women's adivilies that come to the station. As- sistance and support should be given her by the program, publicity and sales (li\'isions of the station. iiAiiiKR than engaging licr on an artist's fee basis (which often puts a l)arric'r be- Mvccn h(» and the stall ol (he station) pui her on stiaighl sahn\. allowing a (Otain jxrcentage loi |)a i l i( i pa t i ng ( oinmcK ials, according lo ihc station's ]K)lic y. Many women now condncting pro- grams, both on the networks and the locjil slalions, woi k c losch with the S;il(s. Picss and I'logiam I )(|);iri mcnls of their stations. ^Vhen given the op- portunity, they also work directly with the sponsor, or particpating sponsors, in a sincere effort to luiderstand and be helpful to both buyer and seller. Some of the women write their own sales copy for the product, or products, sponsoreci on their programs. In other cases, copy writers (often women) of the advertising agency handling the spon- sor's or sponsors' account write the sales copy for use on the program. Women who conduct their own pro- grams have an advantage in knowing how to utilize the basic feminine psycho- logical appeals to the fullest advantage; they know how to key the necessary in- formation they have to give so that it will interest their listeners; they know how to prepare cominercials in any style or type; and they know how to beam their message to the women's audience they seek to reach. One underlying fac- tor not often mentioned is that of the emotional and idealogical appeal which the woman, herself, may make to other women. A COMPOSITE picture of the women pre- senting women's programs throughoiu the country, show them to be sincere, friendly and convincing. They are good to look at. (Television is coming.) They have a pretty good idea of the problems that confront woinen; they know the ap- proach to women; they \ isualize them in their homes; they know how to express themselves in a language that the wom- en understand, the easy and formal con- versation of friends. They enjoy talking, especially to other women; they are im- self-conscious; they can make a good story out of life's little happenings; they can tell you off-hand how to whip up a dress that costs less than a leg of lamb; they know how to make a lound button- hole, and they know hc:>w to cook. Imagine a minor as large as the United States, held slightly titled, so that the c()ntemj)c)rary scene is leflected with all its mo\ement, color, lights and shad- ows and you haxc ladio. VV^omen's pro- grams rellec t the contemporary scene \\h('ic' women's inlerests are concerned. • 342 • RADIO SHOWMANSHIP There Will Always Be a I Christmas! • (Below) . . . Greetings from Rockford (III.) area navy men in boot camp at the U. S. naval train- ing station, Farragut, Idaho, were broadcast over WROK, Rockford, III., on a special Christmas pro- gram at 4:00 P.M. on Christmas Day. In addition to greetings from some 100 bluejackets from the area, program featured greetings from officers at the camp, musical selections by the naval base band and various vocal selections. • (Above) . . . No humbug for the PARK 8C SHOP SUPER MARKETS, Saginaw, Mich., was Happy the Hum- bug, aired over WSAM as a special Christmas feature. Christmas window here com- bined program promotion with seasonal display. (For story, see Christmas Promotion, p. 348.) • (Below) . . . When the S.P.C.C. provided Mrs. Santa Claus, alias Zella Drake Har- per, with 100 letters to Santa from underprivileged young- sters, WIBG listeners in and around Philadelphia, Pa., dug deep, provided gifts. Everyone got together at this annual Christmas party where gifts were distributed. Assisting mike- stress Harper is John B. Kelly. OCTOBER, 1944 • 343 • ^s -k anta Sits Tight ^ Toys Scarce Yet Department Stores Throughout Nation Carry on Santa Glaus Tradition with Regular Broadcast Schedules WHEN department store executives took stock of the 1943 toy inven- tory, the picture was far from bright. Shortages of all items and the complete absence of many made it almost a fore- gone conclusion that long before Santa Glaus hitched up his reindeer the toy lines would be completely exhausted. What to do? Advertising managers went into a huddle. Some decided that it was money down the drain to spend ad- \ertising dollars on a department that would be a complete sell-out regardless of promotion. Others followed a different line of reasoning. For years these retailers had used a Santa Glaus radio series to estab- lish their stores as To\land headcjuar- ters. And during these years, it had been obvious that Santa's broadcasts had been useful not only for building sales, but they had also been excellent institution- al vehicles. Even in the face of shortages, these merchandisers felt that Santa Glaus (ould perform a variety of essential serv- ices. Some hued strictly to the insiitiuional line. Others went further than that. Children could l)e educated to a wartime Ghristmas. If they knew that metal for wagons and tricycles was going for guns and tanks, the Ghristmas tree would sccni less bare. I'oj those who iollowed this line ol a!t;i(k. Santa waxed the (lag. In olhci ( oiniiiiinil ics. liic m()])pcls got thcii lust inkling ol the hut that SaiUa's woikshop was not linn'ted to toy produc- tion. And the retailets who took this aj) pioach wcic able to dixcit some of the store Ii.iHh linin ihc to\ (l('j)ai tiiiciil to other departments where in\entories were less meager. At Santa's behest, the small fry asked for a minimum of toys, requested instead such things as sweat- ers, coats, other items of wearing ap- parel. Bin the fact remained that for many retailers, the Santa broadcasts remained a non-cancellable Glaus. Ehe experiences of some of these mere hand isers are re- })orted here. Greensboro, No. Car. Fi\e years ago. Bi i k's Dii'ARrMF.NT SioRi; first ollered Greensboro, N. G., moppets an air version of Santa C^laus. W'Av in, year out, the youngsters have (onie to think of Bki.k's as a branch of St. \i(k's workshop through the medi- um of the hall-hour xveek-day feature bioadcasi lioni roNhiiul in Bi.i.k's. Si\ days a week in the late afternoon, IVom the day after 'J'hanksgi\ ing until Chi isinias K\v, the (hildicn of the Magic • 344 • RADIO SHOWMANSHIP Circle area have talked to Santa Glaus by remote control, and all have been urged to write letters to Santa Glaus in care of the store. Gommercials described the myriad toys to be found at Santa's headquarters, and a new commercial was used each day over WBIG. When 1943 rolled around, Belk's found itself faced with a problem. The store, like all others everywhere, was short on toys, yet it wished to keep the Santa Glaus tradition. Its solution was to retain the half-hour spot, and to use half the time to bring the children a transcribed program featuring Adven- tures in Christmastree Grove and Santa's Magic Christmas Tree. The last quarter- hour was devoted to acknowledging let- ters from the children to Santa Glaus, and mail averaged more than 200 let- ters daily. Explanation to the children as to the change in program format: St. Nick was too busy to talk to them per- sonally as he had to devote his entire time to making toys for them. Canton, O. For the past 1 1 years, Santa Glaus has been a regular WHBG feature, and for the past four years the program has been sponsored by the Stark Dry Goods Go., Stark Gounty's largest store. Broadcast six evenings a week, the series starts on Thanksgiving Day, continues through December 24. For its first 13 broadcasts, the show is a quarter-hour feature, is ex- panded to 30 minutes for the last 13 programs to permit the use of a greater number of names of youngsters who have written let- ters to Santa Glaus. In 1943, near- ly 15,000 letters were received either at the station or at the store where Santa Glaus had a mail box in the toy department. What has given the program consistency of voice and approach ihroughotu its 1 1 years is the fact that throughout that time the role of Santa Glaus has been taken by Harry Mayn of the Stark Store. Four or five high school dramatic students take character parts in the show, and a great number of sound effects help con- tribute to the fairyland atmosphere. Santa Glaus arrives in Ganton, ()., the day after Thanksgiving as part of the Ganton Retail Merchants' Board's Ghristmas promotion which includes a downtown parade, and an especially arranged children's program at one of the local theatres. 1 he Stark Dry Goods radio Santa ties into this general pro- gram by arriving in Ganton in his strat- osphere plane just in time for the day's festivities. The day before his arrival the officials of the Stark Dry Goods Gompany and the Ganton Retail Mer- chants' Board talk to Santa Glaus at the North Pole through the facilities of a special tw^o-way radio hook-up, and the entire proceedings are broadcast as the first program of the Stark radio series. Specially written scripts by the store are slanted to build institutional pres- tige. Program goes on the air at 5:00 P.M. Special note: each year a contract is signed in January for that year's broadcast! Memphis, Tenn. For the third consecutive year, the John Gerber Go. sponsored a six-a-week, 15-minute strip, Santa Claus Speaks, over WHBQ. This year the series will begin the day after Thanksgiving, will run through Ghristmas Eve. Ghildren write letters to Santa Glaus, and the best are read over the air. Santa advises lis- teners to brush their teeth and to be OCTOBER, 1944 • 345 • good children if they expect to get what they ask for. Vincennes, Ind. Since 1940, Vincennes, Ind., moppets have turned to WAOV for daily visits with their patron saint, last year heard the show under the joint sponsorship of the Saiter Morgan Co. and the Vincen- nes Chamber of Commerce. Santa Claus in full regalia presided in the Saiter Morgan toy department, and as youngsters filed past his throne they told him what they wanted in their Chirstmas stockings. Each youngster re- ceived a peppermint stick. In addition to his personal appearance at the store, Santa Claus was also heard over WAOV each evening at 7:15, Monday through Saturday, for the three weeks immedi- ately preceding Christmas. Both features were broadcast over WAOV, and com- mercials ad-libbed by the announcer for the remote broadcasts stressed one par- ticular toy on each show. Received were some 1, ()()() letters, and wliile not all of them were read in their entirety on the evening show, each was acknowledged by name. Asheville, No. Car. For the j)ast several years Ivey's, Inc., presented the small fry with Letters to Santa Clans over WVVNC. \9\:\ was no exception. With the final broadcast on (Christmas Eve, the series is heard six times weekly for I .H weeks. During the jjetiod this show is on the air, Ivey's has made a j)ia(li(c ol (hs( onl iiuiing other air features, lets the Santa Claus show supplemented with spot annoinicements, carry its Christmas load. Presque Isle, Me. In Presque Isle, Me., it was Santa's better half who kept youngsters timed to WAGM in a holly-daze. AVith Mrs. Santa Claus as a moiuh-piece, the chil- dren followed a series of adventures which took place in the North Pole toy factory. About five minutes of each broadcast was devoted to "shortwave" telephone calls from the North Pole be- tween Mrs. Santa Claus and the young- sters who wrote the best letters to Santa Claus. Script itself was a syndicated feature combining Toyland adventure with North Pole telephone calls. Designed to pull mail, create store traffic and build good will, Chimney Chats with Mrs. Santa Claus calls only for a woman's voice, an announcer and a standard set of sound effects. Twenty-five scripts are available, and the series costs nothing to produce. (Sample script available from Show- manscripts, Room 201, 1004 Marquette, Minneapolis 2, Minn.) • 346 • RADIO SHOWMANSHIP CHRISTMAS PROMOTIONS Here is a collection of successful merchandising stunts used last Christmas in a variety of business fields. Bakeries ARMY AIR BASE CHRISTMAS SHOW While there was but little peace on earth for Christmas, 1943, there was plenty of good will to man if Vincennes, Ind., was a typical community. When the Christmas tree was lighted at nearby George Field, Army Air Training Sta- tion, WAOV and the G. W. Opell Co., bakers of Loving Cup Bread were on hand to broadcast the one-time show for listeners who were out-of-bounds. What the enlisted personnel took off the tree were gifts contributed by Vin- cennes residents, and there was not a man at the base whom Santa Glaus for- got. To set the scene, the George Field Band presented a medley of Christmas carols, were spelled off by a group of singers who harmonized the Yuletide songs. To personnel and civilian went a Christmas message from the CO., Col- onel Edwin B. Bobzien. While G. W. Opell sponsors a pro- gram of modern music five times week- ly at 6:00 P.M., made the time available to the Army on this one occa- sion, only brief mention was made of the fact from the WAOV studio jore and ajt the remote from George Field. AIR FAX: First Broadcast: December 24, 1943. Broadcast Schedule: December 24, 6:00-6:15 P.M. Preceded By: Sports Parade. Followed By: News. Sponsor: G. W. Opell Co., Bakers. Station: WAOV, Vincennes, Ind. Power: 250 watts. Population: 18,228. COMMENT: To further establish the bonds of friendship between Army base and community, a broadcast of this kind is made to order. Too, expressions of good will to man also are translated into good will to sponsor by both partici- pants and listeners. Chambers of Commerce SANTA CLAUS Something new was add- ed to the Holly-days in Johnstown, Pa., in 1943, namely, a series of 16 quarter- hour Santa Glaus broadcasts heard over WJAG and sponsored by the Johnstown Chamber of Commerce. Evidence that Santa Glaus packed a wallop comes from C. G. Clayton, secretary of the retail di- vision. "With favorable comments heard from grown-ups, to say nothing o£ the enthusiasm of the children, we consider this initial broadcast very satisfactory. Letters came not only from Johnstown, but from our whole trading area, and during this period 4,500 envelopes were received, some envelopes containing as many as 23 letters from school children." Broadcasts consisted of reading letters from children to Santa Glaus, and approximately 225 letters were read over the air during the broadcast portion of the Christmas Festival. Santa's helper on two occasions was Mrs. Santa Glaus, and on two other broadcasts another of Santa's helpers read a letter, also sang a carol. To plug the start of the show prior to the first broadcast news- paper ads on the radio pages of both Johnstown newspapers headlined the show. Tie-in between this series and an- OCTOBER, 1944 • 347 • other Christmas feature heard on the station: Happy the Humbug listeners were reminded that Santa Chiiis was on the air, were urged to tune-in and write in. AIR FAX: First Broadcast: November 27, 1943. Broadcast Schedule: M-T-W-S, 6:30-6:45 P.M Preceded By: Sports. FoUowed By: Music. Sponsor: Johnstown Chamber of Commerce. Station: WJAC, Johnstown, Pa. Power: 250 watts. Population: 106,000. COMMENT: Merchants have found that to set up individ- ual sales records it is impor- tant for everyone to pull to- gether. Through cooperative effort of this kind merchants in combination sell the com- munity to the entire trading shopping headquarters. area as Department Stores SHOPPING WITH SUE In the shopping daze before Christmas, it's no easy trick to find just the right gift for mother, brother, cousin or friend. To make it easier for Austin, Tex., shoppers to get on with the job, Yarings turned to radio and KNOW. Six times weekly listeners went on five-minute Shopping witli Sue tours, and Sue knew whereof she spoke, was none other than Yarings' buyer, Grace Thurman. Tips that were tops were what Yar- ings' personal shopper j^resented to lis- teners, with the first broadcast on No- vember 26. Ladies were reminded to drop a hint to friend-husband, gi\('n a Yule-ogy about silver fox furs, a red lin jacket, fur coats, evening dresses, e\e- ning wraps, (juiltcd robes, other sudi items (alciilated to create thai stairy- eyed look. Jklore the series ended, lis- teners Shopping with Sue had covered the entile store, department by depart- ment. sponsor: Yarings. Station: KNOW. Austin, Tex. Power: 250 watts. Population: 87,930. COMMENT: \Vhile department stores ha\e found that the merchandise storv makes an effective broadcast pattern throughout the year, it is particularlv ef- fective at the Christmas season. Groceries HAPPY THE HUMBUG Young- sters in Saginaw, Mich., made a new friend last Christmas, thanks to Park R: Shop Super Markets and WSAM. That friend was none other than Happy the Humbug. For 12 broadcasts, the moppets lived the life of Happy, who was born without parents, and his assorted friends who were try- ing to help him find parents so there would be presents for him at Christmas time. Others in the circle of friends were the Pink Elephant, with magic powers, who danced on walls and wept strawberry tears; Hunkey the Monkey, whose blue serge pants were so shiny the animals used them for a mirror, and the tellers of tall tales, the Cock and the Bull. Continuity for Park R: Shop was built up to create interest in Happy, Pinky and Hunky pictures, and youthful lis- teners were able to get 8i/^ x 11 color re- productions at any Park R: Shop Super Markets. SJwwmanotion: listeners were recjuest- ed to mail in postcards with name, ad- dress and telephone nimibers. Cards wc re placed in a grab bag, and one was diawn on each broadcast. The ])erson whose name was j^ulled out of the grab bag got a telephone call in jigtime, and if he (Oil id gi\e the code plirase an- noiuued at I lie siaii of the program, he was awaided a [\\v dollar basket of gro- ceries. air FAX: Ftrst Broadcast: November 26, 1943. Broadcast Schedule: Monday throiiKh Saturday, 9:55- 10:00 A.M. Prccidcd By: Music. Followed By: Hre.ikfast at Sardi's. AIR FAX: While the series here was heard twice week- ly for six weeks, it can also be broadcast three times weekly over a period of four weeks. Twelve episodes of original stories to deli^^ht the youngsters, also tickle the adult fancy, make up the transcribed fea- ture. In Johnstown, Pa., the series was heard over 348 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP ekiy WJAC as a sustaining feature on a twice we schedule at 4:30 P.M. First Broadcast: November 16, 1943. Broadcast Schedule: T-Th, 5:45-5:30 P.M. Preceded By: Radio Jackpot. Followed By: Music. Sponsor: Park 8C Shop Super Markets. Station: WSAM, Saginaw, Mich. Power: 250 watts. Population: 90,150. Producer: NBC Radio Recording. COMMENT: For the advertiser who wants to present an original Christmas promo- tion, here is a delightful fantasy that will please the young-in-heart from six to six- ty, has the added advantage of being al- most spanking new. (For pic, see p. 343.) Mail Order TEXAS Ma ry , year-out listeners in Texas and MARY Year- in corrals KFAB around Lincoln, Neb., with mid-western songs and a tuneful guitar, and for farm- ers tuned to KFAB Texas Mary leads the procession that is known as the Din- tier Bell Hour. But Texas Mary can do more than sing. She can also sell. When the Sanford Direct Mail Co., Omaha, offered 20 Christmas Photo Cards for one dollar, orders came from Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa, South Dakota, Missouri, Min- nesota, Oregon, Idaho. \Vash- ington and Colorado. During the two months that Texas Mary pitch- ed the sales talk, listeners responded to the tune of SI, 757. ^^ AIR FAX: As a part of the which Texas Mary sets the variety show, weather reports, market news with a rural slant and farm notes. Programmed to catch the farm family at the dinner table, the series extends from 11:45 A.M. to 1:10 P.M. Broadcast Schedule: Monday 11:45-12:00 (Noon). Preceded By: Romance of Helen Trent Followed By: News. Station: KFAB, Lincoln, Neb. Power: 10,000 watts. Dinner Bell Hour for stage, there is news, a reports, world through Saturday, COMMENT: AVhen the an established program ad\ertiser selects to back a sea- sonal product, he reaps the benefit of an established audience built up over a period of time. Returns here point up the merits of such seasonal practices. Merchants' Association SANTA CLAUS VISITS What the Valley City, N. D., Mlrchants' (JoMMinEE had to sell was more than merchandise. It had to sell the community as Santa's headcpiarters for town and farm, man, woman and child. More than that, Christmas shoppers had to be reminded that with wartime shortages shelves would be bare long before the lights were lit on the Christmas tree. Accord- ingly, it made a date with Santa Claus, arranged for week-dav broadcasts over KOVC. With jingling of bells, hullaballo in general, Santa made his presence known to yoimgsters and parents, and from then on it was fun galore for moppets in the studio and for those listening in to the Santa Clans Visits. Children told Santa Claus what they wanted in the Christ- mas stocking, also recited verse, sang or gave solo musical selections. For eaves-dropping parents, Santa tied-in nnder-tlie -tree - on - Christmas - morning choices with advice to parents to shop in Valley City. For each child: a sack of goodies. Children and their parents jam-packed the KOVC studios for each broadcast. Those tuned-in were invited to write letters, and a part of each show was de\oted to reading them. For the Merchants' Committee these Santa Clans Visits were old stuff. For each of the seven years the show has been on the air, the Committee has re- newed its sponsorship. air FAX: Stand-in for Santa Claus is a local man. Announcer Bob Ingstad lines up the kiddies, gets them acquainted with Santa Claus. First Broadcast: December, 1938. Broadcast Schedule: Monday through Saturday, 4:30- 5:00 P.M. Preceded By: Drama. Followed By: Music. Sponsor: Valley City Merchants^ Committee. Station: KOVC, Valley City, N. D. Power: 250 watts. Population: 5,917. COMMENT: Even ster gets slightly the most blase young- touched with a bit of Santa-mentality at the Yule season. A OCTOBER, 1944 • 349 • radio Santa Claus is that much better than one who makes but one quick trip down the chimney. Meat Products MUSICAL CLOCK In Utica, N. Y., the Musical Clock strikes a holiday note that is timed to the idea that it is better to give than to receive. Each Christmas since the show was laimched listeners get behind a Christmas Book Campaign for hospitals, other such public institu- tions. Collections for a single year reach a grand total of 6,500 books distributed by W^IBX to some 60 different institu- tions. When the series was begun in 1935, the Rochester Packing Co., makers of Arpeako Pork Products, signed its John Henry to the offering, gave up sponsor- ship after four consecutive years only because present meat restrictions made it impossible for the firm to supply its trade with pork products. Since 1939 the WIBX feature has been under the banner of the New York State Savings Bank. AIR FAX: Commercials are usually worked into the continuity by means of a verse before the script- tease. First Broadcast: 1935. Broadcast Schedule: Monday through Saturday, 8:15- 8:55 A.M. Sponsor: New York State Savings Bank. Station: WIBX, Utica, N. Y. Power: 250 watts. Population: 114,412. COMMENT: Chrislmas features don't ha\e to be something spanking new that last only lor the tinsel time. Established programs with already ])uih audiences also lend llicmscixcs lo the \'uletide spiiil. Parlicipaliii^ SANTA CLAUS PARADE Chiislinas gi\in,<; (aiiK caily in /\ns(in, 'J ex. The gixcis wcic the paiii( ipating mere hauls on the KNOW Christmas leatiu'e, Saula CUius Pdxidr, and each nuKhant (ontributed iwo items lo lound out the (juota need- ed for the daily give-away. Recipients were listeners who called the station, correctly identified a tune plaved on the broadcast. In jigtime that angle had to be abandoned on request of the tele- phone company. Reason: calls were so numerous it tied-up the exchange. A post-card twist solved the difficulty. Program followed no set script pat- tern, but each advertiser submitted a weekly list of items suitable for Christ- mas gifts, and the tip-top tips were pass- ed out over KNOW seven times weekly. Some advertisers were plugged three times on each program, others twice, some only once. A different item was featured each day, and advertisers re- ported a heavy demand for those specific items. AIR FAX: Santa's press agent was program director Alan Ezell. First Broadcast: November 25, 1943. Broadcast Schedule: Monday through Friday, 11:15- 11:30 A.M.; Saturday, 11:3011:45 A.M.; Sunday, 10:45-11:00 A.M. Preceded By: Music. Followed By: Music. Station: KNOW, Austin, Tex. Power: 250 watts. Population: 87,930. COMMENT: \Vhile a straight merchandis- ing feature performs valuable service especially during the Christmas season, a series which employs elements of sJioio- manship builds up its audience in just that much less time. Siislaiiiiiie announcement at the end of each spot made it possible to keep listeners posted on exact store hours from day to day. Campaign was planned and executed by the Mayers Co., Los Angeles advertising agency. REINDEER EXPRESS Spot announcements slanted at the homebody in a Christmas glow were what the Edward Hoffman Furniture Co., St. Paul, Minn., spotted on WMIN during the holly-days. Stock introduc- tion on the series gave the script-teasers continuity. Example: SOUND: BELLS, JINGLING UP AND FADE. ANNOUNCER: On Cupid! On Prancer! VOICE: Here comes the Reindeer Express from the Edward Hoffman Furniture Co., Eighth and Robert Street, in downtown St. Paul! ANNOUNCER: Christmas on the home front means gifts for the home. And for home furnish- ings, there's no place like the Edward Hoffman Furniture Co. Five full floors of substantial, last- ing gifts . . . gifts that endure. You're welcome to shop at the Edward Hoffman Furniture Co., and you'll find that gifts for the home from Hoff- man's are welcome Christmas gifts. SOUND: BELLS UP AND FADE UNDER TO END. VOICE: On Cupid! On Prancer! On to the Ed- ward Hoffman Furniture Co., Eighth and Robert Street in downtown St. Paul. Series was transcribed, aired daily the month before Christmas. STOP WATCH FOR SHOPPERS Since it's human nature to put off un- til tomorrow that which may be done today, it's little wonder that there's a mad scramble the last shopping minutes before Christmas. But because of war- time problems, many retailers got be- hind a Christmas shopping campaign to change human nature, make early shop- ping a Christmas buy-word. The Em- PORUJM, St. Paul's (Minn.) only home- owned store, was one of them. What The Emporium used to turn the tide of Christmas shopping toward its doors in good season: four spot announcements a day for foiu' weeks before Christmas, over WMIN. Theme behind the spot announcement campaign: to sell the entire store as the one-stop Christmas store. Example: SOUND: (METRONOME) TICK . . . TOCK . . . TICK . . . TOCK . . . TICK . . . TOCK. ANNOUNCER: Every tick-tock of the clock, reminding you it's VOICE: Time to do your Christmas shopping. ANNOUNCER: Time to do your Christmas shop- ping. SOUND: TICK . . . TOCK . . . TICK . . . TOCK . . . TICK . . . TOCK. VOICE: Nonsense! It's too early to think about Christmas. There's plenty of time. ANNOUNCER: That's where you're wrong, Mrs. Putter Offer. You'll get better service and you'll sare yourself valuable time . . . time needed for the war effort . . . if you start your Christmas shopping now at The Emporium, St. Paul's big, friendly, one-stop Christmas store. Transcribed series w^ent all-out for early mailing of packages, passed on other tips to make shopping less arduous. Shoppers were urged to bring a shop- ping list, to determine correct sizes in advance, to avoid peak shopping hours, to do other things to make a w^artime Christmas less hectic for all. Series w^as also used to recruit extra workers need- ed for the Christmas rush. SANTA'S HELPER Particidarly to the point in these times is the old adage that the early bird catches the worm. It also catches work- ers, and the first frost hadn't nipped the last rose when Marshall Field & Co., Chicago, 111. department store, began its campaign to recruit Christmas workers. Started on September 13 w^as an 11 -week spot campaign on five stations to enlist helpers for the Christmas rush. On the schedule: from 94 to 100 transcribed and live announcements weekly on all five outlets. Agency: Abbott Kimball Co., New York and Chicago. OCTOBER, 1944 • 357 • AIRWAVES FOR FURNITURE (Continued from page 331) 1 ,000 maps showing the entire European theater of war. Map delivery was fast and to tie-in with the chief interest of every American the Glick Furniture Company offered free for the asking, a large 6-color map to our listening friends. And believe it or not, two days later I ordered another 1,000 maps! To verify my statement, I refer you to Rand McNally & Company. And wt felt that this investment of $93.00 a thousand was money well spent. Think this over! Our card response came from 243 towns surrounding Co- lumbus! Does this open your eyes to what I mean when I say complete cover- age? Can't you imagine oiu^ appreciation of these friends when in peacetime we bend o\'er backward to get out-of-town business! Even now we most heartily serve these customers. Recognizing radio as the highway to our anticipated harvest time and seeing day-by-day how more and more wide- awake on-the-toe business men are step- ping into the radio pictine, with fur- ther consideration of the 24-hour on the clock limitation, now, can you see w^hy I saw the necessity of building up a greater show for our listening audience? With knowledge of what radio has proven in increasing our business, I found myself viewing the necessity of not only obtaining but maintaining more time on the air waves. I started to plan a show that would hold every woman's iiUerest, a varied show, something that the listener could a|)[)re(;iate and enjoy from start to fiiush. I (ailed my show Eileen Comes Callinij;. A woman and only a woman (an talk (onvincingly to women about ijicii lioiiics, and may I make a siaicment. Jo luc to hear a man dress up a ( ute little (orncr in a room with a (oloilul (oxcicd (hair and an at- tra(tive, dclightlul duiKan ])hyle tier tal)l( beside it, sounds as ridKulous to Mrs. America as a man reading a cake recipe over the air. Tw4ce a day Eileen goes calling on her friends in Columbus and the 50-mile area around Columbus. Visits are one-half hour each, Ajonday through Friday, with helpful home hints and values obtainable only at Click's in Columbus. The Click Furniture Company has complete radio domination in our city and I believe, Click's is the largest radio furniture advertiser in these United States. On our program there are about eight musical numbers played w^ith an inter- ruption between each for store advertis- ing. These advertising interruptions are not the boring type. We talk about how such-and-such would do so-and-so in making a dream home come true; a morale builder for today, the house of charm for tomorrow, plus giving the homemaker the privilege to say, come into a home that is a pride and joy. AV'hen you plan your radio program shoidd you care to use our radio pro gram as a pattern, I shall be happy to supply you with information and sug- gestions which may prove helpful to vou. It is easier to sell merchandise or a store name when one has sold one's self, so I asked Mr. Glick if I could put on the radio program in connection with my other work. Incidentally, I am the buyer of our bedding department, gift department, daily store leader-items plus new account-opener promotions, and in addition I manage advertising. There- fore, with a knowledge of the markets today, actual store selling experience, constant customer contact plus knowl- edge of newspaper advertising, smely this shoidd give the ideal backgroinid for radio writing and selling. I am the Eileen w'ho goes calling on oiu' radio listener-friends each day over VVTIKC to oiler CiLicK's helpful home hiiUs. W^ith sincerity, Mr. Glick joins me in recommending that you as brolher- in-business step into this new, progres- si\c', advertising ])icture, radio, with as- surance that the clollars invested in radio are feed for the geese in turn to lay the (|u;tnlily ol golden eggs lor you. 358 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP «r«»-'-" m )HlU Go ahead ajid cut out the coupon! Don't worry about ruining the magazine cover; we'll send you a new copy for your file. .md ftg^^^^ Mi^ appreciate r,ke tacis ana & 'yi apv editions carry J ,^ ^^e «"^ ies m per ^anent cm ^ sHowM^^^^^^J^;:; xven^e RADIO '^-^ _ Gl>EN^VOOD A^ ELEVENTH ^^ \^,^^ESOTA MINNEAPOLIS, ^LSnde?.at$-75PY^elatera. ^^^o^d-B^ Maine ■ • • A^ddress . • Company position . City - • State \\\ \ Some of the stations who subscribe to RS for their advertisers. CKWX Vancouver, B. C. KDYL Salt Lake City, Ut. KOA Denver, Col. I KROW KTUL San Francisco- Oakland, Cal. Tulsa, Okla. WOOD Chattanooga, Tenn. WFBL Syracuse, N. Y. WFIL Philadelphia, Pa. WGR-WKBW Buffalo, N. Y. WHIT New Bern, No. Car. \ WIBX WIND Utica, N. Y. Chicago, 111. woe Davenport, la. WTCN 1^ ^^\ lOWMANSHIP keeps the radio advertiser posted on what's new; it places before iiis eyes the stories of how others in his business field increase sales through radio. It tells him how to best use radio time. 25c SOcIN CANADA What Made Atlas Strong' (p.365) Tillamook on the Rind . . (p.369) Look and Listen .... (p.372) What Price "Hi" Promotion? . . . (p.380) 35 TESTED PROGRAMS FOR BUSINESSMEN 0^' RADIO ADVERTISERS IN THIS ISSUE Atlas Prager Brewing Co. New Jersey Flour Mills Oklahoma Tire & Supply Co. Brewing Corp. of America Wildroot Hair Tonic Taylor Refining Co. Hanover Shoe Stores Oakite Products, Inc. u^ DHE THAN A MAGAZINE A .S E n V I r F YOUR BUSINESS AT A GLANCE A quick index to what others in your business field accomplish through radio. Articles and services in Radio Showmanship are classified by businesses here. N O J' E M R E R Business PAGE Furriers 393 Gasolines 386 Groceries 382, 389, 391 Home Furnishings 386, 391 Men's Wear 387 Milling 375 Shoes 388 Transportation 389 Business PAGE Automobile Supplies 378 Beverages 365, 384, 390 Dairy Products 369 Department Stores 380, 393 Drug Products 384 Feeds 379 Finance 385, 388, 390 Fisheries 386 OCTOBER Business PAGE Bakeries 338, 347, 356 Candies 336 Chambers of Commerce 347 Department Stores 332, 344, 348, 353, 355. 356, 357 Dry Goods Stores 345 Finance 350 Groceries 343, 348 Hardware Stores 346 Business PAGE Home Furnishings 329, 357 Mail Order 349 Meat Products 350 Merchants' Associations 343, 349 Milling 338 Music Stores 356 Newspapers 352 Women's Wear 334, 356 // you don't hare the October issue, order it non! PUBLISHER Don Paul Nothonson EDITOR Marie Ford EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD RADIO Herbert Pettey Ralph Atlcss William Dolph Glenn Snyder Philip Lasky Roger Clipp C. T. Hagman J. Harold Ryan Wash Chicago San Francisco Philadelphia Minneapolis Washington BUSINESS Chicago ^f ^'Lrn ""'-'nSll^' ' Lorenzo Richards Gustav Flexner J. Hudson Huffard Maurice M. Chait Frank J. Ryan Ogden, Uta'i Louisville Biuefield, Va. Peoria, III. Kalamazoo, Mich. Allen C. Knowles Cleveland PUBLISHING OFFICE. 1004 Marquette, Minneapolis 2, Minn. Telephone: Geneva 9619. WESTERN REPRESENTATIVE • Brand and Brand, 816 West Fifth Street, Los Angeles 13, Gal. Telephone: Michigan 1 /32. Edward Brand, Man- ager. EASTERN REPRESENTATIVE • Brand and Brand, 347 Madison Ave., New York 17, N. Y. Telephone: Murray Hill 4-0087. William R. Brand, Man- oger. COPYRIGHT . 1944 by Showmanship Publications, publishers of Radio Showmanship.^^'^ k ^^ PLA- NOVEMBER, 11144 ^ ^ Vol. 5, No. 11 NOVEMBER, 1944 WHAT MADE ATLAS STRONG?— I. J. Wagner 365 TILLAMOOK ON THE RIND— M. W. Manly 369 LOOK AND LISTEN!— Thomas H. Hutchinson 372 BUY IT WHOLESALE!— Lawrence F. Orbe, Jr 375 SUPPLY IN DEMAND— D. C. Sperry 378 FEED FACTS AIR FED— D. D. De Forest 379 WHAT PRICE "HI" PROMOTION— Dorothy Hanson 380 NEW HORIZONS FOR GROCERS— Elizabeth J. Odames. . . .382 AIRING THE NEW 384 SHOWMANSHIP IN ACTION 388 WHAT THE PROGRAM DID FOR ME 389 PROOF O' THE PUDDING 390 SHOWMANVIEWS 393 SHOW-MANUFACTURE 334 SUBSCRIPTION RATES: United States and possessions, $2.50 one year; Canada, $3.00. Single copies — 25 cents. CHANGE OF ADDRESS should be reported to Radio Showman- ship Magazine, 1004 Marquette, Minneapolis 2, Minn., three weeks before it is to be effective. Send old address with new. • 363 • CJLa ^K DEPARTMENT STORES 9 . . . 88 of America's great department stores are currently sponsoring "CALLING ALL GIRLS." Such out- standing stores as Gimbei's in New York, Philadelphia and Milwaukee; O'Neil's of Akron; D. H. Holmes of New Orleans; Hecht's of Washington; J. N. Adams of Buffalo; Shillito's of Cincinnati ; and many others have found that they can merchandise their stores by radio if the program is right. CALLING ALL GIRLS \s the Right Program! When 88 stores agree on a radio show, it must be good! Top flight casting and production beamed to the teen-agers, has won enthusiastic support for "CALLING ALL GIRLS." Backed by an out- standing promotional set-up for the teen age de- partments, this phenom.enal program has a 98% renewal history. i low (^i omeS PARENTS' MAGAZINE on the air . . . Bringing to department stores the prestige and authenticity of America's leading magazine on rearing children. Sponsorship of "PARENTS' MAGA- ZINE ON THE AIR" gives the local ad- vertiser a magnificent network-caliber program, the right to be known as official headquarters for PARENTS' promotions, and a host of other pre-tested features. FREDERIC W. /A\ C:OMPANY 2436 READING ROAD, CINCINNATI, OHIO NEW YORK HOLLYWOOD What Makes Atlas Strong? Reminder Gimmick Augmented With Effective Radio Programs Puts Atlas Prager Brewing Company Near the Top in Chicagoland Beers r!-" -'""'* THE mighty Oak which from the lit- tle acorn grows has nothing much on the mighty sales which have grown from the little acorn of a 15-second spot announcement for the Atlas Prager Brewing Company, Chicago, 111. Yes, that's how Atlas Prager's exten- sive advertising campaign began. W^ith a short station-break announcement. The device used in the announcement was a reminder trick which clicked al- most immediately. At the beginning and end of each commercial, the announcer used the phrase, "Atlas Prager— Go^ it? Atlas Prager— G^^ it!" On paper this doesn't look very startling, but the man- ner of delivery is an altogether different matter. The ''Get it!" is said in a sort of falsetto. After the announcement was on for by i J. WAGNER, oice president, Olian Adoertising Co,, Chicago awhile we began to hear of experiences like this: School teachers told us that in ex- plaining arithmetic problems to their classes, they would inadvertently say, "Got it?" and the entire class would shout back "Get it!" in the manner of the radio announcer doing the Atlas Prager commercial. A prominent lecturer was addressing a convention of some 2,000 people and he also happened to ask the rhetorical question, "Got it?" whereupon the en- tire convention boomed, "Get it!" NOVEMBER, 1944 • 365 • In a motion picture sho^vn at a down- town theater, one of the cast dropped some packages from a plane and called down below, "Got it?" Nearly the entire audience responded with "Get it!" Boys on the street playing ball ^vould shout after hitting the ball, "Got it?" and one of the fielders would reply, "Cret iti" Getting into a taxicab on many occa- sions, the writer has given the driver the Atlas Prager address, whereupon the driver would come back with "Atlas Prager— Go/ it? Atlas Prager— C;<^'/ it!" These instances were multiplied many fold. As a matter of fact, for a while the switchboard operator at the brewery would answer the telephone with "Atlas Prager— Go/ it?" and invariably, wath a chuckle, the caller would reply, "Atlas Prager— G^/ it!" • So strongly did this reminder gim- mick take hold that it was soon trans- lated into a \ery substantial increase in sales so that Atlas Prager Beer is now right near the top in Chicago beers, where it had once been in partial ob- scurity. There had been no definite cam- paign proposed when this spot an- nouncement was originated. The plan was merely to get as many good spots as possible and to cover practically all of the stations in Chicago, including stations with foreign programs. E\'cn on the foreign programs, the spot was gi\en in English and the commercial then translated into the foreign hmguage. After the spot had run awhile, it was in( hided in an Ailas Prager song. At the time llie song was composed, there was a complete ban on recorded nnisi- cal announcements so the writer looked for a group of singers who (ould do the Mills Brothers' type of simulating nuisi- (al instrinneius. He loinid siidi a gioiip in I he loui' f V/i^///>o//r/,s and All. as Pi< A(,i k\ song soon rea( lied (onnncrcial liil parade pi opoi l ions. With the siu:cess ol lln's spoi. ijic icniindci and sales \alne were liun aiigiii(in((l h\ cih^lixc radio programs ol \aiioiis t\j)cs. OriginalK when the j)rograni (ailed 77/r' Woyld Today, was axailahic lor lo cal messages helore and alter, A rLAS © (Below) . . . The King's Jesters sing the ATLAS PRAGER song as announcer Paul Brentson prepares to cut in with his spoken line. • (Above) . . . Present at one of the Jobs for G.I. Joe broadcasts was this group of Veterans of Foreign Wars: Woodrow Martin, VFW State Service Officer, Louisville, Ky.; Fred Beard, VFW Field Director, National Re- habilitation Service, Detroit, Mich.; Paul C. Wolman, VFW National Legislative Committee, Baltimore, Md.; Max Singer, Past National Commander, Boston, Mass., and James J. Travis, VFW State Service Officer, Memphis, Tcnn. Pka(;er took on this program. It featured news (onnnents Irom all (orners ol the woi Id. # A 1 1 AS Pkager also sponsored and si ill does, an all-in'ght program ol rec- 366 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP Drds and news on VV^IND, starting at nidnight every night. This program had been running for a long time on the 1 station and it was the only program of Bts kind in Chicago. Since the war, with Hts many work shifts, the program has BduIU a considerable added audience. In- riterspersed with the stiaight announce- ments, the Atlas Prager song is used frequently on the show, as well as, of :ourse, the "Got it? Get it!" line. k Atlas Prager sponsored the profes- 1 iional football games of the Chicago Bears, broadcast exclusively over WIND. They will sponsor these broadcasts again this season. Also, in the line of sports, the adver- tiser has a program called. The Atlas Prager Sports Reel. Studs Terkel writes nd delivers the show; Leo Fisher, sports ditor of the Herald-American, pro\ides the material, and a Sports Results Serv- ice supplies the scores. Showmanship has • (Below) . . . While Thomas J. Doyle, vice ^resident of the ATLAS PRAGER BREWING OMPANY, and I. J. Wagner, vice president f OLIAN ADVERTISING COMPANY, dis- Rl:uss a few angles of the current show, pretty ;/f daughter, Audrey Doyle, looks on. been a big pari ol the siucess ol ihis pro- gram, too. It's on at a good listening time: from ():05-():ij P.M., Monday through Friday, following a 5-minute newscast. Terkel is a real discovery. He had been a radio actor around town and had done some radio writing. He hdp- pens to have as a hobby, a consuming interest in sports (particularly baseball), and a side-of-the-mouth delivery which is ideal for a sportscaster. He sounds regular and authoritative. % AV'hile there are only two brief com- mercials in the program, there are a number of devices for reminding the public that it's an Atlas Prager show. There is a feature story always intro- duced as the Atlas Prager Sports High- light. There are sports predictions given by a mechanical soiuid effects contrap- tion known as the Atlas Prager Predic- tor. 1 here is a question box for the fans headed the Atlas Prager Postman and questions for the fans to try their hand at, known as the Atlas Prager Puzzler. The show opens with a prize-fight gong and a typical prize fight announcement: "Ladies and gentlemen— the Atlas Prager Sports Reel." Race results are given, as well as the baseball scores. There are oc- casional interviews with sports celebri- ties handled in an original manner by Studs Terkel and such Damon Run- yonesque characters as Bleachers Benny, Hot Horse Herby and Longshot Sylves- ter. The program has btiilt a good and steady audience. Atlas Prager sponsors news in a 5- minute program on WBBM called 77 P.M. A^ezos Flashes. Ken Nordine does the announcements and gives the news. Nordine, incidentally, has developed a refreshing and breezy manner with the commercials that makes easy listening and stimulates a taste for the product. # A word about the commercials here. W^e cling to the theory that the beer drinker can't taste a formula, a brewing process, a blending of brews or the brew- ing equipment, so we don't talk about these things. We use instead, lively, lilt- ing phrases, trick words like "taste- elatin', thirst-abatin' and flavoratin'." NOVEMBER, 1944 f 367 • These words ha\e caught on with the public and they repeat them when they talk about Atlas Prager Beer. W^e use also a rising inflection at the end of our expression, "The Best Beer in Town," so that the radio audience has picked up that expression too. One principle of oiu' radio advertising which is, of course, an elementary one, is to pounce on any good radio time the split second it becomes available. This brought maximinii returns in a program recently instituted. That program is called, Jobs for G.I. Joe. It is presented in full cooperation with the W^ar Manpower Commission's United States Employment Service. On this program, three retiuning veterans are interviewed each week. They tell stories of their war experiences and also their qualifications as far as ability to serve prospective employers is concern- Fro//? tJie fertile brain of I. J. Wagner, vice president of the Olian Advertising Co., Chicago and St. Louis, came the Atlas Prager slogan ivhich made radio history. Other pleasantly irritating reminder announcements perpetrated by ad- man Wagner: "Whiz— Best Nickel Candy There Is." Another is the catch phrase, "Saves Ya Cookin', Saves Ya' Cash, Get That Broadcast Corned Beef Hash." It was the Olian Advertising Co. which started the Waste Paper Sal- vage Campaign in June, l^H I . What turned the trick: an experimental telephone with all spot announce- ments directing calls to the local telephone exchange. The idea click- ed, and Olian was appointed by some 30 leading mills to handle the National Waste Paper Conser-vation Campaign. Olian also arranged for the broadcast of the Si. Louis Syui- phony Orc/iestra as a prestige, in- stitutional program sponsored by seven Missouri breweries over 12 stations. The agefny origifinled >he guest star tie-up bcluwcn .ll/x'fi Brau (Columbia Ii)(\rnig Co.) and Chase Hotel. 9 368 • ed. The inier\ iews are sympathetical handled by Paul Harvey, himself an e G.I. Joe. The program immediate follows. Take It or Leave It, 9:30-10:1 Sunday nights o\er AVBBM. In additic to the interviews with the veterans, tl show featiues popular entertainmei such as the orchestra under the directio of Jimmy Hilliard of \VBBM and CI fame, songs by baritone Russ Browi ^vell known and well liked through other programs, and novelty numbe by the Kijig's Jesters, formerly with Pai W^hiteman and Ben Bernie and feaiun on numerous radio programs. The inte \ iews are given added effect by appropi ate introductions and tags. 9 There is very little commercial o this program, the only real commerci; spot being the Atlas Prager song dor by the Jesters and handled as part of tl entertainment. Sponsor identificati is maintained by mention of Atl^ Prager's guests of the evening and r ferring occasionally to "this Atlas Tragi program.'' Stories told by the boys ha\ been in themsehes highly dramatic. Tli boys are selected from registrants at th War Manpower Commission's Unite States Employment Service and emplo; ers are invited to call in during th program. Jobs for G.I. Joe has built in nieasinable good will for the spouse and is handled in such a manner as t win the continued suppoit of the pul lie, the \elerans and ihc nun in ser\ ic( • For awhile. Atlas Prager sponsore another program piuely in the intere.* of pid)Iic ser\ i((' and good will. 1 he j)r( gram was This Is the Undergrounc dramatizing autlientic stories of the \)ei j)le of the concjuered (ountries and pa] ing tribute to these licioic silent allie On this prograuL tlie (ommercials wci dignified, witli no attempt at selling. Racho has been the primary advertif: ing medium for Prager, and th ladio adxertising has been coordinatei witli I he sponsor's outdoor and streetca achertising. W'v nia\ iiul\ i cpeat— "froii a little radio iicoin ;i nn'gluy sellin Oak Ikis mow n." RADIO SHOWMANSHI lillamook ♦ ♦ ♦ on the Rind by M. W. MANLV, oice president, Botsford, Constant'me g Gardner Radio represents the major advertising effort of the Tillamook County Creamery Association for its Tillamook cheese. Sales, profits and premiums are the Tillamook checks, writes the vice president of Botsford, Constantine & Gardner, Portland, Ore. I rILI.AMOOK is the name of a town, a county, a bay, and a headland in ^ estern Oregon. It is also the name of (heese, as any western housewife will II you, produced by the Tillamook ()i NTY Creamery Association. Each year the 17 farmer-owned fac- jries of this cooperative make about ten lillion pounds of cheese which sells for \o to three million dollars. And each ar a low cost, hard working radio pro- i.nn called Benny Walker's Tillamook Kitchen does most of the selling. Once Tillamook sold for the same price as competitive Wiscon- sin cheese, but with the "^^"'"'"'''"'''"'"'^^^ advent of advertising and grading, a price advantage was obtain- ed. In 25 years of Tillamook's adver- tising history this price advantage has never been less than 1.77c. It has run as high as 4.55c. roR every dollar spent in advertising, these farmers of W^estern Oregon have realized a fabulous retiun of $11.30. A clear profit of S10.30! On the top floor of the NBC building in San Francisco, a stranger peeks through a studio door. "W^hat program I OVEMBER. 1944 • 369 • is that?" he asks. "That is the Tilla- mook Kitchen," says the guide. "But," says the man, "it's just two people talk- ing." "Well," says the guide, "it's been aioinid here a long time, it must be do- ing O.K." GALES, profits and premitnns are Tilla- mook's checks. In the case of premiiniis (recipes, loose-leal binders, kitchen dec- orations, stamps, etc.), a sales slip or trade mark cut from a cheese rind had to be mailed in (before the war) to prove purchase. During Tillamook deals the response brought to the NBC mail room a most appetizing aroma Ad - man who baits the sales trap for TIL- L A M O O K cheese is M. W. Manly, vice president, BOTSFORD, CONSTAN- T I N E & GARDNER, Portland, Ore. net^vork and goui pleasing to sponsor met alike. Over 10,000 reci])e ie([uesis were ic ceived in one campaign. Another otter, metal cheese grinder for a rind and 2i)i made through the program and a singl regional magazine, exhausted the suppl of 10,000 in a few weeks, and agaii radio produced the largest retiun. Urdinarv promotions, such as the wa dictates now because the governmen takes over more than 50 per cent o Tillamook's production, run to ton figures monthly, consistently placing thi exchisive Pacific Coast show among thi top 25 NBC national mail ])ullers. Just before cheese went on the ratioi list (Tillamook is Cheddar cheese) on. program brought in mail orders lo more than a carload! The Tillamook program is 15 min utes every Friday morning, 10:00 t( 10:15, on the Pacific Coast NBC net work. Comparisons of ratings and tal ent costs and time for national shoAv (a pro rata of national costs to equitable (omparisons) and the Tillamook sh()\' indicate it to be about twice as produc ti\'e per dollar as top rating naiioui programs with highly paid stars. Format of the show is simple. Benn^ Walker, gourmet, lured into the "kitch en" by tantalizing aromas of dishes pre pared w^ith 7 ii lamook Chkkse, en \eigles the recipe out of Nancy Parker the Tillmnook Dairy Maid. That's al| there is to it: 15 minutes of straight talking, mostly recipes. Biu the progran, 'perfoiius a ser\i(e. 1 hat's \\\\\ it rate? so highly. I'he j)i()giam plugs are an easy con. tinuaiion ol the free-and-easy patter o! lot mid lood-lo\ing Bennv AV^alker. Aj one Pacific Coast newspaper j)innied ir its radio (olunni: "Beinn's aj)petiziii^ re(i|)es are known ianioush honi hosi lo host; \()ii (an j)ra(ti(all\ smell hi* ( ()n( ()( t ions ox ci t he i adio. " • (Left) . . . Because early settlers found il ideal for dairying, Tillamook has become a little Holland in Western America. 370 RADIO S H O W M A N S H I Fi Tillamook is virliially a land a})arl; a little valley scarcely 50 miles in length, yet cut by five streams that run Irom the mountains to the sea. In early days the only avenues of approach were by water or by wagon from the interior (the latter impossible during part of the year). Early settlers, many of tliem Swiss, found Tillamook ideal for dairying. Its comparative isolation made the selling of butter, cream, milk all perishable products, out of the question. The pio- neers therefore turned to cheese, and cheese has remained the chief reliance of the valley. At first factories were owned by indi- viduals. All were competing for the same business. All were in competition with larger, better known cheese producing sections, notably Wisconsin, which stands head and shoulders above every other state in the union in cheese pro- duction. But when one or two of these individually owned factories failed be- cause of competition, the farmers began to appreciate the need for a better form of organization. Gradually cooperative ownership of factories gained, and co- operative selling came into existence. LoNDiTioNs were improved. There was now but one salesman going after the business, where there had been several. Tillamook production was sold entirely on the Pacific Coast, the logical market, close to home. But even with the elim- ination of local competition, prices were practically on a par with the "cheese- board" prices of Wisconsin. In 1918 the sum of .1i;5,000 was spent |for a little advertising. The success of this modest appropriation indicated that ^reat benefit might be expected from a real advertising campaign, and in 1919 the decisive step was taken, with a ; budget of $14,000. A definite advertising program was decided upon, a method of branding the product was worked oiU (a method now widely copied), and regular inspections ivere established to make sure that all FiLLAMOOK Cheese would conform to he recjuirements of high quality. NOVEMBER, 1944 1 HERE was romance in the story of I'illa- mook, a little Holland in Western Amer- ica. "Look for Tillamook on the rind" became a guiding slogan for thou- sands of homekeepers in the Tillamook marketing territory. Newspapers (this was before radio) were used in cities up and down the Pacific Coast, and the space advertising was supported with dis- play pieces supplied to grocers. 1 he $14,000 that was appropriated for the first year's advertising was a mere drop in the bucket compared to the ex- penditures of national advertisers, yet it seemed a fortune to the farmers. It re- quired vision on the part of the direc- tors of the association to make that ap- propriation. But when the $14,000 brought a satis- factory return, and it could be demon- strated that Tillamook Cheese, adver- tised, brought back into the county about $140,000 more, net, than could have been obtained for Tillamook Cheese unadvertised (on the prices ob- taining on the W^isconsin product) the Tillamook County Creamery Asso- ciation was committed to advertising and modern methods of merchandising, lock, stock and barrel. A few years later when radio came into the picture Tillamook became an early radio advertiser on the Pacific Coast. For several years that has been the major effort. 371 Look ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ and L isten 1 by THOMAS H. HUTCHINSON, production manager, RKO Teleoision Cor^ m Six basic ideas of proven visual material will pro- vide four competing television networks with 11,680 hours of visual programs a year is the belief of the production manager of the RKO Television Cor- poration, New York City. EVERYONE interested in television is justifiably thrilled over the fact that in spite of the war, there are televi- sion programs on the air in the Nc^v York area every night in the week. But it is well to remember that so far there are no competitive program services. Think of the spot program builders are going to be in when the television audi- ence has the choice of several programs! If we are not to be caught unprepared when television receiving sets go on the market the time to gain experience in this new medium is right now. Before the war almost (K) per cent of the radio programs in this country were musical. 1 do not beliexe that musical television programs will fill the percent- age of time on the air in television that they have filled in radio. This means that we must devise some new type of entertainment if we are to maintain the television schedule ihat the pid:)lic will demand. The similarity in audience re- actions between motion pictmes and television will be \c'ry close, loi alicr all, telexision is a motion pi(tiuc in spile ol wlial some |)C()j)l(' may say to the • 372 • contrary. The basic sut ject matter used in mc tion pictmes is dramii musical comedy, animat ed cartoons, news, com mercial shorts, and educa tional features. Tha means that these six basi ideas are proven visua material, and in general television is gc ing to have to program its stations witl the same six basic ideas. The importan thing in television is not going to b XV hat we do but lioxu we do it, and thi becomes doubly important in view o the fact that for a long time to come th economic factor in tele\ision w^ill lore us to present our tele^ ision program just as cheaply as possible. STRONG AUDIENCE APPEAL In my opinion, good, solid, rehearse( entertainment is going to be the back ground of television programs. Not fo a nn'iuue am I losing sight of the tre mendous audience pidling power o spoiling e\enls. when we can see then as they happen. I'll admit nothing cai top them lor up-to-the-minute inlornia tion, but luifortunately we don't hav championship boxing matches ever excning. ancl horse races, the majority of football and baseball games all occui in the clavtime. Some day telex ision ma pi()\ide an audience that xvill recjuirc these games to be played at night be^ RADIO SH O WM ANSH II ause the largest viewing audience will e available then, but until that time omes, we must offer entertainment with rong audience appeal. DRAMA FAVORED OR almost a year and a half before the ^ar began, we presented television adap- tions of successful Broadway plays that m from an hour to an hour and a half, udience reports favored dramatic pro- 'ams right from the start. Jane Eyre, for istance, oiuof a3 for excellent, received n audience rating of 2.76, or figuring in round numbers, 91 per cent out of hundred. Every single dramatic pres- atation we gave polled a rating above .5 or 86 per cent. Outside sporting pick-ups were the cond choice of the audience, and a igh ranking favorite that surprised all f us was wrestling which averaged high- " in audience reactions than boxing, 'here were probably two contributing ictors. One was that wrestling was :heduled regularly in the evening once week, and the other was that we were )le to do a good pictorial job. The renas were smaller than Madison Square rarden and we were able to get closer ) the ring. The action for the most part as confined to a relatively small space ad the audience liked it. BOXING RATES Boxing is a good television program ut there are still lots of things to be OVEMBER, 1944 done in the way of pick up arrange- ments. Every l)oxing match tliat has l)eeii televised so far from a |)nl)lic arena has picked up the '^.^'n ■'> '• l)rightly lighted ring against a background of l)hickness which does not tend to make a good television picture, but it only takes a small stretch of the imagination to visualize boxing contests staged for the television audience presented in properly lighted studios. FOOTBALL PICK UP Another sport that lends itself particu- larly to television is football. You have from 14 to 16 men in a close group so that the play is easily picked up by the television cameras. Passes and kick-offs obviously demand cjuick and careful camera action but particularly good re- sults have been achieved by putting the responsibility for the shots entirely in the hands of the camera man. With two or more cameras following any sporting event, the director in the control room then has the choice of which camera to use. Baseball is not a particularly easy sport to pick up, but when four cameras are available and you can have one be- hind home plate, two for the infield and one for the outfield, you can do a good job. It is e\en possible with only two cameras to give a very intelligent pic- ture. Equipment limitations seriously impede a good pick up of a horse race because of the distance involved. We usually had our camera on top of the grand stand and while we got a good picture of the finish, the start was almost too small to have very much pictorial value when it occurreci across the track from the grand stand. Since the same thing is true when one is actually at a race, we should not be too critical of television limitations w^hen we would be unable to see any more if we were at the race in person. Some day we will virtual- ly be able to be in two places at once, because television race track pick ups of the future will involve multiple camera location and by switching from camera lo camera as the race progresses, we will be able to view the horses all the way around the track. • 373 • NEWS POTENTIAL Ihere have been recent experiments made in broadcasting news for television and some of them have been very suc- cessful, but I do not feel that we have achieved what me must ultimately at- tain if we are to make television news broadcasts what they should be. The mo- tion picture news reel gives you some- thing that still pictures or maps cannot replace and once this war is over, and otn^ news programs go back to the posi- tion they held before the war, we are going to be forced to put some ingenuity into the presentation of television news broadcasts. FEATURE FILMS Feature films were always a high fa- vorite rating program principally be- cause they presented a well piu together story but when we consider that all the feature films that have been shown on tele\ision have all been from three to four years old and in some cases ten and eleven, T do not feel thai we have had a fair tesl of film fcaiincs ol ihis kind foi tele\'ision. Iravki pi(lm(s with llic cxploici in person in llic si udio gi\ ing ;i Insl hand ;u(()iini ol Ins liaxcls as ])i( I nri/cd in silenl niolion pi( lines nui wilh defniile approval on llic |)ari ol ihe television andiciHc. When we hciiin lo make mo- tion pictures for television and can brin the world into every home this type (; program is going lo be \ery important, In \ariety programs we tried alnios everything we coidd think of. If anvon came along with a new idea we tried ii Almost every type of \aude\ille act ha already had its television premier. EDUCATIONAL VALUE If it is done properly there is nothim that you cannot teacJi by means of teU vision. With sight and sound you tai explain anything. We have experimeni ed with the teaching of music, dancini^ golf, fencing, bridge, cooking, garden ing, make-tip, hair dressing, painting photography and a host of other an- They can all be done well if they aii j^resented properly. In the years ahead of us I believe tha the program builders are going to fine television an insatiable monster that wil devour in its stride the work and brain of thousands of men and women. )us imagine eight hours of programs a da on foiu^ competing networks. That I I .()8() hours of \isual programs a ycai In 1943 the eiuiie motion picture in dustry put out less than 600 hoins o visual entertainment. This means tha television is going to absorb the equi\.i lent of twenty times the outpiu of tli. preseiH motion picture industr). Am it's going to take the combined effort of networks, the motion picture inclu try, advertising agencies and indi\idua producers to begin to meet tlie futui demands for television programs. 11 the telex ision program builders o the liitnic expect to e\entually put oi good program material the time to gaii experience in this new medium is righ now if we are not to be caught unpre j)are(l when tele\ ision icccixing sets g< on the market. Many basic ladio idea will he nnsnilcd lo this new medium and we innsl learn through experieno righ I now jnst what is good and bac, lel(\ision piogram material. • 374 • RADIO SHOWMANSH THAT little bug has got us. Its uanic is Radio. We haven't beeu in il too long, so niaybe it's love at first sight. We had seen the lady around lor (juite sometime, ol course, and she had looked good from a distance, but we had hesi- tated about being too impulsive. We waited, watching, listening, noting, in- vestigating. We're glad we made the ga 1 ' s a cq u a i n t a n ce . Our use ot radio advertising has been of rather short duration, and our ex- perience is limited, but there are certain features about our program and its op- eration that may be of interest to some because of their rather unusual aspects. We chose radio for our advertising because we believed that we would be able to get the most direct and intensive Buy It Wholesale by LAWRENCE F. ORBE, JR., general manager of New Jersey Flour Mills Nothing to Sell Public But New Jersey Flour Mills Create Dealer Preference with Campaign Supporting Retail Bakers coverage of the audience we wished to reach in the quickest way possible. After convincing ourselves of this fact, we be- gan determining which of the metro- j3olitan outlets would give us the most of what we sought. While the cost angle was, of course, considered, this alone in no way biased our decision. WPAT, Paterson, N. J., was picked, first, because of its local popularity; sec- ondly, because of the rapidity with which it is winning one of the finest listening audiences in the entire metro- politan area (as our thorough investiga- tion proved), and fnially, because its pro- grams are dignified and conducive to good public acceptance. Too, since our products are sold mainly in the metro- politan area (which for tis includes a smattering of New England and then south to Delaware), WTAT gave us the coverage we wanted. (Due to the freight factor, which would put our flour at a competitive disadvantage, say, in New Orleans or Minneapolis, a national cov- erage would be wishful thinking on our part, and the subsequent waste of a goodly number of Uncle Sam's dollars NOVEMBER, 1944 • 375 • • (Right) . . . Not mike-frightened is Law- rence F. Orbe, Jr. (left) as he discusses the NEW JERSEY FLOUR MILLS' radio cam- paign with Bill Bohack, emcee of Music a la Mood, heard over WPAT, Paterson, N. J. 'would defeat the purpose of any adver- tising program, which certainly does not include waste as one of its objectives.) Next, we selected the kind of pro- gram we wanted. Naturally, this was done with a great deal of care. Not only were we concerned w^ith obtaining a good progiam with which to publicize our products, but the right kind of pro- gram in line with what we had to offer for sale. We feel that the choice of the proper program and talent to best blend with the products offered for sale can- not be minimized as one of the top fac- tors in a successful radio campaign. (Who, for example, could see the justice of an Olsen & Johnson or Abbott & Costello, with all due respect to their fine talent, trying to push the sales of the American Rolling Mills and its great steel materials, or an Andre Cos- telajietz and his magnificent orchestra swaying to the tune of "Pepsi Cola Hits the Spot?'') ^P Oiu' final choice, we can now smug- ly say, was a happy one. For three years, or since the inception of WPAT, Music a la Mood had been a full-hotu , unspon- sored and uninterrupted Sunday pro- gram of classical and semi-classical re- corded music. The fact that this program was al- ready established, with a large and estab- lished listening audience, we felt to be a very important one; since our advertising through all mediums had previously been of a very inconsequential nature, to ha\e to start with something new and build from scratch might pro\'e, we knew, an expensive proposition. It seem- ed to us a wise bit of trading on the other fellow's ad\'ertising dollar, and we grabbed it. Oiu' connucrcial policy in regards to these broadcasts were as thoroughly and, we feel, wisely thought out. As wheat- flour millers, the products of the New Jersey Flour Mills are exclusively bakery Hours sold only at wholesale di- rect to the baker, giving us no contact whatever with the consumer, or buying public. As a result, since our program on WPAT was designed to appeal to this group, all of whom were po- t en tin I (ustomcrs of the • (Left) . . . Quality gets the re- peat orders for NEW JERSEY FLOUR MILLS. Radio helps get that first order. With its WPAT series, sponsor puts its best foot forward to bakers in the trade area who use the product. 376 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP bakers to whom we catered, our com- mercials, we felt, should feature the baker instead of ourselves. Thus, our commercials, which arc kept brief, dignified and to the point, tell our listeners of our bakers, patrons of long standing and continued patron- age, deserving of this expense and con- sideration. These bakers are mentioned by name and address and their establish- ments and products are praised. Each baker receives a miniue commercial, and two are mentionel on each program. In addition, there is a one-half minute in- stitiuional commercial which we allow ourselves. That makes for two-and-one- half miniues of commercials in a full- hour program! 9 Thirty-five hundred bakers through- out the New England states. New York, New Jersey and Delaware, all customers of the New Jersey Flour Mills, were mailed compact six-page folders an- nouncing the company's Sunday spon- sorship of Music a la Mood, and plans are now being made to mail 10,000 more of these folders to baker's trade asso- ciations in the area. This plan, we have found, has had the tendency to build up a considerable amount of good will, institutional and otherwise. We know definitely that it has stimulated consumer sales of the products sold by our customers, which naturally doesn't hurt our sales. We have found that the bakers are more inclined to give us their orders, and larger ones than they might ordinarily ha\e given us, because we have done them a good turn with the public at no cost to them- selves. 9 W^hile pleased at the prospect of this free advertisement when it was first broached to them, especially since the commercials plugged only them and their products without mentioning any- thing about whom they buy from or what flour they use, today our bakers are frankly and outspokenly t ickled pink with it all. Not only do the\ write emphatic letters of thanks for this service, but our salesmen find our bakers actually apolo- gizing now when they are not in a posi- tion to give them an immediate order. But we know we will get that order sooner or later, because those bakers have been sold on our services to them (which is, of course, incidental to the fact that we make excellent quality flours for every bakery purpose). To even further earn their apprecia- tion, we have printed a beautiful three- color, foiu-page folder advertising the program which we give each baker to distribute to his customers when his turn comes to be the subject of that broadcast's commercial. But now, of cotirse, you will raise the $64 question, and rightly so. What, you may want to know, aboiu new custom- ers, new sales for the New^ Jersey Flour Mills Co.? AVell, the answer is simply this: bakers in the whole area have heard, or heard about, the program, the idea behind it, and what it has accom- plished for the bakers whom we have plugged on it. True, we have not been deluged with new orders, since flour is not a ten cent or a one-purchase item, but one sold on quality first and with a long-standing repeat nature, and these new customers are with us to stay; the quality of our products and the service we render make us certain of that. 9 ^es, as I stated at the otUset, our experience with radio is of rather recent \intage, so that it is still too early to pre- dict its permanent aftects, but we cer- tainly have the bakers talking, and when you can get anybody to talk about any- thing other than the war these days, that's good, brother. NOVEMBER, 1944 • 377 • bupply in L/emand 40 -c Total Ad Budget Goes to U Stations in a 4 State Area for 150 Oklahoma Tire S Supply Co. Stores Says Ad-Manager D. C SPERRV THAT radio is a profitable medium for any retailer to use, provided it is used intelligently, certainly has been proved by the Oklahoma Tire & Sup- ply Co. with 12 years of radio ad\ertis- ing experience. The Oklahoma Tire & Supply Co., operating a chain of more than 150 stores in a four-state area (comprising the entire state of Oklahoma and a good part of Arkansas, Kansas and southwest Missouri), has its general offices and warehouse facilities in Tulsa. Starting on radio with the use of one station in 1932, with a budget amounting to less than $1,000, Oklahoma Tire & Supply Co. now uses the facilities of 1 1 geo- graphically located stations throughout its operating territory, with a total radio appropriation of $54,000 per year (or $4,500 monthly), a sum representing ap- proximately 40 per cent of its total ad- vertising budget. Lhhif among the radio programs spon- soied by Oklahoma 7'ire k Supply Co. liiis been, and is, the Oklahoma Tire k Sri'i'iA Co. \(nv.s on KFH, Wichita, Ka. Daily at 7:30 A.M. a (jiiai ui -liom of the latest news is broadcast by KM I news editor and chief newscaster Cieorgc Cow. Jo (juote 1). CI. Sj)eny, advertising manager, Tulsa, Okla.: "We have used radio consistently, year after year, with marked success, carefidly studying our markets and our own needs, selecting our audience, and giving them what they want, namely, news. \Vc supple- ment these regularly established news- cast periods with a definite campaign of spot announcements at the time to reach a maximum listening audience, and wc have an institutional musical program on Sunday, over a network of major stations geographically selected to reach the listening audience in all operating- points. On these programs contests are offered to instill interest and to check listening audiences. Lo.M.\iERc:iAi. coj:)) is devoted to specific items (not general lines) at specific prices which great Iv simplifies oin- checking problems on actual residls obtained in cac li ol out major markets. "^( ar alter vear om ladio budget has (■\j)an(I((l. iMiiil, todav, we regard radio as one ol the two best mediums we have cvei used for direct selling of lines (many of which have been added since the be- ginning of the war).' • 378 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP reed Facts Air Fed Radio Adoertis'mg Puts a Dollars and Cents Value on Chicken Feed for the De Forest Feed § Seed Co., Galesburg, Illinois 9 A unique ten-minute radio broad- cast is the principle method used by the De Forest Feed & Seed Co., Galesburg, 111., to promote the sale of feed and other products handled by the firm, according to an article in The Feed Bag, merchan- dising magazine of the feed industry. The broadcasts now in their sixth year, are made over AVGIL. Heard five days a week, Monday through Friday from 12:05 to 12:15 P.M., the series catches the farmer just as he sits down to his mid-day meal. Current farm news, items of advice to feeders and farmers, and sales plugs for De Forest PRmE feeds are used on each broadcast. National and local farm news and information make up about 70 per cent of the pro- gram content, while the remainder is devoted to talks on feeds and feeding, and other tips of livestock and poultry problems, presented by D. D. De Forest. 9 Material is culled from farm papers, trade journals, newspapers, agricultural college bulletins and similar news sources. Market quotations on grain, livestock and feeds make up an impor- tant part of the program, and these are held until the last part of the broadcast on the theory that since farmers do not wish to miss the markets they listen to all the rest of the program. With this system, it's easier to give them the infor- mation aboiu De Forest feeds and their part in food production. In addition to his own firm, Mr. De Forest frequently mentions other Gales- burg business concerns, especially those whose business is more or less connected with his own. For instance, the makers of VicrroRY grain bins, HansoiN Lumber Co., are frequently mentioned. When the government has any information about grain, feeds and other things of interest to farmers, Mr. De Forest al- ways advises listeners to ''see your local feed dealer." In this way, the radio series helps other feed dealers as well as him- self. 9 ^\'hile Mr. De Forest gives radio credit for being by far the biggest pro- ducer of sales, he uses newspaper space extensively, and advertises every day in the Galesburg newspapers. D. D. De Forest broadcasts one of his friendly lO-minute radio chats from the WGIL studios. Radio helps bring the farmer to the DE FOREST feed plant at Galesburg, 111. NOVEMBER, 1944 • 379 • What Price Hi Promotion; High School Radio Series'Steps up Store Traffic for Nelsons by DOROTHY HANSON, director of radio activities X June 24, 1944, the cur- tain fell on the final broad- cast of the High School Post Ex- change, and yours truly heaved a sigh of regret and relief. (The High School Post Exchange, in case you're interested, is Nel- son's weekly radio salute over WJTN, Jamestown, N. Y., to the teen-age crowd.) Since then, we've had time to draw a deep breath, mop our perspiring brow, recapitulate events, and compute the results of our first year of intensive High School Shop promotion. Was it worth the effort? Do the results ob- tained really justify the expendi- ture? • (Above) . . . Store owner M. R. Nelson got what he was after, namely, store traffic and sales, with emphasis on the High School Shop. • (Right) . . . Final broadcast for the High School Post Ex- change was fol- lowed by a luncheon for students with store owner, M. R . Nelson as host. • (Left) . . . Mikestress Dorothy Hanson is known to the public as Nancy of Nelson's. Let me quote W'cldon Nelson of the inm of Nelson's of Jamestown, and mer- chandise manager of Ready-to-\V^ear: "Our High School Shop, during the school year 1943-1944, was more success- ful than in any previotis year. 1 raffic has been heavy, and sales \()hime has sub- s t a n t i a 1 1 y i n ere a sed . "1 he success of this past year's pro- motion has been largely due to the thor- ough and careful planning of our Direc- tor of Radio Activities, and the whole- hearted cooperation of our newspaper advertising manager, plus the sales ap- jK'al of oiu- stuclent sponsor, and the ia( t that oin- Ready-to-\\'ear buyers sup- plied (he merchandise Miss Hi-Schooler wanted, nvhcn she wauled it." Hut now we've ))niting tiial trite old {.lit hcloir llic proxcihial old horse! Let's begin at the l)eginning. In August ol last \eai we (ie( ided that something slionid be done to promote our excellent 380 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP ^l()cks of junior and tcen-ai^c Rcady-lo- W'car. The result of oui' planning was Xklson's High Sdiool Shop, s})onsore(l i^y one of I he most vi\a(ious and popu- lar students of the Senior Class, whom wc found tucked away in our o^vn sales staff. The High School Shop, decorated with banners of Jamestown High and high schools of surrounding communi- ties, opened for business in an easily ac- cessible corner of the Ready-to-\V^ear floor, to the accompaniment of the latest jive music, played on a portable phonograph! \Veek-ends, our student sponsor took over the duties of hostess and head sales lady, and on sticcessive week-ends invited one popular and at- tractive high school girl to be assistant hostess and model high school fashions. These assistant hostesses, in turn, in- vited their friends to drop in, say hello, and register in the guest book, thereby compiling a mailing list. And, as our store is strategically located halfway between the high school and the busi- ness section, the slogan of the High School Shop, became, "Stop at Nelson's on your way from school!" Interest in Nelson's new venture was developed by two distinct mediums which, nevertheless, synchronized per- fectly to do a good job of publicity. Newspaper ads featured an attractive cut of our vivacious student sponsor, en- dorsing sweaters and skirts, the ideal costume for classroom wear; loafer shoes; casual coats for football games and campus wear, and "date bait dresses," frocks for high school dances and teas. A personalized newspaper column. Hi Notes, By Joan, presenting high school news and fashion hints in breezy teen- age language, was used weekly. However, mounting interest and en- thusiasm for this high school project needed an additional outlet in which the students themselves could participate, and before September was half over. Nelson's launched a w^eekly quarter- hour radio program The High School Post Exchange. This was conducted by the Director of Radio Activities in co- NOVEMBER, 1944 0]3eration with the student s})onsor. The program ra|)idly took on the; character of a ical PX, complete with soda loini- tain and juke box, and was heard over \V)TN e\erv Satuidax morning at l():.H() A.M. JMews from Jamestown High and the high schools of ten surroiuiding com- munities was }3resented through the High School Bulletin Board. Members of various high school organizations were interviewed, thus calling public attention to their clubs and activities. Annotincements of school events such as plays, concerts, debates and football games were given a prominent place on the program. Commercials were confined to brief informal chatter about new styles in the High School Shop, and thus the program became two-thirds public service, and one-third commercial. In fact, faculty members have been enthusi- astic and cooperative because of the radio experience given their students. At the close of the school year we foinid that 65 high school students had been guests on our program, and to climax our activities, a High School Radio Party was planned. An open in- vitation was issued all students to come and see their own radio show acttially on the air. Uespite the fact that intense rain was falling that morning, following one of the most severe rain and w^ind storms this area has ever experienced, an en- thusiastic crowd of young people wit- nessed the broadcast, and stayed to be entertained for 45 minutes by a High School Talent Show. Promptly at noon. Nelson's of Jamestown again proved itself the "friendly department store" by entertaining 43 young program guests at luncheon. The singing of Aulde Lang Syne, concluding the luncheon, was more than a mere gesture. It was a sincere expression of the feelings of the students and their sponsors. And now, when we've scarcely had time to draw a deep breath, it's time to start all over again. Are we going to do it? You bet we are! • 381 • New Horizons for Grocers by ELIZABETH J. ODAMES. home economist, WIBX, Utica, N. Y. m To what extent will wartime grocery purchases influence the post-war house- wife? Home economist Odames bases her opinions on interviews and personal contact with the average housewife, points the way for business expansion for the independent grocer. Presented here is a summary of her remarks at the War Food Conference of the N. Y. State Food Merchants' Assn. at Saratoga Springs. TODAY'S housewife is as busy as the proverbial bee. I discovered that on my Household C/iats program over WIBX, Utica, N. Y., when I offered my listeners a valuable booklet on jam and jelly making, a booklet easily worth 25 cents, free with no strings attached. Listeners had only to write, asking for the book- let, but to my chagrin, very few letters or postcards came in. I tried something else. I asked my listeners to telephone me after the broadcast, giving me their names and addresses, if they wanted the booklet. They did! By the dozens! And tlic universal connnent from each was ili;ii while she wanted the l)()oklet she hadn't had the time to write. All aj) prcciated the opj:)ortiniity to telephone lor it. Recipes have always been in great de- mand among housewives. All wonun aic interested in new dishes and how to pic paie them, and wartime shortages and substitutes have created an {xcii grealci demand. Because oi ihc war. hoine- tnakers ha\c bctoiuc a( (|iiainlc(l wilh foods, and ^ood loods al thai, which they never thought of or knew about in prewar days. Rationing and the numer- ous problems it poses has forced the American housewife to modernize her cooking. She has been introduced to new foods, new preparations and short cut methods. To what extent these changes will be permanent is indicated by the answers to selected cjuestions posed to average housewives, llie ques- tions and answeis are presented here. (1) Do you like dried or dehydrated soup? The answer, generally, was em- phaticalh yes! It obviates the need for long hours over a hot stove to prepare homemade soup. I'he makers of dehy- drated soups have created a product that is proving to be a real boon to house- wives. And as an after the-war product, it will continue to occupy an impoitant place on the grocer's shelves. (2) What foods, other than soups, xvoald you like to buy in the dry or de- hydrated form? \\\v (msI pioclucts which (ame to mind were clehyclratecl eggs and powdcicd nnlk. I suggested their use in 382 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP baking, and the answer, almost univer- sally, was: "II there is an abundance ol milk and eggs in the post-war period, J want the real things." Speeialties such as dried fruits are acceptable and often nec- essary to cooking, but it seems to me that a strong selling campaign would be nec- essary to earn the housewife's respect for any dehydrated or dry food other than those now accepted. (3) After the war, would you like to buy your meat pre-cut, cellophane wrap- ped, and priced, from a self-service dis- play case? I found that pre-packaging of meat, especially, will be a time-saver, and a big help to the average house- wife, but woe to tlie meat dealer, wlio slips a poor piece of meat into that cel- lophane wrapper! He will immediately destroy every bit of prestige cellophane wrapped food will have built up. In other words, there is the germ of a good idea in the cellophane packaging, if Mrs. Housewife can be guaranteed of freshness and quality. Another selling job for the grocer. In this case, lots of confidence in the fact that Mr. Smith the grocer, sells only good meats. (4) Will you buy more or less quick frozen foods after the war? Frozen foods everywhere are popular with housewives, and I have yet to find one who dislikes them. To me, it seems that a bright future is in store for frozen foods. All housewives tell me that frozen foods are clean, quick to use, and tasty, and that each member of the family en- joys them. What more endorsement can any product earn? Yes, definitely yes, frozen foods will be a popular item after the war. (5) Do you buy bread from your gro- cery store? Definitely yes. First, I'd like to pay tribute to the bakers of America who have given American housewives the best bread in the world; secondly, to the advertising agencies who have car- ried out a sensible, acceptable campaign to introduce the housewives to bread, its value and importance, and to j)urchas- ing a particular type of bread with (on- (idencc. Fhere are more types ol bread on the grocers shelves than ever before, but the average housewife buys a well- known brand along with her grocery order, safe in the assurance that the bread will be fresh, and good. (6) Do you buy other baked goods, such as pies, cakes, etc., from your gro- cery store? Yes! Timesavers, of course. The cakes and pies have given the cus- tomers the same assurance as bread, thanks to better baking methods and to sensible, smart exploitation. (7) Do you think the grocery store shoidd sell hardware items, like electric fuses, garden im^plements, etc.? This re- minds me of the drug-store developing into a minor department store. Although I don't believe the average grocery store should grow into a super, all-purpose grocery store, supplied with every con- ceivable item the housewife needs, I do believe that items such as the housewife must use along with food, and allied products have a very definite place in the grocery store. Many times the house- wife has dashed to the grocery store with only a few minutes to spare, and wished that the grocer might have a fun- nel, corkscrew, strainers, bottle openers, measuring cups, bread knife, pastry blender, and a host of other articles. I believe the grocer should carry these items after the war for two reasons: as an added service to customers, and an added source of revenue. The average housewife agrees. (8) Do you buy vitamin tablets? Yes, at the drug-store. Do you know why a grocer shouldn't be permitted to sell vitamins? No reason! Housewives tell me, "Vitamin tablets are food, and not a medicine." Here again, grocers need to do a selling job to get the average cus- tomer acquainted with the fact that the grocer, handling food, also sells vitamins. NOVEMBER, 1944 • 383 • Beverages AIRING THE NEW New radio programs worth reading about. No result figures as yet. Beverages WANT AD For the man with something to buy, sell or swap, and for the person whose possessions have been lost or found, Old Hickory Ale is a friend in need. Heard daily at 6:00 P.M. over WCOV, Montgomery, Ala., the quarter- hour series is composed of want ads, lost and found, and swap items. Program is divided into three five-minute sections, with items put into lost and found, want ads and swap items categories. All are run free of charge as a good will gesture from Old Hickory. Each program car- ries three commer- \\\ cial announcements. AIR FAX: First Broadcast: March 1, 1944. Broadcast Schedule: Mon- day through Saturday, 6:00-6:15 P.M. Preceded By: World To- day. Followed By: Network. Sponsor: Old Hickory Ale. Station: WCOV, Montgomery, Ala. Power: 250 watts. Population: 105,000. COMMENT: While some programs lend themselves to a selling camj^aign, and others are best suited to an institutional approach, a feature of this kind serves both pin poses. y\nd because of the na- ture of its editorial content, such a fea- ture will, over a jxriod of time, reach a wide ;in(l (li\ ci silicd listening group, thus cxlcnding the (oimiiercial imp;i(t. SOMETHING TO SING ABOUT There's SojnrthifiiT to Siiig About every dav in Buffalo, N. v., and (ne times weekly the Brewing Corporation of America sets the words to music over WGR. Music is the stock-in-trade on the quarter-hour feature heard at 7:45 P.M., with the piece de resistance a short news item which gives listeners SometJiirig to Sing About. Example: news that a missing American Ace was safe in Germany. For listeners anxious to get on with the show, the brief opening announce- ment is also something to sing about. Example: ANNCR: Your host is Carting's. CHEERS & ORCH: OPENING. ANNCR: For more than 100 years, it's been Quality That Never Varies! This is Foster Brooks, speaking for Carting's, and bringing you songs and something to sing about, fea- turing Jan Martel, the Four Cheers with Dave Cheskin and his orchestra. Commercial tie-in with the title of the show: "For something to cheer about tJirough the week, any week, make yours Carting's Black Label Beer or Carling's Red Cap Ale. No matter where you buy it, when you buy it, you can depend on quality that never varies." air FAX: First Broadcast: November 22, 1943. Broadcast Schedule: Monday through Fri- day, 7:45-8:00 P.M. Preceded By: News. Followed By: Watch the World Go By. Sponsor: Brewing Corporation of Atnerica. Station: WGR, Buffalo, N. Y. Power: 5,000 watts (d). Population: 613,506. COMMENT: \\'heii advertisers pro- vide listeners with catch phrases and slogans that are easy to re- member, the sales battle is well begini. And with radio, too, what's well begtni is half done. Drug Products* LANDERS NEWS COMMENTARY When W'li.DRooi Hair J omc went into the San ;\ntonio, lex. market, it set oiU to give WOAI listeners the reasons why VVii.DRooT shoidd get the preferred spot in the medicine (best. Natural tie-in • 384 • RADIO SHOWMANSHIP with the commercial approach was a news commentary which gave listeners the behind-the-scenes lowdown on cur- rent news happenings. And Colonel H. L. Landers spoke with the voice of au- thority, as evidenced by a Monday eve- ning Hooper rating of 7.7, a Wednesday rating of 8.6. Equally convincing com- mercials drive home the Wildroot sales message. Example: "You know, men . . . keeping your hair well- groomed is as simple as one, two, three, when you use Wildroot Cream-Oil, the new and different hair tonic. One . . . it's easy to use. Two . . . it's quick to apply. And three . . . a little goes a long, long way. Yes, if you've been looking for a hair tonic that will save you time and money . . . one that grooms your hair right, get yourself a bottle of Wildroot Cream-Oil. It contains soothing Lano- lin, which closely resembles the natural oil of your skin. You'll like the way it keeps your hair neat and well-groomed all day long. You see. Wild- root Cream-Oil removes loose, ugly dandruff and relieves annoying dryness. Ask your druggist or barber for Wildroot Cream-Oil . . . the only leading hair tonic that contains Lanolin." Three commercials carry the sales bur- den. Evidence that Wildroot found the right combination in the San Antonio market: Wildroot's 52-week renewal contract at the end of its first year of sponsorship. AIR FAX: First Broadcast: August 30, 1943. Broadcast Schedule: M-W, 6:30-6:45 P.M. Preceded By: News of the World. Followed By: Grand Prize Headliners. Sponsor: Wildroot Hair Tonic. Station: WOAI. San Antonio, Tex. Power: 50,000 watts. Population: 276,874. COMMENT: Sponsor here wisely slants the commercial message at the mascu- line audience, also selected time and pro- gram with that audience in mind. All these pieces must be fitted together in the radio jig-saw puzzle to make the picture complete. Finance WE'LL FIND OUT What the State Na- tional Bank, EI Paso, Tex., wanted was an institutional program that would bring the bank closer to the community. It also wanted to establish State Na- tional as the bank where the common man could bring his financial problems for solution. With We II Find Out State National set out to find out if radio could do the job. Heard over KTSM, the weekly quar- ter-hour series features listener-sent ques- tions on everything under the sun. Di- rect community tie-in: answers to ques- tions come from the Public Library, thus put the show in the category of community service. Questions put by lis- teners vary from "How do you address a CongressmanV to "Why is the press des- ignated tlie Fourth Estate?" or "How many tablespoons of waste-fat make one pound?" Program is in the form of a round-table forum with a panel of four persons to answer questions. Commercial transition: "This pro- gram is by no means limited to questions on finajice, but this is an appropriate time for State National to remind you that whenever you need information about any subject connected with bank- ing, the State National is El Paso's oldest financial institution." Questions are sent directly to the sta- tion, but the Public Library gets full credit for providing the answers. air FAX: Continuity editor Conrey Bryson emcees the show. First Broadcast: July 17, 1944. Broadcast Schedule: Monday, 8:00-8:15 P.M. Preceded By: Information Please. Followed By: Songs of Yesteryear. Sponsor: State National Bank. Station: KTSM, El Paso, Tex. Power: 1,000 watts (d). Population: 105,136. COMMENT: AVhile most financial institu- tions have a difficult time getting an ac- curate check on results from broadcast advertising, there is no doubt but that a community service feature performs in- valuable institutional service to its spon- sor. Sponsor here definitely is identified ^v'ith the community by means of a di- rect tie-up with a community project. NOVEMBER, 1 944 • 385 • Fisheries AROUND THE SOUND To those for whom the mood and flavor of Puget Sound is Shangri-La, Ivar Haghind is a hail fel- low, wtII met. Each Sunday morning at 9:45 KIRO listen- ers in and around Seattle, Wash., go Around the Sound with this friendly Northwest trouba- dor. Host is the Fisheries Supply Co. Quarter-hour of ballads, ditties and salty stories of ma- rine life is Hag- lund all the way through, is done in an unpretentious manner. AIR FAX: First Broadcast: May 28, 1944. Broadcast Schedule: Sunday, 9:45-10:00 A.M. Preceded By: News. Followed By: Church of the Air. Sponsor: Fisheries Supply Co. Station: KIRO, Seattle, Wash. Power: 50,000 watts. Population: 452,637. COMMENT: For those who clamor for more programs with a truly regional flavor here is a step forward in the right direction. Gasolines MARCHING TO VICTORY While America's doHars go Mardiing to Victory, Ameri- ca's gasoline powers the attack. Yo re- mind K7BC, Austin, Tex., listeneis ol this fact, the Taylor Refining Co. took to the air with Marching to Victory, a 'K)-miiHUe sliow heard three times weekly on a staggered schedule to acliieve the widest possible audience coverage. Highlight of (.K h l^roadcast is a Vic- tory Vignette, a imc story taken Irom ASCAP scripts. Hody of the ])rogiam is recorded or transcribed imisic Iroin fea- tured artists. Show closes with a patriotic appeal either geireral in nalurc or tiecl- irr with the (iciihal icxas locale. For ihc Ta^iok Ki I, (>>. opening and closing credit lines carr\ the institution- al burden. air FAX: First Broadcast: August 16, 1943. Broadcast Schedule: T, 7:00-7:30 P.M.; Th. 3:30- 4:00 P.M.; S, 4:30-5:00 P.M. Sponsor: Taylor Refining Co., Taylor, Tex. Station: KTBC, Austin, Tex. Power: 1,000 watts. Population: 87,930. COMMENT: When the family jalopy comes out of cold storage there's going to be a mad scramble between competi- tors after the motorists' dollars. Adver- tisers who lay the ground- work today Avill be that much ahead of the game. Home Furnisliings BETTY AND BOB Houses are just houses without people to live in them, and it is these self-same people who give any home character and personality. \V'\x\\ that in mind, the Carroll Furniture Co., Atlanta, Ga., put its best foot for- ward, selected Betty and Bob to repre- sent it to WAGA listeners five times weekly. Feminine listeners who hear the tran- scribed feature also see the furnishings which make a house a home. Main at- traction for window shoppers is the Carroll revolving window which re- veals three complete sets. Customers make their choice from among the five store floors and three warehouses of merchandise, with furniture shown in actual rooms against a natui^al back- ground. Ccminrercial copy features the advantages of shoppirrg at Carroi^l's. Series was placed by store manager (aaig Topple. air FAX: Available are 390 episodes. Broadcast Schedule: Monday through Friday, 9:30- 9:45 A.M. Preceded By: News. Followed By: Glamour Manor. Sponsor: Carroll Furniture Co. Station: WAGA, Atlanta, Ga. Power: 5,000 watts. Population: l,Jii,200. Producer: NBC" Radio Recording. COMMENT: I ic in here between pro- gram (onlcni ;ind ])r()duct achertised makes ioi a nniliecl approach. With a rcMlnrc ol this l\pe the advertiser- gels 386 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP the benefit of nct^vork talent and top- nc)t(h procUution. Men's Wear PARADE OF LIFE For the last lour years, Iru-Fit clothes has designed, cut and tailored its own pat- tern lor radio. Now it puts aside its sports togs. Likewise, the bolt of program cloth from which its recorded shows were cut has been put on the shelf. To set the fashion pa- rade for defense work- ers, others who have made Baltimore a booming wartime met- ropolis, Tru-Fit fashioned Parade of Life. Focus is on the World Spotlight, the Human Spotlight and the Musical Spot- light. Two-man dramatic narrative show is heard every Sunday at 5:30. Woven into the scripts are human interest bits of this-and-that with appropriate music to set the pace. Opening and closing credit lines set the stage for Tru-Fit. Quality at popu- lar prices is the basis for the commercial approach. Two center commercials high- light special values in men's and wom- en's clothing. Slogan that gives week-to- week continuity to sponsor's commer- cials: "Remember Tru-Fit . . . a name wortJ} remembering." AIR FAX: Production is under the supervision of Norman Gladney. First Broadcast: February 20, 1944. Broadcast Schedule: Sunday, 5:30-6:00 P.M. Sponsor: Tru-Fit Clothes. Station: WITH, Baltimore, Md. , Power: 250 watts. Population: 859,100. Agency: Leon S. Golnick & Associates. COMMENT: Repetition is one of the ele- ments from which sales are made. A catch line or slogan is one method. Ex- pression of the same idea in different words is another device. If the adver- tiser first decides what ideas he wants to convey, he needn't worry about saying them too often. He can't! Susraininq SOLDIERS' RETURN With inojc than one million ex-servi(e men already returned to civilian life, the problem of reorienta- tion of these men isn't one that can be put off initil the last depth bomb has released its charge. It's not a problem for tomorrow. It's one that must be met today. In Denver, Col., the American Wom- en's Vohmtary Services, the American Association of University Women and the Colorado Council of Defense decided to meet the situation with a series of weekly KOA broadcasts. Produced on KOA by the Rocky Mountain Radio Council, Soldiers' Return was scheduled for a 15-w^eek run. Chats between returned service men, either convalescent or honorably dis- charged, and leaders in educational, in- dustrial, professional, business and labor groups carried the story to civilians. A moderator bridged the gap between what the returned service man wanted and what opportimities now exist or may be created. Subjects ranged from job opportuni- ties, agriculture and ranching, mining, unskilled labor and the professions to rubber, aviation, steel, jobs for boys who have never had one, engineering, radio, railroads and merchandising. Service men presented on the series have eighth grade, high school or col- lege backgrounds, have served both on the home front and under fire overseas. AIR FAX: First Broadcast: April 29, 1944. Broadcast Schedule: Saturday, 6:45-7:00 P.M. Station: KOA, Denver, Col. Power: 50,000 watts. Population: 303,273. COMMENT: Programs of this kind illus- trate the splendid way in which radio and its advertisers meet the social obli- gation of service to the community. The speed with which the ex-service man readjusts to a new design for living will have a significant bearing on future industrial progress. In the national pic- ture advertisers who fashion campaigns on this line fall in line w'ith current governmental strategy. NOVEMBER, 1944 • 387 • SHOWMANSHIP IN ACTION Promotions and merchandising stunts that will lift a program out of the ordinary. Finance FIGHTIN' TEXAN Texas is proud of its fighting sons and the First National Bank, Dallas, Tex., keeps these men in the limelight over AVFAA. Nor are the weekly dramatizations of the stories of Texas war heroes mere paper honors to the native sons. Each man whose story is dramatized receives a 100 dollar ^Var Bond from First National. Also included on each qtiarter-hoiu' broadcast are salutes to four other Tex- as boys who have performed outstand- ing service in some theatre of war. To conclude each broadcast, emcee Felix McKnight reads an oral editorial on a pertinent Home Front question in co- operation with OW^I. Straight-from-thc- shoulder talks usually deal with paper salvage collection, blood donation, \Var Bond buying, other such vital projects. AIR FAX: Show is handled by Felix McKnight, assist- ant m.e. of the Dallas Morning News. Dramatiza- tions are given with assistance of WFAA staff mem- bers. First Broadcast: June 30, 1944. Broadcast Schedule: Friday, 9:45-10:00 P.M. Preceded By: Bill Stern Sports Reel. Followed By: News. Sponsor: First National Bank. Station: WFAA, Dallas, Tex. Power: 50,000 watts. Population: 27 3,279. COMMENT: As oj>limisiii oNcr the oiil- (oiiic ol llic Will iiK leases, the j)ubli( needs reinindcis iiiok ilian cvci thai there's work lo be done on llie home front. Wai-thciiH broach asts perform iiualiiabic piibh( scivicc, also gixc ad- vertisers a incaiis ol making a grachial transiiioii lo posi war planning. Shoes SCHOLASTIC BASKETBALL For its fust ven- iiire into radio, Hanom-.r Shoi- Storls put the ball into j>lay with high school basketball broadcasts. Each Friday night at 9:05, a game from some point in South Jersey, and another game in North Jersey were aired. Only top-rated games in the New Jersey Hanover-Dick Dxinkel Rating and Forecast Sheet were aired. What upped store traffic in the New Jersey Hanover Shoe Stores was the offer of forecast sheets obtainable only at the stores. Rating and Forecast Sheets were pltigged on the broadcasts, and since turn-about is fair play, the broad- casts were plugged on the rating sheets. Additional promotion for the weekly broadcasts: store window displays giv- ing time-and-station data. Local newspa- per space measiued not in inches but by the column phned up the fact it was the first time local scholastic basketball had been broadcast in the area. Commercials invited all listeners to drop in each week for the free copy of the Forecast Sheets, also gave store loca- tions. Catch phrase for sponsor: "The Hanover Shoe . . . greatest shoe x>alue on earth!" Example of eye-and-ear commer- cial teamwork: "You folks who hare been enjoying your Hanover- Dunkel Ratings and Forecasts regularly have prob- ably noticed the smart looking shoe styles featured each week on the back of the folder. Well, this week it's 'The Center' ... a handsome and rug- ged shoe style if ever there was one. Ask to see 'The Center' at any Hanover Shoe Store . . . water-proof, wear-proof, twist-proof. . . ." Additional merchandising tie-in was the Hanover Sport-O-Crra/n lor posting on school bidletin boards. AIR FAX: First Broadcast: November 25, 1943. Broadcast Schedule: Friday, 9:05-10:30 P.M., from November 25 to January 14. Preceded By: News. Sponsor: Hanover Shoe Stores. Station: WIBG, Philadelphia, Pa.; WAAT. Newark, N. J. Agency: Warwick &i I.egler, Inc., Adv. COMMENT: Mere is a sj)l('n(li(l example of the elle(ti\eness of (oordinated ad\er- tising a(ti\ities. logether, they (leated store traflu for sponsor, even though outlets were at widely distributed points. 388 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP r) what the program did for me This is the businessman's own department. RADIO SHOW- MANSHIP invites radio advertisers to exchange resuhs and reactions to radio programs for their mutual benefit. Groceries KORN KOBBLERS "My monthly statement from KIDO is an indication of how my business has progressed in the years I have used radio, and it shows what I think of the value of radio advertising. Our advertising budget for radio has in- creased 191 per cent since 1939. "We began to use time on KIDO when we first started in business with one store in Boise, Idaho, in July, 1939. Benefits were so apparent we have never bothered to advertise in other media. "In June, 1940, a store in Nampa, Idaho, was added, and in November, 1941, a Caldwell unit was added to the chain of grocery outlets. This progress of the Albertson's Food Centers was made with the aid of radio as the sole means of advertising." JOE ALBERTSON Owner-M anager Albertson's Food Centers Boise, Idaho AIR FAX: Daily spot announcements, and Monday* through-Friday strip shows represent the Albertson success combination. Currently it is airing the tran- scribed musical variety show, The Korn Kobblers. First Broadcast: May 1, 1944. Broadcast Schedule: M, 4:45-5:00 P.M.; T, 6:15- 6:30 P.M.; W, 6:30-6:45 P.M.; Th, 9:45-10:00 P.M.; F, 10:15-10:30 P.M. Sponsor: Albertson's Food Centers. Station: KIDO, Boise, Idaho. Power: 2,500 (d). Population: 160,000. COMMENT: While the doubting Thomas may hesitate to place his entire adver- tising budget in radio, what radio can do single-handed for an aggressive ad- vertiser is given point here. Transportation TWO BELLS THEATRE "In regard to Tivo Bells Theatre for the Los Angeles Rail- way Corp., we are pleased to say that it is getting results for our client. Heard over KECA twice every week, the format of the show is psychological suspense mystery, written by myself. "We are leaning heavily toward the mystery suspense and find that our audi- ence reaction is exceedingly good." NEG MONETT Radio Director Dan B. Miner Co. Los Angeles, Cal. AIR FAX: First Broadcast: April, 1944. Broadcast Schedule: W-F, 10:00-10:30 P.M. Sponsor: Los Angeles Railway Corp. Station: KECA, Los Angeles, Cal. Power: 5,000 watts. COMMENT: Networks don't have a mo- nopoly on the who-dunnits, and the con- tinued coast-to-coast success of such fea- tures is strong indication that the local or regional sponsor who puts his money on such an offering is almost certain to get the ear of the listening public. NOVEMBER, 1944 • 389 • PROOF 0' THE PUDDING Results based on sales, mails, surveys, long runs and the growth of the business itself. Beverages LIGHT & MELLOW What the Regal Am- ber Brewing Co., San Francisco, Cal., wanted was a radio program to drama- tize its product. Regal Pale Beer. Many program ideas were tried in the mind's eye, all found wanting. The show was hiding in the slogan of the product it- self, ''light and melloxu," had to be coax- ed otu step by step. What came to shape was LigJit & Mel- low, a combination of popular ballads and musical favorites for all ages. Utiliz- ing an augmented orchestral grotip of 20 pieces, plus San Francisco's outstanding baritone and soprano, Light & Mellow was first heard in April, 1942, before a packed audience the opening week of San Francisco's new Radio City. T^ach week since that time, listeners hear a half-hour of listenable music. Fhe one commercial read by Armand Oirard, show's star, is 30 to 45 seconds long, (alls attention to the pleasme and satisfaction of enjoying cjualilv RECiAE Pale. Evidence that audiences take to the show like ducks to water: it averages a 6.4 rating. Now erUei ing its third yeai on the air. I lie show is broadcast luesday evenings over KPO. As with other Ric;\i Amiu r Urevvixg (^c>. shows, tlie closing niomcnts ol cac li broadcast are always utilized lor some ])ubh"c service oi war a(ti\il\ mcs sage. Al show's end, lislcncrs ;iic afso renn'ndccl ol a Ri.c;al 1 lunsdav cxc iiiiig ollering o\c'i the same st;ition. AIR FAX: Series is one of che few local shows in the n.-ition to be transcril>ed, re-broadcast by shortwave for men in the armed forces overseas. First Broadcast: April, 1942. Broadcast Schedule: Tuesday, 9:30-10:00 P.M. Preceded By: Everything for the Boys. Followed By: Richfield Reporter. Sponsor: Regal Amber Brewing Co. Station: KPO, San Francisco, Cal. Power: 50,000 watts. Population: 786,590. Agency: M. E. Fiarlan Adv. Agcy. COMMENT: When an advertiser achieves unit} of prc)gram, title, and commer- cials it's no trick to make the sales mes- sage stick, and especially on a weekly schedule the listening audience needs a number of reminder gimmicks to make the commercial appeal effective. Finance MUSIC YOU LIKE TO HEAR When the Louisville Home Federal Savings & Loan Assn., Louisville, Ky., took on sponsorship of the Siniday half-hoiu- air- ing of semi-classical and familiar music, it tioped that the program was Music You Like to Hear. Evidence that the music fits the audience and its sponsor: Home Federal's renewal of the series lor another year. Music aimed at the older listener, the homebody interested in saving money and acquiring property, is what Home Federal serves up on platters. Commer- cials stress the ease, simplicity and con- \enience of owning a home, make a bid for mail by suggesting that interested listeners send a penny postcard to Home Fi.DERAL for more details. In addition to home ownership, commercials also estab- lish Home Federal with those interested in building or in refinancing their homes. Two commerc ials spotted in mid- program give listeners the facts and fig- ures on the Home Federal's Direct Re- duction Plan. Hrief opening and closing announcements establish sj)onsor identi- lu al ion. air FAX: First Broadcast: July 7, 1940. Broadcast Schedule: Sunday, 1:^0-2:00 P.M. Preceded By: American Music. Followed By: Listen, the Women. Sponsor: Louisville Home Federal Savings & Loan Assn. Station: WINN, Louisville, Ky. Power: 250 watts. Population: i 19,077. 390 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP COMMENT: With radio advertising, pro- grams designed for a specific audience to do a specific job have what it takes to paint the picture in bhick ink. To make this choice should be the advertiser's first consideration when he contemphites the tise of broadcast time. COMMENT: Advertisers who ponder, wonder what these radio homemakers have thai make their programs ch'ck, find it amounts to this: one who can sell as well as entertain must be a whole- some, genin'ne person with an enormous capacity for down-to-earth fi iendliness. Groceries HOME FORUM On April 20, 1944, Frank A. Conolly, merchandising manger of Oakite Products, Inc., was a Home Forum guest on WBZ, Boston, Mass. In his interview he told the story of the salvaging of the Normandie, now chris- tened the U. S. S. Lafayette, mentioned that layers of oil sludge that had accum- ulated throughout the ship were re- moved with Oakite. In his last 30 sec- onds on the air he offered to send listen- ers a copy of an Oakite poster, showing several pictures of the Normandie dur- ing salvage operations. Requests had to be postmarked before midnight. What came in under the deadline: 822 re- quests! Oakite isn't the only sponsor to arch an eyebrow over listener response. In 21 participations, 1,709 listeners ordered a two dollar Knitting Guide book. During a 26-week interval, 9,002 requests for the RocKWOOD Sugarless Recipe Folder came to the Home Forum doors. Average re- turn per announcement: 115. The Industrial Tape Co. offered lis- teners a copy of the Army & Navy Scrap- book of Humor, repeated the offer for 12 times to produce 8,156 requests at the low cost per inquiry of .06. air FAX: Broadcast over WBZ, Boston, and WBZA, Springfield, Mass., daily, Monday through Saturday, 9:00-9:15 A.M., the Home Forum is in its four- teenth year. Participants are limited to four each day, and each advertiser gets two medium announce- ments, rather than one longer one. Listenership is augmented by the fact that homemaker Mildred Carlson conducts a daily column in the Boston Globe, also issues a Home Forum Bulletin weekly. Bulletin contains recipes, and a page is devoted to each advertiser, thus represents a bonus to sponsors. Average distribution of the Bulletin: 1,000. While it is sent free to each person writing for it, there is no mailing-list, and listeners must write each week for the new copy. First Broadcast: 1930. Broadcast Schedule: Monday through Saturday, 9:00- 9:15 P.M. Station: WBZ, Boston, Mass. — WBZA, Springfield, Mass. Home Furnishings GOLDEN JUBILEE There's no place like home. For 50 years, Dickason-Goodman, "the Homemakers," has built its policy around that statement, and its fiftieth anniversary was something to talk about. But Dickason-Goodman didn't know in advance just how much its Golden fubilee broadcasts over KTUL, Tulsa, Okla., would set the town to talking. What was originally intended as a spe- cial two-time anniversary promotion by poptdar demand was continued as a reg- ular half-hour feature. Broadcasts are aired Sunday from 12:30 to 1:00 P.M. To point up the 50-year idea, an original dramatized skit on life in early day Tidsa is the highlight of each pro- gram, with Chief Shunatona, full blood chief of the Otoes and a KTUL staff member, as director-producer. A variety show moving at a fast tempo, it also combines music by Glenn Hardman and the Rhythm Makers; The Homemakers, girls' trio (name tie-in with Dickason- Goodman's slogan, "the Homemakers"); the Jubilee Quartet, and Bobby Greer, baritone soloist. A three-minute news summary takes care of bulletins and late news ffashes. Courtesy announcements, feature list- ing on program schedules, newspaper advertisements and billboard display back the program. air FAX: Original two-time feature was for 60 min- utes. News summary and commercials are handled by Karl Janssen. KTUL continuity head Bernice Ash scripts the show. First Broadcast: April 16, 1944. Broadcast Schedule: Sunday, 12:30-1:00 P.M. Preceded By: Salt Lake City Tabernacle Choir. Followed By: Dangerously Yours. Sonsor: Dickason-Goodman. * Station: KTUL, Tulsa, Okla. Power: 5,000 watts. Population: 147,961. Agency: Chapman Company. NOVEMBER, 1944 391 COMMENT: For iheir good Avill poten- tial, not to be overlooked are anniver- saries, other special events which focus public attention on the advertiser. What is effective on a one-time basis is even more valuable on a consistent schedule. Certainly a consistent pattern for radio ad\ertising should take precedence over one-time shots. Participating TRADING POST For more than eight years, farmers, stockmen and city folks with possessions for which they have no use have found the Trading Post the place to barter AVhite Elephants. Daily mail brings in from 15 to 40 letters offering to ^ trade farms, suburban property, thresh- ing machines, knitting needles, harness, cattle, horse collars, birds with and withoiu cages, rabbits, hand power tele- phones, or what have you. Name it, and it has been offered for trade over the KFH, Wichita, Ka., feature heard each week-day morning from 6:30 to 7:00 ;\.M. Year-in-year-out, mail count aver- ages 7,500 letters and postcards. \Vhilc there is a charge made for farm and public sales on the Traditig Post, in one month some 101 sale announcements were given. Sponsors come and go, but two have Ix-en on the participating show since its first broadcast. AIR FAX: Farm news, markets, trade news and perti- nent happenings provide a tune-in from both town and farm. Time signal is given every few minutes, and because farmers always like to get the jimip on a storm, weather forecasts are also included. Farm and market commentator Bruce Behymer handles the show. First Broadcast: 19 36. Broadcast Schedule: Monday through Saturday, 6:J0- 7:00 A.M. Station: KFH, Wichita, Ka. Power: 5,000 watts. I'opulaliou: 18 J, 000. COMMENT: \(l\ ci I is( is who make a con- sisiciii clloii lo sci\c ilic farm audiend' (lis(()\(i ihal tin's audiciue will in turn sei ve (lie acbcriisci. Pailicularly in these times of scarcity , a service feature of this kind serves a useful purpose. Sustaining LABOR NEWS REVIEW From week to week, the labor \icwpoint toward trends and events affecting all labor, industry and economics are questions to which few people generally know the answers in most parts of the country. But in Wash- ington, D. C, listeners have been given a weekly condensation of labor news for more than 522 consecutive weeks over AVTOP. Since July 23, 1934, program originator Albert N. Dennis has present- ed the facts and figures. To date, the standing offer made back in 1934 of a cash award to any person reporting an error of fact on any program has not yet been successfully claimed. Devoted solely to facts. Pah or Xcxvs Review steers clear of theory, features news and guests of interest to both labor and management. To the end that the series may interest both groups, con- tinue on its independent course, all bids to commercialize the program have been given the thumbs-down response. Over 350 specialists in public infor- mation have made guest appearances on the series, each with a brief summary of a partictilar subject of pul)lic concern. AIR FAX: Specialist in labor, industry and economics since 1912 is program director Albert N. Dennis, and his Labor News Rerien has won numerous awards for public service. First Broadcast: July 23, 1934. Broadcast Schedule: Sunday quarter-hour. Station: WTOP, Washington, D. C. Power: 50,000 watts. Population: 663,091. COMMENT Sc( ici lor siucess here is (irst, ilu- j)()li(\ of picseuiing interesting- l\ onh facts of public concern boiled clown to the lUmosl brevity, yet clearly stated. Secondly, its thoroughly in- dependent and un- biased character M /^^^^ makes i i a line ^■**(T ^.Xi^^^ ^.^ public St r\ ic c Ica- tuie of iulcrtsi lo everyone. 392 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP SHOWMANVIEWS News and views of current script and transcribed releases back- ed with showmantips. AH are available for local sponsorship. Department Stares PARENTS' MAGAZINE ON THE AIR For par- ents attempting to keep up with the de- \elopment of their off-spring, Parents' Magazine now comes forth with tips on rearing children from crib to college. Information on every phase of child care and family home management is in- cluded in the transcribed radio series designed for department stores. Names of department stores who take on sponsorship of the series are listed in each issue of Parents' Magazine, and they also receive the official seal for use in ads, window displays, etc. Counter cards for the store's own ads of mer- chandise "as featured in Parents' Maga- zine on the Air" are also a part of the promotion package. Also available: ad- vance monthly Fashion Forecast, special promotions as released by various Par- ents' Magazine departments, leaflets for store distribution, newspaper ad mats and photographs of stars and guests. All to the good is the fact that both in the magazine and on the air, Parents' promotes all store departments. Featured on the series is Parents' Magazine editor, Clara Savage Little- dale, as well as other departmental edi- tors of the magazine. Special featines: Meet the Browns, presenting in dramatic form successful problem solutions sub- mitted by the audience; Out of the Mouths of Babes, cute sayings of the youngest set, and practical articles on a wide range of subjects of child care dramatized from Parents' Magazine. AIR FAX: Transcribed quarter-hour series is scheduled for weekly presentation. Producer: Frederic W. Ziv Co. COMMENT: Since every department in any department store feels the influence of mothers, series here represents a gold- en opportiniity full to the brim with possibilities. Furriers FURS ON PARADE While there is a short- age of, even a complete lack of some, ne\ertheless furs offer perhaps the only merchandise not restricted by priorities. Coupled \\ith that fact, greater consum- er spending po^ver and scarcity of other conmiodities combine to make the fall season one of the biggest years in all his- tory for furs. Fiu' retailers after the business must first combat the obstacle of the high lux- ury tax on furs. With Furs on Parade designed to make the sponsor the fur headquarters of the community, the transcribed featine is a furrier's friend. Exclusive to one store in a city, the series is adapted for use by department stores, specialty and fur shops. Each episode of the dramatized series is divided into two parts, each running from three to three-and-a-half minutes. These are highlighted in a 15 minute program, interspersed with music taken from the station's transcription library. Sponsor gets three or more commercial mentions in each quarter-hour, and if desired, may point to fur authority \X^\- ter J. Horvath as its own expert. AIR FAX: Type: Transcription. Episodes: 26. Time Unit: 15 minutes. Producer: Kasper-Gordon, Inc. COMMENT: Cost of research, scripts, tal- ent and production would make it pro- hibitive for an individual fur retailer to develop a series of this kind. NOVEMBER, 1944 • 393 • SHOW-MANUFACTURE New products and equipment to raise the performance level of broadcast advertising. Recordings CUTTERHEAD AVith standards in lateral recording constantly being pushed up- ivard by iniproveinents in radio broad- cast cjiiality, including the FM system, Fairchild Camera 8: Instrument Corp., New York, began its search for a better, more stable cutterhead, capable of put- ting on to the record the necessary wider, distortion-free response. The new Unit 514 is the result. What the cutterhead (standard ecjuip- ment on Fairchild's latest portable re- corder, also in production) has to recom- mend it to radio and professional re- cording: recordings at unusually high \()hnne level with little increase in dis- tortion, desirable both from the stand- point oi instantaneous recordings and in the making of masters for pressings, since the greater the volume level the less will be the imdesirable surface noise, or scratch. At 98 lines per inch, the cutterhead is capal)l(' of lulh modu- lating the groove. SPECIFICATIONS: Distor- tion: Less than 1 per cent, 400 cycles. A recording of a 400-cycle note was made at a recording level of plus 18 db (reference .006 watts) to produce a stylus velocity of 2.5 inches per second. Frequency Response: Plus- minus 2 db, ?0-8,000 cycles. Impedance: 500 ohms. Audio Power Required : 0.6 watts (plus 20 db). Size Stylus Accommodated: yH-inch long, 0.0062-inch di- ameter. COMMENT: 1 I is ( oni j>ara(ively eas\ lo j)»() (hue a unil with a wide irecjuciK y response, bin distoi I ion is ;mi()I lici matlei . Reproductions LOUDSPEAKER By combining both high and low frequency units in a compact, two-way multi-cellular loudspeaker re- quiring less than one and one-half cubic loot of space, Altec Lansing Corp., Hollywood, Cal., has provided a point source of high quality sound for moni- toring, radio, public address and record- ing. New speaker, in actual performance, delivers up to 500 per cent greater ef- ficiencies in these operations, also de- livers very high quality in home radio, phonograph and FM reproductions. This new multi-cellular speaker pro- \ides up to 1,200 per cent increased area of distribiuion. In the horizontal plane, it deliveis 12 times the area distribution at high frecjuencies as compared to the usual single unit speakers of comparable size. Speaker is available separately or mounted in a walniu finished cabinet. Cabinet provides eight cubic feet of air space. Special cabinets for ceiling and sidewall mounting are available on lecjuest. SPECIFICATIONS: Horizon- tal Area of Distribution: 60 degrees. Vertical Area of Distribu- tion: 40 degrees. Impedance: 20 ohms. iiaiti Amplifier: A small, compact 60 DB gain ampli- fier with 15-watt output is also available for driving the speaker. COMMENT: Combined improx cmenls in Ire- <|iicn(\ lange. (jnalily i(|)r()(iu( tion and wide areas of distril)u(ion promise lo rexolut ion- ize sound reproduction. 394 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP ';r,s-'«"'"^ "(Jo ahead and cut out the coupon! Don't worry about ruining the magazine cover; we'll send you a new ropy for your file. .,, vouv finger- fne nie «-/ '^ I g^-« .tp'-l >n.eve- vou can leii aienal o^ ^ l^^enienV co>n editions carv7 " ^^.^ the <:°"-,opies in pe' manent en * RADIO SHON vOOD ^^ '^ ' «••«"' ^:^;'s ot the R^;;^;,°,, postage p^'d- i^s^;:;:o*s^u.e-a. >Jame • • • Address . • • Company • Vosilion • j:\^i ■■■■■ Sv^ie \B 51 MONTHS KDYL • Salt Loke Cit-, KOA • Denver, Col. KROW • Son Francisco-Oaklond WFIL • Philadelphia WGR • Buffalo, N. Y. WIND • Chicago, 111. WTCN • Minneapolis, Minn. 43 MONTHS .VNBC • Hertford, Conn 42 MONTHS WFBL • Syracuse, N. Y. 38 MONTHS KGHF • Pueblo, Col. woe • Da^v^nport, la. WSTV • Steubenville, 0. Before you are 18 reosor. why a RADIO SHOWMAN SHIP Magazine reader is a better radio time buyer 33 MONTHS Pine Bkiff, Ark 32 MONTHS WACO • Waco, Tex. V/JPA • Washington, Pa. WIBX • Rochester, N > 31 MONTHS KTUL • Tulsa, Okla I I 30 MONTHS WDOD • Chottono. •; : Tenn. 18 REASONS WHY ► Taken from a lift of over 60 ftations who subscribe to RADIO SHOWMANSHIP MAGAZINE for their clients, both local and regional, these 60 stations — latge and small — front every section of the country, are helping the business man get the most for his radio dollar. RADIO SHOWMANSHIP is the business man's independent source of radio information. ► What belter recommendation could any service have than long-term subscribers? It can mean only en years. Then came the World's Fan, 1940, for whidi she was contest editor. As a hobby, she dabbled in jjro- niotion, and along (ame an offer for radio shilioii promotion work. One and a half years of public speakifig, fnograjnming for women, forming contest groujjs and runjiing a radio contest program followed. Hobby? Writini^. When the radio station loas sold, her Ifo.s.s look her to the Buffalo ( X . ) .) Xews as radio edilo). To heej) busy in he) spare lime, she took on e\ ploilal ions, in( hiding the Buffalo Bisons, fwen though she had never seen a i^ame. . I long laine worl; as \\() R ex ploilal ion drpinl- iiien I . I lid I li(') c she is. (2) The physical competition is usual- ly local in that it includes art contests, cooking contests, sewing, etc. Obviously it would be too difficult to arrange for these contest entries to be mailed. This type of competition ties-in wonderfidly well with department stores, schools and civic events. Try to keep )()ur contest as ciurent as }3ossible. Select one for yoiu' particidar needs. Arrange your budget accordingly. # Contest costs: Operating costs of the contest may be determined per luiit. Each act recjuested from picking up the mail right through to the actual judging is a unit. 7 hus. an advertiser may spend as much or as little on contest mainte- nance as he wants. Some of the most requested luiits in- clude: Pickup of mail. The contest oper- ator nuist send mail clerks to pick up mail, whether at the post office, radio station or advertising agency. Some operators figme the average cost at 14c. Counting of mail by states or sta- tion. Advertisers often w^ant to deter- mine the mail pidl per radio station, thus they have the mail sent to '"sta- lion to wfiidi you are listening." \\vv- age cost: ]/^c. Opejiing mail. J his is usual 1\ done by liand, as clips and pins are pione to break an electric opening machine. Average cost: i/^c. Checking for proof of purcfiase, such as boxtop o) lalxl. .\\erage cost: Che( king eaili entry jor rule break- age (oxei" the word limit, correct I liynn'ng xvorcl, etc.). ;\\erage cost: 14 c. Judging (preliminary reading, dis- carding of duplicates, final selection). I I is inleicsting to note here that a le\v ilioiisaiul ciuiies haxc fallen b\ the \\;i\si(Ie between "ride breakage" and this j);nagia])h. Obviously one shoidd not pay lor the judging ol 50, ()()() en- tries if 2().()()() haxc iucn (hscaided lor rule bi(;ik;igc. .\\(i;igc (ost: !/,( . (Coiilniiied on f)a<^e 12'^) 402 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP Uividends t . . . 'ILL/AM HEDGES FROM RADIO DOLLARS ^P I don't know how you choose the radio station which you use. Perhaps you base your selection on your own estimate ot the popularity ol the stations in your commu- nity. Maybe you like the sales manager ol the station. Everyone seems to feel that he is a radio expert or a program expert. But how does he form his judgments? Is it ba'sed on how he liked the program, or how his wife liked the program, or how his secretary liked the program, or his office boy? In my opinion you have never been stimg in buying time on any station unless yoti may have made the mistake of quitting too soon. The rates of stations vary directly in accordance with what the station delivers. You will find that every radio station has a following. Some of them have an exceedingly loyal following, and yet you will never find that out by examining merely the ratings of the different pro- grams. But they do sell goods. 9 Radio is the most popular source of entertainment and informa- tion in the history of the world. Let's examine radio today. 1 here are 60 million radio sets in use as of January, 1944. These radio sets are in 32, 500, GOO homes, and nine oiu of every ten homes have one or more radio sets. Four oiu of every ten homes have more than one radio set. Three out of every ten homes have radio equipped automobiles. Over one-third more homes are equipped with radios than with gas and electric ranges. Radio homes outnumber telephone homes by more than 2 to 1, and three homes have radios for every two homes with bathtubs and showers. What's more, those radio sets are used. 83.7 per cent of all luban radio families use their sets for an average of five hours and four min- lUes daily and 88.5 per cent of all rural radio families use their sets for an average of five hours and 18 minutes daily. The availability of the luban families Monday throtigh Friday is \ery high. At 9:00 o'clock in the morning 77.3 per cent of the families have available at least one woman who is up and around, available if your program is good enough to get her to turn on that radio receiving set. At that time 81.6 per cent of all the homes have available some ]3ers(jn in the home as a potential h'siener. 1 hroughoiu the day you P Hozv advertisers can get the most out of radio dollars is pointed iif) by the vice president in charge of, statiofis for the Natiofial Broad- casting Co. Article here is based on notes take ft on a talk presented before the Quality Bakers of America. DECEMBER, 1944 • 403 « ha\c between 81 and 84 per cent of the radio families available with at least one person, and at night you get up to 88.7 per cent. The important thing from the standpoint of the wholesale b?.ker (inas- much as you are appealing to the woman consumer rather than the man) is the constant availability of women to re- ceive your program. In the morning (Monday to Friday average), 12 per cent of radio families at 8 o'clock have their radio sets tuned in. At noon the per- centage goes up to 15. The reason for that I would say is that most radio sta- tions at noontime have a news broadcast. ^P You have a few more sets in use in the afternoon: the averages running aboiu 15 per cent of all radio homes lis- tening to some station during the noon to 6:00 P.M. period. On Sunday evening the average nvmi- ber of sets in use ranges from 23 per cent at 6:00 o'clock, up to 40 per cent at 8:00 o'clock. In other words, at that time 40 per cent of all the radio families of the United States are listening to some program. On Tuesday night the per- centage of families listening starts out a little bit lower than Sunday night which is natural because the dinner hour is a little different in most homes on Tues- day than on Simday. It gradually btiilds up to 9:30, the highest point, to a little better than 40 per cent. As for the com- position of the audience broken down between women, men and children, you will find that women predominate at all times and arc almost equally available morning, afternoon and night. So if you're afier ihe women's audience don't overlook the iiioi iu"iig. 9P 111 ilic cMiiiiig \()U ha\c woiiuii siill the predominant part ol the radio audi euce according to a survey made in May. 1944. This iiiighi Kllcd ilic ai)sen(e of about ten million men in llie militars sdvicc. I lliiiik lli;il nou will liiid llial ;ill(i llic l)o\s gel l);i( k llic sc^mciil ol 111(11 in llic (Aciiiii^ radio will be hngci'. ()iit ol :ill llic radio lamilics in the I iiii((l Si;iiut nonetheless, it is possible lo talk about ideas [or business piomolion in the (la\s ol j)ea(e ahead on an iiUelligenl and sound basis. ( )nc ihini; is (eriain. I he pajxi shoi t age will be alle\ iaicd, and (ouijxt it ion between j)ul)lisheis will be more keen on( (• a^ain in I he "old lime" seuse. /ill Icgitimalc publications liaM' "sold their heads oil" these past lew years. There aie many factors responsible, and an ol)\ ions one is that consumers hdxc more m()ne\ to l)u\ j)id)lished material, and, due lo gasoline (uitailment. more lime to s])end at home. Radio M'lsus j)ul)lishing? That is often a subject discussed l)\ "men and women inxobcd piolessionallx in t hose lines of endeax oi . it is tiue that Irom the \ie\vpoinl of news serxicc to the |)ul)li(. nexvsj>apers and radio are in direct competition. \'et e\en there, in a couiUix of I .S .'),()()(), ()()() |)e()|)le, with their \aiied habits, there is room lor bol h. On the magazine ])ul)lishing side, il is oeneialb agicccl that radio and maga- zine publishing compliment each other. I In. I. MAN Pi RioDicALs. Ixc, headed l)y \le\ 1.. Ilillman, a former book ])id)lish- 406 • RADIO SHOWMANSHIP ci", gels al)()iit 25 inonlhly |)cri()(li( als out U) (he ncwslaiuls each HO-day pei iod. Ihkrk is the Hillman women's orou)) ol' magazines, Real Sl())y, lira I lio- Duinccs and MoxncUuid: the men's group ol detective magazines, Crime Deleetive, Real Detective, etc.; the Hn.i.iMAN comic group, Airfighters, Fundi and Judy, etc., ancl Pageant, the new digest-size publication of general news and leatine interest, edited by Eu- gene Lyons. In the case ol every one ol our publi- cations, radio is being utilized in s()me form to aid in promotion, merchandis- ing or exploitation. My experiences with the Hillman firm are personal, but the lesson is uni- versal. When I assumed the job of pub- lic relations counselor for the concern, my first act was to analyze the media, inmiediately available or prospective. Lkrtalxlv it was evident that there was no sales problem. We were selling al- most 100 per cent of our print order through the fine cooperation of the wholesale independent magazine dis- tributors w^ho handle our products in every state of the union. Through the circulation device worked out by Philip Keenan, distribution vice-president, there w^ere for practical purposes, no re- turns on any of the magazines. Paper re- strictions precluded any chance of cir- cidation increases. Yet with an eye to the post-war period, we wanted the names of Real Story, Pageant, etc., to be indelibly impressed on the buying pid^lic's mind. Radio w^as the answer. UiiR first ventures into radio was experi- mental. Mimeographed dramatizations of Real Story and Real Romances maga- zine yarns were sent to radio stations withoiu charge on the theory that they nn'ght adapt the stories to their pur- ]30ses, and the mention of the source would be our credit. The resjx)nse was laxorable, biu we lound iliat with tlie manpower shortage small stations had pool la(iliti{s lor ( asling. riien we really branched oul. W'c signed one contract with MuriiAL Broad- c:AsriNc; Svstkm for the production eacli clav from 2:45 P.M. to :\ P.M. of Real Stories frojn Real Life based on Real Story Magazine. Wk signed ancMher agreement Avilh Kas- PER-GoRDON, Inc., Bostcjn, Mass., calling for the production on electrical tran- scriptions of a series called Real Ro- tnances from F.veryday Life, based on our Real Romances Magazine. Aaron Bloom of the Boston concern supervised the making of the records, and Jerry Law directed the show for us. On station WNEW in New York, we have the Hillman Crime Quiz every Sunday afternoon from 2 to 2:30 P.M. Then we have the Voice of Pageant, the Voice of Mox'ieland, Radio Pageant, and Pageant Quiz, all shows soon to go on the networks from New^ York. In many cases w-e have made special arrangements whereby the production costs are underwritten by our firm (but not in the case of Real Romances pro- duced by Kasper-Gordon), but we do not inidertake the commercial sponsor- ship. Radio executives find the tie-up ex- cellent, inasnuich as the magazine mate- rial provides a source of radio material, and in addition, the stations get the benefit of internal and external public- it), first, within the magazines them- selves in the form of free advertisements for the particidar programs, and second- ly, by means of special broadsides and promotion pieces. In addition to these programs, we now use li\e and transcribed spot annoiuice- ments to advertise our magazines, par- ticularly the new one, Pageant. With the help of our advertising agen- cy, Erwin, Wasey k Co., it is hoped that in the near future we may be sponsoring oiu' own network show\ It is all a part of the complete story that has as its goal the insurance of a good market in the post-war world for oiu" pidjlications. DECEMBER, 1944 • 407 • Zales Jewelry Stores Builds G. I. Morale with Quiz Show SERVICE for THREE Robert Enoch by ELIZABETH GILES, promotion and publicity director, KTOK EVER since the advertising medivim known as radio became a popular form of public entertainment and in- formation, the organization known as the Zale's Jeweijry Stores, consisting of 12 stores located in Oklahoma, Texas, Missouri and Nebraska, has made use of the medium. And all the stores have prospered. "Zale's as a corporation is 20 years old, and radio advertising has been used dur- V ^ ing most of those 20 years," says friendh vice president, Moe Gimp. Particularly in the last three years visual advertising has declined as far as Zale's is concerned, and auditory adver- tising has increased. While Zale's is partial to question and answer shows, has sponsored them when- ever possible in the past three years, Mr. Gimp considers the current Zale's offer- ing the best cpiiz show sponsored to date by Zale's. It is an opinion which Vernon Steinmetz, Zale's manager in Oklahoma (^it), Okla., seconds enthusiastically. Radio showmanship became the watchword when KTOK's general man- ager, Robert Enoch, Oklahoma City, Okla., called in his promotion staff to meet with Zale's Jewelry S roRE's execu- tives. Zale's had just bought Kl'OK's line G.I. show, Passin' the Buck which was to be broadcast for l)<)lli Oklahoma City and 1 ulsa stores, origination points • Knicee Frank Lynch passes the Passin' the Buck questions to a G.I. Joe at Tink- er Field, Oklahoma City, Okla. 408 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP being Oklahoma City's Tinker Field and Tulsa's Spartan Aircraft School. Fassin' the Bu(k was a i>()od, well- packaged hall-hour designed as a morale builder loi- both G.l. and layman. Hob Enoch called that meeting because from the first, he realized that introduc- ing this unusual format was a job for all the promotion media available to the station, the store and the Army installa- tions if this local service show was to get going. And it was service, service for three, for the boys, the station and the store. Blueprints were made, patterned first to make a splash, and then, as the show made its own friends, to be leveled off into persistent plugging. In Zale's front windows, for example, two Passin' the Buck placards, in keeping with jewelry displays, were set up right among the diamonds and watches. And small though they were, these displays were ef- fective inasmtich as Zale's is a Main Street store, packed' most of the time with G.I. and laymen too. In the store itself, a large gold-framed Passin' the Buck display board was illuminated in the main door after business hours. This poster carried several 8x10 slick photo- graphs of the broadcast. Believe me, it was good fun for the eye of the promotion director! There it was, if only the call letters, identification and name of the show, in every piece of direct mail for both store and station, in all paid newspaper advertising, and in national radio periodicals. In the Cham- ber of Commerce organ, it was carried as ► • When Paramount's Hitler's Gang came to Oklahoma City, Okia., emcee Frank Lynch helped them sell War Bonds on the ZALE'S show. Left to right: Alexander Pope as Goering, emcee Lynch, Robert Watson- as Hitler, and Martin Kosleck as Goebbels. public service note, and in the periodi- cals from y\rmy installations where the show originated, daily mention was made in the log, and in feature stories when space permitted. On the air, KTOK turned out sjjecial connnerc ials foi those first weeks. Passin the Buck, just as the name im- plies, is the old Army Game, and by the way, we used that line in much of the visual and auditory promotion. Emcee Frank Lynch poses the quiz question to G.I.s lined up and waiting to win bucks with their wits. If the participating G.I. misses the question, he passes the buck to the next man. If the next man comes through with the answer, he keeps the buck, and as many more as he can win. For remaining participants who don't get a chance at the mike, Frank Lynch then shoots them a jack-pot question which, answered correctly, carries a ten dollar gift certificate from Zale's. When the plans came to full flower, Passin the Buck was fortunate enough to assist in the Fifth War Loan Drive. Interviewed on one broadcast were guest stars from Paramount's The Hitler Gang. It all tied in beautifully as special service and it also added ink to the blue- print of service for three. DECEMBER, 1944 • 409 • L et the Stars Shine On! Pleasure Parade Line-Up of Big Names Gives Sponsors a Chance to Promote Products Through Established Radio Personalities Jimmy Wallington— KIBITZES • (Above) . . . That man with the mustache (Jimmy WaHington ) kibitzes as Paula Kelly gives last minute vocal instructions to the Glen Miller Modernaires. • (Below) . . . Kibitzer Wallington tells Irving Miller how to lead an orchestra. W 1 inic has changed. In earlier davs it was quite something tor New York to tune-in San Francisco, but now the })id)- lic demands a reason for timing in. More advertisers in more towirs not onh toughen the going tor tlie man witli a tat radio advertising l^udgel, l)ut tlie\ also cliallenge tlie smaller iellow. Time is no longer a mere matter ot 60 minutes to tlie lioin. To keep radio listeners, sometliing worthwliile must be put into every one ot tliose 60 minutes. T tie proo^ratn is now tlte thing. An important part ot progrannning is tlie man wlio reads the scri})t, and the gat wlio sings tlie ditties. In otlier avoids, no matter liow smootli a sliow may took on paper, its real success depends upon the talent. Network adxertisers know ttiis, and it isn't at att uiuonnnon to ha\e entire ad- • (Right) . . . Kay Lorraine tells Irving Miller how she wants the duet arranged which she and Bob Kennedy sing. That's Bob Kennedy at the left, and notice who's at the right? That man with the mustache, Jimmy Wallington, kibitizer. ^^ J^'^ i verlising (anipai^ns built aiouiul llic sponsor's radio lalcnt. In many (ascs, ircnKiuloiis amounts ol money liaxc l)een spent to build an cntcrtaino up to star proportions. Why? Because advertisers have lound that when they jjromote a personahty, that personality in tiun, is olten the best product promotion that money can buy. 1 he local and regional sjionsor has available lor his ptnposes, first, local talent, and these pertormers do tor him on the local scene what big names do lor big advertisers in the national pictinx'. Secondly, he has available, by means ol transcription, national celebrities. 9 How do these offerings compare with their national competitors? In some cases, comparisons ol ratings and talent costs and time tor national shows (a pro rata of national costs to equitable com- ]3arisons) indicate local shows to be more productive per dollar than top rating na- tional programs with highly paid stars. The advertiser who assumes sponsor- ship of local talent has the responsibility of keeping that talent at the top of the heap. With a transcribed series, on the other hand, the advertiser btiys talent already established. An illustration of big name talent available for local sponsorship through the medium of transcriptions comes from a new Frederic W. Ziv prodtiction, Pleasure Parade. With Jimmy Walling- ton as master of ceremonies, the mtisical show also features the Crlen Miller Mod- ernaires, starred with Glen Miller's or- chestra on his recordings and radio pro- gram; Bob Kennedy, of the original cast of Oklahoma, who is currently signed to sing the lead opposite Ethel Merman in a new Broadway mtisical version of Rain; Kay Lorraine, singing star of the LtJCKY Strike Hit Parade for 44 weeks; Paula Kelly, former vocalist with Glen Miller, and Irving Miller, and his 18- jjiece orchestra. ^P While the cost to the producer for (juarter-hours of this type reach the stag- gering cost of $2,500, the local or region- al sponsor finds that the cost to hint is well within his achci t ising budget. Big shows and big names don't necessarily mean l)ig costs, l)iH they are sure-fire audience- buildeis. HooiMR smveys in many markets where sue h transcribed features are run- ning prove conclusively thai regardless of whether it is transcribed or network, a good show will get a good audience. It is significant that a good transcribed leatinx' has more sponsors than other radio programs. Many of these sponscjrs are strictly local, and others are sponsor- ed by national advertisers on a regional basis. For example. Pleasure Parade is sponsored on a large list of stations by Grove's Laboratories in selected mar- kets in Massachusetts, Oregon, North Carolina, Minnesota, Louisiana, Michi- gan, lennessee, Virginia, Washington, Missouri, Texas and Pennsylvania. Like- wise, Carlings Brewery is using the fea- ttire in three New York markets, three Ohic:> territories, and in one West Vir- ginia area. Each Pleasure Parade program is a cjuarter-hour, and 15() programs are cur- rently scheduled. ^P In its array of talent, the feattue leans heavily on star values but doesn't neglect new discoveries. The prodticer of a musical show on Broadway or on the radio is confronted with two very great problems; first, to deliver names which give the show star or tnarejuis value, yet, second, to discover refreshing new talent which brings new faces to the ptiblic. I he famous stars are more dependable. The newcomers are frecjuently more re- freshing. In Pleasure Parade the producer lean- ed heavily on star values becatise he wanted the program to be dependable, and for that reason such seasoned per- formers as the Glen Miller Modernaires, Irving Miller and his orchestra, and Jim- my Wallington were selected. But for the refreshing new stars, Bob Kennedy and Kay Lorraine were added. For the local or regional advertiser who want to get the most for his radio dollars, talent of this kind is certain to capture tremendotis listening atidiences. DECEMBER 944 • 411 • On the Tele-Production Lines . . . by RICK FREERS, staff tele-producer. Stage S, Hollywood, Cai TELE-PRODUCTION is the aciiial producing of a show or piograni for television. It may be broken iij) into two general classifications; the canned show on film called Telecine, and live- action show which is transmitted by tele- vision cameras directly from the set or scene to the audience. It is the live-action show that best illustrates the technique necessary to attract and sustain the in- terest of tomorrow's television audience. Let us presume that it is an aveiagc (la\ ill oiu^ rele-production Studio, and that a dead-line tele-cast of re-enacted news is to be relayed to television re- ceivers in two hours. The fnsi rcsj^onsibilitN in this pro- (((hiic hCs in the hands of tele-scenarist Marc ia Drake. It is her job to obtain the important cxcnts of the dav Irom the news loom, lo (ooKhnalc ihc inalcriiil iind (li;ill ;. lougli s(iij)l. I he (lii((l()i, ill iiiin, calls his pKxhu tion (rcvv togcihci. and (juickly outlines the show. As he oui lines, the designer incnlally plans the wardrobe, ilu (on- slru(lionisl knows what j)r()ps and spe- ( iai cllccls he iiiusl iiih rpolalc or draw VooUs on. from his department, and preparation ol the production is under way. As this show is schediUed for inmiediaie release, there is no time allotted for learning lines, so it is necessary that each tele-stock plaver be attiuied to cjuick creation, utili/ing only the general stoi \ pattern that has been gi\en him. From this pattern, he nuist bring the story to life and re-enact the news. First reheaisal is run, the director polishes the rough edges, showman i/es and puts the Imishing toudies to the production. I he cast is then costumed, contrast make-up is applied, final dress rehearsal staged, and the |)roducti()n is ready for the red-lighi warning. lo the axcrage person, a jxittoit sdipl would look like a jig-saw j)U//le. Idle in on Ihc Hold i'olloicino Title joy Short I'niiic . . . MAN ON THE STREET 1^Tfll^.^'" FADE OUT Vp ^*^ .""'^ 4 COUNT TO for Que from Control 412 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP MINIATURE I: An effect model of a typical metropolitan city — scale 212. 'Ike" Hold MR. J.: How interesting. But now Take Dir. Title for young lady . . . if you'll excuse me from Contr. Value . . . I'm a very busy man. Ol. MINIATURE II: An effect model of a small midwestern town. EXP.: Narrator's voice drifts in as camera holds miniatures. NARRATOR: No Name Bread brings you another episode of Man an the Street. Who is the man on the street? He's the man half way up the block on the next street. . . . He's the boy who delivered your afternoon pa- per. . . . He's the teller at your bank. . . . He's the grocer at your corner. . . . Yes, he's anybody and everybody who appeared in print this day of , 1944. Today's first tid-bit of human copy concerns a certain Miss Charlie Coback. It seems Miss Coback is having "draft" trouble. At 9:00 A.M. she appeared before the local board a very confused young lady. SET I: LOCAL DRAFT BOARD EXP.: Charlie stands in front of the desk occupied by Mr. Johns. CHARLIE: If you please . . . may I see the head of the board? MR. J.: What about, young lady? We're very busy. CHARLIE: Well . . . you see . . . I'm Miss Charlie Coback. I think there's been a mistake made. MR. J.: I'm sure I had nothing to do with naming you. CHARLIE: Oh! That's not it . . . you see . . . today I got a letter. Ortho I Hold Miniature I in L.S. Pan to L.S. of Miniature 2 On Que "Ike" Hold on Whirling Globe Fade Warn Ortho I Hold L.S. of Set I . . . Fade Warn Ortho 3 Hold Two Shot of Charlie and Mr. Johns THE REST OF THIS IS PATTERN QUE LINES: I can't join the Army. We thought you were a man. I've been drafted. TAG LINE: Don't worry. Miss Co- back. We'll see that you're classi- fied 4F. TAKE TAG LINE QUE FROM CHRISTMAS TREE GLOBE EXP.: Narrator's voice hold over Globe. NARRATOR: Strange as it may seem, folks, that is exactly what happened at one of the Los Angeles draft boards early this morning. But now on the serious, etc., etc. lo the true tele-stock player the pattern script contains everything he needs. Dramatic shows need not be created so quickly. Generally, there are four re- hearsals with the script in possession of the tele-stock player over night. He must, however, at all times learn thoughts, not lines. With this idea firmly in mind it is not difficult for him to per- sonalize his portrayal and pick-up 15 sides of dialogue in 30 minutes. Unbe- lievable? Yes! But television in itself is almost incredible! © (Left) . . . Tele-miniature used in the western serial, Sagebrush and Oley, is inspected by Patrick Michael Cunning and tele-stars, Osa Massen and Courtney Paige. • (Below) . . . Tele-producer Patrick Michael Cunning sets an explosion on a live-action tele-miniature for the produc- tion of Nor All Your Tears. F rom Bikes to Mikes Advertisers Support WFOV Commuriity Seroice ar)d Entertainrrient Promotion; St. Augustme, Fla. Community Spirit Does the Rest WHAT the box office is to Broad- Avay. listeners are to radio. It's one thing to offer the greatest show on earth, but as P. T. Barninn discovered, even tlie greatest show on earth isn't worth a wooden nickel unless the public knows about it. It holds lor the motion picture industry. It's true of Broadway. It's axiomatic in the sports world, and it's equally true of radio. Individual advertisers have found that the tune-in for their programs is in- creased through adequate promotion of the offerings, and since the greater the atidience, the greater the returns per ad- vertising dollar, most successful radio advertisers back their programs to the hilt. What woiks lor one, works ecjually well for all. Station promotion is the word for il. Biu in the last analysis, it is promotion foi the sum total of achci- tisers, for as the o\er-all tinie-in is in- creased, each individual advertiser gains in increased listenership. In St. Augustine, Fla., the \\'F()\ Bi- cycle Rodeo, as conceived by general manager J. Allen Brown and his stalf. illustrates how jjromotion of this variety promotes the advertiser and the station, and at the same lime, increases the tune- in thiouglioiil the aica. liii liuyulc liodro was ellecli\e j)romo- tion because it j)ei formed a service and g;i\c rnlei Iniiniicnl . What (icalcd local ciilluisiasm lor the cxcni staged ;il i'i;in (is i'icid \\;is ihc lacl lli;il local (onicsl ;ints were piiicd ag;iinsi each oilur in ili( l)i(\(lc and iiioloi -hike laccs: local (\{ lists lode bicycles backwaicis oi at icinplcd lo ride the lOO-loot plank that \\;is six inches wide. ;ii)cl local liliinioi girls in the Parade of Beauty \ied for the honor of being named Queens of tlw Rodeo. At stake was more than one hun- dreci and twenty-five dollars in cash awards. But the event had more to recommend it than that. It also performed a serxice. During the foiu' Aveeks which preceded the e\ent, WFOY offered listeners a two-hoiu' daily safety program which tied-in with the fact that the fall school term was schedided to begin shortly. Safety measmes, as well as rides and reg- idations for bicycle riders were all in- corporated into the radio featiUT. Tie-in for advertisers with the safety featine: conmiercials stressed back-to-school mer- chandise and services. Adequate backing for the e\ent on the part of local advertisers was another im- portant factor in the success of the ven- line, and each of the girls who partici- l^ated in the Parade of Beauty was spon- sored by local business firms who con- tracted both for the Rodeo, and the sale- t\ campaign heard o\er \\'F()\ which preceded il. Sponsors lor the cxcnt wvvv 21 local merchants. Wiiii.K spectators and contestants had a field day, radio listeners also had an op- j)C)rtimity to follow the e\ents of the day tlnough their loiul speakers. Fhe entire sho\v was broadcast by \\'F()\ . and t he- station's soinid sNstem xvas set up in the paik lo set \ ice ihe s|)e(tatois. In its sei-uj), iheiclore, the exciU had the ncccssajx (|ualities which would in- siuc lor il the backing ol both achcr- tiseis and the (onmiunilN. And at the same time, the fact that it offered lisleii- eis and spectatois good enterlainmeiu made I he Rodeo good radio. • 414 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP i Radio Rodeo / Fills Stands • To ballyhoo the safety campaign and the Rodeo, WFOY used spot announcements, billboards, tire covers, newspaper advertisements and pictures. The fact that be- tween 1,000 and 1,500 people turn- ed out for the event at Francis Field illustrates what smart show- manship, a community spirit and intelligent promotion can do in combination. O (Above) . . . Referee of bicycle polo is WFOY general manager J. Allen Brown. 0 (Center) . . . Four beau- ties were chosen Queens of the Rodeo in the big outdoor competition staged in St. Au- gustine, Fla., uder the spon- sorship of WFOY. Lasso Listeners with Rodeo # (Right) . . . Youngsters give the 100-foot, six-inch plank the once over while the Parade of Beauty gets under- way. DECEMBER, 1944 THE IDEA FILE A directory of all programs reviewed in RS this past year. Numerals indicate issue and page number. ADVENTURE Manhunt Who-dun-it feature. Transcribed. 1-44, p. 33. Stand By For Adrentiire Strange adventure in foreign lands. Transcribed. 5-44, p. 176. Romance of the Highways Pacific Greyhound Lines finds wartime use for its eight-year-old travel series. 9-44, p. 298. AMATEUR SHOWS Audition Shows Open competition a shot in the arm as special promotion for daily radio series for the M. O'Neil Co., Akron, O.. department store. 2-44. p. 51. Strictly Personnel Program built with Cessna Air- craft talent to build emplo>ee morale. 4-44, p. 128. Daily Bulletin Show Amateur show features negro talent. 4-44, p. 133. Bert King's Stars of Tomorrow Hour-long show, transcribed, presented on the air the following day. 7-44, p. 245. ANNIVERSARIES AND SPECIAL EVENTS Anniversary Program Half-hour remote broadcast on 52nd anniversary of the Central Bank of Oakland (Cal.). 1-44, p. 34. Annual Address Burlington Savings Bank president makes an oral report via radio to stockholders and depositors. 4-44, p. 140. Merchandise Parade Easter Day Parade and Egg Hunt boosts sales for St. Augustine, Fla., merchants. 7-44, p. 228. Spring Festival and Million Dollar Auction Audience bids with fake money, but it's the real thing for Butte, Mont., merchants. 8-44, p. 260. Bicycle Rodeo Advertisers back special one-time event over WFOY. St. Augustine, Fla. 12-44, p. 414. CHRISTMAS PROGRAMS Santa Sits Tight Department stores carry on Santa Claus tradition. 10-44, p. 344. Army Air Base Christmas Show Christmas Eve re- mote broadcast. 10-44, p. 347. Santa Claus Santa packs a wallop in Johnstown, Pa. 10-44, p. 347. Shopping With Sue A Christmas feature which went on a 52-week schedule. 10-44, p. 348. Happy the Humbug Transcribed Christmas feature for the small-fry. 10-44, p. 348. Santa Claus Visits Santa sells the community as a shopping center. 10-44, p. J49. Santa Claus Parade Participating feature with a mer- chandising tie-in. 10-44, p. ?50. Visits with Santa Clam Santa turns philanthropist. 10-44, p. 351. Santa Claus on the Air Santa arrives by air, sets youngsters back on their ears. 10-44, p. i51. Santa ir repairs, etc. 1-44, p. 22. Election Returns Listeners get latest count on general election returns in Mississippi from the Hiawatha Gin Co. 1-44, p. JO. Our Town Local organizations prj'sont the story of their groups. 2-44, p. 61. Junior Town Meeting of the Air Local series pattern- ed after American Town Meeting. High-schoolers chew the fat over critical problems. 3-44. p. 98. Star Spangled Action Civic women's groups are fea- tured, with a salute to an outstandng woman. 7-44, p. 244. Citizen's Forum Open forum discussion group on civic problems. 8-44, p. 280. U. S. and You Congressmen, others in the nation's capitol, report to t^eir states. 8-44, p. 286. Idaho Editorializes Comments of the state press pass- ed on to radio listeners. 9-44, p. 315. Ask Washington Listeners send questions on the Washington, D. C, scene. 9-44, p. 318. CLASSIFIEDS AND VITAL STATISTICS We're Having a Baby News of blessed events each 24 hours. 3-44, p. 105. Mr. Fixer Give-away items, swaps, etc., for buyer and seller. 4-44, p. 137. Birth Announcements Two-minute, thrice weekly series. 7-44. p. 241. Blessed Eventer News of new arrivals in Washington, D. C. 8-44, p. 278. Want Ads Daily feature for Old Hickory Ale, Montgomery, Ala. 11-44, p. 384. Trading Post Service feature. 11-44, p. 392. CONTESTS Throw a Dart Announcer throws a dart at a map of the city. First resident from that block to telephone studio gets a merchandise certificate. 3-44, p. 102. Sloganaire Jack-pot program mixed with music. 3-44, p. 103. Collect Call Listeners call studio collect, win prizes for correct answers to questions. 8-44, p. 278. Wishing Hour Merchandise prizes for best letters telling of wishes which came true. 9-44, p. 321. DRAMA Down the Ways Dramatic accounts of true stories of the sea. 2-44, p. 62. Sam Adams Your Homefront Quartermaster Tailor- tiiade. transcribed series. Entertainment combined with educational angle. 2-44, p. 67: 4-44, p. 115. Helpmate Stor> of an unselfish woman who sacrifices much to further the career of her husband. 5-44, p. 173. Modern Romances Colonial Biscuit Co. makes friends with courtes) campaign. 7-44, p. 222. Belly and Bob Experiences of a young married couple. Transcribed. 7-44. p. 2 39; 11-44. p. 386. /'»<) Bells Theatre Rings the bell for the Los Angeles Railway Corp. 11-44, p. 389. FARM FEATURES Farm and Hotne Hour Radio and honest selling puts Sid's Furniture Mart on the map. 1-44, p. 12. Daybreak in the Barnyard Hill-billy and western music, news and farm facts. 4-44, p. 141. Home Service Hour Early morning feature. 8-44, p. 272. Fown and Farm Topics of interest to Fonii and Farm. 8-44, p. 272. Market Reports Market reports and events which in- fluence the market. 8-44, p. 282. Feed Fads Air Feed De Forest Feed & Seed Co., Galesbiirg. III., gives farmers a daily show. 11-44, p. 379. 416 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP FASHIONS Abbott Kimball Girl of the Mouth Models televised. 7-44, p. 235. Fashion Letter Evelyn Day's New York fashion letter combined with music and chatter as a quarter-hour feature. 8-44, p. 285. Furs on Parade About furs for furriers. Transcribed. 11-44, p. 393. FOODS Science Measures Radio Radio carries message of nu- tritious eating to public. 1-44, p. 6. Spice Box Household tips mixed with book reviews, charm and beauty tips. 1-44, p. 25. Food and Films Quarter-hour food show spiced with theatre news. 4-44, p. 13 3. Candy Fights Too Candy as a food essential sold on Dr. Eddy's Food and Home Forum. 7-44, p. 224. Good Morning, Homemakers Recipes, menus, etc. 7-44, p. 240. KOA Home Forum Tips for the homemaker. 7-44, p. 243. Inquiring Housewife First hand information on en- riched bread and flour. Series of six, transcribed. 7-44, p. 249. Tillamook Kitchen Recipes, etc., for Tillamook cheese. 11-44, p. 369. Home Forum Boston, Mass., listeners know their groceries. 11-44, p. 390. FREQUENCY MODULATION What About FM? Program policies will establish network personality. By John Shepard, 3rd, presi- dent of the American Network, Inc. 6-44, p. 201. Broadcasters View FM What about equipment costs, etc.? By Paul Chamberlain, General Electric Co. 6-44, p. 202. An Agency Looks at FM Survey reveals what public likes and dislikes. 7-44, p. 234. GARDENING Old Dirt Dobber Gardening suggestions and sales arguments in one package from WLAC, Nashville, Tenn. 3-44, p. 86. Garden Guide Tips for home gardeners in Tacoma, Wash. 3-44, p. 106. Victory Garden Club Gardening series backed by civic agencies. 5-44, p. 170. Cabbages and Queens Plenty of merchandising in the garden-quiz feature. 7-44, p. 246. GENERAL ARTICLES Retailers Forward March From §30,000 to $200,000 is Bay area record for 18 merchants. 1-44, p. 14. Uncharted Markets Ahead! Research will see busi- ness through post-war competition says Dr. Howard E. Fritz, director of research for the B. F. Goodrich Co. 6-44, p. 184. Advertising Tomorrow Post-war outlook for adver- tising is bright, writes public relations consultant, Fred Eldean. 6-44, p. 185. Global Radio Developments in radio are instruments of post-war prosperity, writes Miller McClintock, president of the Mutual Broadcasting System. 6-44, p. 186. Service as Usual "What will radio distribute after the war?" asks Paul Hollister of the Columbia Broad- casting System. 6-44, p. 188. Post-War Woman What will interest the post-war woman is outlined by Elaine Norden, Campbell- Mithun Advertising Agcy., Chicago, 111. 6-44, p. 189. Build Your Post-War Fences Today! Problems which radio and its advertisers must face are presented by Louis J. Nelson, Jr., Wade Advertising Agcy., Chicago, 111. 6-44, p. 204. Yesterday Meets Tomorrow Pioneer now for future programming says Edgar Kobak, Blue Network, Inc. 6-44, p. 206. The Woman's Angle How to interest the feminine listener is pointed up by public relations consultant Sally Woodward. 6-44, p. 210. Future Unlimited! What's ahead for radio and its ad- vertisers. 7-44, p. 232. Soap Teams with Victory! Daytime radio performs a wartime service. 8-44, p. 268. Retailers Report to Santa Clans Factual findings ob- tained through a poll of 1,804 retail stores by the Meyer Both Co. 10-44, p. 332. Why Women's Programs? An analysis of the field by Margaret Cuthbert, director of women's and chil- dren's programs for the National Broadcasting Co. 10-44, p. 341. There's More to Contests Than Meets the Eye A formula for contest tie-ins with radio programs. 12- 44. p. 400. Dividends frotn Radio Dollars How advertisers can get the most impressions per dollar. 12-44, p. 403. Magazines Plan For Post-War Radio plays an impor- tant part. 12-44, p. 406. HISTORICAL Falk's Pioneer Parade Dramatizations of early days in Idaho. Cash awards for best stories contributed by listeners. 5-44, p. 168. The World and America History dramatized by Time Magazine. 7-44, p. 248. Berkleyana Salute to industry and its development in Berkeley. Cal. 9-44, p. 311. HOBBIES AND RECREATION Let's Speak Spanish Transcribed feature. 2-44, p. 54. Theatre Tips Round-up of Hollywood news and hit music from current pictures. Listener participation angle. 2-44, p. 63. Hubby's Hobby Different hobbies get the spotlight. 7-44, p. 241. Scanning the Shows Musical reviews of great shows, with stories and patter about the shows. 8-44, p. 277. Parents Magazine on the Air Transcribed series on child care, etc. 11-44, p. 393. HUMAN RELATIONS Here's the Latest Highlights of the latest in news, sports, motion pictures, books, music, styles, et al, over KDYL. 2-44, p. 62. Something to Talk About Odd facts of general in- terest in five-minute capsules. 3-44, p. 93. / Was There Eye-witness stories of history-making adventures and episodes. 3-44, p. 93. Waiting for the 8:45 Songs and jokes with a down- to-earth twang. 3-44, p. 94. Woman's Page of the Air Human interest stories, news bits and timely topics. 3-44, p. 95. Home Folks by Request Daily 60-minute feature slanted at rural listeners from CHEX, Peterborough, Ont. 4-44, p. 126. McCurdy's Journal of the Air News, local features and human interest in combination. 4-44, p. 131. Friendly Freddie Homey sayings and philosophy, with music. 4-44, p. 133. Mender of Men True stories about how those physi- cally handicapped overcome it. 4-44, p. 139. Home-Town Philosopher Topics on the folksey. hu- man interest side. 7-44, p. 249. Gallatin County Community Program Bits of interest to communities around Bozeman, Mont. 8-44, p. 276. Personal Problems Advice and solutions to personal problems, transcribed. 8-44, p. 285. Golden Memories Continuous sponsorship for 13 years of homespun philosophy. 9-44, p. 306. Around the Sound Stories of the sea. 11-44, p. 386. Parade of Life Human interest bits of this and that. 11-44. p. 387. HUMOR Major Bullmore Two character cast in a variety of comedy situations. 1-44, p. 27. Let's Have a Laugh Chuckles in the news. 4-44, p. 135. INTERVIEWS Sportsmen's Roundtable Weekly show devoted to in- terviews on fishing, hunting, etc. 1-44, p. 16. Basement Boys Interviews with basement shoppers. Merchandise certificates for those who pass the mike-test. 8-44, p. 273. DECEMBER, 1944 • 417 • Welcome Wagon Program for newcomers to Dayton. O. 8-44. p. 274. In Focus Interviews with interesting people in San Francisco. Listeners whose suggestions for interviews are used receive a photograph free. 9-44, p. 321. JUVENILE Uncle Al and Charlie Story telling feature for the small fry. 2-44, p. 61. Children Analyze the News School children discuss news events. 2-44. p. 63. Let's Pretend Dramatizations of classic and original fairy tales, with moppets taking the main roles. 3-44. p. 94. Squareshooters Adventure stories based on fact. Club membership tie-in. 5-44. p. 172. Air Adventures of Jimmy Allen Action-packed avia- tion serial. Transcribed. 5-44, p. 174. Calling All Girls Transcribed series produced in con- junction with magazines of same name, for depart- ment stores. 5-44, p. 177. Kid Commentator High school news and interviews. 8-44, p. 273. Junior 750 Club Participating feature for the small fry. 8-44, p. 279. Dan Dunn Secret Operative No. 48 Adventure series, transcribed. 8-44, p. 280. Adventures of Pinocchio Transcribed feature for the small fry. 9-44, p. 317. Ad-Ventures of Omar Nothing juvenile about juvenile radio campaign for Omar Milling and Baking Co. 10-44, p. 3 38. High School Post Exchange Show by and for the high school crowd. 11-44, p. 380. LABOR RELATIONS Labor Day Parade Labor Day parade and addresses broadcast for the Columbus (Miss.) Trades Council. 1-44, p. 34. Manpower Dramatizations of the part labor plays in the fight for Victory. 9-44, p. ?14. Labor News Review News from the labor front. 11-44, p. 392. MILITARY Soldier Salute Weekly tribute to Springfield (O. ) Ccca Cola Bottling Co. ex-employees now in the armed forces. 1-44, p. 25. Heroes of the U. S. Navy Transcribed stories of U. S. naval heroes. 1-44, p. 25. Mission for Tonight All Army show with a different U. S. city selected each week for honors. 1-44, p. 27. Target for Tonight Quiz feature from local USO center, with two picked teams of soldiers. A draw of numbers determines the difficulty of questions asked. 1-44, p. 29. Letter from Home Local service men in the spotlight. 3-44, p. 97. Canteen Quiz All military show with a quiz and game combination. 3-44, p. 101. ,S/. Louis Heroes Tribute over KSD to St. Louis war heroes. 5-44, p. 166. 4AF Quiz test 30-minute quiz feature. War Bond prizes. 7-44, p. 246. What's It Like Letters from service personnel on the battlefronts. 8-44, p. 275. G.I. Legal Aid Legal advice for service personnel. 9-44, p. 312. Jobs Tor Heroes How to fit military personnel back into civilian life. 9-44, p. 318. Mothers of Victory Interviews with mothers whose daughters are in the armed forces. 9-44, p. 321. Letter From Bill Letters from a fictitious character based on events on the battlefronts. 9-44, p. 322. Jobs for G.I. Joe Atlas Prager Brewing C^o.'s latest show. 1 1-44, p. 365. Soldiers Return To help (l.I. Joi- .uljiist lo mufti. 1 1-44, p. 387. Fightin' Fexans lixploits of iniiii.iry men from Texas. 1 1-44. p. 3«K. Passing the Buck Ouiz feature for military personnel. 12-44. p. 408. MUSIC Remember with Floretta Nostalgic music of the good old days. 1-44, p. 23. Boeing Hour Semi-classical music with true-to-life stories from inside Boeing's. 1-44. p. 24. Hats Off to Mr. Grocer Music of popular appeal as tribute to local grocers from Holsum Baking Co.. Springfield. O. 1-44, p. 24. Sotigs for Heroes Favorite songs of servicemen. Prizes for relatives who write best letters on why a par- ticular tune is best liked. 1-44. p. 28. Jenny Lou and Her Buddies Morning feature of bal- lads and light tunes. 1-44, p. 30. Getie Autry Sings Platter series. 1-44, p. 32. Tempos of Today Morale builder for Knapp-Monarch workers. 2-44, p. 55. What's Yours Boogie-woogie vocal and keyboard num- bers. 2-44, p. 57. May Company Presents Duo piano team plays current hits and old favorites between merchandising reports. 2-44, p. 57. Musical Moments Popular concert music for McCal- lum's. 2-44, p. 58. Concert Hall Concert music on records. 2-44, p. 60. Banfield Sweethearts Boy and girl duo, the Banfield Sweethearts, for Banfield Packing Co., Salina. Ka. 3-44, p. 88. Memories of the Old South Nostalgic tunes by a col- ored quartet. 3-44. p. 91. Sailor's Swing Symphony Boogie-woogie, jazz and sweet swing. 3-44, p. 92. Swingtime Special Popular music for Shawnee Milling Co. 3-44. p. 100. Album of Familiar Music Local contest tie-in with network show for Heintzman's Music Store, Hamil- ton, Ont. 3-44, p. 100. Songs in My Heart Classical orchestral music. 3-44, p. 104. From A to Z. in Novelty Musical pot pouri. 3-44, p. 104. Music a la Mood Daily concert of classical music. 4-44, p. 130. Memories in Melody Song favorites of yesteryears. 4-44, p. 130. Memory Song Man Old songs of America come out of moth-balls. 4-44, p. 131. Snapshot Ensemble Blue ribbon musical entertain- ment. 4-44, p. 134. Juke Box Serenade Listeners who want to hear favor- ite tunes send nickels to CKBI. Money is used for philanthropy. 4-44, p. 137. Music Pooular waltz tunes. Program first aired in 1929. 4-44, p. 142. Irish Program Popular and old-time tunes. 5-44, p. 163. Belle of the Southland Piano and vocal. 5-44, p. 167. Crystal Chorus Home office employees are the musical voice of the Kansas City Fire dC Marine Insurane Co. 5-44, p. 169. Jive at 11:05 Collectors bring prized records for tune- ful listening. 5-44, p. 169. Singing Motormen Trolley and bus operator quartet as good will ambassadors for Georgia Power Co. 5-44, p. 171. A Sotig and a Story Listeners contribute true stories and the songs associated with romantic incidents. Cash prize monthly for the best letter. 5-44, p. 17 3. Korn Kobblers Musical variety show, transcribed. 5-44, p. 174; 11-44, p. 389. Music to Your Taste Popular music. 5-44, p. 174. Glenn Hardman Entertains Music on piano, organ, celeste and solovox. 7-44. p. 226. Sylvatiia Showtime Variety show for Sylvania em- ployees. 7-44. p. 2 3 1. Musical Scoreboard Music and late baseball returns. 7-44. p. 2 38. • 418 • RADIO SHOWMANSHIP Musical Climax Music for every taste. 7-44, p. 2 39. A Song is Bom Amateur composers have a chance to have their songs aired. 7-44, p. 250. Your America Home Semi-classical and ballad music. 7-44, p. 250. Symphonic Hour Hour-long daily schedule of good music creates customer good will for Stineway Drug Stores, Chicago, 111. 8-44, p. 258. Musical Memories Service to public and grocer builds sales for Fisher Baking Co., Salt Lake City, Utah. 8-44, p. 262. Lazy Listenin' Music to relax by. 8-44, p. 271. Easy Listening Weekly musical series for Telex-Cali- fornia Co. 8-44, p. 275. 16 Millimeter Magic Victor Four in vocal and instru- mental. 8-44, p. 275. Two Ton Baker Songs and piano numbers. 8-44, p. 281. Music Quarter-hour of favorite tunes for early risers. 8-44, p. 284. Jerry and Sky Hill-billy music, transcribed. 8-44, p. 286. Music Memories Lion Store, Toledo, O., builds good will with radio. 9-44, p. 297. Name the Tune Contest Record run on record sta- tions establishes three Starkist Co. products. 9-44, p. 304. Victory Parade Week-day quarter-hour of assorted music. 9-44, p. 310. Just For Fun Negro song and instrumental quartet. 9-44, p. 310. Concert Hall Classical music five times weekly for 30 minutes. 9-44, p. 311. Treasury Song For Today Music stepped up response to Fifth War Loan Drive. 9-44, p. 315. Bing Sings Recorded quarter-hour of Bing Crosby. 9-44, p. 320. Music Formfit commercials palatable to sponsor and to Mrs. Grundy. 10-44, p. 334. Junior Music Hall All-juvenile cast. 10-44. p. 353. Gospel Singer Transcribed feature. 10-44, p. 354. Music a la Mood Classical music. Dealer tie-in. 11-44, p. 375. Something to Sing About Musical show with a brief dramatization of a patriotic nature. 11-44, p. 384. Light & Mellow Weekly series for Regal Amber Brew- ing Co. 11-44, p. 390. Music You Like to Hear Easy listening for listeners. 11-44, p. 390. Pleasure Parade Transcribed feature with an all-star cast. 12-44, p. 410. NEWS News Radio series for Soil-Off Mfg. Co. builds na- tional distribution in ten years. 1-44, p. 10. Vicks News News feature to establish consumer and dealer preference. 1-44, p. 28. Pantaze News News on the hour fits variety ad sched- ule for drug store. 2-44, p. 52. Faces and Places in the News Feature gives listeners the low-down on people in the news. 2-44, p. 58. Your Home Town News News about community hap- penings. 2-44, p. 58. Longmire Repors NBC news feature for local spon- sorship. 2-44, p. 59. Children Analyze the News Public school youngsters discuss news events. 2-44, p. 63. Week in Review Weekly summary of news. Listeners lereive bonus for questions submitted on the news. 2-44, p. 67. News on the Hour News broadcasts help Moore's of Ohio switch to general merchandise. 3-44, p. 78. Headlines in the News Round-up of morning news for Sears, Roebuck & Co., Tacoma, Wash. 3-44, p. 92. News Items about news of men from the Philadel- phia area now stationed in other parts of the coun- try. 3-44, p. 93. Mr. Good Evening News shots of international events, local and provincial news from CKWX. 3-44, p. 96. What's Going On News slanted at the distaff side. 3-44, p. 102. Five O'clock Final News roundup for National Bank of Washington, Tacoma. Wash. 3-44, p. 10 3. News of the World Network feature locally spon- sored by Pizitz Department Store, Birmingham, Ala. 3-44, p. 105. We Cover the News Front Rural slant establishes Saiter Morgan Co., Vincennes. Ind., as farmers' headquarters for hardware supplies. 4-44, p. 120. Calmenson's Noon News Increased business pays cost of budget doubled to include radio for Calmenson's Clothing Store, Montevideo, Minn. 4-44, p. 122. World and Homefront News News directed at the distaff side. Ration news and a daily story of an American war hero are included. 4-44, p. 132. Headlines on Parade Straight news with variations 4-44, p. 132. Variety in the News Human aspects of the news Prizes for listeners who contribute useable suggestions for the dramatization of some human interest story 4-44, p. 136. Listen for Listings Realtor uses news and spot an nouncements. 5-44, p. 156. Pearl News Commercials take back seat, but continu ous service sells brewery. 5-44, p. 158. Trexler and the News Emphasis is on local news. 5-44 p. 169. Newspaper of the Air Musical bridges between various sections. 5-44, p. 171. What About News? Local and area news may revamp programming, writes Charter Heslep, Mutual Broad- casting System. 6-44, p. 208. Stand By for News Radio-theatre tie-up brings movie patrons late news bulletins. 8-44, p. 264. Kiernan's Corner Aggressive advertising part of mer- chandising to sell Crews-Beggs Dry Goods Co., Pueblo, Col. 8-44, p. 266. Kennedy's World News Roundup Morning news broadcast locally sponsored by Kennedy's, Inc. 8-44, p. 278. A Woman Views the News Five-minute morning news spot for women. 8-44, p. 283. News Quarter-hour news series with tips to motorists. 9-44. p. 310. Look at the News Morning news commentary. 9-44, p. 312. News News does double duty, sells soft drink and ice. 9-44, p. 314. Eskay News Local social events. 9-44, p. 316. Ten O'clock News Foreman 8C Clark merchandises its news series. 9-44, p. 317. Community News Quarter-hour of local news follow- ed by 15 minutes of world news. 9-44, p. 321. Supply in Demand Oklahoma Tire 8C Supply Co. uses news programs. 11-44, p. 378. Landers News What Wildroot hair tonic uses in the San Antonio, Tex., market. 11-44, p. 384. PATRIOTIC Advertisers Back Attack Sponsored War Bond drives. 2-44, p. 48. War Correspondent Dramatized reports from the war fronts. Transcribed. 2-44, p. 61. War Workers Victory Varieties Amateur talent from war plants, with War Bond prizes for best perform- ances. 3-44, p. 101. Victory is Our Business True stories of wartime team- work on home and battlefront. 4-44. p. 135. Know Your Country Quiz feature based on American history. 4-44, p. 138. This is the Underground Dramatizations of activities of the European underground. 5-44, p. 167. Know Your America A blend of transcribed narrative and native music. 5-44, p. 176. G. E. Plastics Drama behind General Electric produc- tion records. 7-44, p. 242. Stand By, America! Stories of the past which give point to history of today. Transcribed. 7-44. p. 248. DECEMBER, 1944 • 419 • To Whom It May Concern Heroism on the battle- field. Transcribed. 7-44, p. 249. Portrait of America Word pictures of homefront and battlefront heroes. 8-44, p. 276. Main Line The story of those who keep the Victory trains rolling. 8-44, p. 277. Champions of Freedom Short, short stories of the fighting men of the United Nations. Syndicated script feature. 8-44, p. 286. Hoosiers at War Deeds and performances of native sons and daughters to further homefront war effort. 9-44, p. 316. Marching to Victory Patriotic gesture from Taylor Refining Co. 11-44, p. 386. QUIZ Studio Participation Question and answer series over WMAN, Mansfield. O., for local dentist. 1-43, p. 8. What's the Answer? Quiz, music and merriment for teen-agers in Toronto, Ont. 4-44, p. 124. You'd Better Be Right Situation quiz for high school- ers. 4-44. p. 138. Know Your Country High school quiz feature based on American history. 4-44, p. 138. Double or Nothing Quiz feature with audience par- ticipation carries name of Consolidated Grocers' to the housewife. 5-44, p. 160. Answer Man Information seekers send queries to WOR. 5-44, p. 168. Put and Take Free-for-all mental battle between civic groups. 5-44, p. 172. What Would You Do? Syndicated script-teaser slanted at women. 9-44, p. 319. History Quiz Syndicated script feature for high school students in competition for college scholarships. 10-44, p. 354. We'll Find Out Audience asks questions. Board of experts give the answer. 11-44, p. 385. RELIGIOUS Ask and Learn Questions on religious belief, practice and worship presented by the Catholic Archdiocese of Denver. 3-44, p. 97. Message of Unity Religious messages of faith and hope. 4-44, p. 137. Journey Into Life Adventures of faith into the un- known. 5-44, p. 167. Gospel Singer Religious music, transcribed, featuring Ed Mac Hugh. 10-44, p. 354. RESEARCH Science Measures Radio Radio has sold the public on the value of scientific research. 1-44, p. 6. Future Unlimited Facts on new inventions and aids to better living in the post-war. 1-44, p. 26. Time for Science Science interpreted in the terms of the effect of changes in the daily lives of the world. 3-44, p. 96. Beyond Tomorrow Preview of things to come. 4-44, p. 134. SPORTS Scoreboard Game hi-lites and side glances at star players. 1-44, p. 32. Through the Sports Glass with Sam Hayes Thrilling happenings in the world of sports, transcribed. 1-44, p. ii. Through the Sports Glass Dramatized stories from the sports realm sell Hine-Bagby &. C]o., Inc., to Win- ston-Salem, N. C, public, i-44, p. 95. Sport Page of the Air Local sports feature with a printed edition for service men. 3-44, p. 99. Baseball Returns Results of major league games. 7-44, p. 238. Baseball Scores Scores and game highlights. 7-44, p. 244. News in Sports Fans bombard baseball team managers with questions, get direct answers. 7-44, p. 245. lilks Charity Baseball Game Post-season game for charity. 7-44, p. 247. One for the Book Mve-ininiite sports commentary, transcribed. 9-44, p. ill. Football Play-by-play for Kalamazoo (Mich.) Stove dC Furnace Co. 9-44, p. 313. Racing Resume Returns from the race tracks. 9-44, p. 320. Scholastic Basketball Hanover Shoe Stores uses plenty of merchandising. 11-44, p. 388. SPOT ANNOUNCEMENTS Musings on the Mighty Minute Spots sell Beck shoes without having to show specific styles. 2-44, p. 47. The Devil, You Say? Sixty seconds on small stations up sales for Red Devil Soot &. Carbon Remover 500 per cent in a year. 3-44, p. 81. Musical Hit-Bits Million dollar sale for Katz Drug Co., Kansas City. Mo., with merchandisable spots. 3-44, p. 84. Sweet Success Gracious Lady nominations basis for merchandisable spot announcement series for Christo- pher Candy Co. 4-44, p. 118. Bob Cats Run Wild Cumulative effect of spot an- nouncements sells Bob Cat Candy Bar. 10-44, p. 336. TELEVISION What About Television? With emphasis on depart- ment store displa>' development. I. A. Hirschman. v. p., Bloomingdale's. 1-44, p. 43. Television's Post-War Market Television has the power to make people want merchandise more than money says Thomas F. Joyce, RCA Victor Division. 6-44, p. 190. Television is Ready for the Advertiser Wherever a broadcasting station now operates, there will be a telecasting station, writes Allen B. Du Mont. 6-44, p. 192. Television Today and Tomorrow Programming for television is explained here by Raymond Everett Nel- son of the Charles M. Storm Co., Inc. 6-44, p. 194. Tele-Words from the Sponsor Treatment of the tele- cast commercial. By Ted Long, Batten, Barton, Dur- stine 8C Osborn, Inc. 6-44, p. 196. Radio Relays for .Television Automatic stations will link far-flung networks. By Ralph R. Beal, RCA. 6-44, p. 198. Get Set for Sight Tele-studio need not be elaborate nor costly. By J. D. McLean, General Electric Co. 6-44, p. 199. Look and Listen Thomas H. Hutchinson, RKO, looks at the future of television. 11-44, p. 372. On the Tele-Production Lines Tele-stars learn ideas, not lines. By Rick Freers, Stage 8. 12-44, p. 412. VARIETY In Time to Come In story, music and drama, the United Air Lines spotlights the past, present and future of representative Pacific Coast industries. 3-44, p. 91. Don McNeill's Supper Club One-time television shot. 8-44, p. 281. Golden Jubilee It started out as a two-time shot, went on a 52-week schedule. 11-44, p. 391. YOU DON'T PULL EM OUT OF THE HAT — THEY'RE HERE! We'll be glad to supply bock copies on request, if available. 420 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP YEAR-END INDEX A quick index to what others have accompHshed through radio during the course of the year, as reported in RS. . AUTOMOBILES • JANUARY Sponsor: Art Frost, De Soto-Plymouth distributor. Station: KHJ, Los Angeles, Cal. Program: Remember with Floretta. Department: Airing the New, p. 23. MARCH Sponsor: Falls City Auto Exchange. Station: WPAT, Paterson, N. J. Program: Spot announcements. Department: Johnny on the Spot, p. 106. APRIL Sponsor: General Motors Corp. Station: WSAM, Saginaw, Mich., others. Program: Victory is Our Business. Department: Showmanship in Action, p. 135. JULY Sponsor: Aaron Heitin & Co. Mass. 244. Station: WTAG, Worcester, Program: Baseball Scores. Department: Showmanship in Action, p. SEPTEMBER Sponsor: Elson G. Sims Co. Station: WAOV, Vincennes, Ind. Program: News. Department: Airing the New, p. 310. • AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES • MARCH Sponsor: Moore's of Ohio. Station: WHKC, Columbus, O. Program: News on the Hour. Department: Special article, p. 78. MAY Sponsor: Royal Tire Service, U. S. Rubber Co. Station: WIS, Columbia, S. C. Program: Put and Take. Department: Showmanship in Action, p. 172. NOVEMBER Sponsor: Oklahoma Tire 8C Supply Co. Station: KFH, Wichita, Ka., others. Progratn: News. Department: Special article, p. 378. . AVIATION • JANUARY Sponsor: Boeing Aircraft. Station: KOMO. Seattle, Wash. Program: Boeing Hour. Department: Airing the New, p. 24. MARCH Sponsor: United Air Lines. Station: KIRO, Seattle, Wash. Program: In Time to Come. Department: Airing the New, p. 91. APRIL Sponsor: Cessna Aircraft Co. Station: KFH, Wichita, Ka. Program: Strictly Personnel. Department: Special article, p. 128. JULY Sponsor: Curtiss-Wright Propellor Division, Beavet Pa. Station: KDK A, Pittsburgh, Pa. Program: Shopping Circle, others. Department: Airing the New, p. 238. • BAKERIES • FEBRUARY Sponsor: Bell Bakeries. Station: WAOV, Vincennes, Ind. Program: Sam Adams. Your Homefront Quarter- master. Department: Showmanship in Action, p. 67. APRIL Sponsor: Quality Bakers of America, Inc. Program: Sam Adams, Your Homefront Quarter- master. Department: Special article, p. 115. MAY Sponsor: Remar Baking Co. Station: KROW, Oakland, Cal.. others. Program: Calling All Women, others. Department: Special article, p. 152. Sponsor: Purity Bakeries Service Corp. Station: KSD, St. Louis, Mo. Program: St. Louis Heroes. Department: Airing the New, p. 166. Sponsor: American Bread Co. Station: WSIX, Nashville, Tenn. Program: Belle of the Southland. Department: Airing the New, p. 166. Sponsor: Purity Bread Co. Station: CJBC, Toronto, Ont. Program: Squareshooters. Department: Showmanship in Action, p. 172. Sponsor: Hi-Glass Baking Co. Station: WGBF, Evansville, Ind. Program: Korn Kobblers. Department: Proof o' the Pudding, p. 174. Sponsor: Braun Baking Co. Station: WWSW, Pittsburgh, Pa. Program: Know Your America. Department: Showmanviews, p. 176. JULY Sponsor: Colonial Biscuit Co. Program: Modern Romances. Department: Special article, p. 223. Sponsor: Consolidated Biscuit Co. Station: WIND, Chicago, 111. Program: Musical Scoreboard. Department: Airing the New, p. 238. Sponsor: Monroe Boston Strause. Station: WCBM, Baltimore, Md. Program: Musical Climax. Department: Airing the New, p. 239. Sponsor: Langendorf United Bakeries. Station: Pacific Coast Network. Program: A Song is Bom. Department: What the Program Did for Me, p. AUGUST Sponsor: Fisher Baking Co. Station: KDYL, Salt Lake City, Utah. Program: Musical Memories. Department: Special article, p. 262. SEPTEMBER Sponsor: W. E. Long Co. Department: Special article, p. 294. DECEMBER, 1944 • 421 • sponsor: Grennan Bakeries. Station: WCAE, Pittsburgh. Pa. Program: Victory Parade. Department: Airing the New. p. 3 10. Sponsor: General Baking Co. Station: WINN, Louisville, Ky. Program: Bing Sings. Department: Proof o' the Pudding, p. 320. OCTOBER Sponsor: Omar. Inc.. Omaha. Neb. Program: Adventures of Omar. Department: Special article, p. 3 38. Sponsor: G. W. Opell Co. Station: WAOV, Vincennes, Ind. Program: Ann> Air Base Christmas Show. Department: Christmas Promotions, p. 347. • BEVERAGES • JANUARY Sponsor: Springfield Coca Cola Bottling Co. Station: WIZE. Springfield, O. Program: Soldier Salute. Department: Airing the New, p. 25. FEBRUARY Sponsor: American Brewing Co. Station: WWL, New Orleans, La. Program: What's Yours. Department: Airing the New, p. 5 7. APRIL Sponsor: Pirrone Wineries, Inc. Station: WPAT, Paterson, N. J. Program: Music a la Mood. Department: Airing the New, p. 130. MAY Sponsor: Pearl Brewery. Station: WOAI, San Antonio, Tex. Program: Pearl News. Department: Special article, p. 158. Sponsor: Atlas Brewing Co. Station: WBBM, Chicago, 111. Program: This Is the Underground. Department: Airing the New, p. 167. AUGUST Sponsor: Atlas Brewing Co. Station: WENR, Chicago, III. Program: Clem Lane. Department: Airing the New, p. 271. Sponsor: Centlivre Brewing Corp. Station: WOWO, Fort Wayne, Ind., others. Program: Lazy Listenin'. Department: Airing the New, p. 271. Sponsor: Royal Crown Cola Co. Program: Dan Dunn Secret Operative No. 48. Department: What the Program Did for Me, p. 280. SEPTEMBER Sponsor: Atlantic Brewing Co. Station: WMAQ. Chicago, 111. Program: Just for Fun. Department: Airing the New, p. 3 10. Sponsor: Schoenhof en-Edelweiss Co. Station: WMAQ. Chicago, III. Program : One for the Book. Department: Airing the New, p. 3 11. Sponsor: Regal Amber Brewing Co. Station: KPO, San Francisco, Cal. Program: Light and Mellow. Department: Proof o' the Pudding, p. 390. .^PRIL . CANDIES • Sponsor: Christopher Candy Co. Station: KNX. Los Angeles. Cal. Program: Spot announcements. Department: Special article, p. 118. JULY Sponsor: Ass'n of Mfgs. of Confectionery Chocolate. Station: WOR. New York City. Program: Dr. Eddy's Food and Home Forum. Department: Special article, p. 224. SEPTEMBER Sponsor: Charms Candy Co. Station: WCAP, Asbury Park, N. J. Program: Concert Hall. Department: Airing the New, p. 311. OCTOBER Sponsor: National Candy Co., St. Louis. Mo. Program: Spot announcements. Department: Special article, p. 3 36. • DAIRY PRODUCTS • JANUARY Sponsor: Greenfield (Mass.) Dairy. Station: WHAIT. Greenfield. Mass. Program: Spice Box. Department: Airing the New, p. 25. MARCH Sponsor: Fairmont Creamery Co. Station: KORN. Fremont. Neb. Program: We're Having a Baby. Department: What the Program Did for Me, p. 105. JULY Sponsor: Tip Top Creamery. Station: WAOV, Vincennes, Ind. Program: Betty and Bob. Department: Airing the New, p. 239. AUGUST Sponsor: Concordia Creamery, Concordia, Ka. Station: KSAL, Salina, Ka. Program: Home Service Hour. Department: Airing the New, p. 272. SEPTEMBER Sponsor: Eskay Dair> Co. Station: WGL, Fort Wayne. Ind. Program: Eskay News. Department: Showmanship in Action, p. 3 16. Sponsor: Silver Springs Dair> . Station: KSAL, Salina, Ka. Program: Commimity News. Department: Proof o' the Pudding, p. 320. NOVEMBER Sponsor: Tillamook County Creamery Ass'n. Station: KFI, others. Program: Tillamook Kitchen. Department: Special article, p. 36*). NOVEMBER Sponsor: Atlas Prager Brewing Co. Station: WIND, Chicago, III., others. Program: Jobs for G.I. Joe, others. Department: Special article, p. 365. Sponsor: Old Hickory Ale. Station: WCJOU. Montgomery, Ala. Program: Want Ads. Department: Ailing the New, p. 384. Sp€>ns Ass'n. Station: KGDM, Stockton, Cal., others. Program: Look at the News. Department: Airing the New, p. 312. NOVEMBER Sponsor: De Forest Feed 8C Seed Co. Station: WGIL, Galesburg, 111. Program: Feed Facts. Department: Special article, p. 379. • FINANCE • JANUARY Sponsor: Industrial Federal Savings & Loan Ass'n. Station: KOA, Denver, Col. Program: Future Unlimited. Department: Airing the New, p. 26. Sponsor: Central Bank of Oakland. Station: KROW, San Francisco-Oakland, Cal. Program: Anniversary Program. Department: Special Promotion, p. 34. MARCH Sponsor: National Bank of Washington. Station: KMO, Tacoma, Wash. Program: Five O'clock Final. Department: Proof o' the Pudding, p. 102. APRIL Sponsor: Morris Plan Co. of Rhode Island. Station: WEAN, Providence, R. I. Program: Memory Song Man. Department: Airing the New, p. 131. Sponsor: Burlington Savings Bank. Station: WCAX. Burlington, Vt. Program: Annual Address. Department: Special Promotion, p. 140. Sponsor: Bankers Trust Co. Station: KRNT, Des Moines, la. Program: Spot announcements. Department: Johnn> on the Spot, p. 142. MAY Sponsor: Greater Louisville First Federal Savings &i Loan Ass'n. Program: Varied. Department: Special article, p. 150. Sponsor: Central National Bank of Cleveland. Program: Spot announcements. Department: What the Program Did for Me, p. 178. AUGUST Sponsor: First National Bank 8C Trust Co. Station: WKZO, Kalama/oo, Mich. Program: What's It Like. Department: Airing the New, p. 274. Sponsor: Citizens National Bank. Station: KNX, Hollywood, Cal. Program: Citizens Forimi. Department: What the Program Did for Me, p. 280. NOVEMBER Sponsor: State National Bank. Station: KTSM, El Paso, Tex. Program: We'll Find Out. Department: Airing the New, p. J85. • 424 • RADIO SHOWMANSHIP sponsor: First National Bank. Station: WFAA, Dallas, Tex. Program: Fightin' Texans. Department: Showmanship in Action, p. 388. Sponsor: Louisville Home Federal Savings & Loan Ass'n. Station: WINN, Louisville, Ky. Program: Music You Like to Hear. Department: Proof o' the Pudding, p. 390. • FURRIERS • FEBRUARY Sponsor: Canadian Fur Co. Station: WJAC, Johnstown, Pa. Program: Longmire Reports. Department: Airing the New, p. 58. Sponsor: Ludlow Furs. Station: WHIO, Dayton, O. Program: Pete's Kitchen. Department: Airing the New, p. 59. MARCH Sponsor: Royal Furriers. Station: WKNE, Keene, N. H. Program: Sloganaire. Department: Proof o' the Pudding, p. 103. Sponsor: Spokane Fur Co. Station: KHQ, Spokane, Wash. Program: Songs in My Heart. Department: Proof o' the Pudding, p. 104. NOVEMBER Program: Furs on Parade. Department: Showmanvicws, p. 393. • GASOLINES • MARCH Sponsor: Major Oil Co. Station: WIBG, Philadelphia, Pa. Program: News. Department: Airing the New, p. 93. JULY Sponsor: Shell Oil Co. Station: KSD, St. Louis, Mo. Program: News in Sports. Department: Showmanship in Action, p. 246. . GROCERY PRODUCTS • JANUARY Sponsor: Soy Food MiHs. Station: WJZ, New York, N. Y. Program: Woman's Exchange. Department: Proof o' the Pudding, p. 30. FEBRUARY Sponsor: Scout Cabin Products. Station: WAOV, Vincennes, Ind. Program: Concert Hall. Department: Airing the New, p. 60. Sponsor: Amred Products Co., Omaha, Neb. Station: KFNF, Shenandoah, la. Program: Uncle Al and Charlie. Department: Airing the New, p. 61. Sponsor: Pay 'n' Save Super Market. Station: KGIR, Butte, Mont. ► Program: Musical Clock. Department: What the Program Did for Me, p. 66. Sponsor: Grocerteria. Station: WOC, Davenport, la. Program: Spot announcements. Department: Johnny on the Spot, p. 69. MARCH Sponsor: Sea Island Sugar Co. Station: KIRO, Seattle, Wash. Program: I Was There. Department: Airing the New, p. 93. Sponsor: Cream of Wheat Corp. Station: KIRO, Seattle, Wash. Program: Let's Pretend. Department: Airing the New, p. 94. MAY Sponsor: Cudahy Packing Co. Station: WMAQ, Chicago, III. Program: Helpmate. Department: Showmanship in Action, p. 173. Sponsor: Elgin Brand Margarine. Station: WMAQ, Chicago, III. Program: Music to Your Taste. Department: Proof o' the Pudding, p. 174. AUGUST Sponsor: J. H. Filbert Co. Station: WFBR. Baltimore, Md.. others. Program: A Woman Views the News. Department: Proof o' the Pudding, p. 283. SEPTEMBER Sponsor: Anderson Brothers. Station: KSAL, Salina, Ka. Program: Anderson's Food Reports. Department: Airing the New, p. 313. • GROCERY STORES • MARCH Sponsor: Atlanta Savings Stores, Inc. Station: WAGA, Atlanta, Ga. Program: From A to Z in Novelty. Department: Proof o' the Pudding, p. 104. APRIL Sponsor: I. G. A. Stores. Station: WKNE, Keene, N. H. Progratn: World and Homefront News. Department: Airing the New, p. 132. MAY Sponsor: Consolidated Grocers' Co-Operative Ass'n of B. C. Station: CKWX, Vancouver, B. C. Program: Double or Nothing. Department: Special article, p. 160. Sponsor: Eddies' Super-Markets. Station: WITH, Baltimore, Md. Program: A Song and a Story. Department: Showmanship in Action, p. 173. Sponsor. Associated Grocers of Western Michigan. Station: WTCM, Traverse City, Mich. Program: Air Adventures of Jimmy Allen. Department: Proof o' the Pudding, p. 174. SEPTEMBER Sponsor: Bunn Capitol Grocery. Station: WCBS, Springfield, III. Progratn: Wishing Hour. Department: Proof o' the Pudding, p. 321. OCTOBER Sponsor: Park 8C Shop Super Markets. Station: WSAM, Saginaw, Mich. Program: Happy the Humbug. Department: Christmas Promotions, p. 348. NOVEMBER Station: WIBX, Utica, N. Y. Program: New Horizons for Grocers. Department: Special article, p. 382. Sponsor: Albertson's Food Centers. Station: KIDO, Boise, Idaho. Program: Korn Kobblers, others. Department: What the Program Did for Me, p. 389. • HARDWARE DEALERS • MARCH Sponsor: Washington Hardware Co. Station: KMO, Tacoma, Wash. Program: Garden Guide. Department: What the Program Did for Me, p. 106. APRIL Sponsor: Saiter Morgan Co. Station: WAOV, Vincennes, Ind. Program: News. Department: Special article, p. 120. DECEMBER, 1944 • 425 • sponsor: Yakima Hardware Co. Station: KIT. Yakima. Wash. Program: Music. Department: Proof o' the Pudding, p. 142. JULY Sponsor: Entz & Rucker Hardware Co. Station: KHJ, Los Angeles. Cal. Program: Hubby's Hobby. Department: Airing the New. p. 241. • HOME FURNISHINGS • JANUARY Sponsor: Sid's Furniture Mart. Station: WPAR. Parkersburg. W. Va. Program: Farm and Home Hour. Department: Special article, p. 12. FEBRUARY Sponsor: Floral City Furniture Co.. Inc. Program: Spot announcements. Department: What the Program Did for Me. p. 66. APRIL Sponsor: Field SC Wright. Station: WJTN, Jamestown. N. Y. Program: Headlines on Parade. Department: Airing the New. p. 13 2. MAY Sponsor: Sealv Mattress Co. Station: WMPS. Memphis, Tenn. Program: Trexler and the News. Department: Airing the New, p. 169. JULY Sponsor: Haglund Furniture Co. Station: WJTN, Jamestown, N. Y. Program: Birth announcements. Department: Airing the New, p. 241. Sponsor: Furniture Retailers' Ass'n of Southern Cali- fornia. Station: KMPC. Los Angeles, Cal. Program: Your American Home. Department: What the Program Did for Me. p. 250. SEPTEMBER Sponsor: Simon's Furniture Co. Station: KIT, Yakima, Wash. Program: Bing Crosby. Department: Special article, p. 300. OCTOBER Sponsor: Click Furniture Co. Station: WHKC, Columbus, O. Program: Eileen Comes Calling. Department: Special article, p. 329. Sponsor: Edward Hoffman Furniture Co. Station: WMIN, St. Paul, Minn. Program: Spot announcements. Department: Johnny on the Spot. p. 357. NOVEMBER Sponsor: Dickason Goodman. Station: KTUL, Tulsa, Okla. Program: Ciolden Jubilee. Department: Proof o' the Pudding, p. 39 1. • INFANTS' WEAR FEBRUARY Sponsor: Baby Bassinette. Station: WMBD, Peoria, III. Program: Baby CJhatter. Departmeul: Special article, p 44. AUGUSr Sponsor: Mortons Babyland. Station: WWDC, Washington, D. C. Program : Blessed Eventer. Department: Showmanship in Action, p. MARC H • INSURANCE AGENCIES Sponsor : (Jlancy-Rcdniond Insiir-nm- A^jcy. Station: KFNI', Shenandoah, la. Program: Waiting for the 8:45. Department: Airing the New, p. 94. MAY Sponsor: Kansas City Fire & Marine Insurance Co. Station: KMBCj!, Kansas City, Mo. Program: Crystal Chorus. Department: Airing the New, p. 169. SEPTEMBER Sponsor: Grain Dealers Nat'l Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Station: WFBM. Indianapolis, Ind. Program: Hoosiers at War. Department: Showmanship in Action, p. 316. • JEWELERS • APRIL Sponsor: Crothers Jewelers. Station: KIT, Yakima, Wash. Program: Mr. Fixer. Department: Showmanship in Action, p. 137. DECEMBER Sponsor: Zale's Jewelry Stores. Station: KTOK, Oklahoma City, Okla. Program: Passin' the Buck. Department: Special article, p. 408. • LABOR UNIONS • JANUARY Sponsor: Columbus Trades Council. Station: WCBI, Columbus, Miss. Program: Labor Day Parade. Department: Special Promotion, p. 34. SEPTEMBER Sponsor: Southern California Lodge of the Inter- national Brotherhood of Boilermakers. A. F. of L. Station: KFWB, Los Angeles, Cal. Program: Manpower. Department: Airing the New, p. 314. • MANUFACTURERS • JANUARY Sponsor: Soil-Off Manufacturing Co. Station: KNX. Los Angeles, Cal., and Columbia Pacific Coast Net^^ork. Program: News. Department: Special article, p. 10. FEBRUARY Sponsor: Knapp-Monarch Co. Station: KSD, St. Louis, Mo. Program: Tempos of Today. Department: Special article, p. 5 5. MARCH Sponsor: Red Devil Soot SC Carbon Remover. Station: WMIN. St. Paul, Minn., others. Program: Spot announcements. Department: Special article, p. 81. APRIL Sponsor: Minneapolis Artificial Limb Co. Station: WTCN. Minneapolis, Minn., others. Program: Mender of Men. Department: What the Program Did for Mc. p. 1 i*). JULY Sponsor: Sylvania Electric Products, Inc. Station: WESX, Salem. Mass. Program: Sylvani.i Showtime. Department: Special article, p. 2 30. Sponsor: G.E. Plastics Division. Station: WBRK. Pittslield. Mass. Program: Plastics. Department: Airing the New, p. 242. Sponsor: Mcl.)onough Steel Co. Station: KROW, San Francisco-Oakland, Cal. Program: Elks Charity Baseball Game. Department: Special Promotion, p. 247. 426 RADIO SHOWMANSHIP AUGUST Sponsor: Telex-California Co. (Hearing Aids). Station: KHJ, Los Angeles, Cal. Program: Easy Listening. Department: Airing the New, p. 275. Sponsor: Victor Animatograph Corp. Station: WOC, Davenport, la. Program: 16 Millimeter Magic. Department: Airing the New, p. 275. Sponsor: Rauland Corp. Station: WGN, Chicago, 111. Program: Two Ton Baker. Department: What the Program Did for Me, p. 281. SEPTEMBER Sponsor: Vincennes Steel Corp. Station: WAOV, Vincennes, Ind. Program: Treasury Song for Today. Department: Airing the New, p. 315. . MEATS • MARCH Sponsor: Banfield Packing Co. Station: KSAL, Salina, Ka. Program: Banfield Sweethearts. Department: Special article, p. 88. APRIL Sponsor: American Packing Co. Station: KSD, St. Louis, Mo. Program: Food and Films. Department: Airing the New, p. 133. OCTOBER Sponsor: Rochester Packing Co. Station: WIBX, Utica, N. Y. Program: Musical Clock. Department: Christmas Promotions, p. 350. • MEN'S WEAR • JANUARY Sponsor: Family Clothing Store. Station: WHEB, Portsmouth, N. H. Program: Gene Autry Sings. Department: Proof o' the Pudding, p. 32. FEBRUARY Sponsor: Furmbilt Clothes. Station: KDYL, Salt Lake City. Utah. Program: Here's the Latest. Department: Airing the New, p. 61. MARCH Sponsor: Hine-Bagby dc Co., Inc. Station: WSJS, Winston-Salem, N. C. Program: Through the Sports Glass. Department: Airing the New, p. 95. Sponsor: Frankenberger's. Station: WCHS, Charleston, W. Va. Program: Sport Page of the Air. Department: Airing the New, p. 99. APRIL Spons Minn. Station: KWLM, Willma Program: News. Department: Special article, p. 122 Calmenson's Clothing Store, Montevideo, Minn. MAY Sponsor: Cannon Tailoring Co. Station: WCLE, Cleveland, O. Program: Irish Program. Department: Special article, p. 163. Sponsor: Howard Clothing Co. Station: KSAN, San Francisco, Cal. Program: Jive at 11:05. Department: Airing the New, p. 169. AUGUST Sponsor: Kennedy's, Inc. Station: WBZ, Boston, Mass. Program: Kennedy's World News Roundup. Department: Showmanship in Action, p. 278. SEPTEMBER Sponsor: Foreman 8C Clark. Station: KQW, San Francisco, Cal. Program: Ten O'clock News. Department: Showmanship in Action, p. 317. Sponsor: Moore's Store for Men. Station: KSFO, San Francisco, Cal. Program: Jobs for Heroes. Department: Showmanship in Action, p. 3 18. . MERCHANTS' ASSOCIATIONS • JANUARY Station: CJAT, Trail, B. C. Program: City Clean-Up Campaign. Department: Showman Patterns, p. 22. JULY Station: CKWS, Kingston, Ont. Program: Hi Neighbor. Department: Airing the New, p. 242. AUGLIST Station: KGIR, Butte, Mont. Program: Spring Festival and Million Dollar Ai tion. Department: Special article, p. 260. Station: KRBM, Bozeman, Mont. Program: Gallatin Valley Community Program. Department: Airing the New, p. 276. OCTOBER Sponsor: Valley City Merchants' Committee. Station: KOVC, Valley City, N. D. Program: Santa Claus Visits. Department: Christmas Promotions, p. 349. DECEMBER Station: WFOY, St. Augustine, Fla. Program: Bicycle Rodeo. Department: Special article, p. 414. • MILLING • MARCH Sponsor: Liberty Mills. Station: WOAI. San Antonio, Tex. Program: Woman's Page of the Air. Department: Airing the New, p. 95. Sponsor: Shawnee Milling Co. Station: WCBI, Columbus, Miss. Program: Swingtime Special. Department: Airing the New, p. 100. Sponsor: Larabee Flour Co. Stations: KTHS, Hot Springs, Ark., KARK, Little Rock, Ark. Program: Dixie Mountaineers. Department: Proof o' the Pudding, p. 102. OCTOBER Sponsor: Omar Milling and Baking Co. Program: Adventures of Omar. Department: Special article, p. 3 38. NOVEMBER Sponsor: N. J. Flour Mills. Station: WPAT, Paterson, N. J. Program: Music a la Mood. Department: Special article, p. 375. • MISCELLANEOUS • JANUARY Sponsor: L. P. Wood, Inc. (Sporting Goods). Station: WCAX, Burlington, Vt. Program: Sportsmen's Roundtable. Department: Special article, p. 16. Sponsor: Dr. B. W. Stern (Dentist). Station: WMAN. Mansfield, O. Program: Amateur Show. Department: Special article, p. 8. FEBRUARY Sponsor: Buckler Chapman Co. (Shipbuilder). Station: KEX, Portland, Ore. DECEMBER, 1944 427 Program: Down the Ways. Department: Airing the New. p. 62. MARCH Sponsor: Broadwa> Coal 8C Ice Co. Station: WMPS, Memphis. Tenn. Program: Something to Talk About. Department: Airing the New, p. 92. APRIL Sponsor: Forest Lawn Memorial Park Ass'n. Station: KECA. Los Angeles, Cal. Program: Memories in Melody. Department: Airing the New, p. 130. Sponsor: Bryant Sc Stratton Commercial School. Station: WCOP. Boston, Mass. Program: Know Your Country. Department: Showmanship in Action, p. 138. Sponsor: Airline Insulating Co. Station: ^'MPS. Memphis. Tenn. Program: Let's Have a Laugh. Department: Showmanship in Action, p. 135. Sponsor: Progressive Optical Co. Station: KPRO, Riverside, Cal. Program: Beyond Tomorrow. Department: Airing the New, p. 134. MAY Sponsor: Jack Wehner, Realtor. Station: KOA, Denver. Col., others. Program: Spot announcements and news. Department: Special article, p. 156. JULY Sponsor: Duncan Recreation Co. Station: WAOV. Vincennes. Ind. Program : Baseball Returns. Department: Airing the New, p. 238. SEPTEMBER Sponsor: Howards Cleaners. Station: WNBC, Hartford. Conn. Program: Racing Resume. Department: Proof o' the Pudding, p. 320. Sponsor: Kalatnazoo Stove 8C Furnace Co. Station: WKZO. Kalamazoo. Mich. Program: Football. Department: Airing the New, p. 313. OCTOBER Sponsor: Johnstown (Pa.) Chamber of Commerce. Station: WJAC. Johnstown, Pa. Program: Santa Claus. Department: Christmas Promotions, p. 347. DECEMBER Sponsor: Hillman Periodicals, Inc. Station: WNEW, New York City, others. Program: Crime Quiz, others. Department: Special article, p. 406. • NEWSPAPERS • FEBRUARY Sponsor: Evening Star. Station: WMAL. Washington. D. C. Program : Spot announcements. Department: Johnny on the Spot, p. 68. MARCH Sponsor: V^ancouver Daily Province. Station: CKWX, Vancouver, B. C. Program: Mr. Good Evening. Department: Airing the New, p. 96. Sponsor: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Station: WWSW, Pittsburgh, Pa. Program: War Workers Victory Varieties. Department: Showmanship in Action, p. 100. APRIL S ponsoT : Daily Bulletin. Station: WHIO, Dayton. O. Program: Daily Bulletin Show. Department: Airing the New, p. 13 3. Sponsor: Intermountain Jewish News. Station: KOA, Denver, Col. Program: Message of Unit> . Department: Showmanship in Action, p. 137. AUGUST Sponsor: Davton Journal-Herald. Station: WING. Dayton, O. Program: ^'elcome Wagon. Department: Airing the New. p. 274. . PHOTOGRAPHERS • APRIL Sponsor: Lyle & Gaston Snapshot Service. Station: WAG A. Atlanta. Ga. Program: Snapshot Ensemble. Department: Airing the New. p. 134. Sponsor: Voldeng. Station: CKBI, Prince Albert, Sask, Program: Juke Box Serenade. Department: Showmanship in Action, p. 138. AUGUST Sponsor: Olan Mills Studios. Station: WDOD, Chattanooga, Tenn. Program: Portrait of America. Department: Airing the New. p. 276. Sponsor: White Photo Studios. Station: WWDC. Washington. D. C. Program: Blessed Eventer. Department: Showmanship in Action, p. 278. SEPTEMBER Sponsor: Bachrach Studios. Station: WCAU. Philadelphia. Pa. Program: Ask 'Washington. Department: Showmanship in Action, p. 518. Sponsor: Nicholas Johnston. Station: KSFO, KGO, San Francisco, Cal. Program: In Focus. Department: Proof o' the Pudding, p. 321. • PUBLIC UTILITIES • JANUARY Sponsor: Niagara-Hudson Power Co. Station: WGR, Buffalo. N. Y. Program: Modern Kitchen. Department: Proof o' the Pudding, p. 3 1. MARCH Sponsor: Nashville Power &. Light Co. Station: WLAC, Nashville, Tenn. Program: Old Dirt Dobber. Department: Special article, p. 86. • RESTAURANTS • JANUARY Sponsor: Tiny Heller's Restaurant. Station: KROW, San Francisco-Oakland. Cal. Program: Scoreboard. Department: Proof o' the Pudding, p. 32. APRIL Sponsor: Club Co-Ed. Station: WHIO. Dayton. O. Program: You'd Better be Right. Department: Showmanship in Action, p. 1 J8. MAY Sponsor: Gulp's Cafeteria. Station: WHIO, Dayton. O. Program: Newspaper of the Air. Department: Airing the Neu, p. 171. AUGUST Sponsor: Hunt's, Ltd. Station: CJBC, Toronto, Ont. Program : Scanning the Shows. Department: Airing the New, p. 277. SbPTFMHFR Spfnisor: Demarais Rest.iiirdnt. Station: WHEB, Portsmouth. N. H. Program: Letter from Bill. Department: Proof o' the Pudding, p. i22. 42b RADIO SHOWMANSHIP • SHOES • FEBRUARY Sponsor: A. S. Beck. Program: Spot announcements. Department: Special article, p. 47. Sponsor: Bell Booteries. Station: WLAC, Nashville, Tenn. Program: Children Analyze the News. Department: Airing the New. p. 65. SEPTEMBER Sponsor: Baynham's. Station: WINN. Louisville. Ky. Program: Mothers of Victory. Department: Proof o' the Pudding, p. 321. NOVEMBER Sponsor: Hanover Shoe Stores. Program: Scholastic Basketball. Department: Showmanship in Action, p. 388. • THEATRES • FEBRUARY Sponsor: Interstate Theatres. Station: KTBC. Austin, Tex. Program: Theatre Tips. Department: Airing the New. p. 63. AUGUST Sponsor: Fox-Denver, Inter-Mountain Theatres. Station: KOA, Denver. Col. Program: News. Department: Special article, p. 264. . TRANSPORTATION • MAY Sponsor: Georgia Power Co. Station: WAG A, Atlanta. Ga. Program: Singing Motormen. Department: Airing the New, p, 171. AUGUST Sponsor: Southern Pacific Railroad. Program: Main Line. Department: Airing the New, p. 277. SEPTEMBER Sponsor: Pacific Greyhound Lines. Program: Romance of the Highways. Department: Special article, p. 298. NOVEMBER Sponsor: Los Angeles Railway Corp. Program: Two Bells Theatre. Department: What the Program Did for Me. p. 389. . WOMEN'S WEAR • JANUARY Sponsor: Family Clothing Store. Station: WHEB. Portsmouth. N. H. Program: Gene Autry Sings. Department: Proof o' the Pudding, p. 32. FEBRUARY Sponsor: Kopy Kat, Washington, D. C. Program: Spot announcements. Department: Johnny on the Spot, p. 68. JULY Sponsor: Goldmark Hosiery. Program: Gold Mark Search for Beauty. Department: Tele-Casts, p. 235. AUGUST Sponsor: Darling Shop. Memphis, Tenn. Program: Music. Department: Proof o' the Pudding, p. 284. OCTOBER Sponsor: Fonnfit Co. Program: Music. Department: Special article, p. 334. MORE TO CONTESTS ( ('mil niiird jroni jxi'j^c f02) Winning lists mailed to all contcsi- ants 14 c (plus postage). Breakdown of mail which may ha\e contained data other than actual con- test, such as complaints, letters per- taining to dealer cooperation, pro- gram remarks, etc. Average cost: 14c. To give a set fee for each unit of oper- ation is hazardous, because of the main factors in\ olved, but the fractions quoted here were actually based on a contest run in Connecticut in 1942. Mail re- cei\ed in that contest totalled 23,000 pieces. Because the overhead is less, an agen- cy can handle a contest sliglitly cheaper than on an outside organization, but an agency often hires "name" judges, thus raising the costs again. You can lower yotir costs by selling the mailing list, the stamps and the scrap paper! One never knows when a cost will l:)e lowered. I recall an enterprising group of stamp collectors offering to open all contest mail in exchange for the postage stamps contained on the letters! # WJien the contest is over, remember there is much promotion yet to be done to insure good will for any future plans. Make sure your winners get proper publicity. If there is a human interest story, play it up. Arrange for an interview on local radio stations. Send out winning lists either to all contestants or to the neighborhood stores, for posting. Study any complaints Avhich mav have come in. There may be a few cranks, but most complaints warrant investigation. Start making plans for ) our next con- test. Remember that for the time at least a contest brings you up to 15 per cent new users. Keep piling up those 15%-ers! DECEMBER, 1944 • 429 • Here it comes! THE BRILLIANT, SCINTILLATING "PLEASURE PARADE" • IRVING MILLER'S ORCHESTRA / Write, luire or phone FREDERIC W. ZIV INCORPORAl ED 2436 READING RD , CINCINNATI, OHIO RADIO DOLLARS (Co)Uinu('(l jvom Ixigc ^O'^) sc'i\ alive and most suctesslul achertiseis in tho coimtry. Of the advertisers spend- ing a nn'llion or more in radio, maga- zines and newspapers, the hngest ex- penditure was made in network radio. Yon will find that broadcasters are an enlightened group. Most ol them ha\e a weakh of material which will hel}) you not only in the selection of the })roper type of program, the proper time for the program, and the proper length of yom advertising campaign, bin likewise in merchandising both the program and yoin^ product. Each station lias its own co\'erage map and although those ma})s are not in e\'ery case based upon the same standards, vou will find almost Avithout excej^tion that they represent an honest effort on ilie part of the station oAvner or manager to represent his area of inlluence which \()u (an uiih/e in yotu' own business. My advice is that e\en in the case where a powerful station outside of yoiu- connnunitv may be listened to more on the axcrage than \()iu o\vn local station, that iniless your marketing area extends l:)eyond the influence of your local sta- tion, you should buy locally l)ecause the influence of voui own local station vou will find, paiticularh in the earh morn- ing hours, is far greatc-r than the influ- ciHc of an\ outside station. 1 realize that I ha\e dealt in main generalities, it \vould be impossible to (io otherwise. It no\v becomes an indi- xidiial problem foi each achcrtiser to aclaj)! an\ informal ion which ina\ ha\e l)ccn of \;iliic lo his own pailiciilai silua- I ion. • 430 • RADIO SHOWMANSHIP ';rr-*'^ nit '•(J aneau and cut out the coupon! Don't worry about ruining the magazine cover; we'll send you a new lopy for your file. yo".'" can-v material f;^P,enient, com ediiions «"> 5. ii's *e coi ^„ per Geni\emen-. 1 want ^^l^^^ . .a,. Nanie Compa^^V position City • State KOA JRADIO SEOmMSHIE Vol. 5 194.4 DATE ISSUED TO >/ \^^^ LIBRARY of the NATIONAL BROADCASTING CO., Inc. RCA BUILDING 30 ROCKEFELLER PLAZA NEW YORK, N. Y. LiBIARY BUREAU CAT. NO. 1169.6